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Long-term preservation of recalcitrant seeds is very difficult because the physiological basis on their desiccation sensitivity is poorly understood. Survival of Antiaris toxicaria axes rapidly decreased and that of immature maize embryos very slowly decreased with dehydration. To understand their different responses to dehydration, we examined the changes in mitochondria activity during dehydration. Although activities of cytochrome (Cyt) c oxidase and malate dehydrogenase of the A. toxicaria axis and maize embryo mitochondria decreased with dehydration, the parameters of maize embryo mitochondria were much higher than those of A. toxicaria, showing that the damage was more severe for the A. toxicaria axis mitochondria than for those of maize embryo. The state I and III respiration of the A. toxicaria axis mitochondria were higher than those of maize embryo, the former rapidly decreased, and the latter slowly decreased with dehydration. The proportion of Cyt c pathway to state III respiration for the A. toxicaria axis mitochondria was low and rapidly decreased with dehydration, and the proportion of alternative oxidase pathway was high and slightly increased with dehydration. In contrast, the proportion of Cyt c pathway for maize embryo mitochondria was high, and that of alternative oxidase pathway was low. Both pathways decreased slowly with dehydration.  相似文献   

顽拗性种子脱落时具有较高的含水量和代谢活性, 对脱水高度敏感; 但顽拗性种子脱水敏感性的机理至今仍然不清楚。该文以顽拗性黄皮(Clausena lansium)种子为材料, 研究了种子和胚轴对水分丧失的响应, 在脱水过程中胚轴和子叶的呼吸速率, 胚轴和子叶线粒体的细胞色素c氧化酶(CCO)活性、外膜完整性、CCO和交替氧化酶(AOX)途径以及线粒体活性氧清除酶活性的变化。结果表明, 随着水分的丧失, 种子和胚轴的存活率逐渐下降, 种子的脱水敏感性大于胚轴; 胚轴和子叶的呼吸速率以及线粒体外膜的完整性降低。胚轴和子叶线粒体的CCO途径以及胚轴AOX途径的呼吸速率在脱水初期增加, 随着继续脱水下降, 胚轴线粒体AOX途径的呼吸速率则随着脱水显著下降。胚轴线粒体的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)活性和子叶线粒体的APX活性随着脱水迅速下降; 胚轴线粒体的脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)活性和子叶线粒体的SOD、DHAR和GR活性在脱水初期增加, 然后下降。这些数据表明黄皮种子的脱水敏感性与线粒体的呼吸速率和活性氧清除酶的活性降低密切相关, 也与长期适应热带/亚热带的生境有关。  相似文献   

Survival of wampee (Clausena lansium Skeels) axes and maize (Zea mays L.) embryos decreased with rapid and slow dehydration. Damage of wampee axes by rapid dehydration was much less than by slow dehydration, and that was contrary to maize embryos. The malondialdehyde contents of wampee axes and maize embryos rapidly increased with dehydration, those of wampee axes were lower during rapid dehydration than during slow dehydration, and those of maize embryos were higher during rapid dehydration than during slow dehydration. Activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) of wampee axes markedly increased during the early phase of dehydration, and then rapidly decreased, and those of rapidly dehydrated axes were higher than those of slow dehydrated axes when they were dehydrated to low water contents. Activities of SOD and APX of maize embryos notable decreased with dehydration. There were higher SOD activities and lower APX activities of slowly dehydrated maize embryos compared with rapidly dehydrated maize embryos. CAT activities of maize embryos markedly increased during the early phase of dehydration, and then decreased, and those of slowly dehydrated embryos were higher than those of rapidly dehydrated embryos during the late phase of dehydration.  相似文献   

Survival of wampee (Clausena lansium Sksels) axes and maize (Zea mays L.) embryos decreased with rapid and slow dehydration. Damage of wampee axes by rapid dehydration was much less than by slow dehydration, and that was contrary to maize embryos. The malondialdehyde contents of wampee axes and maize embryos rapidly increased with dehydration, those of wampee axes were lower during rapid dehydration than during slow dehydration, and those of maize embryos were higher during rapid dehydration than during slow dehydration. Activities of superoxide dismutsse (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) of wampee axes markedly increased during the sady phase of dehydration, and then rapidly decreased, and those of rapidly dehydrated axes were higher than those of slow dehydrated axes when they were dehydrated to low water contents. Activities of SOD and APX of maize embryos notable decreased with dehydration. There were higher SOD activities and lower APX activities of slowly dehydrated maize embryos compared with rapidly dehydrated maize embryos. CAT activities of maize embryos markedly increased during the eady phase of dehydration, and then decreased, and those of slowly dehydrated embryos were higher than those of rapidly dehydrated embryos during the late phase of dehydration.  相似文献   

The alternative respiration pathway in plants: Role and regulation   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
In the past few years, knowledge of the nature and regulation of the alternative oxidase in plant mitochondria has increased greatly. The protein has been characterized and mechanisms that regulate its activity have been described. The consequences of these regulatory mechanisms are that in vivo the cytochrome pathway and the alternative pathway may compete for electrons. The implications for the interpretation of the 'Bahr and Bonner' inhibitor titrations, formerly used to estimate the partitioning of electrons over the two pathways, are discussed.
It is proposed that activation and engagement of the alternative oxidase may keep Q reduction levels low in order to prevent harmful high levels of free radical production. A model is presented for the regulation of alternative oxidase protein induction, involving a signalling function of active oxygen species.  相似文献   

When Petunia hybrida L. cv. Rosy Morn Fertile suspension cells were inoculated in fresh medium with chloramphenicol (CAP), the activity of cytochrome C oxidase (EC 1. 9. 3. 1), and the respiration via the cytochrome pathway of isolated mitochondria decreased, while in untreated cells these parameters more than doubled in 2–3 days. However, the in vivo respiratory activity of the cytochrome pathway of CAP-treated cells showed a similar course in time as that of untreated cells, even in the presence of an uncoupler, a large rise during the first 2–3 days followed by a decline. This leads to the conclusion that the respiration via the cytochrome pathway, even when measured in the presence of an uncoupler, is not the capacity of this pathway. Furthermore, the results suggest that, although new-synthesis of proteins occurs directly after in-oculation, a large overcapacity must be present of cytochrome pathway elements (at least of those that are mitochondrial encoded). CAP had little effect on the uninhibited respiration and the cyanide-resistant, alternative pathway of the Petunia cells. However, the engagement of the alternative pathway (in the presence or absence of uncoupler) was increased in CAP-treated cells, especially after day 3 of the batch cycle, possibly as an effect of higher sugar degradation in combination with substrate phosphorylation to compensate the loss of ATP-synthesizing ability of the cytochrome pathway. It will be discussed that in general one should be careful using the term 'capacity' for the respiratory pathways.  相似文献   

The steady-state activity of the two quinol-oxidizing pathways of Acanthamoeba castellanii mitochondria, the phosphorylating cytochrome pathway (i.e. the benzohydroxamate(BHAM)-resistant respiration in state 3) and the alternative oxidase (i.e. the KCN-resistant respiration), is shown to be fixed by ubiquinone (Q) pool redox state independently of the reducing substrate (succinate or exogenous reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)), indicating that the active Q pool is homogenous. For both pathways, activity increases with the Q reduction level (up to 80%). However, the cytochrome pathway respiration partially inhibited (about 50%) by myxothiazol decreases when the Q reduction level increases above 80%. The decrease can be explained by the Q cycle mechanism of complex III. It is also shown that BHAM has an influence on the relationship between the rate of ADP phosphorylation and the Q reduction level when alternative oxidase is active, and that KCN has an influence on the relationship between the alternative oxidase activity and the Q reduction level. These unexpected effects of BHAM and KCN observed at a given Q reduction level are likely due to functional connections between the two pathways activities or to protein–protein interaction.  相似文献   

In order to ensure the cooperative function with the photosynthetic system, the mitochondrial respiratory chain needs to flexibly acclimate to a fluctuating light environment. The non-phosphorylating alternative oxidase (AOX) is a notable respiratory component that may support a cellular redox homeostasis under high-light (HL) conditions. Here we report the distinct acclimatory manner of the respiratory chain to long- and short-term HL conditions and the crucial function of AOX in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. Plants grown under HL conditions (HL plants) possessed a larger ubiquinone (UQ) pool and a higher amount of cytochrome c oxidase than plants grown under low light conditions (LL plants). These responses in HL plants may be functional for efficient ATP production and sustain the fast plant growth. When LL plants were exposed to short-term HL stress (sHL), the UQ reduction level was transiently elevated. In the wild-type plant, the UQ pool was re-oxidized concomitantly with an up-regulation of AOX. On the other hand, the UQ reduction level of the AOX-deficient aox1a mutant remained high. Furthermore, the plastoquinone pool was also more reduced in the aox1a mutant under such conditions. These results suggest that AOX plays an important role in rapid acclimation of the respiratory chain to sHL, which may support efficient photosynthetic performance.  相似文献   

Biophysics and Physiology of Temperature Regulation in Thermogenic Flowers   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The flowers or inflorescences of certain primitive seed plants are able to regulate their temperature during blooming by modulating the rate of heat production to remain much warmer than the surroundings. A large drop in ambient temperature causes a smaller drop in flower temperature which causes an increase in the rate of heat production by futile involvement of the cytochrome and alternative oxidase respiratory pathways. The result is that the rate of heat production is inversely related to ambient temperature and flower temperature remains high and relatively independent of ambient temperature. While the biophysics of thermal balance in the whole flowers is better understood, the regulation of the biochemical heat-generating pathways is not known.  相似文献   

The present authors have shown previously that both respiration rates and in vivo activities of the alternative oxidase (AOX) of leaves of Alocasia odora, a shade species, are lower than those in sun species, thereby optimizing energy production under limited light conditions (Noguchi et al., Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 28, 27–35, 2001). In the present study, mitochondria isolated from A. odora leaves were examined in order to investigate the biochemical basis for the differences in respiratory parameters. Alocasia odora and spinach plants were cultivated under both high and low light intensities, mitochondria were isolated from their leaves, and their respiratory properties compared. Mitochondrial content of leaf extracts from the two species was estimated using fumarase activities and antibody detection of porin (the voltage-dependent anion channel of the outer mitochondrial membrane). On a mitochondrial protein basis, spinach leaves showed higher capacities of the cytochrome pathway and cytochrome c oxidase (COX) than A. odora leaves. However, on a mitochondrial protein basis, A. odora showed higher capacities of AOX, which had a high affinity for ubiquinone when activated by pyruvate. Alocasia odora also had larger amounts of mitochondrial protein per leaf dry weight, even under severely shaded conditions, than spinach. Lower growth light intensity led to lower activities of most pathways and proteins tested in both species, especially glycine-dependent oxygen uptake. In the low light environment, most of the AOX protein in A. odora leaves was in its inactive, oxidized dimer form, but was converted to its reduced active form when plants were grown under high light. This shift may prevent over-reduction of the respiratory chain under photo-oxidative conditions.  相似文献   

In this study the question whether the alternative respiratory pathway acts as an electron bypass for the cytochrome pathway under conditions of growth on limited phosphorus in leaves of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and Gliricidia sepium Walp was investigated. The oxygen isotope fractionation technique was used to assess the in vivo activities of the cytochrome and alternative respiratory pathways in the absence of added inhibitors. The response of respiration to low phosphorus supply varied among species. Growth at low phosphorus reduced cytochrome pathway activity in bean and tobacco. Alternative pathway activity increased only in bean leaves in response to low phosphorus and not in tobacco. In the case of G. sepium, cytochrome pathway activity remained unchanged whereas the alternative pathway activity increased with low nutritional phosphorus. At low phosphorus, alternative oxidase protein levels increased in the leaves of bean and G. sepium but not in tobacco, suggesting a dependence of alternative pathway activity on protein level. Alternative pathway activity was also not correlated with soluble carbohydrate concentration in bean or tobacco at any phosphorus level. These results show that the alternative pathway does not always act as an electron bypass in response to the downstream restriction of the cytochrome pathway imposed by low phosphorus supply. These results suggest that factors in addition to cellular carbohydrate level and adenylate control can act to regulate alternative pathway activity.  相似文献   

Orobanche cernua, a holoparasite, was harvested from different hosts, namely, Solanum melongena, Petunia hybrida, Lycopersicum esculentum, Solanum nigrum and Datura metel. Mitochondrial particles were isolated and they were evaluated in terms of the marker enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase, and protein in the mitochondrial fraction. Protein levels in whole homogenate and mitochondrial fraction of parasite growing on different host plants did not vary significantly, whereas the recovery of protein (% of whole homogenate) in the mitochondrial fraction of parasite growing on D. metel was higher. Cytochrome c oxidase activity in parasites growing on the three host plants varied, being highest when the parasite grew on S. melongena, followed sequentially by that on P. hybrida and D. metel. Protein in whole homogenate and mitochondrial fraction was significantly lower, 25–36% and 15–33%, respectively, in distal region when compared with the proximal region. Similarly, cytochrome oxidase and respiratory activity was significantly lower, 23–34% and 18–23%, respectively, in the distal region of the parasite. In addition, variations in cytochrome oxidase and respiratory activity in the proximal and distal regions of the parasite growing on different hosts was also significant. Results indicated that mitochondria in haustoria‐bearing proximal region of Orobanche scape play a special role to meet the metabolic demand of the parasite.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of respiration rates and their acclimation to growth temperature vary among species/ecotypes, but the details remain unclear. Here, we compared the temperature dependence of shoot O2 consumption rates among Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes to clarify how the temperature dependence and their acclimation to temperature differ among ecotypes, and how these differences relate to shoot growth. We examined growth analysis, temperature dependence of O2 consumption rates, and protein amounts of the respiratory chain components in shoots of twelve ecotypes of A. thaliana grown at three different temperatures. The temperature dependence of the O2 consumption rates were fitted to the modified Arrhenius model. The dynamic response of activation energy to measurement temperature was different among growth temperatures, suggesting that the plasticity of respiratory flux to temperatures differs among growth temperatures. The similar values of activation energy at growth temperature among ecotypes suggest that a similar process may determine the O2 consumption rates at the growth temperature in any ecotype. These results suggest that the growth temperature affects not only the absolute rate of O2 consumption but also the plasticity of respiratory flux in response to temperature, supporting the acclimation of shoot growth to various temperatures.  相似文献   

The respiratory chain of mitochondria and bacteria is made up of a set of membrane‐associated enzyme complexes which catalyse sequential, stepwise transfer of reducing equivalents from substrates to oxygen and convert redox energy into a transmembrane protonmotive force (PMF) by proton translocation from a negative (N) to a positive (P) aqueous phase separated by the coupling membrane. There are three basic mechanisms by which a membrane‐associated redox enzyme can generate a PMF. These are membrane anisotropic arrangement of the primary redox catalysis with: (i) vectorial electron transfer by redox metal centres from the P to the N side of the membrane; (ii) hydrogen transfer by movement of quinones across the membrane, from a reduction site at the N side to an oxidation site at the P side; (iii) a different type of mechanism based on co‐operative allosteric linkage between electron transfer at the metal redox centres and transmembrane electrogenic proton translocation by apoproteins. The results of advanced experimental and theoretical analyses and in particular X‐ray crystallography show that these three mechanisms contribute differently to the protonmotive activity of cytochrome c oxidase, ubiquinone‐cytochrome c oxidoreductase and NADH‐ubiquinone oxidoreductase of the respiratory chain. This review considers the main features, recent experimental advances and still unresolved problems in the molecular/atomic mechanism of coupling between the transfer of reducing equivalents and proton translocation in these three protonmotive redox complexes.  相似文献   

The facultative piezophile Shewanella violacea DSS12 is known to have respiratory components that alter under the influence of hydrostatic pressure during growth, suggesting that its respiratory system is adapted to high pressure. We analyzed the expression of the genes encoding terminal oxidases and some respiratory components of DSS12 under various growth conditions. The expression of some of the genes during growth was regulated by both the O2 concentration and hydrostatic pressure. Additionally, the activities of cytochrome c oxidase and quinol oxidase of the membrane fraction of DSS12 grown under various conditions were measured under high pressure. The piezotolerance of cytochrome c oxidase activity was dependent on the O2 concentration during growth, while that of quinol oxidase was influenced by pressure during growth. The activity of quinol oxidase was more piezotolerant than that of cytochrome c oxidase under all growth conditions. Even in the membranes of the non-piezophile Shewanella amazonensis, quinol oxidase was more piezotolerant than cytochrome c oxidase, although both were highly piezosensitive as compared to the activities in DSS12. By phylogenetic analysis, piezophile-specific cytochrome c oxidase, which is also found in the genome of DSS12, was identified in piezophilic Shewanella and related genera. Our observations suggest that DSS12 constitutively expresses piezotolerant respiratory terminal oxidases, and that lower O2 concentrations and higher hydrostatic pressures induce higher piezotolerance in both types of terminal oxidases. Quinol oxidase might be the dominant terminal oxidase in high-pressure environments, while cytochrome c oxidase might also contribute. These features should contribute to adaptation of DSS12 in deep-sea environments.  相似文献   

Mitochondria decay with age from oxidative damage and loss of protective mechanisms. Resistance, repair, and replacement mechanisms are essential for mitochondrial preservation and maintenance. Iron plays an essential role in the maintenance of mitochondria, through its two major functional forms: heme and iron-sulfur clusters. Both iron-based cofactors are formed and utilized in the mitochondria and then distributed throughout the cell. This is an important function of mitochondria that is not directly related to the production of ATP. Heme and iron-sulfur clusters are important for the normal assembly and for the optimal activity of the electron transfer complexes. Loss of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV), integrity of mtDNA, and function can result from abnormal homeostasis of iron. We review the physiological role of iron-sulfur clusters and heme in the integrity of the mitochondria and the generation of oxidants.  相似文献   

The patterns of cellular metabolites related to redox status and sucrose biosynthesis in mesophyll protoplasts of pea (Pisum sativum L.) were examined in the absence or presence of oligomycin (inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation) or antimycin A (inhibitor of cytochrome pathway) or salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) (inhibitor of alternative pathway). The increase on illumination in the rate of photosynthesis or cellular metabolites was more at optimal CO2 (1.0 mM NaHCO3) compared to that at limiting CO2 (0.1 mM NaHCO3). Furthermore, the inhibition of photosynthesis in presence of mitochondrial inhibitors was more pronounced at optimal CO2 than that at limiting CO2. There was a marked increase in steady-state levels of triose-P/PGA (phosphoglyceric acid) and glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) in the presence of oligomycin and antimycin A. In contrast, SHAM caused a marked increase in malate/OAA (oxaloacetate). We suggest that dissipation of excess redox equivalents generated in photosynthesis occurs through both cytochrome and alternative pathways, while sucrose biosynthesis is backed up by cytochrome pathway alone. Thus, mitochondrial respiration (through both cytochrome and alternative pathways of mitochondrial electron transport) optimizes chloroplast photosynthesis by modulating cellular metabolites related to both intracellular redox state and sucrose biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Oxygen plays a dual role in affecting the rate of respiration of avocado fruit ( Persea americana Mill, cv. Hass). The respiration rate v. oxygen concentration curve for steady state avocado fruit respiration is biphasic. The curve becomes monophasic, however, when measured under conditions of rapidly changing oxygen concentration in a closed circulating system. The results are interpreted as indicating that oxygen at relatively high concentrations modulates respiration independent of its interaction with the terminal oxidase—presumably cytochrome oxidase.
A computer model is presented which takes into account the effect of diffusion barriers on the kinetics of oxygen utilization as a function of concentration in avocado fruit. The model is used to make predictions concerning the apparent K m of the terminal oxidase or oxidases in avocado fruit. It is concluded that the apparent K m of the terminal oxidase of uninhibited avocado fruit is that of cytochrome oxidase, and that the alternative, cyanide-resistant oxidase of avocado fruit does not contribute appreciably to the uninhibited respiration of preclimacteric or climacteric avocado fruit.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in C3–C4 intermediates reduces carbon loss by photorespiration through refixing photorespired CO2 within bundle sheath cells. This is beneficial under warm temperatures where rates of photorespiration are high; however, it is unknown how photosynthesis in C3–C4 plants acclimates to growth under cold conditions. Therefore, the cold tolerance of the C3–C4 Salsola divaricata was tested to determine whether it reverts to C3 photosynthesis when grown under low temperatures. Plants were grown under cold (15/10 °C), moderate (25/18 °C) or hot (35/25 °C) day/night temperatures and analysed to determine how photosynthesis, respiration and C3–C4 features acclimate to these growth conditions. The CO2 compensation point and net rates of CO2 assimilation in cold‐grown plants changed dramatically when measured in response to temperature. However, this was not due to the loss of C3–C4 intermediacy, but rather to a large increase in mitochondrial respiration supported primarily by the non‐phosphorylating alternative oxidative pathway (AOP) and, to a lesser degree, the cytochrome oxidative pathway (COP). The increase in respiration and AOP capacity in cold‐grown plants likely protects against reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mitochondria and photodamage in chloroplasts by consuming excess reductant via the alternative mitochondrial respiratory electron transport chain.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Diphenylamine was shown to be a potent inhibitor of cyanide insensitive respiration in both bloodstream and newly established culture forms of the same isolate of Trypanosoma brucei, with the L-α-glycerophosphate oxidase system having the greatest sensitivity to the inhibitor. The NADH oxidase activity of bloodstream forms was at least twice as sensitive to diphenylamine as the corresponding activity in culture forms, suggesting different routes of NADH oxidation in the 2 forms. The oxidation of L-α-glycerophosphate was inhibited to a similar degree in both culture and bloodstream forms. L-α-glycerophosphate oxidation in bloodstream forms differed from that found in culture forms in that the bloodstream system, unlike that in the culture form, was unable to donate electrons to cytochrome c. In culture form trypanosomes there was a distinct difference in the degree of diphenylamine inhibition on the oxidation of L-α-glycerophosphate, NADH, and succinate, suggesting the participation of separate flavoproteins in the oxidation of these substrates.  相似文献   

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