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Both a complex topography and climate change have huge impacts on the distribution and genetic structure of extant species. Due to the lack of relevant molecular research, little is definitively known about the phylogeography of herbaceous plants in East Asia. Here we investigate the genetic diversity, population structure and historical population dynamics of Iris dichotoma Pallas, a widespread perennial herbaceous species in northeastern and northern China. Twenty-nine populations, totalling 297 individuals, were sampled throughout the Chinese distributional range of I. dichotoma. The combined sequences of six chloroplast DNA fragments (petA-psbE, rps18-clpp, psbJ-petA, trnD-trnT, rps16 and ndhA) were used to identify 13 haplotypes, of which six were private ones restricted in a single population. Genetic differentiation among I. dichotoma populations, enabled us to infer potential refugia during the glacial period in the Yinshan Mountains–Yanshan Mountains, where high levels of haplotype and nucleotide diversity were detected. The results of a neutral test and mismatch distribution analysis both indicated that I. dichotoma underwent a recent population expansion. In East Asia, postglacial environmental and climatic changes appear to have promoted genetic diversification not only in better-studied woody species, but also in herbaceous ones like I. dichotoma. Future studies of more herbaceous plant species are needed to obtain better insight into how modern temperate biodiversity has developed in East Asia.  相似文献   

In a landmark comparative phylogeographic study, “Comparative phylogeography of unglaciated eastern North America,” Soltis et al. (Molecular Ecology, 2006, 15, 4261) identified geographic discontinuities in genetic variation shared across taxa occupying unglaciated eastern North America and proposed several common biogeographical discontinuities related to past climate fluctuations and geographic barriers. Since 2006, researchers have published many phylogeographical studies and achieved many advances in genotyping and analytical techniques; however, it is unknown how this work has changed our understanding of the factors shaping the phylogeography of eastern North American taxa. We analyzed 184 phylogeographical studies of eastern North American taxa published between 2007 and 2019 to evaluate: (1) the taxonomic focus of studies and whether a previously detected taxonomic bias towards studies focused on vertebrates has changed over time, (2) the extent to which studies have adopted genotyping technologies that improve the resolution of genetic groups (i.e., NGS DNA sequencing) and analytical approaches that facilitate hypothesis‐testing (i.e., divergence time estimation and niche modeling), and (3) whether new studies support the hypothesized biogeographic discontinuities proposed by Soltis et al. (Molecular Ecology, 2006, 15, 4261) or instead support new, previously undetected discontinuities. We observed little change in taxonomic focus over time, with studies still biased toward vertebrates. Although many technological and analytical advances became available during the period, uptake was slow and they were employed in only a small proportion of studies. We found variable support for previously identified discontinuities and identified one new recurrent discontinuity. However, the limited resolution and taxonomic breadth of many studies hindered our ability to clarify the most important climatological or geographical factors affecting taxa in the region. Broadening the taxonomic focus to include more non‐vertebrate taxa, employing technologies that improve genetic resolution, and using analytical approaches that improve hypothesis testing are necessary to strengthen our inference of the forces shaping the phylogeography of eastern North America.  相似文献   

Herpetogramma sphingealissp. n., a new species of Crambidae (Lepidoptera), is described from Québec, Canada. The species is included in the genus Herpetogramma Led., 1863, a genus in the subfamily Spilomelinae. Adults and genitalia of this species are described and illustrated, as well as those of Herpetogramma aeglealis (Walker, 1859) and Herpetogramma thestealis (Walker, 1859), and adults of the semi-melanic form of Herpetogramma aeglealis are illustrated.  相似文献   

Aim Historical land use in eastern North America and much of Europe has created a mosaic of successional forest stands of widely varying age. An estimate of the rate of successional community development would allow the conservation value of individual stands to be assessed. We estimate the rate of herb community development in secondary forests in our region, and the extent to which physical gradients determine herb distributions. Location Second‐growth forest in the Appalachian Oak section of the Central Hardwoods Region, southeastern Ohio, USA. Methods Thirty‐five plots were surveyed in old (82–193 years) and young (35–40 years since pasture) deciduous forest stands and pine plantations. In each plot, herb species cover and environmental factors were measured. Results Herb community composition was clearly distinguishable between oak‐dominated upland sites and mixed mesophytic stands in moist ravines. In both community types, young stands were compositionally distinct from old stands. Species lacking obvious seed dispersal mechanisms were disproportionately uncommon in young stands, implying dispersal limitation in the process of recolonization. Among old stands, distributions of many species showed significant regressions on the environmental variables, whereas few showed significance in young stands. Species with weak dispersal tended to be more frequently linked to environmental gradients in old stands than in young stands. Main conclusions Early arriving forest species appear to assort rapidly along physical gradients, defining communities early in the successional trajectory. The re‐assembly of the full forest community continues over a longer period as individual species assort on environmental gradients at rates determined by their dispersal abilities. Thus, long‐established stands show more spatial variation than successional stands, and offer greater opportunities for conservation of the forest community.  相似文献   

This study uses a combined methodological approach including phylogenetic, phylogeographic, and demographic analyses to understand the evolutionary history of the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens. We tested hypotheses concerning how (or if) known geological events and key features of the species biology influenced the contemporary geographic and genetic distribution of R. pipiens. We assayed mitochondrial DNA variation from 389 individuals within 35 populations located throughout the species range. Our a priori expectations for patterns and processes influencing the current genetic structure of R. pipiens were supported by the data. However, our analyses revealed specific aspects of R. pipiens evolutionary history that were unexpected. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that R. pipiens is split into populations containing discrete eastern or western haplotypes, with the Mississippi River and Great Lakes region dividing the geographic ranges. Nested clade analysis indicated that the biological process most often invoked to explain the pattern of haplotype position is restricted gene flow with isolation by distance. Demographic analyses showed evidence of both historical bottlenecks and population expansions. Surprisingly, the genetic evidence indicated that the western haplotypes had significantly reduced levels of genetic diversity relative to the eastern haplotypes and that major range expansions occurred in both regions well before the most recent glacial retreat. This study provides a detailed history of how a widespread terrestrial vertebrate responded to episodic Pleistocene glacial events in North America. Moreover, this study illustrates how complementary methods of data analysis can be used to disentangle recent and ancient effects on the genetic structure of a species.  相似文献   

The Emsian? through early Eifelian Onondaga Limestone of the Appalachian Basin was deposited in a topographic basin and on the carbonate platform which surrounded the basin on the west, north, and northeast. Onondaga strata thin from the platform into the basin. Two sedimentary cycles are present in the sub-Tioga Onondaga of eastern North America. The Edgecliff-Amherstburg represents an interval of transgression, in which epeiric seas spread over much of eastern North America. During the Nedrow-Lucas regression, the interior of the carbonate platform became restricted, resulting in the deposition of evaporites. The Moorehouse-Anderdon transgression continued through the deposition of the Tioga Bentonite, followed by the pre-Speeds-Dundee regression from the craton. Early Eifelian Appalachian Basin Onondaga brachiopod communities, arranged from nearshore to offshore, include the Atrypid-Megakozlowskiella, Atrypid-Levenea, Chonetid, Atlanticocoelia, Ambocoeliid, and Truncalosia Communities. The Onondaga-age Eastern Americas Realm is divided into the Appohimchi Province in the Appalachian Basin and the Michigan Basin-Hudson Bay Lowland Province in the Midwest. The provincial assignment of the James Bay region of Ontario is uncertain; the Eastern Townships of Quebec are near the boundaries both of the two provinces of the Eastern Americas Realm, and of the Eastern Americas Realm and the Old World Realm, the latter realm being probably in the Canadian Maritime Provinces.  相似文献   

This review shows a close biogeographic connection between eastern Asia and western North America from the late Cretaceous to the late Neogene in major lineages of vascular plants (flowering plants, gymnosperms, ferns and lycophytes). Of the eastern Asian–North American disjuncts, conifers exhibit a high proportion of disjuncts between eastern Asia and western North America. Several lineages of ferns also show a recent disjunct pattern in the two areas. In flowering plants, the pattern is commonly shown in temperate elements between northeastern Asia and northwestern North America, as well as elements of the relict boreotropical and Neogene mesophytic and coniferous floras. The many cases of intercontinental biogeographic disjunctions between eastern Asia and western North America in plants supported by recent phylogenetic analyses highlight the importance of the Bering land bridge and/or the plant migrations across the Beringian region from the late Cretaceous to the late Neogene, especially during the Miocene. The Beringian region has permitted the filtering and migration of certain plant taxa since the Pliocene after the opening of the Bering Strait, as many conspecific taxa or closely related species occur on both sides of Beringia.  相似文献   

Aim We analysed variation in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and silver maple (Acer saccharinum L.) across a large part of their geographic ranges. Acer rubrum is one of the most common and morphologically variable deciduous trees of eastern North America, while its sister species A. saccharinum has a more restricted habitat distribution and displays markedly less morphological variation. Our objective was to infer the impact of biogeographic history on cpDNA diversity and phylogeographic structure in both species. Location Deciduous forests of eastern North America. Methods We sequenced 1289 to 1645 bp of non‐coding cpDNA from A. rubrum (n = 258) and A. saccharinum (n = 83). Maximum parsimony networks and spatial analysis of molecular variance (SAMOVA) were used to analyse phylogeographic structure. Rarefaction analyses were used to compare genetic diversity. Results A total of 40 cpDNA haplotypes were recovered from A. rubrum (38 haplotypes) and A. saccharinum (7 haplotypes). Five of the seven A. saccharinum haplotypes were shared with nearby samples of A. rubrum. SAMOVA recovered four phylogeographic groups for A. rubrum in: (1) south‐eastern USA, (2) the Gulf and south‐eastern Coastal Plain, (3) the lower Mississippi River Valley, and (4) the central and northern regions of eastern North America. Acer saccharinum had significantly lower haplotype diversity than A. rubrum, and novel haplotypes in post‐glaciated northern limits of its range were shared with A. rubrum. Main conclusions This is the first study of A. rubrum to report a distinct phylogeographic group centred on the lower Mississippi River, and the first to examine data comparatively with A. saccharinum. We hypothesized that A. rubrum would display stronger phylogeographic structure and greater haplotype diversity than A. saccharinum because of its greater geographic range, and ecological and morphological variation. This hypothesis was supported by the cpDNA analysis. The sharing of cpDNA and chloroplast simple sequence repeat (cpSSR) haplotypes in areas of geographic overlap provides evidence of introgression, which led to an increase in haplotype diversity in both species, and to novel phylogeographic structure in A. rubrum. We recommend that introgression be considered, along with other potential causes, as an explanation for the phylogeographic structure of cpDNA in plants.  相似文献   

Diet specialization may affect the population genetic structure of pollinators by reducing gene flow and driving genetic differentiation, especially in pollen‐specialist bees. Colletes gigas is a pollen‐specialist pollinator of Camellia oleifera, one of the most important staple oil crops in China. Ca. oleifera blooms in cold climates and contains special compounds that make it an unusable pollen source to other pollinators. Thus, C. gigas undoubtedly plays a key role as the main pollinator of Ca. oleifera, with biological and economic significance. Here, we use a population genomic approach to analyze the roles of geography and climate on the genetic structure, genetic diversity, and demographic history of C. gigas. A total of 1,035,407 SNPs were identified from a 582.77 Gb dataset. Clustering and phylogenetic analyses revealed a marked genetic structure, with individuals grouped into nine local clusters. A significant isolation by distance was detected by both the Mantel test (R = .866, p = .008) and linear regression (R 2 = .616, p < .001). Precipitation and sunshine duration were positively and significantly (R ≥ .765, p ≤ .016) correlated with observed heterozygosity (H o) and expected heterozygosity (H e). These results showed that C. gigas populations had a distinct phylogeographic pattern determined by geographical distance and environmental factors (precipitation and sunshine duration). In addition, an analysis of paleogeographic dynamics indicated that C. gigas populations exhibited patterns of glacial expansion and interglacial contraction, likely resulting from post‐glacial habitat contraction and fragmentation. Our results indicated that the peculiar phylogeographic patterns in C. gigas populations may be related to their specialization under long‐term adaptation to host plants. This work improves our understanding of the population genetics in pollen‐specialist bees. The distinct genetic clusters identified in this study should be taken into consideration for the protection and utilization of this specialized crop pollinator.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Paratropis is described from North America: Paratropis tuxtlensissp. n., from a tropical rainforest in Veracruz, Mexico. This is the fifth Paratropis and the tenth paratropidid species described and the first North American record of this Neotropical family. The species is described based on adult males and females, and juveniles. The juveniles show ontogenetic variation in the number of cuspules on the labium and endites, and in the number and position of leg trichobothria. This is the second Paratropis species, and the third paratropidid known from both sexes. The scanning electron photographs (SEM) reveal new morphological data and contribute to the knowledge of the family.  相似文献   

Messer PW 《ZooKeys》2011,(147):419-424
The Mexican carabid species Pseudaptinus (Thalpius) nobilis Liebke is documented from the United States for the first time based on two specimens captured in southeastern Texas. A new taxonomic key distinguishes the 10 members of subgenus Thalpius known in North America, including Mexico. Pseudaptinus (Thalpius) dorsalis, which is found to be highly variable in its dorsal coloration, is compared to similar Pseudaptinus (Thalpius) hoegei. Geographic ranges are extended for several species.  相似文献   

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