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多肽及蛋白质的插膜机制是目前分子生物学、细胞生物学研究中十分活跃的领域之一。本文通过荧光、圆二色等波谱学技术,深入地探讨了处于不同构象状态的毒素蛋白分子与磷脂膜作用后的构象变化。结果表明:带负电荷的磷脂膜对处于不同构象状态的ColicinE1分子的二级结构有较强的诱导作用;这种作用是电荷依赖性的。处于不同构象状态的毒素蛋白分子在磷脂膜的诱导下均可不同程度恢复其天然状态下插膜时的构象。不同磷脂对ColicinE1分子诱导的强弱依次为DMPG>DMPE>DMPC。ColicinE1分子与磷脂膜的结合是紧密的,结合后的蛋白质有较强的抗变性能力。  相似文献   

本文研究了不同磷脂对兔肾外髓质(Na~++K~+)-ATP酶活性的影响、结果表明,DOPC、PG重组活性最高,用DMPC重组导致酶失活,酸性磷脂有利于维持该酶活性.DSC及自旋标记ESR实验结果示出(Na~++K~+)-ATP酶有选择地与酸性磷脂相互作用.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌的维生素B12转运蛋白(BtuCD)属于ATP结合盒转运蛋白,目前对BtuCD转运底物进入胞质内的确切机制仍不清楚.本研究将BtuCD的跨膜结构域BtuC插入棕榈酰油酸磷脂酰胆碱(POPC)双层膜中,通过MD模拟来研究BtuC的功能性运动.通过超过57ns的MD模拟得到了稳定的蛋白质-脂双层膜体系.模拟结果发现,POPC双层膜能够调整其厚度以适应其中的BtuC.反映脂双层膜性质的两个参数,即每个脂分子的面积和脂双层膜厚度,均与实验测得数据吻合.通过对从MD模拟提取的轨迹进行主成分分析(PCA),使得能从原子水平上了解BtuC的几种主要运动模式.结果表明,尽管BtuC的几种主要运动模式各不相同,却都实现了跨膜通道维度的改变,控制通道开121的打开和闭合.这些BtuC运动模式和与其相互作用的BtuF和BtuD的功能性运动很好的偶合.BtuC的运动主要体现在周质一侧的区域,控制跨膜通道在该侧开口的大小.MD模拟过程中,这一侧开口可以比晶体结构反映的“开放”状态更开放.在胞质一侧,并未观察到通道开口的明显变化.意外的是,尽管BtuC两个结构域具有相同的序列和类似的高级结构,但它们在运动上却有明显差异.这些结果有助于在原子水平上理解底物的转运机制.  相似文献   

目的 壳聚糖(chitosan,CS)是一种天然的广谱抗菌活性物质。现有研究表明,壳聚糖与细菌细胞膜的相互作用是其发挥抗菌功能的关键。受限于传统实验技术的表征能力,壳聚糖与细菌细胞膜相互作用的具体机制仍有待研究。本文旨在研究壳聚糖与细菌细胞膜相互作用的分子机制。方法 本研究利用全原子分子动力学模拟技术主要探究了完全脱乙酰化的不同聚合度壳聚糖(八聚糖、十二聚糖和十六聚糖)与革兰氏阴性菌外膜(outer membrane,OM)和革兰氏阳性菌质膜(cytoplasmic membrane,CM)相互作用的动态过程。结果 壳聚糖主要依靠其氨基、碳6位羟基和碳3位羟基与OM和CM的头部极性区发生快速结合。随后壳聚糖末端糖基单元倾向于插入OM内部,深度约1 nm,并与脂质分子脂肪酸链上的羰基形成稳定的氢键相互作用。与之相比,壳聚糖分子难以稳定地插入CM内部。壳聚糖结合对膜结构性质产生影响,主要表现在降低OM和CM的单分子脂质面积,显著减少OM和CM极性区的Ca2+和Na+数目,破坏阳离子介导的脂质间相互作用。结论 本研究证明,壳聚糖带正电的氨基基团是介导其与膜相互作用的关键,并破环脂质间的相互作...  相似文献   

采用GROMOS43A1力场,用温度副本交换分子动力学模拟方法研究水溶液中H1小肽在4个不同温度下的结构特征.选择H1小肽的初始构象分别为α螺旋和β折叠片,完成了两组独立的36个温度副本交换的分子动力学模拟,一组从α螺旋出发的模拟用来对该小肽的结构特征进行研究,另一组从β折叠片出发的模拟用于验证构象采样的收敛性,每个副本的模拟时间为300ns,共计模拟时间长达21.6μs.在此基础上,研究了H1小肽在温度300K、330K、350K和370K下的结构特征,分析了其主链二面角分布、天然氢键数、β转角的形成概率以及不同温度下偏好采样构象的变化特征等.模拟结果表明,在4个不同温度下,均能够采样到同β折叠片结构的Cα原子均方根偏差最小为0.05nm的构象类,该构象类在4个不同温度300K、330K、350K和370K下分别包含了全部构象的39%、23%、13%和11%.GROMOS43A1力场在刻画小肽的结构方面具有一定的精度,但是在描述氢键方面仍需要加强,H1小肽在不同温度下结构特征的比较能够为分子力场的优化提供重要的帮助.  相似文献   

目的:对人乳头瘤病毒HPV16,18中E6蛋白结构进行分子模拟和分析,寻找可以作为蛋白-配体相互作用的关键结构区域。方法:以HPV16 E6蛋白为模板,对HPV18 E6蛋白进行同源建模,对构建的HPV18 E6模型以及晶体结构模型HPV16 E6进行分子动力学模拟,通过微观上的loop环分析和宏观上的整体运动分析研究了HPV18 E6与HPV16 E6在溶剂环境下结构变化的异同。结果:发现靠近N端loop环在蛋白-配体结合过程中能介导控制配体、水、离子进出的"门控"的作用,解释了两个蛋白在水溶剂中的运动构象的变化。结论:本研究解释了HPV16 E6与HPV18 E6两个蛋白在溶剂中的运动机制,并发现了loop环在其中扮演"门控"的作用,解释了两个蛋白在水溶剂中的运动构象的变化,该发现能够为基于两个蛋白为靶点的药物设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

病毒通过自身蛋白与宿主蛋白间的相互作用,营造一种适合于其转化、增殖的体内环境,从而引起一系列疾病的过程。人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)与某些肿瘤发病关系密切,分子机制研究表明,其表达的早期蛋白E6是HPV参与细胞恶性转化的主要蛋白。含有PDZ结构域的蛋白质是细胞内广泛存在的一类蛋白质。本文综述了人乳头瘤病毒的E6蛋白和宿主细胞的PDZ蛋白间的相互作用,讨论了这种作用引发的细胞内生化生理改变及其应用前景。  相似文献   

分子伴侣蛋白Hsp70氮端核苷酸结合域(NBD, nucleotide-binding domain)的ATP酶活性变化对其行使分子伴侣功能具有重要作用。本文采用分子动力学模拟方法研究酵母分子伴侣Hsp70氮端NBD内残基A17,R23,G32和R167点突变对其ATP酶活性区域构象影响及功能关系。结果表明,突变体A17V,T23H,G32S的ATP结合口袋袋口的loopl(第一个转角,连接p1与p2)结构柔性增强,活性残基T11侧链明显向内移动,从而更加接近ATP的γ-磷酸基团,更容易使ATP水解。这可能蕞终导致ATP酶活性增强,从而引起分子伴侣功能的变化。  相似文献   

本文采用分子模拟技术预测CD47抗体的抗原结合表位及氨基酸残基理化性质,为下一步的抗体结构优化提供参考.使用Discovery Studio对CD47抗体C47B222、C47B161、B6H12.2进行同源建模,并对其结构合理性进行评估与分析.使用GROMACS进行分子动力学模拟,深入分析抗体结构的稳定性以及抗体互补...  相似文献   

大肠杆菌分子伴侣蛋白Dna K氮端核苷酸结合域(NBD,nucleotide-binding domain)的II-A和II-B子域之间的一些高度保守的扭链残基突变后(I202A,S203A,G223A,L227A,G228A),其ATPase活性也发生变化原因不清楚。我们通过同源建模的方法构建NBD与小分子ATP相互作用的各蛋白模型,使用分子动力学模拟方法研各模型的结构变化并尝试找出其与ATPase活性变化的关系。结果表明,除L227A外,所有突变模型T11烃基与ATP-γ磷酸基团间的距离与活性变化间具有明显规律;但是所有模型中,能影响与Dna J结合,从而影响ATPase活性的β220(214-221)部分的紧致性变化符合规律,进一步的蛋白对接实验证实了这一点,所以这些扭链残基突变体可能主要是通过这两个部分的变化,引起ATPase活性的改变。  相似文献   


Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is the principal neuroregulator of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion. Previous experiments have demonstrated that CRF binds avidly to the surface of single egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles and its amphiphilic secondary structure might play an important role in the function. In this study, the interaction of the residues 13–41 in human CRF with the surface of a DOPC bilayer was investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in order to understand the role of the membrane surface in the formation of the amphiphilic α helix as well as to determine the effects of the peptide on the lipid bilayer. The model used included 60 DOPC molecules, 1 helical peptide (CRF13–41) on the bilayer surface, and explicit waters of solvation in the lipid polar head group regions, together with constant-volume periodic boundary conditions in three dimensions. The MD simulation was carried out for 510 ps. In addition, CRF13–41, initially in a helical form, was simulated in vacuo as a control. The results indicate that while it was completely unstable in vacuo, the peptide helical form was generally maintained on the bilayer surface, but with distortions near the terminal ends. The peptide was confined to the bilayer headgroup/water region, similar to that reported from neutron diffraction measurement of tripeptides bound to the phosphatidylcholine bilayer surface (Ref 1). The amphiphilicity of the peptide matched that of the bilayer headgroup environment, with the hydrophilic side oriented toward water and the hydrophobic side making contact with the bilayer hydrocarbon core. These results support the hypothesis that the amphiphilic environment of a membrane surface is important in the induction of peptide amphiphilic α-helical secondary structure. Two major effects of the peptide on the lipids were found: the first CH2 segment in the lipid chains was significantly disordered and the lipid headgroup distribution was broadened towards the water region.  相似文献   


The structure and dynamics of phosphatidylcholine bilayers are examined by reviewing the results of several nanoseconds of molecular dynamics simulations on a number of bilayer and monolayer models. The lengths of these simulations, the longest single one of which was 2 nanoseconds, were sufficiently long to effectively sample many of the longer-scale motions governing the behaviour of biomembranes. These simulations reproduce many experimental observables well and provide a degree of resolution currently unavailable experimentally.  相似文献   

The gonadotropin known as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) plays a key role in regulating reproductive processes. Physiologically active FSH is a glycoprotein that can accommodate glycans on up to four asparagine residues, including two sites in the FSHα subunit that are critical for biochemical function, plus two sites in the β subunit, whose differential glycosylation states appear to correspond to physiologically distinct functions. Some degree of FSHβ hypo-glycosylation seems to confer advantages toward reproductive fertility of child-bearing females. In order to identify possible mechanistic underpinnings for this physiological difference we have pursued computationally intensive molecular dynamics simulations on complexes between the high affinity site of the gonadal FSH receptor (FSHR) and several FSH glycoforms including fully-glycosylated (FSH24), hypo-glycosylated (e.g., FSH15), and completely deglycosylated FSH (dgFSH). These simulations suggest that deviations in FSH/FSHR binding profile as a function of glycosylation state are modest when FSH is adorned with only small glycans, such as single N-acetylglucosamine residues. However, substantial qualitative differences emerge between FSH15 and FSH24 when FSH is decorated with a much larger, tetra-antennary glycan. Specifically, the FSHR complex with hypo-glycosylated FSH15 is observed to undergo a significant conformational shift after 5–10 ns of simulation, indicating that FSH15 has greater conformational flexibility than FSH24 which may explain the more favorable FSH15 kinetic profile. FSH15 also exhibits a stronger binding free energy, due in large part to formation of closer and more persistent salt-bridges with FSHR.  相似文献   

Steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulations were employed to investigate the extraction step of the lipid head group cleavage reaction by human synovial phospholipase A2 (PLA2) by pulling a lipid molecule from a monolayer of dilauroyl-phosphatidyl-ethanolamin lipids into the active site of PLA2 and into the aqueous phase. The results of the simulations were compared to draw inferences about the forces that stabilize the lipids in the membrane and to understand the mechanism of lipid extraction by PLA2.  相似文献   


We report preliminary molecular dynamics simulations results for platinum atoms confined between two parallel graphite surfaces. The system shows phase transition characteristics corresponding to a second order transition. Significant structural changes are also observed in the range of temperature studied. We have also investigated the effects of two dfferent Pt-wall interaction potentials: the 9-3 form suggested by Crowell and the 10-4 form originally proposed by Steele. The results show that the two systems have rather different structural characteristics but similar thermodynamic behavior.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics computer simulations of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine and palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayers were carried out to investigate the distribution of PCP and the effects of PCP on the phospholipid bilayer structure. Starting from two extreme starting structures, including PCP molecules outside the lipid bilayer, the PCP distribution converges in simulations of up to 50 ns. PCP preferentially occupies the region between the carbonyl groups and the double bonds in the acyl chains of the lipid molecules in the bilayer. In the presence of PCP, the lipid chain order increases somewhat in both chains, and the average tilt angle of the lipid chains decreases. The increase in the lipid chain order in the presence of PCP was more pronounced in the palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer compared to the palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine bilayer. The number of trans conformations of lipid chain dihedrals does not change significantly. PCP aligns parallel to the alkyl chains of the lipid to optimize the packing in the dense ordered chain region of the bilayer. The hydroxyl group of PCP forms hydrogen bonds with both water and lipid oxygen atoms in the water/lipid interface region.  相似文献   

The Rose tissue culture chamber has been divided into 2 compartments by using half-thickness gaskets with an interposed Nuclepore (General Electric Co.) filter. This permits study of the interaction of 2 different cell populations on each side of the membrane. Radioiodinated serum albumin concentration studies demonstrate rapid distribution of labelled protein across the membrane while its pore size of 0.5 μ or 0.8 μ prevents migration of the cells themselves. Equilibrium between plain medium and radioactive medium was established in 7-9 hr.  相似文献   

生物大分子的微观结构动力学决定其生物学功能,其力学-化学耦合规律是分子生物力学的重点关注方向。分子动力学模拟是耦合生物大分子力学-化学性质微观结构动力学基础的有效手段,其结果可用于预测结构-功能关系、指导实验设计和诠释实验结果。本文简要介绍了分子动力学模拟的方法学特点、基本工作原理及其在分子生物力学中的应用,并展望了未来可能的发展方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

Membrane fusion often exhibits slow dynamics in electrophysiological experiments, involving prespike foot and fusion pore-flickering, but the structural basis of such phenomena remains unclear. Hemifusion intermediates have been implicated in the early phase of membrane fusion. To elucidate the dynamics of formation of membrane defects and pores within the hemifusion diaphragm (HD), atomistic and coarse-grained models of hemifusion intermediates were constructed using dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine or dioleoylphosphatidylcholine membranes. The work necessary to displace a lipid molecule to the hydrophobic core of the bilayer was measured. For a lipid within the HD with radius of 4 nm, the work was ∼80 kJ/mol, similar to that in a planar bilayer. The work was much less (∼40 kJ/mol) when the HD was surrounded by a steep stalk, i.e., stalk wings forming a large angle at the junction of three bilayers. In the latter case, the lipid displacement engendered formation of a pore contacting the HD rim. The work was similarly small (40 kJ/mol) for a small HD of 1.5 nm radius, where a pore formed and grew rapidly, quickly generating a toroidal structure (<40 ns). Combining the steep stalk and the small HD decreased the work further, although quantitative analysis was difficult because the latter system was not in a stable equilibrium state. Results suggest that fine tuning of fusion dynamics requires strict control of the HD size and the angle between the expanded stalk and HD. In additional free simulations, the steep stalk facilitated widening of a preformed pore contacting the HD rim.  相似文献   

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