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Although a large number of methods exist to control the dynamics of populations to a desired state, few of them have been empirically validated. This limits the scope of using these methods in real-life scenarios. To address this issue, we tested the efficacy of two well-known control methods in enhancing different kinds of stability in highly fluctuating, extinction-prone populations of Drosophila melanogaster. The upper limiter control (ULC) method was able to reduce the fluctuations in population sizes as well as the extinction probability of the populations. On the negative side, it had no effect on the effective population size and required a large amount of effort. On the other hand, lower limiter control (LLC) enhanced effective population size and reduced extinction probability at a relatively low amount of effort. However, its effects on population fluctuations were equivocal. We examined the population size distributions, with and without the control methods, to derive biologically intuitive explanations for how these control methods work. We also show that biologically realistic simulations, using a very general population dynamics model, are able to capture most of the trends of our data. This suggests that our results are likely to be generalizable to a wide range of scenarios.  相似文献   

A comparatively recent focus in consumer–resource theory has been the examination of whether adaptive foraging by consumers, manifested through the functional response, can stabilize consumer–resource dynamics. We offer a brief synthesis of progress on this body of theory and identify the conditions likely to lead to stability. We also fill a gap in our understanding by analysing the potential for adaptively foraging herbivores, which are constrained by time available to feed and digestive capacity, to stabilize dynamics in a single-herbivore/two-plant resource system. Because foraging parameters of the adaptive functional response scale allometrically with herbivore body size, we parameterized our model system using published foraging data for an insect, a small mammal and a large mammal spanning four orders of magnitude in body size, and examined numerically the potential for herbivores to stabilize the consumer–resource interactions. We found in general that the herbivore–plant equilibrium will be unstable for all biologically realistic herbivore population densities. The instability arose for two reasons. First, each herbivore exhibited destabilizing adaptive consumer functional responses (i.e. density-independent or inversely density-dependent) whenever they selected a mixed diet. Secondly, the numerical response of herbivores, based on our assumption of density-independent herbivore population growth, results in herbivores reaching densities that enable them to exploit their resource populations to extinction. Our results and those of studies we reviewed indicate that, in general, adaptive consumers are unlikely to stabilize the dynamics of consumer–resource systems solely through the functional response. The implications of this for future work on consumer–resource theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Stabilizing the dynamics of complex, non-linear systems is a major concern across several scientific disciplines including ecology and conservation biology. Unfortunately, most methods proposed to reduce the fluctuations in chaotic systems are not applicable to real, biological populations. This is because such methods typically require detailed knowledge of system specific parameters and the ability to manipulate them in real time; conditions often not met by most real populations. Moreover, real populations are often noisy and extinction-prone, which can sometimes render such methods ineffective. Here, we investigate a control strategy, which works by perturbing the population size, and is robust to reasonable amounts of noise and extinction probability. This strategy, called the Adaptive Limiter Control (ALC), has been previously shown to increase constancy and persistence of laboratory populations and metapopulations of Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we present a detailed numerical investigation of the effects of ALC on the fluctuations and persistence of metapopulations. We show that at high migration rates, application of ALC does not require a priori information about the population growth rates. We also show that ALC can stabilize metapopulations even when applied to as low as one-tenth of the total number of subpopulations. Moreover, ALC is effective even when the subpopulations have high extinction rates: conditions under which another control algorithm had previously failed to attain stability. Importantly, ALC not only reduces the fluctuation in metapopulation sizes, but also the global extinction probability. Finally, the method is robust to moderate levels of noise in the dynamics and the carrying capacity of the environment. These results, coupled with our earlier empirical findings, establish ALC to be a strong candidate for stabilizing real biological metapopulations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a reduced-order model of longitudinal hovering flight dynamics for dipteran insects. The quasi-steady wing aerodynamics model is extended by including perturbation states from equilibrium and paired with rigid body equations of motion to create a nonlinear simulation of a Drosophila-like insect. Frequency-based system identification tools are used to identify the transfer functions from biologically inspired control inputs to rigid body states. Stability derivatives and a state space linear system describing the dynamics are also identified. The vehicle control requirements are quantified with respect to traditional human pilot handling qualities specification. The heave dynamics are found to be decoupled from the pitch/fore/aft dynamics. The haltere-on system revealed a stabilized system with a slow (heave) and fast subsidence mode, and a stable oscillatory mode. The haltere-off (bare airframe) system revealed a slow (heave) and fast subsidence mode and an unstable oscillatory mode, a modal structure in agreement with CFD studies. The analysis indicates that passive aerodynamic mechanisms contribute to stability, which may help explain how insects are able to achieve stable locomotion on a very small computational budget.  相似文献   

Recently there have been significant advances in research on genetic strategies to control populations of disease-vectoring insects. Some of these strategies use the gene drive properties of selfish genetic elements to spread physically linked anti-pathogen genes into local vector populations. Because of the potential of these selfish elements to spread through populations, control approaches based on these strategies must be carefully evaluated to ensure a balance between the desirable spread of the refractoriness-conferring genetic cargo and the avoidance of potentially unwanted outcomes such as spread to non-target populations. There is also a need to develop better estimates of the economics of such releases. We present here an evaluation of two such strategies using a biologically realistic mathematical model that simulates the resident Aedes aegypti mosquito population of Iquitos, Peru. One strategy uses the selfish element Medea, a non-limited element that could permanently spread over a large geographic area; the other strategy relies on Killer-Rescue genetic constructs, and has been predicted to have limited spatial and temporal spread. We simulate various operational approaches for deploying these genetic strategies, and quantify the optimal number of released transgenic mosquitoes needed to achieve definitive spread of Medea-linked genes and/or high frequencies of Killer-Rescue-associated elements. We show that for both strategies the most efficient approach for achieving spread of anti-pathogen genes within three years is generally to release adults of both sexes in multiple releases over time. Even though females in these releases should not transmit disease, there could be public concern over such releases, making the less efficient male-only release more practical. This study provides guidelines for operational approaches to population replacement genetic strategies, as well as illustrates the use of detailed spatial models to assist in safe and efficient implementation of such novel genetic strategies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach to designing decentralized robot control policies that mimic certain microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of ants performing collective transport tasks. In prior work, we used a stochastic hybrid system model to characterize the observed team dynamics of ant group retrieval of a rigid load. We have also used macroscopic population dynamic models to design enzyme-inspired stochastic control policies that allocate a robotic swarm around multiple boundaries in a way that is robust to environmental variations. Here, we build on this prior work to synthesize stochastic robot attachment–detachment policies for tasks in which a robotic swarm must achieve non-uniform spatial distributions around multiple loads and transport them at a constant velocity. Three methods are presented for designing robot control policies that replicate the steady-state distributions, transient dynamics, and fluxes between states that we have observed in ant populations during group retrieval. The equilibrium population matching method can be used to achieve a desired transport team composition as quickly as possible; the transient matching method can control the transient population dynamics of the team while driving it to the desired composition; and the rate matching method regulates the rates at which robots join and leave a load during transport. We validate our model predictions in an agent-based simulation, verify that each controller design method produces successful transport of a load at a regulated velocity, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each method.  相似文献   

Establishing new populations is essential for preventing the extinction of critically endangered plant species. However, defining the range of environmental conditions suitable for the most severely endangered species is challenging, since few wild populations remain for study. Experimental reintroductions of these species can achieve multiple conservation goals by improving our understanding of habitat and management requirements while simultaneously establishing new populations. We demonstrate this with Arenaria paludicola, a critically endangered wetland plant species now known from a single wild population in coastal California. Before transplanting, we tested salinity tolerance in the greenhouse, and found tolerance of a broader range of soils than expected based on the current distribution. We then transplanted A. paludicola in three different habitat types, with and without neighbor removal. Success of A. paludicola transplants differed dramatically between the three habitat types, indicating the importance of variation at the habitat and microhabitat level. The best practices for transplant management are context-dependent: neighbor removal may promote the growth of A. paludicola, but neighbors may also facilitate transplant establishment in unstable substrates. After one year, A. paludicola continued to thrive in habitats dominated by Oenanthe sarmentosa with open canopies and moist soil. This habitat differs from that of the remaining wild population. Our discovery of an additional habitat type suitable for A. paludicola will allow more effective selection of future transplant sites.  相似文献   

Dynamics on networks is considered from the perspective of Markov stochastic processes. We partially describe the state of the system through network motifs and infer any missing data using the available information. This versatile approach is especially well adapted for modelling spreading processes and/or population dynamics. In particular, the generality of our framework and the fact that its assumptions are explicitly stated suggests that it could be used as a common ground for comparing existing epidemics models too complex for direct comparison, such as agent-based computer simulations. We provide many examples for the special cases of susceptible-infectious-susceptible and susceptible-infectious-removed dynamics (e.g., epidemics propagation) and we observe multiple situations where accurate results may be obtained at low computational cost. Our perspective reveals a subtle balance between the complex requirements of a realistic model and its basic assumptions.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the dynamics of populations is complicated by the different types of stochasticity experienced by populations, in particular if some forms of stochasticity introduce bias in parameter estimation in addition to error. Identification of systematic biases is critical when determining whether the intrinsic dynamics of populations are stable or unstable and whether or not populations exhibit an Allee effect, i.e., a minimum size below which deterministic extinction should follow. Using a simulation model that allows for Allee effects and a range of intrinsic dynamics, we investigated how three types of stochasticity—demographic, environmental, and random catastrophes— affect our ability to reconstruct the intrinsic dynamics of populations. Demographic stochasticity aside, which is only problematic in small populations, we find that environmental stochasticity—positive and negative environmental fluctuations—caused increased error in parameter estimation, but bias was rarely problematic, except at the highest levels of noise. Random catastrophes, events causing large-scale mortality and likely to be more common than usually recognized, caused immediate bias in parameter estimates, in particular when Allee effects were large. In the latter case, population stability was predicted when endogenous dynamics were actually unstable and the minimum viable population size was overestimated in populations with small or non-existent Allee effects. Catastrophes also generally increased extinction risk, in particular when endogenous Allee effects were large. We propose a method for identifying data points likely resulting from catastrophic events when such events have not been recorded. Using social spider colonies (Anelosimus spp.) as models for populations, we show that after known or suspected catastrophes are accounted for, reconstructed growth parameters are consistent with intrinsic dynamical instability and substantial Allee effects. Our results are applicable to metapopulation or time series data and are relevant for predicting extinction in conservation applications or the management of invasive species.  相似文献   

Simulating realistic musculoskeletal dynamics is critical to understanding neural control of muscle activity evoked in sensorimotor feedback responses that have inherent neural transmission delays. Thus, the initial mechanical response of muscles to perturbations in the absence of any change in muscle activity determines which corrective neural responses are required to stabilize body posture. Muscle short-range stiffness, a history-dependent property of muscle that causes a rapid and transient rise in muscle force upon stretch, likely affects musculoskeletal dynamics in the initial mechanical response to perturbations. Here we identified the contributions of short-range stiffness to joint torques and angles in the initial mechanical response to support surface translations using dynamic simulation. We developed a dynamic model of muscle short-range stiffness to augment a Hill-type muscle model. Our simulations show that short-range stiffness can provide stability against external perturbations during the neuromechanical response delay. Assuming constant muscle activation during the initial mechanical response, including muscle short-range stiffness was necessary to account for the rapid rise in experimental sagittal plane knee and hip joint torques that occurs simultaneously with very small changes in joint angles and reduced root mean square errors between simulated and experimental torques by 56% and 47%, respectively. Moreover, forward simulations lacking short-range stiffness produced unreasonably large joint angle changes during the initial response. Using muscle models accounting for short-range stiffness along with other aspects of history-dependent muscle dynamics may be important to advance our ability to simulate inherently unstable human movements based on principles of neural control and biomechanics.  相似文献   

Despite extensive research into the mechanisms underlying population cyclicity, we have little understanding of the impacts of numerical fluctuations on the genetic variation of cycling populations. Thus, the potential implications of natural and anthropogenically‐driven variation in population cycle dynamics on the diversity and evolutionary potential of cyclic populations is unclear. Here, we use Canada lynx Lynx canadensis matrix population models, set up in a linear stepping‐stone, to generate demographic replicates of biologically realistic cycling populations. Overall, increasing cycle amplitude predictably reduced genetic diversity and increased genetic differentiation, with cyclic effects increased by population synchrony. Modest dispersal rates (1–3% of the population) between high and low amplitude cyclic populations did not diminish these effects suggesting that spatial variation in cyclic amplitude should be reflected in patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation at these rates. At high dispersal rates (6%) groups containing only high amplitude cyclic populations had higher diversity and lower differentiation than those mixed with low amplitude cyclic populations. Negative density‐dependent dispersal did not impact genetic diversity, but did homogenize populations by reducing differentiation and patterns of isolation by distance. Surprisingly, temporal changes in diversity and differentiation throughout a cycle were not always consistent with population size. In particular, negative density‐dependent dispersal simultaneously decreased differences in genetic diversity while increasing differences in genetic differentiation between numerical peaks and nadirs. Combined, our findings suggest demographic changes at fine temporal scales can impact genetic variation of interacting populations and provide testable predictions relating population cyclicty to genetic variation. Further, our results suggest that including realistic demographic and dispersal parameters in population genetic models and using information from temporal changes in genetic variation could help to discern complex demographic scenarios and illuminate population dynamics at fine temporal scales.  相似文献   

Coalescent theory is routinely used to estimate past population dynamics and demographic parameters from genealogies. While early work in coalescent theory only considered simple demographic models, advances in theory have allowed for increasingly complex demographic scenarios to be considered. The success of this approach has lead to coalescent-based inference methods being applied to populations with rapidly changing population dynamics, including pathogens like RNA viruses. However, fitting epidemiological models to genealogies via coalescent models remains a challenging task, because pathogen populations often exhibit complex, nonlinear dynamics and are structured by multiple factors. Moreover, it often becomes necessary to consider stochastic variation in population dynamics when fitting such complex models to real data. Using recently developed structured coalescent models that accommodate complex population dynamics and population structure, we develop a statistical framework for fitting stochastic epidemiological models to genealogies. By combining particle filtering methods with Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, we are able to fit a wide class of stochastic, nonlinear epidemiological models with different forms of population structure to genealogies. We demonstrate our framework using two structured epidemiological models: a model with disease progression between multiple stages of infection and a two-population model reflecting spatial structure. We apply the multi-stage model to HIV genealogies and show that the proposed method can be used to estimate the stage-specific transmission rates and prevalence of HIV. Finally, using the two-population model we explore how much information about population structure is contained in genealogies and what sample sizes are necessary to reliably infer parameters like migration rates.  相似文献   

We formulate and study continuous-time models, based on systems of ordinary differential equations, for interacting wild and transgenic mosquito populations. We assume that the mosquito mating rate is either constant, proportional to total mosquito population size, or has a Holling-II-type functional form. The focus is on the model with the Holling-II-type functional mating rate that incorporates Allee effects, in order to account for mating difficulty when the size of the total mosquito populations is small. We investigate the existence and stability of both boundary and positive equilibria. We show that the Holling-II-type model is the more realistic and, by means of numerical simulations, that it exhibits richer dynamics.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a methodology to evaluate the binding free energy of a miRNA:mRNA complex through molecular dynamics (MD)–thermodynamic integration (TI) simulations. We applied our method to the Caenorhabditis elegans let-7 miRNA:lin-41 mRNA complex—a validated miRNA:mRNA interaction—in order to estimate the energetic stability of the structure. To make the miRNA:mRNA simulation possible and realistic, the methodology introduces specific solutions to overcome some of the general challenges of nucleic acid simulations and binding free energy computations that have been discussed widely in many previous research reports. The main features of the proposed methodology are: (1) positioning of the restraints imposed on the simulations in order to guarantee complex stability; (2) optimal sampling of the phase space to achieve satisfactory accuracy in the binding energy value; (3) determination of a suitable trade-off between computational costs and accuracy of binding free energy computation by the assessment of the scalability characteristics of the parallel simulations required for the TI. The experiments carried out demonstrate that MD simulations are a viable strategy for the study of miRNA binding characteristics, opening the way to the development of new computational target prediction methods based on three-dimensional structure information.  相似文献   

Cholera is a water and food borne infectious disease caused by the gram-negative bacterium, Vibrio cholerae. Its dynamics are highly complex owing to the coupling among multiple transmission pathways and different factors in pathogen ecology. Although various mathematical models and clinical studies published in recent years have made important contribution to cholera epidemiology, our knowledge of the disease mechanism remains incomplete at present, largely due to the limited understanding of the dynamics of cholera. In this paper, we conduct global stability analysis for several deterministic cholera epidemic models. These models, incorporating both human population and pathogen V. cholerae concentration, constitute four-dimensional non-linear autonomous systems where the classical Poincaré-Bendixson theory is not applicable. We employ three different techniques, including the monotone dynamical systems, the geometric approach, and Lyapunov functions, to investigate the endemic global stability for several biologically important cases. The analysis and results presented in this paper make building blocks towards a comprehensive study and deeper understanding of the fundamental mechanism in cholera dynamics.  相似文献   

We formulate and study continuous-time models, based on systems of ordinary differential equations, for interacting wild and transgenic mosquito populations. We assume that the mosquito mating rate is either constant, proportional to total mosquito population size, or has a Holling-II-type functional form. The focus is on the model with the Holling-II-type functional mating rate that incorporates Allee effects, in order to account for mating difficulty when the size of the total mosquito populations is small. We investigate the existence and stability of both boundary and positive equilibria. We show that the Holling-II-type model is the more realistic and, by means of numerical simulations, that it exhibits richer dynamics.  相似文献   

Plague remains endemic in many countries in the world and Madagascar is currently the country where the highest number of human plague cases is reported every year. The investigation of causal factors, which command the disease dynamics in rodent populations, is a crucial step to forecast, control and anticipate the infection extension to humans. This paper presents simulation results obtained from an epidemic model, SIMPEST, designed to simulate bubonic plague in a rodent population at a high level of spatial and temporal resolution. We developed a structurally realistic individual-based model, mobilizing knowledge about fleas and rats behaviour, inter-individual plague transmission, and disease evolution in individual organisms, so that the model reflects the way the real system operates and to generate spatial and temporal patterns of disease spread. To assess the structural validity of our simulations, we perform sensitivity analyses on the initial population size and spatial distribution, and compare our results with theoretical statements, garnered from both previous modelling experiences and repeated field observations. We show our results are consistent with referents about population size conditions for a disease to invade and persist and the effect of the contact network on disease dynamics.  相似文献   

In this research article, an epidemiological model is formulated for mosaic disease considering plant and vector populations. Plant host population has been divided into three compartments namely healthy, latently infected and infected ones, and vector population is divided into two compartments: non-infective and infective vectors. The system possesses three equilibria: plant-only, disease-free and endemic equilibrium. Plant-only equilibrium is always unstable; disease-free equilibrium is stable when the basic reproduction number, R0, is less than unity and unstable for when it crosses unity, and ensure existence of an endemic equilibrium which may be stable or can undergo a Hopf bifurcation. Finally, impulse periodic roguing with varied rate and time interval is adopted for cost effective and eco-friendly disease control and future direction of agriculture management. The dynamics of the impulsive system has also been analysed. Detailed numerical simulations are employed to support the analytical results. We found that roguing is most cost effective and useful management for mosaic disease eradication of plants if applied at proper rate and interval.  相似文献   

The use of non-invasive genetic sampling to estimate population size in elusive or rare species is increasing. The data generated from this sampling differ from traditional mark-recapture data in that individuals may be captured multiple times within a session or there may only be a single sampling event. To accommodate this type of data, we develop a method, named capwire, based on a simple urn model containing individuals of two capture probabilities. The method is evaluated using simulations of an urn and of a more biologically realistic system where individuals occupy space, and display heterogeneous movement and DNA deposition patterns. We also analyse a small number of real data sets. The results indicate that when the data contain capture heterogeneity the method provides estimates with small bias and good coverage, along with high accuracy and precision. Performance is not as consistent when capture rates are homogeneous and when dealing with populations substantially larger than 100. For the few real data sets where N is approximately known, capwire's estimates are very good. We compare capwire's performance to commonly used rarefaction methods and to two heterogeneity estimators in program capture: Mh-Chao and Mh-jackknife. No method works best in all situations. While less precise, the Chao estimator is very robust. We also examine how large samples should be to achieve a given level of accuracy using capwire. We conclude that capwire provides an improved way to estimate N for some DNA-based data sets.  相似文献   



Cell lines are often regarded as clonal, even though this simplifies what is known about mutagenesis, transformation and other processes that destabilize them over time. Monitoring these clonal dynamics is important for multiple areas of biomedical research, including stem cell and cancer biology. Tracking the contributions of individual cells to large populations, however, has been constrained by limitations in sensitivity and complexity.


We utilize cellular barcoding methods to simultaneously track the clonal contributions of tens of thousands of cells. We demonstrate that even with optimal culturing conditions, common cell lines including HeLa, K562 and HEK-293 T exhibit ongoing clonal dynamics. Starting a population with a single clone diminishes but does not eradicate this phenomenon. Next, we compare lentiviral and zinc-finger nuclease barcode insertion approaches, finding that the zinc-finger nuclease protocol surprisingly results in reduced clonal diversity. We also document the expected reduction in clonal complexity when cells are challenged with genotoxic stress. Finally, we demonstrate that xenografts maintain clonal diversity to a greater extent than in vitro culturing of the human non-small-cell lung cancer cell line HCC827.


We demonstrate the feasibility of tracking and quantifying the clonal dynamics of entire cell populations within multiple cultured cell lines. Our results suggest that cell heterogeneity should be considered in the design and interpretation of in vitro culture experiments. Aside from clonal cell lines, we propose that cellular barcoding could prove valuable in modeling the clonal behavior of heterogeneous cell populations over time, including tumor populations treated with chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

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