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The structure of alpha-crustacyanin, the blue carotenoprotein of lobster (Homarus gammarus) carapace, has been investigated for the first time using small-angle X-ray scattering. In this paper, we have determined the dimensions of this protein composed of eight heterodimeric subunits of beta-crustacyanin. Analysis of the scattering spectra and estimation of the shape of alpha-crustacyanin show that the protein fits into a cylinder with an axial length of 238 A and a radius of 47.5 A, in which the eight beta-crustacyanin molecules are probably arranged in a helical manner.  相似文献   

This paper presents some data on a human Waldenström immunoglobulin M.IgMGAL based on small-angle X-ray scattering data. the IgMGAL had molecular weight 970 000, volume 1760 nm3, radius of gyration 12 nm and maximum diameter 37 nm. The conclusions from various model calculations are discussed. A flat, star-shaped model is compatible both with X-ray scattering data and electron micrographs.  相似文献   

Small-angle X-ray scattering data suggest that major but reversible rearrangements of mitochondrial inner membrane structure are induced by uncouplers. Low levels of 2,4-dinitrophenol (10 micronM) cause a perceptible wide-angle shift of the 20 mrad X-ray scattering maximum characteristic of intact liver mitochondria. Higher dinitrophenol concentrations (greater than 25 micronM) reduce this scattering maximum to one-third its initial intensity. In terms of mitochondrial function, the former scattering change appears to correlate with the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation while the latter occurs in the course of dinitrophenol stimulation of mitochondrial ATPase activity.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(22):5124-5135
Intrinsically disordered proteins and flexible regions in multidomain proteins display substantial conformational heterogeneity. Characterizing the conformational ensembles of these proteins in solution typically requires combining one or more biophysical techniques with computational modeling or simulations. Experimental data can either be used to assess the accuracy of a computational model or to refine the computational model to get a better agreement with the experimental data. In both cases, one generally needs a so-called forward model (i.e., an algorithm to calculate experimental observables from individual conformations or ensembles). In many cases, this involves one or more parameters that need to be set, and it is not always trivial to determine the optimal values or to understand the impact on the choice of parameters. For example, in the case of small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments, many forward models include parameters that describe the contribution of the hydration layer and displaced solvent to the background-subtracted experimental data. Often, one also needs to fit a scale factor and a constant background for the SAXS data but across the entire ensemble. Here, we present a protocol to dissect the effect of the free parameters on the calculated SAXS intensities and to identify a reliable set of values. We have implemented this procedure in our Bayesian/maximum entropy framework for ensemble refinement and demonstrate the results on four intrinsically disordered proteins and a protein with three domains connected by flexible linkers. Our results show that the resulting ensembles can depend on the parameters used for solvent effects and suggest that these should be chosen carefully. We also find a set of parameters that work robustly across all proteins.  相似文献   

Flavodiiron proteins (FDP) are modular enzymes which function as NO and/or O(2) reductases. Although the majority is composed of two structural domains, the homolog found in Escherichia coli, flavorubredoxin, possesses an extra C-terminal module consisting of a linker and a rubredoxin (Rd) domain necessary for interprotein redox processes. In order to investigate the location of the Rd domain with respect to the flavodiiron structural core, small-angle X-ray scattering was used to construct low-resolution structural models of flavorubredoxin. Scattering patterns from the Rd domain, the FDP core, and full-length flavorubredoxin were collected. The latter two species were found to be tetrameric in solution. Ab initio shape reconstruction and rigid-body modeling indicate a peripheral location for the Rd domains, which appear to have weak contacts with the FDP core. This finding suggests that Rd behaves as an independent domain and is freely available to participate in redox reactions with protein partners.  相似文献   

Ethanol precipitated DNA shows a CD spectrum of the +psi-type which is similar to that of DNA in the A-form. DNA condensed with cetyl-trimethylammonium-bromide shows, depending on the condensation velocity, a CD spectrum of the -psi-type, or a CD spectrum only slightly modified from that of DNA in solution. The first spectrum is similar to that of DNA in the C-form, and the second one, to that of DNA in the B-form. Using large-angle X-ray scattering of the three DNA condensates and comparing them with the scattering curves calculated from the atom coordinates for the A-, B-, and C-form of DNA it is shown that the secondary structure of the DNA belongs in all three cases to the B-family. It follows from this result that the secondary structure of DNA alone does not determine the type of CD spectrum. The CD spectrum of condensed DNA is essentially determined by the supramolecular structures of the partially crystalline DNA condensates. These supramolecular structures can be demonstrated by the small-angle X-ray diagrams. The condensation of DNA by ethanol and cetyl-trimethylammonium-bromide proceeds in the form of a partial crystallization of the DNA.  相似文献   

The capsid is modeled as a region of constant electron density located between inner and outer envelopes that exhibit icosahedral symmetry. For computational purposes the envelopes are represented as truncated sums of weighted icosahedral harmonics. Methods are described for estimating the weights from x-ray solution scattering patterns based on nonlinear least squares, and two examples of the procedure, for viruses with known atomic-resolution structures, are given.  相似文献   

The intermediates in the ribosome assembly in exponentially growing Escherichia coli have been identified by centrifuging a crude lysate, pulse-labeled with a radioactive RNA base, through a sucrose gradient and analyzing for precursor rRNA in the gradient fractions by gel electrophoresis. The major intermediate in the assembly of the 50 S subunit cosediments with the mature subunit, whereas two minor precursor species sediment between the 30 S and 50 S peaks. The assembly of the 30 S subunit proceeds via a minor intermediate sedimenting slightly behind the mature subunit and a major precursor particle that cosediments with the mature 30 S subunit.The fraction of the rRNA contained in these precursor particles was determined by direct determination of the amount of rRNA in the precursor particles, and from the labeling kinetics of their rRNA. The direct estimation indicated that about 2% of the total 23 S type RNA, and 3 to 5% of the total 16 S type RNA is harboured in precursor particles. In the kinetic experiments the specific activity of the nucleoside triphosphates and of the different ribosomal particles was followed after addition of a radioactive RNA precursor to the growth medium. The results were compared with a digital simulation of the flow of isotopes through the assembly pathways. This method indicated that approximately 2% of the total 23 S type RNA, as well as 2% of the total 16 S type RNA, is contained in the precursor particles.  相似文献   

CD and small-angle x-ray scattering of silk fibroin in solution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Canetti  A Seves  F Secundo  G Vecchio 《Biopolymers》1989,28(9):1613-1624
We investigated the structure of silk fibroin dissolved in water and in water-organic solvent mixtures by CD and small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). CD spectra indicated a disordered secondary structure in water and a beta-sheet conformation in aqueous organic solvents, such as methanol, dioxane, and trifluoroethanol (in trifluoroethanol a transient form evolving toward beta-sheet conformation was seen just after dissolution). The SAXS technique indicated the presence of fibroin particles of lamellar shape. The molecular weight was 188,000 daltons in water and 302,000 daltons in aqueous methanol.  相似文献   

Some of our recent work has resulted in the detailed structures of fully hydrated, fluid phase phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) bilayers. These structures were obtained from the joint refinement of small-angle neutron and X-ray data using the scattering density profile (SDP) models developed by Ku?erka et al. (Biophys J 95:2356–2367, 2008; J Phys Chem B 116:232–239, 2012). In this review, we first discuss models for the standalone analysis of neutron or X-ray scattering data from bilayers, and assess the strengths and weaknesses inherent to these models. In particular, it is recognized that standalone data do not contain enough information to fully resolve the structure of naturally disordered fluid bilayers, and therefore may not provide a robust determination of bilayer structure parameters, including the much-sought-after area per lipid. We then discuss the development of matter density-based models (including the SDP model) that allow for the joint refinement of different contrast neutron and X-ray data, as well as the implementation of local volume conservation within the unit cell (i.e., ideal packing). Such models provide natural definitions of bilayer thicknesses (most importantly the hydrophobic and Luzzati thicknesses) in terms of Gibbs dividing surfaces, and thus allow for the robust determination of lipid areas through equivalent slab relationships between bilayer thickness and lipid volume. In the final section of this review, we discuss some of the significant findings/features pertaining to structures of PC and PG bilayers as determined from SDP model analyses.  相似文献   

The kinetics of chain disruption and collapse of staphylococcal nuclease after positive or negative pressure jumps was monitored by real-time small-angle x-ray scattering under pressure. We used this method to probe the overall conformation of the protein by measuring its radius of gyration and pair-distance-distribution function p(r) which are sensitive to the spatial extent and shape of the particle. At all pressures and temperatures tested, the relaxation profiles were well described by a single exponential function. No fast collapse was observed, indicating that the rate limiting step for chain collapse is the same as that for secondary and tertiary structure formation. Whereas refolding at low pressures occurred in a few seconds, at high pressures the relaxation was quite slow, approximately 1 h, due to a large positive activation volume for the rate-limiting step for chain collapse. A large increase in the system volume upon folding implies significant dehydration of the transition state and a high degree of similarity in terms of the packing density between the native and transition states in this system. This study of the time-dependence of the tertiary structure in pressure-induced folding/unfolding reactions demonstrates that novel information about the nature of protein folding transitions and transition states can be obtained from a combination of small-angle x-ray scattering using high intensity synchrotron radiation with the high pressure perturbation technique.  相似文献   

Small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) is able to extract low-resolution protein shape information without requiring a specific crystal formation. However, it has found little use in atomic-level protein structure determination due to the uncertainty of residue-level structural assignment. We developed a new algorithm, SAXSTER, to couple the raw SAXS data with protein-fold-recognition algorithms and thus improve template-based protein-structure predictions. We designed nine different matching scoring functions of template and experimental SAXS profiles. The logarithm of the integrated correlation score showed the best template recognition ability and had the highest correlation with the true template modeling (TM)-score of the target structures. We tested the method in large-scale protein-fold-recognition experiments and achieved significant improvements in prioritizing the best template structures. When SAXSTER was applied to the proteins of asymmetric SAXS profile distributions, the average TM-score of the top-ranking templates increased by 18% after homologous templates were excluded, which corresponds to a p-value < 10−9 in Student's t-test. These data demonstrate a promising use of SAXS data to facilitate computational protein structure modeling, which is expected to work most efficiently for proteins of irregular global shape and/or multiple-domain protein complexes.  相似文献   

UDP-galactopyranose mutase (UGM) is a flavoenzyme that catalyzes the conversion of UDP-galactopyranose to UDP-galactofuranose, which is a central reaction in galactofuranose biosynthesis. Galactofuranose has never been found in humans but is an essential building block of the cell wall and extracellular matrix of many bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. The importance of UGM for the viability of many pathogens and its absence in humans make UGM a potential drug target. Here we report the first crystal structures and small-angle x-ray scattering data for UGM from the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, the causative agent of aspergillosis. The structures reveal that Aspergillus UGM has several extra secondary and tertiary structural elements that are not found in bacterial UGMs yet are important for substrate recognition and oligomerization. Small-angle x-ray scattering data show that Aspergillus UGM forms a tetramer in solution, which is unprecedented for UGMs. The binding of UDP or the substrate induces profound conformational changes in the enzyme. Two loops on opposite sides of the active site move toward each other by over 10 Å to cover the substrate and create a closed active site. The degree of substrate-induced conformational change exceeds that of bacterial UGMs and is a direct consequence of the unique quaternary structure of Aspergillus UGM. Galactopyranose binds at the re face of the FAD isoalloxazine with the anomeric carbon atom poised for nucleophilic attack by the FAD N5 atom. The structural data provide new insight into substrate recognition and the catalytic mechanism and thus will aid inhibitor design.  相似文献   

We present the implementation of a target function based on Small Angle Scattering data (Gabel et al. Eur Biophys J 35(4):313-327, 2006) into the Crystallography and NMR Systems (CNS) and demonstrate its utility in NMR structure calculations by simultaneous application of small angle scattering (SAS) and residual dipolar coupling (RDC) restraints. The efficiency and stability of the approach are demonstrated by reconstructing the structure of a two domain region of the 31 kDa nuclear export factor TAP (TIP-associated protein). Starting with the high resolution X-ray structures of the two individual TAP domains, the translational and orientational domain arrangement is refined simultaneously. We tested the stability of the protocol against variations of the SAS target parameters and the number of RDCs and their uncertainties. The activation of SAS restraints results in an improved translational clustering of the domain positions and lifts part of the fourfold degeneracy of their orientations (associated with a single alignment tensor). The resulting ensemble of structures reflects the conformational space that is consistent with the experimental SAS and RDC data. The SAS target function is computationally very efficient. SAS restraints can be activated at different levels of precision and only a limited SAS angular range is required. When combined with additional data from chemical shift perturbation, paramagnetic relaxation enhancement or mutational analysis the SAS refinement is an efficient approach for defining the topology of multi-domain and/or multimeric biomolecular complexes in solution based on available high resolution structures (NMR or X-ray) of the individual domains.  相似文献   

Elucidation of x-ray crystal structures for the S1 subfragment of myosin afforded atomic resolution of the nucleotide and actin binding sites of the enzyme. The structures have led to more detailed hypotheses regarding the mechanisms by which force generation is coupled to ATP hydrolysis. However, the three-dimensional structure of double-headed myosin consisting of two S1 subfragments has not yet been solved. Therefore, to investigate the overall shape and relative orientations of the two heads of myosin, we performed small-angle x-ray and neutron scattering measurements of heavy meromyosin containing all three light chains (LC(1-3)) in solution. The resulting small-angle scattering intensity profiles were best fit by models of the heavy meromyosin head-tail junction in which the angular separation between heads was less than 180 degrees. The S1 heads of the best fit models are not related by an axis of symmetry, and one of the two S1 heads is bent back along the rod. These results provide new information on the structure of the head-tail junction of myosin and indicate that combining scattering measurements with high resolution structural modeling is a feasible approach for investigating myosin head-head interactions in solution.  相似文献   

Data from small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering and ultracentrifugation experiments on solutions of malate dehydrogenase from Halobacterium maris mortui are analysed together to yield a model for the enzyme particle formed by the protein and its interactions with water and salt in the solvent. The halophilic enzyme is stable only in high concentrations of salt and the model has structural features that are absent from non-halophilic malate dehydrogenase. The complementarity of the information derived from the three experimental methods is discussed extensively and quantitatively. It derives from the fact that mass density (ultracentrifugation), electron density (X-rays) and neutron scattering density are independent of each other. Each method gives a different "view" of the same particle, and an analysis of the combined data provided thermodynamic and structural parameters with, apart from the chemical composition of the solutions, only one other assumption: a constant partial specific volume for water equal to 1.00 cm3 g-1. Both the insights gained by this novel approach and its limitations are carefully pointed out. In solvents between 1 M and 5 M-NaCl, the enzyme forms a particle of invariant volume, consisting of a protein dimer (87,000 g mol-1) with which are associated 0.87 g of water and 0.35 g of salt per gram of protein. The partial specific volume of the protein calculated from the combined experimental data is 0.753(+/- 0.030) cm3 g-1, in good agreement with the value calculated from the amino acid composition. The particle has a radius of gyration of 32 A and an equivalent Stokes radius of 43 A. By combining the data from the X-ray and neutron scattering studies, the radii of gyration of the protein moiety alone and of the associated water and salt distribution were calculated. They are 28 A and about 40 A, respectively. The large-angle scattering curves show that the shapes of the particle and of the protein moiety alone are similar. At very low resolution they can be approximated by an ellipsoid of axial ratio 1:1:0.6 (or 1:1:1.5). At higher resolution, it becomes apparent that the particle has a significantly larger interface with solvent than an homogeneous ellipsoid or globular protein. The model has a globular protein core similar to non-halophilic malate dehydrogenase, with about 20% of the protein extending loosely out of the core, forming the large interface with solvent. The main interactions with water and salt take place on this outer part.  相似文献   

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