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One of the central justifications for the conservation of biodiversity is the notion that species diversity is essential for the maintenance of ecosystem services. However, an important observation overlooked by proponents of this argument is that most ecosystem services are provided not by whole ecosystems, but by any group of species that fulfils certain basic functional criteria. Distinguishing between services that are resilient in response to species decline, and those that are not, is a far less challenging task than identifying the precise influence on ecosystem functioning of rare species. Conservationists have been almost unanimous in their failure to acknowledge this distinction between resilient and sensitive ecosystem services. Not only does this threaten the credibility of conservation science, but also increases the likelihood that natural area management becomes hijacked by the demand that ecosystem service provision be made the dominant management criteria.  相似文献   

生物多样性和生态系统服务的保护与可持续管理是当今世界面临的重大挑战之一,但如何判识与优化集成生态系统服务与生物多样性保护对象的保护优先区网络,相关研究还很有限。针对“三江并流”区,选取珍稀濒危与特有动植物物种和自然植被类型作为生物多样性保护对象,以调节服务(碳存储、固碳和土壤保持)、文化服务(自然游憩)和供给服务(水源供给)为生态系统服务保护对象。应用系统保护规划方法,首先判识出单一生物多样性和生态系统服务保护优先区;然后,分析这些保护优先区间的相关关系,并选择与生物多样性正相关的生态系统服务类型,判识集成生态系统服务与生物多样性的保护优先区;最后,评估了集成生态系统服务与生物多样性保护优先区在六类已建保护地中的保护状况。结果表明:(1)“三江并流”区多情景规划得到的生物多样性与生态系统服务保护优先区之间均呈正相关关系;(2)与分别针对生态系统服务和生物多样性的规划情景相比,集成生态系统服务与生物多样性保护优先区能够同时对两类保护对象提供最高的保护覆盖率;(3)集成生态系统服务和生物多样性保护优先区占研究区总面积的48.9%,其已建保护地覆盖率为32.5%,说明现有保护地体系仍存在保护...  相似文献   

The assessment of the value of ecosystem services is a valuable tool for biodiversity conservation that can facilitate better environmental policy decision-making and land management, and can help land managers develop interventions to compensate for biodiversity loss at the patch level. Previous studies have suggested that it is appropriate to assess the value of biodiversity for conservation planning by considering both the condition of the landscape and the spatial configuration of adjacent land uses that can be reflected as a proximity effect. This research examines the influence of spatial proximity on biodiversity conservation from the ecosystem service perspective based on the assumption that the variation in the proximity effect caused by land cover change has positive or negative impacts on ecological services. Three factors related to the spatial characteristics of the landscape were considered in this approach: the relative artificiality of the land cover types, the distance decay effect of patches and the impact of one land cover type on others. The proximity effect change (PEC) parameter reflected the relationship between the spatial proximity effect and biodiversity conservation. The results of a quantitative and spatial comparative analysis of the proposed method and the conventional method in Yingkou for the periods of 2000–2005 and 2005–2010 showed that the former can account for the temporal and spatial changes in ecosystem services for biodiversity conservation that were caused by patch-level changes as well as the interaction between the altered and adjacent patches from a spatial perspective. The metric can also identify the most critical areas for biodiversity protection and inform the efficient allocation of limited land resources for nature conservation to maximize the benefit to biodiversity by guiding the process of land-use change, particularly urbanization and agriculture. Future studies should focus on the other important factors that are applicable to the assessment of the value of biodiversity conservation in socio-ecological systems, where society and nature are mutually capable of fulfilling their roles.  相似文献   

Trends and status of species and habitats need to be measured to assess whether global biodiversity policy targets have been achieved. However, it is impossible to monitor all species and habitats with a justifiable effort. Therefore, it is critical to prioritize the monitoring of specific biodiversity components. Priorities must be linked to key nature conservation policies to ensure that monitoring efforts are relevant to policy needs, achieve maximum impact, and obtain governmental support. Here we discuss priority setting in biodiversity monitoring in view of monitoring obligations and priorities in supranational biodiversity legislation and policies in Europe and assess overlaps in priorities among policies. While most supranational biodiversity regulations require monitoring of biodiversity, obligations are legally enforceable only for the Nature Directives, the Water Framework Directive, and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive of the European Union. Of the assessed international conventions and other relevant policy instruments about 50% explicitly designate priority species and most focus on vertebrates. Lower emphasis is given to habitats and geographical priorities are even less pronounced. Also, an overarching system for monitoring prioritization is still missing. Our prioritization system is based on three main criteria: (1) legal requirement for reporting, (2) wording used to define priority or importance, and (3) inclusion in lists that indicate importance of monitoring due to e.g. threats or relevance of a region for a species. Our system contains five main priority levels, within which an additional division differentiates priorities according to national/European responsibility criteria. Based on this system, we provide recommendations for allocating species and habitats enlisted by the reviewed policy tools to explicit non-overlapping priority levels. Our approach will facilitate synergies between monitoring activities for different policy needs, and contribute to alleviate the notorious resource shortage for biodiversity monitoring.  相似文献   

泡桐属(Paulownia)花粉,均为近球形,具3(拟)孔沟,外壁外层有清楚的异胞网状雕纹,沟界极区明显。这些共同特征,说明泡桐属是一个种间亲缘极近的自然的属;其萌发孔类型,可作为泡桐属归入玄参科的证据之一。通过花粉形态的比较,对兰考泡桐、宜昌泡桐和建始泡桐的分类地位,提出了论证。  相似文献   

Ecosystem services are an important nexus between people and nature. Nevertheless, their inclusion in place-based conservation and management is limited also because they are often intangible. The Ecological Infrastructure (EI) concept is a promising framework to address this, but a clear definition and mapping approach is still missing. We aim to analyse the uses of EI and to distil a definition and recommendations for using EI as a framework for mapping ecosystem services. A semi-systematic review of peer-reviewed and grey literature was conducted to examine: (1) perceptions of what constitutes EI (n = 117), and (2) EI mapping approaches (n = 51). The main interpretations of EI indicated that it should be natural or naturally functioning (56%); deliver multiple services (75%); and benefit humans (64%) and biodiversity (36%). EI was thus defined as ‘natural and naturally functioning ecological systems or networks of ecological systems that deliver multiple services to humans and enable biodiversity persistence’. Studies have used simple proxies, e.g., land cover, to identify EI, sometimes combined with service-specific variables. To evaluate EI performance (26% of studies), modelling all three ecosystem service aspects (capacity, flow, and demand) was considered appropriate. EI prioritisation (50% of studies) as part of a systematic spatial prioritisation process was recommended. Sixteen recommendations for mapping EI for inclusion in place-based conservation and management were developed. We illustrate how EI can be used to integrate ecosystem services into conservation and management in three real-world applications. The EI-based framework is a promising approach and supports the new ‘people and nature’ era in conservation.  相似文献   

We evaluate the empirical and theoretical support for the hypothesis that a large proportion of native species richness is required to maximize ecosystem stability and sustain function. This assessment is important for conservation strategies because sustenance of ecosystem functions has been used as an argument for the conservation of species. If ecosystem functions are sustained at relatively low species richness, then arguing for the conservation of ecosystem function, no matter how important in its own right, does not strongly argue for the conservation of species. Additionally, for this to be a strong conservation argument the link between species diversity and ecosystem functions of value to the human community must be clear. We review the empirical literature to quantify the support for two hypotheses: (1) species richness is positively correlated with ecosystem function, and (2) ecosystem functions do not saturate at low species richness relative to the observed or experimental diversity. Few empirical studies demonstrate improved function at high levels of species richness. Second, we analyze recent theoretical models in order to estimate the level of species richness required to maintain ecosystem function. Again we find that, within a single trophic level, most mathematical models predict saturation of ecosystem function at a low proportion of local species richness. We also analyze a theoretical model linking species number to ecosystem stability. This model predicts that species richness beyond the first few species does not typically increase ecosystem stability. One reason that high species richness may not contribute significantly to function or stability is that most communities are characterized by strong dominance such that a few species provide the vast majority of the community biomass. Rapid turnover of species may rescue the concept that diversity leads to maximum function and stability. The role of turnover in ecosystem function and stability has not been investigated. Despite the recent rush to embrace the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem function, we find little support for the hypothesis that there is a strong dependence of ecosystem function on the full complement of diversity within sites. Given this observation, the conservation community should take a cautious view of endorsing this linkage as a model to promote conservation goals. Received: 2 September 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

申宇  程浩  刘国华  邓红兵  苏旭坤 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4507-4516
协同生物多样性保护和生态系统服务功能维持对制定系统性保护规划具有重要意义。研究以青藏高原为研究区,应用Maxent模型模拟了重点植物的空间分布,结合世界保护联盟(IUCN)重点动物空间分布数据和生态系统服务空间分布,利用Zonation模型依次识别了基于单一因素的保护优先区以及集成生物多样性和生态系统服务的保护优先区,评估了青藏高原现有自然保护地对保护优先区、重要物种及生态系统服务的保护状况和保护空缺。结果表明:(1)青藏高原保护优先区保护价值呈现由东南向西北递减趋势,优先区主要分布在青藏高原东南缘喜马拉雅山地、雅鲁藏布江中游河谷及横断山区等区域,生物多样性保护优先区和生态系统服务保护优先区分布略有差异,存在43.2%的空间重叠;(2)在重要物种保护上,自然保护地对两栖动物的保护率最高,平均保护了38.2%,哺乳动物次之(24%),爬行动物的保护率较低,仅为10.2%。对生态系统服务功能覆盖率分别是44.1%(防风固沙)、27.1%(水源涵养)、22.3%(土壤保持)、17.1%(碳固定)和16.6%(洪水调蓄);(3)自然保护地对研究识别的保护优先区存在保护空缺,仅覆盖了26.8%的集成保护优先区,Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级优先区保护空缺面积占青藏高原面积的7.2%、6.9%和7.7%。研究结果可为青藏高原以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系优化提供科学依据与理论支撑。  相似文献   

Terrestrial biodiversity is seriously threatened by an increasing deforestation rate. Financial incentives can stimulate local people to participate in biodiversity conservation. A common approach to derive financial compensation is estimating the opportunity costs arising from the adoption of conservation-friendly land-use practices. Assuming that farmers are risk averse, we used a decision-making under uncertainty approach to derive financial compensation for local people living in and around Ba Be National Park, Vietnam. Moderately risk-averse farmers need US$ 228 ha−1 year−1 financial compensation for the protection of natural forests in the Ecological Rehabilitation and Buffer Zones, whereas the required compensation reaches US$ 334 ha−1 year−1 in the Strict Protection Zone. These compensation payments were derived by comparing financial returns from natural forests with those of the most profitable land-use (maize). Compensation amounts decrease to US$ 130 ha−1 year−1 in the Ecological Rehabilitation and Buffer Zones and to US$ 218 ha−1 year−1 in the Strict Protection Zone, when considering diversification strategy. Derived financial compensations assume that farms comprise 20% croplands and 80% forest. We conclude that compensation amounts vary with farmers’ risk preferences, whether or not diversification strategy is considered, and the level of protection of a given area.  相似文献   

云南楚雄彝族的“神树林”与生物多样性保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所述的“神树林”是广泛意义上的概念,包括多种因文化信仰而保护的各种森林块.这些森林块不仅有多种的生态功能,也是村社水平生物多样性相对集中的地方.通过对云南楚雄彝族的“神树林”进行了广泛调查,取样比较了自然保护区、村社集体林和“神树林”3种不同管理模式下的森林群落的植物物种多样性,结果表明“神树林”群落的物种总数(67)、样方特有种(17)、Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数(2.96)都显著高于自然保护区群落(分别为44、8、2.17)和集体林群落(分别为34、4、2.39),表明云南楚雄彝族的“神树林”在当地生物多样性保护和管理中有着不可低估的作用.  相似文献   

研究生物多样性格局与生态系统服务格局之间的空间耦合效应,探讨以生物多样性保育为核心目标的自然保护体系同时能多大程度满足对生态系统服务功能的维护和支撑,已成为自然保护领域新的热点关注问题。目前研究多限于陆域生态系统,其方法难以适用于湿地生态系统。以黄淮海湿地——这一高强度人类活动的区域为研究区,基于湿地生态系统的横向连接度、纵向连接度(2D)以及结合地下水的垂向连接度(3D),对黄淮海地区湿地具有的生态系统服务功能进行了空间评估和分析,识别出具有重要意义的生态系统服务功能区域,结合现有保护区分布情况进行空间分析,评价现有保护区对生态系统服务功能的支持程度,即生物多样性保护与生态系统服务功能重点区域的空间耦合性。研究结果表明:目前湿地保护区并未有效覆盖湿地生态系统关键区域,湿地生态系统服务关键格局也存在大量明显的保护空缺。同时,随着2D到3D延伸,保护区对生态系统服务功能的支持程度也稍有提高,这与系统保护规划中选择不同保护目标后保护规划格局发生变化的情况类似,而生态系统服务功能的"热点地区"(重要区域)与保护生物学中所指的物种保护的热点地区类似,这表明生态系统服务功能的规划和保护也可以借鉴保护生物学中系统保护规划的理论和方法,为后续研究提供参照。  相似文献   

云南楚雄彝族的"神树林"与生物多样性保护   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
所述的“神树林”是广泛意义上的的概念,包括多种因文化信仰面保护的各种森林块,这些森林块不仅有多种的生态功能,也是村社水平生物多样性相对集中的地方,通过对云南楚雄彝族的“神树林”进行了广泛调查,取样比较了自然保护区,村社集体林和“神树林”3种不同管理模式下的森林群落的植物物种多样性,结果表明“神树林”群落的物种总数的植物物种多样性,结果表明“神树林”群落的物种总数(67)、样方特有种(17)、Sha  相似文献   

1. Direct consumption of organic matter by the saprophagous larvae provides the ecosystem with a fundamental service by recycling nutrients and reducing exposure to decomposing matter. The present study aimed to assess the functional role of saprophagous flies in the mass loss of different types of decomposing organic matter. 2. Two types of common urban waste were used to measure the role of flies in reducing organic matter: chicken viscera (chicken) and a mixture of flour and uncooked eggs (flour and eggs), representing leftover food. Ten traps baited with each substrate, under field conditions, allowed fly access (exposed to flies) and three traps from each substrate did not (unexposed controls); adult flies entering the traps or emerging from the substrates and substrate mass loss were recorded. 3. Species from Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae, and Fanniidae families were collected mainly in traps baited with chicken, with Phoridae being the most abundant in traps with flour and eggs as bait. A significantly richer (P < 0.05) assemblage of fly species accessed the traps baited with chicken viscera (21 species) compared with those emerging (11 species), whereas similar numbers of species accessed (n = 5) or emerged (n = 1) from traps baited with flour and eggs (average richness accessing 7.97, emerging 2.83). Chicken substrate mass loss and species richness were positively related (r = 0.56, P = 0.001). In traps where richness was larger than 10 species, the substrates were reduced by more than 85% of their initial weight compared with unexposed controls, which lost 30%. Substrate mass loss significantly increased with the abundance of flies (r = 0.73, P < 0.0001). 4. The results of the present study support the functional role of saprophagous species diversity on the decomposition rates of organic matter, reinforcing the negative consequences of loss or gain of species in modified landscapes and for ecosystem function.  相似文献   

赵阳  李宏涛 《生物多样性》2022,30(11):22177-47
当前各国协调经济与生态的关系呈加速态势, 主要表现在: (1)深化。从“发展优先, 兼顾保护”到二者并重, “在发展中保护, 在保护中发展”, 再到“保护优先”, 越来越强调统筹协同“以保护优化发展, 以发展促进保护”; (2)分化。发展中国家大多依赖财政与金融, 发达国家则将市场作为主要资金渠道, 逐步形成以系统化的法律体系、多元化的激励机制、契约化的公私合作模式和市场化交易为主体的生态产品价值实现体系; (3)多元化。自然价值的多元性决定政府需要综合运用多种举措, 以减少单一政策的局限性; (4)市场化。加强市场解决财政在环保投入不足的主体作用已成为主流。本文为探索我国向“自然受益型”经济转型, 梳理了30多个国家在不同行业实施经济手段的150个实例, 以多元化视角归纳为8种举措: 顶层设计、环经核算、生态转型、绿色金融、市场认证、激励改革、气候协同和实施配套; 并从10个方面分析以经济手段促进生物多样性保护的国际经验和趋势, 各国之间的共性及分化; 最后提出利用“2020后全球生物多样性框架”提供协调各国行动一致的平台机制, 以外促内, 内外结合, 通过创新政策工具和组合应用, 促进我国经济政策与生态环境政策融合的建议。  相似文献   

South Africa's first national assessment of spatial priorities for biodiversity conservation, released in 2005, aimed to identify conservation priority areas for mainstreaming into all sectors at national and provincial scales. This National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment (NSBA) was based on a planning for implementation approach in order to deliver defensible products useful to decision-makers. The NSBA aimed to produce a map of broad-scale priority areas for future finer-scale assessment and conservation action. This map summarized information on species, ecosystems, ecological processes, and the pressures they face from human activities. Owing to the complexity of the priority area map, two additional user-friendly products — maps of ecosystem status and protection levels — were developed. These products represented the habitat loss and protected area coverage of South Africa's ecosystems relative to their conservation targets. A year after release, we reflect on the NSBA process, products and uptake by implementing agencies (with a specific focus on the terrestrial biodiversity assessment) in order to contribute to the growing body of documented best practice in conservation planning. The ecosystem status product has been widely used at national and provincial scales due in large to its clear and compelling message. The protection level and overall priority map have also witnessed uptake, the former in guiding the expansion of protected areas and the latter as an integrated map of national biodiversity status. The strong collaboration of local planners and implementers with in-depth experience of biodiversity assessment, using a systematic approach and focusing on communicating a few high level messages, appears to have contributed to the initial, successful uptake of the NSBA. We conclude with a call to address data and monitoring shortcomings before the next NSBA in 2010.  相似文献   

淡水生态系统中的TOP—DOWN效应与生物多样性保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
淡水生态系统中高营养级类群可以对低营养级类群产生强烈的影响,最终导致整个生态环境的改变,这一现象被称作下行(topdown)效应。本文对topdown的含义特别是鱼类所产生topdown效应的结果进行了阐述,提出了topdown效应还表现在当原来生态系统中的高营养级类群缺少时,也会造成生态系统结构与功能发生变化的观点。最后,根据淡水生态系统topdown效应的特点,认为在淡水生态系统的生物多样性保护中,应注意高营养级类群的保护和谨慎地对待引种问题  相似文献   

Despite the global network of protected areas covers 12% of the world's land surface, its performance is still unsatisfactory. Although political and scientifically sound conservation targets usually portray different pictures of the task ahead, we show that in terms of priority areas for expanding the global network of reserves, there is much agreement between the political targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the scientifically derived goals endorsed by international conservation organizations. Here we analyse four global databases to identify priority areas for fulfilling the CBD target of representing 10% of every ecological region within protected areas, and compare the distribution of priority regions for fulfilling that political target, with the distribution of the priority areas for global biodiversity conservation identified by Conservation International, the WWF, and the Wildlife Conservation Society on scientific basis. For 63% (549) of the world's terrestrial ecoregions the CBD 10% target is still not met; fulfilling it requires protecting another 4.6% of the Earth's land surface (6,239,894 km2). Yet, at least 78% of the priority regions for fulfilling that target lay within priority regions for the main global conservation strategies. By pursuing the political target set by the CBD much ancillary gains in terms of other global conservation objectives can be obtained.  相似文献   

Because of limitation of manpower, funding, and land available in conservation, the problem of how to select essential regions to establish protection systems for biodiversity maintenance has been widely discussed. In an effort to address the problem, this study has aimed to select a set of priority areas and to determine their priority order by quantifying human disturbances for each area in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB). This basin covers 2.143 million km2, or more than 20% of China's territory. The habitats of 627 indicator species were predicted as a proxy for biodiversity. A conservation planning tool, MARXAN, was used to determine the optimal set of planning units, and three different target scenarios were generated. In addition, under the assumption that if two areas have equal value for conservation, the one suffering more severe disturbance needs more urgent protection than the other, priority ranking analysis was carried out using a 6-12-1 BP artificial neural network. Then hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to the classifications of human disturbances to formulate more detailed conservation strategies. By integrating the degree of irreplaceability of each unit, expert experience, and mountain boundaries, 17 biodiversity priority areas containing 33,200 units over an area of 0.83 million km2 were defined. These areas also protected 56% of 32 types of rare forest ecosystem and 76.4% of six types of rare grassland ecosystem on average. According to the evaluation of human impact, a priority order and five types of human disturbance areas were generated. Some protection gaps were also identified, such as the northern part of the Wuyi Mountains. Moreover, the determination of priority nature conservation areas on a large scale can be used to influence the building of a well-connected protection network in each individual area, so that effective genetic communication can occur between species or groups of species. Conservation decisions focusing on the dominant impact factors that are threatening biodiversity sustainability are required as well.  相似文献   

Decisions about where conservation actions are implemented are based on incomplete knowledge about biodiversity. The Protea Atlas is a comprehensive database, containing information collated over a decade. Using this data set in a series of retrospective simulations, we compared the outcome from different scenarios of information gain, and habitat protection and loss, over a 20-year period. We assumed that there was no information on proteas at the beginning of the simulation but knowledge improved each year. Our aim was to find out how much time we should spend collecting data before protecting habitat when there is ongoing loss of habitat. We found that, in this case, surveying for more than 2 years rarely increased the effectiveness of conservation decisions in terms of representation of proteas in protected areas and retention within the landscape. If the delay is too long, it can sometimes be more effective just using a readily available habitat map. These results reveal the opportunity costs of delaying conservation action to improve knowledge.  相似文献   

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