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Amyloid β proteins extracted from the amyloid cores of neuritic plaques are considerably racemized at their Asp residues. To assess the impact of d-Asp on amyloid β1-42 conformation and on initiation of amyloid fibril formation, we used wild-type amyloid β1-42 and analogs in which d-Asp was substituted for l-Asp at residues 1, 7, 23, and all combinations of these residues. Amyloid fibril formation was enhanced by d-Asp23; modulation of Asp chirality at N-terminal position 1 blocked this enhancement and modulation at position 7 augmented it. Knowledge of such chirality modifications may help to develop potent inhibitors of amyloid fibril formation.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils formed by the 29-residue peptide hormone glucagon at different concentrations have strikingly different morphologies when observed by transmission electron microscopy. Fibrils formed at low concentration (0.25 mg/mL) consist of two or more protofilaments with a regular twist, while fibrils at high concentration (8 mg/mL) consist of two straight protofilaments. Here, we explore the structural differences underlying glucagon polymorphism using proteolytic degradation, linear and circular dichroism, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray fiber diffraction. Morphological differences are perpetuated at all structural levels, indicating that the two fibril classes differ in terms of protofilament backbone regions, secondary structure, chromophore alignment along the fibril axis, and fibril superstructure. Straight fibrils show a conventional β-sheet-rich far-UV circular dichroism spectrum whereas that of twisted fibrils is dominated by contributions from β-turns. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirms this and also indicates a more dense backbone with weaker hydrogen bonding for the twisted morphology. According to linear dichroism, the secondary structural elements and the aromatic side chains in the straight fibrils are more highly ordered with respect to the alignment axis than the twisted fibrils. A series of highly periodical reflections in the diffractogram of the straight fibrils can be fitted to the diffraction pattern expected from a cylinder. Thus, the highly integrated structural organization in the straight fibril leads to a compact and highly uniform fibril with a well-defined edge. Prolonged proteolytic digestion confirmed that the straight fibrils are very compact and stable, while parts of the twisted fibril backbone are much more readily degraded. Differences in the digest patterns of the two morphologies correlate with predictions from two algorithms, suggesting that the polymorphism is inherent in the glucagon sequence. Glucagon provides a striking illustration of how the same short sequence can be folded into two remarkably different fibrillar structures.  相似文献   

Human serum amyloid A (SAA) is a precursor protein of the amyloid fibrils that are responsible for AA amyloidosis. Of the four human SAA genotypes, SAA1 is most commonly associated with AA amyloidosis. Furthermore, SAA1 has three major isoforms (SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5) that differ by single amino acid variations at two sites in their 104-amino acid sequences. In the present study, we examined the effect of amino acid variations in human SAA1 isoforms on the amyloidogenic properties. All SAA1 isoforms adopted α-helix structures at 4 °C, but were unstructured at 37 °C. Heparin-induced amyloid fibril formation of SAA1 was observed at 37 °C, as evidenced by the increased thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence and β-sheet structure formation. Despite a comparable increase in ThT fluorescence, SAA1 molecules retained their α-helix structures at 4 °C. At both temperatures, no essential differences in ThT fluorescence and secondary structures were observed among the SAA1 isoforms. However, the fibril morphologies appeared to differ; SAA1.1 formed long and curly fibrils, whereas SAA1.3 formed thin and straight fibrils. The peptides corresponding to the central regions of the SAA1 isoforms containing amino acid variations showed distinct amyloidogenicities, reflecting their direct effects on amyloid fibril formation. These findings may provide novel insights into the influence of amino acid variations in human SAA on the pathogenesis of AA amyloidosis.  相似文献   

Filamentous aggregates formed by alpha-synuclein are a prominent and presumably key etiological factor in Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases characterized by motor disorders. Numerous studies have demonstrated that various environmental and intracellular factors affect the fibrillation properties of alpha-synuclein, e.g. by accelerating the process of assembly. Histones, the major component and constituent of chromatin, interact specifically with alpha-synuclein and enhance its fibrillation significantly. Here, we report that another component of chromatin, double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), either linear or supercoiled, also interacts with wild-type alpha-synuclein, leading to a significant stimulation of alpha-synuclein assembly into mature fibrils characterized by a reduced lag phase. In general, the morphology of the fibrils remains unchanged in the presence of linear dsDNA. Electron microscopy reveals that DNA forms various types of complexes upon association with the fibrils at their surface without distortion of the double-helical structure. The existence of these complexes was confirmed by the electrophoresis, which also demonstrated that a fraction of the associated DNA was resistant to digestion by restriction endonucleases. Fibrils assembled from the alpha-synuclein mutants A30P and A53T and the C-terminally truncated variants (encoding amino acid residues 1-108 or 1-124) also form complexes with linear dsDNA. Possible mechanisms and implications of dsDNA-alpha-synuclein interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is a bacterial species that predominates in the oral microbiome. S. mutans binds to the tooth surface, metabolizes sugars and produces acid, leading to cavity formation. S. mutans can also cause infectious endocarditis. Recent evidence suggests that S. mutans biofilms contain amyloid fibrils. Amyloids are insoluble fibrillar protein aggregates, and bacteria use functional amyloids to improve robustness of their biofilms. While the functional amyloids in bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus have been heavily investigated, little is known about the mechanism of S. mutans amyloid formation. Previous results from our laboratory with the amyloidogenic proteins and peptides from the aforementioned bacteria and other mammalian amyloid systems suggest that amyloid formation progresses via an intermediate that adopts a unique secondary structure—α-sheet. De novo designed peptides with alternating l- and d-amino acid also adopt an α-sheet secondary structure and inhibit amyloid formation by binding to soluble oligomeric species during amyloidogenesis. Inhibition of fibrillization by α-sheet peptides suggests the presence of α-sheet during amyloid formation. To investigate the mechanism of functional amyloid formation in S. mutans, α-sheet peptides were compared to epigallocatechin gallate for their ability to inhibit fibril formation in S. mutans. Inhibition was demonstrated in a biofilm plate assay and on hydroxyapatite surfaces both in S. mutans alone and in bacteria from human saliva. The observed inhibition suggests that an α-sheet mediated mechanism may be operative during functional amyloid formation.  相似文献   

The structural unambiguity of folding is lost when disordered protein molecules convert into β-sheet-rich fibrils. The resulting polymorphism of protein aggregates has been studied in the context of its biomedical consequences. Events underlying the conformational variance of amyloid fibrils, as well as physicochemical boundaries between folding and misfolding pathways, remain obscure. Bifurcation and chiral mesoscopic-scale organization of amyloid fibrils are new aspects of protein misfolding. Here we characterize bifurcation events accompanying insulin fibrillation upon intensive vortexing. Upon agitation, two types of insulin fibrils with opposite chiral senses are formed; however, predominance of either species is only stochastically determined. The uncertainty of fibrils’ chiral sense holds only for fibrils grown within the physiological temperature range, while above 50 °C, the bifurcation is no longer observed—fibrils’ chiral moieties become uniformly biased towards ligand probes, as revealed by the extrinsic Cotton effect of thioflavin T, Congo red, and molecular iodine. According to transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy data, chiral variants of insulin fibrils consist of fibrous superstructures, distinct from spherulites, formed by the protein in nonagitated solutions. Gradual dissociation of the fibrils in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide is noncooperative and can be resolved into three distinct phases: decay of the higher-order chiral structures, breakdown of fibrils, and unfolding of intermolecular β-sheet. The chiral aggregates are also destabilized by elution of NaCl implying that Debye screening of charged β-sheets provided by chloride counterions is needed for sustaining their kinetic stability. At elevated temperatures, cross-seeding of agitated insulin samples with preformed fibrils revealed a chiral conflict that prevented the passing of structural features of mother seeds to daughter fibrils in a manner typical of amyloid “strains.”  相似文献   

The aggregation process of wild-type human lysozyme at pH 3.0 and 60 °C has been analyzed by characterizing a series of distinct species formed on the aggregation pathway, specifically the amyloidogenic monomeric precursor protein, the oligomeric soluble prefibrillar aggregates, and the mature fibrils. Particular attention has been focused on the analysis of the structural properties of the oligomeric species, since recent studies have shown that the oligomers formed by lysozyme prior to the appearance of mature amyloid fibrils are toxic to cells. Here, soluble oligomers of human lysozyme have been analyzed by a range of techniques including binding to fluorescent probes such as thioflavin T and 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and controlled proteolysis. Oligomers were isolated after 5 days of incubation of the protein and appear as spherical particles with a diameter of 8-17 nm when observed by transmission electron microscopy. Unlike the monomeric protein, oligomers have solvent-exposed hydrophobic patches able to bind the fluorescent probe 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectra of oligomers are indicative of misfolded species when compared to monomeric lysozyme, with a prevalence of random structure but with significant elements of the β-sheet structure that is characteristic of the mature fibrils. Moreover, the oligomeric lysozyme aggregates were found to be more susceptible to proteolysis with pepsin than both the monomeric protein and the mature fibrils, indicating further their less organized structure. In summary, this study shows that the soluble lysozyme oligomers are locally unfolded species that are present at low concentration during the initial phases of aggregation. The nonnative conformational features of the lysozyme molecules of which they are composed are likely to be the factors that confer on them the ability to interact inappropriately with a variety of cellular components including membranes.  相似文献   

The deposition of α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregates in dopaminergic neurons is a key feature of Parkinson's disease. While dopamine (DA) can modulate α-syn aggregation, it is unclear which other factors can regulate the actions of DA on α-syn. In this study, we investigated the effect of solution conditions (buffer, salt and pH) on the oligomerization of α-syn by DA. We show that α-syn oligomerization is dependent on the oxidation of DA into reactive intermediates. Under acidic pH conditions, DA is stable, and DA-mediated oligomerization of α-syn is inhibited. From pH 7.0 to pH 11.0, DA is unstable and undergoes redox reactions, promoting the formation of SDS-resistant soluble oligomers of α-syn. We show that the reactive intermediate 5,6-dihydroxylindole mediates the formation of α-syn soluble oligomers under physiological conditions (pH 7.4). In contrast, under acidic conditions (pH 4.0), 5,6-dihydroxylindole promotes the formation of SDS-resistant insoluble oligomers that further associate to form sheet-like fibrils with β-sheet structure that do not bind the dye thioflavin T. These results suggest that distinct reactive intermediates of DA, and not DA itself, interact with α-syn to generate the α-syn aggregates implicated in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibril formation from full-length and fragments of amylin   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Amyloiddeposits of fibrillar human amylin (hA) in the pancreas may be a causative factor in type-2 diabetes. A detailed comparison of in vitro fibril formation by full-length hA(1-37) versus fragments of this peptide-hA(8-37) and hA(20-29)-is presented. Circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed that fibril formation was accompanied by a conformational change: random coil to beta-sheet/alpha-helical structure. Fibril morphologies were visualized by electron microscopy and displayed a remarkable diversity. hA(20-29) formed flat ribbons consisting of numerous 3. 6-nm-wide protofibrils. In contrast, hA(1-37) and hA(8-37) formed polymorphic higher order fibrils by lateral association and/or coiling together of 5.0-nm-wide protofibril subunits. For full-length hA(1-37), the predominant fibril type contained three protofibrils and for hA(8-37), the predominant type contained two protofibrils. Polymerization was also monitored with the thioflavin-T binding assay, which revealed different kinetics of assembly for hA(1-37) and hA(8-37) fibrils. hA(20-29) fibrils did not bind thioflavin-T. Together the results demonstrate that the N-terminal region of the hA peptide influences the relative frequencies of the various higher order fibril types and thereby the overall kinetics of fibril formation. Furthermore, while residues 20-29 contribute to the fibrils' beta-sheet core, the flanking C- and N-terminal regions of the hA peptide determine the interactions involved in the formation of higher order coiled polymorphic superstructures.  相似文献   

Several biophysical techniques have been used to determine differences in the aggregation profile (i.e., the secondary structure, aggregation propensity, dynamics, and morphology of amyloid structures) and the effects on cell viability of three variants of the amyloid β peptide involved in Alzheimer's disease. We focused our study on the Glu22 residue, comparing the effects of freshly prepared samples and samples aged for at least 20 days. In the aged samples, a high propensity for aggregation and β-sheet secondary structure appears when residue 22 is capable of establishing polar (Glu22 in wild-type) or hydrophobic (Val22 in E22V) interactions. The Arctic variant (E22G) presents a mixture of mostly disordered and α-helix structures (with low β-sheet contribution). Analysis of transmission electron micrographs and atomic force microscopy images of the peptide variants after aging showed significant quantitative and qualitative differences in the morphology of the formed aggregates. The effect on human neuroblastoma cells of these Aβ12-28 variants does not correlate with the amount of β-sheet of the aggregates. In samples allowed to age, the native sequence was found to have an insignificant effect on cell viability, whereas the Arctic variant (E22G), the E22V variant, and the slightly-aggregating control (F19G-F20G) had more prominent effects.  相似文献   

He W  Li Y  Liu J  Hu Z  Chen X 《Biopolymers》2005,79(1):48-57
Cardamonin (2',4'-dihydroxy-6'-methoxychalcone), one of the main constituents from the seeds of Alpinia katsumadai Hayata, belongs to chalcone with its antibacterial, antiinflammatory and other important therapeutic activities of significant potency and low systemic toxicity. In this article, the interaction of cardamonin to human serum albumin (HSA) has been studied for the first time by spectroscopic methods including Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD), and UV-absorption spectroscopy in combination with fluorescence quenching under physiological conditions with drug concentrations of 0.67-4.0 microM. The results of the spectroscopic measurements and the thermodynamic parameters obtained (the enthalpy change DeltaH(0) and the entropy change DeltaS(0) were calculated to be -25.312 and 7.040 J.mol(-1).K(-1) according to the van't Hoff equation) suggest that hydrophobic interaction is the predominant intermolecular forces stabilizing the complex, which is also in good agreement with the results of the molecule modeling study. The alterations of protein secondary structure in the presence of cardamonin in aqueous solution were quantitatively calculated by the evidence from CD and FTIR spectroscopes with reductions of alpha-helices of about 20%, decreases of beta-sheet structures of about 14%, and increases of beta-turn structures of about 15%. The quenching mechanism and the number of binding sites (n approximately 1) were obtained by fluorescence titration data. Fluorescent displacement measurements confirmed that cardamonin binds HSA on site II. In addition, the effects of common ions on the constants of the cardamonin-HSA complex were also discussed.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are best known as a product of human and animal protein misfolding disorders, where amyloid formation is associated with cytotoxicity and disease. It is now evident that for some proteins, the amyloid state constitutes the native structure and serves a functional role. These functional amyloids are proving widespread in bacteria and fungi, fulfilling diverse functions as structural components in biofilms or spore coats, as toxins and surface-active fibers, as epigenetic material, peptide reservoirs or adhesins mediating binding to and internalization into host cells. In this review, we will focus on the role of functional amyloids in bacterial pathogenesis. The role of functional amyloids as virulence factor is diverse but mostly indirect. Nevertheless, functional amyloid pathways deserve consideration for the acute and long-term effects of the infectious disease process and may form valid antimicrobial targets.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MT) are low molecular weight proteins with cysteine-rich sequences that bind heavy metals with remarkably high affinities. Plant MTs differ from animal ones by a peculiar amino acid sequence organization consisting of two short Cys-rich terminal domains (containing from 4 to 8 Cys each) linked by a Cys free region of about 30 residues. In contrast with the current knowledge on the 3D structure of animal MTs, there is a striking lack of structural data on plant MTs. We have expressed and purified a type III MT from Noccaea caerulescens (previously Thlaspi caerulescens). This protein is able to bind a variety of cations including Cd2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+, with different stoichiometries as shown by mass spectrometry. The protein displays a complete absence of periodic secondary structures as measured by far-UV circular dichroism, infrared spectroscopy and hydrogen/deuterium exchange kinetics. When attached onto a BIA-ATR biosensor, no significant structural change was observed upon removing the metal ions.  相似文献   

Ma QF  Hu J  Wu WH  Liu HD  Du JT  Fu Y  Wu YW  Lei P  Zhao YF  Li YM 《Biopolymers》2006,83(1):20-31
Amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) is the principal constituent of plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and is thought to be responsible for the neurotoxicity associated with the disease. Copper binding to Abeta has been hypothesized to play an important role in the neruotoxicity of Abeta and free radical damage, and Cu2+ chelators represent a possible therapy for AD. However, many properties of copper binding to Abeta have not been elucidated clearly, and the location of copper binding sites on Abeta is also in controversy. Here we have used a range of spectroscopic techniques to characterize the coordination of Cu2+ to Abeta(1-16) in solution. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry shows that copper binds to Abeta(1-16) at pH 6.0 and 7.0. The mode of copper binding is highly pH dependent. Circular dichroism results indicate that copper chelation causes a structural transition of Abeta(1-16). UV-visible absorption spectra suggest that three nitrogen donor ligands and one oxygen donor ligand (3N1O) in Abeta(1-16) may form a type II square-planar coordination geometry with Cu2+. By means of fluorescence spectroscopy, competition studies with glycine and L-histidine show that copper binds to Abeta(1-16) with an affinity of Ka approximately 10(7) M(-1) at pH 7.8. Besides His6, His13, and His14, Tyr10 is also involved in the coordination of Abeta(1-16) with Cu2+, which is supported by 1H NMR and UV-visible absorption spectra. Evidence for the link between Cu2+ and AD is growing, and this work has made a significant contribution to understanding the mode of copper binding to Abeta(1-16) in solution.  相似文献   

The reaction of histidine‐containing polypeptides with toxic and essential metals and the molecular mechanism of complexation has yet to be determined, particularly with respect to the conformational changes of the interacting macromolecules. Therefore, a system of oligopeptides containing histidine residues in various positions of Ala or Gly sequences has been designed and used in heavy metal comparatively binding experiments. The role of spacing residues (Gly and Ala repeats) in selecting the various conformations was investigated. The newly synthesized peptides and metal ion adducts have been characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) as well as electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry (ESI–MS) and circular dichroism (CD). The analysis of CD‐spectra of the four peptides in water revealed that the secondary structure depends much on the position of each amino acid in the peptide backbone. Our peptides system reveals various binding mechanisms of metal ions to peptides depending on the position of histidine residue and the corresponding conformations of Ala or Gly sequences. Biological and medical consequences of conformational changes of metal‐bound peptides are further discussed. Thus, the binding of heavy metals to four peptides may serve as a model system with respect to the conformational consequences of the metal addition on the amino acid repeats situated in prion protein. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93:497–508, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

CD and infrared spectroscopic studies were performed on (i) the inhibitory effects of equimolar quantities of LPFFD-OH and LPYFD-NH(2) on the time-dependent aggregation of amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) (1-42) and (ii) the beta-sheet-breaker effects of two-fold molar excess of the pentapeptides on aggregated Abeta(1-42) aged 1 week. The data obtained from the time-dependent studies demonstrated that LPFFD-OH did not significantly influence, whereas LPYFD-NH(2) exerted some inhibitory effect on the aggregation of Abeta(1-42). When added to a solution of Abeta(1-42) aged 1 week, LPFFD-OH accelerated, while LPYFD-NH(2) delayed, but did not prevent further fibrillogenesis. The difference in the effects of these two pentapeptides on the aggregational profile of Abeta(1-42) is probably due to the difference in their conformational preferences: LPFFD-OH adopts a beta-turn and extended structures, while LPYFD-NH(2) adopts a prevailing beta-turn conformation.  相似文献   

Extracellular accumulation of transthyretin (TTR) variants in the form of fibrillar amyloid deposits is the pathological hallmark of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP). The TTR Leu55Pro variant occurs in the most aggressive forms of this disease. Inhibition of TTR wild-type (WT) and particularly TTR Leu55Pro fibril formation is of interest as a potential therapeutic strategy and requires a thorough understanding of the fibril assembly mechanism. To this end, we report on the in vitro assembly properties as observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) for both TTR WT fibrils produced by acidification, and TTR Leu55Pro fibrils assembled at physiological pH. The morphological features and dimensions of TTR WT and TTR Leu55Pro fibrils were similar, with up to 300 nm long, 8 nm wide fibrils being the most prominent species in both cases. Other species were evident; 4-5 nm wide fibrils, 9-10 nm wide fibrils and oligomers of various sizes. STEM mass-per-length (MPL) measurements revealed discrete fibril types with masses of 9.5 and 14.0(+/-1.4) KDa/nm for TTR WT fibrils and 13.7, 18.5 and 23.2(+/-1.5) kDa/nm for TTR Leu55Pro fibrils. These MPL values are consistent with a model in which fibrillar TTR structures are composed of two, three, four or five elementary protofilaments, with each protofilament being a vertical stack of structurally modified TTR monomers assembled with the 2.9 nm axial monomer-monomer spacing indicated by X-ray fibre diffraction data. Ex vivo TTR amyloid fibrils were examined. From their morphological appearance compared to these, the in vitro assembled TTR WT and Leu55Pro fibrils examined may represent immature fibrillar species. The in vitro system operating at physiological pH for TTR Leu55Pro and the model presented for the molecular arrangement of TTR monomers within fibrils may, therefore, describe early fibril assembly events in vivo.  相似文献   

There is little information on the egg proteins of gastropod mollusks. Here we focus on PV2, a novel neurotoxin from snail eggs, studying its size, shape, structure, and stability, using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, electron microscopy and partial proteolysis. Results indicate that PV2 is a compact and well folded oligomer of 130 × 44 Å. It is an octamer of four 98 kDa heterodimers composed of 67 and 31 kDa subunits. Subunits are held together by disulfide bonds. Dimers are assembled into native PV2 by non-covalent forces. The larger subunit is more susceptible to proteolysis, indicating it is less compactly folded and/or more exposed. Quenching of tryptophan fluorescence showed a single class of tryptophyl side chains occluded in hydrophobic regions. Native structure shows loss of secondary structure (α+β) at 6 M urea or 60–70 °C; the effects on the quaternary structure suggest an unfolding without disassembling of the protein. The 3D model of PV2 presented here is the first for an egg proteinaceous neurotoxin in animals.  相似文献   

Biofilms are ubiquitous in the natural and man-made environment. They are defined as microbes that are encapsulated in an extracellular, self-produced, biofilm matrix. Growing evidence from the genetic and biochemical analysis of single species biofilms has linked the presence of fibrous proteins to a functional biofilm matrix. Some of these fibers have been described as functional amyloid or amyloid-like fibers. Here we provide an overview of the biophysical and biological data for a wide range of protein fibers found in the biofilm matrix of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   



Nanosized particles of gold are widely used as advanced materials for enzyme catalysis investigations. In some bioanalytical methods these nanoparticles can be exploited to increase the sensitivity by enhancing electron transfer to the biological component i.e. redox enzymes such as drug metabolizing enzymes.


In this work, we describe the characterization of human flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (hFMO3) in a nanoelectrode system based on AuNPs stabilized with didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) on glassy carbon electrodes. Once confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy that in the presence of DDAB-AuNPs the structural integrity of hFMO3 is preserved, the influence of AuNPs on the electrochemistry of the enzyme was studied by cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry.


Our results show that AuNPs improve the electrochemical performance of hFMO3 on glassy carbon electrodes by enhancing the electron transfer rate and the current signal-to-noise ratio. Moreover, the electrocatalytic activity of hFMO3-DDAB-AuNP electrodes which was investigated in the presence of two well known substrates, benzydamine and sulindac sulfide, resulted in KM values of 52 μM and 27 μM, with Vmax of 8 nmol min− 1 mg− 1 and 4 nmol min− 1 mg− 1, respectively, which are in agreement with data obtained with the microsomal enzyme.


The immobilization of hFMO3 protein in DDAB stabilized AuNP electrodes improves the bioelectrochemical performance of this important phase I drug metabolizing enzyme.

General significance

This bio-analytical method can be considered as a promising advance in the development of new techniques suitable for the screening of novel hFMO3 metabolized pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

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