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The two experiments reported present new information in the area of classical conditioning experiments with honey bees. Experiment 1 establishes a single unconditioned stimulus (US) technique as a preferred technique for conditioning of the proboscis extension response. Experiment 1 further identifies a new head turn response which occurs when the standard compound US technique is used. Experiment 2 demonstrates that the newly identified head turn response is contingency-based and provides important new response to the repertoire of honey bee learning experiments.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that colonies of honey bees composedof workers with faster rates of adult behavioral developmentare more defensive than colonies composed of workers with slowerbehavioral development, we determined whether there is a correlationbetween genetic variation in worker temporal polyethism andcolony defensiveness. There was a positive correlation for thesetwo traits, both for European and Africanized honey bees. Thecorrelation was larger for Africanized bees, due to differencesbetween Africanized and European bees, differences in experimentaldesign, or both. Consistent with these results was the findingthat colonies with a higher proportion of older bees were moredefensive than colonies of the same size that had a lower proportionof older bees. There also was a positive correlation betweenrate of individual behavioral development and the intensityof colony flight activity, and a negative correlation betweencolony defensiveness and flight activity. This suggests thatthe relationship between temporal polyethism and colony defensivenessmay vary with the manner in which foraging and defense dutiesare allocated among a colony's older workers. These resultsindicate that genotypic differences in rates of worker behavioraldevelopment can influence the phenotype of a honey bee colonyin a variety of ways.  相似文献   

Stinging behavior has been extensively studied in honey bees at the level of the individual, that is, in terms of stimuli that release stinging in adult bees, and in terms of integration of individual behavior into colony defense. Yet very little is known about the physiological basis for this behavior. Using an isolated abdominal preparation factors that influence peripheral control of the sting extension response are analyzed. Results show that:
1.  Electromyogram activity released by severing the ventral nerve cord changed during the first few days of adult life but not later. Abdomens from older bees (nurses, guards, foragers) showed significantly higher EMG activity than newly emerged or 24 h-old bees.
2.  The reflex matured over 5–7 days after emergence as an adult.
3.  Younger bees (24h) had a lower threshold for initiating sting extension than older bees. However, the threshold for initiating the full sting response, i.e., extension and venom pumping, did not differ due to age.
4.  Caste status was not correlated to any of the parameters of sting extension, indicating that any effect of caste on stinging behavior must arise in more anterior ganglia and/or in the brain.

The acceptance threshold model predicts that in a fluctuatingenvironment a recognition system should be adaptive ratherthan fixed. In particular, discriminating individuals, suchas guards at a nest entrance, should be less permissive toconspecifics when both the frequency of non-nest-mate contact and the cost of accepting non-nest mates is high. We testedthese predictions by studying honey bee guarding during a periodin which nectar conditions changed from dearth to abundance.Initially, during nectar dearth, individual guards accepted80% of introduced nest mates and 25% of non-nest mates. As nectar conditions improved, both the intensity of robbing andguarding and the cost of non-nest-mate acceptance declined.In response, individual guards became more permissive to nestmates and non-nest mates until eventually an "accept-all" thresholdoccurred—all nest mates and non-nest mates were accepted.These data are consistent with a shifting acceptance thresholdand provide the first field data to support the model. A simple linear relationship occurred between the number of guards andthe number of fights, 9:1, observed at the hive entrance, suggestingthat guarding may be regulated by intruder intensity or otherwiseregulated in an adaptive manner.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins are ubiquitous proteins important in metal homeostasis and detoxification. However, they have not previously been identified in honey bees or other Hymenoptera, where metallothioneins could be of ecophysiological and ecotoxicological significance. Better understanding of the molecular responses to stress induced by toxic metals could contribute to honey bee conservation. In addition, honey bee metallothionein could represent a biomarker for monitoring environmental quality. Here we identify and characterize a metallothionein gene in Apis mellifera (AmMT). AmMT is 1,680 bp long and encodes a 48 amino acids protein with 15 cysteines and no aromatic residues. A metal response element upstream of the start codon, coupled with numerous cis‐regulatory elements indicate the functional context of AmMT. Molecular modelling predicts several transition metal binding sites, and comparative phylogenetic analysis revealed five putative metallothionein proteins in three other hymenoptera species. AmMT was characterized by cloning the full‐length coding sequence of the putative metallothionein. Recombinant AmMT was found to increase metal tolerance upon overexpression in Escherichia coli supplemented with Cd, Cu or Pb. Finally, in laboratory tests on honey bees, gene expression profiles showed a dose‐dependant relationship between Cd, Cu and Pb concentrations present in food and AmMT expression, while field experiments showed induction of AmMT in bees from an industrial site compared to those from an urban area. These studies suggest that AmMT has metal binding properties in agreement with a possible role in metal homeostasis. Further functional and structural characterization of metallothionein in honey bees and other Hymenoptera are necessary.  相似文献   

Honey bees collect distinct nutrient sources in the form ofnectar (energy) and pollen (nitrogen). We investigated the effectof varying energy stores on nectar and pollen foraging. We foundno significant changes in nectar foraging in response to changesin honey storage levels within colonies. Individual foragersdid not vary activity rates or nectar load sizes in responseto changes in honey stores, and colonies did not increase nectarintake rates when honey stores within the hive were decreased.This result contrasts with pollen foraging behavior, which isextremely sensitive to colony state. Our data show that individualforaging decisions during nectar collection and colony regulationof nectar intake are distincdy different from pollen foraging.The behavior of honey bees illustrates that foraging strategy(and therefore foraging models) can incorporate multiple currencies,including both energy and protein intake.[Behav Ecol 7: 286–291(1996)]  相似文献   

The results of bioassay and colony evaluation demonstrated that British and Texas Buckfast honey bee stocks had one-third to one-half the mean prevalence and abundance of tracheal mites as Canadian standard stock, indicating that Buckfast stocks are less susceptible to tracheal mites than Canadian standard stock. Hybrid Canadian and Buckfast stocks exhibited resistance characteristics similar to only one of their parental stocks, suggesting the colony has an unknown effect on the expression of a bee's resistance to mites. A high correlation (r s=0.66) between abundance values from the bioassay and colony evaluations indicates that the bioassay can be used to screen bees for mite resistance.  相似文献   

The small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray) is an endemic scavenger in colonies of western honey bee subspecies (Apis mellifera L.) inhabiting sub-Saharan Africa where it only occasionally damages host colonies. Such damage is usually restricted to weakened/diseased colonies or is associated with after absconding events (all bees, including the queen, leave the hive) due to behavioral resistance mechanisms of its host. In sharp contrast, the beetle has proven deleterious to honey bee colonies in introduced ranges of the United States and Australia. With this review we synthesize the existing data in a manner that allows us to discuss the beetle’s natural history from an ecological perspective. A thorough exploration of beetle ecology allows us to 1) illuminate the unique symbiotic relationship it and its host share and understand how this relationship is fostered, 2) place this relationship in context with those of other arthropods inhabiting social insect colonies, 3) understand its natural reliance on honey bee colonies, 4) predict its spread outside its native range, and 5) predict its effects on non-African honey bees and non-target species. Here we present an amalgamation of information that will contribute to a more thorough and appropriate understanding of not only small hive beetles as symbionts, but of social insect symbionts in general. Received 4 April 2005; revised 15 October 2005; accepted 18 October 2005.  相似文献   

Variability of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. has been investigated by restriction and sequence analyses on a sample of 68 colonies from ten different subspecies. The 19 mtDNA types detected are clustered in three major phylogenetic lineages. These clades correspond well to three groups of populations with distinct geographical distributions: branch A for African subspecies (intermissa, monticola, scutellata, andansonii and capensis), branch C for North Mediterranean subspecies (caucasica, carnica and ligustica) and branch M for the West European populations (mellifera subspecies). These results partially confirm previous hypotheses based on morphometrical and allozymic studies, the main difference concerning North African populations, now assigned to branch A instead of branch M. The pattern of spatial structuring suggests the Middle East as the centre of dispersion of the species, in accordance with the geographic areas of the other species of the same genus. Based on a conservative 2% divergence rate per Myr, the separation of the three branches has been dated at about 1 Myr BP.  相似文献   

Physiological mechanisms of antennal sucrose perception in the honey bee were analysed using behavioural and electrophysiological methods. Following sucrose stimulation of the tip of a freely moving antenna, the latency of proboscis extension was 320–340 ms, 80–100 ms after the first activity in muscle M17 controlling this response. When bees were allowed to actively touch a sucrose droplet with one antenna, contacts with the solution were frequent with durations of 10–20 ms and average intervals between contacts of approximately 40 ms. High sucrose concentrations led to short and frequent contacts. The proboscis response and M17 activity were largely independent of stimulus duration and temporal pattern. Taste hairs of the antennal tip displayed spike responses to sucrose concentrations down to at least 0.1%. The first 25 ms of the response were suitable for discrimination of sucrose concentrations. This time interval corresponds to the duration of naturally occurring gustatory stimuli. Sucrose responses between different hairs on the same antenna showed a high degree of variability, ranging from less than five to over 40 spikes per 0.5 s for a stimulus of 0.1% sucrose. This variability of receptor responses extends the dynamic range of sucrose perception over a large range of concentrations.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental influences on the worker honey bee retinue response to queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP) were investigated. Worker progeny were reared from queens originating from four sources: Australia, New Zealand, and two locations in British Columbia, Canada (Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Island). Progeny from New Zealand queens responded significantly higher (P < 0.05) than progeny from Australia in a QMP retinue bioassay. Retinue response was not related to queen production of pheromone or colony environment, and the strain-dependent differences in retinue bioassay responses were maintained over a wide range of dosages. Selected high- and low-responding colonies were bioassayed over the course of 1 year. High-responding colonies contacted QMP lures more frequently than low-responding colonies (P < 0.05) throughout the year except in late summer. We conclude that there is a strong genetic component to QMP response by worker honey bees, as well as a seasonal effect on response.  相似文献   

Recruitment patterns were investigated for the African honey bee in the Okavango River Delta, Botswana. The waggle dances of two observation colonies maintained in the field were monitored and used to construct maps of daily recruitment activity. These maps revealed that the African colonies frequently adjusted the allocation of recruits among food patches, recruited for 16–17 different food sites/day over areas of 55–80 km 2 ,and concentrated the majority of recruitment within 1 km of the hives (median foraging distances for the two colonies were 295 and 563 m). In both colonies pollen foragers were more abundant than nectar foragers, and pollen sources indicated by waggle dancers were significantly closer to the hives than nectar sources. Compared to the recruitment patterns of temperate climate colonies, the African colonies had smaller recruitment areas, smaller mean recruitment distances, and a greater emphasis on pollen foraging. These differences may be related to the contrasting survival strategies followed by tropical-versus temperate-climate honey bees.  相似文献   

Hox genes are known to control the identity of serially repeated structures in arthropods and vertebrates. We analyzed the expression pattern of the Hox genes Deformed (Dfd), Sex combs reduced (Scr), Antennapedia (Antp), and Ultrabithorax/abdominal-A (Ubx/abd-A) from the honey bee Apis mellifera. We also cloned a cDNA with the complete coding region of the Antennapedia gene from Apis. Comparison with Antp proteins from other insect species revealed several regions of homology. The expression patterns of the isolated Hox genes from Apis showed that the original expression patterns of Dfd, Scr, and Antp appear between late blastoderm and early germ band stage in a temporal and spatial sequence. Each of them shows up as a belt, spanning approximately two segment anlagen, Dfd in the anterior gnathal region, Scr in the posterior gnathal and anterior thoracic region, and Antp in the thoracic region. Following expansion of the Antp domain in the abdomen as a gradient towards the posterior, Ubx/abd-A expression appears laterally in the abdomen. During gastrulation and in the germ band stage the domains of strong expression do not overlap any more, but touch each other. After gastrulation the borders of the expression domains partly correlate with parasegment and partly with segment boundaries. Laterally, gaps between the domain of each gene may show no expression of any of the genes examined. Received: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 28 April 2000  相似文献   

There has been growing concern over declines in populations of honey bees and other pollinators which are a vital part to our food security. It is imperative to identify factors responsible for accelerated declines in bee populations and develop solutions for reversing bee losses. While exact causes of colony losses remain elusive, risk factors thought to play key roles are ectoparasitic mites Varroa destructor and neonicotinoid pesticides. The present study aims to investigate effects of a neonicotinoid pesticide Imidacloprid and Varroa mites individually on survivorship, growth, physiology, virus dynamics and immunity of honey bee workers. Our study provides clear evidence that the exposure to sublethal doses of Imidacloprid could exert a significantly negative effect on health and survival of honey bees. We observed a significant reduction in the titer of vitellogenin (Vg), an egg yolk precursor that regulates the honey bees development and behavior and often are linked to energy homeostasis, in bees exposed to Imidacloprid. This result indicates that sublethal exposure to neonicotinoid could lead to increased energy usage in honey bees as detoxification is a energy‐consuming metabolic process and suggests that Vg could be a useful biomarker for measuring levels of energy stress and sublethal effects of pesticides on honey bees. Measurement of the quantitative effects of different levels of Varroa mite infestation on the replication dynamic of Deformed wing virus (DWV), an RNA virus associated with Varroa infestation, and expression level of immune genes yields unique insights into how honey bees respond to stressors under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

越来越多的证据表明miRNA在神经调控中起着重要的作用。本研究选取12日龄的西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera,探讨蜜蜂个体脑部ame-miR-124-3p对气味学习的功能研究。首先对11日龄的蜜蜂分别饲喂ame-miR-124-3P抑制剂及其无意义序列、ame-miR-124-3P的模拟物及其无意义序列。饲喂24 h后对4组蜜蜂进行气味联想性学习实验,随后通过伸吻反应(Proboscis extension response, PER)比较4组蜜蜂的嗅觉学习差异。最后采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)验证干扰结果。PER结果显示,饲喂ame-miR-124-3P抑制剂的蜜蜂学习比率显著降低,饲喂ame-miR-124-3P模拟物的蜜蜂学习比例显著升高。荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)检测结果显示ame-miR-124-3P的表达水平在饲喂ame-miR-124-3P抑制剂组蜜蜂脑部显著降低(P<0.05),饲喂ame-miR-124-3P模拟物组蜜蜂脑部显著升高(P<0.05)。研究发现,蜜蜂脑部ame-miR-124-3P受到抑制后,蜜蜂的气味学习能力显著性降低...  相似文献   

Abstract:  Radioimmunoassay showed that melatonin, N -acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, was synthesized in the brain of workers of Apis mellifera ligustica Spinola, and related to the polyethism of the workers. Statistically significant differences were found in melatonin levels between workers at different ages and between workers performing different tasks. The level in foragers was higher than that in young nurses. The highest melatonin level was found in 21-day-old adult workers (213.15 pg per worker head) and the lowest level in 1-day-old adult workers (6.08 pg per worker head); and the highest level in pollen-collecting workers (404.13 pg per worker head) and the lowest in nurse workers (13.10 pg per worker head). Apis cerana cerana Fabricius showed a similar pattern, but the nectar foragers had the highest melatonin levels. The melatonin level also showed a daily rhythm. In 30-day-old adult workers there were two peaks, at 7:00 and 19:00 hours, and three troughs at 15:00, 21:00 and 1:00 hours respectively.  相似文献   

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