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Dissecting phenotypic variance in life history traits into its genetic and environmental components is at the focus of evolutionary studies and of pivotal importance to identify the mechanisms and predict the consequences of human‐driven environmental change. The timing of recurrent life history events (phenology) is under strong selection, but the study of the genes that control potential environmental canalization in phenological traits is at its infancy. Candidate genes for circadian behaviour entrained by photoperiod have been screened as potential controllers of phenological variation of breeding and moult in birds, with inconsistent results. Despite photoperiodic control of migration is well established, no study has reported on migration phenology in relation to polymorphism at candidate genes in birds. We analysed variation in spring migration dates within four trans‐Saharan migratory species (Luscinia megarhynchos; Ficedula hypoleuca; Anthus trivialis; Saxicola rubetra) at a Mediterranean island in relation to Clock and Adcyap1 polymorphism. Individuals with larger number of glutamine residues in the poly‐Q region of Clock gene migrated significantly later in one or, respectively, two species depending on sex and whether the within‐individual mean length or the length of the longer Clock allele was considered. The results hinted at dominance of the longer Clock allele. No significant evidence for migration date to covary with Adcyap1 polymorphism emerged. This is the first evidence that migration phenology is associated with Clock in birds. This finding is important for evolutionary studies of migration and sheds light on the mechanisms that drive bird phenological changes and population trends in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic background of complex behavioral traits, showing multigenic control and extensive environmental effects, is a challenging task. Among such traits, migration is known to show a large additive genetic component. Yet, the identification of specific genes or gene regions explaining phenotypic variance in migratory behavior has received less attention. Migration ultimately depends on seasonal cycles, and polymorphism at phenological candidate genes may underlie variation in timing of migration or other aspects of migratory behavior. In this study of a Nearctic–Neotropical migratory songbird, the Wilson's warbler (Cardellina pusilla), we investigated the association between polymorphism at two phenological candidate genes, Clock and Adcyap1, and two aspects of the migratory phenotype, timing of spring migration through a stopover site and inferred latitude of the breeding destination. The breeding destination of migrating individuals was identified using feather deuterium ratio (δ2H), which reliably reflects breeding latitude throughout the species' western breeding range. Ninety‐eight percent of the individuals were homozygous at Clock, and the rare heterozygotes did not deviate from homozygous migration phenology. Adcyap1 was highly polymorphic, and allele size was not significantly associated with migration date. However, Adcyap1 allele size significantly positively predicted the inferred breeding latitude of males but not of females. Moreover, we found a strong positive association between inferred breeding latitude and Adcyap1 allele size in long‐distance migrating birds from the northern sector of the breeding range (western Canada), while this was not the case in short‐distance migrating birds from the southern sector of the breeding range (coastal California). Our findings support previous evidence for a role of Adcyap1 in shaping the avian migratory phenotype, while highlighting that patterns of phenological candidate gene–phenotype associations may be complex, significantly varying between geographically distinct populations and even between the sexes.  相似文献   

Migratory behaviors such as the timing and duration of migration are genetically inherited and can be under strong natural selection, yet we still know very little about the specific genes or molecular pathways that control these behaviors. Studies in candidate genes Clock and Adcyap1 have revealed that both of these loci can be significantly correlated with migratory behaviors in birds, though observed relationships appear to vary across species. We investigated geographic genetic structure of Clock and Adcyap1 in four populations of blackpoll warblers (Setophaga striata), a Neotropical–Nearctic migrant that exhibits geographic variation in migratory timing and duration across its boreal breeding distribution. Further, we used data on migratory timing and duration, obtained from light‐level geolocator trackers to investigate candidate genotype–phenotype relationships at the individual level. While we found no geographic structure in either candidate gene, we did find evidence that candidate gene lengths are correlated with five of the six migratory traits. Maximum Clock allele length was significantly and negatively associated with spring arrival date. Minimum Adcyap1 allele length was significantly and negatively associated with spring departure date and positively associated with fall arrival date at the wintering grounds. Additionally, we found a significant interaction between Clock and Adcyap1 allele lengths on both spring and fall migratory duration. Adcyap1 heterozygotes also had significantly shorter migration duration in both spring and fall compared to homozygotes. Our results support the growing body of evidence that Clock and Adcyap1 allele lengths are correlated with migratory behaviors in birds.  相似文献   

Under time‐selected migration, birds should choose a strategy for outcompeting rivals over securing access to prime resources at the final destination. Thus, migration can be viewed as a race among individuals where winners are arriving first when conditions are suitable. The sprint migration hypothesis predicts that individuals shift from maximum sustained speed to a final burst of sprint to shorten the transition from migration to breeding (Alerstam, 2006). In this study, we test the hypothesis of a final sprint migration in a long‐distance Afro‐Palearctic migrant, the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, during autumn and spring, and compare migration strategies between the seasons. In both seasons, collared flycatchers evidently exhibited sprint migration by increasing their overall speed over the last leg of migration after the Sahara crossing. This phenomenon was more pronounced in spring, contributing to overall faster spring migration and possibly highlighting higher importance for early arrival at the breeding grounds. In both seasons and particularly in spring, late departing individuals flew at a faster rate, partially being able to catch up with their early departing conspecifics. Differential fueling strategies may play an important role in determining migration speed, especially during the early stages of the migration, and might explain the observed differences in migration speeds between late and early departing individuals. Our findings suggest competition for early arrival at the breeding and at the nonbreeding destinations alike. Sprint migration might be an appropriate strategy to gain advantage over conspecifics and settle in prime territories as well as to cope with the increasingly earlier springs at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Phenological changes in key seasonally expressed life‐history traits occurring across periods of climatic and environmental change can cause temporal mismatches between interacting species, and thereby impact population and community dynamics. However, studies quantifying long‐term phenological changes have commonly only measured variation occurring in spring, measured as the first or mean dates on which focal traits or events were observed. Few studies have considered seasonally paired events spanning spring and autumn or tested the key assumption that single convenient metrics accurately capture entire event distributions. We used 60 years (1955–2014) of daily bird migration census data from Fair Isle, Scotland, to comprehensively quantify the degree to which the full distributions of spring and autumn migration timing of 13 species of long‐distance migratory bird changed across a period of substantial climatic and environmental change. In most species, mean spring and autumn migration dates changed little. However, the early migration phase (≤10th percentile date) commonly got earlier, while the late migration phase (≥90th percentile date) commonly got later. Consequently, species' total migration durations typically lengthened across years. Spring and autumn migration phenologies were not consistently correlated within or between years within species and hence were not tightly coupled. Furthermore, different metrics quantifying different aspects of migration phenology within seasons were not strongly cross‐correlated, meaning that no single metric adequately described the full pattern of phenological change. These analyses therefore reveal complex patterns of simultaneous advancement, temporal stability and delay in spring and autumn migration phenologies, altering species' life‐history structures. Additionally, they demonstrate that this complexity is only revealed if multiple metrics encompassing entire seasonal event distributions, rather than single metrics, are used to quantify phenological change. Existing evidence of long‐term phenological changes detected using only one or two metrics should consequently be interpreted cautiously because divergent changes occurring simultaneously could potentially have remained undetected.  相似文献   

Timing is a crucial aspect for survival and reproduction in seasonal environments leading to carefully scheduled annual programs of migration in many species. But what are the exact mechanisms through which birds (class: Aves) can keep track of time, anticipate seasonal changes, and adapt their behaviour? One proposed mechanism regulating annual behaviour is the circadian clock, controlled by a highly conserved set of genes, collectively called ‘clock genes’ which are well established in controlling the daily rhythmicity of physiology and behaviour. Due to diverse migration patterns observed within and among species, in a seemingly endogenously programmed manner, the field of migration genetics has sought and tested several candidate genes within the clock circuitry that may underlie the observed differences in breeding and migration behaviour. Among others, length polymorphisms within genes such as Clock and Adcyap1 have been hypothesised to play a putative role, although association and fitness studies in various species have yielded mixed results. To contextualise the existing body of data, here we conducted a systematic review of all published studies relating polymorphisms in clock genes to seasonality in a phylogenetically and taxonomically informed manner. This was complemented by a standardised comparative re-analysis of candidate gene polymorphisms of 76 bird species, of which 58 are migrants and 18 are residents, along with population genetics analyses for 40 species with available allele data. We tested genetic diversity estimates, used Mantel tests for spatial genetic analyses, and evaluated relationships between candidate gene allele length and population averages for geographic range (breeding- and non-breeding latitude), migration distance, timing of migration, taxonomic relationships, and divergence times. Our combined analysis provided evidence (i) of a putative association between Clock gene variation and autumn migration as well as a putative association between Adcyap1 gene variation and spring migration in migratory species; (ii) that these candidate genes are not diagnostic markers to distinguish migratory from sedentary birds; and (iii) of correlated variability in both genes with divergence time, potentially reflecting ancestrally inherited genotypes rather than contemporary changes driven by selection. These findings highlight a tentative association between these candidate genes and migration attributes as well as genetic constraints on evolutionary adaptation.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which is overexpressed in psoriatic lesions, has been proven to contribute to the hyperproliferation of keratinocytes in psoriasis. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) involved in miRNAs that can regulate the expression of EGFR could potentially influence the development of psoriasis. The present study investigated the association between a functional SNP of rs2910164 in miR‐146a and the risk of psoriasis in the Chinese Han population. A total of 521 Han Chinese patients with psoriasis and 582 healthy controls were recruited in this study. The miR‐146a rs2910164 SNP was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism. Overall, a significantly increased risk of psoriasis was associated with the rs2910164 miR‐146a CG and GG genotypes (adjusted OR, 1.38; 95% CI, 1.06–1.80). Furthermore, the rs2910164G allele in miR‐146a attenuated its inhibitory regulation on the expression of EGFR as well as the proliferation of human keratinocytes, and lowered the level of miR‐146a in the psoriatic lesions. These findings indicate that the rs2910164G allele in miR‐146a weakens its suppression on the proliferation of keratinocytes probably through the decreased inhibition of the target gene, EGFR, which may account for the increased risk of psoriasis in this study population.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that oxidative stress and genetic factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. SNPs in miRNAs involved in oxidative stress could potentially influence the development of vitiligo. In this case–control study, we investigated the association of a functional SNP of rs11614913 in miR‐196a‐2 with risk of vitiligo. A significantly lower risk of vitiligo was associated with the rs11614913 miR‐196a‐2 CC genotype (adjusted OR, 0.77; CI, 0.60–0.98). In addition, TYRP1 gene expression was considerably down‐regulated by the rs11614913 C allele in miR‐196a‐2, which lowered the levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduced the proportion of early apoptosis in human melanocytes in response to H2O2 treatment. Our data suggest that the rs11614913 C allele in miR‐196a‐2 confers potential protection against oxidative effects on human melanocytes through the modulation of the target gene, TYRP1, which may account for the decreased risk of vitiligo in this study population.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) is a phase I enzyme that regulates the metabolism of environmental carcinogens and alter the susceptibility to various cancers. Many studies have investigated the association between the CYP1A1 MspI and Ile462Val polymorphisms and digestive tract cancer (DTC) risk in different groups of populations, but their results were inconsistent. The PubMed and Embase Database were searched for case–control studies published up to 30th September, 2015. Data were extracted and pooled odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to assess the relationship. Totally, 39 case–control studies (9094 cases and 12,487 controls) were included. The G allele in Ile/Val polymorphism was significantly associated with elevated DTC risk with per‐allele OR of 1.24 (95% CI = 1.09–1.41, P = 0.001). Similar results were also detected under the other genetic models. Evidence was only found to support an association between MspI polymorphism and DTC in the subgroups of caucasian and mixed individuals, but not in the whole population (the dominant model: OR = 1.19, 95% CI = 0.94–1.91, P = 0.146). In conclusion, our results suggest that the CYP1A1 polymorphisms are potential risk factors for DTC. And large sample size and well‐designed studies with detailed clinical information are needed to more precisely evaluate our founding.  相似文献   

Exposure of plants to UV‐C irradiation induces gene expression and cellular responses that are commonly associated with wounding and pathogen defence, and in some cases can lead to increased resistance against pathogen infection. We examined, at a physiological, molecular and biochemical level, the effects of and responses to, sub‐lethal UV‐C exposure on Arabidopsis plants when irradiated with increasing dosages of UV‐C radiation. Following UV‐C exposure plants had reduced leaf areas over time, with the severity of reduction increasing with dosage. Severe morphological changes that included leaf glazing, bronzing and curling were found to occur in plants treated with the 1000 J·m?2 dosage. Extensive damage to the mesophyll was observed, and cell death occurred in both a dosage‐ and time‐dependent manner. Analysis of H2O2 activity and the pathogen defence marker genes PR1 and PDF1.2 demonstrated induction of these defence‐related responses at each UV‐C dosage tested. Interestingly, in response to UV‐C irradiation the production of callose (β‐1,3‐glucan) was identified at all dosages examined. Together, these results show plant responses to UV‐C irradiation at much lower doses than have previously been reported, and that there is potential for the use of UV‐C as an inducer of plant defence.  相似文献   

  • Knowledge on the metabolism of polysaccharide reserves in wild species is still scarce. In natural sites we collected tubers of Arum italicum Mill. and A. maculatum L. – two geophytes with different apparent phenological timing, ecology and chorology – during five stages of the annual cycle in order to understand patterns of reserve accumulation and degradation.
  • Both the entire tuber and its proximal and distal to shoot portion were utilised. Pools of non‐structural carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose and starch), glucose‐6‐phosphate and ATP were analysed as important markers of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • In both species, starch and glucose content of the whole tuber significantly increased from sprouting to the maturation/senescence stages, whereas sucrose showed an opposite trend; ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate were almost stable and dropped only at the end of the annual cycle. Considering the two different portions of the tuber, both ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate concentrations were higher in proximity to the shoot in all seasonal stages, except the flowering stage.
  • Our findings suggest that seasonal carbon partitioning in the underground organ is driven by phenology and occurs independently of seasonal climate conditions. Moreover, our results show that starch degradation, sustained by elevated ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate pools, starts in the peripheral, proximal‐to‐shoot portion of the tuber, consuming starch accumulated in the previous season, as a ‘Last In–First Out’ mechanism of carbohydrate storage.

Two bacterial strains used for industrial production of 2‐keto‐L‐gulonic acid (2‐KLG), Ketogulonigenium vulgare 2 and Bacillus thuringiensis 1514, were loaded onto the spacecraft Shenzhou VII and exposed to space conditions for 68 h in an attempt to increase their fermentation productivities of 2‐KLG. An optimal combination of mutants B. thuringiensis 320 and K. vulgare 2194 (KB2194‐320) was identified by systematically screening the pH and 2‐KLG production of 16 000 colonies. Compared with the coculture of parent strains, the conversion rate of L‐sorbose to 2‐KLG by KB2194‐320 in shake flask fermentation was increased significantly from 82·7% to 95·0%. Furthermore, a conversion rate of 94·5% and 2‐KLG productivity of 1·88 g l?1 h?1 were achieved with KB2194‐320 in industrial‐scale fermentation (260 m3 fermentor). An observed increase in cell number of K2194 (increased by 47·8%) during the exponential phase and decrease in 2‐KLG reductase activity (decreased by 46·0%) were assumed to explain the enhanced 2‐KLG production. The results suggested that the mutants KB2194‐320 could be ideal substitutes for the currently employed strains in the 2‐KLG fermentation process and demonstrated the feasibility of using spaceflight to breed high‐yielding 2‐KLG‐producing strains for vitamin C production.

Significance and Impact of the Study

KB2194‐320, a combination of two bacterial strains bred by spaceflight mutation, exhibited significantly improved 2‐KLG productivity and hence could potentially increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of vitamin C production by the two‐step fermentation process. In addition, a new pH indicator method was applied for rational screening of K2, which dramatically improved the efficiency of screening.  相似文献   

Climate warming has been shown to affect the timing of the onset of breeding of many bird species across the world. However, for multi‐brooded species, climate may also affect the timing of the end of the breeding season, and hence also its duration, and these effects may have consequences for fitness. We used 28 years of field data to investigate the links between climate, timing of breeding, and breeding success in a cooperatively breeding passerine, the superb fairy‐wren (Malurus cyaneus). This multi‐brooded species from southeastern Australia has a long breeding season and high variation in phenology between individuals. By applying a “sliding window” approach, we found that higher minimum temperatures in early spring resulted in an earlier start and a longer duration of breeding, whereas less rainfall and more heatwaves (days > 29°C) in late summer resulted in an earlier end and a shorter duration of breeding. Using a hurdle model analysis, we found that earlier start dates did not predict whether or not females produced any young in a season. However, for successful females who produced at least one young, earlier start dates were associated with higher numbers of young produced in a season. Earlier end dates were associated with a higher probability of producing at least one young, presumably because unsuccessful females kept trying when others had ceased. Despite larger scale trends in climate, climate variables in the windows relevant to this species’ phenology did not change across years, and there were no temporal trends in phenology during our study period. Our results illustrate a scenario in which higher temperatures advanced both start and end dates of individuals’ breeding seasons, but did not generate an overall temporal shift in breeding times. They also suggest that the complexity of selection pressures on breeding phenology in multi‐brooded species may have been underestimated.  相似文献   

  • Aflatoxin contamination in peanut is a serious food safety issue to human health around the world. Finding disease resistance genes is a key strategy for genetic improvement in breeding to deal with this issue.
  • We identified an Aspergillus flavus‐induced NBS‐LRR gene, AhRAF4, using a microarray‐based approach. By comparison of 23 sequences from three species using phytogenetics, protein secondary structure and three‐dimensional structural analyses, AhRAF4 was revealed to be derived from Arachis duranensis by recombination, and has newly evolved into a family of several members, characterised by duplications and point mutations. However, the members of the family descended from Aipaensis were lost following tetraploidisation.
  • AhRAF4 was slightly up‐regulated by low temperature, drought, salicylic acid and ethylene, but down‐regulated by methyl jasmonate. The distinct responses upon As. flavus inoculation and the differential reactions between resistant and susceptible varieties indicate that AhRAF4 might play a role in defence responses. Temporal and spatial expression and the phenotype of transformed protoplasts suggest that AhRAF4 may also be associated with pericarp development.
  • Because tetraploid cultivated peanuts are vulnerable to many pathogens, an exploration of R‐genes may provide an effective method for genetic improvement of peanut cultivars.

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