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Porphyromonas gingivalis, and organism implicated in the etiology and pathogenesis of human periodontal diseases, produces a variety of potent proteolytic enzymes, and it has been suggested that these enzymes play a direct role in the destruction of periodontal tissues. We now report that two cell-associated cysteine proteinases of P. gingivalis W12, with molecular masses of approximately 150 kDa (porphypain-1) and 120 kDa (porphypain-2), as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, have been separated and purified to apparent homogeneity. These proteinases appear to be SDS-stable conformational variants of a 180-kDa enzyme, and they are the largest cysteine proteinases yet purified from P. gingivalis. The purified proteinases hydrolyze fibrinogen, tosyl-Gly-L-Pro-L-Arg p-nitroanilide, and tosyl-Gly-L-Pro-L-Lys p-nitroanilide. While hydrolysis of both synthetic substrates by porphypain-1 and -2 requires activation by reducing agents, is inhibited by EDTA, and is stimulated in the presence of derivatives of glycine, the Arg-amidolytic activity is sensitive to leupeptin and H-D-tyrosyl-L-prolyl-L-arginyl chloromethyl ketone, whereas the Lys-amidolytic activity is sensitive to tosyl-L-lysyl chloromethyl ketone and insensitive to leupeptin. These data suggest that porphypains contain two types of active sites. These cell-associated P. gingivalis proteinases may contribute significantly and directly to periodontal tissue destruction.  相似文献   

Arginine-specific cysteine proteinase (Arg-gingipain [RGP], a major proteinase secreted from the oral anaerobic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis, is encoded by two separate genes (rgpA and rgpB) on the P. gingivalis chromosome and widely implicated as an important virulence factor in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease (K. Nakayama, T. Kadowaki, K. Okamoto, and K. Yamamoto, J. Biol. Chem. 270:23619-23626, 1995). In this study, we investigated the role of RGP in the formation of P. gingivalis fimbriae which are thought to mediate adhesion of the organism to the oral surface by use of the rgp mutants. Electron microscopic observation revealed that the rgpA rgpB double (RGP-null) mutant possessed very few fimbriae on the cell surface, whereas the number of fimbriae of the rgpA or rgpB mutant was similar to that of the wild-type parent strain. The rgpB+ revertants that were isolated from the double mutant and recovered 20 to 40% of RGP activity of the wild-type parent possessed as many fimbriae as the wild-type parent, indicating that RGP significantly contributes to the fimbriation of P. gingivalis as well as to the degradation of various host proteins, disturbance of host defense mechanisms, and hemagglutination. Immunoblot analysis of cell extracts of these mutants with antifimbrilin antiserum revealed that the rgpA rgpB double mutant produced small amounts of two immunoreactive proteins with molecular masses of 45 and 43 kDa, corresponding to those of the precursor and mature forms of fimbrilin, respectively. The result suggests that RGP may function as a processing proteinase for fimbrilin maturation. In addition, a precursor form of the 75-kDa protein, one of the major outer membrane proteins of P. gingivalis, was accumulated in the rgpA rgpB double mutant but not in the single mutants and the revertants, suggesting an extensive role for RGP in the maturation of some of the cell surface proteins.  相似文献   

Periodontal disease is characterized by inflammation of the periodontium manifested by recruitment of neutrophils, which can degranulate, releasing powerful proteinases responsible for destruction of connective tissues, and eventual loss of tooth attachment. Although the presence of host proteinase inhibitors (serpins) should minimize tissue damage by endogenous proteinases, this is not seen clinically, and it has been speculated that proteolytic inactivation of serpins may contribute to progression of the disease. A major pathogen associated with periodontal disease is the Gram-negative anaerobe Porphyromonas gingivalis, and in this report, we describe a novel proteinase that has been isolated from culture supernatants of this organism that is capable of inactivating the human serpin, alpha1-proteinase inhibitor, the primary endogenous regulator of human neutrophil elastase. This new enzyme, referred to as periodontain, belongs to the cysteine proteinase family based on inhibition studies and exists as a 75-kDa heterodimer. Furthermore, periodontain shares significant homology to streptopain, a proteinase from Streptococcus pyogenes, and prtT, a putative proteinase from P. gingivalis. Clearly, the presence of this enzyme, which rapidly inactivates alpha1-proteinase inhibitor, could result in elevated levels of human neutrophil elastase clinically detected in periodontal disease and should be considered as a potential virulence factor for P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

Rapid and reproducible method is described here for the purification of the 43 kDa fimbrial protein from P. gingivalis by preferential fractionation in the presence of 1% SDS and 0.2M of a bivalent cation at pH 6.5. Homogeneity of the purified 43 kDa was confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies raised against this protein. Amino acid composition and the amino acid sequence of the first 30 amino acid residues of the purified fimbriae are consistent with the composition and sequence predicted from the cloned gene of the fimbrial subunit. Circular dichroism spectra shows high levels of beta-sheet structure. The purified 43 kDa polymer shows fimbriae-like morphology under the electron microscope. Ultrastructural localization of the 43 kDa protein by the immunogold technique revealed specific labeling of the fimbriae with a diameter of approximately 3.5 to 5.0 nm. Localization of this protein suggest that the 43 kDa component is a fimbrial subunit.  相似文献   

Complement components C3 and C5 are susceptible to limited proteolysis by an arginine-specific cysteine proteinase isolated from Porphyromonas gingivalis. This bacterium is an anaerobe commonly associated with severe periodontal disease. Infection by P. gingivalis is accompanied by an acute inflammatory response, complete with extensive neutrophil involvement. This prompted us to investigate a possible direct role for complement in periodontitis evoked by P. gingivalis. Exposure of C3 and C5 to the cysteine proteinase at molar ratios between 1:25 and 1:100 (enzyme to substrate ratios) resulted in a time-dependent, limited degradation of each component. C3 was converted in a stepwise manner to C3a-like and C3b-like fragments with evidence of extensive further degradation of the C3a-like portion of the molecule. We were unable to demonstrate C3a activity in the C3 digestion mixtures. C3 degradation appears to involve primarily the alpha-chain. Proteolysis of C5 also progresses in a stepwise manner producing an initial internal cleavage of the alpha-chain to generate 30- and 86-kDa fragments. Further digestion of the 86-kDa amino-terminal fragment of the alpha-chain leads to the release of C5a or a C5a-like fragment that is biologically active for neutrophil activation. The fact that a potent chemotactic factor, i.e. C5a, can be generated from C5 by a proteinase derived from P. gingivalis suggests a recruiting mechanism for attracting neutrophils to the gingival lesion site in periodontal disease.  相似文献   

Eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, contain a high level of a proteinase which is most active in acidic pH region. The proteinase was purified from an extract of eggs by a six-step procedure which included conventional chromatographic fractionations. The molecular mass of the proteinase was estimated to be 350 kDa by gel filtration and 47 kDa by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gels, suggesting an octameric structure. The amino acid composition was found to resemble that of mammalian lysosomal cysteine proteinases, in particular cathepsin L. The NH2-terminal 10-residue sequence is Val-Gln-Phe-Phe-Asp-Leu-Val-Lys-Glu-Glu-. The enzyme appears to be a member of the class of cysteine proteinases since it was strongly inhibited by sulfhydryl-reactive compounds and N-[N-(1,3-trans-carboxyoxiran-2-carbonyl)-L-leucyl]-agmatine (E-64). The enzyme hydrolyzed various protein substrates, such as hemoglobin, vitellogenin, vitellin, and lipophorin, with maximal activity around pH 3-3.5. The specificity of the cleavage sites in the oxidized B chain of insulin was rather well defined and there was high affinity for hydrophobic residues at the P2 and P3 positions. The cysteine proteinase is thought to be involved in protein degradation during embryonic development of silkworm eggs.  相似文献   

The present study intended to verify activities of cysteine proteinase of Pneumocystis carinii from rats and to purify the enzyme. In order to exclude the contamination of host-derived enzymes, concentrates of P. carinii was primarily treated with a mixture of proteinase inhibitors before lysis of P. carinii. A 68-kDa cysteine proteinase was finally purified from the crude extract of P. carinii by 4 sequential chromatographic methods. The enzyme showed an optimal activity at pH 5.5 in 0.1 M sodium acetate, and its activity was specifically inhibited by L-trans-epoxy-succinylleucylamido (4-guanidino) butane (E-64) and iodoacetic acid, suggesting that the enzyme is a cysteine proteinase. The 68-kDa proteinase weakly digested macromolecules such as collagen, hemoglobin and fibronectin. The present study demonstrated the activity of cysteine proteinase at the 68-kDa band of P. carinii, and purified and characterized the molecule.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis is an obligately anaerobic bacterium recognized as an aetiological agent of adult periodontitis. P. gingivalis produces cysteine proteinases, the gingipains. The crystal structure of a domain within the haemagglutinin region of the lysine gingipain (Kgp) is reported here. The domain was named K2 as it is the second of three homologous structural modules in Kgp. The K2 domain structure is a ‘jelly‐roll’ fold with two anti‐parallel β‐sheets. This fold topology is shared with adhesive domains from functionally diverse receptors such as MAM domains, ephrin receptor ligand binding domains and a number of carbohydrate binding modules. Possible functions of K2 were investigated. K2 induced haemolysis of erythrocytes in a dose‐dependent manner that was augmented by the blocking of anion transport. Further, cysteine‐activated arginine gingipain RgpB, which degrades glycophorin A, sensitized erythrocytes to the haemolytic effect of K2. Cleaved K2, similar to that found in extracted Kgp, lacks the haemolytic activity indicating that autolysis of Kgp may be a staged process which is artificially enhanced by extraction of the protein. The data indicate a functional role for K2 in the integrated capacity conferred by Kgp to enable the porphyrin auxotroph P. gingivalis to capture essential haem from erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding porphypain, a cysteine proteinase previously isolated from detergent extracts of the Porphyromonas gingivalis W12 cell surface, are described. The prtP gene encoded a unique protein of 1,732 amino acids, including a putative signal sequence for protein secretion. The predicted molecular mass for the mature protein was 186 kDa, which was close to the observed molecular mass of 180 kDa. There was one copy of prtP in the genomes of seven P. gingivalis strains examined. The gene was located 5' to a region with a high degree of homology to the insertion element IS1126 in P. gingivalis W12. The PrtP protein had regions of high homology to HagA, a hemagglutinin of P. gingivalis, and to several purported proteinases of P. gingivalis that have Arg-X specificity. A detailed comparison of genes encoding the latter and cpgR suggested that rgp-1, prpR1, prtR, agp, cpgR, and possibly prtH were derived from identical genetic loci. Although an rgp-1-like locus was detected in seven P. gingivalis strains by Southern blot analyses, agp and cpgR were not detected, not even in the strains from which they were originally isolated. In addition, at least 20 copies of a repeat region common to PrtP, the Rgp-1-like proteins, and HagA were observed in each of the seven genomes examined. The repeat region hybridization patterns for strains W83 and W50 were very similar, and they were identical for strains 381 and ATCC 33277, providing further evidence that these strains are closely related genetically.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis, a periodontal pathogen, has the ability to lyse erythrocytes. The hemolytic activity of P. gingivalis A7436 was purified as a 45-kDa protein from the culture supernatant of a 3-days old culture using nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid chromatography. Erythrocytes treated with purified P. gingivalis hemolysin showed the presence of pores and extracellular debris by scanning electron microscopy. Active immunization of mice with 15 micrograms hemolysin induced neutralizing antibodies to hemolysin. Heating at 60 degrees C and treatment with trypsin and dithiothreitol abolished hemolytic activity, while incubation with the protease inhibitor Na-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone caused no effect. We report here for the first time purification of a hemolysin from P. gingivalis A7436. The amino acid sequence of an internal peptide of hemolysin showed sequence similarity with fimbrillin from P. gingivalis HG564. However, the amino acid composition of purified hemolysin was different from that of P. gingivalis fimbrillin. Also, the ability to lyse but not agglutinate erythrocytes and to bind to nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid differentiates P. gingivalis hemolysin from fimbrillin.  相似文献   

Hinode D  Grenier D  Mayrand D 《Anaerobe》1995,1(5):283-290
Heat-shock proteins of Porphyromonas gingivalis were demonstrated and two of them were purified and further characterized. The amplified de novo synthesis of two different proteins, with apparent molecular weights of 75 kDa and 68 kDa, was observed by autofluorography when a P. gingivalis culture incubated in a 14C-labeled amino acid mixture was shifted from 37 degrees C to 44 degrees C. Both proteins possessed ATP-binding abilities and were purified to almost homogeneity employing affinity chromatography on ATP-agarose followed by preparative SDS-PAGE. Purified 75 kDa and 68 kDa proteins had isoelectric points of 4.4 and 4.6, respectively. They were shown to be immunoreactive with commercial anti-DnaK and anti-GroEL polyclonal antibodies, respectively. Immunoblotting analysis of whole cells using antiserum raised against each purified protein from P. gingivalis, confirmed elevated synthesis of both proteins during thermal shock. A GroEL protein reacted strongly with antiserum against the 68 kDa protein. However, a DnaK protein reacted weakly with antiserum to the 75 kDa protein. Analysis of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the DnaK-like protein (75 kDa) showed a high degree of homology with those of the HSP70 family including both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The N-terminal amino acid analysis of the GroEL-like protein (68 kDa) indicated that it was identical to those of cloned GroEL homologues from P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

Abstract Epimastigotes of the American Trypanosome Trypanosoma rangeli contain a very low cysteine proteinase (CP) activity. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography on ConA-Sepharose and Cystatin-Sepharose. This CP had a similar apparent molecular mass and an identical N-terminal sequence (15 amino acids) as compared with cruzipain from Trypanosoma cruzi ; cross-reacted immunologically with the latter enzyme, it was inhibited by E-64 and TLCK, but not by PMSF, o-phenanthroline or Pepstatin, and was able to use the same substrates, although with different order of effectiveness and optimum pH.  相似文献   

Humans and rats infected with P. gingivalis develop a strong immune response to a 75 kDa major membrane component of P. gingivalis and hence knowledge of the nature of this molecule may aid in understanding the host response to P. gingivalis during infection. Purification of the 75 kDa protein was achieved by repeated precipitation from a crude sonicate of P. gingivalis 2561 at pH 5.0. Homogeneity of the purified 75 kDa protein was confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Western immunoblot analysis using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. The purified protein revealed an apparent molecular mass of 300 kDa in native form. Although most of the strains of P. gingivalis tested showed a major membrane protein band in the range of 61 to 78 kDa, on Western immunoblot analysis only the strains which have proteins in the range of 75 to 78 kDa were reactive with anti-75 kDa protein polyclonal antibodies. Affinity purified polyclonal antibodies were used to localized 75 kDa protein on the cell surface of P. gingivalis 2561 by immunogold electron microscopy. Immunolabeling of the 75 kDa protein demonstrated specific localization of the protein along the outer cell membrane, but not on the fimbriae. Furthermore, immunogold labeling of the 75 kDa protein on the thin sections showed that the 75 kDa component was present on not only the outer membrane, but also on the cell membrane, and on membrane bound organelles. Localization of this protein suggests that the 75 kDa component is a membrane-associated protein.  相似文献   

An IgM monoclonal antibody specified for the thiol-activated proteinase of the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis W83 was generated. The antibody reacted with a single protein of approximate molecular mass 43 kDa in outer membrane preparations of P. gingivalis. Immuno-electron microscopy using the monoclonal antibody and immunogold labelling confirmed the cell surface location of the thiol-activated proteinase. The monoclonal antibody failed to detect any proteins in Western blot analysis of other closely related oral bacteria. The specificity of this monoclonal antibody to the thiol-activated proteinase of P. gingivalis should allow its use as a diagnostic tool for the rapid enumeration of P. gingivalis in clinical samples.  相似文献   

Abstract A lysine-specific protease hydrolysing peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of lysine residues in Porphyromonas gingivalis was purified from culture supernatant by a combination of ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and affinity chromatography. The molecular mass was 48 kDa and the p I value was 7.3. The enzyme hydrolysed the peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of lysine residues in synthetic substrates and natural proteins.  相似文献   

Ningyan Zhang  Berne I. Jones 《Planta》1996,199(4):565-572
Proteolytic enzymes hydrolyze cereal seed storage proteins into small peptides and amino acids, which are very important for seed germination and the malting process. A cysteine-class endopeptidase was purified from 4-d-germinated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Morex). Four purification steps were used, carboxymethyl cellulose cation-exchange chromatography, chromatofocusing, size-exclusion chromatography, and electroelution from a polyacrylamide gel. The endopeptidase was most active at pH 4.5. It's isoelectric point (pI) was 4.4, as determined by isoelectric focusing, and it's SDS-PAGE molecular size was 31 kDa. The enzyme specifically hydrolyzed peptide bonds when the S2 site contained relatively large hydrophobic amino acids. The N-terminal amino acid sequence residues (1–9) of the 31-kDa endopeptidase had high homology to those of the EP-A and EP-B cysteine proteinases reported previously. The 31-kDa endopeptidase had a hydrolytic specificity similar to that of the Morex green malt 30-kDa endopeptidase we characterized previously, and also reacted with the antibody raised against the purified 30-kDa proteinase, but the two had different mobilities on non-denaturing PAGE. The hydrolytic specificities of both 30- and 31-kDa endopeptidases are such that both would very quickly cleave hordein (barley storage) proteins to small glutamine- and proline-rich peptides that could be quickly degraded to amino acids by barley exopeptidases.Abbreviations CMC carboxymethyl cellulose - E-64 transepoxysuccinyl-l-leucylamido-(4-guanidino)butane - EMI N-ethylmaleimide - IEF isoelectricfocusing - Phen 1,10-phenanthroline - PI isoelectric point - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride We thank the American Malting Barley Association for partially funding this work. Germinated barley seeds were kindly prepared by Eddie D. Goplin. Special thanks to Laurie Marinac for her excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

The cysteine proteinase produced in the culture supernatant of Porphyromonas gingivalis was extensively purified. Haemagglutination type assays in which the enzyme was titrated against a fixed concentration of erythrocytes, showed that low levels of enzyme directly caused lysis of the red blood cells. However, using the same assay, the presence of stoichiometric amounts of the thiol blocking agent, 2,2'-dipyridyl disulphide (2-PDS) specifically inhibited the action of the enzyme or its haemagglutination with W83 cells or vesicles. In all cases, electron micrographs revealed that in the presence of 2-PDS the erythrocytes remained intact. Thiol activator free enzyme or aerated, inactivated enzyme had no effect on the red blood cells. These results show conclusively that the secreted cysteine proteinase of P. gingivalis causes lysis of erythrocytes and must now be regarded as a potent virulence determinant of P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

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