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Driven by enormous clinical need, interest in peripheral nerve regeneration has become a prime focus of research and area of growth within the field of tissue engineering. While using autologous donor nerves for bridging peripheral defects remains today's gold standard, it remains associated with high donor site morbidity and lack of full recovery. This dictates research towards the development of biomimetic constructs as alternatives. Based on current concepts, this review summarizes various approaches including different extracellular matrices, scaffolds, and growth factors that have been shown to promote migration and proliferation of Schwann cells. Since neither of these concepts in isolation is enough, although each is gaining increased interest to promote nerve regeneration, various combinations will need to be identified to strike a harmonious balance. Additional factors that must be incorporated into tissue engineered nerve constructs are also unknown and warrant further research efforts. It seems that future directions may allow us to determine the "missing link".  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that animals whose activities impose time, energy or survivorship costs at one stage of their lives will subsequently suffer incremental decreases in fitness unless there are compensatory benefits. Play, a widespread activity among juvenile mammals and several orders of birds' appears costly, yet its adaptive significance is poorly understood despite over 15 years of detailed study. Four issues have plagued understanding of the function of play: lack of a consensus on its definition, difficulties in selectively depriving animals of play opportunities and in meeting the challenge of interpreting negative results, paucity of empirical data on the costs of play, and failure to pay sufficient attention to field and naturalistic studies. Despite these problems, sex differences in play and partner preferences of participants now suggest that play serves to improve future adult motor skills in a number of species.  相似文献   

Cooke FT 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(18):R762-R764
Despite nearly 50 years of study, it is good to see that phosphoinositides are still capable of springing the odd surprise. Signaling by the second messenger phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3)) was thought to be absent in yeast, but a recent paper now describes the presence of PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.  相似文献   



To establish genetically modified cell lines that can produce functional α1-antitrypsin (AAT), by CRISPR/Cas9-assisted homologous recombination.


α1-Antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a monogenic heritable disease that often results in lungs and liver damage. Current augmentation therapy is expensive and in short of supply. To develop a safer and more effective therapeutic strategy for AATD, we integrated the AAT gene (SERPINA1, NG_008290.1) into the AAVS1 locus of human cell line HEK293T and assessed the safety and efficacy of CRISPR/Cas9 on producing potential therapeutic cell lines. Cell clones obtained had the AAT gene integrated at the AAVS1 locus and secreted approx. 0.04 g/l recombinant AAT into the medium. Moreover, the secreted AAT showed an inhibitory activity that is comparable to plasma AAT.


CRISPR/Cas9-mediated engineering of human cells is a promising alternative for generating isogenic cell lines with consistent AAT production. This work sheds new light on the generation of therapeutic liver stem cells for AATD.

During regeneration, lost functional tissue can, in general, be replaced by different mechanisms, including proliferation of terminally differentiated cells or through differentiation of resident stem cells. It is a well-accepted dogma that the mammalian heart cannot efficiently regenerate upon injury as a consequence of insufficient oxygen supply. This is in sharp contrast to the hearts of adult zebrafish or newts that are able to replace lost ventricular tissue. Novel data indicate that the young murine heart also has the ability to regenerate within the first week after birth using mechanisms apparently quite similar to those observed in fish. This now provides us with a good starting point to identify the molecular mechanisms that led to the loss of the regenerative capacity of the adult mammalian heart. These future studies will also indicate whether it will be possible to reawaken the regenerative capability of cardiomyocytes in the human heart by treatment with selected pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

The radical shift in human reproduction in the late 19th century, known as the demographic transition, constitutes a major challenge to evolutionary approaches to human behaviour. Why would people ever choose to limit their reproduction voluntarily when, at the peak of the Industrial Revolution, resources were apparently so plentiful? Can the transition be attributed to standard life history tradeoffs, is it a consequence of cultural evolutionary processes, or is it simply a maladaptive outcome of novel and environmental social conditions? Empirical analyses and new models suggest that reproductive decision making might be driven by a human psychology designed by natural selection to maximize material wealth. If this is the case, the mechanisms governing fertility and parental investment are likely to respond to modern conditions with a fertility level much lower than that that would maximize fitness.  相似文献   

Models have been a tool of science at least since the 18th century and serve a variety of purposes from focusing abstract thoughts to representing scaled down version of things for study. Generally, animal models are needed when it is impractical or unethical to study the target animal. Biologists have taken modeling by analogy beyond most other disciplines, deriving the relationship between model and target through evolution. The "unity in diversity" concept suggests that homology between model and target foretells functional similarities. Animal model studies have been invaluable for elucidating general strategies, pathways, processes and guiding the development of hypotheses to test in target animals. The vast majority of animals used as models are used in biomedical preclinical trials. The predictive value of those animal studies is carefully monitored, thus providing an ideal dataset for evaluating the efficacy of animal models. On average, the extrapolated results from studies using tens of millions of animals fail to accurately predict human responses. Inadequacies in experimental designs may account for some of the failure. However, recent discoveries of unexpected variation in genome organization and regulation may reveal a heretofore unknown lack of homology between model animals and target animals that could account for a significant proportion of the weakness in predictive ability. A better understanding of the mechanisms of gene regulation may provide needed insight to improve the predictability of animal models.  相似文献   

The anisotropic material properties, irregular geometry, and specialized conduction system of the heart all affect the three-dimensional (3D) spread of electrical activation. A limited number of research groups have tried accounting for these features in 3D conduction models to investigate more thoroughly their observations of cardiac electrical activity in 3D experimental preparations. The full potential of these large scale conduction models, however, has not been realized because of a lack of quantitative validation with experiment. Such validation is critical in order to use the models to predict the electrical response of the myocardium to drugs or electrical stimulation. In this paper, a quantitative, experimental validation of paced activation in a 3D conduction model of a 3 cm × 3 cm × 1 cm section of the ventricular wall is presented. Epicardial and intramural pacing stimuli were applied in the center of a 528 channel electrode plaque sutured to the left ventricle in dogs. Unipolar electrograms were recorded at 2 kHz during and after pacing. Fiber directions within the tissue below the electrodes were estimated histologically and from pace-mapping. Simulated epicardial electrograms were computed for surface paced beats using our 3D bidomain model of the mapped tissue volume incorporating the measured fiber directions. Extracellular potentials and isochronal maps resulting from paced activations in both model and experiment were directly compared. Preliminary results demonstrate that our 3D model reproduces qualitatively such key features of the experimental data as electrogram morphologies and epicardial conduction velocities. Though quantitative agreement between model and experiment was only moderate, the validation approach described herein is an essential first step in assessing the predictive capability of present day conduction models.  相似文献   

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