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Pinnell and Martin's [(1968) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA61, 708–716] standard assay for lysyl oxidase is modified to determine activity in small samples. Data collected by both methods are comparable, and the microassay has the advantages of being economical and rapid.  相似文献   

It has been reported that bovine aorta amine oxidase oxidizes lysine residues in tropoelastin to allysine (Rucker, R.B. and O'Dell, B.L. (1971) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 235, 32-43). Pure bovine aorta amine oxidase was isolate by DEAE-cellulose, hydroxylapatite, Bio-Gel A-1.5 m and concanavalin A-Sepharose 4B chromatography. Enzymatic, chromatographic and immunochemical tests disclosed that pure bovine aorta amine oxidase was not a lysyl oxidase capable of oxidizing the lysine residues of tropoelastin to allysine; The bovine aorta amine oxidase preparation used by Rucker and O'Dell appears to have been contaminated with lysyl oxidase which is the emzyme that oxidizes some of the lysine residues in tropoelastin and tropocollagen to allysine.  相似文献   

A modification of the original microdistillation assay for lysyl oxidase is described in which Amicon C-10 microconcentrators are used to separate, by ultrafiltration, the 3H-labeled products released from a [4,5-3H]-lysine-labeled elastin substrate. Enzyme activity is determined by scintillation counting of the ultrafiltrate, after subtraction of radioactivity released in the presence of beta-aminopropionitrile, a specific inhibitor of the enzyme. Conditions are described which optimize both the sensitivity and the efficient use of substrate. The assay shows linear inhibition of activity in up to 1 M urea; hence, as the enzyme is normally diluted in the assay, samples in 6 M urea can be assayed directly, without prior dialysis, and corrected for partial inhibition. Comparable results are obtained when enzyme activity is assayed by ultrafiltration or microdistillation. The assay is simple and convenient and, by using disposable containers throughout, it eliminates the need for time-consuming decontamination of radioactive glassware.  相似文献   

A simplified method for the assay of lysyl oxidase activity was developed. The method is based on the measurement of tritiated water released by enzyme action from labeled protein-bound lysine and hydroxylysine. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) supernates of the incubation mixtures are passed through small Dowex 50 (H+) columns and the effluents are counted. For rapid screening purposes an indication of the presence of enzyme activity in enzyme preparations can be obtained by measuring the radioactivity present in aliquots of the TCA supernates as such and by measuring the radioactivity after drying at 60°C, taking the difference between the two as a measurement of enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The copper-binding site of lysyl oxidase remains extremely poorly characterized and although models have been suggested for copper(II) coordination by three histidine ligands, as has been found for other copper-containing amine oxidases, there has been no experimental confirmation of these suggestions. In this work, two synthetic peptides with 24 and 34-amino acid residues, respectively, were chosen from the highly conserved histidine-rich sequence previously suggested as the copper-binding region of lysyl oxidase. These peptides each bind one equivalent of Cu(II), at the same site in the two peptides. Spectroscopic (NMR, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), CD, visible absorption and fluorescence) techniques were employed to investigate the nature of the resulting complexes. The results indicate that at neutral pH three histidine ring nitrogen atoms and one carboxylate oxygen atom coordinate as the in-plane ligands of the copper, which is in an approximately tetragonally-distorted octahedral geometry. Modeling of the copper-peptides using the consistent force field (CFF91) produces a minimum energy configuration with three histidines and one water molecule as the copper ligands. CD, EPR and fluorescence results are reported for lysyl oxidase and compared with results for the peptides.  相似文献   

Immunological characterization of bovine lysyl oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibodies to homogeneously purified bovine aortic lysyl oxidase were prepared in chickens. The chicken anti-lysyl oxidase antiserum effectively inhibited bovine aortic lysyl oxidase activity. Non-immune antiserum from chickens, goats and humans was found to enhance bovine aortic lysyl oxidase activity, while non-immune rabbit serum inhibited enzyme activity. A competitive ELISA was developed to monitor immunoreactive lysyl oxidase during purification. Chromatography of bovine lysyl oxidase on Sephacryl S-200, the final step in purification, revealed two peaks of immunoreactive lysyl oxidase. The large molecular weight peak appears to contain inactive multimeric forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The bimolecular reduction of the Cu(II)-based enzyme lysyl oxidase with two inorganic reductants, tris bipyridylchromium(II) and (1,3,6,8,10,13,16,19)-octaazabicyclo (6,6,6)eicosanecobalt(II) has been examined at various ionic strength and [H+] conditions. The electrochemical properties of the enzyme have also been examined. The results show that Cu(II) is the redox site in the enzyme and has E 1/2 = 0.05 +/- 0.005 V against SCE. The observed rate constants, kobs, for the reduction of the enzyme by either Cr(bpy)32+ or Co(sep)2+ at any concentration of the reductant increased with the ionic strength of the medium. The ionic strength dependence of kobs has been analyzed in terms of the charge of the active site being 1 +.  相似文献   

Development of a peroxidase-coupled fluorometric assay for lysyl oxidase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lysyl oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of peptidyl lysine in elastin and collagen and also acts upon nonpeptidyl amines, although the enzyme becomes slowly inactivated while processing nonpeptidyl substrates. In spite of this complexity, it has been possible to devise a continuously monitored peroxidase-coupled fluorometric assay for the oxidation of simple amines by lysyl oxidase. In the present study, optimal assay conditions have been explored and found to include assay temperatures of 50 to 60°C, the presence of urea in the assay, and the use of diaminopentane as substrate. Although the assay is subject to interference by contaminating macromolecules in enzyme fractions, a linear assay response to enzyme concentration is obtained with highly purified lysyl oxidase with a limiting sensitivity of 0.3 μg of enzyme per assay.  相似文献   

The catalysis of amine oxidation by lysyl oxidase has been probed to assess for the likely order of substrate binding and product release and to discriminate between mechanistic alternatives previously proposed for other copper-dependent amine oxidases using molecular oxygen as a substrate. Lineweaver-Burk plots revealed a pattern of parallel lines when the oxidation of n-butylamine was followed at different fixed concentrations of oxygen consistent with a "ping-pong" kinetic mechanism in which the aldehyde is produced and released before the binding of oxygen, the second substrate. Initial burst experiments revealed the ability of lysyl oxidase to form and release n-butyraldehyde in amounts stoichiometric with functional active site content in the absence of oxygen, consistent with the ping-pong kinetics obtained. Reciprocal plots of n-butylamine oxidation in the presence of fixed concentrations of the reaction products were consistent with a Uni Uni Uni Bi ping-pong kinetic mechanism with the aldehyde being the first, H2O2 the second, and ammonia the last departing product. Moreover, spectral studies of the oxidation of p-hydroxybenzylamine by lysyl oxidase indicated that the enzyme does not process the amine substrate to a noncovalently bound p-hydroxybenzaldimine intermediate subsequently to be hydrolyzed to p-hydroxybenzaldehyde. The kinetic mechanism of lysyl oxidase thus appears to be similar to those described for diamine oxidase and pig plasma monoamine oxidase.  相似文献   

These studies were undertaken to determine how lysyl oxidase (LOX) and lysyl oxidase like-1 (LOXL) enzymes are targeted to their substrates in the extracellular matrix. Full-length LOX/LOXL and constructs containing just the pro-regions of each enzyme localized to elastic fibers when expressed in cultured cells. However, the LOXL catalytic domain without the pro-region was secreted into the medium but did not associate with matrix. Ligand blot and mammalian two-hybrid assays confirmed an interaction between tropoelastin and the pro-regions of both LOX and LOXL. Immunofluorescence studies localized both enzymes to elastin at the earliest stages of elastic fiber assembly. Our results showed that the pro-regions of LOX and LOXL play a significant role in directing the deposition of both enzymes onto elastic fibers by mediating interactions with tropoelastin. These findings confirmed that an important element of substrate recognition lies in the pro-domain region of the molecule and that the pro-form of the enzyme is what initially interacts with the matrix substrate. These results have raised the interesting possibility that sequence differences between the pro-domain of LOX and LOXL account for some of the functional differences observed for the two enzymes.  相似文献   

Repeat polypeptide models of elastin as substrates for lysyl oxidase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synthetic repeat polypeptides analogous in sequence to the valine-rich regions of elastin have been tested as substrates for purified bovine aorta lysyl oxidase. These polypeptides, HCO(phi-Pro-Gly-Gly)n-Val-OMe, HCO(Val-Pro-Gly-phi-Gly)n-Val-OMe, and HCO-Val-(Ala-Pro-Gly-phi-Gly-Val)n-OMe, where phi = Val or Lys at approximately a 4:1 ratio and where n greater than or equal to 40, are models of the tetra-, penta-, or hexapeptide repeat sequences found in elastin. alpha-Aminoadipic delta-semialdehyde is generated in each of these upon incubation with lysyl oxidase at 37 degrees C, whereas the aldol and anhydrolysinonorleucine bifunctional cross-linkages were formed only in the incubation of enzyme with polypentapeptide. Incubation of the polypentapeptide at 55 degrees C, which enhances coacervation of the peptide, increases aldehyde formation and generates a much higher ratio of cross-linkages to aldehyde than occurred at 37 degrees C. These results demonstrate that lysyl oxidase can oxidize lysine in synthetic polypeptides and suggest important conformational aspects of lysyl oxidase substrates which may control substrate potential as well as the ability of peptidyl aldehyde, once formed by the enzyme, to condense to cross-linkage products.  相似文献   

The pH-dependent kinetics of lysyl oxidase catalysis was examined for evidence of an ionizable enzyme residue which might function as a general base catalyzing proton abstraction previously shown to be a component of the mechanism of substrate processing by this enzyme. Plots of log Vmax/Km for the oxidation of n-hexylamine versus pH yielded pKa values of 7.0 +/- 0.1 and 10.4 +/- 0.1. The higher pKa varied with different substrates, reflecting ionization of the substrate amino group. A van't Hoff plot of the temperature dependence of the lower pKa yielded a value of 6.1 kcal mol-1 for the enthalpy of ionization. This value as well as the pKa of 7.0 are consistent with those of histidine residues previously implicated as general base catalysts in enzymes. Incubation of lysyl oxidase with low concentrations of diethyl pyrocarbonate, a histidine-selective reagent, at 22 degrees C and pH 7.0 irreversibly inhibited enzyme activity by a pseudo first-order kinetic process. The inactivation of lysyl oxidase correlated with spectral and pH-dependent kinetic evidence for the chemical modification of 1 histidine residue/mol of enzyme, the pKa of which was 6.9 +/- 0.1, within experimental error of that seen in the plot of log Vmax/Km versus pH. Enzyme activity was restored by incubation of the modified enzyme with hydroxylamine, consistent with the ability of this nucleophile to displace the carbethoxy group from N-carbethoxyhistidine. The presence of the n-hexylamine substrate largely protected against enzyme inactivation by diethyl pyrocarbonate. These results thus indicate a functional role for histidine in lysyl oxidase catalysis consistent with that of a general base in proton abstraction.  相似文献   

Lysyl oxidase highly purified from calf aorta was found to be a potent chemotactic agent for unstimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, determined in in vitro assays in Boyden chambers. A typical chemotactic bell-shaped curve was observed, with a maximal migratory response of 237% of control occurring at 10−10 M lysyl oxidase. The chemotactic response was prevented by prior heat inactivation of the enzyme, by treatment of the enzyme with β-aminopropionitrile or ethylenediamine, which are active site-directed inhibitors of lysyl oxidase, and by a competing, lysine-containing peptide substrate of lysyl oxidase. The chemoattractant reponse to lysyl oxidases was characterized by both chemokinetic and chemotactic components. These results raise the possibility that extracellular lysyl oxidase may have important roles to play in biology in addition to its established function in the crosslinking of elastin and collagen.  相似文献   

The lysyl oxidase family of proteins is primarily known for its critical role in catalyzing extracellular oxidative deamination of hydroxylysine and lysine residues in collagens, and lysine residues in elastin required for connective tissue structure and function. Lysyl oxidases have additional important biological functions in health and disease. While the enzyme domains are highly conserved, the propeptide regions are less uniform, and have biological activity, some of which are independent of their respective enzymes. This review summarizes what has been published regarding the functions of the propeptide regions of this family of proteins in the context of extracellular matrix biosynthesis, fibrosis and cancer biology. Although much has been learned, there is a need for greater attention to structure/function relationships and mechanisms to more fully understand these multifunctional proteins.  相似文献   

Pichia pastoris lysyl oxidase (PPLO) is unique among the structurally characterized copper amine oxidases in being able to oxidize the side chain of lysine residues in polypeptides. Remarkably, the yeast PPLO is nearly as effective in oxidizing a mammalian tropoelastin substrate as is a true mammalian lysyl oxidase isolated from bovine aorta. Thus, PPLO is functionally related to the copper-containing lysyl oxidases despite the lack of any significant sequence similarity with these enzymes. The structure of PPLO has been determined at 1.65 A resolution. PPLO is a homodimer in which each subunit contains a Type II copper atom and a topaquinone cofactor (TPQ) formed by the posttranslational modification of a tyrosine residue. While PPLO has tertiary and quaternary topologies similar to those found in other quinone-containing copper amine oxidases, its active site is substantially more exposed and accessible. The structural elements that are responsible for the accessibility of the active site are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

We characterized a model compound for the lysine tyrosylquinone (LTQ) cofactor of lysyl oxidase which is one of the mammalian copper-dependent amine oxidases. The model compound, 4-butylamino-5-methyl-o-quinone, was prepared from n-butylamine and 4-methylcatechol by the oxidation with sodium iodate and characterized by spectroscopic analyses. The absorption maximum at 494 nm is consistent with that of lysyl oxidase. The model compound was capable of deaminating benzylamine to benzaldehyde at 37 degrees C in buffered aqueous acetonitrile. The aldehyde production was markedly elevated in the presence of the Cu(II)-EDTA complex but inhibited by free Cu(II). The catalytic cycle was observed at pH 10 in the presence of Cu(II), and the pH activity profile showed a broad optimum at about pH 9.0. In the presence of beta-aminopropionitrile and upon deoxygenation with N2 aldelyde, production was decreased. The important features of the reaction were consistent with the enzymatic reaction.  相似文献   

Extracts of bovine ligamentum nuchae have been assayed for lysyl oxidase activity using as substrates soluble elastin and soluble collagen labeled with tritiated lysine. The assays were performed in the presence and absence of sodium oleate. At 0.8 mM, oleate decreased activity with elastin more than 50% and enhanced activity with collagen to approximately 200% that of controls without oleate. The results show that this hydrophobic anion modulates lysyl oxidase specificity in crude extracts and suggests a mechanism for modifying activity in tissues.  相似文献   

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