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冰川消退带微生物群落演替及生物地球化学循环   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周汉昌  马安周  刘国华  庄国强 《生态学报》2018,38(24):9021-9033
冰川是生物圈重要组分之一。由于全球气候变化世界多地冰川加速消融,暴露原本被冰盖覆盖的区域,这些区域被称为冰川消退区域(glacier retreat area)或冰川前部区域(glacier foreland)。自暴露开始消退区随即发生初生演替,随着演替进行,物质循环逐步建立,生物量和土壤C、N总量逐步增加。生态系统C、N输入最初以矿化外来物为主,逐渐转变为以生物固C、固N为主。演替早期生态系统的发育主要受土壤C、N含量的限制,而演替后期的限制性营养物转变为P。演替区域土壤逐渐发育并促进生态位的分化,细菌、真菌、古菌,病毒及其他微生物群落的生物量和多样性不断增加直至达到该地区可承受的极值。随着生存条件的改善,不同生态策略物种的更替导致每个演替阶段微生物群落结构的差异。整体上,伴随演替进行微生物群落丰度、结构和活性呈现梯度性变化。气候变化对冰川消退带生态演替结果产生多方面的影响,而这些影响结果又综合反馈气候变化,因此目前难以准确估计气候变化对消退带生态演替的净效应。综述了近年冰川消退带微生物群落演替方面相关的研究结果,同时分别对该区域物质循环的建立、微生物群落演替和气候变化造成的影响这三个方面进行详细描述,并指出当前研究的不足。  相似文献   

All over the world, glaciers are receding. One key consequence of glacier area loss is the creation of new terrestrial habitats. This presents an experimental opportunity to study both community formation and the implications of glacier loss for terrestrial ecosystems. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Rime et al. ( 2015 ) describe how microbial communities are structured according to soil depth and development in the forefield of Damma glacier in Switzerland. The study provides insights into the contrasting structures of microbial communities at different stages of soil development. An important strength of the study is the integration of soil depth into the paradigm of primary succession, a feature which has rarely been considered by other studies. These findings underscore the importance of studying the interactions between microbial communities and glaciers at a time when Earth's glacial systems are experiencing profound change.  相似文献   

Succession of bacterial communities during the first 36 h of biofilm formation in coastal water was investigated at 3 approximately 15 h intervals. Three kinds of surfaces (i.e., acryl, glass, and steel substratum) were submerged in situ at Sacheon harbor, Korea. Biofilms were harvested by scraping the surfaces, and the compositions of bacterial communities were analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), and cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. While community structure based on T-RFLP analysis showed slight differences by substratum, dramatic changes were commonly observed for all substrata between 9 and 24 h. Identification of major populations by 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that gamma-Proteobacteria (Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Alteromonas, and uncultured gamma-Proteobacteria) were predominant in the community during 0 approximately 9 h, while the ratio of alpha-Proteobacteria (Loktanella, Methylobacterium, Pelagibacter, and uncultured alpha-Proteobacteria) increased 2.6 approximately 4.8 folds during 24 approximately 36 h of the biofilm formation, emerging as the most predominant group. Previously, alpha-Proteobacteria were recognized as the pioneering organisms in marine biofilm formation. However, results of this study, which revealed the bacterial succession with finer temporal resolution, indicated some species of gamma-Proteobacteria were more important as the pioneering population. Measures to control pioneering activities of these species can be useful in prevention of marine biofilm formation.  相似文献   

The origins of the biological complexity and the factors that regulate the development of community composition, diversity and richness in soil remain largely unknown. To gain a better understanding of how bacterial communities change during soil ecosystem development, their composition and diversity in soils that developed over c. 77 000 years of intermittent aeolian deposition were studied. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analyses were used to assess the diversity and composition of the communities. The bacterial community composition changed with soil age, and the overall diversity, richness and evenness of the communities increased as the soil habitat matured. When analysed using a multivariate Bray-Curtis ordination technique, the distribution of ribotypes showed an orderly pattern of bacterial community development that was clearly associated with soil and ecosystem development. Similarly, changes in the composition of the FAMEs across the chronosequence were associated with biomarkers for fungi, actinomycetes and Gram-positive bacteria. The development of the soil ecosystem promoted the development of distinctive microbial communities that were reminiscent of successional processes often evoked to describe change during the development of plant communities in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

A novel anaerobic digestion configuration, the upflow multi‐layer anaerobic reactor (UMAR), was developed to treat high‐solids organic wastes. The UMAR was hypothesized to form multi‐layer along depth due to the upflow plug flow; use of a recirculation system and a rotating distributor and baffles aimed to assist treating high‐solids influent. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency and methane (CH4) production rate were 89% and 2.10 L CH4/L/d, respectively, at the peak influent COD concentration (110.4 g/L) and organic loading rate (7.5 g COD/L/d). The 454 pyrosequencing results clearly indicated heterogeneous distribution of bacterial communities at different vertical locations (upper, middle, and bottom) of the UMAR. Firmicutes was the dominant (>70%) phylum at the middle and bottom parts, while Deltaproteobacteria and Chloroflexi were only found in the upper part. Potential functions of the bacteria were discussed to speculate on their roles in the anaerobic performance of the UMAR system. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1226–1234, 2017  相似文献   

Zhang J  Wei Y  Xiao W  Zhou Z  Yan X 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(16):7407-7414
An anaerobic baffled reactor with four compartments (C1-C4) was successfully used for treatment of acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation wastewater and methane production. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was 88.2% with a CH4 yield of 0.25 L/(g CODremoved) when organic loading rate (OLR) was 5.4 kg COD m−3 d−1. C1 played the most important role in solvents (acetone, butanol and ethanol) and COD removal. Community structure of C2 was similar to that in C1 at stage 3 with higher OLR, but was similar to those in C3 and C4 at stages 1-2 with lower OLR. This community variation in C2 was consistent with its increased role in COD and solvent removal at stage 3. During community succession from C1 to C4 at stage 3, abundance of Firmicutes (especially OTUs ABRB07 and ABRB10) and Methanoculleus decreased, while Bacteroidetes and Methanocorpusculum became dominant. Thus, ABRB07 coupled with Methanoculleus and/or acetogen (ABRB10) may be key species for solvents degradation.  相似文献   

【目的】分析真菌群落结构和多样性随着一号冰川退缩前沿年代序列的变化,揭示真菌群落的演替轨迹及环境因子对群落组成的影响。【方法】采用宏基因组学研究方法,结合生物信息学和统计学分析技术,对取自一号冰川末端表面冰尘,底部和前沿14个样品进行总DNA的提取,ITS基因的扩增并使用Illumina Miseq平台测序,通过相关生物地理化学特性综合分析在不同年代序列下真菌群落结构及其演替规律。【结果】经测序,筛选和质控分析获得185103条rawreads,占78.3%的非单序列在97%的相似度聚类分析共得到300个操作分类单元(OTU),共划分为6个门:子囊菌门(Ascomycota,52.7%)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota,16.9%)、壶菌门(Chytridiomycota,15.1%)、接合菌门(Zygomycota,2.4%)和球囊菌门(Glomeromycota,1.2%)。从演替初期到后期阶段虽然子囊菌的序列数逐渐下降而担子菌出现缓慢上升趋势,但子囊菌随着土壤年代序列的增加始终为优势类群,壶菌在冰川底部和前沿基层普遍存在且丰度仅次于子囊菌和担子菌。我们在缺乏植被的最新退缩基层发现依靠自养型宿主存活的活体营养菌,如Taphrinomycetes、Urediniomycetes和Ustilaginomycetes。从冰川底部和前沿基层检测到丰度较高的酵母菌,而粪生真菌(coprophilous fungi)仅仅出现在冰川前沿基层,共23个操作分类单元。球囊菌仅在前沿部分样品中存在,有着十分狭小的生态位分布。【结论】一号冰川前沿随着年代序列的增加真菌群落存在明显的演替轨迹和多样性的显著变化,不同生态位真菌类群组成的相似性较低且都存在明显的指示性真菌类群。  相似文献   

美洲大蠊(Periplaneta americana)肠道微生物多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】分析美洲大蠊(Periplaneta americana)肠道微生物群落的组成。【方法】以美洲大蠊肠道微生物基因组为模板,Bact-27F和Univ-1492R为引物,PCR扩增16S rRNA基因,连接pGEM-T载体,构建肠道微生物16S rRNA基因文库,并对肠道微生物的组成及多样性进行分析。【结果】美洲大蠊肠道微生物主要包括变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria,66.4%),拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,17.8%),厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,14.5%),梭杆菌门(Fusobacteria,0.6%),以及未分类微生物(unclassified bacteria,0.6%)。系统发育分析显示,15%的美洲大蠊肠道微生物16S rRNA基因序列与亲缘关系较近的杂食蟑螂肠道微生物的16S rRNA基因序列聚于一支;59%的美洲大蠊肠道微生物16S rRNA基因序列与不同食性动物肠道微生物的16S rRNA基因序列聚于一支。另一方面,18%的美洲大蠊肠道微生物16S rRNA基因序列与潜在的微生物致病菌一致性高于99%,说明美洲大蠊是一类潜在的致病菌携带者。【结论】美洲大蠊肠道微生物群落组成多样,宿主系统进化以及杂食性生活方式对其肠道微生物的组成有较大影响。  相似文献   

【目的】考察泸型酒发酵过程中酒醅细菌群落的演替规律,探讨菌群演替与环境因素变化的相关性。【方法】采用高通量测序技术分析泸型酒酒醅细菌群落的演替规律,并运用Mantel test分析不同发酵阶段的细菌群落演替与环境因素变化的相关性。【结果】酒醅发酵过程中有397个属的微生物,其中Lactobacillus、Bacillus、Weissella、Dysgonomonas、Comamonas以及Ruminococcaceae为优势属(相对丰度1.0%)。通过聚类分析可将酒醅发酵过程划分为3个阶段:阶段I (0–5 d),阶段II (6–17 d)和阶段III(18–40d),且3个阶段的酒醅菌群结构差异显著(P0.05)。Metastats分析结果表明,与阶段I相比,阶段II酒醅细菌群落中Lactobacillus和unclassifiedLactobacillaceae相对丰度显著升高(P0.05),而unclassifiedBacillaceae、 Staphylococcus、 Bacillus、 unclassified Enterobacteriaceae、 Lactococcus、Pseudomonas、Thermoactinomyces、Leuconostoc、Staphylococcus相对丰度显著降低(P0.05)。与阶段II相比,阶段III酒醅细菌群落中Lactobacillus相对丰度显著增长(P0.05),Comamonas、Acetobacter、unclassified Bacilli、Clostridium、Bacillus、Ruminococcus、unclassified Porphyromonadaceae和unclassified Streptophyta相对丰度显著下降(P0.05)。结果表明,阶段I的细菌菌群演替与酒醅温度、水分和乙醇浓度变化线性相关(P0.05);阶段II和阶段III的细菌菌群演替与酒醅温度、水分、酸度、乙醇浓度均没有相关性(P0.05)。【结论】泸型酒酒醅中细菌群落在不同发酵阶段结构差异显著,且温度、水分以及乙醇浓度对酒醅发酵前期(0–5 d)细菌群落演替具有重要作用。  相似文献   

A successful start-up enables acceleration of anaerobic digestion (AD) into steady state. The microbial community influences the AD performance during the start-up. To investigate how microbial communities changed during the start-up, microbial dynamics was analyzed via high-throughput sequencing in this study. The results confirmed that the AD was started up within 25 d. Thermophilic methanogens and bacterial members functioning in hydrolysis, acidogenesis, and syntrophic oxidation became predominant during the start-up stage, reflecting a quick adaption of microorganisms to operating conditions. Such predominance also indicated the great contribution of these members to the fast start-up of AD. Redundancy analysis confirmed that the bacterial abundance significantly correlated with AD conditions. The stable ratio of hydrogenotrophic methanogens to aceticlastic methanogens is also important to maintain the stability of the AD process. This work will be helpful to understand the contribution of microbial community to the start-up of AD.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐碱地花生根层土壤菌群结构多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
戴良香  康涛  慈敦伟  丁红  徐扬  张智猛  张岱  李文金 《生态学报》2019,39(19):7169-7178
花生属豆科固氮作物,具较强的抗旱耐盐性,土壤微生物在盐碱土生态系统中具有重要的生态功能。以花生平作、花生/棉花间作为对象,通过16S rRNA基因克隆文库技术分析了黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地花生旺盛生长期不同含盐量盐碱地和非盐碱地0—40cm根层非培养土壤微生物群落组成及其多样性,分析了盐碱地花生根层土壤细菌群落与非盐碱地花生根层土壤细菌群落的差异,为揭示盐碱地花生根层土壤微生物的多样性以及土地利用变化与生态环境效应间的关系奠定基础。利用免培养技术直接从土壤样品提取总DNA,针对细菌基因组16S rRNA基因的V3高变区进行PCR扩增;利用焦磷酸测序的方法对V3高变区PCR产物进行高通量测序,并对测序数据进行生物信息学分析。结果表明,(1)黄河三角洲滨海盐碱土较高含盐量土壤中根层土壤微生物种类、优势种群数量和群落功能多样性较非盐碱土壤较为丰富。(2)盐碱土花生平作或花生//棉花间作两种种植方式基本不影响二者0—40cm根层土壤微生物优势类群;不同土壤类型和种植模式下,花生和棉花根层土壤中优势菌群均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)和酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria) 4种菌群,其总丰度为80%—90%。非盐碱土壤中花生根层的酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)丰度是盐碱土壤中的3倍以上,嗜热油菌纲(Thermoleophilia)和放线菌纲(Actinomycetales)丰度远高于各种盐碱土壤花生平作和花生//棉花间作两种植模式下的花生根层土壤;非盐碱土平作花生0—40cm土层中Rubellimicrobium、Pontibacter和Lamia细菌则显著缺失。(3)土壤类型对土壤微生物菌群类型影响较大,聚类分析表明,10个土壤样本依据土壤含盐量高低和根系分布深度聚为3类,即非盐碱土壤归为1类,盐碱土壤根系密集分布层0—20cm、20—40cm各归为1类。  相似文献   

Here we describe, the longest microbial time-series analyzed to date using high-resolution 16S rRNA tag pyrosequencing of samples taken monthly over 6 years at a temperate marine coastal site off Plymouth, UK. Data treatment effected the estimation of community richness over a 6-year period, whereby 8794 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified using single-linkage preclustering and 21 130 OTUs were identified by denoising the data. The Alphaproteobacteria were the most abundant Class, and the most frequently recorded OTUs were members of the Rickettsiales (SAR 11) and Rhodobacteriales. This near-surface ocean bacterial community showed strong repeatable seasonal patterns, which were defined by winter peaks in diversity across all years. Environmental variables explained far more variation in seasonally predictable bacteria than did data on protists or metazoan biomass. Change in day length alone explains >65% of the variance in community diversity. The results suggested that seasonal changes in environmental variables are more important than trophic interactions. Interestingly, microbial association network analysis showed that correlations in abundance were stronger within bacterial taxa rather than between bacteria and eukaryotes, or between bacteria and environmental variables.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic composition of a bacterial community from a hypertrophic freshwater lake in China was investigated by sequencing cloned 16S rRNA genes. Three hundred and thirty-six bacterial clones from four clone libraries in different months (March, May, July and September in 2004) were classified into 142 operational taxonomic units, most of which were affiliated with bacterial divisions commonly found in freshwater ecosystem, e.g. Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma- and Deltaproteobacteria, Bacteriodetes and Actinobacteria. The results showed that the composition of bacterial community in the July library was the most diverse one. Actinobacteria was the most significant lineage in Lake Taihu, with dominant numbers of operational taxonomic units in the May, July and September libraries. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that 53 sequences were grouped into six novel clusters which may represent specific populations indigenous to the environment. Coverage analyses indicated that the clone libraries could provide a fine inventory of bacterial diversity in the lake.  相似文献   

Although open ocean time-series sites have been areas of microbial research for years, relatively little is known about the population dynamics of bacterioplankton communities in the coastal ocean on kilometer spatial and seasonal temporal scales. To gain a better understanding of microbial community variability, monthly samples of bacterial biomass were collected in 1995-1996 along a 34-km transect near the Long-Term Ecosystem Observatory (LEO-15) off the New Jersey coast. Surface and bottom sampling was performed at seven stations along a transect line with depths ranging from 1 to 35 m (n=178). Microbial populations were fingerprinted using ribosomal 16S rRNA genes and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Results from cluster analysis revealed distinct temporal patterns among the bacterioplankton communities in the Mid-Atlantic Bight rather than grouping by sample location or depth. Principal components analysis models supported the temporal patterns. In addition, partial least squares regression modeling could not discern a significant correlation from traditional oceanographic physical and phytoplankton nutrient parameters on overall bacterial community variability patterns at LEO-15. These results suggest factors not traditionally measured during oceanographic studies are structuring coastal microbial communities.  相似文献   

Bacterial community analysis of Indonesian hot springs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report the first attempts to describe thermophilic bacterial communities in Indonesia's thermal springs using molecular phylogenetic analyses. 16S rRNA genes from laboratory cultures and DNA directly amplified from three hot springs in West Java were sequenced. The 22 sequences obtained were assignable to the taxa Proteobacteria, Bacillus and Flavobacterium, including a number of clades not normally associated with thermophily.  相似文献   

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