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Rhizobia classified as Bradyrhizobium spp. comprise a highly heterogeneous group of bacteria that exhibit differential symbiotic characteristics on hosts in the cowpea miscellany cross-inoculation group. To delineate the degree of specificity exhibited by four legumes in the cowpea miscellany, we tested the symbiotic characteristics of indigenous cowpea bradyrhizobia on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum), lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus), and peanut (Arachis hypogaea). The most-probable-number counts of indigenous bradyrhizobia at three sites on Maui, Hawaii, were substantially different on the four hosts: highest on siratro, intermediate on cowpea, and significantly lower on both lima bean and peanut. Bradyrhizobia from single cowpea nodules from the most-probable-number assays were inoculated onto the four hosts. Effectiveness patterns of these rhizobia on cowpea followed a normal distribution but were strikingly different on the other legumes. The effectiveness profiles on siratro and cowpea were similar but not identical. The indigenous cowpea-derived bradyrhizobia were of only moderate effectiveness on siratro and were in all cases lower than the inoculant-quality reference strain. Between 5 and 51% of the bradyrhizobia, depending on site, failed to nodulate peanut, whereas 0 to 32% failed to nodulate lima bean. No significant correlation was observed between the relative effectiveness of the bradyrhizobia on cowpea and their corresponding effectiveness on either lima bean or peanut. At all sites, bradyrhizobia that were ineffective on cowpea but that effectively nodulated lima bean, peanut, or both were found. Eighteen percent or fewer of the bradyrhizobia were as effective on lima bean as the reference inoculant strain; 44% or fewer were as effective on peanut as the reference strain. Only 18% of all cowpea-derived bradyrhizobia tested were able to form N(2)-fixing nodules on both lima bean and peanut. These results indicate the need to measure indigenous bradyrhizobial population characteristics directly with the crop of interest to obtain an accurate assessment of the need to inoculate.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of 42 isolates belonging to the major plant affinity groups of Rhizobium has been determined and found to vary reproducible with culture age. Numerical taxonomic techniques applied to the 15 major fatty acid components of log-phase cultures of comparable physiological age showed that the rhizobia constitute a uniform group. However, two clusters comprising soybean-cowpea isolates and pea-bean isolates were evident. These observations, based on a simple analysis of only one group of chemical components, indicate relationships among rhizobia which differ from the conventional plant-affinity groupings but which are consistent with other proposed relationships established using a variety of biochemical and physiological criteria.  相似文献   

Specificity of Octopine Uptake by Rhizobium and Pseudomonas Strains   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The octopine-utilizing strain Agrobacterium tumefaciens B6S3 and three nonagrobacteria which had the capacity to utilize this opine were compared for octopine uptake. The characteristics of uptake by Rhizobium meliloti A3 and strain B6S3 were similar. In both bacteria, uptake activity was inducible by octopine and by the related opine octopinic acid, and competition assays showed that these two opine substrates were accepted by the same uptake system with an equivalent affinity. Cells of Pseudomonas putida 203 accumulated octopine against a concentration gradient, and this activity was induced specifically by octopine. While strain 203 did not utilize octopinic acid, a spontaneous mutant with a combined capacity for octopine and octopinic acid utilization was obtained. Both opines induced octopine uptake by this mutant, but octopinic acid was not a substrate for the induced system. Thus, the Pseudomonas uptake system exhibited a different specificity for octopine than the corresponding Agrobacterium system. The nonfluorescent pseudomonad GU187j, which utilized the three related opines octopine, octopinic acid, and nopaline, was constitutive for octopine uptake. Strain GU187j possessed a system which accepted these three opines, but not arginine or ornithine, with a similar affinity.  相似文献   

Phosphate Nutrition of Rhizobium spp   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
This study was conducted to determine the behavior of 40 strains from six species of Rhizobium in liquid defined media containing orthophosphate at levels likely to be encountered naturally, ranging from the high concentrations expected in nodules and artificial media to the low concentrations of soil solutions. Storage capacity in strains with high levels (2 mM) of P and ability to utilize this stored P for growth after transfer to low levels (0.06 μM) of P varied with each strain. Storage varied from about 1 to 2% P (dry weight) for all strains, with the number of generations supported dependent on the quantity of P stored and on the utilization efficiency. The ability to store P at high levels is probably less important than the uptake and utilization efficiency of P supplied at low levels. Strains varied greatly in tolerance to low levels of P maintained in solution by an iron oxide buffering system. Differences in growth rate at low levels of P were large enough to be agronomically important.  相似文献   

A reduction in the viability of cowpea rhizobia was observed when Rhizobium trifolii IARI and cowpea Rhizobium strain 3824 were inoculated together in soil. The reduction in number of cowpea rhizobia in soil was found to be associated with the reduction in number of nodules per plant and retardation in plant growth. An antimicrobial substance was isolated from R. trifolii which, on electron microscopic investigation, demonstrated the presence of several phage-like structures.  相似文献   

Summary: Francisella tularensis is a Gram-negative intracellular pathogen and the causative agent of the disease tularemia. Inhalation of as few as 10 bacteria is sufficient to cause severe disease, making F. tularensis one of the most highly virulent bacterial pathogens. The initial stage of infection is characterized by the “silent” replication of bacteria in the absence of a significant inflammatory response. Francisella achieves this difficult task using several strategies: (i) strong integrity of the bacterial surface to resist host killing mechanisms and the release of inflammatory bacterial components (pathogen-associated molecular patterns [PAMPs]), (ii) modification of PAMPs to prevent activation of inflammatory pathways, and (iii) active modulation of the host response by escaping the phagosome and directly suppressing inflammatory pathways. We review the specific mechanisms by which Francisella achieves these goals to subvert host defenses and promote pathogenesis, highlighting as-yet-unanswered questions and important areas for future study.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis of Rhizobium spp. to Plant Root Exudates   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Rhizobium spp. show chemotaxis to plant root exudates. Both legumes and non-legume root exudates attract the different rhizobia studied. However, the bacteria show a differential response in that they are attracted to the root exudates of some plants and show no attraction toward others. An example of negative chemotaxis was also observed. The trefoil strain of Rhizobium shows chemotaxis which is qualitatively different from that observed in other bacteria in that simple sugars, di-and trisaccharides, dextrans, and amino acids do not attract this bacterium.  相似文献   

The abundance of cyanophages infecting marine Synechococcus spp. increased with increasing salinity in three Georgia coastal rivers. About 80% of the cyanophage isolates were cyanomyoviruses. High cross-infectivity was found among the cyanophages infecting phycoerythrin-containing Synechococcus strains. Cyanophages in the river estuaries were diverse in terms of their morphotypes and genotypes.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is a major global threat to the Western honeybee Apis mellifera. This mite was originally a parasite of A. cerana in Asia but managed to spill over into colonies of A. mellifera which had been introduced to this continent for honey production. To date, only two almost clonal types of V. destructor from Korea and Japan have been detected in A. mellifera colonies. However, since both A. mellifera and A. cerana colonies are kept in close proximity throughout Asia, not only new spill overs but also spill backs of highly virulent types may be possible, with unpredictable consequences for both honeybee species. We studied the dispersal and hybridisation potential of Varroa from sympatric colonies of the two hosts in Northern Vietnam and the Philippines using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA markers. We found a very distinct mtDNA haplotype equally invading both A. mellifera and A. cerana in the Philippines. In contrast, we observed a complete reproductive isolation of various Vietnamese Varroa populations in A. mellifera and A. cerana colonies even if kept in the same apiaries. In light of this variance in host specificity, the adaptation of the mite to its hosts seems to have generated much more genetic diversity than previously recognised and the Varroa species complex may include substantial cryptic speciation.  相似文献   

Preinfection events in legume-Rhizobium symbiosis were analyzed by studying the different nodulation behaviors of two rhizobial strains in cowpeas (Vigna sinensis). Log-phase cultures of Rhizobium sp. strain 1001, an isolate from the plant nodule, initiated host responses leading to infection within 2 h after inoculation, whereas log-phase cultures of Rhizobium sp. strain 32H1 took at least 7 h to trigger a discernible response. The delay observed with strain 32H1 could be eliminated by incubating the rhizobial suspension, before inoculation, for 4.5 h either in the cowpea rhizosphere/rhizoplane condition or in the root exudate of cowpea plants, grown without NH4+ in the rooting medium. The delay could not be eliminated by incubating the rhizobial suspension in the rooting medium of plants grown in the presence of 5 mM NH4+, indicating that there is a regulatory role of combined nitrogen in triggering preinfection events by the legume. The substance(s) in the root exudate which elicited the faster nodulation response by Rhizobium sp. strain 32H1 could be separated into a high-molecular-weight fraction by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration. The data support the notion that legume roots release substances that favor the development of rhizobial features essential for infection and nodulation.  相似文献   

Reiterated DNA sequences in Rhizobium and Agrobacterium spp.   总被引:10,自引:13,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Repeated DNA sequences are a general characteristic of eucaryotic genomes. Although several examples of DNA reiteration have been found in procaryotic organisms, only in the case of the archaebacteria Halobacterium halobium and Halobacterium volcanii [C. Sapienza and W. F. Doolittle, Nature (London) 295:384-389, 1982], has DNA reiteration been reported as a common genomic feature. The genomes of two Rhizobium phaseoli strains, one Rhizobium meliloti strain, and one Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain were analyzed for the presence of repetitive DNA. Rhizobium and Agrobacterium spp. are closely related soil bacteria that interact with plants and that belong to the taxonomical family Rhizobiaceae. Rhizobium species establish a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis in the roots of legumes, whereas Agrobacterium species is a pathogen in different plants. The four strains revealed a large number of repeated DNA sequences. The family size was usually small, from 2 to 5 elements, but some presented more than 10 elements. Rhizobium and Agrobacterium spp. contain large plasmids in addition to the chromosomes. Analysis of the two Rhizobium strains indicated that DNA reiteration is not confined to the chromosome or to some plasmids but is a property of the whole genome.  相似文献   

The effect of host plant cultivar on H2 evolution by root nodules was examined in symbioses between Pisum sativum L. and selected strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum. Hydrogen evolution from root nodules containing Rhizobium represents the sum of H2 produced by the nitrogenase enzyme complex and H2 oxidized by any uptake hydrogenase present in those bacterial cells. Relative efficiency (RE) calculated as RE = 1 − (H2 evolved in air/C2 H2 reduced) did not vary significantly among `Feltham First,' `Alaska,' and `JI1205' peas inoculated with R. leguminosarum strain 300, which lacks uptake hydrogenase activity (Hup). That observation suggests that the three host cultivars had no effect on H2 production by nitrogenase. However, RE of strain 128C53 was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) greater in symbiosis with cultivar JI1205 than in root nodules of Feltham First. At a similar rate of C2H2 reduction on a whole-plant basis, nearly 24 times more H2 was evolved from the Feltham First/128C53 symbiosis than from the JI1205/128C53 association. Root nodules from the Alaska/128C53 symbiosis had an intermediate RE over the entire study period, which extended from 21 to 36 days after planting. Direct assays of uptake hydrogenase by two methods showed significant (P ≤ 0.05) host cultivar effects on H2 uptake capacity of both strain 128C53 and the genetically related strain 3960. The 3H2 incorporation assay showed that strains 128C53 and 3960 in symbiosis with Feltham First had about 10% of the uptake hydrogenase activity measured in root nodules of Alaska or JI1205. These data are the first demonstration of significant host plant effects on rhizobial uptake hydrogenase in a single plant species.  相似文献   

Growth and Survival of Rhizobium spp. in Peat Culture   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  

Protoplast fusion was investigated as a technique for genetically manipulating two lignin-degrading Streptomyces strains, Streptomyces viridosporus T7A and Streptomyces setonii 75Vi2. Four of 19 recombinants tested showed enhanced production of acid-precipitable polymeric lignin (APPL), producing 155 to 264% more APPL from corn stover lignocellulose than was produced by the wild-type S. viridosporus T7A. APPLs are lignin degradation intermediates known to be potentially valuable chemical products produced by bioconversion of lignin with Streptomyces spp. The prospects of utilizing protoplast fusion to construct APPL-overproducing Streptomyces strains was considered especially promising.  相似文献   

Summary Inhibition of growth of Rhizobium spp. by glycine and by the D-form of an unnatural amino acid, norvaline, was established. Rhizobium trifolii, strain Coryn, was completely inhibited at a glycine concentration of 10 g/ml while in the case of Rhizobium leguminosarum, strain S 310a, at the same glycine concentration only bacteroid-like forms were found.The amino-acid composition of pea and maize seedlings was altered by introducing amino acids into the cotyledons. It was found that the amino compounds were transported to the roots. In the case of peas, glycine was completely converted to serine while in maize this was not the case. L-serine, sarcosine and D-norvaline were found unchanged during the experimental period. re]19750515  相似文献   

分析了迄今为止世界范围三代虫的寄主情况。三代虫具有很强的寄主特异性,并且在种、属及科等水平上的特异性均有较明显差异;分析同一种寄主上所寄生的三代虫种类之间的关系,显示大部分寄主只寄生一种三代虫,体现出了三代虫很强的寄主特异性。  相似文献   

The genus Laccaria (Hydnangiaceae, Agaricales) plays an important role in forest ecosystems as an ectomycorrhizal fungus, contributing to nutrient cycles through symbiosis with many types of trees. Though understanding Laccaria diversity and distribution patterns, as well as its association with host plants, is fundamental to constructing a balanced plant diversity and conducting effective forest management, previous studies have not been effective in accurately investigating, as they relied heavily on specimen collection alone. To investigate the true diversity and distribution pattern of Laccaria species and determine their host types, we used four different approaches: specimen-based analysis, open database search (ODS), NGS analysis, and species-specific PCR (SSP). As a result, 14 Laccaria species have been confirmed in Korea. Results regarding the species distribution pattern were different between specimen-based analysis and SSP. However, when both were integrated, the exact distribution pattern of each Laccaria species was determined. In addition, the SSP revealed that many Laccaria species have a wide range of host types. This study shows that using these four different approaches is useful in determining the diversity, distribution, and host of ECM fungi. Furthermore, results obtained for Laccaria will serve as a baseline to help understand the role of ECM fungi in forest management in response to climate change.  相似文献   

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