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In animal populations, sib mating is often the primary source of inbreeding depression (ID). We used recently wild‐caught Drosophila melanogaster to test whether such ID is amplified by environmental stress and, in males, by sexual selection. We also investigated whether increased ID because of stress (increased larval competition) persisted beyond the stressed stage and whether the effects of stress and sexual selection interacted. Sib mating resulted in substantial cumulative fitness losses (egg to adult reproduction) of 50% (benign) and 73% (stressed). Stress increased ID during the larval period (23% vs. 63%), but not during post‐stress reproductive stages (36% vs. 31%), indicating larval stress may have purged some adult genetic load (although ID was uncorrelated across stages). Sexual selection exacerbated inbreeding depression, with inbred male offspring suffering a higher reproductive cost than females, independent of stress (57% vs. 14% benign, 49% vs. 11% stress).  相似文献   

Local adaptation and phenotypic differences among populations have been reported in many species, though most studies focus on either neutral or adaptive genetic differentiation. With the discovery of DNA methylation, questions have arisen about its contribution to individual variation in and among natural populations. Previous studies have identified differences in methylation among populations of organisms, although most to date have been in plants and model animal species. Here we obtained eyed eggs from eight populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and assayed DNA methylation at 23 genes involved in development, immune function, stress response, and metabolism using a gene‐targeted PCR‐based assay for next‐generation sequencing. Evidence for population differences in methylation was found at eight out of 23 gene loci after controlling for developmental timing in each individual. However, we found no correlation between freshwater environmental parameters and methylation variation among populations at those eight genes. A weak correlation was identified between pairwise DNA methylation dissimilarity among populations and pairwise F ST based on 15 microsatellite loci, indicating weak effects of genetic drift or geographic distance on methylation. The weak correlation was primarily driven by two genes, GTIIBS and Nkef. However, single‐gene Mantel tests comparing methylation and pairwise F ST were not significant after Bonferroni correction. Thus, population differences in DNA methylation are more likely related to unmeasured oceanic environmental conditions, local adaptation, and/or genetic drift. DNA methylation is an additional mechanism that contributes to among population variation, with potential influences on organism phenotype, adaptive potential, and population resilience.  相似文献   

Climate change poses a serious threat to the existence of many species. The combination of habitat fragmentation and increasing temperatures is of particular concern because it can alter demographic and population genetic processes, which may ultimately lead to extinction. Locomotion is very important in mitigating the negative impacts of these processes by upholding migration and contributing to random mating within and between populations. In the present study, a T‐maze, constituting a relatively complex laboratory assay, is used to investigate whether inbreeding affects the capacity to reach a food source in male Drosophila melanogaster Meigen 1830 (Diptera: Drosophilidae) reared at 20, 25 or 30 °C, respectively. The effects of inbreeding and crossbreeding are highly temperature‐specific. Strong heterosis for the ability to reach food in the maze is observed in flies developed and maintained at 30 °C, whereas inbred flies locate the food significantly faster than crossbreds when reared at 25 °C in four of six runs. No clear pattern is evident in flies reared at 20 °C. The results suggest that complex traits such as locomotor performance in a maze are highly informative in the evaluation and detection of inbreeding depression under different thermal conditions. The effect of inbreeding is most pronounced at high temperature, which is a characteristic of the conditions that many natural populations may have to face under climate change.  相似文献   

Records from up to 19054 registered cows and 10297 calves in 155 herds of the Alentejana cattle breed were used to study the effects of individual (Fi) and maternal (Fm) inbreeding on reproductive, growth and carcass traits, as well as assessing the importance of non-linear associations between inbreeding and performance, and evaluating the differences among sire-families in the effect of Fi and Fm on calf weight at 7 months of age (W7M). Overall, regression coefficients of performance traits on inbreeding were small, indicating a minor but still detrimental effect of both Fi and Fm on most traits. The traits with the highest percentage impact of Fi were total number of calvings through life and calf weight at 3 months of age (W3M), followed by longevity and number of calves produced up to 7 years, while the highest effect of Fm was on W3M. Inbreeding depression on feed efficiency and carcass traits was extremely small and not significant. No evidence was found of a non-linear association between inbreeding and performance for the traits analyzed. Large differences were detected among sire-families in inbreeding depression on W7M, for both Fi and Fm, encouraging the possibility of incorporating sire effects on inbreeding depression into selection decisions.  相似文献   

Human adipose tissue is a great source of adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which are recognized from their ability to self‐renew and differentiation into multiple lineages. MSCs have promised a vast therapeutic potential in treatment many diseases including tissue injury and immune disorders. However, their regenerative potential profoundly depends on patients’ age. Age‐related deterioration of MSC is associated with cellular senescence mainly caused by increased DNA methylation status, accumulation of oxidative stress factors and mitochondria dysfunction. We found that DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitor i.e. 5‐Azacytidine (5‐AZA) reversed the aged phenotype of MSCs. Proliferation rate of cells cultured with 5‐AZA was increased while the accumulation of oxidative stress factors and DNA methylation status were decreased. Simultaneously the mRNA levels of TET proteins involved in demethylation process were elevated in those cells. Moreover, cells treated with 5‐AZA displayed reduced reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation, ameliorated superoxide dismutase activity and increased BCL‐2/BAX ratio in comparison to control group. Our results indicates that, treating MSCs with 5‐AZA can be justified therapeutic intervention, that can slow‐down and even reverse aged‐ related degenerative changes in those cells.  相似文献   

Analysis of DNA methylation in different maize tissues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA methylation plays an important role in gene expression regulation during biological development and tissue differentiation in plants. This study adopted methylation-sensitive Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to compare the levels of DNA cytosine methylation at CCGG sites in tassel, bracteal leaf, and ear leaf from maize inbred lines, 18 White and 18 Red, respectively, and also examined specific methylation patterns of the three tissues. Significant differences in cytosine methylation level among the three tissues and the same changing tendency in two inbred lines were detected. Both MSAP (methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism) ratio and full methylation level were the highest in bracteal leaf, and the lowest in tassel. Meanwhile, different methylation levels were observed in the same tissue from the inbred lines, 18 White and 18 Red. Full methylation of internal cytosine was the dominant type in the maize genome. The differential methylation patterns in the three tissues were observed. In addition, sequencing of nine differentially methylated fragments and the subsequent blast search revealed that the cytosine methylated 5 ' -CCGG-3 ' sequences were distributed in repeating sequences, in the coding and noncoding regions. Southern hybridization was used to verify the methylation polymorphism. These results clearly demonstrated the power of the MSAP technique for large-scale DNA methylation detection in the maize genome, and the complexity of DNA methylation change during plant growth and development. The different methylation levels may be related to specific gene expression in various tissues.  相似文献   

Dissecting complex interactions between species and their environments has long been a research hot spot in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology. The well‐recognized Darwinian evolution has well‐explained long‐term adaptation scenarios; however, “rapid” processes of biological responses to environmental changes remain largely unexplored, particularly molecular mechanisms such as DNA methylation that have recently been proposed to play crucial roles in rapid environmental adaptation. Invasive species, which have capacities to successfully survive rapidly changing environments during biological invasions, provide great opportunities to study molecular mechanisms of rapid environmental adaptation. Here, we used the methylation‐sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) technique in an invasive model ascidian, Ciona savignyi, to investigate how species interact with rapidly changing environments at the whole‐genome level. We detected quite rapid DNA methylation response: significant changes of DNA methylation frequency and epigenetic differentiation between treatment and control groups occurred only after 1 hr of high‐temperature exposure or after 3 hr of low‐salinity challenge. In addition, we detected time‐dependent hemimethylation changes and increased intragroup epigenetic divergence induced by environmental stresses. Interestingly, we found evidence of DNA methylation resilience, as most stress‐induced DNA methylation variation maintained shortly (~48 hr) and quickly returned back to the control levels. Our findings clearly showed that invasive species could rapidly respond to acute environmental changes through DNA methylation modifications, and rapid environmental changes left significant epigenetic signatures at the whole‐genome level. All these results provide fundamental background to deeply investigate the contribution of DNA methylation mechanisms to rapid contemporary environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

This study examined whether polyandrous female Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha obtain benefits compared with monandrous females through an increase in hatching success. Both of the alternative reproductive tactics present in male O. tshawytscha (large hooknoses and small, precocious jacks) were used, such that eggs were either fertilized by a single male (from each tactic) or multiple males (using two males from the same or different tactics). The results show that fertilized eggs from the polyandrous treatments had a significantly higher hatching success than those from the monandrous treatments. It is also shown that sperm speed was positively related with offspring hatching success. Finally, there were tactic‐specific effects on the benefits females received. The inclusion of jacks in any cross resulted in offspring with higher hatching success, with the cross that involved a male from each tactic providing offspring with the highest hatching success than any other cross. This study has important implications for the evolution of multiple mating and why it is so prevalent across taxa, while also providing knowledge on the evolution of mating systems, specifically those with alternative reproductive tactics.  相似文献   

When replicate cultures ofT. confusum andT. castaneum are husbanded together under identical treatment conditions, sometimesT. confusum eliminatesT. castaneum, and other times,T. castaneum wins (i.e., competitive indeterminacy occurs). While several plausible explanations were advanced, the results of Mertz et al. (1976) implicated demographic stochasticity and not classical genetic founder effect as the predominant factor influencing the identity of the winning species. They also observed, however, that the size of the founding population had an influence on the competitive strength ofT. castaneum. The present study shows that the decline in competitive strength that accompanied decreasing founder size inT. castaneum can be amply explained by simple inbreeding depression. The eggs of inbred adults showed an approximate 15% reduction in hatchability when compared to outbred adults. No evidence was found that the decrease in competitive strength was due either to prior history differences or reduced genetic heterogeneity of the founding adults.  相似文献   

环境因素对DNA甲基化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹家雪  张红平  杜立新 《遗传》2013,35(7):839-846
在哺乳动物中, DNA甲基化是指在DNA 甲基转移酶(DNA-methyl transferase, DNMT)的作用下, 以S-腺苷甲硫氨酸提供甲基供体, 将其甲基转移到脱氧胞嘧啶环第5位碳原子形成甲基化脱氧胞嘧啶的共价修饰。DNA甲基化改变组蛋白和DNA之间的相互作用, 使染色质构象发生改变从而影响基因的表达, 总体来说DNA甲基化水平与基因的表达呈负相关。越来越多的报道证实, 环境因素可以影响表观遗传修饰, 其并没有涉及遗传信息的改变, 所以在一定范围内可以解释表型变化。文章围绕环境因素(温度、营养供给、异常化学因子、早期环境刺激和辐射等)对DNA甲基化产生的影响进行综述, 这些影响包括亲代和子代DNA甲基化的改变及子代行为和表型变化等方面, 以期进一步阐释环境因素与基因互作的关系。  相似文献   

DNA microarray technology is a powerful tool for monitoring gene expression or for finding the location of DNA‐bound proteins. DNA microarrays can suffer from gene‐specific dye bias (GSDB), causing some probes to be affected more by the dye than by the sample. This results in large measurement errors, which vary considerably for different probes and also across different hybridizations. GSDB is not corrected by conventional normalization and has been difficult to address systematically because of its variance. We show that GSDB is influenced by label incorporation efficiency, explaining the variation of GSDB across different hybridizations. A correction method (Gene‐ And Slide‐Specific Correction, GASSCO) is presented, whereby sequence‐specific corrections are modulated by the overall bias of individual hybridizations. GASSCO outperforms earlier methods and works well on a variety of publically available datasets covering a range of platforms, organisms and applications, including ChIP on chip. A sequence‐based model is also presented, which predicts which probes will suffer most from GSDB, useful for microarray probe design and correction of individual hybridizations. Software implementing the method is publicly available.  相似文献   

Despite strong empirical evidence of the harmful effects of inbreeding on fecundity, spontaneous recessive deleterious mutations are generally considered as acting on survival only in evolutionary models and population viability analyses. In this study, we modelled a species with separate sexes to assess the effect of selection on fecundity in small populations on the risk of extinction. We showed that the impact of inbreeding on short-term fitness changes and that population dynamics are strongly influenced by phenotypic interactions among males and females during reproduction. In particular, population persistence was found to be highly sensitive to the level at which selection acts (i.e. individual vs. pair) and to asymmetry among sexes (in terms of mutation rates and mutational effects).  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 467–476.  相似文献   

Tissue specific methylation of human Y chromosomal DNA sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report describes two moderately repetitive human Y chromosomal DNA sequences isolated from a flow sorted Y chromosonal library. These sequences are present in XY male and XY female DNAs but absent in XX male and XX female DNAs. Genomic Southern blot analysis against DNAs isolated from different tissues showed tissue specific DNA methylation patterns. In contrast to the 2.1 kb Hae III repeats which are hypomethylated in sperm DNA, the moderately repetitive sequences used in this study are highly methylated in sperm, less methylated in blood and brain and least methylated in placental DNA.  相似文献   

Genomic approaches permit direct estimation of inbreeding and its effect on fitness. We used genomic‐based estimates of inbreeding to investigate their relationship with eight adult traits in a captive‐reared Pacific salmonid that is released into the wild. Estimates were also used to determine whether alternative broodstock management approaches reduced risks of inbreeding. Specifically, 1,100 unlinked restriction‐site associated (RAD) loci were used to compare pairwise relatedness, derived from a relationship matrix, and individual inbreeding, estimated by comparing observed and expected homozygosity, across four generations in two hatchery lines of Chinook salmon that were derived from the same source. The lines are managed as “integrated” with the founding wild stock, with ongoing gene flow, and as “segregated” with no gene flow. While relatedness and inbreeding increased in the first generation of both lines, possibly due to population subdivision caused by hatchery initiation, the integrated line had significantly lower levels in some subsequent generations (relatedness: F2–F4; inbreeding F2). Generally, inbreeding was similar between the lines despite large differences in effective numbers of breeders. Inbreeding did not affect fecundity, reproductive effort, return timing, fork length, weight, condition factor, and daily growth coefficient. However, it delayed spawn timing by 1.75 days per one standard deviation increase in F (~0.16). The results indicate that integrated management may reduce inbreeding but also suggest that it is relatively low in a small, segregated hatchery population that maximized number of breeders. Our findings demonstrate the utility of genomics to monitor inbreeding under alternative management strategies in captive breeding programs.  相似文献   

Individuals often differ in their ability to cope with challenging environmental and social conditions. Evidence from model systems suggests that patterns of DNA methylation are associated with variation in coping ability. These associations could arise directly if methylation plays a role in controlling the physiological response to stressors by, among other things, regulating the release of glucocorticoids in response to challenges. Alternatively, the association could arise indirectly if methylation and resilience have a common cause, such as early‐life conditions. In either case, methylation might act as a biomarker for coping ability. At present, however, relatively little is known about whether variation in methylation is associated with organismal performance and resilience under natural conditions. We studied genome‐wide patterns of DNA methylation in free‐living female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) using methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) and a tree swallow genome that was assembled for this study. We identified areas of the genome that were differentially methylated with respect to social signal expression (breast brightness) and physiological traits (ability to terminate the glucocorticoid stress response through negative feedback). We also asked whether methylation predicted resilience to a subsequent experimentally imposed challenge. Individuals with brighter breast plumage and higher stress resilience had lower methylation at differentially methylated regions across the genome. Thus, widespread differences in methylation predicted both social signal expression and the response to future challenges under natural conditions. These results have implications for predicting individual differences in resilience, and for understanding the mechanistic basis of resilience and its environmental and social mediators.  相似文献   

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