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The intermediate leaf-nosed bat ( Hipposideros larvatus ) is a medium-sized bat distributed throughout the Indo-Malay region. In north-east India, bats identified as H. larvatus captured at a single cave emitted echolocation calls with a bimodal distribution of peak frequencies, around either 85 kHz or 98 kHz. Individuals echolocating at 85 kHz had larger ears and longer forearms than those echolocating at 98 kHz, although no differences were detected in either wing morphology or diet, suggesting limited resource partitioning. A comparison of mitochondrial control region haplotypes of the two phonic types with individuals sampled from across the Indo-Malay range supports the hypothesis that, in India, two cryptic species are present. The Indian 98-kHz phonic bats formed a monophyletic clade with bats from all other regional populations sampled, to the exclusion of the Indian 85-kHz bats. In India, the two forms showed 12–13% sequence divergence and we propose that the name Hipposideros khasiana for bats of the 85-kHz phonic type. Bats of the 98-kHz phonic type formed a monophyletic group with bats from Myanmar, and corresponded to Hipposideros grandis , which is suggested to be a species distinct from Hipposideros larvatus . Differences in echolocation call frequency among populations did not reflect phylogenetic relationships, indicating that call frequency is a poor indicator of evolutionary history. Instead, divergence in call frequency probably occurs in allopatry, possibly augmented by character displacement on secondary contact to facilitate intraspecific communication.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 119–130.  相似文献   

于2014年5月至2015年4月,对香港低海拔栖息地的大蹄蝠夜晚出飞活动时间进行了研究。结果显示大蹄蝠出飞时间平均为日落后(14.6±6.1) min,出飞时间与民用曙暮光呈强正相关(r = 0.968, P < 0.0001),而出飞结束时刻同样与民用曙暮光时间呈现显着相关(r = 0. 977, P < 0. 0001)。。在一年中较冷的12月和1月则没有蝙蝠出飞记录。大蹄蝠虽然在亚洲分布广泛,但是相对于温带地区的蝙蝠物种来说, 关于该物种的基础生态学研究较少。本文对大蹄蝠的季节性出飞行为所开展研究工作,以利有关长远保育的深入研究。  相似文献   

Secretion of the frontal sac gland of the Persian leaf-nosed bat varies seasonally and is correlated with changes in spermatogenic activity. The possibility that androgenic hormones are directly involved in the secretory activity was not investigated.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - A new species of chigger mite, Rudnicula goffi n. sp., is described from the diadem leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros diadema (Geoffroy) (Hipposideridae) caught in the Goa...  相似文献   

邵伟伟  乔芬  蔡玮  林植华  韦力 《兽类学报》2023,43(2):182-192
脊椎动物基因组含有丰富的微卫星信息。本研究对翼手目动物中的大蹄蝠全基因组及其基因的微卫星分布特征进行分析,并对含有微卫星编码序列的基因进行注释分析。结果表明,大蹄蝠全基因组大小为2.24 Gb,共含有497 883个微卫星,其中,数量和比例最多的是单碱基和二碱基重复类型,分别有173 953个(34.94%)和222 591个(44.71%),相对丰度分别为77.78 loci/Mb和99.52 loci/Mb。微卫星数量从单碱基重复到六碱基重复单元最多的类型分别为(A)n、(AC)n、(TAT)n、(TTTA)n、(AACAA)n和(TATCTA)n,比例分别为95.14%、55.25%、38.41%、22.17%、48.68%和20.30%。不同基因区和基因间区的数量及丰度不同,其中基因间区的微卫星数量及其丰度最大,分别为322 666个和2 541.57 loci/Mb,编码区的微卫星数量及其丰度最小,分别为1 461个和461.98 loci/Mb。基因间区和全基因组的微卫星的分布特征相似。编码区最多的微卫星类型为三碱基重复单元,外显子最多的微卫星类型为单碱基、二碱基和三碱基重...  相似文献   

The genus Asellia was recently revised, giving an insight into the genetic and morphological characteristics of a group whose distribution spans from North Africa into Asia. We studied the genus further by considering additional mitochondrial markers and sampling localities. The deepest previously identified split in A. tridens is supported (Middle East/North Africa), along with the association of North and West African lineages. Central Saudi Arabia is found to represent the easternmost extent of a North African haplogroup when considering concatenated fragments of Cytochrome-b, NADH Dehydrogenase 2, and Cytochrome Oxidase 1 genes. New distribution data further emphasises the diversity found in the Middle East and suggests some mixing of haplotypes over long distances.  相似文献   

五种蝙蝠形态与回声定位叫声的性别差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究角菊头蝠(Rhinolophus cornutus)、三叶蹄蝠(Aselliscus uheeleri)、大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)、大鼠耳蝠(Myotis myotis)和大足鼠耳蝠(M.riketti)的形态和回声定位叫声的性别差异性,明确同种蝙蝠雌雄个体对食物、栖息地等资源利用的细微差异,我们利用超声波探测仪、Batsound分析软件及SPSS11.0统计软件对5种95只蝙蝠进行了录音、声波分析和统计分析。5种蝙蝠形态性别差异性不显著,角菊头蝠、三叶蹄蝠、大蹄蝠和大足鼠耳蝠叫声频率性别差异性显著,大鼠耳蝠叫声频率性别差异性不显著。角菊头蝠雌性叫声的基频、分音、主频率高于雄性,声脉冲时间、间隔时间大于雄性,调频(FM)带宽小于雄性;三叶蹄蝠、大蹄蝠叫声的基频、主频率雄性高于雌性,调频带宽雌性小于雄性;大足鼠耳蝠叫声的主频率雄性高于雌性,FM带宽雌性大于雄性[动物学报49(6):742~747,2003]。  相似文献   

对日本伏翼的翼型、回声定位信号及晚间出飞时间进行研究。结果表明,日本伏翼的翼型具有高翼载、低翼展比和中等偏高的翼型特征。日本伏翼发出具有1 - 2 个谐波结构的调频型(FM)回声定位信号叫声,其叫声时程、主频率的平均值分别为3.26 ms 和56. 27 kHz,所有叫声特征参数,个体间变异系数CVb 比个体内变 异系数CVw 大。日本伏翼的晚间出飞时间具有明显月变化,与当地日落时间、气温呈现显著相关。通过与文献比较,发现日本伏翼的回声定位信号特征与录音状态、飞行生境有关;此外,晚间出飞时间存在一定的地理差异。本研究结果将为蝙蝠回声定位信号特征的种属特异性及其生境选择的进一步研究提供有用的信息。  相似文献   

The cause and significance of variation in echolocation call frequency within hipposiderid bats is not well understood despite an increasing number of allopatric and sympatric examples being documented. We examined variation patterns in the resting frequency (RF) of echolocation calls emitted by the intermediate leaf‐nosed bat, Hipposideros larvatus, on a broad geographical scale. Data mining technology and Kruskal–Wallis test both showed substantial variation with a longitudinal pattern in RF in H. larvatus among colonies, and this variation was associated with geographical distance and not body size. In addition, we found that a high degree of variability between individuals was hidden under the geographical variation. The results support an effect of random cultural drift, and challenge the prey detection hypothesis. Moreover, an acoustic difference among local island colonies may be indicative of a vocal dialect. We found that each colony of H. larvatus seems to maintain a ‘private bandwidth’, which could be used for colony identity and individual communication thus helping individuals and colonies to get a number of fitness benefits.  相似文献   

本研究于2006 年5 ~ 8 月在桂林市七星公园七星岩洞进行,比较分析了共栖2 科(蹄蝠科和蝙蝠科)6 种共75 只蝙蝠的回声定位信号和翼型特征。普氏蹄蝠的回声定位叫声为短而多谐波的CF/ FM 型,主频率为61.2±0.8 kHz, 具有高翼载、低翼展比和中等翼尖指数; 大蹄蝠的回声定位叫声为单CF/ FM 型,主频率为68. 6 ±0.7 kHz,具有高翼载、低翼展比和中等翼尖指数;中蹄蝠的回声定位叫声为单CF / FM 型,主频率为85.2 ±0.5 kHz,具有中等翼载、低翼展比和中等翼尖指数;高颅鼠耳蝠的回声定位叫声为长带宽的FM 型,主频率为50.7 ±3.8 kHz,具有低翼载、中等翼展比和低翼尖指数;大足鼠耳蝠回声定位叫声为FM 型,主频率为39.9 ±3.2 kHz,具有中等翼载、低翼展比和高翼尖指数;绒山蝠回声定位叫声为短而多谐波的FM 型,主频率为49.0± 0. 4 kHz,具有高翼载、中等翼展比和低翼尖指数。经单因素方差分析表明,6 种蝙蝠之间绝大部分的形态和声音参数差异显著(One-way ANOVA,P < 0. 05)。以上结果说明,6 种同地共栖蝙蝠种属特异的回声定位叫声
和形态结构体现出了相互之间的生态位分离,从而降低了种间竞争压力,使得6 种蝙蝠能够同地共存。  相似文献   

Aim We investigate the directionality of mainland‐to‐island dispersals, focusing on a case study of an African‐Malagasy bat genus, Triaenops (Hipposideridae). Taxa include T. persicus from east Africa and three Triaenops species from Madagascar (T. auritus, T. furculus, and T. rufus). The evolution of this bat family considerably post‐dated the tectonic division of Madagascar from Africa, excluding vicariance as a viable hypothesis. Therefore, we consider three biogeographical scenarios to explain these species' current ranges: (A) a single dispersal from Africa to Madagascar with subsequent speciation of the Malagasy species; (B) multiple, unidirectional dispersals from Africa to Madagascar resulting in multiple, independent Malagasy lineages; or (C) early dispersal of a proto‐species from Africa to Madagascar, with later back‐dispersal of a descendant Malagasy taxon to Africa. Location East Africa, Madagascar, and the Mozambique Channel. Methods We compare the utility of phylogenetic and coalescent methodologies to address the question of directionality in a mainland‐to‐island dispersal event for recently diverged taxa. We also emphasize the application of biologically explicit demographic systems, such as the non‐equilibrium isolation‐with‐migration model. Here, these methods are applied to a four‐species haploid genetic data set, with simulation analyses being applied to validate this approach. Results Coalescent simulations favour scenario B: multiple, unidirectional dispersals from Africa to Madagascar resulting in multiple, independent Malagasy bat lineages. From coalescent dating, we estimate that the genus Triaenops was still a single taxon approximately 2.25 Ma. The most recent Africa to Madagascar dispersal occurred much more recently (c. 660 ka), and led to the formation of the extant Malagasy species, T. rufus. Main conclusions Haploid genetic data from four species of Triaenops are statistically most consistent with multiple, unidirectional dispersals from mainland Africa to Madagascar during the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

This study describes the foraging strategies, foraging areas, and roosts used by four female radio-tagged Nycteris grandis along the Zambezi River in Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe. The bats exhibited two foraging strategies, sometimes hunting from perches, other times flying continuously close to the ground. Some individuals used one strategy more than the other. During the study, the bats fed mainly on frogs, selecting only Ptychadena anchietae ; they also took crickets, moths and cicadas. Each bat usually consumed two frogs each night and patterns of occupation of feeding perches suggest that their foraging efficiency was between 21 and 36%. The marked bats roosted in an old water tower or in a hollow Acacia albida. Four of five marked females were nursing young during this study.  相似文献   

Throughout the Old World Tropics, examples of cryptic diversity have been demonstrated in leaf‐nosed bats from the Family Hipposideridae. In addition to cryptic diversity, the widespread distributions and graded morphologies of some species render the taxonomy of this family poorly resolved. We used sequences of the mitochondrial gene ND2 and the nuclear gene RAG1 to reconstruct molecular phylogenetic relationships for hipposiderid species. Specimens from Solomon Island and Cape York Peninsula, Australia, were sequenced and combined with published sequences from Southeast Asia. Our results suggest the presence of undescribed diversity in northern Australia. Sequences of ND2 and RAG1 for samples of Cape York Hipposideros ater were distinct from those of Southeast Asia, with corrected sequence divergence estimates for the mitochondrial gene exceeding 23%. In comparison, there was no cryptic diversity detected in Solomon Island specimens when compared to conspecifics from Southeast Asia. On the contrary, three species members of the diadema morphological group from the region exhibit variability in the mitochondrial gene ND2, far below that of other species included in the analyses.  相似文献   

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