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Stable isotopes of strontium provide a unique quantification of ecosystem processes because organisms do not differentiate between them. For landscapes with contrasting geologies, these isotopes can identify atmospheric source material from local weathered material. This study quantified the input of strontium, distribution within the ecosystem, canopy capture versus leaf leachate, canopy loss, and Sr increment in biomass from an atmospheric origin. Forest ecosystems were studied along an elevational gradient in New Mexico. Spruce forests had a much greater capacity for capturing atmospheric Sr than aspen forests; however, aspen contained more total atmospheric Sr in their tissues because of greater uptake rates and the ability to utilize atmospheric deposited Sr before the initiation of the aspen forest. This technique has excellent capabilities for estimating the relative importance of atmospheric and weathering inputs to certain ecosystems.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios are commonly used in the study of marine food webs. However, different sample processing methods can influence the measurement of these stable isotope ratios. The purpose of this study is to define an adequate methodology to be used in the construction of whole food webs. It is demonstrated that acidification of the samples results in a decrease in carbon stable isotope values for sedimentary organic matter, suspended particulate organic matter, plankton and invertebrates with carbonated structures. The response was variable for nitrogen isotope ratios. Based on our results we recommend sample acidification for carbon analysis in these compartments where effects of this treatment were observed. We observed a decrease in δ13C values after washing with distilled water, so we do not recommend washing with water after acidification. For nitrogen analysis, acidification should be avoided. The various dehydration treatments studied caused significant differences only in nitrogen isotope ratios.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using nitrogen and oxygenisotope ratios of nitrate (NO3 ) forelucidating sources and transformations ofriverine nitrate was evaluated in a comparativestudy of 16 watersheds in the northeastern U.S.A. Stream water was sampled repeatedly at theoutlets of the watersheds between January andDecember 1999 for determining concentrations,15N values, and 18Ovalues of riverine nitrate.In conjunction with information about land useand nitrogen fluxes,15Nnitrate and18Onitrate values providedmainly information about sources of riverinenitrate. In predominantly forested watersheds,riverine nitrate had mean concentrations ofless than 0.4 mg NO3 -N L–1,15Nnitrate values of lessthan +5, and 18Onitratevalues between +12 and +19. This indicatesthat riverine nitrate was almost exclusivelyderived from soil nitrification processes withpotentially minor nitrate contributions fromatmospheric deposition in some catchments. Inwatersheds with significant agricultural andurban land use, concentrations of riverinenitrate were as high as 2.6 mg NO3 -NL–1 with 15Nnitratevalues between +5 and +8 and18Onitrate values generallybelow +15. Correlations between nitrateconcentrations, 15Nnitratevalues, and N fluxes suggest that nitrate inwaste water constituted a major, and nitrate inmanure a minor additional source of riverinenitrate. Atmospheric nitrate deposition ornitrate-containing fertilizers were not asignificant source of riverine nitrate inwatersheds with significant agricultural andurban land use. Although complementary studiesindicate that in-stream denitrification wassignificant in all rivers, the isotopiccomposition of riverine nitrate sampled at theoutlet of the 16 watersheds did not provideevidence for denitrification in the form ofelevated 15Nnitrate and18Onitrate values. Relativelylow isotopic enrichment factors for nitrogenand oxygen during in-stream denitrification andcontinuous admixture of nitrate from theabove-described sources are thought to beresponsible for this finding.  相似文献   

A long-term field experiment was initiated to simulate chronic atmospheric N deposition, a widespread phenomenon in industrial regions of the world. Eight years of experimental nitrate ( ) additions (3 g -N m–2 per year) to four different northern hardwood forests located along a 500 km geographic gradient dramatically increased leaching losses of -N, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). During the last two water years, the average increase in solution -N and DON leaching from the -amended plots was 2.2 g N m–2, equivalent to 72% of the annual experimental N addition. Results indicate that atmospheric N deposition may rapidly saturate some northern hardwood ecosystems across an entire biome in the upper Great Lakes Region of the USA. Changes in soil C and N cycling induced by chronic N deposition have the potential in this landscape to significantly alter the flux of DOC and DON from upland to aquatic ecosystems. Michigan Gradient study site characteristics are similar to those of European forests most susceptible to N saturation.  相似文献   

Differences in 15N among ten white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] families were examined in hydroponic experiments testing (1) three N sources [100 M N as (i) NH4+, (ii) NO3 or (iii) NH4NO3] and (2) two supply regimes [200 M NH4+ (i) maintained steadily or (ii) recurrently drawn-down]. In the N-source experiment, the NH4+ treatment resulted in superior growth and lower C/N ratios. Whole plant 15N was higher on NH4+ and NH4NO3, reflecting higher NH4+ removal rates from the media. Families expressed differences in biomass, C/N, 15N and 13C. Family 15N and 13C were positively correlated in the NH4NO3 treatment and the steady-state regime. Supply regime did not affect total biomass, but higher root/shoot ratios implied N was more limiting under the draw-down regime. Family rank changed with supply regime, but not with N source. Analysis of media isotope enrichment during substrate depletion revealed relationships between net discrimination and external N concentration. Discrimination against 15NH4+ was about twice that of 15NO3. A simple model relating isotope discrimination to relative rates of ion efflux and influx predicted efflux/influx ratios consistent with published values for white spruce. We propose that genetic differences in discrimination are caused by different demands on assimilation and in uptake capacity which interact, influencing the balance between N influx and efflux.  相似文献   

We used the dual isotope method to study differences in nitrate export in two subwatersheds in Vermont, USA. Precipitation, soil water and streamwater samples were collected from two watersheds in Camels Hump State Forest, located within the Green Mountains of Vermont. These samples were analyzed for the δ15N and δ18O of NO3. The range of δ15N–NO3 values overlapped, with precipitation −4.5‰ to +2.0‰ (n = 14), soil solution −10.3‰ to +6.2‰ (n = 12) and streamwater +0.3‰ to +3.1‰ (n = 69). The δ18O of precipitation NO3 (mean 46.8 ± 11.5‰) was significantly different (P < 0.001) from that of the stream (mean 13.2 ± 4.3‰) and soil waters (mean 14.5 ± 4.2‰) even during snowmelt periods. Extracted soil solution and streamwater δ18O of NO3 were similar and within the established range of microbially produced NO3, demonstrating that NO3 was formed by microbial processes. The δ15N and δ18O of NO3 suggests that although the two tributaries have different seasonal NO3 concentrations, they have a similar NO3 source.  相似文献   

A regression model (RivR-N) was developed that predicts the proportion of N removed from streams and reservoirs as an inverse function of the water displacement time of the water body (ratio of water body depth to water time of travel). When appliedto 16 drainage networks in the eastern U.S.,the RivR-N model predicted that 37% to 76%of N input to these rivers is removed duringtransport through the river networks.Approximately half of that is removed in1st through 4th order streams whichaccount for 90% of the total stream length. The other half is removed in 5th orderand higher rivers which account for only about10% of the total stream length. Most Nremoved in these higher orders is predicted tooriginate from watershed loading to small andintermediate sized streams. The proportion ofN removed from all streams in the watersheds(37–76%) is considerably higher than theproportion of N input to an individual reachthat is removed in that reach (generally<20%) because of the cumulative effect ofcontinued nitrogen removal along the entireflow path in downstream reaches. Thisgenerally has not been recognized in previousstudies, but is critical to an evaluation ofthe total amount of N removed within a rivernetwork. At the river network scale,reservoirs were predicted to have a minimaleffect on N removal. A fairly modest decrease(<10 percentage points) in the N removed atthe river network scale was predicted when athird of the direct watershed loading was tothe two highest orders compared to a uniformloading.  相似文献   

Three species of nectar-feeding bats migrate from tropical and subtropical Mexico into the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts during the spring and summer months. We examined geographic and seasonal changes in the diet of one migrant species, Leptonycteris curasoae, using carbon stable isotope techniques to determine the relative importance of C3 and CAM (Cactaceae, Agavaceae) plants in its diet. We also examined the diet of a non-migratory nectar-feeding bat, Glossophaga soricina, from southern Mexico using the same techniques. We found that L. curasoae feeds extensively or exclusively on CAM plants during migration and in the northern part of its range and feeds mostly on C3 plants in southern Mexico. This bat is a year-round resident on Baja California where it is a CAM specialist. The non-migrant G. soricina feeds mostly on C3 plants year-round. Phenological data suggest that certain species of columnar cacti and at least one group of paniculate Agaves on the Mexican mainland provide a spatio-temporally predictable nectar corridor along which nectarivorous bats may migrate in the spring and fall, respectively. Different flowering schedules of Agaves in Baja California appear to promote year-round dietary specialization and perhaps non-migratory behavior in nectar-feeding bats living there.  相似文献   

Human activities have greatly altered the nitrogen (N) cycle, accelerating the rate of N fixation in landscapes and delivery of N to water bodies. To examine relationships between anthropogenic N inputs and riverine N export, we constructed budgets describing N inputs and losses for 16 catchments, which encompass a range of climatic variability and are major drainages to the coast of the North Atlantic Ocean along a latitudinal profile from Maine to Virginia. Using data from the early 1990's, we quantified inputs of N to each catchment from atmospheric deposition, application of nitrogenous fertilizers, biological nitrogen fixation, and import of N in agricultural products (food and feed). We compared these inputs with N losses from the system in riverine export.The importance of the relative sources varies widely by catchment and is related to land use. Net atmospheric deposition was the largest N source (>60%) to the forested basins of northern New England (e.g. Penobscot and Kennebec); net import of N in food was the largest source of N to the more populated regions of southern New England (e.g. Charles & Blackstone); and agricultural inputs were the dominant N sources in the Mid-Atlantic region (e.g. Schuylkill & Potomac). Over the combined area of the catchments, net atmospheric deposition was the largest single source input (31%), followed by net imports of N in food and feed (25%), fixation in agricultural lands (24%), fertilizer use (15%), and fixation in forests (5%). The combined effect of fertilizer use, fixation in crop lands, and animal feed imports makes agriculture the largest overall source of N. Riverine export of N is well correlated with N inputs, but it accounts for only a fraction (25%) of the total N inputs. This work provides an understanding of the sources of N in landscapes, and highlights how human activities impact N cycling in the northeast region.  相似文献   

Within an organism, lipids are depleted in 13C relative to proteins and carbohydrates (more negative δ13C), and variation in lipid content among organisms or among tissue types has the potential to introduce considerable bias into stable isotope analyses that use δ13C. Despite the potential for introduced error, there is no consensus on the need to account for lipids in stable isotope analyses. Here we address two questions: (1) If and when is it important to account for the effects of variation in lipid content on δ13C? (2) If it is important, which method(s) are reliable and robust for dealing with lipid variation? We evaluated the reliability of direct chemical extraction, which physically removes lipids from samples, and mathematical normalization, which uses the carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratio of a sample to normalize δ13C after analysis by measuring the lipid content, the C:N ratio, and the effect of lipid content on δ13C (Δδ13C) of plants and animals with a wide range of lipid contents. For animals, we found strong relationships between C:N and lipid content, between lipid content and Δδ13C, and between C:N and Δδ13C. For plants, C:N was not a good predictor of lipid content or Δδ13C, but we found a strong relationship between carbon content and lipid content, lipid content and Δδ13C, and between and carbon content and Δδ13C. Our results indicate that lipid extraction or normalization is most important when lipid content is variable among consumers of interest or between consumers and end members, and when differences in δ13C between end members is <10–12‰. The vast majority of studies using natural variation in δ13C fall within these criteria. Both direct lipid extraction and mathematical normalization reduce biases in δ13C, but mathematical normalization simplifies sample preparation and better preserves the integrity of samples for δ15N analysis.  相似文献   

农业的起源和传播是人类历史上最重要的变革之一。本文通过对云南省文山州广南县大阴洞遗址出土的17例人骨标本的C、N稳定同位素分析,探索新石器时代晚期至青铜时代,滇东南地区先民的食物结构和生业经济。结果显示,大阴洞遗址居民的δ13C值范围为-20.2‰ ~ -17.5‰,主要以C3类食物为主;δ15N值范围为9.2‰ ~ 10.7‰,所处的营养级别较高;两性之间存在食谱差异,大部分男性比女性摄入更多的动物蛋白。结合相关考古发现,大阴洞遗址居民可能主要经营稻作农业,兼营狩猎;对动物资源的利用可能具有多样性,并通过采集、渔猎及家畜饲养补充食物来源。考虑到云南作为农业向中南半岛传播的重要通道,进一步对云南地区新石器-青铜时代先民的生业策略选择的梳理发现,云南地区新石器时代不同区域的人群有不同的农业经营策略。到青铜时代,随着小麦的传入,农业经济的选择更为多元化,动物资源的获取技术也更加成熟多样。不同的农业策略选择除了受到自然条件的影响,也是与相邻地区文化互动的结果。  相似文献   

Dead wood is a substantial carbon stock in terrestrial forest ecosystems and hence a critical component of global carbon cycles. Given the limited amounts of dead wood biomass and carbon stock information for Caribbean forests, our objectives were to: (1) describe the relative contribution of down woody materials (DWM) to carbon stocks on the island of St. John; (2) compare these contributions among differing stand characteristics in subtropical moist and dry forests; and (3) compare down woody material carbon stocks on St. John to those observed in other tropical and temperate forests. Our results indicate that dead wood and litter comprise an average of 20 percent of total carbon stocks on St. John in both moist and dry forest life zones. Island-wide, dead wood biomass on the ground ranged from 4.55 to 28.11 Mg/ha. Coarse woody material biomass and carbon content were higher in moist forests than in dry forests. No other down woody material components differed between life zones or among vegetation categories ( P > 0.05). Live tree density was positively correlated with fine woody material and litter in the moist forest life zone ( R = 0.57 and 0.84, respectively) and snag basal area was positively correlated with total down woody material amounts ( R = 0.50) in dry forest. Our study indicates that DWM are important contributors to the total biomass and, therefore, carbon budgets in subtropical systems, and that contributions of DWM on St. John appear to be comparable to values given for similar dry forest systems.  相似文献   

The effects of disturbance on the biogeochemical processes that affect the sulfur (S) cycle in forested ecosystems are important, but have been studied in only a few locations. In this investigation, the mechanisms that caused large decreases in stream SO 4 2– concentrations after clearcutting a small forested catchment in the Catskill Mountains of southeastern New York in 1997 were identified through an examination of pH and SO 4 2– concentrations in soil solutions, bulk deposition of SO 4 2– in throughfall collectors, adsorbed SO 4 2– concentrations in buried soil bags, and spatial variations in SO 4 2– concentrations in shallow groundwater. The load of SO 4 2– –S in stream water during the first 2 years after clearcutting was about 2 kg ha–1 year–1 less than the background value of 8–10 kg ha–1 year–1. The 10 and 19% decrease in net throughfall flux of SO 4 2– –S during the 2nd and 3rd year after the clearcut, respectively, reflects reduced dry deposition of S after removal of the canopy, but this decrease accounts for 0 and 43%, respectively, of the decrease in SO 4 2– load in streamflow for these 2 years. The pH of B-horizon soil water decreased from 4.5 to 4.0 within 8 months after the clearcut, and SO 4 2– concentrations decreased from 45 µmol L–1 to less than 20 µmol L–1 during this time. A strong correlation between SO 4 2– concentrations and pH values (r 2 = 0.71, p < 0.01) in B-horizon soil water during the post-harvest period (1997–1999) reflects increased SO 4 2– adsorption in response to soil acidification. Sulfate concentrations in groundwater from 21 spatially distributed wells were inversely related to a topographic index that served as a surrogate for soil wetness; thus, providing additional evidence that SO 4 2– adsorption was the dominant cause of the decreased SO 4 2– concentrations in the stream after clearcutting. These results are consistent with those from a 1985 whole-tree harvest at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire in which increased SO 4 2– adsorption resulting from decreased soil pH was the primary cause of decreased SO 4 2– concentrations in stream water.  相似文献   

This study contrasted the influence of tertiary treated municipal wastewater effluent (MWWE) exposure on the abundance, food selection (stomach contents), and carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope signatures of Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) and Greenside Darter (Etheostoma blennioides) in a small receiving stream in southern Ontario, Canada. Despite tertiary treatment resulting in relatively high effluent quality, there is continued concern for environmental degradation downstream of the effluent outfall because of the relatively small size of the receiving environment and recent studies that have indicated changes occurring in relative fish abundance and stable isotope signatures. In July and August of 2009 fish and benthic invertebrate communities were examined along with analysis of δ13C and δ15N of the most common species to determine the effects of effluent exposure on the food web. Rainbow Darter increased in abundance and their δ15N values were enriched immediately downstream of the effluent outfall throughout the summer (July and August). In contrast, while δ15N of Greenside Darter followed a similar pattern in July, they were not enriched in August. The benthic community was changed immediately downstream of the outfall and the δ15N of invertebrates was enriched, similar to that observed in Rainbow Darter. Stomach contents of the two darter species diverged the most in the summer possibly explaining some of the changes in δ13C and δ15N among sites. It is possible that Greenside Darter fed on less enriched food downstream of the outfall, or fed outside of the effluent plume during the summer. Rainbow Darter may be able to exploit the changes in habitat and prey composition, resulting in differences in relative abundance of darters immediately downstream of the effluent outfall.  相似文献   

1. Amphibians are recognized both for their sensitivity to environmental perturbations and for their usefulness as cost-effective biometrics of ecosystem integrity (=system health).
2. Twenty-three years of research in headwater streams in the Klamath-Siskiyou and North Coast Bioregions of the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A., showed distinct patterns in the distribution of amphibians to variations in water temperature, % fine sediments and the amount of large woody debris (LWD).
3. Here, we review seven studies that demonstrate connections between species presence and abundance and these three in-stream variables. These data were then used to calculate realized niches for three species, the southern torrent salamander, the larval coastal tailed frog and the larval coastal giant salamander, relative to two of these environmental stressors (water temperature and % fine sediments). Moreover, multivariate generalized additive models were used to predict the presence of these three amphibians when these three stressors act in concert.
4. Stream-dwelling amphibians are shown to be extremely sensitive to changes in water temperature, amounts of fine sediment and LWD, and specific thresholds and ranges for a spectrum of animal responses can be used to manage for headwater tributary ecosystem integrity.
5. Consequently, amphibians can provide a direct metric of stream ecosystem integrity acting as surrogates for the ability of a stream network to support other stream-associated biota, such as salmonids, and their related ecological services.  相似文献   

Sediment from lakes on abandoned coal mines in the Midwestern U.S.A. was examined to determine the factors controlling chemical composition and the role the sediment plays in lake neutralization. Sediment concentrations of many cations, (especially heavy metals) are strongly correlated with sediment sulfide concentration, but poorly correlated with the pH of the overlying water. Leaching the sediment of one lake with 1 N ammonium acetate, 0.1 N HCl, and 6 N HCl revealed that cations were mostly bound in weak acid-leachable and strong acid-leachable forms. The weak acid-leachable form is likely to be metal sulfides and calcium carbonate. The sulfide-poor sediments of extremely acid lakes contained few weak acid-leachable cations. Raw mine-spoil contained large amounts of easily leached cations. There is little relationship between changes in sediment chemistry over time determined from cores of lake sediment and past lake pH. Rates of sulfide deposition were examined in sediment cores because sulfate reduction and deposition has been suggested as a major source of alkalinity in lakes influenced by acid precipitation. Although the rate of sulfate deposition in surface mine lakes is high, it alone seems to be insufficient to cause neutralization.  相似文献   

Bacteroids of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain CB1809, unlike CC705, do not have a high level of constitutive nitrate reductase (NR; EC in the soybean (Glycine max. Merr.) nodule. Ex planta both strains have a high activity of NR when cultured on 5 mM nitrate at 2% O2 (v/v). Nitrite reductase (NiR) was active in cultured cells of bradyrhizobia, but activity with succinate as electron donor was not detected in freshly-isolated bacteroids. A low activity was measured with reduced methyl viologen. When bacteroids of CC705 were incubated with nitrate there was a rapid production of nitrite which resulted in repression of NR. Subsequently when NiR was induced, nitrite was utilized and NR activity recovered. Nitrate reductase was induced in bacteroids of strain CB1809 when they were incubated in-vitro with nitrate or nitrite. Increase in NR activity was prevented by rifampicin (10 g· ml-1) or chloramphenicol (50 g·ml-1). Nitrite-reductase activity in bacteroids of strain CB1809 was induced in parallel with NR. When nitrate was supplied to soybeans nodulated with strain CC705, nitrite was detected in nodule extracts prepared in aqueous media and it accumulated during storage (1°C) and on further incubation at 25°C. Nitrite was not detected in nodule extracts prepared in ethanol. Thus nitrite accumulation in nodule tissue appears to occur only after maceration and although bacteroids of some strains of B. japonicum have a high level of a constitutive NR, they do not appear to reduce nitrate in the nodule because this anion does not gain access to the bacteroid zone. Soybeans nodulated with strains CC705 and CB1809 were equally sensitive to nitrate inhibition of N2 fixation.Abbreviations NR nitrate reductase - NiR nitrite reductase - Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   

Aim Spatial and temporal variation in fire regime parameters and forest structure were assessed. Location A 2630‐ha area of mid‐ and upper montane forest in Lassen Volcanic National Park (LVNP). Methods Two hypotheses were tested concerned with fire‐vegetation relationships in southern Cascades forests: (1) fire regime parameters (return interval, season of burn, fire size, rotation period) vary by forest dominant, elevation and slope aspect; and (2) fire exclusion since 1905 has caused forest structural and compositional changes in both mid‐ and upper montane forests. The implications of the study for national park management are also discussed. Results Fire regime parameters varied by forest compositional group and elevation in LVNP. Median composite and point fire return intervals were shorter in low elevation Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) (JP) (4–6 years, 16 years) and Jeffrey pine–white fir (Abies concolor) (JP‐WF) (5–10 years, 22 years) and longer in high elevation red fir (Abies magnifica)— western white pine (Pinus monticola) (RF‐WWP) forests (9–27 years, 70 years). Median fire return intervals were also shorter on east‐facing (6–9 years, 16.3 years) and longer on south‐ (11 years, 32.5 years) and west‐facing slopes (22–28 years, 54‐years) in all forests and in each forest composition group. Spatial patterns in fire rotation length were the same as those for fire return intervals. More growing season fires also occurred in JP (33.1%) and JP‐WF (17.5%) than in RF‐WWP (1.1%) forests. A dramatic decline in fire frequency occurred in all forests after 1905. Conclusions Changes in forest structure and composition occurred in both mid‐ and upper montane forests due to twentieth‐century fire exclusion. Forest density increased in JP and JP‐WF forests and white fir increased in JP‐WF forests and is now replacing Jeffrey pine. Forest density only increased in some RF‐WWP stands, but not others. Resource managers restoring fire to these now denser forests need to burn larger areas if fire is going to play its pre‐settlement role in montane forest dynamics.  相似文献   

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