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Prior exposure of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss juveniles to the low-virulence variant of Loma salmonae, L. salmonae SV, spores resulted in a xenoma intensity in the gill filaments fourteen times lower (0·044 v. 0·641 xenomas per filament; P=0·0001) than that observed in the naive controls, challenged with L. salmonae spores, as determined morphometrically by in situ hybridization at the peak of the disease (between 4 and 6 weeks post exposure). The marked degree of reduction in numbers of xenomas that formed after challenge suggests that use of the low-virulence variants should be further considered as a means to protect fish in regions where the parasite is endemic, to protect them during grow out periods.  相似文献   

The main objective of this investigation was to examine the ultrastructural features of gills from rainbow trout experimentally infected with Loma salmonae to determine the morphological events that occur during the late stages of development of this parasite. Peripheral distribution of the mature parasites inside round xenomas was observed at weeks 5 and 6 postexposure (PE), but eventually the parasite occupied the entire xenoma. Degenerative changes were observed only in immature parasites at week 7 PE, and eventually an inflammatory reaction with a cellular infiltration was directed against mature spores. Round, flattened, and irregular shaped xenomas were observed at week 8 PE. The round xenomas showed a severe inflammatory response with disintegration of the xenoma membrane. This event was accompanied by eversion of polar tubes within the attacked xenoma and by the simultaneous presence of 2 tubular appendages, the type I and II tubules. Flattened xenomas were observed below the endothelium of gill lamella arteries. The irregular xenomas were located in the connective tissue of the gill filament and showed multiple projections occupied by spores. Both flattened and irregular xenomas showed no evidence of inflammatory reaction. An earlier proposed hypothesis is expanded to explain how L. salmonae is implanted beneath lamellar endothelium and within filament connective tissue.  相似文献   

The early ultrastructural stages of Loma salmonae were studied in the gills of experimentally infected rainbow trout. No parasitic stages were identified during the first 2 wk of the infection. By week 3 postexposure (PE), uninucleate and binucleate meronts were recognized within host cells (no xenomas) associated with the capillary channels of secondary lamellae and lamellar arteries. An inflammatory reaction was absent. In secondary lamellae, infected cells were isolated from the capillary lumen, and some were recognized as pillar cells. In lamellar arteries, infected cells were localized beneath the endothelium and not in the lumen. Inflammatory reaction and destruction of parasites inside blood cells in the lumen of secondary lamellae were observed by week 4 PE. Three hypotheses, i.e., isolation, internalization, and evasion, are proposed to explain the localization of the infected cells in the gills. It is concluded that meronts are the earliest parasitic stage observed by week 3 PE, pillar cells are secondarily infected by phagocytosis of infected cells in the blood, endothelial cells of gills are not infected, and inflammatory response to the parasite starts by week 4 PE.  相似文献   

A Salvelinus -infecting variant of Loma salmonae , derived from naturally-infected Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha by serial passage through brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis , has been isolated and amplified. Loma salmonae SV ( Salvelinus -variant) has a high preference for species of Salvelinus (brook trout and Arctic charr S. alpinus ) and low virulence and preference for species of Oncorhynchus (rainbow trout O. mykiss , Chinook salmon, cohoSalmon O. kisutch ) or Salmo (Atlantic salmon Salmo salar ). Although this variant of L. salmonae was different from the original, the differences do not justify describing it as a new species, although definitive determination is pending.  相似文献   

The effects of dexamethasone (dex) treatment on infections with the microsporidian parasite, Loma salmonae and the effects of dex on initiation of the adaptive immune response were investigated in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss experimentally infected with the parasite. Dex treatment resulted in significantly higher infections with the parasite in the gills and other internal organs, suggesting that dex inhibits aspects of the innate immune response to L. salmonae; the heavier infections in the gills and organs of rainbow trout resembled infections seen in Chinook salmon. Mean xenoma counts per microscope field in the gills of fish infected with L. salmonae treated with dex or left untreated were 169 and 30, respectively. Although higher numbers of xenomas were observed in dex treated fish, the xenomas were generally smaller in size than in infected control fish. The xenomas in dex treated fish showed morphological signs of degeneration including loss and degeneration of early parasite stages, accumulation of amorphous material in xenomas, and infiltration with phagocytic cells containing degenerated parasites. The xenomas in infected untreated fish had larger xenomas with a more uniform size and contained identifiable parasite stages in the cytoplasm. According to this study, once fish have developed an adaptive immune response to the parasite by previous exposure, then fish have 100% protection to reinfection even when treated with heavy doses of dex. L. salmonae immune fish treated or untreated with dex during reinfection with the parasite developed no xenomas in the gills 6 weeks post reinfection. These results indicate that once the cellular response is primed to L. salmonae, then dex related immunosuppression does not reduce the effectiveness of the adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Microsporidia of the genus Encephalitozoon undergo merogony and sporogony in a parasitophorous vacuole within the host cell. Cultured green monkey kidney cells infected with Encephalitozoon hellem were loaded with the fluorescent dyes fura-2 or BCECF in order to measure intracellular concentrations of calcium and hydrogen ions respectively. Both the parasitophorous vacuole calcium concentration and pH values resembled those of the host cell cytoplasm in infected cells. Calcein entered the parasitophorous vacuole but not other host cell vacuoles or parasite stages within the parasitophorous vacuole. The lack of a pH or calcium concentration gradient across the parasitophorous vacuole membrane and the permeability of this membrane to a large anion such as calcein suggest that the vacuole membrane surrounding E. hellem resembles that surrounding some other intracellular parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii. A potential role is discussed for the parasitophorous vacuole calcium concentration in germination in situ.  相似文献   

Previous studies have modelled the relationship between water temperature and the rate of sporulation as defined by xenoma formation during microsporidial gill disease (MGD) in salmon caused by Loma salmonae. Although offering insight into the epidemiology of MGD, a key unexplored area is the role of temperature in the rate of xenoma dissolution including spore release into the environment, and this is crucial to our ability to model horizontal transmission of MGD within confined net-pen populations of farmed salmon. Results from a previous trial suggested that xenoma dissolution may be dramatically hastened as water temperature declines, thus introducing a critical anomaly into any predictive exercise. The data generated herein was evaluated using the statistics of survival analysis to re-establish the baseline relationship of xenoma formation and dissolution relative to water temperature and to compare these results with those of previous studies. We infected 30 individuals of Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) with macerated xenoma-laden gill material, and afterwards allocated them to tanks with water temperatures of 11, 15, or 19 degrees C and monitored them through a disease cycle. Xenoma onset and clearance times were similar to previous findings with both events being accelerated at higher water temperatures, thereby suggesting a similar temperature response in the current strain to those used in previous studies. Another group of 45 fish was infected with L. salmonae and held at 15 degrees C until xenomas formed, and were subsequently shifted to 11, 15, or 19 degrees C. The median xenoma dissolution time in these tanks was 49, 35 and 28 d, respectively, similar to rates observed when water temperature remained constant. Thus we rejected the hypothesis that a sudden change in water temperature triggers rapid or anomalous xenoma dissolution.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopy of the pineal receptor cells in light- and dark-adapted brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis and the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, revealed no significant differences in the tubular and filamentous elements of the inner segment, neck and supranuclear regions. However, changes in synaptic relations between the photoreceptor and nerve cell were induced by light and darkness. In the light-adapted state, the synaptic relationship between axon terminals and photoreceptor basal processes predominates, while in darkness the synapses between photoreceptor basal processes and ganglion cell dendrites are more prominent. Further, in darkness, the photoreceptor basal processes show a number of synaptic vesicles and synaptic ribbons. These findings suggest that the sensory function of the fish pineal is enhanced during darkness but inhibited by light, and that the synaptic relationships are involved in the control of sensory activity in the pineal photoreceptor and ganglion cells. These results corroborate those of electrophysiological studies in that the maximal spontaneous discharge frequency of the ganglion cells occurs in the dark, and it also shows a burst when light is removed. The typical chemical synapse between the axon terminal and the photoreceptor basal process in light seems to function as an inhibitor.The authors thank Dr. Mary Ann Klyne for her assistance in several aspects of this work. Financial assistance was provided by the NSERC of Canada and the Ministry of Education of Québec  相似文献   

Silver-banded karyotypes of the rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri, the brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, and their hybrids were described. Diploid-type and triploid-type hybrids were obtained. Triploid-type hybrids had two maternal genomes of the rainbow trout and one paternal genome of the brook trout. The rainbow trout had one pair of M or SM with Ag-NORs near the satellite. In the brook trout, Ag-NORs were observed in four pairs of chromosomes, but each cell had different number of chromosomes with Ag-NORs. In all observed cells of triploid-type hybrids, Ag-NORs originated from the brook trout were not recognized, whereas those from the rainbow trout were found.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of crown cells and supporting cells of the saccus vasculosus has been described by numerous investigators. A third type of cell has been mentioned by several authors and referred to variously as undifferentiated crown cells, pseudo-coronet cells, pear-shaped cells and, most recently, as liquor-contact neurons. A developmental study of the organ was undertaken as a possible means of characterizing this third cell type and determining its origin.The epithelium of the saccus vasculosus and the ependyma of the third ventricle are different and distinguishable at the time of hatching in rainbow trout. Initially, apical protrusions from crown cells extend slightly into the lumen and a few end knobs or motile cilia project from them. Basal bodies with cross-striated rootlets occur frequently. In swim-up fry, end knobs are more numerous and heavily vacuolated, although cross-striated rootlets are less apparent.Evidence is presented that is consistent with a hypothesis of secretory activity in the crown cells. Further, portions of end knobs containing this material appear to be pinched off from the remainder of the crown cell. The possible presence of bipolar neurons is also discussed.Supported by Research Grant 5 R01 NS0627 from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke.  相似文献   

We demonstrate, based on the light, electron microscopic, and immunofluorescence studies carried out on two isolates of Encephalitozoon cuniculi established in culture, that E. cuniculi exhibits di-, tri-, tetra- and octosporous sporogony. We therefore propose that the generic characters of Encephalitozoon should be amended to include tetra-sporous sporogony as generic features. Additionally, the molecular phylogenetic analysis indicates that E. cuniculi, E. hellem, and E. (Septata) intestinalis form a cohesive group.  相似文献   

During early embryogenesis, before the conceptus forms the placenta, maternal nutrients as well as signaling molecules must reach the embryo proper through a tightly sealed epithelial tissue, the visceral endoderm (VE). The VE serves as a signaling center for embryogenesis, where exocytic and endocytic processes integrate signal production, perception and termination. However, the endocytic process in this important tissue has not been well characterized. We show that endocytic delivery to the lysosomes occurs via RAB7-dependent microautophagy. This process is essential for early mammalian development.  相似文献   

Several tissues from different animals, including the rat kidney and the freshwater rainbow trout gills, show an ouabain-insensitive, furosemide-sensitive, Na+-stimulated ATPase activity, which has been associated with the active control of the cell volume. This Na-ATPase is Mg2+ dependent and it is inhibited by vanadate, which can be taken as an indication that this enzyme is a P-type ATPase. The P-type ATPases are known to form a phosphorylated intermediate during their catalytic cycle, where the phosphate binds an aspartyl residue at the enzyme's substrate site. In the current study, we partially characterized the phosphorylated intermediate of the ouabain-insensitive Na-ATPase of rat kidney cortex homogenates and that of gill microsomes from freshwater rainbow trout. While the kidney cortex homogenates, under our assay conditions, show both Na- and Na,K-ATPase activities, the gill microsomes, when assayed at pH 5.2, only show Na-ATPase activity. Both preparations showed a Mg2+-dependent, Na+-stimulated phosphorylated intermediate, which is enhanced by furosemide. Incubation of the phosphorylated enzyme with 0.6 N hydroxylamine (NH2OH) showed that it is acid-stable and sensitive to hydroxylamine, either when phosphorylated in the presence or absence of furosemide. Addition of ADP to the incubation medium drives the reaction cycle of the enzyme backward, diminishing its phosphorylation. Na+ seems to stimulate both the phosphorylation and the dephosphorylation of the enzyme, at least for the Na-ATPase from gill microsomes. In a E1–E2 reaction cycle of the Na-ATPase, furosemide seems to be blocking the transition step from Na·E1∼P to Na·E2-P.  相似文献   

A novel cell isolation technique was used to characterize cadmium and calcium uptake in distinct populations of gill cells from the adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A specific population of mitochondria-rich (MR) cell, termed the PNA+ MR cell (PNA is peanut lectin agglutinin), was found to accumulate over threefold more 109Cd than did PNA- MR cells, pavement cells (PV cells), and mucous cells during a 1-h in vivo exposure at 2.4 microg/l 109Cd. In vitro 109Cd exposures, performed in standard PBS and Cl- -free PBS, at concentrations from 1 to 16 microg/l 109Cd, were also carried out to further characterize Cd2+ uptake kinetics. As observed during in vivo experiments, PNA+ MR cells accumulated significantly more 109Cd than did other cell types when exposures were performed by an in vitro procedure in PBS. Under such conditions, Cd2+ accumulation kinetics in all cell types could be described with Michaelis-Menten relationships, with Km values of approximately 3.0 microg/l Cd (27 nM) for both MR cell subtypes and 8.6 microg/l Cd (77 nM) for PV cells. In similar experiments performed in Cl- -free conditions, a significant reduction in 109Cd accumulation in PNA+ MR cells was seen but not in PNA- MR or in PV cells. In vitro 45Ca fluxes were also performed to determine the cellular localization of Ca2+ transport in these functionally distinct populations of gill cells. 45Ca uptake was most pronounced in PNA+ MR cells, with levels over threefold higher than those found in either PNA(-) MR or in PV cells. Results from the present study suggest that the PNA+ MR cell type is a high-affinity and high-capacity site for apical entry of Cd2+ and Ca2+ in the gill epithelium of rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The morphology of scale osteoclasts in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was characterized by light and scanning electron microscopy, and the effects of oestradiol-17β-treatment and sexual maturation on scale osteoclast morphology were investigated. The cells associated with resorption cavities could be distinguished morphologically as two types: symmetrical, compact cells lacking or having only a few cell processes, termed type 1 cells, and asymmetrical cells covered with folds and having several cell processes, termed type 2 cells. In adult sexually maturing fish, where scale resorption was high, type 1 cells were predominant. In juveniles and spawned adults where scale resorption was assumed to be relatively low, mostly type 2 cells were present. Oestradiol 17-β-treatment of juvenile rainbow trout increased the osteoclast activity, but did not affect the osteoclast morphology. Using light microscopy, the majority of the cells observed in, and closely associated with, the resorption cavities were mononucleated in both maturing and spawned fish. Occasionally, bi- and multinucleated osteoclasts were observed in the maturing, but not in the spawned fish. Light microscopic enzyme-histochemistry showed that the majority of the mononucleated cells, as well as the bi- and multinucleated ones, were tartrate resistant acid phosphatase positive in both groups of fish, thus implying that both type 1 and type 2 cells were osteoclasts. It is thus apparent that scale resorption in rainbow trout is carried out by two morphologically distinct osteoclast populations, representing different stages of osteoclast activity and/or different stages of osteoclast differentiation.  相似文献   

Interactions between GRA proteins of dense granules in Toxoplasma gondii and host cell proteins were analyzed by yeast two-hybrid technique. The cMyc-GRA fusion proteins expressed from pGBKT7 plasmid in Y187 yeast were bound to host cell proteins from pGADT7-Rec-HeLa cDNA library transformed to AH109 yeast by mating method. By the selection procedures, a total of 939 colonies of the SD/-AHLT culture, 348 colonies of the X-alpha-gal positive and PCR, 157 colonies of the X-beta-gal assay were chosen for sequencing the cDNA and finally 90 colonies containing ORF were selected to analyze the interactions. GRA proteins interacted with a variety of host cell proteins such as enzymes, structural and functional proteins of organellar proteins of broad spectrum. Several specific bindings of each GRA protein to host proteins were discussed presumptively the role of GRA proteins after secreting into the parasitophorous vacuoles (PV) and the PV membrane in the parasitism of this parasite.  相似文献   

Xin Wen 《Autophagy》2016,12(6):905-906
The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and macroautophagy/autophagy are 2 main degradative routes, which are important for cellular homeostasis. In a study conducted by Marshall et al., the authors demonstrated that the UPS and autophagy converge in Arabidopsis (see the punctum in issue #11–10). In particular, they found that the 26S proteasome is degraded by autophagy, either nonselectively (induced by nitrogen starvation) or selectively (induced by proteasome inhibition). The selective phenotype is mediated through the proteasome subunit RPN10, which can bind both ubiquitin and ATG8. This newly identified autophagic degradation of the proteasome is termed “proteaphagy,” and the process reveals an interesting relationship between these degradative systems.  相似文献   

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