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Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a heavily sulfated component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) implicated in a variety of cell signaling events involved in patterning of embryos. Embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were exposed to several inhibitors that disrupt GAG function during development. Treatment with chlorate, a general inhibitor of sulfation that leads to undersulfated GAGs, reduced sulfation of the urchin blastocoelar ECM. It also prevented correct specification of the oral-aboral axis and mouth formation, resulting in a radialized phenotype characterized by the lack of an oral field, incomplete gastrulation and formation of multiple skeletal spicule rudiments. Oral markers were initially expressed in most of the prospective ectoderm of chlorate-treated early blastulae, but then declined as aboral markers became expressed throughout most of the ectoderm. Nodal expression in the presumptive oral field is necessary and sufficient to specify the oral-aboral axis in urchins. Several lines of evidence suggest a deregulation of Nodal signaling is involved in the radialization caused by chlorate: (1) Radial embryos resemble those in which Nodal expression was knocked down. (2) Chlorate disrupted localized nodal expression in oral ectoderm, even when applied after the oral-aboral axis is specified and expression of other oral markers is resistant to treatment. (3) Inhibition with SB-431542 of ALK-4/5/7 receptors that mediate Nodal signaling causes defects in ectodermal patterning similar to those caused by chlorate. (4) Intriguingly, treatment of embryos with a sub-threshold dose of SB-431542 rescued the radialization caused by low concentrations of chlorate. Our results indicate important roles for sulfated GAGs in Nodal signaling and oral-aboral axial patterning, and in the cellular processes necessary for archenteron extension and mouth formation during gastrulation. We propose that interaction of the Nodal ligand with sulfated GAGs limits its diffusion, and is required to specify an oral field in the urchin embryo and organize the oral-aboral axis.  相似文献   

Nodal factors play crucial roles during embryogenesis of chordates. They have been implicated in a number of developmental processes, including mesoderm and endoderm formation and patterning of the embryo along the anterior-posterior and left-right axes. We have analyzed the function of the Nodal signaling pathway during the embryogenesis of the sea urchin, a non-chordate organism. We found that Nodal signaling plays a central role in axis specification in the sea urchin, but surprisingly, its first main role appears to be in ectoderm patterning and not in specification of the endoderm and mesoderm germ layers as in vertebrates. Starting at the early blastula stage, sea urchin nodal is expressed in the presumptive oral ectoderm where it controls the formation of the oral-aboral axis. A second conserved role for nodal signaling during vertebrate evolution is its involvement in the establishment of left-right asymmetries. Sea urchin larvae exhibit profound left-right asymmetry with the formation of the adult rudiment occurring only on the left side. We found that a nodal/lefty/pitx2 gene cassette regulates left-right asymmetry in the sea urchin but that intriguingly, the expression of these genes is reversed compared to vertebrates. We have shown that Nodal signals emitted from the right ectoderm of the larva regulate the asymmetrical morphogenesis of the coelomic pouches by inhibiting rudiment formation on the right side of the larva. This result shows that the mechanisms responsible for patterning the left-right axis are conserved in echinoderms and that this role for nodal is conserved among the deuterostomes. We will discuss the implications regarding the reference axes of the sea urchin and the ancestral function of the nodal gene in the last section of this review.  相似文献   

Nodal is a key player in the process regulating oral–aboral axis formation in the sea urchin embryo. Expressed early within an oral organizing centre, it is required to specify both the oral and aboral ectoderm territories by driving an oral–aboral gene regulatory network. A model for oral–aboral axis specification has been proposed relying on the self activation of Nodal and the diffusion of the long-range antagonist Lefty resulting in a sharp restriction of Nodal activity within the oral field. Here, we describe the expression pattern of lefty and analyse its function in the process of secondary axis formation. lefty expression starts at the 128-cell stage immediately after that of nodal, is rapidly restricted to the presumptive oral ectoderm then shifted toward the right side after gastrulation. Consistently with previous work, neither the oral nor the aboral ectoderm are specified in embryos in which Lefty is overexpressed. Conversely, when Lefty's function is blocked, most of the ectoderm is converted into oral ectoderm through ectopic expression of nodal. Reintroducing lefty mRNA in a restricted territory of Lefty depleted embryos caused a dose-dependent effect on nodal expression. Remarkably, injection of lefty mRNA into one blastomere at the 8-cell stage in Lefty depleted embryos blocked nodal expression in the whole ectoderm consistent with the highly diffusible character of Lefty in other models. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Lefty is essential for oral–aboral axis formation and suggest that Lefty acts as a long-range inhibitor of Nodal signalling in the sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

Most eggs in the animal kingdom establish a primary, animal-vegetal axis maternally, and specify the remaining two axes during development. In sea urchin embryos, the expression of Nodal on the oral (ventral) side of the embryo is the first known molecular determinant of the oral-aboral axis (the embryonic dorsoventral axis), and is crucial for specification of the oral territory. We show that p38 MAPK acts upstream of Nodal and is required for Nodal expression in the oral territory. p38 is uniformly activated early in development, but, for a short interval at late blastula stage, is asymmetrically inactivated in future aboral nuclei. Experiments show that this transient asymmetry of p38 activation corresponds temporally to both oral specification and the onset of oral Nodal expression. Uniform inhibition of p38 prevents Nodal expression and axis specification, resulting in aboralized embryos. Nodal and its target Gsc each rescue oral-aboral specification and patterning when expressed asymmetrically in p38-inhibited embryos. Thus, our results indicate that p38 is required for oral specification through its promotion of Nodal expression in the oral territory.  相似文献   

The Nodal signaling pathway is known from earlier work to be an essential mediator of oral ectoderm specification in the sea urchin embryo, and indirectly, of aboral ectoderm specification as well. Following expression of the Nodal ligand in the future oral ectoderm during cleavage, a sequence of regulatory gene activations occur within this territory which depend directly or indirectly on nodal gene expression. Here we describe additional regulatory genes that contribute to the oral ectoderm regulatory state during specification in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, and show how their spatial expression changes dynamically during development. By means of system wide perturbation analyses we have significantly improved current knowledge of the epistatic relations among the regulatory genes of the oral ectoderm. From these studies there emerge diverse circuitries relating downstream regulatory genes directly and indirectly to Nodal signaling. A key intermediary regulator, the role of which had not previously been discerned, is the not gene. In addition to activating several genes earlier described as targets of Nodal signaling, the not gene product acts to repress other oral ectoderm genes, contributing crucially to the bilateral spatial organization of the embryonic oral ectoderm.  相似文献   

The oral-aboral (OA) axis in the sea urchin is specified by the TGFβ family members Nodal and BMP2/4. Nodal promotes oral specification, whereas BMP2/4, despite being expressed in the oral territory, is required for aboral specification. This study explores the role of Chordin (Chd) during sea urchin embryogenesis. Chd is a secreted BMP inhibitor that plays an important role in axial and neural specification and patterning in Drosophila and vertebrate embryos. In Lytechinus variegatus embryos, Chd and BMP2/4 are functionally antagonistic. Both are expressed in overlapping domains in the oral territory prior to and during gastrulation. Perturbation shows that, surprisingly, Chd is not involved in OA axis specification. Instead, Chd is required both for normal patterning of the ciliary band at the OA boundary and for development of synaptotagmin B-positive (synB) neurons in a manner that is reciprocal with BMP2/4. Chd expression and synB-positive neural development are both downstream from p38 MAPK and Nodal, but not Goosecoid. These data are summarized in a model for synB neural development.  相似文献   

The initial asymmetry that specifies the oral-aboral (OA) axis of the sea urchin embryo has long been a mystery. It was shown previously that OA polarity can be entrained in embryos by imposing a respiratory asymmetry, with the most oxidizing side of the embryo tending to develop as the oral pole. This suggests that one of the earliest observable asymmetries along the incipient OA axis, a redox gradient established by a higher density and/or activity of mitochondria on the prospective oral side of the embryo, might play a causal role in establishing the axis. Here, we examine the origin and functional significance of this early redox gradient. Using MitoTracker Green, we show that mitochondria are asymmetrically distributed in the unfertilized egg of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, and that the polarity of the maternal asymmetry is maintained in the zygote. Vital staining indicates that the side of the embryo that inherits the highest density of mitochondria tends to develop into the oral pole. This correlation holds when mitochondria are redistributed by centrifugation of eggs or by transfer of purified mitochondria into zygotes, indicating that an asymmetric mitochondrial distribution can entrain OA polarity, possibly through effects on intracellular redox state. In support of this possibility, we find that specification of oral ectoderm is suppressed when embryos are cultured under hypoxic conditions that enforce a relatively reducing redox state. This effect is reversed by overexpression of nodal, an early zygotic marker of oral specification whose localized expression suffices to organize the entire OA axis, indicating that redox state is upstream of nodal expression. We therefore propose that a threshold level of intracellular oxidation is required to effectively activate nodal, and that precocious attainment of this threshold within the blastomeres containing the highest density of mitochondria results in asymmetric nodal activity and consequent specification of the OA axis.  相似文献   

Wnt and Nodal signaling pathways are required for initial patterning of cell fates along anterior-posterior (AP) and dorsal-ventral (DV) axes, respectively, of sea urchin embryos during cleavage and early blastula stages. These mechanisms are connected because expression of nodal depends on early Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Here, we show that an important subsequent function of Wnt signaling is to control the shape of the nodal expression domain and maintain correct specification of different cell types along the axes of the embryo. In the absence of Wnt1, the posterior-ventral region of the embryo is severely altered during early gastrulation. Strikingly, at this time, nodal and its downstream target genes gsc and bra are expressed ectopically, extending posteriorly to the blastopore. They override the initial specification of posterior-ventral ectoderm and endoderm fates, eliminating the ventral contribution to the gut and displacing the ciliary band dorsally towards, and occasionally beyond, the blastopore. Consequently, in Wnt1 morphants, the blastopore is located at the border of the re-specified posterior-ventral oral ectoderm and by larval stages it is in the same plane near the stomodeum on the ventral side. In normal embryos, a Nodal-dependent process downregulates wnt1 expression in dorsal posterior cells during early gastrulation, focusing Wnt1 signaling to the posterior-ventral region where it suppresses nodal expression. These subsequent interactions between Wnt and Nodal signaling are thus mutually antagonistic, each limiting the range of the other's activity, in order to maintain and stabilize the body plan initially established by those same signaling pathways in the early embryo.  相似文献   

The animal plate of the sea urchin embryo becomes the apical organ, a sensory structure of the larva. In the absence of vegetal signaling, an expanded and unpatterned apical organ forms. To investigate the signaling that restricts the size of the animal plate and patterns neurogenesis, we have expressed molecules that regulate specification of ectoderm in embryos and chimeras. Enhancing oral ectoderm suppresses serotonergic neuron differentiation, whereas enhancing aboral or ciliary band ectoderm increases differentiation of serotonergic neurons. In embryos in which vegetal signaling is blocked, Nodal expression does not reduce the size of the thickened animal plate; however, almost no neurons form. Expression of BMP in the absence of vegetal signaling also does not restrict the size of the animal plate, but abundant serotonergic neurons form. In chimeras in which vegetal signaling is blocked in the entire embryo, and one half of the embryo expresses Nodal, serotonergic neuron formation is suppressed in both halves. In similar chimeras in which vegetal signaling is blocked and one half of the embryo expresses Goosecoid (Gsc), serotonergic neurons form only in the half of the embryo not expressing Gsc. We propose that neurogenesis is specified by a maternal program that is restricted to the animal pole by signaling that is dependent on nuclearization of beta-catenin and specifies ciliary band ectoderm. Subsequently, neurogenesis in the animal plate is patterned by suppression of serotonergic neuron formation by Nodal. Like other metazoans, echinoderms appear to have a phase of neural development during which the specification of ectoderm restricts and patterns neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Nodal functions in axis and tissue specification during embryogenesis. In sea urchin embryos, Nodal is crucial for specification of oral ectoderm and is thought to pattern neurogenesis in the animal plate. To determine if Nodal functions directly in suppressing neuron differentiation we have prepared mutant forms of Sp-Smad2/3. Expressing an activated form produces embryos similar to embryos overexpressing Nodal, but with fewer neurons. In chimeras in which Nodal is suppressed, cells expressing activated Sp-Smad2/3 form oral ectoderm, but not neurons. In embryos with vegetal signaling blocked, neurons do not form if activated Smad2/3 is co-expressed. Expression of dominant negative mutants produces embryos identical to those resulting from blocking Nodal expression. In chimeras overexpressing Nodal, cells expressing dominant negative Sp-Smad2/3 form aboral ectoderm and give rise to neurons. In permanent blastula chimeras dominant negative Sp-Smad2/3 is able to suppress the effects of Nodal permitting neuron differentiation. In these chimeras Nodal expression in one half suppresses neural differentiation across the interface. Anti-phospho-Smad3 reveals that the cells adjacent to cells expressing Nodal have nuclear immunoreactivity. We conclude Sp-Smad2/3 is a component of the Nodal signaling pathway in sea urchins and that Nodal diffuses short distances to suppress neural differentiation.  相似文献   

Larval dorsoventral (DV) and left-right (LR) axial patterning unfold progressively in sea urchin development, leading to commitment of the major embryonic regions by the gastrula stage. The direct-developing sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma has lost oral-aboral differentiation along the DV axis but has accelerated vestibular ectoderm development on the left side. NiCl(2) radializes indirect-developing sea urchins by shifting cells toward a ventral fate (oral ectoderm). We treated embryos of H. erythrogramma and the indirect-developing H. tuberculata with NiCl(2). H. tuberculata was ventralized exactly like other indirect developers, establishing that basic patterning mechanisms are conserved in this genus. H. erythrogramma was also radialized; timing, dosage response, and some morphological features were similar to those in other sea urchins. Ectodermal explant and recombination experiments demonstrate that the effect of nickel is autonomous to the ectoderm, another feature in common with indirect developers. However, H. erythrogramma is distinctly sinistralized rather than ventralized, its cells shifting toward a left-side fate (vestibular ectoderm). This geometric contrast in the midst of pervasive functional similarity suggests that nickel-sensitive processes in H. erythrogramma axial patterning, homologous to those in indirect developers, have been redeployed, and hence co-opted, from their ancestral role in DV axis determination to a new role in LR axis determination. We discuss DV and LR axial patterning and their evolutionary transformation.  相似文献   

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