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Growth and ionic relations were studied in six triticale cultivars of different geographical origins grown in a greenhouse in nutrient solution with or without the addition of 100 mM NaCl. In 21 d old plants of all the six cultivars growth was little affected in the salt treatment, whereas in the subsequent three harvests during vegetative phase (after 31, 38 and 45 d), growth reduction effects of salinity were progressively pronounced. Generally, shoots of all the six cultivars accumulated relatively more K+ as compared to Na+ or Cl-. Differential accumulation of K+, Na+ and Cl- by various cultivars was coupled with variable rates of Na+ and Cl- transport from root to shoot which were — to some extent- related to cultivar differences in growth in saline root media. Chloride content of shoots of the six cultivars was negatively correlated with the relative growth reduction due to salinity at the four harvests.  相似文献   

This study aims to quantify nitrogen (N) effect on occurrence of perfect rice kernel (PRK) and imperfect grains which includes white-belly rice kernel (WBRK), white-core rice kernel (WCRK), green rice kernel (GRK), opaque rice kernel (ORK), and other imperfect grains (OTHERS). Two-year field experiments involving six japonica rice cultivars and seven N treatments were performed. The structural differences between white-belly and white-core tissues were compared using scanning electron microscope. Averaged over cultivars, grain yield increased progressively with N rate. PRK increased with N rate in 2008, but decreased with increased N rate in 2009. WBRK and WCRK decreased as N rate increased for both years. High N input resulted in higher occurrence of GRK and OTHERS for both years. Most starch granules in white-belly tissues are intact and surrounded by globular protein bodies, with many air spaces between them; while in white-core tissues, starch granules are easily broken into many single granules and no protein bodies are visible. Our results suggest that N has suppressing influence on chalky grains but favorable effect on other imperfect grains, and indicate different mechanism between WBRK and WCRK.  相似文献   

The growth of 22 strains of Azolla pinnata R. Br., 3 strains of A. filiculoides Lam. and one strain each of A. mexicana Presl and A. caroliniana Willd. was tested separately in liquid culture media kept in controlled, artificial light (30 klux) growth cabinets. Three temperature levels were used: 33°C (37/29°C day/night), 29°C (33/25°C) and 22°C (26/18°C)/ Photoperiod was 12 h a day.For most A. pinnata strains (except three) and an A. mexicana strain the maximum weekly relative growth rate was higher at 33°C than at 22°C, but not for A. filiculoides and A. caroliniana. The highest value of maximum relative growth rate corresponded to 1.9 doubling days and in most strains this occurred in the first week. As the plants grew, the growth rate slowed down more severely at higher temperatures. The maximum biomass was higher at 22°C than at 33°C in all strains. At 22°C, it took 30–50 days to attain maximum biomass and the highest value was 14 g N m?2 or 320 g dry m?2 by A. caroliniana, followed by 12 g N m?2 or 290 g dry wt. m?2 by one strain of A. filiculoides. At 29°C, the maximum biomass was attained in 20–35 days. The highest value was 6.3 g N m?2 or 154 g dry wt. m?2 by A. caroliniana. At 33°C, most A. pinnata strains gave a maximum biomass of less than 4 g N m?2 after 13–23 days, while some strains grew up to 30 days, resulting in a higher maximum biomass. The highest maximum biomass at 33°C was 5.5 g N m?2 or 140 g m?2 dry wt. by A. pinnata from Cheng Mai while the maximum biomass of A. filiculoides and A. caroliniana was much less. Azolla filiculoides requires lower temperature than other species for its growth. Azolla pinnata has the best tolerance to high temperatures among the four species. Azolla mexicana could not be discriminated from A. pinnata in its response to temperature. Azolla caroliniana may keep an intermediate position between A. filiculoides and A. pinnata in temperature response.The formation of ammonia in the medium was examined and it occurred mostly under stationary growth conditions, but, at 33°C, some strains of A. pinnata and A. mexicana released or formed ammonia at 0.3–0.8 μg N ml?1 per week during their initial exponential growth stage.  相似文献   

水氮处理下不同品种水稻根系生长分布特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为明确不同栽培条件下水稻(Oryza sativa)根系生长分布特征, 通过不同水氮处理和不同品种的水稻桶栽试验, 采用内置根架法, 于拔节期和抽穗期取样, 获取根系总干重(TRW)、不定根数(ARN)以及各类根(不定根、细分枝根和粗分枝根)的形态指标(长度、表面积和体积), 并分析植株根系生长状况和根系分布特征。结果显示: (1)各试验条件下抽穗期各项根系指标较拔节期均呈增长趋势。同一时期, 各项根系指标在3个施氮水平间均差异显著, 且随施氮量的增加而增加。不同水分处理下, 两个时期的ARN在湿润灌溉(W2)与保持水层(W1)之间差异均不显著, 而其他指标上W2处理均显著最高; 干旱处理 (W3)下, 仅拔节期的TRW和粗分枝形态指标与W1处理接近, 而在其他指标上均显著最低。不同品种间, ‘扬稻6号’ (V3)的各项根系指标均最高, 而‘日本晴’ (V1)和‘武香粳14’ (V2)间差异不显著。(2)各试验条件下, 抽穗期较拔节期根系下扎生长比例增加, 多分布于表层(0-5 cm)土中; 减少氮素和水分供应可提高根系在5 cm以下土层中的分布比例, 且分枝根反应最为明显; 品种V1和V2的深扎根性较V3明显。结果表明, 合理施氮与控水可优化水稻不同类型根的生长与分布特征, 但需考虑不同品种之间的差异。  相似文献   

Synchronized cultures of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were grown photoautotrophically under a wide range of environmental conditions including temperature (15–37°C), different mean light intensities (132, 150, 264 μmol m−2 s−1), different illumination regimes (continuous illumination or alternation of light/dark periods of different durations), and culture methods (batch or continuous culture regimes). These variable experimental approaches were chosen in order to assess the role of temperature in the timing of cell division, the length of the cell cycle and its pre- and post-commitment phases. Analysis of the effect of temperature, from 15 to 37°C, on synchronized cultures showed that the length of the cell cycle varied markedly from times as short as 14 h to as long as 36 h. We have shown that the length of the cell cycle was proportional to growth rate under any given combination of growth conditions. These findings were supported by the determination of the temperature coefficient (Q 10), whose values were above the level expected for temperature-compensated processes. The data presented here show that cell cycle duration in C. reinhardtii is a function of growth rate and is not controlled by a temperature independent endogenous timer or oscillator, including a circadian one.  相似文献   

The effect of water stress on plant water status and net photosynthetic gas exchange (PN) in six barley genotypes (Hordeum vulgare L.) differing in productivity and drought tolerance was studied in a controlled growth chamber. Osmotic adjustment (OA), PN, stomatal conductance (gs), and the ratio intercellular/ambient. CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca) were evaluated at four different levels of soil water availability, corresponding to 75, 35, 25 and 15 % of total available water. Variability in OA capacity was observed between genotypes: the drought tolerant genotypes Albacete and Alpha showed higher OA than drought susceptible genotypes Express and Mogador. The genotype Albacete exhibited also higher PN than the others at low water potential (Ψ). The ratios of PN/gs and Ci/Ca showed that differences in photosynthetic inhibition between genotypes at low Ψ were probably due to nonstomatal effects. In Tichedrett, a landrace genotype with a very extensive root development, OA was not observed, however, it exhibited a capacity to maintain its photosynthetic activity under water stress. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Arnau  G.  Monneveux  P.  This  D.  Alegre  L. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(1):67-76
The effect of water stress on plant water status and net photosynthetic gas exchange (PN) in six barley genotypes (Hordeum vulgare L.) differing in productivity and drought tolerance was studied in a controlled growth chamber. Osmotic adjustment (OA), PN, stomatal conductance (gs), and the ratio intercellular/ambient. CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca) were evaluated at four different levels of soil water availability, corresponding to 75, 35, 25 and 15 % of total available water. Variability in OA capacity was observed between genotypes: the drought tolerant genotypes Albacete and Alpha showed higher OA than drought susceptible genotypes Express and Mogador. The genotype Albacete exhibited also higher PN than the others at low water potential (Ψ). The ratios of PN/gs and Ci/Ca showed that differences in photosynthetic inhibition between genotypes at low Ψ were probably due to nonstomatal effects. In Tichedrett, a landrace genotype with a very extensive root development, OA was not observed, however, it exhibited a capacity to maintain its photosynthetic activity under water stress.  相似文献   

The interrelationship between water deficiency and hormonal makeup in plants was investigated in detached leaves of romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. `Hazera Yellow'). Water stress was imposed by desiccating the leaves for several hours in light or darkness at different air temperatures and relative humidity. In the course of desiccation, a rise in abscisic acid content and a decline in gibberellin and cytokinin activity were observed by gas-liquid chromatography, by both the barley endosperm bioassay and radioimmunoassay and by the soybean callus bioassay. Gibberellin activity began to decline in the stressed leaves before the rise in abscisic acid, the rate of this decline being positively correlated with the rate of increase in leaf water saturation deficit. Recovery from water stress was effected by immersing the leaf petioles in water while exposing the blades to high relative humidity. This resulted in a decrease in leaf water saturation deficit, a reduction in abscisic acid content, and an increase in gibberellin and cytokinin activity.  相似文献   

Unsuitable temperatures are frequently encountered by soybean(Glycine max L. Merr.) plants grown in the field. Certain polyolshave been reported to protect plants from high temperature orfrost damage. Controlled environment studies were conductedto investigate the effect of stressful temperature regimes onthe content of pinitol (3-O-methyl-D-chiro-inositol) in soybeanplants. Hydroponically-grown soybean plants were subjected tohigh (35/30 C) or low (15/10 C) day/night temperature stresses,and pinitol content in different plant parts was determinedusing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A syntheticplant growth regulator, PGR-IV, was foliarly applied to theplants to evaluate its effect on pinitol content in differentplant components. Uniformly-labelled 14C-glucose was fed intothe leaves via the transpiration stream, and the effects ofhigh temperature and EXP-S1089, another synthetic plant growthregulator, on the incorporation of 14C-glucose into pinitolwas evaluated using HPLC separation and scintillation spectrometry.High-temperature stress significantly increased plant pinitolcontent and the incorporation of 14C-glucose into pinitol, butdecreased the content of sucrose, glucose and fructose. Underlow-temperature stress, there was hardly any change in pinitolcontent, but a drastic increase in soluble sugars. PGR-IV enhancedpinitol translocation from leaves to stems and roots, whileEXP-S1089 increased pinitol/sucrose ratio. Accumulation of pinitolmay be an adjustment mechanism of the plant to reduce high-temperaturedamage, but not low-temperature injuries. Key words: Pinitol, soybean, temperature, plant growth regulator  相似文献   

Y. Yin  Z. Wang  M. He  J. Fu  S. Lu 《Biologia Plantarum》1998,41(2):203-209
Two wheat cultivars, Hesheng 2 with large grain yield potential, and Shannong 505 with small grain yield potential, were used for investigating the responses of postanthesis photosynthesis, dry matter accumulation and allocation, and grain growth to source/sink changes. At the initial grain filling stage, Hesheng 2 was sensitive to source reduction leading to an increase of net photosynthetic rate (PN) by 10 %; however, little effect of sink reduction was observed. In Shannong 505, PN was obviously decreased by sink reduction, and changed a little after source reduction. At the rapid grain filling stage, Hesheng 2 was sensitive to both source and sink reduction resulting in the increase or decrease of PN, respectively. However, the response of PN in Shannong 505 to source/sink changes was similar to that in previous stage. The dry matter (DM) accumulation after anthesis was affected by source/sink changes. In Hesheng 2, the decrease in DM was higher than that in Shannong 505 after the same source or sink reduction. Source reduction caused a decrease in the allocation of DM to the sheath and stem, and promoted the reserve photosynthates to be reallocated to grain. The effect of sink reduction was contrary. The grain mass of Hesheng 2 was more easily regulated by source/sink changes than that of Shannong 505. The effect source/sink changes on grain mass was in order upper > basal > middle spikelets on spike. As for a spikelet, the effect was found mainly in the grain mass at the positions 3 and 4 from base of the spikelet. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Survival of airborne Mycoplasma as affected by relative humidity.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  

Summary Vegetative growth of two ecotypes (lat. 78° 15N and 69°37N) of Salix polaris L. was studied in phytotron experiments. Dormancy of the winter buds was broken by chilling at 0.5°C for 14 to 42 days. Chilling requirement increased with decreasing growth temperature. The optimum temperature for bud break and shoot growth was about 15°C for both ecotypes. Cessation of apical shoot growth and abscission of shoot tip was not prevented by long photoperiods. However, at high temperature, 15°C or more, and in 18 to 24 h photoperiod, two or three growth flushes occurred frequently in both ecotypes. Leaf abscission in the arctic ecotype from lat. 78°N was not affected by photoperiod when grown at 6°C, but was stimulated by short photoperiod when grown at 15°C. In the ecotype from lat. 69°N leaf abscission was enhanced by short photoperiod even at 6°C.  相似文献   

The effects of different water activities ( a w) and temperatures on growth of storage moulds ( Aspergillus candidus and Penicillium implicatum ) on maize and paddy rice grains were measured using ergosterol content and dilution plating. The results showed that the mode of fungal growth depends on a w. In all cases, conidiation occurred more readily at low a w, whereas mycelial growth is more marked at higher a w. The xerotolerant, thermophilic characteristics of A. candidus were more clearly revealed by the ergosterol content, which reflected mycelial development, than by enumeration of spores formed. The ergosterol content proved to be a better index of technological quality of cereals (assessed by acidity) than the number of fungal propagules. A 10-fold increase in the number of spores corresponded to a doubling of the ergosterol content.  相似文献   

The growth and nodulation ofTrifolium alexandrinum were compared at six levels (0 - 1.2 % NaCl) of salinity. Dry mass of shoots and roots, 14 and 20 weeks after the commencement of salinity treatment, increased at low levels of salinity (0.1 - 0.2 % NaCl) but decreased with higher NaCl concentrations (0.4 - 1.2 %). Nodulation occurred at NaCl concentrations up to 0.8 %. Nodule mass decreased with increasing salinity levels. The nodule size remained unaffected at NaCl concentrations up to 0.4 % but was reduced at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary Water absorption by seeds of wheat and corn was studied over a temperature range of 5 to 35°C spaced at 5°C in sandy loam soil with moisture levels of 10 and 15 per cent. With increasing temperature, water absorption increased. The difference in water absorption due to moisture levels under study was not appreciable. Irrespective of treatments, a rapid initial absorption was followed by a tapering-off period of slow absorption.  相似文献   

Summary Sucrose-amended soil aggregates incubated at 15, 25 and 35°C exhibited quantitative and qualitative differences in microbial ecology. Numbers of bacteria and fungi showed a faster increase to the maximum level and a faster decrease with prolonged incubation the higher the temperature. Soil yeasts developed rapidly and extensively in aggregates incubated at 15 and 25 but not at 35°C.The fungal flora that developed on the aggregates varied with temperature: (a)M. silvaticus and anAlternaria species were the predominant primary flora at 15 and 25°C; (b)Sclerotium andPseudogymnoascus species developed in abundance in the later stages of incubation at 15 but were rare at 25°C; and (c)R. rhizopodiformis andA. fumigatus were virtually the only fungi observed on aggregates incubated at 35°C.Direct microscopic examination provided an estimate of the extent and type of fungal development that occurred on the aggregates. In general, dilution plate counts reflected accurately the growth and sporulation of the primary fungal flora of high sporulating capacity. But because spores of the primary flora remained viable in the soil and dominated the dilution plates long after the mycelia of these fungi had apparently decomposed, the plate counts provided little direct information regarding the development of the secondary fungal flora on the aggregates.  相似文献   

Flower bud initiation in seedlings and vegetatively propagated plants of Salix pentandra from different locations has been studied under controlled conditions. In mature plants flower bud formation was induced by 2-chloroethyltrimethylammoniumchloride (CCC) and by short day treatment. The effect of CCC was antagonized by GA3. The critical photoperiod for flower bud formation was about 18 h for a southern clone (from 49°48'N), but cuttings of a northern ecotype (from 69°39'N) formed flower buds even at 24 h photoperiod. Generally, flower bud formation occurred simultaneously with apical growth cessation. However, apical growth cessation was not a prerequisite for floral initiation and flower buds were also found in elongating plants. Seedlings up to 60 days old did not form flower buds in growth chamber studies. The length of the juvenile phase has not been studied in detail, but cuttings taken from seedlings approximately 20 cm high and 60 days old were able to develop flower buds when treated with CCC. A gradual transition from the juvenile to the mature phase was obtained by repeated pruning of seedlings grown at 18°C and 24 h photoperiod.  相似文献   

Seed size and weight are important criteria for determining seedling vigour and stand establishment. Evolution of seed dry weight of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during germination and early growth was examined because poor stands are often associated with the depletion and exhaustion of seed reserves. Two laboratory experiments were conducted on filter paper and in soil at three water potentials using wheat seeds. Seed, root, and shoot dry weights were recorded at approximately one-day intervals. Coleoptile and first leaf lengths were also measured at all sampling periods. Wheat seedlings grown on filter paper in the dark grew to a length of 90 to 100 mm with 50% of the initial seed weight remaining after eight days when the experiment was terminated. In soil, wheat seedlings grew 15 mm with 25% of the initial seed weight remaining. Seed reserves were depleted more quickly when the soil was wet because seedlings grew more quickly. There were significant and similar negative relationships between seed weight and coleoptile length of wheat seedlings grown on filter paper and in soil. There was no effect of soil water potential on the relationship between seed weight and shoot length. Therefore, it was concluded that poor wheat stands are not likely to occur due to depletion of seed reserves under field conditions without mechanical obstacles.  相似文献   

For clonal propagation ofAsparagus cooperi, shoot tips and node explants of 7, 20 and 35 d old spear from the region within 10 cm and below 25 cm from the apex were cultured in modified Murashige and Skoog's (1962) medium containing 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). The required concentration of BAP varied in explants of different ages and types. In shoot tip culture, the rate of shoot multiplication was higher after 40 d than 60 d of culture. The maximum mumber (62–65) of shoots were obtained from shoot tip explants of 20 d old spear in the medium containing 2.0 mg dm−3 of BAP, 80 mg dm−3 of adenine and 0.02 mg dm−3 of α-naphthalene acetic acid after 60 d of culture. From node cultures, high number of shoots were obtained after 30 d. Pretreatment with BAP in liquid medium for 48 h was effective for semirejuvenescence. The individual shoots produced roots in presence of indole-3-butyric acid and also in potassium salt of indole-3-butyric acid, the later being more effective. All regeneratns were cytologically stable.  相似文献   

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