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为探讨北方迁徙性鸟类北红尾鸲(Phoenicurus auroreus)在越冬环境的代谢特征及体温调节,本文采用开放式氧气分析仪和数字式温度测量仪测定了在环境温度(Ta) 5、10、15、20、25、27.5、30、32.5、35、37.5、40℃条件下的代谢率(MR)和体温(Tb),并计算不同温度的热传导(C)。结果表明:在Ta为5~35℃范围内,北红尾鸲的Tb基本维持恒定,平均为40.3±0.1℃;热中性区(TNZ)为25~35℃;基础代谢率(BMR)为50.25±1.35 mL O2·h-1,是Londo1o等(2015)体重预期值的151%;在Ta为5~25℃范围内,MR随Ta的降低而显著增加,回归方程为:MR (m L O2·h-1)=99.65-1.93Ta(r=-0.707,P<0.001);高于35℃时,MR随Ta升高增加;当Ta为40℃时,MR达到59.78±1.31 mL O2·h-1;在Ta为5~25℃范围内,北红尾鸲的C最低且基本保持恒定,为0.17±0.01 mL O2·g-1·h-1·℃-1,是Aschoff(1981)体重预测值的111%;北红尾鸲的基本热生物学特征为较高的Tb、BMR和C以及较宽的TNZ,具有北方地区小型鸟类的代谢特点。  相似文献   

Huang YL  Yang Q  Jiang C  Xia CW 《动物学研究》2012,33(3):249-254
鸣唱具有吸引异性和驱赶同性的功能,受到性别间选择和性别内选择的共同影响。在少数鸟类中,不同的句子或同一句子的不同部分分别侧重执行吸引异性和驱赶同性的功能,句子的结构也相应的出现了分化。该研究于2011年繁殖季对北京小龙门地区32只北红尾鸲(Phoenicurus auroreus)的鸣唱分析发现,其鸣唱的句子可以分为差异显著的两个部分:稳定部分和可变部分。这两个部分的语图相关变量在均值和变异系数上均有显著差异(配对样本t-检验,P<0.05)。其中稳定部分在个体内非常保守,而可变部分个体内存在较大的变化。在指出句子结构分化的基础上,利用北红尾鸲鸣唱的稳定部分进行个体识别,获得了较高的正确率。  相似文献   

Geographic variation in bird song has received much attention in evolutionary studies, yet few consider components within songs that may be subject to different constraints and follow different evolutionary trajectories. Here, we quantify patterns of geographic variation in the socially transmitted “whistle” song of Albert''s lyrebirds (Menura alberti), an oscine passerine renowned for its remarkable vocal abilities. Albert''s lyrebirds are confined to narrow stretches of suitable habitat in Australia, allowing us to map likely paths of cultural transmission using a species distribution model and least cost paths. We use quantitative methods to divide the songs into three components present in all study populations: the introductory elements, the song body, and the final element. We compare geographic separation between populations with variation in these components as well as the full song. All populations were distinguishable by song, and songs varied according to the geographic distance between populations. However, within songs, only the introductory elements and song body could be used to distinguish among populations. The song body and final element changed with distance, but the introductory elements varied independently of geographic separation. These differing geographic patterns of within‐song variation are unexpected, given that the whistle song components are always produced in the same sequence and may be perceived as a temporally discrete unit. Knowledge of such spatial patterns of within‐song variation enables further work to determine possible selective pressures and constraints acting on each song component and provides spatially explicit targets for preserving cultural diversity. As such, our study highlights the importance for science and conservation of investigating spatial patterns within seemingly discrete behavioral traits at multiple levels of organization.  相似文献   

2015年和2016年的5—7月,在浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区野外调查期间发现一处北红尾鸲Phoenicurus auroreus巢址,并对其繁殖习性进行了观察。结果表明:北红尾鸲在本地为冬候鸟,但首次发现该种鸟类夏季在此繁殖;北红尾鸲的繁殖期为5月下旬至7月中旬,5月下旬开始营巢,持续10 d左右,巢穴外径7.5 cm×5.8 cm、巢深3.2 cm,巢材由苔藓、体羽、禾本科杂草茎等组成;6月中旬产卵,窝卵数为4~5枚(2015年产卵4枚、2016年产卵5枚),孵化期11~12 d,巢内育雏14 d。推测冬候鸟北红尾鸲在此繁殖可能与气候变化有关。  相似文献   

Although it has been suggested that testosterone plays an important role in resource allocation for competitive behavior, details of the interplay between testosterone, territorial aggression and signal plasticity are largely unknown. Therefore, we investigated if testosterone acts specifically on signals that communicate the motivation or ability of individuals to engage in competitive situations in a natural context. We studied the black redstart, a territorial songbird species, during two different life-cycle stages, the early breeding phase in spring and the non-breeding phase in fall. Male territory holders were implanted with the androgen receptor blocker flutamide (Flut) and the aromatase inhibitor letrozole (Let) to inhibit the action of testosterone and its estrogenic metabolites. Controls received a placebo treatment. Three days after implantation birds were challenged with a simulated territorial intrusion (STI). Song was recorded before, during and after the challenge. In spring, both treatment groups increased the number of elements sung in parts of their song in response to the STI. However, Flut/Let-implanted males reacted to the STI with a decreased maximum acoustic frequency of one song part, while placebo-implanted males did not. Instead, placebo-implanted males sang the atonal part of their song with a broader frequency range. Furthermore, placebo-, but not Flut/Let-implanted males, sang shorter songs with shorter pauses between parts in the STIs. During simulated intrusions in fall, when testosterone levels are naturally low in this species, males of both treatment groups sang similar to Flut/Let-implanted males during breeding. The results suggest that song sung during a territorial encounter is of higher competitive value than song sung in an undisturbed situation and may, therefore, convey information about the motivation or quality of the territory holder. We conclude that testosterone facilitates context-dependent changes in song structures that may be honest signals of male quality in black redstarts.  相似文献   

European black redstarts, Phoenicurus ochruros, vigorously defend all-purpose territories and exhibit delayed plumage maturation, most subadult males looking exactly female-like in their first breeding season. We tested the hypotheses that such dull subadult male plumages are beneficial in order to reduce aggression of adult males either by deception or by honest signalling of subordinance status, and that, in turn, conspicuous (adult) plumage colorations are able to intimidate contenders because they act as a signal of fighting ability and aggressive motivation. Adult and dull yearling black redstart territory owners were confronted with intruders mimicked by stuffed mounts of either a conspicuous adult or a dull subadult male. Our results do not support the hypotheses tested: dull plumages of young intruders did not reduce aggression from adult territory owners and aggressiveness towards intruders was significantly higher in yearling territory owners as compared with adult owners. Conspicuous intruders did not deter dull territory owners and we found no indications that conspicuous male coloration is a signal of fighting ability or aggressive motivation in this species. Instead, the amount of aggressive response to intruders showed considerable individual variance within age classes regardless of the plumage of the intruder and the status of the owner.  相似文献   



Sexually selected traits contribute substantially to evolutionary diversification, for example by promoting assortative mating. The contributing traits and their relevance for reproductive isolation differ between species. In birds, sexually selected acoustic and visual signals often undergo geographic divergence. Clines in these phenotypes may be used by both sexes in the context of sexual selection and territoriality. The ways conspecifics respond to geographic variation in phenotypes can give insights to possible behavioural barriers, but these may depend on migratory behaviour. We studied a migratory songbird, the Stonechat, and tested its responsiveness to geographic variation in male song and morphology. The traits are acquired differently, with possible implications for population divergence. Song can evolve quickly through cultural transmission, and thus may contribute more to the establishment of geographic variation than inherited morphological traits. We first quantified the diversity of song traits from different populations. We then tested the responses of free-living Stonechats of both sexes to male phenotype with playbacks and decoys, representing local and foreign stimuli derived from a range of distances from the local population.


Both sexes discriminated consistently between stimuli from different populations, responding more strongly to acoustic and morphological traits of local than foreign stimuli. Time to approach increased, and time spent close to the stimuli and number of tail flips decreased consistently with geographic distance of the stimulus from the local population. Discriminatory response behaviour was more consistent for acoustic than for morphological traits. Song traits of the local population differed significantly from those of other populations.


Evaluating an individual’s perception of geographic variation in sexually selected traits is a crucial first step for understanding reproductive isolation mechanisms. We have demonstrated that in both sexes of Stonechats the responsiveness to acoustic and visual signals decreased with increasing geographic distance of stimulus origin. These findings confirm consistent, fine discrimination for both learned song and inherited morphological traits in these migratory birds. Maintenance or further divergence in phenotypic traits could lead to assortative mating, reproductive isolation, and potentially speciation.

Geographic variation in song is widespread among birds, particularly in species that learn vocalizations. The relationship between geographic distance and song variation is likely related to the degree of isolation between populations. To assess this effect of geographic isolation on song divergence, we examined patterns of geographic song variation in four species of Australian fairy‐wrens (Malurus), two with suspected histories of geographic isolation and two without. Song variation in all four species was consistent with patterns of isolation by distance, and allopatric subspecies in two species were more divergent in song than predicted by distance alone. Each species’ pattern was unique, and some interspecific variation could not be explained by geographic distance. These results indicate that patterns of geographic variation can be influenced by more than geographic distance and historical isolation alone. We suggest that morphological constraints, environmental influences, and sexual selection may all contribute to the variation observed for each species.  相似文献   

 The geographic distribution of allozyme variation within the Eurasian boreo-nemoreal woodland grass Melica nutans L. has been investigated together with a minor subset of other Melica species. Twenty alleles were found at nine polymorphic loci in M. nutans. Allelic richness was highest in areas central in the species' European distribution, i.e. in southern Fennoscandia. High population densities, reducing the effects of genetic drift, as well as accumulation of variation through long-distance gene-flow from different marginal populations, is proposed to explain high allelic richness in this area. Several alleles showed geographic patterns in distribution and frequency variation. However, these patterns were not congruent, e.g. some alleles appear to have migrated to northern Europe from the south-west whereas others may have spread from the east. Genetic distances between geographic regions, each consisting of 2–6 populations, were generally low between all Fennoscandian, Russian and Siberian regions, but much higher between western and continental European regions. On the population level, cluster analysis grouped populations from Siberia, Russia, coastal and lowland areas in Fennoscandia and British Cumbria into one subcluster whereas other subclusters contained mainly south-west European populations or populations from almost throughout the distribution range. A scenario with several independent glacial refugia in central Europe, south-western Siberia and possibly western Norway, and subsequent colonisation of Fennoscandia mainly from the east, but with some long-distance gene-flow from central Europe, is proposed. Received April 3, 2002; accepted September 17, 2002 Published online: December 11, 2002  相似文献   

An electrophoretic study was carried out to compare the geographic pattern of genetic variation in Drosophila simulans with that of its sibling species, Drosophila melanogaster. An identical set of 32 gene-protein loci was studied in four geographically distant populations of D. simulans and two populations of D. melanogaster, all originating from Europe and Africa. The comparison yielded the following results: (1) tropical populations of D. simulans were, in terms of the number of unique alleles, average heterozygosity per locus, and percentage of loci polymorphic, more variable than conspecific-temperate populations; (2) some loci in both species showed interpopulation differences in allele frequencies that suggest latitudinal clines; and (3) temperate-tropical genetic differentiation between populations was much less in D. simulans than in D. melanogaster. Similar differences between these two species have previously been shown for chromosomal, quantitative, physiological, and middle-repetitive DNA variation. Estimates of N m (number of migrants per generation) from the spatial distribution of rare alleles suggest that both species have similar levels of interpopulation gene flow. These observations lead us to propose two competing hypotheses: the low level of geographic differentiation in D. simulans is due to its evolutionarily recent worldwide colonization and, alternatively, D. simulans has a narrower niche than D. melanogaster. Geographic variation data on different genetic elements (e.g., mitochondrial DNA, two-dimensional proteins, etc.) are required before these hypotheses can be adequately tested.We thank the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada for financial support (Grant A0235 to R.S.S.).  相似文献   

Wang AZ 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):617-622
鸟类的鸣唱方言是研究非人类文化进化及其与种群遗传分化相互作用的理想素材。该研究通过比较跨度8年的2001年和2009年青海门源赭红尾鸲(Phoenicurus ochruros rufiventris)鸣唱,研究结果显示,青海门源赭红尾鸲的种特异性音节、经典唱段中的部分音节、典型唱段结构和鸣唱方言的基本形式都具有较高的时间稳定性。2009年赭红尾鸲唱段曲目多于2001年,共享唱段出现了一定的分化,唱段的共享程度和鸣唱的相似性与个体领域间的距离相关,相邻个体的鸣唱相似性程度高于较远距离的个体。  相似文献   

Geographic variation patterns of biological characters and environmental variables are compared by using a procedure employing multivariate analyses, production of contour maps by the kriging method with enclosed validation of estimates, and Mantel tests to assess the significance of comparisons. As biological material we chose a sample of Dolichopoda cave crickets populations from Central-Southern Italy. The kriging technique provides estimates of the interpolation error for each true and estimated point. This profitable feature offers the opportunity to use, with ascertained levels of confidence, the estimated z -scores for further analysis and to compare data collected within the same area, but not exactly coincident in location or number. In such a way, we were able to use for subsequent comparisons by means of Mantel tests the maximum number of data points for all data sets, which originally differed in sampling sites. The interpretation of the contour maps and their statistical comparison suggested that allozymes and epiphallus shape data sets follow the phylogenetic pathways within the Dolichopoda populations, whereas variation in leg elongation is almost entirely under the control of an environmental gradient, synthetically described by the cave temperature.  相似文献   

The stability of a clinal pattern geographic variation in relation to character number was investigated by the random selection of real characters. The characters used were selected from a set of 18 significant characters, drawn from four different character systems, and had a low within-group correlation. Principal component/coordinate analysis was used to elucidate the main pattern of geographic variation and the first principal coordinate was plotted against a geographical transect to illustrate this pattern. The existence of 'clinal' or 'monotically clinal' variation was assessed by the rank correlation between geographic position and coordinate score and the congruence between patterns of geographic variation was assessed by the correlation between the first principal coordinates of the appropriate analyses.
Two procedural models were used: A, the congruence between completely independent character sets based on 1–9 characters, and B, congruence between the 'total' analysis and those analyses based on 1–16 characters. The frequency of the types of pattern of geographic variation shown by these Model B analyses was also determined. Congruence is asymptotic in relation to character number and is described by various mathematical models, depending upon parameter and procedure. A broad pattern of clinal variation occurred in all analyses based on six or more characters and appears to be a stable feature of the racial affinities that is unlikely to be influenced by character choice. The details of the clinal pattern cannot be shown to be stable and may be influenced by the choice of character. This study had several findings in common with a previous study of categorical variation, e.g. the approximately hyperbolic relationship between character number and congruence in Model B, which may prove to be generally true in comparable situations.  相似文献   

Explicit formulae are given for the effects of a barrier to gene flow on random fluctuations in allele frequency; these formulae can also be seen as generating functions for the distribution of coalescence times. The formulae are derived using a continuous diffusion approximation, which is accurate over all but very small spatial scales. The continuous approximation is confirmed by comparison with the exact solution to the stepping stone model. In both one and two spatial dimensions, the variance of fluctuations in allele frequencies increases near the barrier; when the barrier is very strong, the variance doubles. However, the effect on fluctuations close to the barrier is much greater when the population is spread over two spatial dimensions than when it occupies a linear, one-dimensional habitat: barriers of strength comparable with the dispersal range (B approximately equal to sigma) can have an appreciable effect in two dimensions, whereas only barriers with strength comparable with the characteristic scale (B approximately equal to L=sigma/sqrt{2mu}) are significant in one dimension (mu is the rate of mutation or long-range dispersal). Thus, in a two-dimensional population, barriers to gene flow can be detected through their effect on the spatial pattern of genetic marker alleles.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses suggest that, among the members of the Eurosid I clade, nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbioses developed multiple times independently, four times with rhizobia and four times with the genus Frankia. In order to understand the degree of similarity between symbiotic systems of different phylogenetic subgroups, gene expression patterns were analyzed in root nodules of Datisca glomerata and compared with those in nodules of another actinorhizal plant, Alnus glutinosa, and with the expression patterns of homologous genes in legumes. In parallel, the phylogeny of actinorhizal plants was examined more closely. The results suggest that, although relationships between major groups are difficult to resolve using molecular phylogenetic analysis, the comparison of gene expression patterns can be used to inform evolutionary relationships. In this case, stronger similarities were found between legumes and intracellularly infected actinorhizal plants (Alnus) than between actinorhizal plants of two different phylogenetic subgroups (Alnus/Datisca).  相似文献   

The multivariate analysis of a set of significant characters portrays a simple geographic cline which is evident even when very few characters are used. The effect of adding insignificant characters to the set of significant characters is studied, as is the effect of replacing significant characters by insignificant characters. The former (addition) causes only a slight decline in congruence between patterns of geographic variation but the latter (replacement) causes a substantial decline in congruence. The congruence between patterns of geographic variation obtained by multivariate analysis of independent character sets is plotted against character number and gives an S-shaped relationship when insignificant or significant plus insignificant characters are used. This is distinct from the convex asymptotic curve obtained when only significant characters are used. In spite of the reduction in congruence caused by the use of insignificant characters, multivariate analysis of insignificant characters consistently revealed the 'same' geographic pattern (i.e. 'cline') as the set of significant characters. However, it required 10 times as many insignificant characters to achieve this.  相似文献   

Species and hybrids of Miscanthus are a promising energy crop, but their outcrossing mating systems and perennial life cycles are serious challenges for breeding programs. One approach to accelerating the domestication of Miscanthus is to harness the tremendous genetic variation that is present within this genus using phenotypic data from extensive field trials, high‐density genotyping and sequencing technologies, and rapidly developing statistical methods of relating phenotype to genotype. The success of this approach, however, hinges on detailed knowledge about the population genetic structure of the germplasm used in the breeding program. We therefore used data for 120 single‐nucleotide polymorphism and 52 simple sequence repeat markers to depict patterns of putatively neutral population structure among 244 Miscanthus genotypes grown in a field trial near Aberystwyth (UK) and delineate a population of 145 M . sinensis genotypes that will be used for association mapping and genomic selection. Comparative multivariate analyses of molecular marker and phenotypic data for 17 traits related to phenology, morphology/biomass, and cell wall composition revealed significant geographic patterns in this population. A longitudinal cline accounted for a substantial proportion of molecular marker variation (R2 = 0.60, = 3.4 × 10?15). In contrast, genetic variation for phenotypic traits tended to follow latitudinal and altitudinal gradients, with several traits appearing to have been affected by divergent selection (i.e., QST >> FST). These contrasting geographic trends are unusual relative to other plants and provide opportunities for powerful studies of phenotype–genotype associations and the evolutionary history of M. sinensis.  相似文献   

Aim We examined the relative contributions of spatial gradients and local environmental conditions to macroinvertebrate assemblages of boreal headwater streams at three hierarchical extents: bioregion, ecoregion and drainage system. We also aimed to identify the environmental variables most strongly related to assemblage structure at each study scale, and to assess how the importance of these variables is related to regional context and spatial structuring at different scales. Location Northern Finland ( 62 – 68° N, 25–32° E). Methods Variation in macroinvertebrate data was partitioned using partial canonical correspondence analysis into components explained by spatial variables (nine terms from the cubic trend surface regression), local environmental variables (15 variables) and spatially structured environmental variation. Results The strength of the relationship between assemblage structure and local environmental variables increased with decreasing spatial extent, whereas assemblage variation related to spatial variables and spatially structured environmental variation showed the opposite pattern. At the largest extents, spatial variation was related to latitudinal gradients, whereas spatial autocorrelation among neighbouring streams was the likely mechanism creating spatial structure within drainage systems. Only stream size and water acidity were consistently important in explaining assemblage structure at all study scales, while the importance of other environmental variables was more context‐dependent. Main conclusions The importance of local environmental factors in explaining macroinvertebrate assemblage structure increases with decreasing spatial extent. This scale‐related pattern is not caused solely by changes in study extent, however, but also by variable sample sizes at different regional extents. The importance of environmental gradients is context‐dependent and few factors are likely to be universally important correlates of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure. Finally, our results suggest that bioassessment should give due attention to spatial structuring of stream assemblages, because important assemblage gradients may not only be related to local factors but also to biogeographical constraints and neighbourhood dispersal processes.  相似文献   

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