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RNA interference (RNAi) mediated by short hairpin-RNA (shRNA) expressing plasmids can induce specific and long-term knockdown of specific mRNAs in eukaryotic cells. To develop a vector-based RNAi model for Schistosoma mansoni, the schistosome U6 gene promoter was employed to drive expression of shRNA targeting reporter firefly luciferase. An upstream region of a U6 gene predicted to contain the promoter was amplified from genomic DNA of S. mansoni. A shRNA construct driven by the predicted U6 promoter targeting luciferase was assembled and cloned into plasmid pXL-Bac II, the construct termed pXL-BacII_SmU6-shLuc. Luciferase expression in transgenic fibrosarcoma HT-1080 cells was significantly reduced 96 h following transduction with plasmid pXL-BacII_SmU6-shLuc, which encodes luciferase mRNA-specific shRNA. In a similar fashion, schistosomules of S. mansoni were transformed with the SmU6-shLuc or control constructs. Firefly luciferase mRNA was introduced into transformed schistosomules after which luciferase activity was analyzed. Significantly less activity was present in schistosomules transfected with pXL-BacII_SmU6-shLuc compared with controls. The findings revealed that the putative S. mansoni U6 gene promoter of 270 bp in length was active in human cells and schistosomes. Given that the U6 gene promoter drove expression of shRNA from an episome, the findings also indicate the potential of this putative RNA polymerase III dependent promoter as a component regulatory element in vector-based RNAi for functional genomics of schistosomes.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a fundamental mechanism of gene regulation in a variety of organisms. In Drosophila cells, long double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) are processed into 21- to 23-nucleotide double-stranded fragments, termed short interfering RNAs (siRNAs). The siRNAs trigger sequence-specific mRNA degradation, which results in the inhibition of gene expression. These phenomena can be recapitulated in vitro in lysates of Drosophila syncytial blastoderm embryos. In the present work, we used the common Drosophila cell line, Schneider Line 2 (S2), as a source to establish a cell-free translation system. We demonstrate here that the S2 cell-free translation system can recapitulate RNAi. Both long dsRNAs and siRNAs can trigger RNAi in this system, and the silencing effects are significant. This system should provide an important tool for biochemical analyses of the RNAi mechanism.  相似文献   

The DNA-dependent RNA polymerases of Schneider 2-L cells of Drosophila melanogaster are described. These cells contain five readily detectable forms of this enzyme, polymerases Ia, Ib, IIIa, II, and IIIb, which elute from DEAE-Sephadex at 0.08, 0.12, 0.15, 0.20, and 0.22 m ammonium sulfate, respectively. RNA polymerases IIIa and IIIb, which each constitute about 5–10% of the total RNA polymerase activity in Drosophila embryos, are found to constitute 30 and 10%, respectively, of the total polymerase activity in cultured cells. The two form III polymerases are further characterized by in vitro response to divalent cations and ionic strength, template utilization, and sensitivity to -amanitin. Verification of the class III designation of these two polymerases is provided by their sensitivity to only very high levels of -amanitin (50% inhibition at approximately 800 µg/ml), their 10-fold greater activity on poly[d(A–T)], and their elution from DEAE-cellulose at lower ionic strengths than from DEAE-Sephadex.This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cell phagocytosis is initiated through the specific interaction between markers for phagocytosis present at the surface of targets and their receptors of phagocytes. Although many molecules have been proposed to be phagocytosis markers and receptors in mammals, information as to the identity of those molecules is limited for invertebrate animals. Calreticulin, a molecular chaperone that functions in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, was recently reported to be the second general marker, the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylserine being the first, for mammalian apoptotic cells to be recognized by phagocytes. We here asked whether or not calreticulin serves as a marker for phagocytosis in Drosophila. Phagocytosis of apoptotic S2 cells by Drosophila hemocyte-derived l(2)mbn cells, which we previously showed to occur independent of phosphatidylserine, was inhibited by the addition of anti-calreticulin antibody. This inhibition was observed when the target cells, but not phagocytes, were pre-incubated with the antibody. In addition, RNA interference-mediated reduction of calreticulin expression in apoptotic S2 cells, but not in l(2)mbn cells, reduced the level of phagocytosis. An immunocytochemical analysis revealed that calreticulin is widely distributed at the surface of viable S2 cells. After the induction of apoptosis, cell surface calreticulin seemed to form aggregates, with no change in its amount. Furthermore, in embryos of a mutant Drosophila strain that expresses calreticulin at a reduced level, the level of phagocytosis of apoptotic cells was about a half of that observed in embryos of a wild-type strain. These results collectively indicate that calreticulin is the first molecule to be identified as a marker for phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by Drosophila phagocytes.  相似文献   

Recent advances in genome research and RNA interference (RNAi) technology have accelerated the adoption of genome-wide experimental approaches for determining gene function in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. Despite recent successes, the application of RNAi is limited when gene knockdown causes complex phenotypes or embryonic lethality. Recently, the high-throughput pWormgate cloning system has been introduced as a tool to efficiently generate heat-shock-inducible hairpin RNA constructs using the Gateway recombination technology. We have modified pWormgate into a versatile hairpin cloning plasmid, pWormgatePro, which facilitates temporally and spatially inducible hairpin RNAi using constitutively active, tissue-specific promoters. To demonstrate its utility we knocked down unc-22 in body wall muscles as well as the axon guidance gene unc-5 in the nervous system indicating that promoter-driven hairpins can overcome the neuronal resistance to RNAi. Using pWormgatePro we also show that RNAi in the nervous system of C. elegans is non-autonomous and that spreading of the RNAi signal from neurons to muscle is substantially reduced but not abolished in spreading-defective sid-1 mutant animals. Our findings illustrate the effectiveness of pWormgatePro for gene silencing in muscle cells and neurons and bring forward the possibility of applying tissue-specific RNAi on a genome-wide scale.  相似文献   

glial cells missing (gcm) is the primary regulator of glial cell fate in Drosophila. In addition, gcm has a role in the differentiation of the plasmatocyte/macrophage lineage of hemocytes. Since mutation of gcm causes only a decrease in plasmatocyte numbers without changing their ability to convert into macrophages, gcm cannot be the sole determinant of plasmatocyte/macrophage differentiation. We have characterized a gcm homolog, gcm2. gcm2 is expressed at low levels in glial cells and hemocyte precursors. We show that gcm2 has redundant functions with gcm and has a minor role promoting glial cell differentiation. More significant, like gcm, mutation of gcm2 leads to reduced plasmatocyte numbers. A deletion removing both genes has allowed us to clarify the role of these redundant genes in plasmatocyte development. Animals deficient for both gcm and gcm2 fail to express the macrophage receptor Croquemort. Plasmatocytes are reduced in number, but still express the early marker Peroxidasin. These Peroxidasin-expressing hemocytes fail to migrate to their normal locations and do not complete their conversion into macrophages. Our results suggest that both gcm and gcm2 are required together for the proliferation of plasmatocyte precursors, the expression of Croquemort protein, and the ability of plasmatocytes to convert into macrophages.  相似文献   

The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) serum lectin (SSL) is a soluble C-type lectin that binds bacteria, including salmon pathogens. This lectin is a cysteine-rich oligomeric protein. Consequently, a Drosophila melanogaster expression system was evaluated for use in expressing SSL. A cDNA encoding SSL was cloned into a vector designed to express it as a fusion protein with a hexahistidine tag, under the control of the Drosophila methallothionein promoter. The resulting construct was stably transfected into Drosophila S2 cells. After CdCl2 induction, transfected S2 cells secreted recombinant SSL into the cell culture medium. A cell line derived from stably transformed polyclonal cell populations expressing SSL was used for large-scale expression of SSL. Recombinant SSL was purified from the culture medium using a two-step purification scheme involving affinity binding to yeast cells and metal-affinity chromatography. Although yields of SSL were very low, correct folding and functionality of the recombinant SSL purified in this manner was demonstrated by its ability to bind to Aeromonas salmonicida. Therefore, Drosophila S2 cells may be an ideal system for the production of SSL if yields can be increased.  相似文献   

Short hairpin RNA (shRNA) directed by RNA polymerase III (Pol III) or Pol II promoter was shown to be capable of silencing gene expression, which should permit analyses of gene functions or as a potential therapeutic tool. However, the inhibitory effect of shRNA remains problematic in fish. We demonstrated that silencing efficiency by shRNA produced from the hybrid construct composed of the CMV enhancer or entire CMV promoter placed immediately upstream of a U6 promoter. When tested the exogenous gene, silencing of an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) target gene was 89.18 +/- 5.06% for CMVE-U6 promoter group and 88.26 +/- 6.46% for CMV-U6 promoter group. To test the hybrid promoters driving shRNA efficiency against an endogenous gene, we used shRNA against no tail (NTL) gene. When vectorized in the zebrafish, the hybrid constructs strongly repressed NTL gene expression. The NTL phenotype occupied 52.09 +/- 3.06% and 51.56 +/- 3.68% for CMVE-U6 promoter and CMV-U6 promoter groups, respectively. The NTL gene expression reduced 82.17 +/- 2.96% for CMVE-U6 promoter group and 83.06 +/- 2.38% for CMV-U6 promoter group. We concluded that the CMV enhancer or entire CMV promoter locating upstream of the U6-promoter could significantly improve inhibitory effect induced by the shRNA for both exogenous and endogenous genes compared with the CMV promoter or U6 promoter alone. In contrast, the two hybrid promoter constructs had similar effects on driving shRNA.  相似文献   

Here, we describe that depletion of the Drosophila homologue of p115 (dp115) by RNA interference in Drosophila S2 cells led to important morphological changes in the Golgi stack morphology and the transitional ER (tER) organization. Using conventional and immunoelectron microscopy and confocal immunofluorescence microscopy, we show that Golgi stacks were converted into clusters of vesicles and tubules, and that the tERs (marked by Sec23p) lost their focused organization and were now dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. However, we found that this morphologically altered exocytic pathway was nevertheless largely competent in anterograde protein transport using two different assays. The effects were specific for dp115. Depletion of the Drosophila homologues of GM130 and syntaxin 5 (dSed5p) did not lead to an effect on the tER organization, though the Golgi stacks were greatly vesiculated in the cells depleted of dSed5p. Taken together, these studies suggest that dp115 could be implicated in the architecture of both the Golgi stacks and the tER sites.  相似文献   

JAK/STAT signalling in vertebrates is activated by multiple cytokines and growth factors. By contrast, the Drosophila genome encodes for only three related JAK/STAT ligands, Upd, Upd2 and Upd3. Identifying the differences between these three ligands will ultimately lead to a greater understanding of this disease-related signalling pathway and its roles in development. Here, we describe the analysis of the least well characterised of the Upd-like ligands, Upd3. We show that in tissue culture-based assays Upd3-GFP is secreted from cells and appears to interact with the extracellular matrix (ECM) in a similar manner to Upd, while still non-autonomously activating JAK/STAT signalling. Quantification of each of the Upd-like ligands in conditioned media has allowed us to determine the activity of equal amounts of each ligand on JAK/STAT ex vivo and reveals that Upd is the most potent ligand in this system. Finally, investigations into the effects of ectopic expression of Upd3 in vivo have confirmed its ability to activate pathway signalling at long-distance.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans UNC-13 is an integral component of the synaptic vesicle cycle, functioning in the priming step. A recent yeast two-hybrid screen against UNC-13 identified three interacting proteins that are thought to function in pathways other than neurotransmitter release. One such protein, ERI-1, negatively regulates exogenous RNA interference in the nervous system and other tissues. This study investigates a role for UNC-13 in RNAi through analysis of RNAi penetrance in unc-13 and eri-1 mutant strains. Feeding these strains double stranded RNA corresponding to a neuronally expressed GFP reporter resulted in a significant reduction of GFP in double mutants compared to GFP expression in eri-1 mutants, indicating that UNC-13 functions in conjunction with ERI-1 in RNAi. There is no evidence for altered neurotransmission in eri-1 mutants.  相似文献   

Using whole-cell recording in Drosophila S2 cells, we characterized a Ca(2+)-selective current that is activated by depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores. Passive store depletion with a Ca(2+)-free pipette solution containing 12 mM BAPTA activated an inwardly rectifying Ca2+ current with a reversal potential >60 mV. Inward currents developed with a delay and reached a maximum of 20-50 pA at -110 mV. This current doubled in amplitude upon increasing external Ca2+ from 2 to 20 mM and was not affected by substitution of choline for Na+. A pipette solution containing approximately 300 nM free Ca2+ and 10 mM EGTA prevented spontaneous activation, but Ca2+ current activated promptly upon application of ionomycin or thapsigargin, or during dialysis with IP3. Isotonic substitution of 20 mM Ca2+ by test divalent cations revealed a selectivity sequence of Ba2+ > Sr2+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+. Ba2+ and Sr2+ currents inactivated within seconds of exposure to zero-Ca2+ solution at a holding potential of 10 mV. Inactivation of Ba2+ and Sr2+ currents showed recovery during strong hyperpolarizing pulses. Noise analysis provided an estimate of unitary conductance values in 20 mM Ca2+ and Ba2+ of 36 and 420 fS, respectively. Upon removal of all external divalent ions, a transient monovalent current exhibited strong selectivity for Na+ over Cs+. The Ca2+ current was completely and reversibly blocked by Gd3+, with an IC50 value of approximately 50 nM, and was also blocked by 20 microM SKF 96365 and by 20 microM 2-APB. At concentrations between 5 and 14 microM, application of 2-APB increased the magnitude of Ca2+ currents. We conclude that S2 cells express store-operated Ca2+ channels with many of the same biophysical characteristics as CRAC channels in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Li M  Rohrer B 《Cell research》2006,16(1):99-105
A vector-based RNAi expression system was developed using the Xenopus tropicalis U6 promoter, which transcribes small RNA genes by RNA polymerase Ⅲ. The system was first validated in a Xenopus laevis cell line, designing a short hairpin DNA specific for the GFP gene. Co-transfection of the vector-based RNAi and the GFP gene into Xenopus XR1 cells significantly decreased the number of GFP-expressing cells and overall GFP fluorescence. Vector-based RNAi was subsequently validated in GFP transgenic Xenopus embryos. Sperm nuclei from GFP transgenic males and RNAi construct-incubated-sperm nuclei were used for fertilization, respectively. GFP mRNA and protein were reduced by -60% by RNAi in these transgenic embryos compared with the control. This transgene-driven RNAi is specific and stable in inhibiting GFP expression in the Xenopus laevis transgenic line. Gene silencing by vector-based RNAi and Xenopus transgenesis may provide an alternative for 'repression of gene function' studies in vertebrate model systems.  相似文献   

The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is a glycolipid-anchored membrane protein that is thought to play an active role during cancer cell invasion and metastasis. We have expressed a truncated soluble form of human uPAR using its native signal peptide in stably transfected Drosophila Schneider 2 (S2) cells. This recombinant product, denoted suPAR (residues 1–283), is secreted in high quantities in serum-free medium and can be isolated in very high purity. Characterization by SDS–PAGE and mass spectrometry reveals that suPAR produced in this system carries a uniform glycosylation composed of biantennary carbohydrates. In contrast, suPAR produced in stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells carries predominantly complex-type glycosylation and exhibits in addition a site-specific microheterogeneity of the individual N-linked carbohydrates. Measurement of binding kinetics for the interaction with uPA by surface plasmon resonance reveals that S2-produced suPAR exhibits binding properties similar to those of suPAR produced by CHO cells. By site-directed mutagenesis we have furthermore removed the five potential N-linked glycosylation-sites either individually or in various combinations and studied the effect thereof on secretion and ligand-binding. Only suPAR completely deprived of N-linked glycosylation exhibits an impaired level of secretion. All the other mutants showed comparable secretion levels and retained the ligand-binding properties of suPAR-wt. In conclusion, stable expression of suPAR in Drosophila S2 cells offers a convenient and attractive method for the large scale production of homogeneous preparations of several uPAR mutants, which may be required for future attempts to solve the three-dimensional structure of uPAR by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide SIFamide modulates sexual behavior in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The expression of Drosophila neuropeptide AYRKPPFNGSIFamide (SIFamide) was shown by both immunohistology and in situ hybridization to be restricted to only four neurons of the pars intercerebralis. The role of SIFamide in adult courtship behavior in both sexes was studied using two different approaches to perturb the function of SIFamide; targeted cell ablation and RNA interference (RNAi). Elimination of SIFamide by either of these methods results in promiscuous flies; males perform vigorous and indiscriminant courtship directed at either sex, while females appear sexually hyper-receptive. These results demonstrate that SIFamide is responsible for these behavioral effects and that the four SIFamidergic neurons and arborizations play an important function in the neuronal circuitry controlling Drosophila sexual behavior.  相似文献   

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