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A soil population of 16 Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii isolates was characterized by using three Sym (for symbiotic) plasmid-specific DNA hybridization probes: (i) an R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii-specific, repeated-sequence probe; (ii) a nifHDK gene probe, and (iii) a nod gene probe. A predominant Sym plasmid family was identified among the isolates. Three other unrelated Sym plasmid families were also identified. The isolates were also classified either by using a chromosomal DNA hybridization probe or by serological relatedness to 25 different R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii antisera. With either method, it was possible to group the 16 soil isolates into identical or related families. However, the correlation between the two techniques was not high. Irrespective of the means used to classify the bacterial host strain, it was possible to identify the same Sym plasmids in unrelated strains, as well as unrelated Sym plasmids in identical host strains. These data indicate that, within this soil population, there has been genetic exchange of Sym plasmids, and in one instance the hybridization pattern indicates that in vivo recombination of two different Sym plasmids may have occurred. Symbiotic effectiveness tests on red, strawberry, and subterranean clovers clearly differentiated the isolates. In general, the pattern of response was similar within groupings on the basis of Sym plasmid and chromosomal profiles but different between such groups.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli CFN42 contains six plasmids (pa to pf), and pd has been shown to be the symbiotic plasmid. To determine the participation of the other plasmids in cellular functions, we used a positive selection scheme to isolate derivatives cured of each plasmid. These were obtained for all except one (pe), of which only deleted derivatives were recovered. In regard to symbiosis, we found that in addition to pd, pb is also indispensable for nodulation, partly owing to the presence of genes involved in lipopolysaccharide synthesis. The positive contribution of pb, pc, pe, and pf to the symbiotic capacity of the strain was revealed in competition experiments. The strains that were cured (or deleted for pe) were significantly less competitive than the wild type. Analysis of the growth capacity of the cured strains showed the participation of the plasmids in free-living conditions: the pf- strain was unable to grow on minimal medium, while strains cured of any other plasmid had significantly reduced growth capacity in this medium. Even on rich medium, strains lacking pb or pc or deleted for pe had a diminished growth rate compared with the wild type. Complementation of the cured strains with the corresponding wild-type plasmid restored their original phenotypes, thus confirming that the effects seen were due only to loss of plasmids. The results indicate global participation of the Rhizobium genome in symbiotic and free-living functions.  相似文献   

Genetic rearrangements of a Rhizobium phaseoli symbiotic plasmid.   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
Different structural changes of the Sym plasmid were found in a Rhizobium phaseoli strain that loses its symbiotic phenotype at a high frequency. These rearrangements affected both nif genes and Tn5 mob insertions in the plasmid, and in some cases they modified the expression of the bacterium's nodulation ability. One of the rearrangements was more frequent in heat-treated cells, but was also found under standard culture conditions; other structural changes appeared to be related to the conjugal transfer of the plasmid.  相似文献   

Rhizobium phaseoli CFN299 forms nitrogen-fixing nodules in Phaseolus vulgaris (bean) and in Leucaena esculenta. It has three plasmids of 185, 225, and 410 kilobases. The 410-kilobase plasmid contains the nitrogenase structural genes. We have transferred these plasmids to the plasmid-free strain Agrobacterium tumefaciens GMI9023. Transconjugants containing different combinations of the R. phaseoli plasmids were obtained, and they were exhaustively purified before nodulation was assayed. Only transconjugants harboring the 410-kilobase plasmid nodulate P. vulgaris and L. esculenta. Nodules formed by all such transconjugants are able to reduce acetylene. Transconjugants containing the whole set of plasmids from CFN299 nodulate better and fix more nitrogen than the transconjugants carrying only the Sym plasmid. Microscopic analysis of nodules induced by A. tumefaciens transconjugants reveals infected cells and vascular bundles. None of the A. tumefaciens transconjugants, not even the one with the whole set of plasmids from CFN299, behaves in symbiosis like the original R. phaseoli strain; the transconjugants produce fewer nodules and have lower acetylene reduction (25% as compared to the original R. phaseoli strain) and more amyloplasts per nodule. More than 2,000 bacterial isolates from nodules of P. vulgaris and L. esculenta formed by the transconjugants were analyzed by different criteria. Not a single rhizobium could be detected. Our results show that R. phaseoli plasmids may be expressed in the A. tumefaciens background and direct the formation of effective, differentiated nodules.  相似文献   

Rhizobium phaseoli symbiotic mutants with transposon Tn5 insertions.   总被引:15,自引:25,他引:15  
Rhizobium phaseoli CFN42 DNA was mutated by random insertion of Tn5 from suicide plasmid pJB4JI to obtain independently arising strains that were defective in symbiosis with Phaseolus vulgaris but grew normally outside the plant. When these mutants were incubated with the plant, one did not initiate visible nodule tissue (Nod-), seven led to slow nodule development (Ndv), and two led to superficially normal early nodule development but lacked symbiotic nitrogenase activity (Sna-). The Nod- mutant lacked the large transmissible indigenous plasmid pCFN42d that has homology to Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase (nif) genes. The other mutants had normal plasmid content. In the two Sna- mutants and one Ndv mutant, Tn5 had inserted into plasmid pCFN42d outside the region of nif homology. The insertions of the other Ndv mutants were apparently in the chromosome. They were not in plasmids detected on agarose gels, and, in contrast to insertions on indigenous plasmids, they were transmitted in crosses to wild-type strain CFN42 at the same frequency as auxotrophic markers and with the same enhancement of transmission by conjugation plasmid R68.45. In these Ndv mutants the Tn5 insertions were the same as or very closely linked to mutations causing the Ndv phenotype. However, in two mutants with Tn5 insertions on plasmid pCFN42d, an additional mutation on the same plasmid, rather than Tn5, was responsible for the Sna- or Ndv phenotype. When plasmid pJB4JI was transferred to two other R. phaseoli strains, analysis of symbiotic mutants was complicated by Tn5-containing deleted forms of pJB4JI that were stably maintained.  相似文献   

High-frequency genomic rearrangements affecting the plasmids of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli CFN42 were analyzed. This strain contains six large plasmids ranging in size from 200 to 600 kb. In the absence of any selective pressure, we found 11 strains from 320 analyzed colonies that presented different kinds of plasmid-borne rearrangements, including sequence amplification, deletion, cointegration, and loss of plasmids. These data support the concept that the R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli genome is a dynamic structure and imply that strains are mixtures of similar but not identical cells.  相似文献   

Transformation of L-tryptophan was studied in Rhizobium phaseoli 680. The culture was capable of oxidation decarboxylation, transamination and degradation of L-tryptophan. Four metabolites were identified: tryptamine, indolyl-3-pyruvic, indolyl-3-acetic and anthranilic acids. The fifth metabolite has not been yet identified.  相似文献   

The complete physical map of the symbiotic plasmid of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strain CFN42 was established. The data support the concept that Rhizobium symbiotic genes are part of a complex genomic structure which contains a large amount of reiterated DNA sequences. This plasmid is a circular structure of 390 kb with approximately 10 families of internally reiterated DNA sequences of two to three elements each. One family includes two directly oriented nitrogenase operons situated 120 kb apart. We also found several stretches of pSym that are reiterated in other replicons of the cell. Localization of symbiotic gene sequences by heterologous hybridization revealed that nodABC sequences are separated in two regions, each of which contains a nod boxlike element, and it also suggested the presence of two copies of the nifA and nodD gene sequences. We propose that the complex structure of the symbiotic plasmid allows interactions between repeated DNA sequences which, in turn, might result in frequent rearrangements.  相似文献   

Ensifer adhaerens is a soil bacterium that attaches to other bacteria and may cause lysis of these other bacteria. Based on the sequence of its small-subunit rRNA gene, E. adhaerens is related to Sinorhizobium spp. E. adhaerens ATCC 33499 did not nodulate Phaseolus vulgaris (bean) or Leucaena leucocephala, but with symbiotic plasmids from Rhizobium tropici CFN299 it formed nitrogen-fixing nodules on both hosts. The nodule isolates were identified as E. adhaerens isolates by growth on selective media.  相似文献   

One remarkable characteristic of the genomes of some Rhizobium species is the frequent occurrence of rearrangements. In some instances these rearrangements alter the symbiotic properties of the strains. However, no detailed molecular mechanisms have been proposed for the generation of these rearrangements. To understand the mechanisms involved in the formation of rearrangements in the genome of Rhizobium phaseoli, we have designed a system which allows the positive selection for amplification and deletion events. We have applied this system to investigate the stability of the symbiotic plasmid of R. phaseoli. High-frequency amplification events were detected which increase the copy number of a 120-kb region carrying nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes two to eight times. Deletion events that affect the same region were also found, albeit at a lower frequency. Both kinds of rearrangements are generated by recombination between reiterated nitrogenase (nifHDK) operons flanking the 120-kb region.  相似文献   

Seven Tn5 induced mutants unable to use glutamate as sole carbon and nitrogen source were isolated from the effective Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strain P121-R. As indicated by restriction and hybridisation analysis, all the mutants arose from a single Tn5 insertion in the chromosome. The 14C-glutamate uptake rate of the mutants was 76 to 88% lower than that of strain P121-R. Inoculation of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Labrador with these mutants significantly decreased shoot dry matter yield and the total nitrogen content respectively, as compared to inoculation with the parental strain P121-R. All the mutants formed nodules, however they were smaller, white to greenish and approximately 30% less numerous than those formed by strain P121-R. These observations suggest that glutamate transport and catabolism in R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli P121-R may play an important role in the establishment of an effective symbiosis in field bean. None of the mutants isolated was an auxotroph. All mutants were unable to grow on aspartate suggesting that glutamate and aspartate, probably have the same transporter as indicated in Rhizobium meliloti and in Bacillus subtilis. All mutants readily used glutamine, proline, arginine as sole carbon and nitrogen source, but grew more slowly than the wild type strain. On the other hand, all the mutants were impaired in growth on histidine and -aminobutyrate as sole carbon and nitrogen source. As the catabolism of these amino acids occurs predominantly through glutamate, our results indicate that mutants are also impaired in their ability to use histidine and -aminobutyrate as a nitrogen source. Our results also suggest that other amino acids catabolized through the glutamate pathways may be an additional important carbon source for bacteroids in nodules.  相似文献   

Cultured cells of a Rhizobium phaseoli wild-type strain (CE2) possess b-type and c-type cytochromes and two terminal oxidases: cytochromes o and aa3. Cytochrome aa3 was partially expressed when CE2 cells were grown on minimal medium, during symbiosis, and in well-aerated liquid cultures in a complex medium (PY2). Two cytochrome mutants of R. phaseoli were obtained and characterized. A Tn5-mob-induced mutant, CFN4201, expressed diminished amounts of b-type and c-type cytochromes, showed an enhanced expression of cytochrome oxidases, and had reduced levels of N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, succinate, and NADH oxidase activities. Nodules formed by this strain had no N2 fixation activity. The other mutant, CFN4205, which was isolated by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis, had reduced levels of cytochrome o and higher succinate oxidase activity but similar NADH and N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine oxidase activities when compared with the wild-type strain. Strain CFN4205 expressed a fourfold-higher cytochrome aa3 content when cultured on minimal and complex media and had twofold-higher cytochrome aa3 levels during symbiosis when compared with the wild-type strain. Nodules formed by strain CFN4205 fixed 33% more N2 than did nodules formed by the wild-type strain, as judged by the total nitrogen content found in plants nodulated by these strains. Finally, low-temperature photodissociation spectra of whole cells from strains CE2 and CFN4205 reveal cytochromes o and aa3. Both cytochromes react with O2 at -180 degrees C to give a light-insensitive compound. These experiments identify cytochromes o and aa3 as functional terminal oxidases in R. phaseoli.  相似文献   

The Rhizobium trifolii symbiotic plasmid pRt5a was transferred to the fast-growing soybean strain USDA 194. Transconjugants carrying pRt5a were not able to nodulate clovers and one of the transconjugants had lost its smallest resident plasmid and did not fix nitrogen in soybean. Transconjugants of USDA 194 carrying pRt5a were able to transfer pRt5a back to a non-nodulating R. trifolii which inherited the symbiotic properties of the R. trifolii strain from which the plasmid was derived.  相似文献   

Two plasmids, pAgK84::Tn5-Mob from Agrobacterium radiobacter carrying genes for the production of agrocin 84, and RP4-4 from E. coli were inserted either separately or together into a strain of Rhizobium meliloti. Each of these plasmid-containing R. meliloti transconjugants was less effective than the wild type strain in their ability to fix nitrogen in Medicago tornata. The pAgK84::Tn5-Mob-containing transconjugant was significantly less effective than that containing RP4-4. The transconjugant strains were inferior to the wild type strain in their ability to nodulate seedlings and to compete for nodulation.  相似文献   

In Rhizobium-legume symbiosis, the plant host controls and optimizes the nodulation process by autoregulation. Tn5 mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli TAL 182 which are impaired at various stages of symbiotic development, were used to examine autoregulation in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Class I mutants were nonnodulating, class II mutants induced small, distinct swellings on the roots, and a class III mutant formed pink, bacterium-containing, but ineffective nodules. A purine mutant (Ade-) was nonnodulating, while a pyrimidine mutant (Ura-) formed small swellings on the roots. Amino acid mutants (Leu-, Phe-, and Cys-) formed mostly empty white nodules. Each of the mutants was used as a primary inoculant on one side of a split-root system to assess its ability to suppress secondary nodulation by the wild type on the other side. All mutants with defects in nodulation ability, regardless of the particular stage of blockage, failed to induce a suppression response from the host. Only the nodulation-competent, bacterium-containing, but ineffective class III mutant induced a suppression response similar to that induced by the wild type. Suppression was correlated with the ability of the microsymbiont to proliferate inside the nodules but not with the ability to initiate nodule formation or the ability to fix nitrogen. Thus, the presence of bacteria inside the nodules may be required for the induction of nodulation suppression in the common bean.  相似文献   

Genetic experiments have indicated that succinoglycan (EPS I), the acidic Calcofluor-binding exopolysaccharide, of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium meliloti strain Rm1021 is required for nodule invasion and possibly for later events in nodule development on alfalfa and other hosts. Fourteen exo loci on the second megaplasmid have been identified that are required for, or affect, the synthesis of EPS I. Mutations in certain of these loci completely abolish the production of EPS I and result in mutants that form empty Fix- nodules. We have identified two loci, exoR and exoS, that are involved in the regulation of EPS I synthesis in the free-living state. Certain exo mutations which completely abolish EPS I production are lethal in an exoR95 or exoS96 background. Histochemical analyses of the expression of exo genes during nodulation using exo::TnphoA fusions have indicated that the exo genes are expressed most strongly in the invasion zone. In addition, we have discovered that R. meliloti has a latent capacity to synthesize a second exopolysaccharide (EPS II) that can substitute for the role(s) of EPS I in nodulation of alfalfa but not of other hosts. Possible roles for exopolysaccharides in symbiosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CFN23 loses its ability to nodulate beans at a high frequency because of a deletion of part of its symbiotic (pSym) plasmid (Soberón-Chávez et al., 1986). We report here that at least 80 kb of pSym are deleted upon loss of the symbiotic phenotype; the deletion removes the nitrogenase structural nifHDK and the common nodABC genes. The size of the deleted pSym is not reduced, since it is accompanied by an amplification of other pSym plasmid sequences. This genetic rearrangement is similar to the deletion and amplification of yeast mitochondrial DNA leading to 'petite' mutations.  相似文献   

Genomic instability in Rhizobium phaseoli.   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Experience from different laboratories indicates that Rhizobium strains can generate variability in regard to some phenotypic characteristics such as colony morphology or symbiotic properties. On the other hand, several reports suggest that under certain stress conditions or genetic manipulations Rhizobium cells can present genomic rearrangements. In search of frequent genomic rearrangements, we analyzed three Rhizobium strains under laboratory conditions that are not considered to cause stress in bacterial populations. DNAs from direct descendants of a single cell were analyzed in regard to the hybridization patterns obtained, using as probes different recombinant plasmids or cosmids; while most of the probes utilized did not show differences in the hybridization patterns, some of them revealed the occurrence of frequent genomic rearrangements. The implications and possible biological significance of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Rhizobium phaseoli CE106, CE110, and CE115, originally derived by transposon mutagenesis (Noel et al., J. Bacteriol. 158:149-155, 1984), induced the formation of uninfected root nodule-like swellings on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Bacteria densely colonized the root surface, and root hair curling and initiation of root cortical-cell divisions occurred normally in mutant-inoculated seedlings, although no infection threads formed. The nodules were ineffective, lacked leghemoglobin, and were anatomically distinct from normal nodules. Ultrastructural specialization for ureide synthesis, characteristic of legumes that form determinate nodules, was absent. Colony morphology of the mutant strains on agar plates was less mucoid than that of the wild type, and under some cultural conditions, the mutants did not react with Cellufluor, a fluorescent stain for beta-linked polysaccharide. These observations suggest that the genetic lesions in these mutants may be related to extracellular polysaccharide synthesis.  相似文献   

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