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Xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) from Pichia stipitis are the two enzymes most commonly used in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains engineered for xylose utilization. The availability of NAD+ for XDH is limited during anaerobic xylose fermentation because of the preference of XR for NADPH. This in turn results in xylitol formation and reduced ethanol yield. The coenzyme preference of P. stipitis XR was changed by site-directed mutagenesis with the aim to engineer it towards NADH-preference.  相似文献   

Simultaneous isomerisation and fermentation (SIF) of xylose and simultaneous isomerisation and cofermentation (SICF) of a glucose/xylose mixture was carried out by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the presence of xylose isomerase. The SIF of 50 g l−1 xylose gave an ethanol concentration and metabolic yield of 7.5 g l−1 and 0.36 g (g xylose consumed)−1. These parameters improved to 13.4 g l−1 and 0.40 respectively, when borate was added to the medium. The SICF of a mixture of 50 g l−1 glucose and 50 g l−1 xylose gave an ethanol concentration and metabolic yield of 29.8 g l−1 and 0.42 respectively, in the presence of borate. Temperature modulation from 30 °C to 35 °C during fermentation further enhanced the above parameters to 39 g l−1 and 0.45 respectively. The approach was extended to the bioconversion of sugars present in a real lignocellulose hydrolysate (peanut-shell hydrolysate) to ethanol, with a fairly good yield. Received: 14 May 1999 / Received revision: 27 September 1999 / Accepted: 2 October 1999  相似文献   

In glucose-limited continuous cultures, a Crabtree positive yeast such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae displays respiratory metabolism at low dilution rates (D) and respiro-fermentative metabolism at high D. We have studied the onset of ethanol production and cell cycle behavior in glucose-limited chemostat cultures of the wild type S. cerevisiae strain CEN.PK122 (WT) and isogenic mutants, snf1 (cat1) and snf4 (cat3) defective in proteins involved in catabolite derepression and the mutant in glucose repression mig1 (cat4). The triggering of fermentative metabolism was dependent upon catabolite repression properties of yeast and was coincident with a significant decrease of G1 length. WT cells of the strain CEN.PK122 displayed respiratory metabolism up to a D of 0.2 h-1 and exhibited longer G1 lengths than the snf1 and snf4 mutants that started fermenting after a D of 0.1 and 0.15 h-1, respectively. The catabolite derepression mutant snf4 showed a significant decrease in the duration of G1 with respect to the WT. An increase of 300% to 400% in the expression of CDC28 (CDC28-lacZ) with a noticeable shortening in G1 to values lower than approximately 150 min, was detected in the transformed wild type CEN.SC13-9B in glucose-limited chemostat cultures. The expression of CDC28-lacZ was analyzed in the wild type and isogenic mutant strains growing at maximal rate on glucose or in the presence of ethanol or glycerol. Two- to three-fold lower expression of the CDC28-lacZ fusion gene was detected in the snf1 or snf4 disruptants with respect to the WT and mig1 strains in the presence of all carbon sources. This effect was further shown to be growth rate-dependent exhibiting apparently, a threshold effect in the expression of the fusion gene with respect to the length of G1, similar to that shown in chemostat cultures. At the onset of fermentation, the control of the glycolytic flux was highly distributed between the uptake, hexokinase, and phosphofructokinase steps. Particularly interesting was the fact that the snf1 mutant exhibited the lowest fluxes of ethanol production, the highest of respiration and correspondingly, the branch to the tricarboxylic acid cycle was significantly rate-controling of glycolysis.  相似文献   

Summary Ethanol was produced from xylose, using the enzyme glucose isomerase (xylose isomerase) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The influence of aeration, pH, enzyme concentration, cell mass and the concentration of the respiratory inhibitor sodium azide on the production of ethanol and the formation of by-products was investigated. Anaerobic conditions at pH 6.0, 10 g/l enzyme, 75 g/l dry weight cell mass and 4.6 mM sodium azide were found to be optimal. Under these conditions theoretical yields of ethanol were obtained from 42 g/l xylose within 24 hours.In a fed-batch culture, 62 g/l ethanol was produced from 127 g/l xylose with a yield of 0.49 and a productivity of 1.35 g/l·h.  相似文献   

以树干毕赤酵母和酿酒酵母为发酵菌株,酸性蒸汽爆破玉米秸秆预水解液和纯糖模拟液为C源,采用固定化酵母细胞的方法,研究了酸爆玉米秸秆预水解液初始pH、N源种类及其浓度、3种发酵模式对树干毕赤酵母戊糖发酵的影响。结果表明:玉米秸秆预水解液适合发酵的初始pH范围为6.0~7.0;1.0 g/L的(NH4)2SO4作为N源,在40 g/L葡萄糖和25 g/L木糖培养基中发酵24 h,糖利用率达到99.47%,乙醇质量浓度为24.72 g/L,优于尿素和蛋白胨作为N源;3种模式的发酵体系中,以游离树干毕赤酵母和固定化酿酒酵母发酵性能最好,糖利用率和乙醇得率分别为99.43%和96.39%。  相似文献   

Intracellular metabolite concentration and enzyme activity measurements were made to explain the new metabolic and growth phenomena seen in the micro-aerobic, continuous yeast cultures described in Part I. The results of these assays suggested mechanisms for the observed maximum in the specific ethanol productivity as a function of the oxygen feed rate, changing ATP yields, the effects of antifoam, and the sharp changes in the biomass concentration with small changes in the oxygenation. Measured were the intracellular concentrations of ATP, NADH, glucose 6-phosphate, pyruvate, glycerol, and ethanol, and the activities of hexokinase and alcohol dehydrogenase. Rate-limiting steps were identified by the accumulation of metabolites upstream and the depletion of metabolites downstream of the step.A potential mechanism for the stimulation of fermentation with decreasing oxygenation was an activation of glucose transport by an accumulating intracellular ATP concentration. The inhibition of fermentation at yet lower oxygenation rates may have been caused by the continued accumulation of ATP to the point that the glycolytic kineses were inhibited. A mechanism for the changing ATP yields and intracellular ATP concentration proposed the existence of ATPases or ATP waste reactions stimulated by both oxygen and ATP. Antifoam had the effect of decreasing the resistance for glycerol transport out of the cell. The resulting stimulation of glycerol production and inhibition of ethanol production decreased the intracellular ATP content. Finally, intracellular ethanol was found not to accumulate to levels of higher than the extracellular concentration.  相似文献   

The concept of net consumption and/or production rates of fermentation metabolites has been proposed and applied to evaluate the performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown in a multistage chemostat environment under increasing glucose concentrations (increased gravity). Results show that both rates are strongly affected by high glucose doses (osmotic pressure) and that ethanol inhibition has a profound influence on the performance of yeast cells.  相似文献   

Xylose is the main pentose and second most abundant sugar in lignocellulosic feedstocks. To improve xylose utilization, necessary for the cost-effective bioconversion of lignocellulose, several metabolic engineering approaches have been employed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we describe the rational metabolic engineering of a S. cerevisiae strain, including overexpression of the Piromyces xylose isomerase gene (XYLA), Pichia stipitis xylulose kinase (XYL3) and genes of the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). This engineered strain (H131-A3) was used to initialize a three-stage process of evolutionary engineering, through first aerobic and anaerobic sequential batch cultivation followed by growth in a xylose-limited chemostat. The evolved strain H131-A3-ALCS displayed significantly increased anaerobic growth rate (0.203±0.006 h?1) and xylose consumption rate (1.866 g g?1 h?1) along with high ethanol conversion yield (0.41 g/g). These figures exceed by a significant margin any other performance metrics on xylose utilization and ethanol production by S. cerevisiae reported to-date. Further inverse metabolic engineering based on functional complementation suggested that efficient xylose assimilation is attributed, in part, to the elevated expression level of xylose isomerase, which was accomplished through the multiple-copy integration of XYLA in the chromosome of the evolved strain.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether central nitrogen metabolism may influence the triggering of ethanol fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain CEN.PK122 grown in the presence of different N-sources (ammonia, glutamate, or glutamine) under conditions in which the carbon to nitrogen (C : N) ratio was varied. An exhaustive quantitative evaluation of yeast physiology and metabolic behavior through metabolic flux analysis (MFA) was undertaken. It is shown that ethanol fermentation is triggered at dilution rates, D (growth rate), significantly lower (D=0.070 and 0.074 h(-1) for glutamate and glutamine, respectively, and D=0.109 h(-1) for ammonia) under N- than C-limitation (approximately 0.18 h(-1) for all N-sources). A characteristic specific rate of glucose influx, q(Glc), for each N-source at Dc, i.e., just before the onset of respirofermentative metabolism, was determined (approximately 2.0, 1.5, and 2.5, for ammonia, glutamate, and glutamine, respectively). This q(Glc) was independent of the nutritional limitation though dependent on the nature of the N-source. The onset of fermentation occurs when this "threshold q(Glc)" is overcome. The saturation of respiratory activity appears not to be associated with the onset of fermentation since q(O(2)) continued to increase after Dc. It was remarkable that under respirofermentative conditions in C-limited chemostat cultures, the glucose consumed was almost completely fermented with biomass being synthesized from glutamate through gluconeogenesis. The results obtained show that the enzyme activities involved in central nitrogen metabolism do not appear to participate in the control of the overflow in carbon catabolism, which is driven toward ethanol production. The role of nitrogen metabolism in the onset of ethanol fermentation would rather be realized through its involvement in setting the anabolic fluxes directed to nitrogenous macromolecules. It seems that nitrogen-related anabolic fluxes would determine when the threshold glucose consumption rate is achieved after which ethanol fermentation is triggered.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida shehatae were co-immobilized in an agar sheet which was introduced in an original two-chambered bioreactor asymmetrically fed in a batch mode with a mixture of glucose and xylose in a ratio of 35:15. The two sugars were consumed simultaneously. All glucose was fermented but only 20% of xylose. After incubation, yeast cells recovered from different areas of the agar sheet (close to, called Hi, and distant from, called Ho, the substrate chamber) were cultured as suspended cells in fresh culture medium provided with xylose or the sugar mixture. Xylose utilization by gel released Hi yeasts was significantly delayed compared to the Ho culture. Ethanol consumption by Hi yeasts in the two-substrate medium occurred after glucose exhaustion despite the presence of xylose. The waste medium resulting from incubation of the immobilized-cell structure inhibited xylose utilization by C. shehatae. Our results suggested that batch fermentation most probably favoured this incomplete xylose fermentation.  相似文献   

Incubation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with xylose and ethanol for 16 hours leads to a decrease of hexokinase (and glucokinase) activity in the cells. It does not alter the levels of polyphosphate, orthophosphate and ATP. The transport of the glucose derivative 2-deoxy-D-glucose, a sugar that can be phosphorylated, is inhibited after this treatment, whereas transport of 6-deoxy-D-glucose, which has a blocked phosphorylation site, is not inhibited. Even though, both deoxyglucoses use the same transport system. The decrease in initial velocity of 2-deoxy-D-glucose transport is most pronounced under anaerobic conditions. Incubation of the cells with antimycin A, a treatment which has a similar effect as anaerobiosis, shows, that the inhibition of the transport of 2-deoxy-D-glucose is presumably the result of an increase in the Km of the carrier transport. Transport of glucose is probably regulated by kinase enzymes.  相似文献   

The dynamics of galactose metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied by analyzing the metabolic response of the CEN.PK 113-7D wild-type strain when exposed to a galactose pulse during aerobic growth in a galactose-limited steady-state cultivation at a dilution rate of 0.097 h(-1). A fast sampling technique and subsequent methanol-chloroform/solid phase extractions were applied for in vivo measurements of the dynamic changes of the AMP, ADP, ATP levels and the sugar phosphates of the Leloir pathway. The ATP level was found to be significantly lower for yeast growing under galactose limitation (0.37 +/- 0.05 micromol/g CDW) than what has been reported for growth under glucose limitation. The galactose pulse of 5.58 mM was consumed within 40 min (t = 40) and 7 min after the pulse was added cell growth stopped. Subsequently, the cells started to grow and at t = 30 the specific growth rate had recovered to half the steady-state growth rate (0.047 h(-1)). To evaluate the change in flux distribution at steady state and during the galactose transient, a stoichiometric model describing the aerobic metabolism of S. cerevisiae was set up for quantification of the metabolic fluxes. At t = 7 the flux entering the TCA cycle was low and acetate and ethanol started to be excreted to the extracellular medium. During recovery of cell growth the flux entering the TCA cycle increased again, and at t = 30 this flux exceeded the corresponding steady-state flux. During the pulse an enhanced level of Gal-1P was measured, which may be responsible for a toxic metabolic response in S. cerevisiae. The increase in the Gal-1P concentration is intensified by the low affinity of Gal7 towards Gal-1P and, hence, under the physiological conditions examined Gal7 seems to exert control over flux through the Leloir pathway.  相似文献   

Regulation of sugar and ethanol metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This review briefly surveys the literature on the nature, regulation, genetics, and molecular biology of the major energy-yielding pathways in yeasts, with emphasis on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While sugar metabolism has received the lion's share of attention from workers in this field because of its bearing on the production of ethanol and other metabolites, more attention is now being paid to ethanol metabolism and the regulation of aerobic metabolism by fermentable and nonfermentable substrates. The utility of yeast as a highly manipulable organism and the discovery that yeast metabolic pathways are subject to the same types of control as those of higher cells open up many opportunities in such diverse areas as molecular evolution and cancer research.  相似文献   

Xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces strains are needed for commercialization of ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass. Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains expressing XYL1, XYL2 and XYL3 from Pichia stipitis, however, utilize xylose in an oxidative manner, which results in significantly lower ethanol yields from xylose as compared to glucose. As such, we hypothesized that reconfiguration of xylose metabolism from oxidative into fermentative manner might lead to efficient ethanol production from xylose. To this end, we generated a respiration-deficient (RD) mutant in order to enforce engineered S. cerevisiae to utilize xylose only through fermentative metabolic routes. Three different repeated-batch fermentations were performed to characterize characteristics of the respiration-deficient mutant. When fermenting glucose as a sole carbon source, the RD mutant exhibited near theoretical ethanol yields (0.46 g g(-1)) during repeated-batch fermentations by recycling the cells. As the repeated-batch fermentation progressed, the volumetric ethanol productivity increased (from 7.5 to 8.3 g L(-1)h(-1)) because of the increased biomass from previous cultures. On the contrary, the mutant showed decreasing volumetric ethanol productivities during the repeated-batch fermentations using xylose as sole carbon source (from 0.4 to 0.3 g L(-1)h(-1)). The mutant did not grow on xylose and lost fermenting ability gradually, indicating that the RD mutant cannot maintain a good fermenting ability on xylose as a sole carbon source. However, the RD mutant was capable of fermenting a mixture of glucose and xylose with stable yields (0.35 g g(-1)) and productivities (0.52 g L(-1)h(-1)) during the repeated-batch fermentation. In addition, ethanol yields from xylose during the mixed sugar fermentation (0.30 g g(-1)) were higher than ethanol yields from xylose as a sole carbon source (0.21 g g(-1)). These results suggest that a strategy for increasing ethanol yield through respiration-deficiency can be applied for the fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolyzates containing glucose and xylose.  相似文献   

Candida shehatae gene xyl1 and Pichia stipitis gene xyl2, encoding xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XD) respectively, were amplified by PCR. The genes xyl1 and xyl2 were placed under the control of promoter GAL in vector pYES2 to construct the recombinant expression vector pYES2-P12. Subsequently the vector pYES2-P12 was transformed into S. cerevisiae YS58 by LiAc to produce the recombinant yeast YS58-12. The alcoholic ferment indicated that the recombinant yeast YS58-12 could convert xylose to ethanol with the xylose consumption rate of 81.3%. __________ Translated from Microbiology, 2006, 33(3): 104–108 [译自:微生物学通报]  相似文献   

Candida shehatae gene xyll and Pichia stipitis gene xyl2,encoding xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XD) respectively,were amplified by PCR.The genes xyl1 and xyl2 were placed under the control of promoter GAL in vector pYES2 to construct the recombinant expression vector pYES2-PI2.Subsequently the vector pYES2-P12 was transformed into S.cerevisiae YS58 by LiAc to produce the recombinant yeast YS58-12.The alcoholic ferment indicated that the recombinant yeast YS58-12 could convert xylose to ethanol with the xylose consumption rate of 81.3%.  相似文献   

Karyoductants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae V30 and Pichia stipitis CCY 39501 with the ability to ferment D-xylose to ethanol were isolated. The ability of these isolates to assimilate different sugars, ethanol tolerance and ethanol production from D-xylose was investigated. Karyoductants didn't grow on starch, lactose and cellobiose, like S. cerevisiae, but showed good growth on xylose and L-arabinose, like P. stipitis. All isolates fermented xylose to ethanol slower than P. stipitis and with lower yields, 0.09 - 0.16 g/g. They secreted also about 3.4 - 7.1 g/dm3 of xylitol to the culture medium (P. stipitis only 0.06 g/dm3). The karyoductants showed an average tolerance to ethanol when compared with the parent strains and fermented glucose in the presence of 6% alcohol whereas parent strain S. cerevisiae and P. stipitis showed exogenic ethanol tolerance of 9% and 3%, respectively.  相似文献   

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