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Chromosomal inversions facilitate local adaptation of beneficial mutations and modulate genetic polymorphism, but the extent of their effects within the genome is still insufficiently understood. The genome of Anopheles funestus, a malaria mosquito endemic to sub‐Saharan Africa, contains an impressive number of paracentric polymorphic inversions, which are unevenly distributed among chromosomes and provide an excellent framework for investigating the genomic impacts of chromosomal rearrangements. Here, we present results of a fine‐scale analysis of genetic variation within the genome of two weakly differentiated populations of Anopheles funestus inhabiting contrasting moisture conditions in Cameroon. Using population genomic analyses, we found that genetic divergence between the two populations is centred on regions of the genome corresponding to three inversions, which are characterized by high values of FST, absolute sequence divergence and fixed differences. Importantly, in contrast to the 2L chromosome arm, which is collinear, nucleotide diversity is significantly reduced along the entire length of three autosome arms bearing multiple overlapping chromosomal rearrangements. These findings support the idea that interactions between reduced recombination and natural selection within inversions contribute to sculpt nucleotide polymorphism across chromosomes in An. funestus.  相似文献   

Spatially varying selection triggers differential adaptation of local populations. Here, we mined the determinants of local adaptation at the genomewide scale in the two closest maize wild relatives, the teosintes Zea mays ssp parviglumis and ssp. mexicana. We sequenced 120 individuals from six populations: two lowland, two intermediate and two highland populations sampled along two altitudinal gradients. We detected 8 479 581 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covered in the six populations with an average sequencing depth per site per population ranging from 17.0× to 32.2×. Population diversity varied from 0.10 to 0.15, and linkage disequilibrium decayed very rapidly. We combined two differentiation‐based methods, and correlation of allele frequencies with environmental variables to detect outlier SNPs. Outlier SNPs displayed significant clustering. From clusters, we identified 47 candidate regions. We further modified a haplotype‐based method to incorporate genotype uncertainties in haplotype calling, and applied it to candidate regions. We retrieved evidence for selection at the haplotype level in 53% of our candidate regions, and in 70% of the cases the same haplotype was selected in the two lowland or the two highland populations. We recovered a candidate region located within a previously characterized inversion on chromosome 1. We found evidence of a soft sweep at a locus involved in leaf macrohair variation. Finally, our results revealed frequent colocalization between our candidate regions and loci involved in the variation of traits associated with plant–soil interactions such as root morphology, aluminium and low phosphorus tolerance. Soil therefore appears to be a major driver of local adaptation in teosintes.  相似文献   

Anopheles mosquitoes are the vectors of several human diseases including malaria. In many malaria endemic areas, several species of Anopheles coexist, sometimes in the form of related sibling species that are morphologically indistinguishable. Determining the size and organization of Anopheles populations, and possible ongoing gene flow among them is important for malaria control and, in particular, for monitoring the spread of insecticide resistance alleles. However, these parameters have been difficult to evaluate in most Anopheles species due to the paucity of genetic data available. Here, we assess the extent of contemporary gene flow and historical variations in population size by sequencing and de novo assembling the genomes of wild‐caught mosquitoes from four species of the Anopheles punctulatus group of Papua New Guinea. Our analysis of more than 50 Mb of orthologous DNA sequences revealed no evidence of contemporary gene flow among these mosquitoes. In addition, investigation of the demography of two of the An. punctulatus species revealed distinct population histories. Overall, our analyses suggest that, despite their similarities in morphology, behaviour and ecology, contemporary sympatric populations of An. punctulatus are evolving independently.  相似文献   

The identification of genes influencing fitness is central to our understanding of the genetic basis of adaptation and how it shapes phenotypic variation in wild populations. Here, we used whole‐genome resequencing of wild Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) to >50‐fold coverage to identify 2.8 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and genomic regions bearing signatures of directional selection (i.e. selective sweeps). A comparison of SNP diversity between the X chromosome and the autosomes indicated that bighorn males had a dramatically reduced long‐term effective population size compared to females. This probably reflects a long history of intense sexual selection mediated by male–male competition for mates. Selective sweep scans based on heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity revealed evidence for a selective sweep shared across multiple populations at RXFP2, a gene that strongly affects horn size in domestic ungulates. The massive horns carried by bighorn rams appear to have evolved in part via strong positive selection at RXFP2. We identified evidence for selection within individual populations at genes affecting early body growth and cellular response to hypoxia; however, these must be interpreted more cautiously as genetic drift is strong within local populations and may have caused false positives. These results represent a rare example of strong genomic signatures of selection identified at genes with known function in wild populations of a nonmodel species. Our results also showcase the value of reference genome assemblies from agricultural or model species for studies of the genomic basis of adaptation in closely related wild taxa.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA research has developed rapidly over the past few decades due to improvements in PCR and next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, but challenges still exist. One major challenge in relation to ancient DNA research is to recover genuine endogenous ancient DNA sequences from raw sequencing data. This is often difficult due to degradation of ancient DNA and high levels of contamination, especially homologous contamination that has extremely similar genetic background with that of the real ancient DNA. In this study, we collected whole‐genome sequencing (WGS) data from 6 ancient samples to compare different mapping algorithms. To further explore more effective methods to separate endogenous DNA from homologous contaminations, we attempted to recover reads based on ancient DNA specific characteristics of deamination, depurination, and DNA fragmentation with different parameters. We propose a quick and improved pipeline for separating endogenous ancient DNA while simultaneously decreasing homologous contaminations to very low proportions. Our goal in this research was to develop useful recommendations for ancient DNA mapping and for separation of endogenous DNA to facilitate future studies of ancient DNA.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to contrasting biotic or abiotic environments is an important evolutionary step that presumably precedes floral diversification at the species level, yet few studies have demonstrated the adaptive nature of intraspecific floral divergence in wild plant populations. We combine a population‐genomic approach with phenotypic information on floral traits to examine whether the differentiation in metric floral traits exhibited by 14 populations of the southern Spanish hawk moth‐pollinated violet Viola cazorlensis reflects adaptive divergence. Screening of many amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) loci using a multiple‐marker‐based neutrality test identified nine outlier loci (2.6% of the total) that departed from neutral expectations and were potentially under selection. Generalized analysis of molecular variance revealed significant relationships between genetic distance and population divergence in three floral traits when genetic distance was based on outlier loci, but not when it was based on neutral ones. Population means of floral traits were closely correlated with population scores on the first principal coordinate axis of the genetic distance matrix using outlier loci, and with the allelic frequencies of four of the outlier loci. Results strongly support the adaptive nature of intraspecific floral divergence exhibited by V. cazorlensis and illustrate the potential of genome scans to identify instances of adaptive divergence when used in combination with phenotypic information.  相似文献   

Generating a contiguous, ordered reference sequence of a complex genome such as hexaploid wheat (2n = 6x = 42; approximately 17 GB) is a challenging task due to its large, highly repetitive, and allopolyploid genome. In wheat, ordering of whole‐genome or hierarchical shotgun sequencing contigs is primarily based on recombination and comparative genomics‐based approaches. However, comparative genomics approaches are limited to syntenic inference and recombination is suppressed within the pericentromeric regions of wheat chromosomes, thus, precise ordering of physical maps and sequenced contigs across the whole‐genome using these approaches is nearly impossible. We developed a whole‐genome radiation hybrid (WGRH) resource and tested it by genotyping a set of 115 randomly selected lines on a high‐density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. At the whole‐genome level, 26 299 SNP markers were mapped on the RH panel and provided an average mapping resolution of approximately 248 Kb/cR1500 with a total map length of 6866 cR1500. The 7296 unique mapping bins provided a five‐ to eight‐fold higher resolution than genetic maps used in similar studies. Most strikingly, the RH map had uniform bin resolution across the entire chromosome(s), including pericentromeric regions. Our research provides a valuable and low‐cost resource for anchoring and ordering sequenced BAC and next generation sequencing (NGS) contigs. The WGRH developed for reference wheat line Chinese Spring (CS‐WGRH), will be useful for anchoring and ordering sequenced BAC and NGS based contigs for assembling a high‐quality, reference sequence of hexaploid wheat. Additionally, this study provides an excellent model for developing similar resources for other polyploid species.  相似文献   

The large genome size of many species hinders the development and application of genomic tools to study them. For instance, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), an ecologically and economically important conifer, has a large and yet uncharacterized genome of 21.7 Gbp. To characterize the pine genome, we performed exome capture and sequencing of 14 729 genes derived from an assembly of expressed sequence tags. Efficiency of sequence capture was evaluated and shown to be similar across samples with increasing levels of complexity, including haploid cDNA, haploid genomic DNA and diploid genomic DNA. However, this efficiency was severely reduced for probes that overlapped multiple exons, presumably because intron sequences hindered probe:exon hybridizations. Such regions could not be entirely avoided during probe design, because of the lack of a reference sequence. To improve the throughput and reduce the cost of sequence capture, a method to multiplex the analysis of up to eight samples was developed. Sequence data showed that multiplexed capture was reproducible among 24 haploid samples, and can be applied for high‐throughput analysis of targeted genes in large populations. Captured sequences were de novo assembled, resulting in 11 396 expanded and annotated gene models, significantly improving the knowledge about the pine gene space. Interspecific capture was also evaluated with over 98% of all probes designed from P. taeda that were efficient in sequence capture, were also suitable for analysis of the related species Pinus elliottii Engelm.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is postulated to have colonized North America in the past several 100 years in two waves. Flies from Europe colonized the east coast United States while flies from Africa inhabited the Caribbean, which if true, make the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands a secondary contact zone for African and European D. melanogaster. This scenario has been proposed based on phenotypes and limited genetic data. In our study, we have sequenced individual whole genomes of flies from populations in the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands and examined these populations in conjunction with population sequences from the west coast US, Africa, and Europe. We find that west coast US populations are closely related to the European population, likely reflecting a rapid westward expansion upon first settlements into North America. We also find genomic evidence of African and European admixture in south‐east US and Caribbean populations, with a clinal pattern of decreasing proportions of African ancestry with higher latitude. Our genomic analysis of D. melanogaster populations from the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands provides more evidence for the Caribbean Islands as the source of previously reported novel African alleles found in other east coast US populations. We also find the border between the south‐east US and the Caribbean island to be the admixture hot zone where distinctly African‐like Caribbean flies become genomically more similar to European‐like south‐east US flies. Our findings have important implications for previous studies examining the generation of east coast US clines via selection.  相似文献   

In a de novo genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) analysis of short, 64‐base tag‐level haplotypes in 4657 accessions of cultivated oat, we discovered 164741 tag‐level (TL) genetic variants containing 241224 SNPs. From this, the marker density of an oat consensus map was increased by the addition of more than 70000 loci. The mapped TL genotypes of a 635‐line diversity panel were used to infer chromosome‐level (CL) haplotype maps. These maps revealed differences in the number and size of haplotype blocks, as well as differences in haplotype diversity between chromosomes and subsets of the diversity panel. We then explored potential benefits of SNP vs. TL vs. CL GBS variants for mapping, high‐resolution genome analysis and genomic selection in oats. A combined genome‐wide association study (GWAS) of heading date from multiple locations using both TL haplotypes and individual SNP markers identified 184 significant associations. A comparative GWAS using TL haplotypes, CL haplotype blocks and their combinations demonstrated the superiority of using TL haplotype markers. Using a principal component‐based genome‐wide scan, genomic regions containing signatures of selection were identified. These regions may contain genes that are responsible for the local adaptation of oats to Northern American conditions. Genomic selection for heading date using TL haplotypes or SNP markers gave comparable and promising prediction accuracies of up to r = 0.74. Genomic selection carried out in an independent calibration and test population for heading date gave promising prediction accuracies that ranged between r = 0.42 and 0.67. In conclusion, TL haplotype GBS‐derived markers facilitate genome analysis and genomic selection in oat.  相似文献   

The leopard coral grouper, Plectropomus leopardus, belonging to the family Epinephelinae, is a carnivorous coral reef fish widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo‐Pacific. Due to its appealing body appearance and delicious taste, P. leopardus has become a popular commercial fish for aquaculture in many countries. However, the lack of genomic and molecular resources for P. leopardus has hindered study of its biology and genomic breeding programmes. Here we report the de novo sequencing and assembly of the P. leopardus genome using a combination of 10 × Genomics, high‐throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi‐C) and PacBio long‐read sequencing technologies. The genome assembly has a total length of 881.55 Mb with a scaffold N50 of 34.15 Mb, consisting of 24 pseudochromosome scaffolds. busco analysis showed that 97.2% of the conserved single‐copy genes were retrieved, indicating the assembly was almost entire. We predicted 25,248 protein‐coding genes, among which 96.5% were functionally annotated. Comparative genomic analyses revealed that gene family expansions in P. leopardus were associated with immune‐related pathways. In addition, we identified 5,178,453 single nucleotide polymorphisms based on genome resequencing of 54 individuals. The P. leopardus genome and genomic variation data provide valuable genomic resources for studies of its genetics, evolution and biology. In particular, it is expected to benefit the development of genomic breeding programmes in the farming industry.  相似文献   

We report reference‐quality genome assemblies and annotations for two accessions of soybean (Glycine max) and for one accession of Glycine soja, the closest wild relative of G. max. The G. max assemblies provided are for widely used US cultivars: the northern line Williams 82 (Wm82) and the southern line Lee. The Wm82 assembly improves the prior published assembly, and the Lee and G. soja assemblies are new for these accessions. Comparisons among the three accessions show generally high structural conservation, but nucleotide difference of 1.7 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) per kb between Wm82 and Lee, and 4.7 snps per kb between these lines and G. soja. snp distributions and comparisons with genotypes of the Lee and Wm82 parents highlight patterns of introgression and haplotype structure. Comparisons against the US germplasm collection show placement of the sequenced accessions relative to global soybean diversity. Analysis of a pan‐gene collection shows generally high conservation, with variation occurring primarily in genomically clustered gene families. We found approximately 40–42 inversions per chromosome between either Lee or Wm82v4 and G. soja, and approximately 32 inversions per chromosome between Wm82 and Lee. We also investigated five domestication loci. For each locus, we found two different alleles with functional differences between G. soja and the two domesticated accessions. The genome assemblies for multiple cultivated accessions and for the closest wild ancestor of soybean provides a valuable set of resources for identifying causal variants that underlie traits for the domestication and improvement of soybean, serving as a basis for future research and crop improvement efforts for this important crop species.  相似文献   

Amidst the rapid advancement in next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technology over the last few years, salamanders have been left behind. Salamanders have enormous genomes—up to 40 times the size of the human genome—and this poses challenges to generating NGS data sets of quality and quantity similar to those of other vertebrates. However, optimization of laboratory protocols is time‐consuming and often cost prohibitive, and continued omission of salamanders from novel phylogeographic research is detrimental to species facing decline. Here, we use a salamander endemic to the southeastern United States, Plethodon serratus, to test the utility of an established protocol for sequence capture of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) in resolving intraspecific phylogeographic relationships and delimiting cryptic species. Without modifying the standard laboratory protocol, we generated a data set consisting of over 600 million reads for 85 P. serratus samples. Species delimitation analyses support recognition of seven species within P. serratus sensu lato, and all phylogenetic relationships among the seven species are fully resolved under a coalescent model. Results also corroborate previous data suggesting nonmonophyly of the Ouachita and Louisiana regions. Our results demonstrate that established UCE protocols can successfully be used in phylogeographic studies of salamander species, providing a powerful tool for future research on evolutionary history of amphibians and other organisms with large genomes.  相似文献   

Understanding how and why populations evolve is of fundamental importance to molecular ecology. Restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq), a popular reduced representation method, has ushered in a new era of genome‐scale research for assessing population structure, hybridization, demographic history, phylogeography and migration. RADseq has also been widely used to conduct genome scans to detect loci involved in adaptive divergence among natural populations. Here, we examine the capacity of those RADseq‐based genome scan studies to detect loci involved in local adaptation. To understand what proportion of the genome is missed by RADseq studies, we developed a simple model using different numbers of RAD‐tags, genome sizes and extents of linkage disequilibrium (length of haplotype blocks). Under the best‐case modelling scenario, we found that RADseq using six‐ or eight‐base pair cutting restriction enzymes would fail to sample many regions of the genome, especially for species with short linkage disequilibrium. We then surveyed recent studies that have used RADseq for genome scans and found that the median density of markers across these studies was 4.08 RAD‐tag markers per megabase (one marker per 245 kb). The length of linkage disequilibrium for many species is one to three orders of magnitude less than density of the typical recent RADseq study. Thus, we conclude that genome scans based on RADseq data alone, while useful for studies of neutral genetic variation and genetic population structure, will likely miss many loci under selection in studies of local adaptation.  相似文献   

During the evolution of plant genomes, sequence inversions occurred repeatedly making the respective regions inaccessible for meiotic recombination and thus for breeding. Therefore, it is important to develop technologies that allow the induction of inversions within chromosomes in a directed and efficient manner. Using the Cas9 nuclease from Staphylococcus aureus (SaCas9), we were able to obtain scarless heritable inversions with high efficiency in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Via deep sequencing, we defined the patterns of junction formation in wild‐type and in the non‐homologous end‐joining (NHEJ) mutant ku70‐1. Surprisingly, in plants deficient of KU70, inversion induction is enhanced, indicating that KU70 is required for tethering the local broken ends together during repair. However, in contrast to wild‐type, most junctions are formed by microhomology‐mediated NHEJ and thus are imperfect with mainly deletions, making this approach unsuitable for practical applications. Using egg‐cell‐specific expression of Cas9, we were able to induce heritable inversions at different genomic loci and at intervals between 3 and 18 kb, in the percentage range, in the T1 generation. By screening individual lines, inversion frequencies of up to the 10% range were found in T2. Most of these inversions had scarless junctions and were without any sequence change within the inverted region, making the technology attractive for use in crop plants. Applying our approach, it should be possible to reverse natural inversions and induce artificial ones to break or fix linkages between traits at will.  相似文献   

Traditional breeding methods are hindered in bananas due to the fact that major cultivars are sterile, parthenocarpic, triploid and thus clonally propagated. This has resulted in a narrow genetic base and limited resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses. Mutagenesis of in vitro propagated bananas is one method to introduce novel alleles and broaden genetic diversity. We previously established a method for the induction and recovery of single nucleotide mutations generated with the chemical mutagen EMS. However, officially released mutant banana varieties have been created using gamma rays, a mutagen that can produce large genomic insertions and deletions (indels). Such dosage mutations may be important for generating observable phenotypes in polyploids. In this study, we establish a low‐coverage whole‐genome sequencing approach in triploid bananas to recover large genomic indels caused by treatment with gamma irradiation. We first evaluated the commercially released mutant cultivar ‘Novaria’ and found that it harbours multiple predicted deletions, ranging from 0.3 to 3.8 million base pairs (Mbp). In total, predicted deletions span 189 coding regions. To evaluate the feasibility of generating and maintaining new mutations, we developed a pipeline for mutagenesis and screening for copy number variation in Cavendish bananas using the cultivar ‘Williams’. Putative mutations were recovered in 70% of lines treated with 20 Gy and 60% of the lines treated with 40 Gy. While deletion events predominate, insertions were identified in 20 Gy‐treated material. Based on these results, we believe this approach can be scaled up to support large breeding projects.  相似文献   

Parallel adaptation is common and may often occur from shared genetic variation, but the genomic consequences of this process remain poorly understood. We first use individual‐based simulations to demonstrate that comparisons between populations adapted in parallel to similar environments from shared variation reveal a characteristic genomic signature around a selected locus: a low‐divergence valley centred at the locus and flanked by twin peaks of high divergence. This signature is initiated by the hitchhiking of haplotype tracts differing between derived populations in the broader neighbourhood of the selected locus (driving the high‐divergence twin peaks) and shared haplotype tracts in the tight neighbourhood of the locus (driving the low‐divergence valley). This initial hitchhiking signature is reinforced over time because the selected locus acts as a barrier to gene flow from the source to the derived populations, thus promoting divergence by drift in its close neighbourhood. We next empirically confirm the peak‐valley‐peak signature by combining targeted and RAD sequence data at three candidate adaptation genes in multiple marine (source) and freshwater (derived) populations of threespine stickleback. Finally, we use a genome‐wide screen for the peak‐valley‐peak signature to discover additional genome regions involved in parallel marine‐freshwater divergence. Our findings offer a new explanation for heterogeneous genomic divergence and thus challenge the standard view that peaks in population divergence harbour divergently selected loci and that low‐divergence regions result from balancing selection or localized introgression. We anticipate that genome scans for peak‐valley‐peak divergence signatures will promote the discovery of adaptation genes in other organisms.  相似文献   

The gene arrangements of Drosophila have played a prominent role in the history of evolutionary biology from the original quantification of genetic diversity to current studies of the mechanisms for the origin and establishment of new inversion mutations within populations and their subsequent fixation between species supporting reproductive barriers. This review examines the genetic causes and consequences of inversions as recombination suppressors and the role that recombination suppression plays in establishing inversions in populations as they are involved in adaptation within heterogeneous environments. This often results in the formation of clines of gene arrangement frequencies among populations. Recombination suppression leads to the differentiation of the gene arrangements which may accelerate the accumulation of fixed genetic differences among populations. If these fixed mutations cause incompatibilities, then inversions pose important reproductive barriers between species. This review uses the evolution of inversions in Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis as a case study for how inversions originate, establish and contribute to the evolution of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

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