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Summary In the lac operon, the existence of a secondary repressor binding site, inside Z gene, had been inferred from in vitro binding studies (Reznikoff et al., 1974; Gilbert et al., 1975).A serie of deletions have been constructed from a lac transducing bacteriophage. Some of those deleted bacteriophages have still the property of derepressing a chromosomal lac operon, even though they do not contain any more the lac operator. This phenomenon is an indication that the secondary repressor binding site is also active in vivo.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli lac repressor is a tetrameric protein composed of 360 amino acid subunits. Considerable attention has focused on its N-terminal region which is isolated by cleavage with proteases yielding N-terminal fragments of 51 to 59 amino acid residues. Because these short peptide fragments bind operator DNA, they have been extensively examined in nuclear magnetic resonance structural studies. Longer N-terminal peptide fragments that bind DNA cannot be obtained enzymatically. To extend structural studies and simultaneously verify proper folding in vivo, the DNA sequence encoding longer N-terminal fragments were cloned into a vector system with the coliphage T7 RNA polymerase/promoter. In addition to the wild-type lacI gene sequence, single amino acid substitutions were generated at positions 3 (Pro3----Tyr) and 61 (Ser61----Leu) as well as the double substitution in a 64 amino acid N-terminal fragment. These mutations were chosen because they increase the DNA binding affinity of the intact lac repressor by a factor of 10(2) to 10(4). The expression of these lac repressor fragments in the cell was verified by radioimmunoassays. Both wild-type and mutant lac repressor N termini bound operator DNA as judged by reduced beta-galactosidase synthesis and methylation protection in vivo. These observations also resolve a contradiction in the literature as to the location of the operator-specific, inducer-dependent DNA binding domain.  相似文献   

In the arginine regulon of Escherichia coli K12 each of the eight operator sites consists of two 18-base-pair-long palindromic sequences called ARG boxes. In the operator sites for the structural genes of the regulon the two ARG boxes are separated by three base-pairs, in the regulatory gene argR they are separated by two base-pairs. The hexameric arginine repressor, the product of argR, binds to the two ARG boxes in an operator in the presence of L-arginine. From the results of various kinds of in vitro footprinting experiments with the ARG boxes of argF and argR (DNase I protection, hydroxyl radical, ethylation and methylation interference, methylation protection) it can be concluded that: (1) the repressor binds simultaneously to two adjacent ARG boxes; (2) that it binds on one face of the double helix; and (3) that it forms contacts with the major and minor grooves of each ARG box, but not with the central three base-pairs. The repressor can bind also to a single ARG box, but its affinity is about 100-fold lower than for two ARG boxes. From gel retardation experiments with 3H-labeled repressor and 32P-labeled argF operator DNA, it is concluded that the retarded DNA-protein complex contains no more than one repressor molecule per operator site and that most likely one hexamer binds to two ARG boxes. The bound repressor was shown to induce bending of argF operator DNA. The bending angle calculated from the results of gel retardation experiments is about 70 degrees and the bending center was located within the region encompassing the ARG boxes. The main features that distinguish the arginine repressor from other repressors studied in E. coli are its hexameric nature and the simultaneous binding of one hexameric molecule to two palindromic ARG boxes that are close to each other.  相似文献   

Targeting the Escherichia coli lac repressor to the mammalian cell nucleus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M C Hu  N Davidson 《Gene》1991,99(2):141-150
We have previously shown that about 90% of total Escherichia coli lac repressor synthesized in mammalian cells is located in the cytoplasm [Hu and Davidson, Cell 48 (1987) 555-566]. To target a functional lac repressor to the nucleus, we mutated 10 nucleotides at the 3' end of the coding sequence, thus adding the nuclear localization signal of the simian virus 40 large-T antigen to the C terminus of the repressor. The mutant lacI gene and the wild-type (wt) gene, both in standard animal cell expression vectors, driven by the promoter of the Rous sarcoma virus long terminal repeat, were stably transfected into three rodent cell lines. In confirmation of our previous results, only about 10% of the wt repressor, but all of the mutant protein, was localized in the nucleus. DNase I footprint analyses showed that the mutant repressor retained the same operator DNA-binding specificity as wt repressor. Furthermore, both repressor-operator complexes could be dissociated by addition of isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside in vitro. However, the ratio of number of repressor molecules per nucleus that, by in vitro assay, could bind to the operator sequence to the number of monomer repressor polypeptides per nucleus, as determined by Western blotting, was about 1:4 for the wt repressor and about 1:30 for the mutant repressor. This suggests that: (a) the mutant repressor assembles into tetramers inefficiently; and/or (b) it has reduced binding affinity to the operator sequence; and/or (c) it has higher binding affinity to nonspecific DNA.  相似文献   

Binding of E.coli lac repressor to non-operator DNA*   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
It is shown by melting profile analysis of lac repressor-DNA complexes that repressor binds tightly and preferentially (relative to single-stranded DNA) to double-stranded non-operator DNA. This binding stabilizes the DNA against melting and the repressor against thermal denaturation. Analysis of the extent of stabilization and the rate of dissociation of repressor from non-operator DNA as a function of sodium ion concentration shows, in confirmation of other studies,(3,4) that the binding constant (K(RD)) is very ionic strength dependent; K(RD) increases from approximately 10(6) M(-1) at approximately 0.1 M Na(+) to values in excess of 10(10) M(-1) at 0.002 M Na(+). Repressor bound to non-operator DNA is not further stabilized against thermal denaturation by inducer binding, indicating that the inducer and DNA binding sites probably represent separately stabilized local conformations. Transfer melting experiments are used to measure the rate of dissociation of repressor from operator DNA. These experiments show that most of the ionic strength dependence of the binding constant is in the dissociation process; the estimated dissociation rate constant decreases from greater than 10(-1) sec(-1) at [Na(+)] >/= 0.02 M to less than 10(-4) sec(-1) at [Na(+)] 相似文献   

S S York  R C Lawson  D M Worah 《Biochemistry》1978,17(21):4480-4486
8-Anilion-1-naphthalenesulfonate (Ans), recrystallized from water as the magnesium salt, contains a fluorescent impurity representing 0.3% of the absorbance at 351 nm. This impurity can be removed by Sephadex LH-20 chromatography. The chromatographic and spectral properties of this impurity suggest that it is bis(Ans), a dimer of Ans. This bis(Ans) impurity makes a significant contribution to the fluorescence increment observed when lac repressor is added to recrystallized Ans. This occurs because bis(Ans) binds much more tightly to this protein than does Ans. The dissociation constant divided by the number of binding sites per subunit is 3.1 X 10(-6) M for bis(Ans); the corresponding value for Ans is greater than 1 X 10(-4) M. Because of their differing absorption spectra, the impact of this bis(Ans) impurity is especially large with excitation wavelengths above 400 nm. Users of recrystallized Ans should consider the potential consequences of this impurity whenever working with a protein to which Ans binds weakly.  相似文献   

A model is suggested for the lac repressor binding to the lac operator in which the repressor polypeptide chain sequences from Gly 14 to Ala 32 and from Ala 53 to Leu 71 are involved in specific interaction with operator DNA. A correspondence between the protein and DNA sequences is found which explains specificity of the repressor binding to the lac operator. The model can be extended to describe specific binding of other regulatory proteins to DNA.  相似文献   

J S Lolkema  D Walz 《Biochemistry》1990,29(51):11180-11188
Binding of the substrate analogue p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-galactopyranoside (NPG) to lac permease of Escherichia coli in different membrane preparations was investigated. Binding was assayed with an improved version of the centrifugation technique introduced by Kennedy et al. [Kennedy, E.P., Rumley, M.V., Armstrong, J.B. (1974) J. Biol. Chem. 249, 33-37]. Two binding sites for NPG were found with dissociation constants of about 16 microM and 1.6 mM at pH 7.5 and room temperature. With purified lac permease reconstituted into proteoliposomes, it could be shown that one permease molecule binds two substrate molecules. Oxidation of lac permease with the lipophilic quinone plumbagin or alkylation with the sulfhydryl reagent N-ethylmaleimide caused a 12-fold increase in the first dissociation constant. The second dissociation constant seemed to be increased as well, but its value could not reliably be estimated. Ethoxyformylation of lac permease with diethyl pyrocarbonate totally abolished NPG binding. The implications of these results for the catalytic performance of the enzyme are discussed.  相似文献   

From small-angle X-ray scattering experiments on solutions of Escherichia coli lac repressor and repressor tryptic core, we conclude that the domains of repressor that bind to operator DNA lie at the ends of an elongated molecule. The addition of the inducer, isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside, to either repressor or core does not produce a measurable structural change, since the radius of gyration of repressor is 40.3 ± 1.9 Å without and 42.2 ± 1.7 Å with isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside; the core radius of gyration is 35.4 ± 1.1 Å without ligand and 36.3 ± 1.1 Å with isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside. In the context of data from single crystals of repressor and core, the measured radii of gyration are shown to be consistent with a core (or repressor) molecule of dimensional anisotropy 1: (1.5 to 2.0): (3.0 to 4.0). The 5 Å difference in radius of gyration between native and core repressor is interpreted to mean that the amino terminal 59 residues (headpieces) lie at the ends of an elongated repressor molecule. This structure implies that the repressor may have DNA binding sites, consisting of two adjacent headpieces, on each end of the molecule and this binds to the DNA with its long axis perpendicular to the DNA.  相似文献   

NMR study of the interaction between the lac repressor and the lac operator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding of the lac repressor headpiece, the N-terminal region of the lac repressor, to the lac operator of Escherichia coli was studied by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Two DNA fragments, of 51 base pairs and 62 base pairs, containing the lac operator region, were investigated. The signals of their hydrogen-bonded imino protons were well resolved in the 500-MHz NMR spectra. The spectra of the free lac operator DNA are similar to those obtained from ring-current-shift calculations for a B-DNA structure. Complex formation with the headpiece led to small but nevertheless characteristic changes in the spectra. The fact that very few imino resonances shifted upon addition of headpiece, as well as the variety in direction and size of these chemical shifts, indicate the formation of a specific complex between the lac repressor and the lac operator. The observed changes in the resonance positions exclude the intercalation of tyrosine residues of the headpiece between adjacent base pairs of the lac operator as well as the formation of a cruciform structure. They rather reflect a small conformational transition in the DNA itself, caused for example by an alteration in the tilt of a few base pairs or a shift of the keto-enol tautomeric equilibrium of the bases towards the enolic form.  相似文献   

The second operator of the lac operon, located within the 5'-coding region of the lacZ gene, was specifically destroyed by means of oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. Eight of its bases were exchanged without altering the wild-type amino acid sequence of beta-galactosidase. The mutation was transferred onto an F'lac+I+O+Z+pro+ episome. We observed a fivefold decrease in repression of beta-galactosidase expression compared to that in the wild-type.  相似文献   

Out of the first 62 residues of the lac repressor, 38 positions have been substituted by at least one amino acid exchange. The total number of replacements in this region is 131. Data from several studies are considered.  相似文献   

The wild-type lac repressor of Escherichia coli is a tetrameric protein which contains two tryptophanyl residues per subunit at positions 190 and 209. Solute perturbation studies of the tryptophan fluorescence of the repressor were performed using a polar but uncharged quencher, acrylamide, to prevent possible bias caused by ionic quenchers. The results indicate that the two tryptophan residues have different accessibilities to the quencher. In addition, contrary to a previous report, the accessibility of these tryptophan residues is not altered by isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside (IPTG) binding to the repressor. Similar studies with mutant lac repressor containing only a single tryptophan either at positions 190 or 209 suggest that tryptophan 209 is located in a region which is perturbed by inducer binding. That the two tryptophanyl residues have heterogeneous environments was further confirmed by nanosecond fluorescence spectroscopy which showed the wild-type lac repressor exhibiting two excited-state lifetimes, τ1 = 5.3 ns and τ2 = 10 ns. In the presence of 10?3m IPTG, only a single lifetime of 6 ns was observed for the wild-type repressor suggesting that the inducer perturbs the tryptophan residue with the longer lifetime but not the one with the shorter lifetime. This is in accord with the observation that the mutant repressor containing only tryptophan 190 (the Tyr-209 repressor) has a single lifetime of 4.5 ns which is not altered by IPTG binding. The surprising finding that the mutant repressor which contains only tryptophan 209 (the Tyr-190 repressor) shows two excited-state lifetimes has been interpreted to indicate that the repressor either does not exhibit fourfold symmetry in its subunit arrangement or is present in two different conformational states.  相似文献   

We have constructed a system which allows systematic testing of repressor--operator interactions. The system consists of two plasmids. One of them carries a lac operon in which lac operator has been replaced by a unique restriction site into which synthetic operators can be cloned. The other plasmid carries the gene coding for the repressor, in our case a semisynthetic lacI gene of which parts can be exchanged in a cassette-like manner. A galE host allows us to select for mutants which express repressors with altered specificities. Here we report the change of specificity in the lac system by changing residues 1 and 2 of the recognition helix of lac repressor. The specificity changes are brought about cooperatively by the change of both residues. Exchanges of just one residue broaden the specificity. Our results hint that the recognition helix of lac repressor may possibly have the opposite orientation to those in Lambda cro protein or 434 CI repressor.  相似文献   

Lac repressor headpiece (HP) and intact lac repressor have been studied using the photo-CIDNP method. At neutral pH histidine 29, tyrosines 7, 12 and 17 and methionine 1 are polarised. His-29 polarizations are weaker and broader in HP59 than in HP51 indicating that the C-terminal octapeptide in HP59 adopts a conformation that allows an interaction with His-29. The photo-CIDNP spectra of intact lac repressor and HP51 are very similar, showing that the same residues are accessible to the photo-excited flavin. An equimolar mixture of HP51 and a 14 base pair lac operator fragment strongly suppresses the photo-CIDNP effect of tyrosines 7 and 17 and abolishes the His-29 polarizations. The results are compared with earlier photo-CIDNP measurements on a complex of headpiece with poly[d(AT)] and with a model derived from a 2D NMR study on a lac headpiece-operator complex.  相似文献   

How Lac repressor finds lac operator in vitro.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Filter-binding and gel mobility shift assays were used to analyse the kinetics of the interaction of Lac repressor with lac operator. A comparison of the two techniques reveals that filter-binding assays with tetrameric Lac repressor have often been misinterpreted. It has been assumed that all complexes of Lac repressor and lac operator DNA bind with equal affinity to nitrocellulose filters. This assumption is wrong. Sandwich or loop complexes where two lac operators bind to one tetrameric Lac repressor are not or are only badly retained on nitrocellulose filters under normal conditions. Taking this into account, dimeric and tetrameric Lac repressor do not show any DNA-length dependence of their association and dissociation rate constants when they bind to DNA fragments smaller than 2455 base-pairs carrying a single symmetric ideal lac operator. A ninefold increased association rate to ideal lac operator on lambda DNA is observed for tetrameric but not dimeric Lac repressor. It is presumably due to intersegment transfer involving lac operator-like sequences.  相似文献   

We have compared the operator and nonoperator DNA binding activities of the lac repressor with respect to inactivation or inhibition by trypsin, heat, actinomycin, and isopropylthiogal-actoside. The two DNA binding activities were found to differ only in their sensitivity to the inducing ligand isopropylthiogal-actoside. Repressor binding to poly(dT-dT-dG)·poly(dC-dA-dA) was shown not to be affected by isopropylthiogalactoside.  相似文献   

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