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To investigate whether the human atrial natriuretic polypeptide (hANP) gene is responsive to glucocorticoid, we co-introduced the hANP gene (with SV40 enhancer) with HSV-tk gene into mouse tk- L cells. The transformants with hANP gene with SV40 enhancer expressed hANP specific RNAs. The administration of 1 microM dexamethasone reduced the expressed hANP specific RNAs, especially those that had a physiological initiation site. These results suggest that the hANP gene is really a glucocorticoid responsive gene and may be negatively regulated by glucocorticoid.  相似文献   

The expression and hormonal regulation of chimaeric genes containing the 5'-flanking regions of the normal human growth hormone (hGH-1), the variant hGH (hGH-2) and chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS-1) genes fused to the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene has been examined after transient transfection into cultured rat pituitary (GC), and non-pituitary (HeLa and Rat 2) tumor cells. As assessed by levels of CAT activity, the hGH-1 and hCS-1 gene hybrids were expressed at 5- to 25-fold higher levels in GC cells than in HeLa or Rat 2 cells. The hGH-2 gene hybrid was expressed at very low levels in all 3 cell types. Triiodothyronine treatment of transiently transfected GC cells had little effect on CAT activity from the hGH-1 gene hybrid but increased CAT activity from the hCS-1 gene hybrid. A slight but significant increase in CAT expression was detected with both genes after dexamethasone treatment. The data indicate that elements present on the hGH-1 and hCS-1 genes' 5'-flanking DNA are required for the efficient expression of these genes in GC cells.  相似文献   

We have analysed the expression of cloned human fetal gamma-globin genes introduced into murine erythroleukemia cells by a protoplast fusion procedure. Both the wild-type a gamma-globin gene and a mutant derivative related to a phenotype of hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin were studied. In both cases the level of gamma-globin mRNA increased by a factor of approximately sevenfold when erythroid cell differentiation was induced by treatment with hexamethylenebisacetamide. Thus, the regulation of the expression of the cloned fetal A gamma-globin gene in murine erythroleukemia cells resembled that of cloned adult beta-globin genes.  相似文献   

Cells displaying combined expression of different pituitary hormone genes (further referred to as 'multi-hormone mRNA cells') were identified in normal rat and mouse pituitary by single cell RT-PCR. These cells do not seem to produce or store all the respective hormones the mRNAs encode for. The cells are already developed at day 16 of embryonic life (E16) in the mouse. Different peptides, such as gamma3-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (gamma3-MSH) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), affect different subsets of these cells. In culture, estrogen and GnRH increase the number of 'multi-hormone mRNA cells' that contain prolactin (PRL) mRNA or mRNA of the alpha-subunit of the glycoprotein hormones (alpha-GSU) but not the number of 'multi-hormone mRNA cells' not containing PRL or alpha-GSU mRNA. 'Multi-hormone mRNA cells' may function as 'reserve cells' in which a particular hormone mRNA may be translated under a particular physiological condition demanding a rapid increase of that hormone.  相似文献   

The new system for the transfer and expression of foreign genes based on retroviral vectors pPS-neo, conferring neomycin resistance was constructed. The BALB/c mouse cell lines producing highly active human growth hormone (more than 7 micrograms/ml into culture medium) were constructed using these vectors. An antibody column was used to purify the growth hormone from cell culture medium. Possibilities of producers to be applied for gene therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

When grown in the absence of methotrexate, cells carrying unstably amplified dihydrofolate reductase ( dhfr ) genes have a growth disadvantage that is a function of their level of gene amplification. Although this growth disadvantage is thought to drive the loss of unstably amplified dhfr genes in the absence of methotrexate, its mechanism is not understood. The present studies of murine cell lines with different levels of dhfr gene amplification demonstrate that such cells experience increased unbalanced growth (excess RNA and protein content relative to DNA content) with increased levels of dhfr gene amplification. Stathmokinetic analysis of a cell line with unstably amplified dhfr genes showed that the unbalanced growth was associated with a very low rate of G1/S transit, which suggests that amplified DNA sequences may activate a cell cycle checkpoint at the G1/S boundary. Hydroxyurea, which is known to induce rapid elimination of amplified genes at sub-cytotoxic concentrations, also inhibits the cell cycle at the G1/S transition and causes unbalanced growth. Earlier work has shown that hydroxyurea selectively targets those cells within the heterogeneous drug resistant cell populations which have the highest amplified gene dosage. The finding that unstable gene amplification and hydroxyurea have similar effects on the cell suggests that hydroxyurea may achieve this selective targeting by pushing those cells with the highest levels of gene amplification over a critical stress threshold to cause growth arrest or cell death.  相似文献   

Although growth hormone (GH) exerts various direct and indirect stimulatory effects on gonadal development and function, excessive levels of GH in acromegalic patients and in transgenic animals are often associated with reproductive disorders. We have examined reproductive performance of transgenic female mice expressing the following hybrid genes: mouse metallothionein-1 (MT)/human placental GH variant (hGH.V), MT/bovine GH(bGH), and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)/bGH. This allowed us to evaluate the effects of chronic GH excess in three animal models and to obtain some information on the significance of the lactogenic activity of the foreign GH (hGH.V vs. bGH) and on the developmental stage of transgene expression (MT vs. PEPCK). Transgenic animals from each line had elevated plasma insulin-like growth factor-I levels and greatly increased adult body weight. Plasma bGH levels were significantly higher in PEPCK/bGH than in MT/bGH transgenic mice. Approximately 20% of transgenic MT/hGH.V and MT/bGH females and over 60% of transgenic PEPCK/bGH females were infertile. Transgenic females that did reproduce ovulated either a normal or increased number of eggs but exhibited a variety of reproductive disorders including increased interval between pairing with a male and conception, increased interval between litters, reduced number of litters, reduced fetal growth, increased pre- and postnatal mortality, and alterations in sex ratio. Among adult offspring of these females, the proportion of transgenic animals was significantly less than the expected 50%. While some characteristics (e.g., fetal crown-rump length and weight on Day 14 of pregnancy) were affected to a comparable extent in transgenic females from all three lines, MT/hGH.V and PEPCK/bGH females were, in general, more severely affected than the MT/bGH animals. Sterility of PEPCK/bGH females appeared to be due to luteal failure since treatment with progesterone led to pregnancy. Greatly increased intervals between successive litters appeared to be due to failure to mate during postpartum estrus and to sterile matings during this period. Reduced fetal size and weight may have been due to chronic glucocorticoid excess because comparable changes could be induced in normal females by injections of dexamethasone during pregnancy, and plasma corticosterone levels were previously shown to be elevated in transgenic mice from each of these lines. Comparison of these results with data obtained from matings of normal female mice to transgenic males from the same lines suggests that reduced fetal growth is due primarily to maternal genotype, while reduced "transmission" of the hybrid genes is not, and presumably reflects increased mortality of transgenic progeny at various stages of development.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In early age-related macular degeneration (AMD), lipid-containing deposits (drusen) accumulate in Bruch's membrane underlying the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Recent studies indicate that apolipoprotein E (apoE) may play a role in lipid trafficking in AMD. Compared with the apoE3 allele, the apoE4 and apoE2 alleles are associated with decreased and increased risk for AMD, respectively; drusen contain high levels of apoE, and apoE null mice develop lipid deposits in Bruch's membrane similar to those observed in AMD. Primary cultures of human RPE cells expressing the apoE3 allele were grown on Transwell culture plates. Western blotting, ELISA assay, and mass spectrometry confirmed that apoE3 was secreted into the apical and basal chambers and that secretion was upregulated by thyroid hormone, 9-cis-retinoic acid, and 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol. In addition, basally secreted apoE associated with exogenously added HDL. These results indicate that apoE secretion can be regulated by specific hormones and that apoE associates with HDL. The findings are consistent with a role for apoE in lipid trafficking through Bruch's membrane and may be relevant to AMD.  相似文献   

Linkage arrangement of human placental lactogen and growth hormone genes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human placental lactogen (hPL) and growth hormone (hGH) are two hormones thought to have evolved from a common ancestral gene (along with prolactin), yet they have quite different functions and specificities. The nucleic acid sequences of the respective cDNAs of the two genes share considerable homology, as well as the existence of multiple forms of each gene within the genome. In this study we report on the linkage arrangement of several genes from this group. Two hPL-like genes as well as an hGH gene are shown to be linked within a 38-kilobase pair region of DNA. Linkage between a variant hGH gene and an hPL gene is also shown. The orientation and structural organization of these genes was previously established using 5'- and 3'-specific probes from a placental lactogen cDNA clone and detailed restriction endonuclease mapping. Restriction fragments from the overlapping clones were verified by comparison to digests of high molecular weight genomic DNA. In addition, the location of a specific class of repetitive DNA sequences, the Alu family, was mapped on these clones using the recombinant clone BLUR 8. All members of this multigene family have Alu repeat sequences either immediately flanking their 3' or 5' untranslated regions or within their intervening sequences.  相似文献   

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