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Using PCR and nested PCR methods, 382 blood samples from adult small mammals of 14 species were examined for Babesia microti. The mammals were trapped in the southern taiga of the Middle Urals (Chusovskoi district, Perm Region). The DNA of human babesiosis agent was detected in the blood of 172 small mammals (45.0% of the samples examined) of 11 rodent and insectivore species (Chlethrionomys glareolus, C. rutilus, C. rufocanus, Microtus oeconomus, M. agrestis, Myopus schisticolor, Apodemus uralensis, Sorex araneus, S. caecutiens, S. isodon, S. tundrensis). Especially high infection rates were characteristic of C. glareolus and S. araneus (47.1 and 38.2 %, respectively), the most abundant small mammal species in the study area. The results confirm the high frequency of contact of small mammals with B. microti in forest ecosystems of the Middle Urals and indicate that they probably maintain circulation of this pathogen.  相似文献   

Small rodent populations were monitored by autumn snap trapping in 22 localities of Norway during the years 1971–979. A total of 105528 trap days yielded 7987 small mammals, out of which the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus and the short-tailed vole Microtus agrestis made up 52.3 and 29.0%, respectively. Third in abundance was the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus .
Both M. agrestis and C. glareolus fluctuated fairly regularly, with general peak years of abundance in 1973 and 1977. Other Microtidae, such as M. oeconomus, C. rutilus and Lemmus lemmus apparently also exhibited cyclic fluctuations. In Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus , and in Sorex shrews, regular fluctuations could not be demonstrated, although the abundance varied considerably.
The body weights of sub-adult C. glareolus cycled in accordance with the fluctuations in abundance; the highest weights being recorded in peak years. In M. agrestis , this correlation was less obvious.  相似文献   

Three large (4 to 8 ha) and 14 small islands (0.3 to 2 ha) in a lake in eastern Finland, all situated less than 0.5 km from the mainland, were surveyed for small mammals. Three species of shrew and two species of vole were resident in July 1982: Sorex araneus on 10, S. caecutiens on 2, S. minutus on 5, Microtus agrestis on 12 and Clethrionomys glareolus on 4 islands. Immigrants were trapped from tiny islets, and the data indicate that S. caecutiens and M. agrestis are better dispersers than S. minutus and C. glareolus , respectively. Microtus agrestis, S. araneus and C. glareolus occurred non-randomly, on subsets of the larger islands, while the two small Sorex species occurred more erratically, possibly because of competition with S. araneus . Juvenile sex ratio was male-biased on the mainland but female-biased on large islands, possibly because juvenile males move more and are more likely to emigrate from an island than juvenile females.
Metrical and non-metrical (epigenetic) cranial traits gave similar patterns of population differentiation in S. araneus . Two of the three large-island populations have differentiated from the mainland populations and from each other, suggesting that the populations are relatively stable. Small-island populations, which are often less than 10 individuals in size, showed little differentiation but had more epigenetic traits fixed than large-island and mainland populations (founder effect). This suggests that the small-island populations are unstable, have a high extinction rate.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships of red-backed voles and their relatives were examined and used to test biogeographic hypotheses. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were obtained for 25 individuals representing Alticola macrotis, Clethrionomys californicus, C. gapperi, C. glareolus, C. rutilus, and C. rufocanus. These were combined with 21 partial sequences from GenBank for C. regulus, C. rex, C. rufocanus, C. rutilus, Eothenomys imaizumii, E. melanogaster, Phaulomys andersoni, and P. smithii. Complete sequences of three species of Microtus (M. montanus, M. oeconomus, and M. pennsylvanicus), representative species of other arvicoline genera (Myopus, Synaptomys, Arvicola, Ellobius, Ondatra, Lemmus, Dicrostonyx, and Phenacomys), and a sigmodontine representative (Peromyscus) were included as outgroups. We used maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, distance, and Bayesian based methods and conducted statistical tests on proposed hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic histories. A close relationship of species representing the genera Alticola, Clethrionomys, and Eothenomys was supported (Clethrionomyini); however, the genus Clethrionomys was paraphyletic with respect to both Alticola and Eothenomys. Three major clades were identified as Asian (Eothenomys andersoni, E. smithii, C. rex, C. regulus, and C. rufocanus), Trans-beringian (Alticola macrotis, C. californicus, C. gapperi, C. glarelolus, and C. rutilus), and Taiwanese (E. melanogaster). These results are consistent with the fossil record which indicates an initial diversification in Asia followed by colonization of the Nearctic on at least two occasions. The holarctic species, C. rutilus, appears to have either reinvaded Asia from North America or colonized North America more recently (late Pleistocene) than the two species of Clethrionomys (C. gapperi and C. californicus) that are endemic to North America (early to mid-Pleistocene). Finally, C. gapperi, appears to be comprised of an eastern and a western species, the former with affinities to the Asian C. glareolus and the latter more closely related to C. californicus.  相似文献   

Species composition and structure of ectoparasite arthropod communities were examined all year round six years in the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus, Ural wood mouse Apodemus uralensis and the common shrew Sorex araneus in forests of the Ilmen'-Volkhov depression. In total, 4500 host samples have been examined and all ectoparasites have been collected. The species composition of ectoparasite community in small mammal species are as follows: the bank vole--29 insect, tick and mite species, the common shrew--23 species, the Ural wood mouse--16 species. In forest biotopes, many temporary ectoparasitic species occur on several host species living in the same habitats under a forest canopy and contacting each other. A parasitic supracommunity in the ecosystem examined has a pool of temporary ectoparasites, which is available for all the community of small mammals. A role of different rodent and shrew species are hosts of insects and ticks changes depending on a density of potential host populations and numerous other environment factors.  相似文献   

The incidence and degree of infestation of the Bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus , the Skomer vole, C. skomerensis , the Common shrew, Sorex araneus and the Pygmy shrew, S. minutus have been studied from a rough grassland and woodland area, Aberystwyth and from Skomer Island in Wales. In addition, small numbers of the Short-tailed vole, Microtus agrestis and the Water shrew, Neomys fodiens were examined for helminth parasites, when they became available. Seven new host records and six new British records are listed. The number of species of helminths in shrews, which consisted largely of digeneans and cestodes, was greater than that in voles. This is undoubtedly linked with differences in the feeding habits of the two hosts.
In Aberystwyth, where the composition of the helminth fauna was found to be more varied than that from Skomer Island, one species of nematode showed evidence of seasonal variation in the degree of infestation of Clethrionomys glareolus and four species, one digenean, two cestodes and one acantocephalan in Sorex araneus. The factors affecting this seasonal fluctuation in parasite numbers are discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study of seasonal-age dynamics of brain size in six small mammal species, Clethrionomys glareolus, C. rutilus, Microtus oeconomus, M. gregalis (Rodentia); Sorex araneus, S. minutis (Insectivora) has been carried out. The analysis of seasonal changes in brain weight confirms the existence of autumn-winter regression of brain weight, which takes place at the organism level. The regression is less pronounced in voles than in shrews. The decrease in brain weight both in voles and in shrews is accompanied by the decrease in height (capacity) of brain capsule of cranium. In spring the brain weight increase and reaches its maximal specific values in wintered voles in summer. In wintered shrews the brain weight never reaches the value, inherent in young animals before winter regression. The analysis of the data obtained and published data on variability of craniometric features allowed to conclude that seasonal changes in brain size, accompanied by the changes in capacity of cranium capsule might be considered as a general pattern for a large group of palearctic and nonarctic species of small mammals.  相似文献   

The intensity of growth of Sorex araneus L. and Clethrionomys glareolus Schreb. in the Oulu district of Finland is studied as a function of age and seasonal rhythm, and compared with the results of growth-rate measurements of Sorex araneus L., Clethrionomys rufocanus Sund. and Clethrionomys rutilus Pall. in Kirkenes, Norway. It is assumed that the postnatal development of the Common shrew with its growth and regression phases is to some extent controlled by an endogenous seasonal rhythm. The growth of the voles is not as clearly controlled by these rhythms as that of the Common shrew although the growth of the Bank vole and Northern red-backed vole is obviously considerably retarded in autumn and in winter.  相似文献   

Species composition, seasonal dynamics, and a load of ectoparasites per individual and population of the common shrew Sorex araneus have been examined in coniferous and mixed forests of the Ilmen'-Volkhov lowland (a neighbourhood of Oskuy village, Chudovo district, Novgorod Province) during the period 1999-2003. Trapping of mammals was carried monthly, with exception of few accidental gaps. The Gero traps were used for catching micromammalian hosts. The lines of trap were checked 2 times a day, places of lines changed each 3-5 day. Total number of micromammalians collected during the period of study is 3215, including 1115 specimens of the common shrew S. araneus and 246 ones of the pigmy shrew S. minutus. Parasite fauna on the common shrew included 23 ectoparasite species: fleas--12, ixodid ticks--2, gamasid mites--7, and myobiid mites--2 species. Among recorded species, 9 fleas species and some gamasid species are accidental parasites. These accidental ectoparasite species are common to the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus in the territory investigated. Species composition, occurrence and abundance indices of parasites changed during the year. In total, about 55% shrew specimens are infected with ectoparasites. The infracommunity of ectoparasites on the common shrew usually consists of 6 species or less. Mean number of all ectoparasite individuals per one host specimens varies from 4 to 83. The greatest number of parasites (50 and 83) was recorded on the shrews, which carried 5 and 4 parasites species, respectively. Biodiversity of parasite species in the ectoparasite community on the common shrew and the load of parasites per one host specimen are lower than those in the bank vole. In forest biotopes explored, the most part of temporary ectoparasite species found on the common shrew was also recorded on other small mammals, which could have contacts with this host. It is possible to conclude that among the parasite supracommunity in the explored ecosystem, the temporary ectoparasites represent a "fond" of temporary parasites, which are common for most small mammal species. A role of different shrew and rodent species as main of additional hosts changes depending on a population density of potential mammalian hosts and other environment factors.  相似文献   

Small mammal populations were studied during a 10 year multi-annual fluctuation of vole populations in marshes and adjacent grassland of the basin in the Jura mountains, France. Nine species were monitored:Microtus agrestis, Clethrionomys glareolus, Apodemus flavicollis, Sorex araneus Icoronatus, Neomys fodiens, Crocidura leucodon, Mustela nivalis in marshes andArvicola terrestris andMicrotus arvalis in grassland, using live-trapping and index methods during July from 1993 to 2002. Populations of A.terrestris, M. arvalis, M. agrestis, S. araneus I coronatus andM. nivalis exhibited a relatively strong inter-specific temporal synchrony in their multi-annual fluctuations.C. glareolus population fluctuations were not synchronous to theArvicola I Microtus I Sorex group, and were closer to those ofApodemus flavicollis, Neomys andCrocidura. Those results are discussed in the light of earlier studies carried out in the same region and in northern ecosystems.  相似文献   

Study of seasonal changes in the occurrence of Eimeria spp. in Microtus agrestis, Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus oeconomus populations in Finland showed distinct seasonal variation in all three host species: the peaks occurred in both prevalence and density of infection in early autumn. The low prevalence and density of eimerian infections before and during the main crash of vole populations in late winter indicate that these organisms, although potentially pathogenic, do not significantly contribute to the drastic decline in cyclic vole populations.  相似文献   

The article is devoted to the effect of context on the acoustic activity of bank voles of 4 species (Clethrionomys glareolus, C. centralis, C. rutilus, and C. rufocanus) living in experimental groups. In addition to species differences and social state of a specimen in the group, the acoustic activities of vole is affected by such factors as locomotor activity of the vole itself and its partners (especially dominant ones) and aggression of surrounding voles.  相似文献   

Small mammals were trapped on five islands for short periods during the summers of 1964 and 1965, with the following results:
Handa: Rattus norvegicus only, probably no other species present.
Muck: Sorex araneus, S. minutus, Apodemus sylvaticus and Microtus agrestis; R. norvegicus also present.
Pabay: S. minutus and Neomys fodiens ; probably no other species present.
Scalpay: S. araneus, S. minutus and M. agrestis.
Soay: S. araneus and S. minutus ; rodents almost certainly absent.
Ectoparasites (fleas and Acarina) collected from these small mammals are tabulated.  相似文献   

Thirteen enzyme systems and three nonenzyme proteins were electrophoretically analyzed in red-backed voles of the genus Clethrionomys. In total, 25 loci were interpreted. Gene-geographic variation was studied and indices of genetic variability and differentiation were determined. By the distribution of electrophoretic variants of hemoglobin, C. rutilus was shown to be divided into two geographical groups (northern and southern). A low level of genetic differentiation was revealed in the island isolates of C. rutilus and C. rufocanus. Separation of C. rufocanus, C. rex, and C. sicotanensis into a superspecies complex was confirmed. A study of differential G- and C-banding on C. rutilus and C. rufocanus chromosomes did not reveal intraspecific variation of autosomes. In these species, karyotypes of voles from Kamchatka Peninsula were studied for the first time. They appeared to be morphologically similar to the karyotypes continental voles by both autosomes and sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

We studied patterns of species co-occurrence in communities of ectoparasitic arthropods (ixodid ticks, mesostigmate mites and fleas) harboured by rodent hosts from South Africa ( Rhabdomys pumilio ), South America ( Scapteromys aquaticus and Oxymycterus rufus ) and west Siberia ( Apodemus agrarius , Microtus gregalis , Microtus oeconomus and Myodes rutilus ) using null models. We compared frequencies of co-occurrences of parasite species or higher taxa across host individuals with those expected by chance. When non-randomness of parasite co-occurrences was detected, positive but not negative co-occurrences of parasite species or higher taxa prevailed (except for a single sample of mesostigmate mites from O. rufus ). Frequency of detection of non-randomness of parasite co-occurrences differed among parasite taxa, being higher in fleas and lower in mites and ticks. This frequency differed also among host species independent of parasite taxon, being highest in Microtus species and lowest in O. rufus and S. aquaticus . We concluded that the pattern of species co-occurrence in ectoparasite communities on rodent hosts is predominantly positive, depends on life history of parasites and may be affected to a great extent by life history of a host.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of eight-year investigations on the ectoparasites of rodents and insectivores carried out in southern taiga of the Ilmen-Volkhov lowland (Novgorod Region) and Kurgolovsky reserve (Leningrad Region). Twelve species of small mammals were captured including three dominate species--bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus (2722 specimens), common shrew Sorex araneus (1658 specimens), and wood mouse Apodemus uralensis (367 specimens). Parasite community of the bank vole comprises 34 species of mites, ticks, and insects, the community of common shrew comprises 25 species, and the community of A. uralensis includes 28 species. Taxonomic diversity of the ectoparasite communities was shown to be based on the diversity of types of parasitism and ecological nishes of the host body. Permanent ectoparasites are found to be represented by 2 species of lie and 14 species of acariform mites. The group of temporary parasites includes 13 species of fleas, 10 species of gamasid mites. 3 ixodid species and 1 Trombiculidae. There is a common pool of temporary parasites of small mammals in the ecological system of taiga. Significance of different shrew and rodent species as hosts were found to be dependent on the population density in possible hosts and many other factors. Species diversity in the parasite communities of different small mammal species is dependent on the number of possible ecological nishes in the host body. Actual infill of these nishes by ectoparasites is usually lesser than potential one. Species composition of temporary parasites, their occurrence and abundance changes according to season. Interspecific competition in the temporary parasite species can decrease because of the seasonal disjunction of their population peaks. Diversification of the ecological niches of ectoparasites allow simultaneous feeding of more parasite individuals on one host, than in the case of parasitising of single species or several species with similar ecological nishes. The distribution of parasites on their hosts was also studied. The aggregative distribution has been found in ixodid larvae only, and the distribution of fleas was close to the Poisson distribution. Deviations from the aggregative distribution can be an effect of several independent factors, including limited ability of small mammals for providing numerous parasites with food. On the most part of hosts simultaneous parasitizing of no more than 1-3 individuals of each tick, mite, and flea species was registered. Excessive infestation by ectoparasites may probably be limited by effective reactions of self-purification in the mammal hosts.  相似文献   

In widespread species, northern taiga voles, most significant differences in the intensity of energy metabolism (M), maximum (Mmax) and reserve (Mres) metabolism were observed at winter temperatures (-5-20 degrees C): Clethrionomys rutilus greater than C. rufocanus greater than Microtus oeconomus; differences in seasonal increase of Mmax and Mres exhibit an inverse proportion. Seasonal changes in M and Mmax in autochthonous tundra rodents indicate that Lemmus sibiricus belongs to a more eurybiont species as compared to Dicrostonyx torquatus. The main characteristic feature of seasonal adaptation of M in lemmings, as compared to voles, is the evident decrease of M value in winter which is accompanied by a more significant increase of Mmax and Mres. Operative pattern and high seasonal mobility of chemical thermoregulation in lemmings are suggested which account for adaptation of these animals mainly to short-term extreme effects of low temperatures.  相似文献   

Responses of small mammals to Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) odour   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes the responses of three species of rodents (Apodemus sylvaticus, Microtus agrestis and Clethrionomys glareolus) and a shrew (Sore.x araneus) to traps tainted with the faecal odour of a predator, the Red fox. The rodents generally avoided traps bearing fox odour, but readily entered traps marked with rodent odour, whereas shrews entered all traps equally. Among the rodents, avoidance of fox odour was strongest in male A. sylvaticus and C. glareolus and least in M. agrestis and female A. sylvaticus . Fox droppings were found principally along paths and in open habitats where, of the rodents mentioned, they were most likely to be encountered by A. sylvaticus . It was suggested that avoidance of fox faecal and urinary odours in this species, especially by the active males, would reduce the time spent in areas frequented by foxes, and hence reduce the chance of encountering the predator itself. In contrast, M. agresis would seldom encounter fox droppings in its sub-surface runways, so avoidance of fox faecal odour would do little to reduce its chance of encountering the predator. Avoidance by the rodents of the faecal odour of badger, a predator not present in the study areas, was only slightly less marked than their avoidance of fox faecal odour. It was postulated that similar chemicals eliciting avoidance in rodents may commonly occur in the faeces and urine of carnivores.  相似文献   

棕背鼠平(Myodes rufocanus)和红背鼠平(M.rutilus)的分布有重叠区且外形相似,在特定情况下存在种间区分困难,给两种鼠的数量调查带来不便和误判.本研究通过mtDNA控制区构建系统树、mtDNA控制区电泳和RAPD 3种分子生物学方法有效地对棕背(鼠平)和红背(鼠平)已知的8个样本和16个待定样本进行了准确鉴定.其中,mtDNA控制区电泳进行种问区分的方法具有简便、准确而又快捷的优点.  相似文献   

Richard Wiger 《Ecography》1979,2(3):169-175
An investigation of the blood parasites of Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus agrestis and Apodemus sylvaticus from southern Norway revealed four genera, Trypanosoma, Babesia, Hepatozoon and Grahamella. C. glareolus and M. agrestis harbored all four genera, but Hepatozoon was not detected in A. sylvaticus. Babesia was fairly common in M. agrestis but rare in the other rodents. The peak prevalence of Grahamella and Hepatozoon in C. glareolus occurred in early summer whereas trypanosomes peaked near the end of the summer. Infections with trypanosomes and/or Grahamella in C. glareolus were associated with lowered hematocrit levels and enlarged spleens.  相似文献   

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