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The analytical conditions by which a Volterra's general system describingn interacting species can be put in the “conservative” form have been examined. The cases forn=2, 3, 4 have been analyzed in detail and a general condition for any value ofn is deduced. The analytical and biological constraints following by this approach are compared to the conclusions drawn by Leigh on the ground of purely biological considerations.  相似文献   

This review discusses the structure and properties of the isolated components of troponin, their interaction, and the mechanisms of regulation of contractile activity of skeletal and cardiac muscle. Data on the structure of troponin C in crystals and in solution are presented. The Ca2+-induced conformational changes of troponin C structure are described. The structure of troponin I is analyzed and its interaction with other components of actin filaments is discussed. Data on phosphorylation of troponin I by various protein kinases are presented. The role of troponin I phosphorylation in the regulation of contractile activity of the heart is analyzed. The structural properties of troponin T and its interaction with other components of thin filaments are described. Data on the phosphorylation of troponin T are presented and the effect of troponin T phosphorylation on contractile activity of different muscles is discussed. Modern models of the functioning of troponin are presented and analyzed.  相似文献   

Humic substances were isolated during batch aeration studies with activated sludge and a complex waste source, by using concentration and separation techniques that employ reverse osmosis, ultrafitration, and gel permeation chromatography. The study suggests that the formation of high molecular weight humic substances may occur after the removal of the readily available carbon source. The amount of refractory material finally present in the solution will depend on its adsorptive properties toward bacterial cells. The adsorptive characteristics may be determined by the magnitude of the carbohydrate fraction present in the humic substances. If the carbohydrate content decreases, adsorption onto the cells may decrease resulting in an impairment of both the floe formation and settleability of the sludge floes. Decreased adsorption will result in a higher total organic carbon content and an increase in color bearing materials in the effluent.  相似文献   

Most cellulosic substances contain appreciable amounts of cellulose and hemicellulose, which on enzymatic hydrolysis mainly yield a mixture of glucose, cellobiose, and xylose. In this paper, studies on the mechanisms of hydrolysis of bagasse (a complex native cellulosic waste left after extraction of juice from cane sugar) by the cellulase enzyme components are described in light of their adsorption characteristics. Simultaneous adsorption of exo- and endoglucanases on hydrolyzable cellulosics is the causative factor of the hydrolysis that follows immediately after. It supports the postulate of synergistic enzyme action proposed by Eriksson. Xylanase pretreatment enhanced the hydrolysis of bagasse owing to the creation of more accessible cellulosic regions that are readily acted upon by exo- and endoglucanases. The synergistic action of the purified exoglucanase, endoglucanase, and xylanse has been found to be most effective for hydrolysis of bagasse but not for pure cellulose. Significant quantities of glucose are produced in beta-glucosidase-free cellulase action on bagasse. Individual and combined action of the purified cellulase components on hydrolysis of native and delignified bagasse are discussed in respect to the release of sugars in the hydrolysate.  相似文献   

The reversible folding of cytochrome c in urea at pH 4.0 was investigated by repetitive pressure perturbation kinetics and by equilibrium spectroscopic methods. Two folding reactions were observed in the 1 ms to 10 s time range. The rates and amplitudes of these reactions depend on urea concentration in a complex manner, which is different for each process. The absorbance spectra of the kinetic amplitudes of the two reactions also differ from each other. A model with a three-state mechanism can quantitatively account for all of the kinetic and equilibrium data, and it enables us to determine the rate constants and volume changes of the two steps. If a rapid protonation step is added to the mechanism, the analysis can be extended to calculate the pH dependence of the rate and amplitude of the faster folding step. This pH dependence is in excellent agreement with previously published data [Tsong, T. Y. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 8778-8780]. Kinetic experiments in the 695-nm band show clearly that the axial ligand methionine-80 is involved in the slow folding process and the other axial ligand, histidine-18, is involved in the fast process. Additional experiments with a cyanogen bromide fragment of the protein, and fluorescence detection of the folding kinetics of the intact protein, support an interpretation of the model in terms of known structural elements of cytochrome c. This work provides new information about the mechanism of the folding of cytochrome c, resolves conflicts in earlier interpretations, and demonstrates the applicability of the repetitive pressure perturbation kinetics method to protein folding.  相似文献   

A molecular mechanism of the narcotic action of noble gases is suggested, which is based on the fact that noble gas atoms change the orientation of water molecules absorbed on the surface of axon membrane. The resulting change in the transmembrane potential deteriorates the propagation of nerve pulse.  相似文献   

A new quantitative approach to study cell membrane electrofusion has been developed. Erythrocyte ghosts were brought into close contact using dielectrophoresis and then treated with one square or even exponentially decaying fusogenic pulse. Individual fusion events were followed by lateral diffusion of the fluorescent lipid analogue 1,1'-dihexadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (Dil) from originally labeled to unlabeled adjacent ghosts. It was found that ghost fusion can be described as a first-order rate process with corresponding rate constants; a true fusion rate constant, k(f), for the square waveform pulse and an effective fusion rate constant, k(ef), for the exponential pulse. Compared with the fusion yield, the fusion rate constants are more fundamental characteristics of the fusion process and have implications for its mechanisms. Values of k(f) for rabbit and human erythrocyte ghosts were obtained at different electric field strength and temperatures. Arrhenius k(f) plots revealed that the activation energy of ghost electrofusion is in the range of 6-10 kT. Measurements were also made with the rabbit erythrocyte ghosts exposed to 42 degrees C for 10 min (to disrupt the spectrin network) or 0.1-1.0 mM uranyl acetate (to stabilize the bilayer lipid matrix of membranes). A correlation between the dependence of the fusion and previously published pore-formation rate constants for all experimental conditions suggests that the cell membrane electrofusion process involve pores formed during reversible electrical breakdown. A statistical analysis of fusion products (a) further supports the idea that electrofusion is a stochastic process and (b) shows that the probability of ghost electrofusion is independent of the presence of Dil as a label as well as the number of fused ghosts.  相似文献   

At the beginning the term "tolerance" determinations, given in different source of literature, have been considered. Further, the history of conditioned of tolerance and abuse creation from psycho-active drugs have been discussed. The hart of the article contains the critical points of the current representation of neurophysiological theory in the field of behavior, interaction mechanisms between live systems and drugs. The point of view, dominating in pharmacology science that tolerance is the direct result of drug substances intervention into the organism, has been opposed. Separation of primary and secondary physiological effects of drugs, allowed to the authors to conclude that the dominant role belongs to the state living system and to the presence of necessities during the motivation creations for the second drug use and to the tolerance changing.  相似文献   

Some properties of rat brain phenol sulphotransferase were investigated in in vitro at pH7.4. The enzyme was purified 10-fold by chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex -50. It can be assayed with 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylethylene glycol or 4-methylumbelliferone as the sulphate acceptor. The partially purified enzyme is stable for at least 1 week when stored at 4 degrees C. It is, however, additionally activated (10--20%) and stabilized by 1 mM-dithiothreitol. The activity of the enzyme does not depend on the addition of exogenous Mg2+. The pH optima for the sulphation of 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylethylene glycol and 4-methylumbelliferone are 7.8 and 7.4 respectively. Substrate inhibition by the sulphate acceptor is apparent at concentrations over 0.05mM. Initial-velocity studies in the absence and presence of product and dead-end inhibitors suggested that the mechanism of the rat brain sulphotransferase reaction is sequential ordered Bi Bi with a dead-end complex of enzyme with adenosine 3',5'-biphosphate and sulphate acceptor. The sulphate donor adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-sulphatophosphate is the first substrate that adds to the enzyme, and the sulphate acceptor is the second substrate. The dissociation constant for the complex of enzyme with sulphate donor is 21 micron. The sulphated substrate is the first product and adenosine 3',5'-biphosphate is the second product that leaves the enzyme.  相似文献   

A new model of superoxide dismutase (SOD) functioning has been proposed on the basis of recent data. This model takes into account both experimental data and results of quantum mechanics calculations. One substrate molecule (superoxide radical) binds copper ion in active center of SOD, and the second superoxide radical interacts with a peripheral region of the enzyme. Uncoupled electron from the active center is transferred to the peripheral superoxide anion. This results in formation of oxygen molecule in the active center, and of hydrogen peroxide molecule in the peripheral region.  相似文献   

Based on the method of the layer-by-layer (LbL) adsorption of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes, sodium alginate (Alg) and poly-L-lysine (PLL), novel biodegradable microcapsules have been prepared for delivery of biological active substances (BAS). Porous spherical CaCO3 microparticles were used as templates. The template cores were coated with several layers of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes forming shell on the core surface. The core-shell microparticles were converted into hollow microcapsules by means of core dissolution with EDTA. Mild conditions for microcapsules preparation allow to perform incorporation of various biomolecules maintaining their bioactivity. Biocompatibility and biodegradability of the polyelectrolytes give a possibility to use the microcapsules as the target delivery systems. Chymotrypsin entrapped into the microcapsules was used as a model enzyme. The immobilized enzyme retained about 86% of the activity compared to a native chymotrypsin. The resultant microcapsules were stable in acidic medium and could be easily decomposed by trypsin treatment in slightly alkaline medium. Chymotrypsin was shown to be active after its release from the microcapsules decomposed by the trypsin treatment. Thus, the microcapsules prepared by the LbL technique can be used for the development of new type of BAS delivery systems in humans and animals.  相似文献   

Relief of acute pain after surgery or trauma is still inadequate in many centres, most patients being treated with intermittent intramuscular injections of narcotic analgesics. Over the past three years continuous intravenous narcotic infusions have been used at this hospital to treat postoperative pain; recently a system has been devised whereby an hourly dose is given and the dispenser recharged every hour. The method used is cheap and reliable, and signs of overdosage may be easily checked by nursing staff. Side effects rarely occur. Fifty patients who had received intravenous infusions after undergoing major abdominal surgery were sent a questionnaire to assess postoperative pain, and the results were compared with those from 50 matched controls who had received intramuscular injections. Of those who replied, only four patients who had received the infusion had found the pain distressing compared with 13 controls. Continuous narcotic infusions are most effective in relieving postoperative pain and may be given cheaply and reliably.  相似文献   

The kinetics of formation of the intermediate complex between catalase and H2O2 has been reexamined. It has been shown that the kinetics consists of a rapid and of a subsequent slow phase. At the maximum of the transient decrement of the optical absorption, the system was found to be in a terminal state with regard to the rapid phase. On this basis, the formation curve of the intermediate complex was calculated. From the parameters of the curve the maximal saturation of catalase hematins (from horse erythrocytes) by H2O2 is 35%. The absolute spectrum of the intermediate complex was established. The variation of the previously calculated rate constant of formation of the intermediate complex was shown to be due to the inapplicability of the pre-steady-state approximation to the rate data. By applying a more general approach and by the use of a computer, the individual rate constants of the peroxidatic scheme were calculated (relevant to micromolar solutions of catalase) k1 = (3.0 ± 0.2) × 106 M?1 sec?1k4 = (5.6 ± 0.3) × 106 M?1 sec?1 These values are 2.2 times higher in a nanomolar solution.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the sensitized photodegradation of a variety of well-defined lignin model compounds was studied to determine the mechanisms responsible for lignin's photochemically-mediated oxidation. Monomeric and dimeric models representing lignin's phenolic end groups and nonphenolic dimers representing its inner core were studied. It was determined that the rate constants for the reaction of the deprotonated phenolic models with singlet oxygen (1O2) range from 0.96 to 7.2 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1). The models were substituted with zero, one, or two electron-donating methoxy groups on both aryl rings and, while the rate constants showed little dependence on the substitution of the nonphenolic ring, the rate constants increased dramatically with increasing methoxy substitution of the phenol. Reaction between these deprotonated models and 1O2 is thus proposed to occur at the phenolate ring. Under neutral conditions, it was observed that the phenolic models react with excited state sensitizer, with this reaction also occuring at the phenol ring. The sum of the rate constants for quenching of and reaction with excited state sensitizer by lignin model compound ranges from 5.4 to 75 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1). This study corrects previous reports that attribute the sensitized degradation of neutral lignin model compounds to reaction with 1O2. A nonphenolic aromatic ketone inner-core model was observed to undergo direct photolysis, and its reduced analog was not degraded by direct photolysis or reaction with 1O2 or excited state sensitizer. The oxidized inner-core model was also shown to be able to act as a sensitizer for the degradation of a phenolic lignin model compound.  相似文献   

The effects of narcotic analgesics, narcotic-antagonist analgesics and narcotic antagonists on ganglionic transmission in the superior cervical ganglia of the rat were studied invivo and invitro. Invivo administration of morphine, meperidine, methadone, pentazocine or naltrexone blocked ganglionic transmission. Levorphanol, cyclazocine, nalorphine and naloxone had no effect on ganglionic transmission in this procedure. Invitro studies confirmed the invivo results with the exception of levorphanol, cyclazocine and nalorphine, which were also found to block ganglionic transmission invitro. In both preparations, naloxone did not antagonize the effect of morphine, suggesting that the effects of morphine and the other opiates were nonspecific. Similar potency of d- and l-isomers of pentazocine and cyclazocine support this conclusion. The observation that naltrexone blocked ganglionic transmission, but the other pure narcotic antagonist, naloxone, was inactive is somewhat unique to this test procedure and possibly significant.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Centriole duplication is a key step in the cell cycle whose mechanism is completely unknown. Why new centrioles always form next to preexisting ones is a fundamental question. The simplest model is that preexisting centrioles nucleate the assembly of new centrioles, and that although centrioles can in some cases form de novo without this nucleation, the de novo assembly mechanism should be too slow to compete with normal duplication in order to maintain fidelity of centriole duplication. RESULTS: We have measured the rate of de novo centriole assembly in vegetatively dividing cells that normally always contain centrioles. By using mutants of Chlamydomonas that are defective in centriole segregation, we obtained viable centrioleless cells that continue to divide, and find that within a single generation, 50% of these cells reacquire new centrioles by de novo assembly. This suggests that the rate of de novo assembly is approximately half the rate of templated duplication. A mutation in the VFL3 gene causes a complete loss of the templated assembly pathway without eliminating de novo assembly. A mutation in the centrin gene also reduced the rate of templated assembly. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that there are two pathways for centriole assembly, namely a templated pathway that requires preexisting centrioles to nucleate new centriole assembly, and a de novo assembly pathway that is normally turned off when centrioles are present.  相似文献   

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