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The ultracytochemical localization of acid phosphatase was studied in oogonia and oocytes of the chick embryo left ovary. The reaction products are evident in lysosomes of various types and, in some cells, in the GERL as well. Furthermore, from the onset of the meiotic prophase, the enzymatic reaction also appears in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Non-incubated sections of the same stages were observed, with the aim of identifying and describing the structure of the organelles, in particular lysosomes which appeared positive in incubated sections. The significance of the presence of the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

The content, distribution and changes of the glycoconjugates sugar residues in the ovaries of chick embryos, from the 8th day of incubation to hatching and in 1-day old chick, were investigated. For this purpose, a battery of seven HRP-conjugated lectins was used (DBA, SBA, PNA, ConA, WGA, LTA and UEA I). Our data showed that SBA was a marker of the most immature oogonia in the ovarian cortex and medulla. The reactivity with ConA appeared to characterize the cells immediately prior to as well as during the meiotic division, as demonstrated by the presence of alpha-D-mannose at the "Balbiani bodies" in the oogonia of the ovarian cortex. The detection of Con A and SBA reactivity corresponded to maturative stages of the early oogonia in different cortical zones of the chick ovary. Our data also revealed that PNA seemed to be a marker of the degenerating oogonia located in the ovarian medulla. Moreover, PNA binding was a characteristic finding in the endothelial cells of the vessels located in the compact portion of the medulla in the left ovary, from the 8th to the 21st day of incubation and after hatching; PNA reactivity was only seen from the 16th day onwards in the endothelial cells of the cortex. During the whole considered period of incubation and after hatching, reactivity with UEAI, LTA and DBA was never detected.  相似文献   

The gonads from 13-day-old female chick embryos were cultured in vitro on TC medium 199, and oestradiol production was measured by radioimmunoassay. In the presence of dehydroepiandrosterone as substrate, oestradiol synthesis was markedly increased, but when aminoglutethimide was also present, it was greatly reduced, depending on the concentration of the drug. This result demonstrates inhibition of the aromatizing enzyme system of the chick embryo ovary by aminoglutethimide in vitro. However, sex differentiation of the female gonads was not modified after in vivo treatment. Since it is not known whether their production is completely suppressed in vivo, the hypothesis cannot be dismissed that oestrogens play a role in ovarian differentiation.  相似文献   

The testicular hormone responsible for the retrogression of the mullerian ducts in the female chick embryo submitted to an embryonic testicular graft, causes an atrophy of the two, cortical and medullary, parts of this gonad, which is more marked at the level of the cortex.  相似文献   

Intestinal motility disorders are an important problem in the postoperative management of patients with intestinal atresia. Intestinal motility could be initiated by luminal factors that activate intrinsic and extrinsic primary afferent nerves involved in the peristaltic reflex. Endocrine cells act as a key point, because they transfer information regarding the intestinal contents and intraluminal pressure to nerve fibers lying in close proximity to the basolateral surface of the epithelium. In chick embryo, experimental intestinal atresia is associated with disorders in the development of the enteric nervous system, related to the severity of intestinal dilation. Our aim was to investigate the distribution pattern of endocrine cells in the developing endocrine system of chick embryo small intestine with experimentally-induced atresia on day 12 and on day 16. Changes in enteroendocrine population were examined in gut specimens (excised proximal and distal to the atresia) from experimental embryos 19 days old and in control sham-operated chick embryos at the same age. Sections from proximal and distal bowel and control bowel were stained with Grimelius silver stain, a valuable histochemical method for detecting the argyrophil and argentophilic cells, and with an immunohistochemical procedure for detecting serotonin and neurotensin immunoreactive cells. In chick embryo proximal bowel, intestinal dilation differed in the various embryos. We found significantly higher enteroendocrine cell counts in proximal bowel than in distal and control bowel. The differences depended on the precociousness of surgery and the severity of dilation. Considering the major contribution of enteroendocrine cells to the peristaltic reflex, our data may help to explain the pathogenesis of motility disorders related to intestinal atresia.  相似文献   

The early maturation stages of definitive erythroid cells are observed in the embryonic circulation of the chick yolk sac at 4.5--5 days of incubation. Light and electron microscope observation of the mesoderm of the yold sac membrane indicate that individual presumptive precursors of the definitive-line are present as early as 2 days of incubation and give rise to sequestered populations of immature erythroblasts within sinusoids during the period of 2.5-6 days incubation. Such isolated populations of definitive-line erythroblasts eventually connect with the established capillary circulation of yolk sac membrane but a large proportion of the erythroblasts temporarily remain associated with the endothelium prior to free circulation.  相似文献   

Summary Neuroretinas from 6–7 day-old chick embryos were cultivated after trypsin dissociation as monolayer cultures in Petri dishes, and examined after various intervals of time with the electron microscope. Soon after plating, cells begin to reaggregate in small clumps, and typical rosettes are formed. During the first week in vitro, cells appear to differentiate as neuroblasts and presumed Müller cells; the latter form a continous sheet on the substrate, upon which neuroblasts migrate and grow their neurites. Differentiated ribbon synapses are found after 8 days in vitro, the time at which they normally appear in situ. After 15 and 21 days in vitro, synapses are still found in large numbers, mimicking their in vivo counterparts. Photoreceptor cells were identified on the basis of the presence of typical ribbons in their cytoplasm, but no outer segment was found. It appears then that synaptogenesis in the retina is programmed independently of the tissue environment, which is markedly disturbed in the monolayer culture.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial pattern of segregation of the avian germline from the formation of the area pellucida to the beginning of primitive streak formation (stages VII–XIV, EG&K) was investigated using the culture of whole embryos and central and peripheral embryo fragments on vilelline membranes at stages VII–IX, immunohistological analysis of whole mount embryos and sections with monoclonal antibodies MC-480 against stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) and EMA-1, and with the culture of dispersed blastoderms at stages IX–XIV with and without an STO feeder layer. Whole embryos at intrauterine stages developed up to the formation of the primitive streak despite the absence of area pellucida expansion. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) appeared in the cultures of whole embryos and only in central fragments containing a partially formed area pellucida at stages VII–IX. When individual stage IX–XIV embryos were dispersed and cultured without a feeder layer, 25–45 PGCs/embryo were detected only with stage X–XIV, but not with stage IX blastoderms. However, the culture of dispersed cells from the area pellucida of stages IX–XIII on STO feeder layers yielded about 150 PGCs/embryo. The carbohydrate epitopes recognized by anti-SSEA-1 and EMA-1 first appeared at stage X on cells in association with polyingressing cells on the ventral surface of the epiblast and later on the dorsal surface of the hypoblast. The SSEA-1-positive hypoblast cells gave rise to chicken PGCs when cultured on a feeder layer of quail blastodermal cells. From these observations, we propose that the segregation and development of avian germline is a gradual, epigenetic process associated with the translocation of SSEA-1/EMA-1-positive cells from the ventral surface of the area pellucida at stage X to the dorsal side of the hypoblast at stages XI–XIV. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The neuroectodermal cells of chick embryos have been analyzed during neurulation by stereological and morphometrical ultrastructural methods in an attempt to describe their cytometric evolution. A profound change of cellular form coefficient was observed which is related to the typical process of columnarization of these cells. At stages 7 and 8, the nucleus appeared round in shape, probably due to a loss of pressure of the vitelline inclusions. In this sense, the volume density of these inclusions falls during this period. There was also a significant increase of the nuclear surface density, the significance of which is discussed on the basis of the nucleo-cytoplasmic interchanges and the differentiation process. At the same time, an increase in the number of mitochondria was observed, which is related to the neural folding process. Simultaneously, the amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum increases, presumably related to the remarkable changes of the embryonic extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial sequence of nuclear disappearance during the terminal differentiation of lens fiber cells could be due to an impairment of the DNA repair pathways or to the appearance of an active DNA degradation process. The results presented here favor the second hypothesis. A single-stranded DNA nuclease activity and a double-stranded DNA nuclease activity have been found in chick embryo fiber cells. Moreover, there is a good correspondence between the variations of the nuclease activity and the stages of differentiation of the different samples analyzed.  相似文献   

Differentiation of primitive erythroid cells derived from the yolk sac of the chick embryo is accompanied by changes in the morphology of and in the physicochemical properties of the nucleus. Microfluorimetry of individual nuclei stained with acridine orange was performed on thermally denatured cells. Measurements were made at 530 nm (green fluorescence) and 590 nm (redfluorescence). The ratio of these two measurements was used to monitor the susceptibility of chromatin to thermal denaturation. Differences were found (a) between mature erythrocytes and dividing erythroblasts, and (b) between dividing erythroblasts from successive cell generations of the erythroid series. There were differential characteristics of AO binding during thermal denaturation as signified by F530 and F590 measurements. The temperature at which the increase of the ratio (F590/F530) was 50% of its maximum was approximately 70° C for erythroblasts from the fifth generation (day 4), 80–85° C for the sixth generation (day 5), and 85–90° C for the nondividing erythrocytes (day 8). Interpretation of these differences may be complicated by changes in the sensitivity of nuclear proteins to the interactive effects of 0.15 M NaCl and thermal denaturation.  相似文献   

The surfaces of cells from the early embryo of the chick were examined using electron microscope techniques for the visualization of concanavalin A-binding sites. Horseradish peroxidase and Ferritin labelled concanavalin A were used to determine the distribution of the binding sites. All surfaces of the epiblast and hypoblast layers which were accessible to concanavalin A showed the presence of binding sites in stage 1 embryos. The ventral surface of the epiblast showed a high lectin affinity which may reflect the development of a basal lamina on this surface. The individual hypoblast cells at this stage showed a non-uniform distribution of binding sites, having a greater affinity on the dorsal surface than the ventral. By the time of primitive streak formation (stage 4-5) the dorsal surface of the epiblast displayed increased binding sites, while the frequency of sites on the ventral surface of the endoblast was reduced. The latter may reflect a change from one cell population to another, which occurs in the lower layer of the embryo at this time. No consistent correlation could be drawn between changes in motility of cells actually invaginating through the primitive streak and changes in affinity for concanavalin A. An overall increase in affinity of the dorsal surface of the epiblast was revealed by Ferritin and may reflect the changes in surface structure occurring in readiness for the morphogenetic migrations of gastrulation.  相似文献   

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