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The initial diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) is currently based on a clinical assessment.Many patients who receive an initial diagnosis of PD have parkinsonian features related to other diseases s...  相似文献   

This article is a taxonomic study of all spongy radiolarian taxa with five to six coplanar and four tetrahedrally disposed spines or spongy arms occurring in the middle Carnian from the Köseyahya section, near the town of Elbistan, SE Turkey. This fauna is characteristic of the Tetraporobrachia haeckeli radiolarian Zone, and comes from an 8 m thick succession of clayey–cherty limestones occurring at the lower part of the section. In addition, a few species from the Middle and Upper Triassic from other areas have been also included in this study to improve some generic diagnoses and to better understand the diversity and evolutionary trends of some genera, subfamilies and families. The taxonomy at the generic and suprageneric levels is based primarily on the types of microsphere. This new approach allowed new taxonomic arrangements of genera and suprageneric units, and suggested new and unexpected phylogenetic relationships among these radiolarians and between them and younger radiolarians. The authors discuss and describe 42 species, of which 36 are new, and 12 genera of which three are new (Charlottalum, Pentaspongodisculus, and Trimiducaella). The genera Pseudohagiastrum Pessagno, Natraglia Pessagno, Cantalum Pessagno and others are reinterpreted. All the genera studied, except Charlottalum, are assigned to three subfamilies, of which two (Pseudohagiastrinae and Trimiducinae) are new, and to two families (Angulobracchiidae and Relindellidae). The genus Charlottalum is described to replace the genus Cantalum, which has been erroneously used until present for Late Triassic pantanelliids with four tetrahedrally disposed three-bladed spines.  相似文献   

Aspects of pantopod ontogeny have been known for a long time, but specific information is available for only a few species. Our account of the postembryonic development of Pycnogonum litorale is based on laboratory-reared individuals and SEM studies. We documented particularly all early developmental stages, with emphasis on morphogenetic changes of head structures and appendages. In P. litorale the protonymphal limbs, the chelicerae and two more uniramous legs, degenerate already during the larval phase; only the third one, the ovigers, reappears in male juveniles. Other Pantopoda vary in this aspect from retention of all three protonymphal appendages to their complete reduction, as in P. litorale. Accordingly, the two post-cheliceral larval appendages are separate legs in front of the walking legs in the adults, the ‘parapalps’ and the ‘ovigers’, but they do not occur in all pantopods. The scarcity of studies of the ontogeny of Pantopoda prevents us from a more conclusive picture, but our data are promising to state that additional such studies will increase the usability of ontogenetic data for a phylogenetic analysis of Pantopoda, the crown group of the Pycnogonida. We also discuss the phylogenetic implications of our data in the light of new information from Hox genes and developmental-biological data on body segmentation and tagmosis of the Chelicerata. These suggest the homology of chelicerae and antenn(ul)ae of other euarthropods. Accepting this, we conclude that the adult pycnogonid/pantopod head, the cephalosoma, corresponds to the euarthropod head and that the protonymph with three appendage-bearing segments may represent an even shorter, possibly phylogenetically older larval type than the euarthropod ‘head larva’ bearing four pairs of appendages. In further consequence, the fourth walking legs of Pycnogonida/Pantopoda should correspond to the first opisthosomal appendages, the chilaria, of euchelicerates. This implies that within Pycnogonida the post-prosomal region became compacted during evolution to a single leg-bearing segment plus a tubular end piece. Accordingly, neither the anterior nor the posterior functional boundaries of the walking-leg region correspond to the original tagma borders.  相似文献   


Cytokines play an important role in the pathogenesis of kidney disease and its progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Inflammation is regulated by the genes of the interleukin 1 (IL-1) gene cluster. Therefore, it was hypothesized that a polymorphism in this gene cluster may be associated with the risk of ESRD. Polymorphisms in the IL-1 gene cluster were examined in a cohort of 222 ESRD patients and 206 controls of similar ethnicity. These individuals were genotyped for IL-1 β (promoter –511 and exon-5 +3953) genes and a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in the IL-1 receptor antagonist gene (IL-1Ra). There was significant difference in genotype frequencies between ESRD patients and control group for IL-1β (promoter region and exon-5) and IL-1Ra gene polymorphism (p<0.001, 0.006 and?<?0.001, respectively). A significant difference was observed in IL-1Ra for 1/1 (410/410) and 1/2 (410/240) genotypes, and the risk for ESRD was higher in those carrying the 1/1 genotype (p=0.014, OR?=?1.692, and p<0.001, OR?=?0.163). Also identified was a novel, rare allele of a single copy of 86 bp in ESRD patients as compared with the controls. The haplotype ‘T-E2-1’ frequency distribution between patients and controls revealed greater than threefold risk (p=0.001, OR?=?3.572, 95% CI?=?1.589–8.032). Genetic linkage between the IL-1β promoter region and exon-5 and between the IL-1β promoter and IL-1Ra of IL-1 gene demonstrated a strong association among the variants in controls (D′?=?0.42, p<0.001, and D′?=?0.39, p=0.001). Thus, the three polymorphisms within the IL-1 cluster are associated with ESRD. This finding is perhaps one of the strongest associations between genotype and ESRD reported, and it suggests that the IL-1 gene cluster affects the risk of development of ESRD.  相似文献   

The room temperature 57Fe-Mössbauer spectrum and magnetic susceptibility measurements, in a wide temperature range, demonstrate that the iron-tetraaquabis(saccharinate) complex contains Fe(II) as a high spin species in an octahedral environment. The isostructural Ni(II) complex, measured for comparative purposes, shows a similar magnetic behavior.  相似文献   

Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a common condition that occurs more frequently in females. Anatomical, hormonal and neuromuscular factors have been proposed to contribute to the increased incidence of PFP in females, with neuromuscular factors considered to be of particular importance. This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate differences in the neuromotor control of the knee and hip muscles between genders and to investigate whether clinical measures of hip rotation range and strength were associated with EMG measures of hip and thigh motor control. Twenty-nine (16 female and 13 male) asymptomatic participants completed a visual choice reaction-time stair stepping task. EMG activity was recorded from vastus medialis oblique, vastus lateralis, anterior and posterior gluteus medius muscles. In addition hip rotation range of motion and hip external rotation, abduction and trunk strength were assessed. There were no differences in the timing or peak of EMG activation of the vasti or gluteus medius muscle between genders during the stepping task. There were however significant associations between EMG measures of motor control of the vasti and hip strength in both females and males. These findings are suggestive of a link between hip muscle control and vasti neuromotor control.  相似文献   

The authors give a sketch about the "K?rmend Growth Study" which is series of cross-sectional growth studies, carried out in K?rmend, a small town in Western Hungary. The first investigation was carried out in 1958 (K-58) and it has been repeated every ten years (K-68, K-78, K-88, and K-98). All 3-18 year-old healthy boys and girls in nurseries and schools in K?rmend were involved in the study. Twenty-three body measurements were taken. This paper focuses on changes in height, weight, and BMI. Means of these two body measurements show an increase from time to time (as a phenomenon of positive secular trend), however, the secular trend for increasing height and weight is declining. BMI follows a similar pattern.  相似文献   

Intertidal sediments of Königshafen (Island of Sylt, North Sea) were sieved for mesofauna (>0.25 mm) and macrofauna (>1 mm) in spring and autumn 1990. Although sediments are coarser than in other parts of the Wadden Sea, the macrobenthic fauna was very similar but with a tendency towards higher species density, abundance and biomass. Taking into account the areal size of sandy flats, seagrass beds, mud flats and mussel beds, the average biomass is calculated to be 65 g ash-free dry weight m?2 The lugwormArenicola marina dominates the biomass (28%), followed by the bivalvesMytilus edulis (21%),Mya areanaria (16%),Cerastoderma edule (10%) and the mudsnailHydrobia ulvae (9%). While spring and autumn biomass are almost alike, abundance is highly variable and entirely dominated byH. ulvae. Mesofauna is mainly composed of oligochaetes, small and juvenile polychaetes. Abundance is similar to that of macrofauna, while biomass is only about 1 g m?2. Macrophyte biomass amounted to 9% of that macrofauna. In the course of the centurym mussel beds expanded while muddy areas declined. The concomitant effects on biomass presumably compensated each other.  相似文献   

In China, the estimated number of HIV infected cases is approaching one million. Although public education has been initiated for awareness and behavioral modification for this devastating infection, better diagnostic methods are needed to identify infected persons and manage infection. Simple and more accurate diagnostic tools have become available, particularly for early detection and to monitor treatment in those who receive anti-retroviral treatment. In this short review, we summarize some of the common and new methodologies that can be used in clinical laboratories, in the field, or in private laboratories. These range from simple antibody tests to more sophistical methods that are used to monitor disease progression and identify drug resistance. These tools can assist physicians, medical practitioners, and laboratory personnel to select suitable diagnostic tools for the diagnosis, blood screening, monitoring of disease progression, and for detection of drug resistance to anti-retroviral therapies.  相似文献   

In this study, we cloned a cDNA for the K+ channel β subunit from the halophyte Puccinellia tenuiflora and named it KPutB1. KPutB1 was preferentially expressed in the roots and was transiently induced by K+-starvation, salt stress, or the combination of both stresses. By yeast two-hybrid assay, we demonstrated that KPutB1 interacts with PutAKT1, α subunit of an AKT1-type K+ channel of P. tenuiflora. The functional relevance of this interaction on K+-nutrition was investigated by co-expression experiments in yeast under various ionic conditions, and K+ channel α and β subunit homologues from rice (OsAKT1 and KOB1, respectively) were included for comparison. Yeast co-expressing PutAKT1 and the β subunits (KPutB1 and KOB1) had better growth and higher K+-uptake ability than yeast expressing PutAKT1 alone. In contrast, yeast co-expressing the β subunits (KPutB1 and KOB1) with OsAKT1 had slower growth and lower K+ uptake than yeast expressing OsAKT1 alone. Arabidopsis plants over-expressing the K+ channel β subunit of P. tenuiflora or rice showed increased shoot K+ content and decreased root Na+ content under control, 75 mM NaCl, and K+-starvation stress conditions. These results suggest that ectopic expression of the K+ channel β subunit could alter K+ and Na+ homeostasis in plants.  相似文献   


The occurrence of extensive populations of the carrageenophyte Solieria filiformis in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Italy, Ionian Sea) has prompted this review of the literature on the subject. S. filiformis is a subtidal alga that inhabits both sheltered and exposed habitats. Interpretation of the literature leads us to classify it as an euryecious species showing high tolerance of a broad range of temperature, irradiance and salinity. S. filiformis grows in both the attached form capable of sexual reproduction and unattached only capable of vegetative propagation. The morphology of both forms as well as of the reproductive organs have been studied in detail. Laboratory and tank cultures are being carried out to estimate growth rates and elucidate its physiological ecology. For the Mediterranean specimens fast-growing strains have been selected and the optimal growth conditions have been established. S. filiformis is a potential candidate for cultivation because of the high quality of its carregeenan and the modest requirements of its thallus.  相似文献   



Selective modulation of different Aβ products of an intramembrane protease γ-secretase, could be the most promising strategy for development of effective therapies for Alzheimer''s disease. We describe how different drug-candidates can modulate γ-secretase activity in cells, by studying how DAPT affects changes in γ-secretase activity caused by gradual increase in Aβ metabolism.


Aβ 1–40 secretion in the presence of DAPT shows biphasic activation-inhibition dose-response curves. The biphasic mechanism is a result of modulation of γ-secretase activity by multiple substrate and inhibitor molecules that can bind to the enzyme simultaneously. The activation is due to an increase in γ-secretase''s kinetic affinity for its substrate, which can make the enzyme increasingly more saturated with otherwise sub-saturating substrate. The noncompetitive inhibition that prevails at the saturating substrate can decrease the maximal activity. The synergistic activation-inhibition effects can drastically reduce γ-secretase''s capacity to process its physiological substrates. This reduction makes the biphasic inhibitors exceptionally prone to the toxic side-effects and potentially pathogenic. Without the modulation, γ-secretase activity on it physiological substrate in cells is only 14% of its maximal activity, and far below the saturation.


Presented mechanism can explain why moderate inhibition of γ-secretase cannot lead to effective therapies, the pharmacodynamics of Aβ-rebound phenomenon, and recent failures of the major drug-candidates such as semagacestat. Novel improved drug-candidates can be prepared from competitive inhibitors that can bind to different sites on γ-secretase simultaneously. Our quantitative analysis of the catalytic capacity can facilitate the future studies of the therapeutic potential of γ-secretase and the pathogenic changes in Aβ metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary From adults ofPycnogonum litorale (Ström) eight ecdysteroids were isolated by HPLC and identified by mass spectrometry and NMR. One of the compounds is 20-hydroxyecdysone, two further ecdysteroids show no OH-group at C-22 (22-deoxy-20,26-dihydroxyecdysone, 22-deoxy-20-hydroxyecdysone=taxisterone). The five other compounds are esters of ecdysteroids with acetic acid (25R and 25S isomers of 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone 22-acetate, 20-hydroxyecdysone 22-acetate) or with glycolic acid (20-hydroxyecdysone 22-glycolate, ecydsone 22-glycolate). The latter are new among zoo- and phytoecdysteroids. No significant amounts of ecdysone could be detected. The origin of the ecdysteroids inPycnogonum litorale and their biological activity are discussed.Abbreviations RP-HPLC Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography - NP normal phase - RIA radioimmunoassay - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - FT Fourier transform - CI/D chemical ionization/desorption - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - E ecdysone - 20E 20-hydroxyecdysone - 2026E 20 26-dihydroxyecdysone  相似文献   

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