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AIM: To investigate the effect of starvation, surface attachment and growth in a biofilm on the susceptibility of Aureobasidium pullulans to the biocides 2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (OIT) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). METHODS AND RESULTS: Fluorescence loss from a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transformed strain was used to monitor real-time loss in viability as previously described in situ in 96-well plates. Exponential phase, yeast-like (YL) cells were settled in the bottom of the wells as a low-density monolayer (LDM) and were susceptible to all biocide concentrations (25-100 mug ml(-1)). The exponential phase YL cells were either starved for 48 h in suspension or starved for 48 h as LDMs in the wells. Starvation in both cases led to a small reduction in susceptibility to the biocides. In contrast, 48-h biofilms grown in malt extract broth showed an apparent lack of susceptibility to 25 and 50 mug ml(-1) OIT and to 25-100 mug ml(-1) NaOCl. However, when the OIT concentration was increased to compensate for the higher cell density in the biofilm, the biofilms were found to be equally susceptible to the LDM. CONCLUSIONS: Starvation of A. pullulans YL cells either in suspension or as attached LDM resulted in a decrease in susceptibility to low concentrations of both OIT and NaOCl while the apparent reduced susceptibility of mature biofilms was due to the increase in biofilm cell density rather than true biofilm resistance per se. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Monitoring fluorescence loss from the GFP-transformed strain of A. pullulans can be used as a fast and reliable method for monitoring cell death in real time as a response to biocide and antimicrobial challenge.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an essential constituent in all types of living organisms. Bacteria, which use inorganic phosphate (Pi), as the preferred P source, have evolved complex systems to survive during Pi starvation conditions. Recently, we found thatPseudomonas aeruginosa, a monoflagellated, obligately aerobic bacterium, is attracted to Pi. The evidence that the chemotactic response to Pi (Pi taxis) was observed only with cells grown in Pi-limiting medium suggests that Pi taxis plays an important role in scavenging Pi residues under conditions of Pi starvation. Many bacteria also exhibit rapid and extensive accumulation of polyphosphate (polyP), when Pi is added to cells previously subjected to Pi starvation stress. Since polyP can serve as a P source during Pi starvation conditions, it is likely that polyP accumulation is a protective mechanism for survival during Pi starvation. In the present review, we summarize our current knowledge on regulation of bacterial Pi taxis and polyP accumulation in response to Pi starvation stress.  相似文献   

Cell extracts, serially obtained from Candida utilis grown in continuous (synchrony) culture under phosphate limitation during an 8-h cycle and examined by NMR spectroscopy, revealed changes in polyphosphate content during the cycle period: other phosphorus containing components showed relatively little change. Initially zero, the polyphosphate content increased rapidly to a maximum after 30 min that coincided with exhaustion of phosphate from the culture, and then decreased slowly back to zero at the end of the cycle. The results suggest that polyphosphate, usually considered to function as a reserve material, actively participates during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Maternal starvation inhibits fetal brain development during late gestation in the rat. To determine whether intrinsic or extrinsic factors might be the principal contributor to altered growth, brain cells from 20 day fetuses were cultured in a 96 well plate with MEM and 10% adult rat serum. Tissue growth was monitored by spectrophotometric measurement of the mitochondrial reduction of a chromagen 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT). After 1, 4 or 6 days incubation, MTT activity in non confluent cultures was shown to be directly related to tissue mass. When fetal brain cell cultures were incubated with 1% and 10% concentrations of adult rat serum, an 11-fold increase in MTT activity paralleled a 15-fold increase in tritiated thymidine incorporation. The impact of maternal starvation on fetal brain cell growth was examined by measuring MTT activity in fetal brain cells from fed and starved mothers. When cultures were incubated for 6 days with graded concentrations of fed adult serum (1.25–10%), the MTT response was slightly but consistently lower in cells from starved when compared with cells from fed mothers. By contrast, a marked difference in MTT activity which was paralleled by a lower DNA content became apparent when fetal rat brain cells were incubated with starved adult serum. Fetal serum and adult male serum were found to support growth equally well, while incubation of fetal brain cells with maternal sera resulted in lower MIT values than with the corresponding fetal sera. When cells were incubated with fetal sera pooled from starved mothers, MTT activity was decreased by 42 to 45%. A relative decrease in MTT activity was also apparent when cells were exposed to sera from starved mothers. Graded concentrations of starved fetal serum (2.5–10%) produced an increase in MTT activity that was consistently lower than similar concentrations of fed fetal serum, a finding suggesting a decrease in growth factors. Mixing fasted with fed serum did not correct the diminished growth, and indicated that an inhibitor might also be functioning to restrict growth. These findings therefore suggest that the principal determinants of diminished fetal brain growth during maternal starvation are not only intrinsic to the cells but are importantly related to the altered extrinsic factors in the fetal circulation.  相似文献   

In response to starvation, cells undergo increased levels of autophagy and cell cycle arrest but the role of autophagy in starvation-induced cell cycle arrest is not fully understood. Here we show that autophagy genes regulate cell cycle arrest in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae during nitrogen starvation. While exponentially growing wild-type yeasts preferentially arrest in G1/G0 in response to starvation, yeasts carrying null mutations in autophagy genes show a significantly higher percentage of cells in G2/M. In these autophagy-deficient yeast strains, starvation elicits physiological properties associated with quiescence, such as Snf1 activation, glycogen and trehalose accumulation as well as heat-shock resistance. However, while nutrient-starved wild-type yeasts finish the G2/M transition and arrest in G1/G0, autophagy-deficient yeasts arrest in telophase. Our results suggest that autophagy is crucial for mitotic exit during starvation and appropriate entry into a G1/G0 quiescent state.  相似文献   

In response to starvation, cells undergo increased levels of autophagy and cell cycle arrest but the role of autophagy in starvation-induced cell cycle arrest is not fully understood. Here we show that autophagy genes regulate cell cycle arrest in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae during nitrogen starvation. While exponentially growing wild-type yeasts preferentially arrest in G1/G0 in response to starvation, yeasts carrying null mutations in autophagy genes show a significantly higher percentage of cells in G2/M. In these autophagy-deficient yeast strains, starvation elicits physiological properties associated with quiescence, such as Snf1 activation, glycogen and trehalose accumulation as well as heat-shock resistance. However, while nutrient-starved wild-type yeasts finish the G2/M transition and arrest in G1/G0, autophagy-deficient yeasts arrest in telophase. Our results suggest that autophagy is crucial for mitotic exit during starvation and appropriate entry into a G1/G0 quiescent state.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fingerlings (initial average weight 9.5 g) at 19° in sea water were studied. Fish start to die on day 19. Proximate analysis shows that water content increases with starvation time whereas protein and lipid contents decrease. After an initial decline, nitrogen excretion remains stable from day 2 to day 14. Starvation resulted in a reduction of liver, muscle and digestive tract lipids, mainly the triglycerides which are significantly reduced within the first week of starvation. The influence of water temperature on these changes is discussed.  相似文献   

In case of nutritional stress, like carbon starvation, Escherichia coli cells abandon their exponential-growth state to enter a more resistant, non-growth state called stationary phase. This growth-phase transition is controlled by a genetic regulatory network integrating various environmental signals. Although E. coli is a paradigm of the bacterial world, it is little understood how its response to carbon starvation conditions emerges from the interactions between the different components of the regulatory network. Using a qualitative method that is able to overcome the current lack of quantitative data on kinetic parameters and molecular concentrations, we model the carbon starvation response network and simulate the response of E. coli cells to carbon deprivation. This allows us to identify essential features of the transition between exponential and stationary phase and to make new predictions on the qualitative system behavior following a carbon upshift.  相似文献   

Summary A novel method of synchronizing monolayer tissue culture cells is described. By limiting the period of attachment of trypsinized cells and the subsequent removal of unattached cells a G1 population of cells is isolated. Evaluation of the degree of synchrony has been carried out by measuring the labeling index and incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA. Further conformation of synchrony, as well as a comparison with synchrony by isoleucine deprivation, was obtained by flow cytometry. The expected peak in DNA synthesis rate following limited attachment was observed. This peak becomes more prominent and shifts to earlier times with shorter attachment intervals. The synchronization method described is simple, rapid, yields a substantial number of cells, and is applicable to many cell lines. This research was supported by a Basic Science Research Grant and a grant from the American Heart Foundation to K. Janakidevi. Paul Held and Christian Sell were also supported by predoctoral training grant HL07194 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

We previously reported that exposure of HeLa cells to selenite for 2 h results in a decrease in their ability to attach to fibronectin (Yan and Frenkel,Cancer Res. 52, 5803–5807 [1992]), as well as a decrease in the level of fibronectin receptor (α5β1 integrin) at the cell surface (Yan and Frenkel,Biol. Trace Element Res. 46, 79–89 [1994]). We have now found that after exposure to selenite, there was a decrease in the total cellular content of the receptor protein, as well as in the level of the mRNAs for both of the subunits. Exposure of cells to actinomycin D (an inhibitor of RNA synthesis) also resulted in a decrease in the level of these mRNAs, suggesting that the effect of selenite is the result of its known inhibitory effect on RNA synthesis (Frenkel,Toxicol. Lett. 25, 219–223 [1985]). Exposure of cells to actinomycin D for 2 h also resulted in a decrease in the ability of cells to attach to fibronectin. Furthermore, both selenite and actinomycin D caused a decrease in integrin mRNA levels and in cell attachment to fibronectin only when high-density cells were exposed to the agents. In contrast, when low-density cells were exposed,neither agent had any detectable effect on mRNA levels or on cell attachment. These results have suggested the following scheme for the mechanism of the inhibition of cell attachment by selenite: After exposure to selenite for 2 h, there is a significant inhibition of cellular RNA synthesis, which results in a general decrease in the cellular level of those mRNAs with relatively short half-lives, including in particular those of the fibronectin receptor. This leads to a decrease in the intracellular level of the receptor protein and, consequently, in its level at the cell surface, which in turn causes a decrease in the rate of cell attachment to fibronectin.  相似文献   

Aims:  To identify the types of micro-organisms involved in the formation of biofilms on dairy ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membranes and investigate factors affecting the attachment of those isolates.
Methods and Results:  Micro-organisms isolated from industrial membranes following standard cleaning were identified using the API culture identification system. Thirteen different isolates representing eight genera were isolated and their ability to attach to surfaces was compared using a microtitre plate assay. Three Klebsiella strains attached best, while mixed strains of Pseudomonas and Klebsiella attached better than individual strains. Whey enhanced the attachment of the isolates. The micro-organisms were characterized according to cell surface hydrophobicity using the microbial adhesion to hydrocarbon (MATH) test, and cell surface charge by measuring the zeta potential. These cell surface characteristics did not show a clear relationship with the attachment of our strains.
Conclusions:  A variety of different micro-organisms is associated with dairy ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membranes after cleaning, suggesting several possible sources of contamination. The cleaning of these membranes may be inadequate. The attachment of the different isolates is highly variable and enhanced in the presence of whey.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Knowledge of persistent microflora colonizing dairy membrane systems will help develop strategies to mitigate biofilm development in this environment, improving hygiene in membrane processing plants.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the effects of pH stress coupled with cysteine addition on glutathione (GSH) production in the treatment of high cell density culture of Candida utilis. Methods and Results: We have previously observed that most Candida utilis cells remained viable after being subjected to pH at 1·2 for 3 h and that some intracellular GSH leaked into the medium. A cysteine addition strategy was applied in fed‐batch production of GSH. A single cysteine addition resulted in higher GSH yield than two separate additions without pH stress. An increase in intracellular GSH content triggered inhibition of γ‐glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ‐GCS). A strategy that combines cysteine addition with low‐pH stress was developed to relieve the inhibition of γ‐GCS. Conclusion: Without pH stress, single shot and double shot cysteine addition yielded a total GSH of 1423 and 1325 mg l?1. In comparison, a low‐pH stress counterpart resulted in a total GSH of 1542 and 1730 mg l?1, respectively. With low‐pH stress, we observed GSH secretion into the medium at 673 and 558 mg l?1 and an increase in the γ‐GCS activity by 1·2‐ and 1·5‐fold, respectively. The specific GSH production yield increased from 1·76% to 1·91% (w/w) for single shot, and 1·64% to 2·14% for double shots. Significance and Impact of the Study: Low‐pH shift was applied to alleviate the feedback inhibition of intracellular GSH on γ‐GCS activity by secreting GSH into the medium. This strategy is coupled with cysteine addition to enhance GSH production in Candida utilis.  相似文献   

Bursting bubbles are thought to be the dominant cause of cell death in sparged animal or insect cell cultures. Cells that die during the bubble burst can come from three sources: cells suspended near the bubble; cells trapped in the bubble lamella; and cells that attached to the rising bubble. This article examines cell attachment to rising bubbles using a model in which cell attachment depends on cell radius, bubble radius, and cell–bubble attachment time. For bubble columns over 1 m in height and without protective additives, the model predicts significant attachment for 0.5‐ to 3‐mm radius bubbles, but no significant attachment in the presence of protective additives. For bubble columns over 10 cm in height, and without protective additives, the model predicts significant attachment for 50‐ to 100‐μm radius bubbles, but not all protective additives prevent attachment for these bubbles. The model is consistent with three sets of published data and with our experimental results. Using hybridoma cells, serum‐free medium with antifoam, and 1.60 ± 0.05 mm (standard error) radius bubbles, we measured death rates consistent with cell attachment to rising bubbles, as predicted by the model. With 1.40 ± 0.05 mm (SE) radius bubbles and either 0.1% w/v Pluronic‐F68 or 0.1% w/v methylcellulose added to the medium, we measured death rates consistent with no significant cell attachment to rising bubbles, as predicted by the model. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 62: 468–478, 1999.  相似文献   

Planarians are able to stand long periods of starvation by maintaining adult stem cell pools and regenerative capacity. The molecular pathways that are needed for the maintenance of regeneration during starvation are not known. Here, we show that down‐regulation of chaperonin TRiC/CCT subunits abrogates the regeneration capacity of planarians during starvation, but TRiC/CCT subunits are dispensable for regeneration in fed planarians. Under starvation, they are required to maintain mitotic fidelity and for blastema formation. We show that TRiC subunits modulate the unfolded protein response (UPR) and are required to maintain ATP levels in starved planarians. Regenerative defects in starved CCT‐depleted planarians can be rescued by either chemical induction of mild endoplasmic reticulum stress, which leads to induction of the UPR, or by the supplementation of fatty acids. Together, these results indicate that CCT‐dependent UPR induction promotes regeneration of planarians under food restriction.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms of cell protection provided by medium additives against animal cell injury in sparged bioreactors, we have analyzed the effect of various additives on the cell-to-bubble attachment process using CHO cells in suspension. Cell-to-bubble attachment was examined using three experimental techniques: (1) cell-bubble induction time analysis (cell-to-bubble attachment times); (2) forming thin liquid films and observing the movement and location of cells in the thin films; and (3) foam flotation experiments. The induction times we measured for the various additives are as follows: no additive (50 to 500 ms), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP: 20 to 500 ms), polyethylene glycol (PEG: 200 to 1000 ms), 3% serum (500 to 1000 ms), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA: 2 to 10 s), Pluronic F68 (5 to 20 s), and Methocel (20 to 60 s). In the thin film formation experiments, cells in medium with either F68, PVA, or Methocel quickly flowed out of draining thin liquid films and entered the plateau border. When using media with no additive or with serum, the flow of cells out of the thin liquid film and film drainage were slower than for media containing Pluronic F68. PVA, or Methocel. With PVP and PEG, the thin film drainage was much slower and cells remained trapped in the film. For the foam flotation experiments, a separation factor (ratio of cell concentration in the foam catch to that in the bubble column) was determined for the various additives. In the order of increasing separation factors (i.e., increasing cell attachment to bubbles), the additives are as follows: Methocel, PVA, Pluronic F68, 3% serum, serum-free medium with no additives, PEG, and PVP. Based on the results of these three different cell-to-bubble attachment experiments, we have classified the cell-protecting additives into three groups: (1) Pluronic F68, PVA, and Methocel (reduced cell-to-bubble attachment); (2) PEG and PVP (high or increased cell-to-bubble attachment); and (3) FBS (reduced cell attachment butslower drainage films compared with F68, PVA, and Methocel with some cell entrapment in those films). These phenomena are discussed in relation to the interfacial properties of the media reported in a companion Study (this issue). (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons Inc.  相似文献   

We developed and applied a conductometric method for the quantitative online measurement of the carbon dioxide (CO2) production during batch cultivations of Candida utilis on a 100‐μL scale. The applied method for the CO2 measurement consisted of absorption of the produced CO2 from the exhaust gas of the microbioreactor in an alkali solution, of which the conductivity was measured on‐line. The measured conductivity change of the alkali solution showed a linear relation with the total amount of CO2 absorbed. After calibration of the CO2 measurement system, it was connected to a well of a 96‐well microtiter plate. The mixing in the well was achieved by a magnetic stirrer. Using online measurement of the CO2 production during the cultivation, we show reproducible exponential batch growth of C. utilis on a 100‐μL scale. The CO2 production measurements obtained from the microcultivation were compared with the CO2 production measurement in a 4‐L bioreactor equipped with a conventional off‐gas analyzer. The measurements showed that on‐line measurement of the CO2 production rate in microbioreactors can provide essential data for quantitative physiological studies and provide better understanding of microscale cultivations. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

At present, establishment of a cell line from bivalve molluscs has been unsuccessful, and in vitro work is limited to primary cell cultures. We sought to improve attachment and spreading of cells of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, to aid primary cultures and to assist development of a bivalve cell line. Our objectives were to examine the effects of substrate on ventricle cell viability, attachment, and spreading by testing of collagen I, collagen IV, fibronectin, laminin, poly-D-lysine, and two types of uncoated tissue culture plates (Falcon and Corning). Experiments were conducted by incubating cells with the various substrates for 24 h and 5 d. An assay with a tetrazolium compound (MTS) was used to estimate cell numbers based on metabolic activity. Although differences in MTS assay values for substrate effect on cell viability were detected at 24 h and at 5 d (P > 0.0001), these were attributed to variations in metabolic activity due to different levels of attachment and spreading among treatments. Differences among treatments were detected in attachment and spreading at 24 h and 5 d (for all, P > 0.0001). At 24 h, poly-D-lysine induced the highest levels of attachment and spreading; no other factor performed better than the uncoated Falcon substrate, and collagen I performed most poorly. At 5 d, poly-D-lysine and the uncoated Corning substrate induced significantly higher levels of attachment and spreading than did the uncoated Falcons substrate, and collagen I performed most poorly. From these results, poly-D-lysine best promoted cell attachment and spreading. Fibronectin (at 24 h) and laminin (at 5 d) warrant further study. Along with improvements in medium composition, future work should involve screening of other attachment factors and combinations of factors, including those of bivalve origin.  相似文献   

FITC-insulin binding and endogenous insulin content of Tetrahymena pyriformis, that had been 24 h or 30 min starved, continuously fed or re-fed after starvation was studied by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Long starvation elevated both insulin binding and endogenous insulin content of the cells. Short re-feeding after long starvation or short starvation after continuous feeding does not change the situation. Fixed cells also bind FITC-insulin, however, in this case long starvation reduces, and re-feeding after long starvation elevates, the binding, which means that hormone binding by receptors only differs from receptor binding and engulfment (in living cells). The increase of FITC-insulin content in living cells seems to be due to engulfment, rather than by receptor binding. The results point to the unicellular organism's requirement for insulin production and binding in a life-threatening stress situation.  相似文献   

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