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To define the molecular mechanism(s) of resveratrol inhibition of lipid peroxidation we have utilized model systems that allow us to study the different reactions involved in this complex process. Resveratrol proved (a) to inhibit more efficiently than either Trolox or ascorbate the Fe2+ catalyzed lipid hydroperoxide-dependent peroxidation of sonicated phosphatidylcholine liposomes; (b) to be less effective than Trolox in inhibiting lipid peroxidation initiated by the water soluble AAPH peroxyl radicals; (c) when exogenously added to liposomes, to be more potent than α-tocopherol and Trolox, in the inhibition of peroxidation initiated by the lipid soluble AMVN peroxyl radicals; (d) when incorporated within liposomes, to be a less potent chain-breaking antioxidant than α-tocopherol; (e) to be a weaker antiradical than α-tocopherol in the reduction of the stable radical DPPH·. Resveratrol reduced Fe3+ but its reduction rate was much slower than that observed in the presence of either ascorbate or Trolox. However, at the concentration inhibiting iron catalyzed lipid peroxidation, resveratrol did not significantly reduce Fe3+, contrary to ascorbate. In their complex, our data indicate that resveratrol inhibits lipid peroxidation mainly by scavenging lipid peroxyl radicals within the membrane, like α-tocopherol. Although it is less effective, its capacity of spontaneously entering the lipid environment confers on it great antioxidant potential.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic radiation produced a dose-dependent linear increase in lipid peroxidation in the liposomes membrane as reflected in the measurement of conjugated dienes, lipid hydroperoxides and malondialdehydes. Ultrasound induced malondialdehyde production could not be inhibited by any significant degree by superoxide dismutase or histidine or dimethyl furan but was very significantly inhibited by butylated hydroxytoluene, cholesterol, sodium benzoate, dimethyl sulphoxide, sodium formate and EDTA. The scavenger studies indicated the functional role of hydroxyl radicals in the initiation of ultrasound induced lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effect of five different curcuminoids, CURI, CURII, CURIII, a mixture of the three and a synthetic, curcumin–boron–oxalic acid complex, on Anabas testudineus hepatocyte lipid peroxidation after 30–60 min of incubation. The results showed that curcumin had a protective role as a strong antioxidant in teleosts. All the curcuminoids decreased the peroxidation products formed, with or without stimulating the antioxidant enzyme pathway. This suggests a direct reactive oxygen‐species scavenging ability of curcuminoids. Their antioxidant effects appear to be time and dose‐dependent.  相似文献   

4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) is produced during peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It exerts a chemokinetic effect on human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). Investigations of this mechanism were performed. The results indicate that [3H]-HNE binding to PMN results both in non-specific bonds to the numerous SH groups of the cells and in binding to a saturable, reversible and specific HNE site. Scatchard analysis revealed that this is a single site with an apparent affinity constant of 319 nM and a density of 1·57 pmol (106)?1 cells. This specific binding site may be involved in the chemokinetic effect of HNE.  相似文献   

Antioxidants and reactive oxygen species are considered to play an important role in experimental in vivo carcinogenesis studies. We attempted in this study to evaluate the repercussions on the antioxidant and lipid peroxide status of the growth of human malignant tumors xenografted into athymic mice. We selected three tumor models: two urothelial carcinomas (bladder tumors stage 3) and one brain tumor (glioblastoma stage 4). All these tumors exhibited a fast growth pattern when xenografted into athymic mice. Tumoral tissue was implanted subcutaneously. After growth establishment each tumor size was measured at regular intervals: every 2 d for bladder tumor and twice a week for glioblastoma. The period of observation was 3 wk for bladder tumors and 5 wk for glioblastoma. At the end of the observation period, all mice were sacrificed; tumoral tissue was taken and blood collected. Superoxide dismutase activity (SOD), glutathione peroxidase activity (GSH-Px), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se), and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were measured in blood. TBARS alone were measured into tumoral tissue. A modification of the antioxidant blood status was observed in mice xenografted with bladder tumors with decrease in Se status and GSH-Px activities, and increase in TBARS. Such an effect was absent in mice xenografted with glioblastoma. It would appear that an oxygen-mediated stress exists in the animal bearing an implanted tumor compared with the control group, and that tumoral tissue itself is able to induce an oxidative stress into its host. All this leads to a disturbance of the antioxidant defense system.  相似文献   

The formation of malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of lipid peroxidation (LPO), was measured in human spermatozoa from 27 subjects with normal sperm characteristics. Peroxidation of lipids in washed spermatozoa was induced by catalytic amounts of ferrous ions and ascorbate and malondiaidehyde dctermint-d by thiobarbituric method. MDA formation varied considerably from one sample to another. The studied population showed a strong correlation between lipid peroxidation potential (amount of MDA formed by 108 spermatozoa after 1 hour of incubation) and 1) initial motility r = ?0.623, P = 0.001; and 2) morphologic abnormalities of the midpiece r = 0.405, P = 0.05. These results suggest that poor motility is linked with membrane fragility and that spermatozoa with midpiece abnormalities probably have membrane and/or cytoplasmic antiperoxidant system defects. Because LPO potential is related to the two most important characteristics of fertility, it seems possible that it has the potential to become a good biochemical index of semen quality.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is accompanied by oxidative stress in the brain. Because the brain tissue is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is prone to the free radical attack resulting in lipid peroxidation. Intermediates of lipid peroxidation may diffuse from the primary site, cross the blood-brain barrier and modify erythrocyte membranes in the bloodstream. We exposed isolated erythrocyte membranes from patients with AD and the control group to in vitro free radical damage and monitored the accumulation of the end products of lipid peroxidation, lipofuscin-like pigments (LFPs), by fluorescence spectroscopy. LFPs were analyzed by means of tridimensional and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. The levels of LFP formed during in vitro peroxidation were significantly higher in erythrocyte membranes from patients with AD compared with the control group. Furthermore, the chemical composition of LFP in AD was different from the control group. The analysis of the specific modifications of erythrocyte membranes in AD is of great medical importance regarding the need of a diagnostic blood biomarker.  相似文献   

Oxidative damage accumulation in macromolecules has been considered as a cause of cellular damage and pathology. Rarely, the oxidative stress parameters in healthy humans related to the individual age have been reported. The purpose of this study was to examine the redox status in plasma and erythrocytes of healthy individuals and determine correlations between these parameters and the aging process. The following parameters were used: malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyls (PCO), 4-hydroxy-2,3-trans-nonenal (HNE), reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione disulfide (GSSG) and uric acid (UA) in blood and plasma samples of 194 healthy women and men of ages ranging from 18 to 84 years. The results indicate that the balance of oxidant and antioxidant systems in plasma shifts in favor of accelerated oxidation during ageing. That is demonstrated by increases of MDA, HNE, GSSG and by the slight decrease of erythrocytic GSH with age. As the content of UA is more determined by metabolic and nutritional influences than by the balance between prooxidants and antioxidants there was no significant age-related change observed. For plasma concentrations of HNE the first time age-dependent reference values for healthy humans are presented.  相似文献   

Oxygen free radicals damage cells through peroxidation of membrane lipids. Gastrointestinal mucosal membranes were found to be resistant to in vitro lipid peroxidation as judged by malonaldehyde and conjugated diene production and arachidonic acid depletion. The factor responsible for this in this membrane was isolated and chemically characterised as the nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), specifically monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid. Authentic fatty acids when tested in vitro using liver microsomes showed similar inhibition. The possible mechanism by which NEFA inhibit peroxidation is through iron chelation and iron-fatty acid complex is incapable of inducing peroxidation. Free radicals generated independent of iron was found to induce peroxidaton of mucosal membranes. Gastrointestinal mucosal membranes were found to contain unusually large amount of NEFA. Circulating albumin is known to contain NEFA which was found to inhibit iron induced peroxidation whereas fatty acid free albumin did not have any effect. Addition of individual fatty acids to this albumin restored its inhibitory capacity among which monounsaturated fatty acids were more effective. These studies have shown that iron induced lipid peroxidation damage is prevented by the presence of nonesterified fatty acids.  相似文献   

Adriamycin, which is widely used in the treatment of various neoplastic conditions, exerts toxic effects in many organs. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of lipoic acid upon adriamycin induced peroxidative damages in rat kidney. The increase in peroxidated lipids on adriamycin administration was accompanied by alterations in the antioxidant defense systems. The extent of nephrotoxicity induced by adriamycin was evident from the decreased activities of the enzymes -glutamyl transferase and -glucuronidase in the rat renal tissues. The study was carried out with adult male albino rats of Wistar strain, which comprised of one control and three experimental groups. Group I rats served as controls. GroupII rats received adriamycin (1 mg kg–1 body wt day–1) intravenously through the tail vein. Group III rats were given lipoic acid (35 mg kg–1 body wt day–1) intraperitoneally. Group IV rats were given lipoic acid 24 h before the administration of adriamycin. Rats subjected to adriamycin administration showed a decline in the thiol capacity of the cell accompanied by high malondialdehyde levels along with lowered activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione metabolizing enzymes (glutathione reductase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione-S-transferase). Lipoic acid pretreatment also restored the activities of -glutamyl transferase and -glucuronidase nearly to control levels thereby suggesting nephroprotection. The study has highlighted the beneficial effects of lipoic acid pretreatment in reversing the damages caused by adriamycin and thereby bringing about an improvement in the oxidative stress parameters.  相似文献   

The inhibitory activity of saffron extract was studied on human platelets. Platelet aggregation and lipid peroxidation were evaluated with platelet rich plasma (PRP) and platelet membranes respectively obtained from blood of healthy human volunteers. Human platelets were subjected to stimulation with a variety of agonists like ADP (61 μM), epinephrine (76 μM), collagen (11 μg/ml), calcium ionophore A 23187 (6 μM) and ristocetin (1.25 μg/ml) in the presence and absence of saffron extract with IC50 being 0.66, 0.35, 0.86 and 0.59 mg respectively and no inhibition with ristocetin. The inhibitory effect was dose dependent with concentrations varying between 0.16 to 0.80 mg and time dependent at IC50. A significant decrease was observed in malondialdehyde (MDA) formed, one of the end products of arachidonic acid metabolism and of serotonin released from dense granules of platelets at respective IC50. Lipid peroxidation in platelet membranes induced by iron-ascorbic acid system was inhibited by saffron extract significantly with IC50 of 0.33 mg. Hence, it may be said that aqueous extract of saffron may have component(s), which protect platelets from aggregation and lipid peroxidation. (Mol Cell Biochem 278: 59–63, 2005)  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid (AH2) is a potential scavenger of superoxide radical and singlet oxygen. In the guinea pig, marginal AH2 deficiency results in intracellular oxidative damage in the cardiac tissue as evidenced by lipid peroxidation, formation of fluorescent pigment and loss of structural integrity of the microsomal membranes. The oxidative damage does not occur due to lack of enzymatic scavengers of reactive oxygen species such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. Also, glutathione transferase activity is not decreased in AH2 deficiency. Lipid peroxidation, fluorescent pigment formation and protein modification disappear after AH2 therapy. These results, if extra-polated to human beings, would indicate that chronic subclinical AH2 deficiency may result in progressive oxidative damage which in the long run may lead to permanent degenerative diseases in the heart.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) pose a serious threat to maternal and fetal health during pregnancy. However, there is little information on the oxidative damage caused by ROS and its protection during prenatal life. The present study highlights the status of various antioxidants in human placental and fetal tissues at different phases of gestation. The activity profile of scavenging enzymes, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase as well as the concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants, ascorbic acid, -tocopherol, bilirubin and glutathione have been determined in human placental whole homogenate, placental brush border membrane and fetal liver over gestational periods ranging from 6 weeks of pregnancy till birth. The ontogenic profile of lipid peroxidation, a marker of oxidative damage has also been investigated in the feto-placental system. Catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase activities increased significantly, but glutathione peroxidase activity remained almost the same throughout development. Except - tocopherol and bilirubin, the concentrations of other non-enzymic scavengers followed a significant increasing trend with advancement of pregnancy. Results indicate that there is gradual suppression of lipoperoxide formation with the progress of gestation to protect the fetus against oxygen toxicity.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(7-8):454-461

Previous studies have shown that certain saturated lipids protect red blood cells (RBCs) during hypothermic storage but provide little protection during freezing or freeze-drying, whereas various unsaturated lipids destabilize RBCs during hypothermic storage but protect during freezing and freeze-drying. The protective effect of liposomes has been attributed to membrane modifications. We have previously shown that cholesterol exchange and lipid transfer between liposomes composed of saturated lipids and RBCs critically depends on the length of the lipid acyl chains. In this study the effect of unsaturated lipids with differences in their number of unsaturated bonds (18:0/18:1, 18:1/18:1, 18:2/18:2) on RBC membrane properties has been studied. RBCs were incubated in the presence of liposomes and both the liposomal and RBC fraction were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) after incubation. The liposomes caused an increase in RBC membrane conformational disorder at suprazero temperatures. The fluidizing effect of the liposomes on the RBC membranes, however, was found to be similar for the different lipids irrespective of their unsaturation level. The gel to liquid crystalline phase transition temperature of the liposomes increased after incubation with RBCs. RBC membrane fluidity increased linearly during the first 8 hours of incubation in the presence of liposomes. The increase in RBC membrane fluidity was found to be temperature dependent and displayed Arrhenius behaviour between 20 and 40°C, with an activation energy of 88 kJ mol-1. Taken together, liposomes composed of unsaturated lipids increase RBC membrane conformational disorder, which could explain their cryoprotective action.  相似文献   

Lead-induced tissue fatty acid alterations and lipid peroxidation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Previous work showed that dietary lead (Pb) increases the relative concentration of arachidonic acid (20∶4) as a percentage of total fatty acids, and decreases the relative proportion of linoleic acid (18∶2) to arachidonic acid (18∶2/20∶4) in chick liver, serum, and erythrocyte membranes. The present investigation was undertaken to examine the time-course and magnitude of the fatty acid alterations with increasing dietary Pb levels. We also examined the effects of Pb on the fatty acid composition and lipid peroxide content of hepatic subcellular organelles. In Exp. 1, chicks were fed diets containing 0, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, or 1000 ppm added Pb (as Pb acetate trihydrate) from 1 to 21 d of age. After 21 d, no growth effects were observed; however, Pb lowered the 18∶2/20∶4 ratio and increased 20∶4 concentration in total liver and serum lipids, and in total hepatic phospholipids in a dose-dependent manner. Hepatic mitochondrial membrane fatty acids were not altered, nor was there any increase in hepatic lipid peroxidation. In Exp. 2, chicks were fed diets containing 0, 500, 1000, or 2000 ppm added Pb from 1 to 21 or 22 d of age. Pb depressed growth in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, Pb lowered the 18∶2/20∶4 ratio and increased 20∶4 concentration in total liver lipids and in hepatic mitochondrial and microsomal membranes in a dose-dependent manner. Total hepatic lipid peroxidation was increased over control values by 1000 ppm Pb, and hepatic microsomal lipid peroxidation was increased by dietary Pb levels of 1000 and 2000 ppm. In Exp. 3, body weight, hepatic microsomal lipid peroxidation, and fatty acid composition were determined in 4-, 9-, 14-, 18-, and 23-d-old chicks fed 0 or 1500 ppm added Pb. Body weights of Pb-treated chicks were significantly lower than those of control chicks by day 18. Microsomal 20∶4 concentration and peroxidation increased, and the 18∶2/20∶4 ratio decreased with age in both groups, but the changes were of greater magnitude in the Pb-treated chicks. The results suggest that some of the manifestations of Pb toxicity may be a reflection of increased concentration of 20∶4 in specific membranes. Further, since the Pb-induced alterations in fatty acid composition were noted in the absence of any growth depression, we propose that fatty acid composition is more sensitive than growth rate to the presence of lead in the diet.  相似文献   

Significant decreases of the hematocrit, hemoglobin, and plasma iron levels were observed in rats receiving daily intraperitoneal injections of aluminum at a dose of 27 mg Al/kg body wt for 3 wk, as compared to untreated controls. The activity of alkaline phosphatase was also significantly lower in the treated animals as a result of the accumulation of aluminum in the liver (p<0.05). Following aluminum administration, the plasma concentrations of aluminum and copper were also significantly increased, whereas the plasma zinc levels and oxidative stress measured through thiobarbituric acid reaction products showed nonsignificant differences between the two groups (p>0.05). The erythrocyte concentrations of aluminum, copper, zinc, and iron and of superoxide dismutase activity were found to be significantly higher in the study group as compared to controls. The treated animals also showed evidence of higher oxidative stress in comparison to controls. These results suggest that erythrocyte aluminum accumulation could result in abnormal trace element homeostasis and increasing oxidative stress, which might be a mechanism of aluminum-induced anemia.  相似文献   

Abstract. Exposure of young bean foliage to acid rain induces free-radical-mediated lipid peroxidation and causes the same disruptive changes in the molecular organization of membrane lipid-bilayers that are observed during natural leaf senescence. Young plants were misted daily for 7d with simulated acid rain for a 2h period. Wide angle X-ray diffraction revealed the presence of gel-phase lipid in a fraction containing predominantly chloroplast membranes isolated from treated leaves, and the lipid-phase transition temperature of these membranes rose from below −30°C to ∼ 36°C over the treatment period. The formation of gel-phase lipid is known to be associated with lipid peroxidation, and it is therefore significant that production of ethane and levels of malondialdehyde in the leaves, which are both products of lipid peroxidation, rose throughout the treatment period. There was also increased production of ethylene and superoxide radical, which are typical responses of plant tissue to toxicity.  相似文献   

Cadmium induced lipid peroxidation in rat testes and protection by selenium   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The main goal of this study was to investigate the role of cadmium in the promotion of lipid peroxidation in the homogenates of rat testes and the effect of selenium on lipid peroxidation in testes of rats after cadmium injection. Treatment of rats with cadmium resulted in a time- and dose-related accumulation of the metal ions in testes. The concentrations of cadmium, copper, zinc, selenium and iron in the tissues were determined by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer and lipid peroxidation in testes was measured by a spectrophotometer. Cadmium produced enhanced lipid peroxidation in testes. These cadmium-induced changes were accompanied by a significant increase of iron and copper, and a decrease of zinc in testes. Concurrent treatment with selenium and cadmium reduced the cadmium-induced alterations in lipid peroxidation and essential metal levels. Data suggest that lipid peroxidation was associated with cadmium toxicity in testes and that the addition of selenium was found to be effective in attenuation of this effect.  相似文献   

In pregnant females, placenta is the most important source of lipid hydroperoxides and other reactive oxygen species (ROS). The increased production of lipid peroxides is often linked to preeclampsia. In our study, we revealed that NADPH- and iron-dependent lipid peroxidation in human placental microsomes (HPM) occurred. In the presence of Fe2+ ion, HPM produced small amounts of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) – a final product of lipid peroxidation. NADPH caused a strong increase of iron stimulated TBARS formation. TBARS formation was inhibited by superoxide dismutase, butylated hydroxytoluene and α-tocopherol but not by mannitol or catalase. TBARS and superoxide radical production was inhibited in similar manner by cytochrome P450 inhibitors. The results obtained led us to the following conclusions: (1) microsomal lipid peroxidation next to mitochondrial lipid peroxidation may by an important source of lipid hydroperoxides in blood during pregnancy and (2) superoxide radical released by microsomal cytochrome P450 is an important factor in NADPH- and iron-dependent lipid peroxidation in HPM.  相似文献   

This study has examined whether elevated glucose can induce lipid peroxidation and contribute to the inhibition of cell growth in human kidney proximal tubule(HPT) cells. HPT cells were cultured in media containing glucose concentrations of 8 mM (control), 25 mM, and 50 mM. Lipid peroxidation was assessed by the thiobarbituric acid reactivity and cell growth was assessed by 3H-thymidine uptake. Results show decreased (59%, p < 0.01) growth of HPT cells cultured in 50 mM glucose. Cells cultured in 50 mM mannitol did not show any growth inhibition, suggesting that the decreased cell growth associated with glucose is not due to osmolarity changes. There was an increase (108%, p < 0.02) in lipid peroxidation in cells cultured with high levels of glucose (50 mM) compared with controls and cells cultured with 50 mM mannitol. To examine if membrane lipid peroxidation or malondialdehyde (MDA, an end product of lipid peroxidation) has any role in the inhibition of cell growth, we examined the effect of tertiary butylhydroperoxide (TBH, known to cause lipid peroxidation and generate MDA) on the growth of HPT cells. TBH decreased cell growth (49, 17 and 3% of controls at 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 [mole TBH/ml medium). Similarly, a marked reduction in the growth was observed with exogenous MDA (72, 69 and 34% of controls at 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 mole MDA/ml medium). This suggests that elevated glucose can induce membrane lipid peroxidation and accumulation of MDA, which in turn can inhibit cellular growth and contribute to the altered structure and function of HPT cells in diabetes.  相似文献   

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