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Summary The structure of the rhinophore, digital tentacles, post-ocular tentacles and the eye of Nautilus macromphalus are described. The rhinophore is composed of mucous cells, ciliated cells, and flask-shaped ciliated cells. The latter are probably olfactory receptors. The digital tentacles are composed of mucous cells and pigmented cells. Motor-end-plates found in the muscle layer below the epithelium of the digital tentacles are similar to those described in other cephalopods. The post-ocular tentacle contains receptor cells that bear macrocilia. These may be mechanoreceptors. The retina is composed of retinula cells and supporting cells. A complex rhabdom is formed at the distal ends of the retinula cells. The supporting cells send processes up between these rhabdoms. Both types of cells contain pigment granules but the retinula cell has a complex membranous structure in its perikaryon. No synapses were found at the bases of the retinula cells. At the side of the retina are mucous cells that are presumed to produce the jelly-like substance that fills the inside of the eye in life. The likely function of the eye is discussed and it is suggested that it is capable of simple discriminations. It is suggested that the sense organs are probably comparatively unchanged from those of fossil nautiloids. Acknowledgements. This paper is dedicated to the late Dr. Yves Merlet who collected the nautiluses used in this study.We would like to thank Prof. J. Z. Young for all his support and encouragement. The Royal Society, The Percy Sladen Memorial Fund, and University College, London, provided the financial support that enabled one of us (V.C.B.) to collect nautiluses. The Science Research Council, U.K., provided the electron microscope used in the major part of the study and a grant to one of us (V.C.B.). We would also like to thank Prof. J. B. Gilpin-Brown who provided Fig. 1, Dr. R. Catala, for aquarium facilities, Mr. M. P. Legand and the Institut Français d'Oceanie, Noumea, New Caledonia, for laboratory facilities, Dr. J.-M. Bassot and Dr. Anna Bidder for advice on catching and preserving nautiluses, Mrs. Judy Parkes and Mr. M. Barker for photographic assistance, and Miss J. Date for secretarial assistance.  相似文献   

Weber P. 1987. The fine structure of the female reproductive tract of adult Loa loa. International Journal for Parasitology17: 927–934. The wall of the female reproductive tract of Loa loa was studied by electron microscopy. The wall is composed of a monolayered epithelium covered by a basal lamina. The epithelium of the ovary has a moderately developed basal labyrinth, abundant organelles, and a few secretory granules. In the oviduct, the basal lamina intrudes septa-like into the epithelium. Abundant myofilaments are attached to it. Microvilli cover the luminal cell border. The seminal receptacle contains few muscle cells in its basal lamina. It shows a highly developed spongy zone at its luminal surface. The uterine epithelium contains glycogen deposits and lipid droplets. In its anterior parts it shows a highly developed basal labyrinth and an abundance of secretory granules. The vagina has several layers of muscle cells in the basal lamina. Its epithelium contains few organelles, a small number of secretory granules, and is devoid of storage deposits.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the fine structure of the sense organs on the prostomial cirri and palps of Nereis diversicolor shows them to consist of two types of cell. There are between 7 and 15 sensory cells and a similar number of associated cells which contain many osmiophilic granules. The cell bodies of both are sub-epidermal, having a long distal process which reaches the surface in a raised sensory hillock. The sensory cells carry a cilium, which passes through the cuticle and emerges surrounded by a sheath formed from the outer layers of the epicuticle. Scanning electron micrographs show the surface of the cirrus to be covered by hair-like epicuticular microvilli, through which the sheathed cilia protrude. There is also a second type of sensory cell which occurs singly between the epithelial cells. The distal membrane of this cell is formed into a tuft of approximately 55 large microvilli which open through a pore in the epicuticle. It is suggested by their position and structure, that both these receptors resemble chemoreceptors.We should like to acknowledge the advice and technical help of Dr. J. A. Nott of the N.E.R.C. unit of Electron Microscopy, Menai Bridge, and Dr. P. E. Secker of the School of Electronic Engineering for use of the Cambridge Stereoscan. The work is supported by a grant from the Science Research Council to D.A.D.  相似文献   

Although the species has been known for more than 70 years, no published accounts have been made of the details of development of the reproductive structures ofBinghamia californica J. Ag., a member of the Rhodymeniales of limit d distribution in the eastern and western Pacific. The present studies indicate that there is a close relationship in vegetative structure and in the ontogeny of the reproductive structure toLomentaria, especially toL. hakodatensis Yendo. This study is dedicated to Professor Yositeru Nakamura on the occasion of his academic retirement.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic observations of the lateral-line organs of larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis confirmed earlier reports of the occurrence of two different types of lateral-line organs. One type, the ampullary organ, possesses 15–26 egg-shaped sensory cells. Each sensory cell extends a single kinocilium surrounded by a few microvilli into the ampullary lumen. This is in contrast to the ampullary organs of urodele amphibians that contain only microvilli. The second type of organ, the ordinary neuromast, has 15–24 pear-shaped sensory cells arranged in two to three rows. Each sensory cell shows a kinocilium that is asymmetrically placed with respect to both a basal plate and approximately 60 stereovilli. The sensory cells of ampullary organs are always separated by supporting cells; those of neuromasts are occasionally in contact with one another. Numerous (neuromasts) or few (ampullary organs) mantle cells separate the organs from the epidermal cells. Only afferent synapses are found in the ampullary organs whereas vesicle-filled fibers together with afferent nerve terminals are found in neuromasts. Both organs contain similarly sized presynaptic spheres adjacent to the afferent fibers. It is suggested that the neuromasts have a mechanoreceptive function, whereas the ampullary organs have an electroreceptive one.  相似文献   

The general structure of the female genital system of Zorotypus caudelli is described. The ovarioles are of the panoistic type. Due to the reduction of the envelope (tunica externa) the ovarioles are in direct contact with the hemolymph like in some other insect groups, Plecoptera included. The calices are much larger in Z. caudelli then in Zorotypus hubbardi and their epithelial cells produce large amounts of secretions, probably protecting the surface of the eggs deposited on the substrate. Eggs taken from the calyx bear a series of long fringes, which are missing in the eggs found in the ovariole, and in other zorapteran species. The long sperm of Z. caudelli and the long spermathecal duct are likely related to a sexual isolating mechanism (cryptic female choice), impeding female re-mating. The apical receptacle and the spermathecal duct - both of ectodermal origin - consist of three cell types. In addition to the cells beneath the cuticle lining the lumen, two other cell types are visible: secretory and canal cells. The cytoplasm of the former is rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterns and Golgi complexes, which produce numerous discrete dense secretory bodies. These products are released into the receiving canal crossing the extracellular cavity of secretory cells, extending over a series of long microvilli. The secretion is transported towards the lumen of the apical receptacle of the spermatheca or to that of the spermathecal duct by a connecting canal formed by the canal cells. It is enriched by material produced by the slender canal cells. Before mating, the sperm cells are enveloped by a thick glycocalyx produced at the level of the male accessory glands, but it is absent when they have reached the apical receptacle, and also in the spermathecal duct lumen. It is likely removed by secretions of the spermatheca. The eggs are fertilized at the level of the common oviduct where the spermathecal duct opens. Two micropyles at the dorsal side of the equator level possibly facilitate fertilization. The presence of these two micropyles is a presumably derived feature shared with Phasmatodea. The fine structure of the female reproductive system of Z. caudelli does not allow to assess the phylogenetic position at the present stage of knowledge. The enlarged calyx and the temporary presence of long fringes on the eggs are potential autapomorphies of Z. caudelli or may indicate relationships with other Zorotypus species.  相似文献   

Reproductive organs of four botryllid ascidians, Botryllus primigenus, Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides violaceus and Botrylloides leachi, were studied histologically. In every species, the egg follicle consisting of an egg and its inner and outer follicles, is attached to the follicle stalk, the vesicle being composed of a flat epithelium, which in its turn is connected to the atrial epithelium or to the brood pouch specialized from it. In B. schlosseri, the egg is ovulated into the atrial cavity and remains there held by the brood cup, of which the inner epithelium is derived from the follicle stalk and the outer one from the atrial epithelium. In B. primigenus, the brood pouch develops as a diverticulum of the atrial cavity, around the entrance of which a fold differentiates from the atrial epithelium and closes the pouch during embryogenesis. In both species of Botrylloides, the brood pouch is formed by the outgrowth of the thickened atrial epithelium into the blood space, the entrance of which is closed during embryogenesis. The discarded outer follicle completely disintegrates soon after ovulation in B. schlosseri, but part of it remains throughout embryogenesis in the blood space in B. primigenus or projecting into the interior of the brood pouch in Botrylloides. In primigenus, the testis, when it accompanies the egg follicle, is placed at the bottom of the brood pouch and the sperm is shed through the pouch prior to ovulation. In B. schlosseri and the Botrylloides species, the testis is located independently from the egg follicle and the sperm matures after ovulation.  相似文献   

Summary The cytological organization of the apices of sporangiophores and hyphae ofPhycomyces Blakesleeanus was studied by means of light- and electron microscopy. The sporangiophore apex in growth stage I contains a mass of cytoplasm in which is embedded a cluster of lipid globules. Within the plug several zones are differentiated by the grouping of organelles. These zones are not separated by membranes. The most apical zone is low in nuclei and vesicles but rich in mitochondria and dense bodies. Below this zone lies a compact group containing up to several hundred nuclei. Along the midline of the cell, below these nuclei, lies an ovoid region from which vesicles, nuclei and mitochondria are excluded. In this ovoid exclusion zone lies the cluster of lipid globules mentioned above. Lateral to the exclusion zone (i.e. in the peripheral region of the cell) the cytoplasm is rich in nuclei, mitochondria, dense bodies, and especially in developing autophagic vesicles. Of these vesicles, the most mature are found farthest from the cell apex. The region between the exclusion zone and the upper end of the cell's large central vacuole is occupied largely by mature, swollen autophagic vesicles. In addition to the zonal organization described above, microtubules are found to run along the cylindrical cell's axis at a distance from the cell wall, and extend to the extreme apex of the cell. Similar tubules occur in growing hyphae, together with dense bodies, and the hyphal apex contains non-autophagic vesicles that increase in size with distance from the hyphal tip. The hyphae lack the zonation shown by sporangiophore apices. Perinuclear masses of cisternae are described and related to the dictyosomes of higher plants. The findings are discussed in relation to the function of the apices in tip growth and sporulation.This work was supported in part by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship to the author, and in part by grant No. GB 3241 from the National Science Foundation to ProfessorKenneth V.Thimann.  相似文献   

Three types of sensilla were observed in the ovipositor, including a multicellular sensillum presumed to respond to both chemical and mechanical stimuli, plus two types of campaniform sensilla. Four or five bipolar chemosensory cells innervate each multicellular sensillum, witln the dendrites terminating at an 800 ,Å dia. pore in the cuticular wall. The dendrite of an associated mechanosensory neuron is inserted upon a slender shaft of cuticle which extends inward from the wall of the ovipositor. This mechanosensory neuron may he activated by stretching when the ovipositor is bent. The dendrite of each campaniform sensillum ends in a cavity in the wall of the ovipositor, and are probably activated by stresses and vibrations as the wasp probes for a host. Sensilla of each type are present in the medial and lateral stylets of the ovipositor. Earlier behavioral studies indicated that the parasite probably uses these sense organs to locate hosts and distinguish healthy from already parasitized hosts.  相似文献   

A critical examination of an enzymic method for determining the ratio of A and B chains in amylopectin leads to a value of ~ 1:1, and not 2:1 as suggested other workers. Partial debranching with pullulanase gave results consistent with earlier suggestions that A chains are predominantly and selectively removed. The ratio of A and B chains in a partially branched amylopectin has been determined, and the results are discussed in relation to possible structures for amylopectin.  相似文献   

1. Thin sections of representative neurons from intramural, sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia, medulla oblongata, and cerebellar cortex were studied with the aid of the electron microscope. 2. The Nissl substance of these neurons consists of masses of endoplasmic reticulum showing various degrees of orientation; upon and between the cisternae, tubules, and vesicles of the reticulum lie clusters of punctate granules, 10 to 30 mmicro in diameter. 3. A second system of membranes can be distinguished from the endoplasmic reticulum of the Nissl bodies by shallower and more tightly packed cisternae and by absence of granules. Intermediate forms between the two membranous systems have been found. 4. The cytoplasm between Nissl bodies contains numerous mitochondria, rounded lipid inclusions, and fine filaments.  相似文献   

The fine structure of pea stomata   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Summary The structure and cytology of the guard cells of pea are described. The differential wall thickenings, the radiate arrangement of wall fibrils from the pore site to the anticlinal walls, the lobed and dissected nature of the vacuole, and the fine structure of the plastids are believed to play a significant role in stomatal opening and closing. These findings are correlated with those on corn stomata. Finally a few points with regard to the role of microtubules and vesicles in wall thickenings are discussed.  相似文献   

The fine structure of odonata chromatophores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The appearance, fine structure and pigment composition of the epidermal chromatophores of mature Austrolestes annulosus (Lestidae) are described and compared with the developing chromatophores of teneral Austrolestes and the mature chromatophores of Diphlebia lestoides (Amphipterygidae) and Ischnura heterosticta (Caenagrionidae). Mature chromatophores contain masses of near spherical light-scattering bodies and larger irregularly shaped pigment vesicles. These effect colour change by migrating in opposite directions, through a system of interconnecting granular endoplasmic reticulum tubules. The pigment, a mixture of xanthommatin and dihydroxanthommatin, has a liquid or gelatinous consistency. Developing chromatophores of teneral insects lack light-scattering bodies and well-defined migratory pigment vesicles, but contain irregular masses of pigment of similar chemical composition.  相似文献   

Summary Intracerebral vessels of the parietal lobe of the rhesus monkey have been examined by electron microscopy with special reference to the relationship between the leptomeninges and the cerebral cortex. A perivascular reticular sheath, in apparent communication with the subarachnoid space surrounds intracerebral arterioles. Myo-endothelial junctions occur in intracerebral arterioles, but no nerve fibres are found in association with such vessels. This indicates that the tone of these vessels may be regulated by chemical mechanisms, possibly mediated through the myo-endothelial junctions.  相似文献   

The fine structure of Bombyx mori silk fibroin was investigated by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. Examination of silk fibers fragmented with ultrasonic radiation and negatively stained revealed the presence of ribbon-like filaments of well-defined lateral dimensions. Analysis of the breadths of the equatorial reflections in the X-ray diffraction pattern of fibroin yielded similar dimensions for the lateral extent of the crystallites. It is concluded that the crystalline material in B. mori silk fibroin is in the form of ribbon-like filaments of considerable length parallel to the fiber axis and of lateral dimensions approximately 20 x 60 A.  相似文献   

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