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Ito  Yu  Tanaka  Norio  Barfod  Anders S.  Bogner  Josef  Li  Jie  Yano  Okihito  Gale  Stephan W. 《Journal of plant research》2019,132(3):335-344
Journal of Plant Research - Ottelia, a pantropical genus of aquatic plants belonging to the family Hydrocharitaceae, includes several narrowly distributed taxa in Asia. Although the Asian species...  相似文献   

Life history and reproductive traits of a submerged aquatic weed, Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers., were studied in irrigation ponds in southwestern Japan. In addition, growth and seed production were investigated in relation to nutrient condition and water depth. The size of plants was very variable but reproductive allocation was nearly constant irrespective of the plant size at reproductive stage, amounting to more than 30% at maximum. Bagging experiments confirmed autogamy of the species. Ottelia alismoides grew best in nutrient-rich water with mud substratum. The optimal water depth for the growth of the species was approximately 50 cm compared with 20 and 90 cm. However, the reproductive allocation and seed set rate did not change much in different nutrient and water depth conditions. The seeds were produced by cleistogamous flowers in a depth of 90 cm. Morphological and ecological plasticity revealed in the present study was considered to be adapted to unstable environments such as rice fields and irrigation ponds liable to water-level fluctuation. The conditions required for the restoration of the populations of O. alismoides are discussed based on the present results.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - Revealing cryptic diversity is of great importance for effective conservation and understanding macroevolution and ecology of plants. Ottelia, a typical example of...  相似文献   

Many carbon-fixing organisms have evolved CO2 concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) to enhance the delivery of CO2 to RuBisCO, while minimizing reactions with the competitive inhibitor, molecular O2. These distinct types of CCMs have been extensively studied using genetics, biochemistry, cell imaging, mass spectrometry, and metabolic flux analysis. Highlighted in this paper, the cyanobacterial CCM features a bacterial microcompartment (BMC) called ‘carboxysome’ in which RuBisCO is co-encapsulated with the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) within a semi-permeable protein shell. The cyanobacterial CCM is capable of increasing CO2 around RuBisCO, leading to one of the most efficient processes known for fixing ambient CO2. The carboxysome life cycle is dynamic and creates a unique subcellular environment that promotes activity of the Calvin–Benson (CB) cycle. The carboxysome may function within a larger cellular metabolon, physical association of functionally coupled proteins, to enhance metabolite channelling and carbon flux. In light of CCMs, synthetic biology approaches have been used to improve enzyme complex for CO2 fixations. Research on CCM-associated metabolons has also inspired biologists to engineer multi-step pathways by providing anchoring points for enzyme cascades to channel intermediate metabolites towards valuable products.  相似文献   

This review presents an overview of the two ways that cyanobacteria, algae, and plants have adapted to high O2 and low CO2 concentrations in the environment. First, the process of photorespiration enables photosynthetic organisms to recycle phosphoglycolate formed by the oxygenase reaction catalyzed by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Second, there are a number of carbon concentrating mechanisms that increase the CO2 concentration around Rubisco which increases the carboxylase reaction enhancing CO2 fixation. This review also presents possibilities for the beneficial modification of these processes with the goal of improving future crop yields.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria, algae, aquatic angiosperms and higher plants have all developed their own unique versions of photosynthetic CO2 concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) to aid Rubisco in efficient CO2 capture. An important aspect of all CCMs is the critical roles that the specialised location and function that various carbonic anhydrase enzymes play in the overall process, participating the interconversion of CO2 and HCO3 species both inside and outside the cell. This review examines what we currently understand about the nature of the carbonic anhydrase enzymes, their localisation and roles in the various CCMs that have been studied in detail. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Two morphotypes of Myliobatis from the demersal fishery off the Rio Grande (Brazil) were studied.
  • 2.2. Thirty-two alleles were detected and resolved by 27 loci.
  • 3.3. Nei's measure of genetic identity was 0.8306 and Thorpe's similarity was 0.6990. Mean heterozygosities observed were 0.1327 for the “DE” morphotype and 0.0409 for the “DL” morphotype.
  • 4.4. Seven loci were fixed differently in the two taxa studied. This indicates the existence of a barrier to gene-flow between them, showing that both morphotypes belong to different species.
  • 5.5. Jaccard's measure of similarity was calculated and a phenogram with the two morphotypes and M. freminvillii was constructed using isoelectric focusing of total soluble proteins. This showed a higher similarity between the two morphotypes of Myliobatis than M. freminvillii.


The results of various types of manual and free pollination are reported in Helleborus bocconei and Helleborus foetidus, two sympatric species of the understorey of submediterranean woods that flower in January–March and are pollinated by bumble-bees of the genus Bombus. Both species were found to be partially self-compatible even if at different rates; geitonogamy seems to be more frequent in H. foetidus and spontaneous self-pollination does not usually occur for morphological reasons, and the species are not apomictic. Efficiency in seed production after free pollination was very high indicating that in spite of harsh climatic condition, there were no limitations imposed by pollen or pollinators.  相似文献   

The polytene chromosomes of two new species of Drosophila, D. sechellia and D. orena, both members of the melanogaster species subgroup, are described. The chromosomes of D. sechellia, a species endemic to certain islands in the Seychelles, are homosequential with those of D. simulans and D. mauritiana. The chromosomes of D. orena, a species from the mountains of west Africa, are very similar to those of D. erecta. We discuss the interrelationships of the eight known species of the melanogaster species subgroup, based upon an analysis of their chromosome banding patterns.  相似文献   

Five members of the melanogaster species subgroup of the subgenus Sophophora have been studied cytologically, their mitotic chromosomes analysed after Giemsa, C-banding and quinacrine staining. In all five species (D. yakuba, D. teissieri, D. erecta, D. orena and D. mauritiana) n=4 and all of the species except D. orena have a typical melanogaster like mitotic karyotype though there are clear differences between species in the distribution of both C+ and Q+ material. D. orena has large metacentric X and Y chromosomes due to the accumulation of intensively fluorescing material on these elements with respect to their homologues in melanogaster. This extra heterochromatin of D. orena correlates with a very high proportion of satellite DNA in its nuclear genome (S. Barnes, unpublished). The polytene chromosomes of these species were studied after quinacrine staining and Q+ material found to be restricted to the polytene fourth chromosomes, with the exception of D. orena which possesses considerable Q+ material in its chromocentre. These findings are discussed in the light of other studies of karyotype evolution in the genus Drosophila.  相似文献   

1. Examination of two zooplankton species predominating in fish ponds, Daphnia magna and Chironomus larvae, revealed the presence of α- and β-carotene, echinenone, canthaxanthin and 3-hydroxy-4-oxo-β-carotene in Daphnia, and β-carotene and cryptoxanthin ester in Chironomus. No specific provitamins A2 (containing a 3,4-dehydro-β-ionone ring) were detected. 2. Guppies (Lebistes reticulatus) and platies (Xiphophorus variatus) were found to form vitamin A from β-carotene and from its oxygen-containing derivatives isozeaxanthin, canthaxanthin and astaxanthin. Slight conversion into vitamin A2 seemed to occur simultaneously. 3,4-Dehydro-3′-hydroxy-β-carotene formed little vitamin A, and the latter was mainly of the A2 type. Lutein was devoid of provitamin A properties. 3. In addition to vitamin A, β-carotene was detected in fish receiving the 4-oxo- and 4-hydroxy-carotenoids. A reaction scheme for the conversion of carotenoids into retinal and and 3,4-dehydroretinal is presented. 4. It is concluded that natural 4-oxo derivatives of β-carotene may play a significant role as vitamin A precursors for fish.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria have evolved an extremely effective single-cell CO(2) concentrating mechanism (CCM). Recent molecular, biochemical and physiological studies have significantly extended current knowledge about the genes and protein components of this system and how they operate to elevate CO(2) around Rubisco during photosynthesis. The CCM components include at least four modes of active inorganic carbon uptake, including two bicarbonate transporters and two CO(2) uptake systems associated with the operation of specialized NDH-1 complexes. All these uptake systems serve to accumulate HCO(3)(-) in the cytosol of the cell, which is subsequently used by the Rubisco-containing carboxysome protein micro-compartment within the cell to elevate CO(2) around Rubisco. A specialized carbonic anhydrase is also generally present in this compartment. The recent availability of at least nine cyanobacterial genomes has made it possible to begin to undertake comparative genomics of the CCM in cyanobacteria. Analyses have revealed a number of surprising findings. Firstly, cyanobacteria have evolved two types of carboxysomes, correlated with the form of Rubisco present (Form 1A and 1B). Secondly, the two HCO(3)(-) and CO(2) transport systems are distributed variably, with some cyanobacteria (Prochlorococcus marinus species) appearing to lack CO(2) uptake systems entirely. Finally, there are multiple carbonic anhydrases in many cyanobacteria, but, surprisingly, several cyanobacterial genomes appear to lack any identifiable CA genes. A pathway for the evolution of CCM components is suggested.  相似文献   

Twenty‐six microsatellites were isolated and characterized from an AAG‐enriched genomic library of Vallisneria spinulosa, a dominant submerged macrophyte in the middle‐lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Microsatellite polymorphism was evaluated in a random population and 11 microsatellite loci were found polymorphic with 2–18 alleles per locus and observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.281 to 1.000. These polymorphic markers were expected to be valuable for population genetic and demographic analyses of V. spinulosa.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of muriquis, the largest extant primates in the New World, is controversial. While some specialists argue for a monotypic genus (Brachyteles arachnoides), others favor a two‐species classification, splitting northern muriquis (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) from southern muriquis (B. arachnoides). This uncertainty affects how we study the differences between these highly endangered and charismatic primates, as well as the design of more effective conservation programs. To address this issue, between 2003 and 2017 we collected over 230 muriqui fecal samples across the genus’ distribution in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, extracted DNA from these samples, and sequenced 423 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. Phylogenetic and species delimitation analyses of our sequence dataset robustly support two reciprocally monophyletic groups corresponding to northern and southern muriquis separated by an average 12.7% genetic distance. The phylogeographic break between these lineages seems to be associated with the Paraíba do Sul River and coincides with the transition between the north and south Atlantic Forest biogeographic zones. Published divergence estimates from whole mitochondrial genomes and nuclear loci date the split between northern and southern muriquis to the Early Pleistocene (ca. 2.0 mya), and our new mtDNA dataset places the coalescence time for each of these two clades near the last interglacial (ca. 120–80 kya). Our results, together with both phenotypic and ecological differences, support recognizing northern and southern muriquis as sister species that should be managed as distinct evolutionarily significant units. Given that only a few thousand muriquis remain in nature, it is imperative that conservation strategies are tailored to protect both species from extinction.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic distances and taxonomic status among species of Helobdella, a genus of non-blood-feeding leeches, based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences. Sampling included 20 specimens representing nine nominal species collected in 11 states in Mexico as well as previously published sequences of different species of Helobdella from several places. A neighbor-joining tree, as well as identification of diagnostic nucleotides, was used to suggest the presence of seven species of Helobdella in Mexico including potentially two undescribed forms.  相似文献   

Summary A new pennellid genus,Exopenna, is established on the basis of two specimens of a new species,E. crimmeni, recovered from a deep-sea cod,Antimora, caught in the North East Atlantic. It is ectoparasitic and is diagnosed by the combination of a straight body, tightly coiled egg sacs and flattened, plate-like antennary processes. Another new species,Peniculus elongatus, is described from Australian waters and new records ofP. fistula andLernaeenicus ramosus further increase the known pennellid fauna of that region. A preliminary analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of the pennellid genera is undertaken and a partially resolved cladogram produced which identifies the main generic groupings. ac]19850522  相似文献   

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