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Oceanic islands have long been considered to be particularly vulnerable to biotic invasions, and much research has focused on invasive plants on oceanic islands. However, findings from individual islands have rarely been compared between islands within or between biogeographic regions. We present in this study the most comprehensive, standardized dataset to date on the global distribution of invasive plant species in natural areas of oceanic islands. We compiled lists of moderate (5–25% cover) and dominant (>25% cover) invasive plant species for 30 island groups from four oceanic regions (Atlantic, Caribbean, Pacific, and Western Indian Ocean). To assess consistency of plant behaviour across island groups, we also recorded present but not invasive species in each island group.We tested the importance of different factors discussed in the literature in predicting the number of invasive plant species per island group, including island area and isolation, habitat diversity, native species diversity, and human development. Further we investigated whether particular invasive species are consistently and predictably invasive across island archipelagos or whether island-specific factors are more important than species traits in explaining the invasion success of particular species.We found in total 383 non-native spermatophyte plants that were invasive in natural areas on at least one of the 30 studied island groups, with between 3 and 74 invaders per island group. Of these invaders about 50% (181 species) were dominants or co-dominants of a habitat in at least one island group. An extrapolation from species accumulation curves across the 30 island groups indicates that the total current flora of invasive plants on oceanic islands at latitudes between c. 35°N and 35°S may eventually consist of 500–800 spermatophyte species, with 250–350 of these being dominant invaders in at least one island group. The number of invaders per island group was well predicted by a combination of human development (measured by the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita), habitat diversity (number of habitat types), island age, and oceanic region (87% of variation explained). Island area, latitude, isolation from continents, number of present, non-native species with a known invasion history, and native species richness were not retained as significant factors in the multivariate models.Among 259 invaders present in at least five island groups, only 9 species were dominant invaders in at least 50% of island groups where they were present. Most species were invasive only in one to a few island groups although they were typically present in many more island groups. Consequently, similarity between island groups was low for invader floras but considerably higher for introduced (but not necessarily invasive) species – especially in pairs of island groups that are spatially close or similar in latitude. Hence, for invasive plants of natural areas, biotic homogenization among oceanic islands may be driven by the recurrent deliberate human introduction of the same species to different islands, while post-introduction processes during establishment and spread in natural areas tend to reduce similarity in invader composition between oceanic islands. We discuss a number of possible mechanisms, including time lags, propagule pressure, local biotic and abiotic factors, invader community assembly history, and genotypic differences that may explain the inconsistent performance of particular invasive species in different island groups.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Invasions in urban settings have been understudied in terms of how invasions are impacted by uniquely urban stressors, such as streetlights. Plant physiology and phenology...  相似文献   

Bischofia javanica Blume, an exotic tree, dominates many forest areas of the Bonin Islands in the western Pacific of Japan. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the success of B. javanica (a mid-successional plant species) is related to its high acclimation capacity to sudden light increase due to canopy gap formation. We compared its ecophysiological response to simulated canopy opening with those of native species of different successional status: Trema orientalis Blume, Schima mertensiana (Sieb, et Zucc.) Koidz, Elaeocarpus photiniaefolius Hook.Et Arn. and Ardisia sieboldii Miquel. In all species, transfer of leaves developed in shade (5.3% of full sun) to full sun resulted in a substantial initial reduction in the dark-adapted quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm). T. orientalis, a pioneer plant species, showed the least reduction (38%), whereas E. photiniaefolius and A. sieboldii, both late-successional plant species, demonstrated large reductions (about 80%). In all four native species, Fv/Fm in shade leaves gradually recovered following transfer, but B. javanica recovered more fully and rapidly than the other species. Unlike Fv/Fm, the chlorophyll content in all species did not recover following the initial decline. This indicates that the recovery of quantum yield (Fv/Fm) was independent of the reduction in chlorophyll. Among all the species, B. javanica showed the highest (1) increase in maximum photosynthetic rate of shade leaves after transfer, (2) production of newly formed sun leaves, and (3) increase in relative growth rate. Ecophysiological characters of B. javanica in simulated canopy openings indicated rapid photosynthetic acclimation in existing shade leaves by minimizing photoinhibition and a rapid deployment of new sun leaves with high photosynthetic capacity. Because its habitats on these Pacific Islands are prone to typhoon disturbance, the successful invasion of B. javanica may lie in the congruence of its acclimation potential and the frequent gap events.  相似文献   

Self-fertilization and admixture of genotypes from different populations can have major fitness consequences in native species. However, few studies have addressed their potential roles in invasive species. Here, we used plants of Mimulus guttatus from seven native North American, three invasive Scottish and four invasive New Zealand populations to address this. We created seeds from self-fertilization, within-population outcrossing, between-population outcrossing within the same range, and outcrossing between the native and invasive ranges. A greenhouse experiment showed that native and invasive plants of M. guttatus suffered to similar degrees from inbreeding depression, in terms of asexual reproduction and biomass production. After outcrossing with plants from other populations, M. guttatus benefited from heterosis, in terms of asexual and sexual reproduction, and biomass production, particularly when plants from native and invasive populations were crossed. This suggests that, when novel genotypes of M. guttatus from the native North American range will be introduced to the invasive ranges, subsequent outcrossing with M. guttatus plants that are already there might further boost invasiveness of this species.  相似文献   

Aim  To quantify the occurrence of processes of homogenization or differentiation in the vascular flora of six oceanic islands.
Location  Six islands in the south-eastern Pacific drawn from the Desventuradas Archipelago, Easter Island and the Juan Fernández Archipelago.
Methods  Using published floristic studies, we determined the floristic composition of each island at two different stages: (1) pre-European colonization and (2) current flora. We compared changes in the number of shared plants and the floristic similarity among islands for each stage.
Results  The number of plant species doubled from 263 in pre-European flora to 531 species currently. Only three native species became extinct, four natives were translocated among the islands and 271 plant species were introduced from outside. The frequency of plant species shared by two or more islands is higher in the post-European floras than prior to European contact, and the level of floristic similarity between islands increased slightly.
Main conclusions  Considering the low naturalization rate of alien plants, the small number of extinctions and the meagre increase in floristic similarity, these islands are undergoing a slow process of floristic homogenization.  相似文献   

Invasive species have profound negative impacts on native ranges. Unraveling the mechanisms employed by invasive plant species is crucial to controlling invasions. One important approach that invasive plants use to outcompete native plants is to disrupt mutualistic interactions between native roots and mycorrhizal fungi. However, it remains unclear how differences in the competitive ability of invasive plants affect native plant associations with mycorrhizae. Here, we examined how a native plant, Xanthium strumarium, responds to invasive plants that differed in competitive abilities (i.e., as represented by aboveground plant biomass) by measuring changes in root nitrogen concentration (root nutrient acquisition) and mycorrhizal colonization rate. We found that both root nitrogen concentration and mycorrhizal colonization rate in the native plant were reduced by invasive plants. The change in mycorrhizal colonization rate of the native plant was negatively correlated with both aboveground plant biomass of the invasive plants and the change in aboveground plant biomass of the native plant in monocultures relative to mixed plantings. In contrast, the change in root nitrogen concentration of the native plant was positively correlated with aboveground plant biomass of the invasive plants and the change in aboveground plant biomass of the native plant. When we compared the changes in mycorrhizal colonization rate and root nitrogen concentration in the native plant grown in monocultures with those of native plants grown with invasive plants, we observed a significant tradeoff. Our study shows that invasive plants can suppress native plants by reducing root nutrient acquisition rather than by disrupting symbiotic mycorrhizal associations, a novel finding likely attributable to a low dependence of the native plant on mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

There is growing concern that global environmental change might exacerbate the ecological impacts of invasive species by increasing their per capita effects on native species. However, the mechanisms underlying such shifts in interaction strength are poorly understood. Here, we test whether ocean acidification, driven by elevated seawater pCO2, increases the susceptibility of native Olympia oysters to predation by invasive snails. Oysters raised under elevated pCO2 experienced a 20% increase in drilling predation. When presented alongside control oysters in a choice experiment, 48% more high-CO2 oysters were consumed. The invasive snails were tolerant of elevated CO2 with no change in feeding behaviour. Oysters raised under acidified conditions did not have thinner shells, but were 29–40% smaller than control oysters, and these smaller individuals were consumed at disproportionately greater rates. Reduction in prey size is a common response to environmental stress that may drive increasing per capita effects of stress-tolerant invasive predators.  相似文献   

The suite of environments and anthropogenic modifications of sub-Antarctic islands provide key opportunities to improve our understanding of the potential consequences of climate change and biological species invasions on terrestrial ecosystems. The profound impact of human introduced invasive species on indigenous biota, and the facilitation of establishment as a result of changing thermal conditions, has been well documented on the French sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands (South Indian Ocean). The present study provides an overview of the vulnerability of sub-Antarctic terrestrial communities with respect to two interacting factors, namely climate change and alien insects. We present datasets assimilated by our teams on the Kerguelen Islands since 1974, coupled with a review of the literature, to evaluate the mechanism and impact of biological invasions in this region. First, we consider recent climatic trends of the Antarctic region, and its potential influence on the establishment, distribution and abundance of alien insects, using as examples one fly and one beetle species. Second, we consider to what extent limited gene pools may restrict alien species’ colonisations. Finally, we consider the vulnerability of native communities to aliens using the examples of one beetle, one fly, and five aphid species taking into consideration their additional impact as plant virus vectors. We conclude that the evidence assimilated from the sub-Antarctic islands can be applied to more complex temperate continental systems as well as further developing international guidelines to minimise the impact of alien species.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits are tightly linked to plant fitness and may therefore be mechanisms driving biological invasions, including the greater success of more phylogenetically novel introduced species in some systems. We present a phylogenetic comparative analysis of “Baker’s law’’, that introduced plants with the ability to reproduce autogamous or asexually may be better able to establish on introduction. We gathered data from both published and unpublished sources on pollen limitation of 141 species, including 26 introduced species and 115 native species. Our analysis compared differences in the proportion of autonomous autogamy, asexual reproduction, and pollen limitation among native, introduced noninvasive, and introduced invasive plant species, and included the phylogenetic novelty of the introduced species to the native species in that community. Introduced species were more likely to be autogamous than native species, consistent with Baker’s law. On the other hand, introduced species were less likely to have the ability to reproduce asexually. Further, among species with no autonomous autogamy, pollen limitation was greater for introduced compared to native species. Such a result is consistent with the idea that plants entering a new continent receive lower quality or quantity of services from resident pollinators than species native to that continent. Finally, more phylogenetically novel invasive species had lower pollen limitation than less novel invasive species, potentially because they experience less competition for pollinators. This is the first evidence that enhanced pollination may be one mechanism driving the greater invasiveness of phylogenetically novel introduced species observed in some systems.  相似文献   

Invasion by exotic plant species and herbivory can individually alter native plant species diversity, but their interactive effects in structuring native plant communities remain little studied. Many exotic plant species escape from their co-evolved specialized herbivores in their native range (in accordance with the enemy release hypothesis). When these invasive plants are relatively unpalatable, they may act as nurse plants by reducing herbivore damage on co-occurring native plants, thereby structuring native plant communities. However, the potential for unpalatable invasive plants to structure native plant communities has been little investigated. Here, we tested whether presence of an unpalatable exotic invader Opuntia ficus-indica was associated with the structure of native plant communities in an ecosystem with a long history of grazing by ungulate herbivores. Along 17 transects (each 1000 m long), we conducted a native vegetation survey in paired invaded and uninvaded plots. Plots that harboured O. ficus-indica had higher native plant species richness and Shannon–Wiener diversity H′ than uninvaded plots. However, mean species evenness J was similar between invaded and uninvaded plots. There was no significant correlation between native plant diversity and percentage plot cover by O. ficus-indica. Presence of O. ficus-indica was associated with a compositional change in native community assemblages between paired invaded and uninvaded plots. Although these results are only correlative, they suggest that unpalatable exotic plants may play an important ecological role as refugia for maintenance of native plant diversity in intensely grazed ecosystems.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the effects of introduced invasive pollinators on plants has been exclusively drawn from studies on introduced social bees. One might expect, however, that the impacts of introduced solitary bees, with much lower population densities and fewer foragers, would be small. Yet little is known about the potential effects of naturalized solitary bees on the environment. We took advantage of the recent naturalization of an orchid bee, Euglossa viridissima, in southern Florida to study the effects of this solitary bee on reproduction of Solanum torvum, an invasive shrub. Flowers of S. torvum require specialized buzz pollination. Through timed floral visitor watches and two pollination treatments (control and pollen supplementation) at three forest edge and three open area sites, we found that the fruit set of S. torvum was pollen limited at the open sites where the native bees dominate, but was not pollen limited at the forest sites where the invasive orchid bees dominate. The orchid bee’s pollination efficiency was nearly double that of the native halictid bees, and was also slightly higher than that of the native carpenter bee. Experiments using small and large mesh cages (to deny or allow E. viridissima access, respectively) at one forest site indicated that when the orchid bee was excluded, the flowers set one-quarter as many fruit as when the bee was allowed access. The orchid bee was the most important pollinator of the weed at the forest sites, which could pose additional challenges to the management of this weed in the fragmented, endangered tropical hardwood forests in the region. This specialized invasive mutualism may promote populations of both the orchid bee and this noxious weed. Invasive solitary bees, particularly species that are specialized pollinators, appear to have more importance than has previously been recognized. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Aim We used alien plant species introduced to a botanic garden to investigate the relative importance of species traits (leaf traits, dispersal syndrome) and introduction characteristics (propagule pressure, residence time and distance to forest) in explaining establishment success in surrounding tropical forest. We also used invasion scores from a weed risk assessment protocol as an independent measure of invasion risk and assessed differences in variables between high‐ and low‐risk species. Location East Usambara mountains, Tanzania. Methods Forest transect surveys identified species establishing in disturbed and intact forest. Leaf traits (specific leaf area and foliar nutrient concentrations) were measured from leaves sampled in high‐light environments. Results A leaf traits spectrum was apparent, but species succeeding or failing to establish in either disturbed or intact forest were not located in different parts of the spectrum. Species with high invasion risk did not differ in their location on the leaf trait spectrum compared with low‐risk species but were more likely to be bird/primate‐dispersed. For 15 species establishing in forest quadrats, median canopy cover of quadrats where seedlings were present was correlated with a species value along the leaf trait spectrum. Species establishing in disturbed forest were planted in twice as many plantations and were marginally more likely to be bird‐ or primate‐dispersed than species failing to become established in disturbed forest. Establishment in intact forest was more likely for species planted closer to forest edges. Main conclusions Leaf and dispersal traits appear less important in the colonization of tropical forest than introduction characteristics. It appears, given sufficient propagule pressure or proximity to forest, alien species are much more likely to establish independently of leaf traits or dispersal syndrome in continental tropical forests.  相似文献   

The introduction of plants into new biogeographical realms is a main repercussion of human trade. The responses of native insects to alien plants may provide insight into how invaders influence ecological processes in their new communities. We illustrate this point with results from our field and lab studies of seed-feeding insects on alien plants. Soapberry bugs ( Jadera , Leptocoris ) have colonized several species of weedy invasive plants (sapindaceous trees and vines) in the United States and Australia. After initial reduction in physiological performance, they evolved behavioral, morphological, physiological and life history adaptations permitting more efficient exploitation of those hosts. Those changes occurred quickly, in fewer than 100 generations (ca. 30–50 years). The underlying genetic changes are surprisingly complex, and also involve loss of function on native hosts. Contrasting with this is the bruchine beetle ( Stator limbatus ) on seeds of leguminous trees. Large numbers of S. limbatus oviposit on an alien tree in Arizona, but few offspring survive. The main influence on larval survival is a maternal effect determined by the host the mother experiences as her eggs mature. Adaptive plasticity in egg size and composition may ultimately permit successful exploitation of novel resources. Together, these studies show that both complex genetic and developmental factors influence the integration of ecological and evolutionary processes in environments altered by anthropogenically initiated plant invasions. Tractable insect study systems may be valuable guides to understanding biotic dynamics in a changing world.  相似文献   

Aim We explore the impact of calibrating ecological niche models (ENMs) using (1) native range (NR) data versus (2) entire range (ER) data (native and invasive) on projections of current and future distributions of three Hieracium species. Location H. aurantiacum, H. murorum and H. pilosella are native to Europe and invasive in Australia, New Zealand and North America. Methods Differences among the native and invasive realized climatic niches of each species were quantified. Eight ENMs in BIOMOD were calibrated with (1) NR and (2) ER data. Current European, North American and Australian distributions were projected. Future Australian distributions were modelled using four climate change scenarios for 2030. Results The invasive climatic niche of H. murorum is primarily a subset of that expressed in its native range. Invasive populations of H. aurantiacum and H. pilosella occupy different climatic niches to those realized in their native ranges. Furthermore, geographically separate invasive populations of these two species have distinct climatic niches. ENMs calibrated on the realized niche of native regions projected smaller distributions than models incorporating data from species’ entire ranges, and failed to correctly predict many known invasive populations. Under future climate scenarios, projected distributions decreased by similar percentages, regardless of the data used to calibrate ENMs; however, the overall sizes of projected distributions varied substantially. Main conclusions This study provides quantitative evidence that invasive populations of Hieracium species can occur in areas with different climatic conditions than experienced in their native ranges. For these, and similar species, calibration of ENMs based on NR data only will misrepresent their potential invasive distribution. These errors will propagate when estimating climate change impacts. Thus, incorporating data from species’ entire distributions may result in a more thorough assessment of current and future ranges, and provides a closer approximation of the elusive fundamental niche.  相似文献   

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