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The status of Ireland's harbour seal Phoca vitulina vitulina population is poorly understood. The most recent national population estimate dates back to the breeding season in 1978 and did not cover the entire coastline. Reliable up-to-date information on the abundance and distribution of harbour seals in Ireland is necessary to assess the conservation status of the species and for the effective identification, management and monitoring of special areas of conservation required for harbour seals under the EU Habitats Directive. To provide comprehensive current information on Ireland's harbour seal population, a geographically extensive survey was conducted along the coastline of the Republic of Ireland during the species' annual moult in August 2003. This complemented a similar survey of Northern Ireland, which was conducted in 2002. Using thermal imaging technology, haul-out groups of harbour seals and grey seals Halichoerus grypus were identified from the air, aerial-counts were obtained and compared with simultaneous ground-count data from selected sites. Harbour seal distribution recorded during the 2003 moult season was concentrated in the south-west, west and north-west of the country. This national survey yielded a minimum population estimate for the Republic of Ireland of 2905 harbour seals, delivering an effective baseline for current and future population research.  相似文献   

Conservation efforts are often constrained by uncertainty over the factors driving declines in marine mammal populations. In Scotland, there is concern over the potential impact of unrecorded shooting of seals, particularly where this occurs near Special Areas of Conservation. Here, we show that the abundance of harbour seals Phoca vitulina in the Moray Firth, north-east Scotland, declined by 2–5% per annum between 1993 and 2004. Records from local salmon fisheries and aquaculture sites indicated that 66–327 harbour seals were shot each year between 1994 and 2002. Matrix models and estimates of potential biological removal indicate that this level of shooting is sufficient to explain observed declines. Nevertheless, uncertainty over the number and identity of seals shot means that other factors such as changes in food availability may be contributing. Recent conservation measures markedly reduced the recorded levels of shooting in 2003 and 2004. In 2005, a coordinated management plan was developed to protect salmon fisheries interests while minimizing impacts on local seal populations. Comprehensive monitoring of future population trends and improved regulation of culls are now required to provide more robust assessments of the impact of human persecution on harbour seal populations in the Moray Firth and in other parts of the UK.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of vocalizations produced during the breeding season by the male harbour seal, an aquatically breeding pinniped. During the spring of 1999, playback experiments were conducted at eight locations in Elkhorn Slough, California, U.S.A. Through an underwater speaker, we presented male harbour seals with three acoustic stimuli: a long-duration, low-frequency roar (LL), a short-duration, high-frequency roar (SH) and amplified water noise (control). Male responses to the playback boat were characterized by increased approach rates and aggressive flipper slapping during 62.5% of SH sessions (N=8), 25% of LL sessions (N=8) and 0% of control sessions (N=8). No more than one identifiable seal responded during each playback location. We observed no responses by female harbour seals to playbacks. We conclude from these experiments that territorial male harbour seals use roars given by intruders to locate and challenge intruders.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin (Hp) levels were measured in blood serum from 185 apparently healthy ringed seals (Pusa hispida) from Svalbard (age range, 1-30 yr) collected during the spring seasons of 2002 through 2004. The Hp concentration was 0.26 +/- 0.02 g/l (mean +/- SE; range, 0.0-1.5 g/l). Maturity status, body condition index (CI), interactions between CI and maturity status, and sex and maturity status all had significant influences on Hp levels. Mature males had significantly higher Hp concentrations compared with mature females (0.30 +/- 0.03 vs. 0.17 +/- 0.01 g/l, F(1,16) = 14.9, P<0.01). No differences were found between Hp levels in immature male and female seals (0.33 +/- 0.06 g/l). The Hp levels increased significantly in immature seals when the CI decreased. Despite the fact that mature males had a significantly lower CI than mature females, no direct correlation was found between Hp concentration and CI among adults. The elevated Hp values found in mature males might be related to injuries inflicted among males while fighting during the mating season or to high stress levels related to mating competition. The Hp concentrations of ringed seals measured in this study are useful baseline data for development of a diagnostic tool for future monitoring of the general health of this and other ringed seal populations.  相似文献   

We present new and revised data for the phocine distemper virus (PDV) epidemics that resulted in the deaths of more than 23 000 harbour seals Phoca vitulina in 1988 and 30,000 in 2002. On both occasions the epidemics started at the Danish island of Anholt in central Kattegat, and subsequently spread to adjacent colonies in a stepwise fashion. However, this pattern was not maintained throughout the epidemics and new centres of infection appeared far from infected populations on some occasions: in 1988 early positive cases were observed in the Irish Sea, and in 2002 the epidemic appeared in the Dutch Wadden Sea, 6 wk after the initiation of the outbreak at Anholt Island. Since the harbour seal is a rather sedentary species, such 'jumps' in the spread among colonies suggest that another vector species could have been involved. We discussed the role of sympatric species as disease vectors, and suggested that grey seal populations could act as reservoirs for PDV if infection rates in sympatric species are lower than in harbour seals. Alternatively, grey seals could act as subclinical infected carriers of the virus between Arctic and North Sea seal populations. Mixed colonies of grey and harbour seal colonies are found at all locations where the jumps occurred. It seems likely that grey seals, which show long-distance movements, contributed to the spread among regions. The harbour seal populations along the Norwegian coast and in the Baltic escaped both epidemics, which could be due either to genetic differences among harbour seal populations or to immunity. Catastrophic events such as repeated epidemics should be accounted for in future models and management strategies of wildlife populations.  相似文献   

Testosterone mediates reproductive behaviours in male vertebrates. For example, breeding season territoriality depends on testosterone in many species of birds and in some, territorial interactions feed back on testosterone concentrations. However, the degree to which territorial behaviour and testosterone are associated differs even between species with seemingly similar life histories, especially between species that also defend territories outside the breeding season. Here, we investigate the link between territorial behaviour and testosterone in European stonechats. Previous studies found that territorial aggression in stonechats depends on testosterone in a breeding, but not in a non-breeding context. We investigated whether stonechats show a rise in testosterone during simulated territorial intrusions (STI) during the breeding season. Post-capture testosterone concentrations of males caught after an STI were not higher than those of males caught in a control situation regardless of breeding stage. However, most of the males would have been able to mount a testosterone response because the same individuals that did not increase testosterone during the STI showed a substantial increase in testosterone after injections of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH-induced and post-capture testosterone concentrations were positively correlated and both decreased with successive breeding stages. Further, territory owners with a short latency to attack the decoy expressed higher post-capture testosterone concentrations than males with a longer latency to attack the decoy. Thus, there is no evidence for behavioural feedback on testosterone concentrations during male-male interactions in stonechats. In combination with previous studies our data suggest that testosterone functions as an on/off switch of high intensity territorial aggression during the breeding season in stonechats. The among-species variation in the androgen control of territorial behaviour may be only partly a result of environmental differences. Instead, potential differences in how territoriality evolved in different species may have influenced whether and how a reproductive hormone such as testosterone was co-opted into the mechanistic control of territorial behaviour.  相似文献   

Studying variations in behaviour at the individual or population level enables insight into the reproductive strategies within a species. We examined individual and geographical variation in the vocal and dive behaviour of male harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, which is associated with aquatic mating. This display behaviour was recorded in the Moray Firth, Scotland, from July 1994 to 1997, and in Orkney, Scotland, during July 1998. One vocalization type was apparent in the Moray Firth and two in Orkney. Time parameters (total and pulse duration) varied between males in the population in the Moray Firth. We used both frequency and time parameters in a discriminant analysis, which showed that 73.2% of individual male vocalizations could be correctly classified; 94.6% of male vocalizations from the Moray Firth and Orkney could be correctly classified according to their geographical areas. Therefore, vocal variation was greater between geographical areas than between individuals. No individual variation was apparent between dive and surface interval durations. However, individuals varied significantly in the percentage of short surface intervals. Male harbour seals showed substantial variability in the parameters affecting their vocal and dive behaviour during the mating season. We suggest that these variations may be indicative of adaptations to varying environmental challenges influencing the reproductive strategies of discrete populations. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In photoperiodic birds, endocrine responses to behavioural interactions between males and females may be involved in temporally "fine-tuning" the onset of reproduction to yearly variations in the environment. This study examined the endocrine and behavioural responses of male White-crowned sparrows ( Zonotrichia leucophrys ) to changes in the endocrine state of the female, as signalled by changes in her behaviour. Males on different photoperiodic regimes were paired with oestrogen-treated, sexually receptive females. Males exposed to gonadostimulatory long days mounted and copulated with oestrogen-treated females even before gonadal development was complete. These males had higher plasma levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone and maintained enlarged testes longer than control males paired with untreated, nonreceptive females. Males maintained on nonstimulatory short days also mounted oestrogen-treated females; however, testes of these males remained nonfunctional and their plasma levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone were basal. Thus, reproductive function of photostimulated males is profoundly affected by changes in the endocrine state and behaviour of the female. However, male sexual behaviours are expressed in response to visual and auditory stimuli from the female regardless of male hormonal condition or photoperiodic treatment.  相似文献   

Microbial community assembly remains largely unexplored in marine mammals, despite its potential importance for conservation and management. Here, neonatal microbiota assembly was studied in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) at a rehabilitation facility soon after maternal separation, through weaning, to the time of release back to their native environment. We found that the gingival and rectal communities of rehabilitated harbour seals were distinct from the microbiotas of formula and pool water, and became increasingly diverse and dissimilar over time, ultimately resembling the gingival and rectal communities of local wild harbour seals. Harbour seal microbiota assembly was compared to that of human infants, revealing the rapid emergence of host specificity and evidence of phylosymbiosis even though these harbour seals had been raised by humans. Early life prophylactic antibiotics were associated with changes in the composition of the harbour seal gingival and rectal communities and surprisingly, with transient increases in alpha diversity, perhaps because of microbiota sharing during close cohabitation with other harbour seals. Antibiotic-associated effects dissipated over time. These results suggest that while early life maternal contact may provide seeding for microbial assembly, co-housing of conspecifics during rehabilitation may help neonatal mammals achieve a healthy host-specific microbiota with features of resilience.  相似文献   

This study investigates how densities of ringed seals were affected by construction and oil production activities at Northstar, an artificial island built in the nearshore Alaskan Beaufort Sea. Intensive and replicated aerial surveys of seals on landfast ice were conducted during six spring seasons: for three seasons before island construction began (1997–1999); after a winter of intensive island construction (2000); and after more limited construction plus drilling (2001) and drilling plus oil production (2002). A Poisson regression model was used to examine seal densities relative to distance from Northstar after allowance for environmental covariates. Post hoc power analysis indicated that the study design and Poisson regression approach had high power to detect small‐scale changes in seal densities near Northstar if such changes had occurred. However, seal densities during spring were not significantly affected by proximity to Northstar in 2000–2002. Habitat, temporal, and weather factors did have significant effects on seal densities. This study shows that effects of the Northstar oil development on local distribution of basking ringed seals are no more than slight, and are small relative to the effects of natural environmental factors. An understanding of environmental effects is essential when assessing potential impacts of industrial activity on ringed seals.  相似文献   

Sympatric harbour (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) are increasingly considered potential competitors, especially since recent local declines in harbour seal numbers while grey seal numbers remained stable or increased at their European core distributions. A better understanding of the interactions between these species is critical for conservation efforts. This study aimed to identify the trophic niche overlap between harbour and grey seals at the southern limit of their European range, in the Baie de Somme (BDS, Eastern English Channel, France), where numbers of resident harbour seals and visiting grey seals are increasing exponentially. Dietary overlap was identified from scat contents using hierarchical clustering. Isotopic niche overlap was quantified using δ13C and δ15N isotopic values from whiskers of 18 individuals, by estimating isotopic standard ellipses with a novel hierarchical model developed in a Bayesian framework to consider both intraindividual variability and interindividual variability. Foraging areas of these individuals were identified from telemetry data. The three independent approaches provided converging results, revealing a high trophic niche overlap due to consumption of benthic flatfish. Two diet clusters were dominated by either small or large benthic flatfish; these comprised 85.5% [CI95%: 80.3%–90.2%] of harbour seal scats and 46.8% [35.1%–58.4%] of grey seal scats. The narrower isotopic niche of harbour seals was nested within that of grey seals (58.2% [22.7%–100%] overlap). Grey seals with isotopic values similar to harbour seals foraged in coastal waters close to the BDS alike harbour seals did, suggesting the niche overlap may be due to individual grey seal strategies. Our findings therefore provide the basis for potential competition between both species (foraging on benthic flatfish close to the BDS). We suggest that a continued increase in seal numbers and/or a decrease in flatfish supply in this area could cause/amplify competitive interactions and have deleterious effects on harbour seal colonies.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure to conspecific song stimulates gonadal function and reproductive hormone secretion in female birds but few studies have investigated the physiological effects of conspecific song exposure on males outside of short-term, aggressive interactions. We exposed male Rufous-winged Sparrows, Aimophila carpalis, either to conspecific song (CS Song), to heterospecific song (Black-throated Sparrow, Amphispiza bilineata; HS Song), or to no recorded song (No Song) for 59 consecutive days (two h per day). Birds were exposed to short days (8L:16D) for the first 21 days of treatment and were then transferred to long days (13L:11D) for the remaining 38 days. During long day exposure, CS Song birds experienced faster growth of testes than HS Song and No Song birds. HS Song birds also grew their testes faster than No Song birds. Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone did not differ between CS Song and No Song birds. However, plasma LH was higher in HS Song birds compared to other groups. There were no differences in hypothalamic immunocytochemical labeling for gonadotropin-releasing hormone, its precursor proGnRH, or gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone, nor were there differences in two song control nuclei volumes (HVC and RA) between CS Song and No Song treatment groups. Furthermore, we found no effect of heterospecific song on free-living Rufous-winged Sparrow aggressive behaviors. These data indicate that long-term exposure to auditory stimuli, such as song, can influence the reproductive system of male songbirds and different types of auditory stimuli can have differential effects on reproductive function.  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of changes in the regional abundance of harbour seals Phoca vitulina based on repeated aerial surveys of haulouts, and demonstrates the use of sparse data to deliver advice about population status and management. Generalized linear models with negative binomial errors were used to represent these overdispersed data. The shape parameter of the negative binomial distribution was directly estimated from the data where this was possible. Information from time-series of counts where there were few gaps in the data was used to improve the estimation of this parameter in areas where fewer surveys had been carried out. The results show that the number of harbour seals in eastern England has not increased since the end of the 2002 phocine distemper epidemic. There is also evidence of a general decline in most of the large harbour seal colonies around Britain. The populations in the Inner Hebrides were an exception, with numbers appearing to be stable or increasing. Between 2001 and 2006, the population in Orkney and Shetland declined by 40% (95% confidence interval: 30–50%), indicating harbour seals in these areas experienced substantially increased mortality or very low recruitment over this period. The widespread declines, ranging from Shetland to The Wash, suggest that the causes may have been present over a large part of the North Sea.  相似文献   

Harbour seals are active at night and during the day and see well in both air and water. Polarised light, which is a well-known visual cue for orientation, navigation and foraging, is richly available in harbour seal habitats, both above and below the water surface. We hypothesised that an ability to detect and use polarised light could be valuable for seals, and thus tested if they are able to see this property of light. We performed two behavioural experiments, one involving object discrimination and the other involving object detection. These objects were presented to the seals as two-dimensional stimuli on a specially modified liquid crystal display that generated objects whose contrast was purely defined in terms of polarisation (i.e. objects lacked luminance contrast). In both experiments, the seals’ performance did not deviate significantly from chance. In contrast, the seals showed a high baseline performance when presented with objects on a non-modified display (whose contrast was purely defined in terms of luminance). We conclude that harbour seals are unable to use polarised light in our experimental context. It remains for future work to elucidate if they are polarisation insensitive per se.  相似文献   

Growing juvenile animals undergo many morphological, physiological, and behavioural changes that influence their energetic requirements, patterns of energy use, and ultimately, their survival and reproductive success. We examined changes in mass loss and body composition of juvenile southern elephant seals (1- and 2-yr-olds) during their two annual haul-outs. At the start and end of the midyear and molt haul-outs, we caught, weighed, and measured 41 and 14 seals, respectively. We measured blubber depth using ultrasound to estimate body composition (lean and adipose tissue mass). Using energy densities of the adipose and lean tissue, we calculated total, lean, and adipose mass changes and energy expenditure. While molting, juvenile seals used more energy than during the midyear, which is related to the increased use of lean tissue for hair and skin regeneration. The amount of energy used increases with mass as individuals mature. We found sexual differences in energy use where females retained greater fat reserves than males by utilizing more lean tissue. These differences are most likely related to haul-out function and behavior, growth, and earlier development of females toward sexual maturity.  相似文献   

Longitudinal serum testosterone concentrations (n=10 males) and semen production (n=2 males) in killer whales were evaluated to: (1) characterize fluctuations in serum testosterone concentrations with respect to reproductive maturity and season; (2) compare morphologic changes to estimated age of sexual maturity, based on changes in serum testosterone concentrations; and (3) evaluate seasonal changes in sperm production. Classification of reproductive status and age class was based on differences (P < 0.05) in serum testosterone concentrations according to age; juvenile males ranged from 1 to 7 years (mean+/-S.D. testosterone, 0.13+/-0.20 ng/mL), pubertal males from 8 to 12 years (2.88+/-3.20 ng/mL), and sexually mature animals were 13 years and older (5.57+/-2.90 ng/mL). For captive-born males, serum testosterone concentrations, total body length and height to width ratio of the dorsal fin were 0.7+/-0.7 ng/mL, 495.6+/-17.5 cm and 1.14+/-0.13c m, respectively, at puberty; at sexual maturity, these end points were 6.0+/-3.3 ng/mL, 548+/-20 cm and 1.36+/-0.1cm. Serum testosterone concentrations were higher (P<0.05) from March to June than from December to February in pubertal animals (4.2+/-3.4 ng/mL versus 1.4+/-2.6 ng/mL) and than from September to December in sexually mature animals (7.2+/-3.3 ng/mL versus 4.0+/-2.0 ng/mL). Ejaculates (n = 90) collected from two males had similar (P > 0.05) sperm concentrations across all months. These data represent the first comprehensive study on male testosterone concentrations during and after sexual maturation, and on reproductive seasonality in the killer whale.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of the construction and operation of a large Danish offshore wind farm on harbor and gray seal haul-out behavior within a nearby (4 km) seal sanctuary. Time-lapse photography, visual monitoring, and aerial surveys were used to monitor the number of seals on land in daylight hours. Seals were monitored during two preconstruction periods (19 June–31 August 2001 and April–August 2002), a construction period of the wind farm (August 2002–December 2003), and a period of operation of the wind farm (December 2003–December 2004). Monthly aerial surveys were conducted to estimate the proportion of seals in the sanctuary relative to neighboring haul-out sites. From preconstruction to construction and through the first year of operation the number of harbor seals in the sanctuary increased at the same rate as the number of seals at the neighboring haul-out sites. No long-term effects on haul-out behavior were found due to construction and operation of the wind farm. However, a significant short-term decrease was seen in the number of seals present on land during sheet pile driving in or near the wind farm. Acoustic deterrents were utilized simultaneously to avoid hearing damage.  相似文献   

Both ejaculated semen and epididymal contents from an individual male contain sperm that differ in various physicochemical characteristics. An experiment is reported in which epididymides from rats 5–24 months old were subjected to density gradient centrifugation to separate gametes of different stages of maturity. The research was designed to examine typical changes in “profiles” of sperm maturity during the reproductive lifetime of rats. Also, testosterone complexed with cyclodextrin that mimics the episodic release of the endogenous hormone was used to supplement the decreased circulating titers of some of the old males. Results revealed clear ontogenetic patterns of gradually decreasing reproductive competence as measured by absolute numbers of sperm, circulating levels of testosterone, and various other physiological markers of fertility. Sperm profiles also revealed age-specific changes with a shift toward progressively more mature, perhaps senile, gametes that begins at middle age. Testosterone supplementation (400 μg/kg b.w./day for 30 days) failed to restore sperm numbers or other measures of physiology in the old males, but the steroid modified sperm profiles to approximate more closely the profiles characteristic of young adult males than either untreated middle-aged or old males. The data were interpreted as suggesting that epididymal sperm profiles clearly identify males of different ages, and that the aging epididymis retains its capacity to respond to manipulations that modify the endocrine milieu.  相似文献   

Vagrant Antarctic pinnipeds at Gough Island   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Opportunistic sightings of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella and a leopard seal Hydrurga leptonyx at Gough Island (40°20′S, 09°54′W) in the South Atlantic Ocean represent the northernmost island records for vagrant Antarctic fur seals, and only the second for a vagrant leopard seal at Gough Island. Some ten different individual Antarctic fur seals were sighted on a single day, up to seven on a single beach. An overall total of 18 individuals were recorded over a 7-week period in October/November 2005, before the onset of the breeding (pupping) season of the resident population of Subantarctic fur seals Arctocephalus tropicalis. Most were immature, male and mostly in good condition (n = 11, 61%); one mature male and six putative females were also present. All had departed after 23 November, although only a fraction of the available beaches was searched.  相似文献   

Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) both occur within the UK, but display regional contrasting population trends. While grey seals are typically increasing in number, harbour seals have shown varying trends in recent decades following repeated pandemics. There is a need for monitoring of regional and local populations to understand overall trends. This study utilized a 20‐year dataset of seal counts from two neighboring harbours in the Solent region of south England. Generalized additive models showed a significant increase in the numbers of harbour (mean 5.3–30.5) and grey (mean 0–12.0) seals utilizing Chichester Harbour. Conversely, in Langstone Harbour there has been a slight decrease in the number of harbour seals (mean 5.3–4.0). Accompanying photographic data from 2016 to 18 supports the increase in seal numbers within Chichester Harbour, with a total of 68 harbour and 8 grey seals identified. These data also show evidence of site fidelity of harbour seals in this area, with almost a quarter of animals resighted within the past three years. Overall, this long‐term study indicates an increasing number of both harbour and grey seals within the Solent. However, more research is required to identify the drivers of this trend.  相似文献   

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