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Genetic structure of four populations in Castanopsis fargesii Franch. in Fujian Province was studied with microsatellite (SSR) markers. A high level of genetic variation was detected in the populations of C. fargesii by using SSR with A=9.0, Ne=4.8, He=0.65 and the population differentiation coefficient ( Fst ) was only 0.031. The distributions of alleles of all loci were significantly different among the populations of C. fargesii , and the population differentiation could be found according to the distributions of SSR alleles. Some rare alleles in the populations of C. fargesii were revealed by SSR: Fifteen of 54 alleles appeared in one or two populations with lower frequencies; conservation of these rare alleles is of great importance.  相似文献   

用SSR研究栲树群体遗传结构   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
利用微卫星(SSR)分子标记对福建省内4个栲树(Castanopsis fargesii Franch.)群体遗传结构进行了研究。SSR标记揭示了栲树群体丰富的遗传变异:平均等位基因数A=9.0,平均有效等位基因数Ne=4.8,平均期望杂合度He=0.65,而群 具有较低的Fst值(Fst=0.031)。SSR每个位点的等位基因频率分布在栲树群体间都存在显或极显差异,表明根据SSR等位基因频率分布亦能了解各体的分化。SSR标记使栲树群体中一些稀有等位基因得以表现,54个SSR等位基因中有15个等位基因仅出现在1个或2个群体中,且频率较低,在遗传多样性保护中更应注重保护这些稀有的等位变异。  相似文献   

Naegleria sp. is a free living amoeba belonging to the Heterolobosea class. Over 40 species of Naegleria were identified and recovered worldwide in different habitats such as swimming pools, freshwater lakes, soil or dust. Among them, N. fowleri, is a human pathogen responsible for primary amoeboic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Around 300 cases were reported in 40 years worldwide but PAM is a fatal disease of the central nervous system with only 5% survival of infected patients. Since both pathogenic and non pathogenic species were encountered in the environment, detection and dispersal mode are crucial points in the fight against this pathogenic agent. Previous studies on identification and genotyping of N. fowleri strains were focused on RAPD analysis and on ITS sequencing and identified 5 variants: euro-american, south pacific, widespread, cattenom and chooz. Microsatellites are powerful markers in population genetics with broad spectrum of applications (such as paternity test, fingerprinting, genetic mapping or genetic structure analysis). They are characterized by a high degree of length polymorphism. The aim of this study was to genotype N. fowleri strains using microsatellites markers in order to track this population and to better understand its evolution. Six microsatellite loci and 47 strains from different geographical origins were used for this analysis. The microsatellite markers revealed a level of discrimination higher than any other marker used until now, enabling the identification of seven genetic groups, included in the five main genetic groups based on the previous RAPD and ITS analyses. This analysis also allowed us to go further in identifying private alleles highlighting intra-group variability. A better identification of the N. fowleri isolates could be done with this type of analysis and could allow a better tracking of the clinical and environmental N. fowleri strains.  相似文献   

In recent years, the population size of Taiwan yellow cattle has drastically declined, even become endangered. A preservation project, Taiwan Yellow Cattle Genetic Preservation Project (TYCGPP), was carried out at the Livestock Research Institute (LRI) Hengchun branch (1988–present). An analysis of intra- and inter- population variability was performed to be the first step to preserve this precious genetic resource. In this work, a total number of 140 individuals selected from the five Taiwan yellow cattle populations were analyzed using 12 microsatellite markers (loci). These markers determined the level of genetic variation within and among populations as well as the phylogenetic structure. The total number of alleles detected (122, 10.28 per locus) and the expected heterozygosity (0.712) indicated that these five populations had a high level of genetic variability. Bayesian cluster analysis showed that the most likely number of groups was 2 (K = 2). Genetic differentiation among clusters was moderate (F ST = 0.095). The result of AMOVA showed that yellow cattle in Taiwan had maintained a high level of within-population genetic differentiation (91%), the remainder being accounted for by differentiation among subpopulations (4%), and by differentiation among regions (5%). The results of STRUCTURE and principal component analysis (PCA) revealed two divergent clusters. The individual unrooted phylogenetic tree showed that some Kinmen yellow cattle in the Hengchun facility (KMHC individuals) were overlapped with Taiwan yellow cattle (TW) and Taiwan yellow cattle Hengchun (HC) populations. Also, they were overlapped with Kinmen × Taiwan (KT) and Kinmen yellow cattle (KM) populations. It is possible that KMHC kept similar phenotypic characteristics and analogous genotypes between TW and KM. A significant inbreeding coefficient (F IS = 0.185; P < 0.01) was detected, suggesting a medium level of inbreeding for yellow cattle in Taiwan. The hypothesis that yellow cattle in Taiwan were derived from two different clusters was also supported by the phylogenetic tree constructed by the UPGMA, indicating that the yellow cattle in Taiwan and in Kinmen should be treated as two different management units. This result will be applied to maintain a good level of genetic variability and rusticity (stress-resistance) and to avoid further inbreeding for yellow cattle population in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic differentiation and speciation processes in marine species with high dispersal capabilities is challenging. The Chilean dolphin, Cephalorhynchus eutropia, is the only endemic cetacean of Chile and is found in two different coastal habitats: a northern habitat with exposed coastlines, bays and estuaries from Valparaíso (33°02′S) to Chiloé (42°00′S), and a southern habitat with highly fragmented inshore coastline, channels and fjords between Chiloé and Navarino Island (55°14′S). With the aim of evaluating the potential existence of conservation units for this species, we analyzed the genetic diversity and population structure of the Chilean dolphin along its entire range. We genotyped 21 dinucleotide microsatellites for 53 skin samples collected between 1998 and 2012 (swab: n = 8, biopsy: n = 38, entanglement n = 7). Bayesian clustering and spatial model analyses identified two genetically distinct populations corresponding to the northern and southern habitats. Genetic diversity levels were similar in the two populations (He: 0.42 v/s 0.45 for southern and northern populations, respectively), while effective size population was higher in the southern area (Ne: 101 v/s 39). Genetic differentiation between these two populations was high and significant (FST = 0.15 and RST = 0.19), indicating little or no current gene flow. Because of the absence of evident geographical barriers between the northern and southern populations, we propose that genetic differentiation may reflect ecological adaptation to the different habitat conditions and resource uses. Therefore, the two genetic populations of this endemic and Near Threatened species should be considered as different conservation units with independent management strategies.  相似文献   

微卫星标记在玉米群体遗传多样性研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要综述了近几年利用微卫星(SSR)分子标记技术分析玉米群体遗传多样性过程中的研究进展对研究中混合取样,荧光标记技术,共享数据库等新方法的使用作了阐述.  相似文献   

德宏水牛微卫星标记分析的群体遗传变异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
德宏水牛是云南省地方水牛的优良品种之一,为了进一步阐明其群体遗传变异和遗传结构,筛选了分别位于水牛14条染色体上的15对微卫星引物,对德宏水牛81个个体进行了检测分析.共检测到62个等位基因,每个座位等位基因数目从2到6个不等,平均等位基因数为4.13,该水牛群体期望杂合度和多态信息含量分别为0.6520±0.1526和0.5863±0.1789,各座位的遗传分化系数在0~0.0919之间,平均值为0.0202.每个座位的基因流较大,平均12.1502.研究结果表明德宏水牛群体遗传多样性较丰富,亚群间的遗传分化程度低,基因流较大,且很少发生近交.  相似文献   

秦川母牛群体遗传特性的微卫星标记研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了从DNA分子水平揭示秦川牛群体遗传多态性和群体遗传结构,寻找可用于秦川牛的微卫星标记,本研究选择了12个普通牛(Bos taurus)微卫星标记检测了90头秦川母牛各微卫星位点的遗传变异及多态性。结果表明,在秦川母牛群体中,12个微卫星位点共检测到了247个等位基因,各位点的等位基因数在13(INRA005)~33个(HEL13)之间,平均每个微卫星位点的等位基因数为21个;总有效等位基因数和平均每个位点平均有效等位基因数(Ne)分别分为142.6229和11.8852。各位点平均基因频率取样方差(V(pij))为2.6036×10^-4。12个微卫星位点平均观察杂合度(Ho)和平均期望杂合度(He)在0.7842(INRA005)~0.9775(BM315)和0.7952(BM315)~0.9446(HEL13)之间。12个位点平均多态信息含量(PIC)在0.7653(INRA005)~0.9420(HEL13)之间,平均为0.8965.12个微卫星位点均属于高度多态位点,这表明秦川母牛群体中所检测各微卫星位点具有丰富的遗传多态性,具备较大的选择潜力。12个微卫星位点的平均固定指数(F)为-0.0076,即各位点杂合子的缺陷度不高,即偏离Hardy—Weinberg平衡的程度不大。  相似文献   

Populus simonii Carr. is an important ecological and commercial breeding species in northern China; however, human interference during the last few centuries has led to the reduction and fragmentation of natural populations. To evaluate genetic diversity and differentiation within and among existing populations, we used 20 microsatellite markers to examine the genetic variation and structure of 16 natural populations. Our results indicated that the level of genetic diversity differed among populations, with average number of alleles per locus (AR) and expected heterozygosity (H e) ranging from 3.7 to 6.11 and 0.589 to 0.731, respectively. A marginal population from Qilian in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau showed the highest values (AR?=?6.11, H e?=?0.731), and the Zhangjiakou and Yishui populations showed the lowest values (AR?=?4.08, H e?=?0.589 and AR?=?3.7, H e?=?0.604). The inbreeding coefficient (F IS) values for all populations were positive, which indicated an excess of homozygotes. The microsatellites allowed the identification of a significant subpopulation structure (K?=?3), consistent with an isolation by distance model for P. simonii populations. Additionally, molecular variance analysis revealed that 14.2 % of the variation resided among populations, and 85.8 % could be attributed to variation within populations. These data provide valuable information for natural resource conservation and for optimization of breeding programs in the immediate future.  相似文献   

The pen shell, Atrina pectinata, is one of the commercial bivalves in East Asia and thought to be recently affected by anthropogenic pressure (habitat destruction and/or fishing pressure). Information on its population genetic structure is crucial for the conservation of A. pectinata. Considering its long pelagic larval duration and iteroparity with high fecundity, the genetic structure for A. pectinata could be expected to be weak at a fine scale. However, the unusual oceanography in the coasts of China and Korea suggests potential for restricted dispersal of pelagic larvae and geographical differentiation. In addition, environmental changes associated with Pleistocene sea level fluctuations on the East China Sea continental shelf may also have strongly influenced historical population demography and genetic diversity of marine organisms. Here, partial sequences of the mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and seven microsatellite loci were used to estimate population genetic structure and demographic history of seven samples from Northern China coast and one sample from North Korea coast. Despite high levels of genetic diversity within samples, there was no genetic differentiation among samples from Northern China coast and low but significant genetic differentiation between some of the Chinese samples and the North Korean sample. A late Pleistocene population expansion, probably after the Last Glacial Maximum, was also demonstrated for A. pectinata samples. No recent genetic bottleneck was detected in any of the eight samples. We concluded that both historical recolonization (through population range expansion and demographic expansion in the late Pleistocene) and current gene flow (through larval dispersal) were responsible for the weak level of genetic structure detected in A. pectinata.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to assess the genetic diversity, population structure, and relatedness in Indian red jungle fowl (RJF, Gallus gallus murgi) from northern India and three domestic chicken populations (gallus gallus domesticus), maintained at the institute farms, namely White Leghorn (WL), Aseel (AS) and Red Cornish (RC) using 25 microsatellite markers. All the markers were polymorphic, the number of alleles at each locus ranged from five (MCW0111) to forty-three (LEI0212) with an average number of 19 alleles per locus. Across all loci, the mean expected heterozygosity and polymorphic information content were 0.883 and 0.872, respectively. Population-specific alleles were found in each population. A UPGMA dendrogram based on shared allele distances clearly revealed two major clusters among the four populations; cluster I had genotypes from RJF and WL whereas cluster II had AS and RC genotypes. Furthermore, the estimation of population structure was performed to understand how genetic variation is partitioned within and among populations. The maximum ?K value was observed for K = 4 with four identified clusters. Furthermore, factorial analysis clearly showed four clustering; each cluster represented the four types of population used in the study. These results clearly, demonstrate the potential of microsatellite markers in elucidating the genetic diversity, relationships, and population structure analysis in RJF and domestic chicken populations.  相似文献   

Twenty three polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for citrus plant pathogenic fungus, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and were used to analyze genetic diversity and population structure of 163 isolates from four different geographical regions of Ethiopia. These loci produced a total of 118 alleles with an average of 5.13 alleles per microsatellite marker. The polymorphic information content values ranged from 0.104 to 0.597 with an average of 0.371. The average observed heterozygosity across all loci varied from 0.046 to 0.058. The gene diversity among the loci ranged from 0.106 to 0.664. Unweighted Neighbor-joining and population structure analysis grouped these 163 isolates into three major groups. The clusters were not according to the geographic origin of the isolates. Analysis of molecular variance showed 85% of the total variation within populations and only 5% among populations. There was low genetic differentiation in the total populations (FST = 0.049) as evidenced by high level of gene flow estimate (Nm = 4.8 per generation) among populations. The results show that Ethiopian C. gloeosporioides populations are generally characterized by a low level of genetic diversity. The newly developed microsatellite markers were useful in analyzing the genetic diversity and population structure of the C. gloeosporioides populations. Information obtained from this study could be useful as a base to design strategies for better management of leaf and fruit spot disease of citrus in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

在猪数量性状位点的定位研究中,标记的使用和图谱的构建是很重要的。本研究从猪的第4、6、7、8和13染色体上选取39个微卫星标记,在来源于约克夏和梅山214头猪组成的资源群中,分析了遗传特征并构建了图谱。研究表明,平均等位基因数、平均观察杂合度(Ho)和平均多态信息含量(PIC)在F1和F2代中分别为:3.2,0.528,0.463和3.2,0.496,0.447。结果表明大多数微卫星标记位点表现为中高度杂合性。在资源群体中,平均有信息减数分裂数是217.4(44-316),而各染色体上两性平均图谱的长度分别是:172.3cM(SSC4),168.7cM(SSC6),191.7cM(SSC7),197.3cM(SSC8),178.3cM(SSC13)。与USDA-MARC的参考图谱相比,标记位点的顺序相同,但长度均较长。雌雄两性图谱相比,第4和第6染色体上雌性图谱长于雄性图谱;而在另外3条染色体上,则雄性图谱长于雌性图谱。结果显示了标记位点在资源猪群的遗传特征和遗传关系,其连锁图谱可用于今后的QTL定位。  相似文献   


Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) is one of the wide cultivated plants with a narrow genetic base, hence the interest in prospecting, rescuing, and characterizing germplasm of this species is continuously carried out. In this work, eleven microsatellite markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of 68 Algerian peanut accessions originated from four geographic regions in the north and south of Algeria. A total of 83 alleles were amplified with a mean number of 7.545 alleles per locus and polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.625 to 0.874. The observed and expected heterozygosity varied from 0.31 to 1.00 and from 0.61 to 0.84 with a mean of 0.704 and 0.732, respectively. Genetic structure analysis showed a strong population at K?=?2, separating accessions according to their subspecies affiliation (hypogeae ssp. and fastigiata ssp.). It was also able to quantify the genetic correlations between genotypes using principal component analysis (PCA) and the method of groups of unweighted pairings with arithmetic means (UPGMA). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed high genetic variation within individuals (90.7%) and low genetic differentiation between subspecies (10.3%) and among populations (8.9%) from different geographical origin. Genetic diversity analysis in this study provides useful information for the exploration and utilization of these peanut cultivars.


虾夷扇贝遗传结构及微卫星标记与经济性状相关分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用30个多态性微卫星分子标记对大连大长山(96个)、大连獐子岛(96个)及日本青森县陆奥湾(96个)3个地区虾夷扇贝养殖群体(Patinopecten yessoensis)进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示,30个基因座共检测到198个等位基因(Na),平均等位基因数为6.63个,每个座位检测到的等位基因数为3-12,有效等位基因数(Ne)每个位点平均为4.70个,观测杂合度(Ho)平均值0.58,期望杂合度(He)的平均值为0.75,30个位点的平均多态信息含量为0.703,说明3个地区虾夷扇贝群体遗传多样性水平较高。运用统计软件SPSS11.5对30个微卫星标记与大长山群体生长性状相关性进行了分析。结果表明,位点DQ221714和FJ262378与壳长、壳高、壳宽和鲜重显著相关(P0.05)位点;位点FJ262372与壳宽、软体部重和闭壳肌重显著相关;位点FJ262369与软体部重及闭壳肌重显著相关。对差异显著的位点进行不同基因型间的多重比较,找到了与虾夷扇贝生长性状相关的基因型,进一步将所得显著性标记对大长山虾夷扇贝个体最大的17个和个体最小的13个基因组DNA进行检测,验证其准确性。结果表明,位点DQ221714在两组虾夷扇贝中存在特异性条带,可作为QTL定位候选标记。  相似文献   

目的检测和评估金黄地鼠封闭群SPF化后的遗传学变化,为SPF金黄地鼠遗传质量的控制提供技术资料。方法应用小鼠和大鼠的微卫星标记筛选适于金黄地鼠遗传检测的微卫星标记,并结合微卫星荧光标记-半自动基因分型技术,对成都生物制品研究所的SPF级金黄地鼠及其来源的普通级金黄地鼠进行遗传检测,计算其群体遗传学参数。结果对18个小鼠和6个大鼠微卫星标记进行了筛选,分别有2个小鼠和2个大鼠微卫星标记在金黄地鼠种群中具PCR扩增多态性。4个检测的微卫星位点在普通级金黄地鼠和SPF金黄地鼠种群分别发现25和20个等位基因,两群体的期望杂合度分别为0.4979和0.5048,其群体遗传多样性无显著差异;群体间的不同微卫星位点FST范围从0.0095到0.0367,平均为0.0315,表明两群体间的遗传分化很弱,其遗传多样性主要存在于群体内;Nei(1972)遗传距离和Nei(1978)无偏遗传距离分别为0.0678和0.0570,表明了2群体之间很高的遗传相似度和非常近的亲缘关系;Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验表明普通级和SPF金黄地鼠分别有2个和3个位点偏离遗传平衡,且偏离位点均表现为杂合子缺陷。结论该SPF金黄地鼠基本保持了其来源普通级黄地鼠的遗传多样性,两群体间遗传分化程度和遗传差异很小,但应进一步加强其封闭群的繁育控制,保持其遗传稳定性。  相似文献   

目的比较生化标记和微卫星DNA标记方法对长爪沙鼠群体遗传分析的可靠性。方法应用27个生化位点和13个微卫星DNA位点,采用已建立的生化标记和微卫星DNA标记分析方法对国内2个长爪沙鼠群体进行遗传分析,计算并比较两种方法测得的各群体遗传参数。结果生化基因位点中有13个位点在整体中呈现遗传多态性,多态率为48.1%;微卫星位点中有11个位点在整体中表现出多态性,多态率均为84.6%。两种方法测得的平均有效等位基因数趋于一致,微卫星DNA的多态位点百分率和平均杂合度均明显高于生化标记方法。但生化标记和微卫星DNA检测对两个长爪沙鼠群体的遗传多样性差异反映一致,所反映的群体平衡状况也基本一致。结论生化标记分析和微卫星DNA方法均可较好地反映长爪沙鼠群体遗传结构。  相似文献   

为研究雷州半岛湖栖鳍虾虎鱼(Gobiopterus lacustris)遗传多样性,对湖栖鳍虾虎鱼雌雄性腺进行转录组测序,采用MISA软件进行微卫星分析,共获得25 452个微卫星标记,其中包含14 708个单碱基重复类型,6 175个2碱基重复类型,3、4、5和6碱基重复类型数目分别为4 223、327、15和4。随机选取50个微卫星位点设计引物,能够扩增出清晰稳定条带的有39对,其中,11个位点表现出不同程度的多态,28个位点呈现单态。利用11个具有多态性的微卫星位点分析湖栖鳍虾虎鱼在廉江市高桥镇红树林保护区、湛江东海岛、雷州市附城镇和雷州市九龙山红树林国家湿地公园4个野生群体中的遗传多样性及遗传结构,11个微卫星位点呈现出不同程度的多态性,等位基因数(Na)2~15,平均等位基因为(6?3.9)个,有效等位基因数(Ne)、平均观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别在1.919~2.485、0.343~0.465和0.381~0.483之间,平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.348~0.465。Hardy-Weinber平衡分析显示,4个群体的大部分位点未偏离平衡。在每个群体中进...  相似文献   

居群遗传结构研究中显性标记数据方法初探   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
钱韦  葛颂 《遗传学报》2001,28(3):244-255
为对比显性标记应用于居群遗传结构研究时不同统计参数的适用性,利用RAPD技术对中国5个居群的100个疣粒野生稻个体进行了遗传结构分析。在衡量居群遗传多样性水平时,多态位点比率(PPB)会低估遗传变异的量,其价值不如Shannon多样性指数和Nei基因多样性指数,而采用Nei指数时不必进行Lynch-Milligan矫正。对个体间遗传关系进行分析时,17种遗传相似性指数矩阵两两之间的Mantel检测都表现出极显著的相关性(r>0.95,t>t  相似文献   

To determine the genetic diversity and validate the pedigree record of Chinese Guanzhong horse, 67 individuals were genotyped with eight microsatellite markers. In our study, the mean observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.51 and 0.66, respectively. The mean observed number of alleles for the Guanzhong horse was 3.88. Nonetheless, the total value of FST multiloci clearly indicates that about 0.5% of overall genetic variation is due to line founder differences, while differences among individuals are responsible for the remaining 99.5%. In addition, the polymorphic information content (PIC) result showed that five loci (HTG7, HMS7, HMS2, AHT4, and HMS6) were highly polymorphic (PIC?>?0.5) and three loci (HMS3, HTG6, and COR071) were moderate polymorphic (PIC?>?0.25). Genetic distances and cluster analysis showed that the genetic relationship among 67 Guanzhong horse was generally consistent with pedigree recorded. Our results not only evaluated the genetic diversity of Chinese Guanzhong horse, but also suggested that the eight microsatellite markers might be used as subservient markers for parentage verification and individual identification in the Guanzhong horse.  相似文献   

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