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The clinical efficacy and safety of realgar (arsenic sulfide, As(4)S(4)) in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia in China have given rise to an upsurge in research on the underlying mechanism. We prepared realgar nanoparticles (RNPs) to examine their effect on the differentiation of HL-60 cells. Treatment with RNPs at 6 microM for 72 h induced cell differentiation that was assessed by morphological change, NBT reductive ability, and elevation of CD11b expression at both mRNA and protein levels. The RNP-induced differentiation was synergized, enhanced and suppressed by the inhibition of p38 MAPK, JNK and ERK pathways, respectively. Our findings demonstrate that MAPK signaling pathways are closely related to the RNP-induced differentiation in HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

We used the HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cell line to analyze the surface expression of a family of adherence-related leukocyte surface antigens during myeloid differentiation. These antigens are composed of discrete alpha subunits, designated alpha L, alpha M, and alpha X, that are each noncovalently associated with a common beta subunit. Monoclonal antibodies directed against the individual subunits served as markers in both indirect immunofluorescence studies and immunoprecipitations from HL-60 cells differentiated preferentially towards mature granulocytes (DMSO, retinoic acid) or monocyte/macrophages (PMA, vitamin D3). In undifferentiated HL-60 cells, the alpha L and alpha X subunits were constitutively expressed, whereas the alpha M subunit was not. Differentiation of HL-60 cells along the granulocytic pathway with DMSO resulted in a marked increase in alpha M and minimal increases in alpha L and alpha X. The phenotypic expression of these antigens on DMSO-treated HL-60 cells closely resembled that on normal circulating PMN. Differentiation along the monocyte/macrophage pathway when using PMA or vitamin D3 resulted in major increases in alpha L and alpha X expression, as well as alpha M. These changes resulted in a surface phenotype characteristic of that present on human monocyte-derived macrophages. Triggering of undifferentiated HL-60 cells with PMA caused no increase in subunit expression, whereas stimulation of DMSO-differentiated HL-60 cells with PMA produced more than a 1.5-fold enhancement of both the alpha M and alpha X subunits, and stimulation of human PMN with PMA increased the surface expression of alpha M more than fourfold and alpha X subunit twofold. Stimulation with PMA produced no change in expression of the alpha L subunit in any of the three cell populations. These results indicate that the alpha subunits of this glycoprotein family can be selectively regulated during in vitro differentiation of a human promyelocytic leukemia cell line. Second, DMSO-differentiated HL-60 cells and human PMN possessed an intracellular pool of alpha M and alpha X, but not alpha L, that could be translocated to the surface. Thus, despite structural and functional relationships among the alpha subunits in this glycoprotein family, they undergo disparate surface expression and intracellular regulation during differentiation.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor is a proinflammatory lipid active at subnanomolar concentrations. The intermembrane transfer of a biologically active PAF analog has been previously demonstrated in macrophages. Here we demonstrate that the specific activity of this transfer activity increases when HL-60 cells are induced to differentiate by treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide, dibutyryl cAMP or phorbol diester. In undifferentiated HL-60 cells, methylcarbamyl-PAF transfer activity was only 0.56 U.min-1.mg-1. This basal value was increased 2.6 and 6.7 times upon granulocytic and macrophagic differentiation, respectively. On the other hand, the transfer of 2-O-methyl-PAF, a cytotoxic analog with no PAF biological activity, remained very low and did not vary during differentiation.  相似文献   

Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) induces differentiation of human leukemic HL-60 cells into cells with macrophage-like characteristics and enhances the susceptibility of HL-60 cells to the Helicobacter pylori VacA toxin (de Bernard, M., Moschioni., M., Papini, E., Telford, J. L., Rappuoli, R., and Montecucco, C. (1998) FEBS Lett. 436, 218-222). We examined the mechanism by which HL-60 cells acquire sensitivity to VacA, in particular, looking for expression of RPTPbeta, a VacA-binding protein postulated to be the VacA receptor (Yahiro, K., Niidome, T., Kimura, M., Hatakeyama, T., Aoyagi, H., Kurazono, H., Imagawa, K., Wada, A., Moss, J., and Hirayama, T. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 36693-36699). PMA induced expression of RPTPbeta mRNA and protein as determined by RNase protection assay and indirect immunofluorescence studies, respectively. Vitamin D(3) and interferon-gamma, which stimulate differentiation of HL-60 cells into monocyte-like cells, also induced VacA sensitivity and expression of RPTPbeta mRNA, whereas 1. 2% Me(2)SO and retinoic acid, which stimulated the maturation of HL-60 into granulocyte-like cells, did not. RPTPbeta antisense oligonucleotide inhibited induction of VacA sensitivity and expression of RPTPbeta. Double immunostaining studies also indicated that newly expressed RPTPbeta colocalized with VacA in PMA-treated HL-60 cells. In agreement with these data, BHK-21 cells, which are insensitive to VacA, when transfected with the RPTPbeta cDNA, acquired VacA sensitivity. All data are consistent with the conclusion that acquisition of VacA sensitivity by PMA-treated HL-60 cells results from induction of RPTPbeta, a protein that functions as the VacA receptor.  相似文献   

The poly-N-acetyllactosamines on neutrophils and monocytes have been shown to serve as ligands for various selectins present on endothelial cells and platelets. We have previously shown that only a limited number of glycoproteins contain poly-N-acetyllactosamine and found that lysosomal membrane glycoproteins (lamps) are the major glycoproteins carrying poly-N-acetyllactosamine. In order to understand the reason why only certain glycoproteins can be modified by poly-N-acetyllactosamine, we have utilized 21 degrees C incubation conditions, which were previously shown to cause the accumulation of glycoproteins at the trans-Golgi. HL-60 cells were labeled with [3H]galactose at 21 or 37 degrees C for 6 or 24 h, and lamp-1 and lamp-2 were immunoprecipitated. Upon examination by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, each lamp from HL-60 cells incubated at 21 degrees C exhibited a much broader, slower migrating band than that isolated from the cells incubated at 37 degrees C. The number of N-glycans containing poly-N-acetyllactosamine, estimated by their binding to tomato lectin column, increased approximately 30-50% after incubation at 21 degrees C than incubation at 37 degrees C. The analysis of oligosaccharides released by endo-beta-galactosidase digestion demonstrates that the amount of side chains containing three or more N-acetyllactosamine repeats increased about 100% after incubation at 21 degrees C, and methylation analysis confirmed these results. The same analysis and the results obtained by ion-exchange chromatography also provided evidence that the N-glycans of lamps are sialylated at 21 degrees C as much as at 37 degrees C. Pulse-chase experiments using [35S]methionine labeling indicated that the time necessary for processing of lamps is much longer at 21 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. These results therefore indicate that incubation at 21 degrees C causes the lamps to reside longer within the Golgi complex, and such longer residence allows lamps to acquire more polylactosaminoglycan. These results also suggest that the time necessary for moving through the Golgi complex is a critical factor for poly-N-acetyllactosamine formation.  相似文献   

More than 80% of cells from a human promyelocytic leukemic cell line (HL-60) possess the capacity for self-renewal as evidenced by their ability to form large primary colonies in semisolid medium and the presence within these colonies of cells capable of subsequent colony formation. Colony development is independent of the normal regulator-the myeloid colony stimulating factor. The observed autostimulation suggests the production of specific growth promoters by the cells. Differentiation either to mature granulocytes or macrophages, induced by various agents, was associated with reduced cloning potential. Nevertheless, colonies containing differentiated cells could be developed either by cloning cells in the presence of suboptimal concentrations of inducer or by adding inducers over colonies developed in its absence. Upon differentiation, there was a morphological change from compact to diffused colony morphology due to cell mobility in the semisolid medium. Even at suboptimal concentrations of inducer more than 95% of the colonies became diffused, indicating clonaI homogeneity of the population with respect to differentiation capacity. The loss of self-renewal was found to be one of the early properties which changed following the initiation of differentiation. The loss preceded not only the overt expression of maturation-specific functions but also cellular commitment to terminal differentiation; shorter contact with the inducer was required to cause loss of self-renewal than to induce an irreversible transition to differentiation. This resulted in cells that lost their self-renewal potential without being able to complete their program of differentiation.  相似文献   

PSL(p55) is a nuclear 55kD antigen present in various mammalian cell systems, which has been first identified by use of human autoimmune antibodies (Barque et al. 1983, EMBO J. 2, 743). It has been shown to be associated with interphase chromatine and to be synthesized in during the S phase of the cell cycle. In this work, we have analysed the status of PSL in promyelocytic HL-60 human cells in exponential or stationary growth, or undergoing granulocytic differentiation in presence of Retinoic acid. By use of 2-dimensional electrophoresis, PSL was found to be composed of two acidic proteins designated p55A and p55B. Unexpectedly, estimated 10-20 fold higher amounts of each species were found in cells treated for 5 days with 10(-6)M Retinoic acid, than in asynchronously growing cells or resting cells. Moreover, the p55A protein was phosphorylated during the process. On the basis of these results, PSL appears to be involved in some steps of the granulocytic differentiation process.  相似文献   

Cytokinins are important purine derivatives that act as hormones to control many processes in plants. Cytokinins such as isopentenyladenine (IPA), kinetin and benzyladenine were very effective at inducing the granulocytic differentiation of human myeloid leukemia HL-60 cells. The metabolism of cytokinins to their nucleotides was closely associated with cytokinin-induced differentiation and growth inhibition. When the cells were incubated with [14C]-benzyladenine, radioactivity was significantly incorporated into RNA and DNA. However, the radioactive nucleotides in RNA or DNA were adenine nucleotides, not benzyladenine nucleotides, suggesting that cytokinins were not incorporated into RNA and DNA. The benzyladenine nucleotides were not stably released into the medium in intact form. Cytokinins effectively induced a phosphorylated (active) form of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). MAPK activation was necessary for cytokinin-induced differentiation, because PD98059, an inhibitor of MAPK kinase, suppressed the differentiation induced by cytokinins. These results suggest that cytokinin nucleotides themselves play an important role in inducing the differentiation of HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties and spatial localization of the protein alpha-dystrobrevin and other isoforms were investigated in cells of the human promyelocytic leukemia line HL-60 granulocytic differentiation as induced by retinoic acid (RA). Alpha-dystrobrevin was detected both in the cytosol and the nuclei of these cells, and a short isoform (gamma-dystrobrevin) was modified by tyrosine phosphorylation soon after the onset of the RA-triggered differentiation. Varying patterns of distribution of alpha-dystrobrevin and its isoforms could be discerned in HL-60 promyelocytes, RA-differentiated mature granulocytes, and human neutrophils. Moreover, the gamma-dystrobrevin isoform was found in association with actin and myosin light chain. The results provide new information about potential involvement of alpha-dystrobrevin and its splice isoforms in signal transduction in myeloid cells during induction of granulocytic differentiation and/or at the commitment stage of differentiation or phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

The expression and activity of NADPH oxidase increase when HL‐60 cells are induced into terminally differentiated cells. However, the function of NADPH oxidase in differentiation is not well elucidated. With 150–500 μM H2O2 inducing differentiation of HL‐60 cells, we measured phagocytosis of latex beads and investigated cell electrophoresis. Two inhibitors of NADPH oxidase, DPI (diphenyleneiodonium) and APO (apocynin), blocked the differentiation potential of cells induced by 200 μM H2O2. However, H2O2 stimulated the generation of intracellular superoxide (O2 ? ?), which decreased in the presence of the two inhibitors. DPI also inhibited H2O2‐induced ERK (extracellular‐signal‐regulated kinase) activation, as detected by Western blotting. Furthermore, PD98059, the inhibitor of the ERK pathway, inhibited the differentiation of HL‐60 cells induced by H2O2. This shows that H2O2 can activate NADPH oxidase, leading to O2 ? ? production, followed by ERK activation and ultimately resulting in the differentiation of HL‐60 cells. The data indicate that NADPH oxidase is an important cell signal regulating cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in cell surface and cytoskeletal elements have been studied in human promyelocytic leukemia cells (line HL-60) which differentiate into functionally mature myeloid cells when grown in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-supplemented medium. Both differentiated and undifferentiated HL-60 cells bind fluorescent concanavalin A (F-Con A) in a diffuse pattern over the entire cell surface. As with normal neutrophils, pretreatment of the differentiated HL-60 cells with colchicine before incubation with Con A causes the formation of large cytoplasmic protrusions over which the lectin associates into a cap. On the other hand, similarly treated undifferentiated HL-60 cells do not form the cytoplasmic protuberances and are unable to cap the Con A. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that the number and distribution of microtubules and microfilaments change during differentiation. Thus, developing myeloid cells undergo important alterations in the structure and function of the cytoskeleton as they differentiate into mature phagocytes.  相似文献   

K R Hallows  R S Frank 《Biorheology》1992,29(2-3):295-309
We measured changes in the deformability of human promyelocytic leukemic (HL-60) cells induced to differentiate for 5-6 days along the granulocyte pathway by 1.25% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Differentiation resulted in an approximately 90% reduction in the transit times of the cells through capillary-sized pores over a range of aspiration pressures. Cell volume, as measured by two methods, decreased by an average of 35%. To account for the contribution of the volume decrease to the decrease in transit time, the liquid drop model, developed to describe neutrophil deformability, was used to calculate an apparent viscosity of the cells during this deformation. The apparent viscosity of both uninduced and induced HL-60 cells was a function of aspiration pressure, and an approximately 80% reduction in viscosity occurred with induction, as determined by regression analysis. The deformation rate-dependent viscosities of the induced cells were between 65 and 240 Pa-sec, values similar to those measured for circulating neutrophils. To assess the role of polymerized actin in these viscosity changes, intracellular F-actin content was measured, and the effect of dihydrocytochalasin B (DHB), an agent that disrupts actin polymerization, was determined. Despite the significant decrease in cellular viscosity, F-actin content per cell volume did not change significantly after induced differentiation. Treatment with 3 and 30 microM DHB lowered cellular F-actin content in a dose-dependent manner in both uninduced and induced cells. Cellular viscosity of both uninduced and induced cells decreased sharply with 3 microM DHB treatment (85% and 76% respectively). 30 microM DHB treatment caused a further significant reduction in the viscosity of uninduced cells, but for induced cells the additional decrease in viscosity was not significant. These data indicate that reductions in both cell volume and intrinsic viscosity contribute to the increased deformability of HL-60 cells with DMSO-induced differentiation. However, changes in the concentration of F-actin cannot account for the decrease in cellular viscosity that occurs.  相似文献   

Based on solubility properties, the human myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen exists as at least two distinct populations. Most is easily extracted from isolated nuclei in 0.35 M NaCl, while 20 percent resists such treatment. Compared to undigested nuclei, both the amount of myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) released from nuclei after DNase I treatment and the amount resisting further extraction in 0.35 M NaCl increased after DNA was digested with DNase I. Under these conditions, there was a concomitant decrease in the amount of MNDA that was extractable with 0.35 M NaCl. Mixing nuclear protein extracts that contain MNDA with nuclei from cells that do not express this protein demonstrated that the MNDA redistributes from the freely soluble form to the nuclear residual fraction as a consequence of DNase I digestion. These data are consistent with a model in which the amount of MNDA that is tightly bound to salt-washed nuclei is held constant in the presence of an excess of unassociated MNDA in the nucleus, and that the level of MNDA binding to this nuclear fraction increases in proportion to the extent of DNA damage resulting from DNase I digestion.  相似文献   

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