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M. Artzrouni 《Journal of mathematical biology》1990,28(3):271-291
During the initially exponential spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV—the causative agent of AIDS) the growth rate of the number of AIDS cases decreases from plus infinity to the growth rate of HIV infections. A sensitivity analysis shows that for all reasonable values of the parameters of the HIV epidemic (incubation period, initial doubling time, etc.) the effect of this positive transient becomes negligible when the annual number of AIDS cases reaches a few dozen. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the growth rate of the number of AIDS cases to be monotonically decreasing during the positive transient. A mildly pathological density function for the incubation period of AIDS provides an example of a growth rate of AIDS that does not decrease monotonically, even though HIV is spreading exponentially. A negative transient occurs when the growth rate of HIV begins to decrease. In this context a somewhat surprising result emerges under the assumption that the growth rate of HIV is non-increasing: the growth rate of AIDS is at all times larger than the growth rate of HIV. A logistic HIV epidemic illustrates this result, and implications for the growth of the HIV epidemic in the United States and Europe are discussed. In particular, it is shown that the positive transient must have passed by 1982 in the United States and by 1986 or 1987 for the five European countries with the largest caseloads. 相似文献
Marc Artzrouni 《Journal of mathematical biology》1992,31(1):73-99
Building on the Weibull distribution, we develop a modeled time-varying density function of the incubation time between exposure to HIV infection and full-blown AIDS. This approach leads to a series of cohort-specific density functions that take into account the increasing impact of new therapies such as zidovudine (AZT). The resulting modeled density functions are studied in detail, particularly with regard to their modes and medians. The mode is sensitive to changes in the period incubation time distribution, with even a possibility of a bimodal distribution for certain combinations of the parameters that determine the rate at which the period median incubation time changes. An important substantive result is that when a period median incubation period slowly increases to some leveling off value, say m(x
), then it is surprisingly early on that cohorts of infected individuals have a median incubation period very close to that ultimate value m(x
). 相似文献
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the infectious agent causing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a deadliest
scourge of human society. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major causative agent of chronic liver disease and infects an estimated
170 million people worldwide, resulting in a serious public health burden. Due to shared routes of transmission, co-infection
with HIV and HCV has become common among individuals who had high risks of blood exposures. Among hemophiliacs the co-infection
rate accounts for 85%; while among injection drug users (IDU) the rate can be as high as 90%. HIV can accelerate the progression
of HCV-related liver disease, particularly when immunodeficiency has developed. Although the effect of HCV on HIV infection
is controversial, most studies showed an increase in mortality due to liver disease. HCV may act as a direct cofactor to fasten
the progression of AIDS and decrease the tolerance of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HARRT). Conversely, HAART-related
hepatotoxicity may enhance the progression of liver fibrosis. Due to above complications, co-infection with HCV and HIV-1
has imposed a critical challenge in the management of these patients. In this review, we focus on the epidemiology and transmission
of HIV and HCV, the impact of the two viruses on each other, and their treatment.
Lei KANG Jing HU Xue-shan XIA Jian-guo WU 《Virologica Sinica》2007,22(6):443-450
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the infectious agent causing acquired immu-nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),a deadliest scourge of human society. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major causative agent of chronic liver disease and infects an estimated 170 million people worldwide,resulting in a serious public health burden. Due to shared routes of transmission,co-infection with HIV and HCV has become common among individuals who had high risks of blood exposures. Among hemophiliacs the co-infection rate accounts for 85%; while among injection drug users (IDU) the rate can be as high as 90%. HIV can accelerate the progression of HCV-related liver disease,particularly when immunodeficiency has developed. Although the effect of HCV on HIV infection is controversial,most studies showed an increase in mortality due to liver disease. HCV may act as a direct cofactor to fasten the progression of AIDS and decrease the tolerance of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HARRT). Conversely,HAART-related hepatotoxicity may enhance the progression of liver fibrosis. Due to above complications,co-infection with HCV and HIV-1 has imposed a critical challenge in the management of these patients. In this review,we focus on the epidemiology and transmission of HIV and HCV,the impact of the two viruses on each other,and their treatment. 相似文献
Perinatal transmission of Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV),also called mother-to-child transmission(MTCT),accounts for 90% of infections in infants worldwide and occurs in 30%-45% of children born to untreated HIV-1 infected mothers.Among HIV-1 infected mothers,some viruses are transmitted from mothers to their infants while others are not.The relationship between virologic properties and the pathogenesis caused by HIV-1 remains unclear.Previous studies have demonstrated that one obvious source of selective pressure in the perinatal transmission of HIV-1 is maternal neutralizing antibodies.Recent studies have shown that viruses which are successfully transmitted to the child have growth advantages over those not transmitted,when those two viruses are grown together.Furthermore,the higher fitness is determined by the gp120 protein of the virus envelope.This suggests that the selective transmission of viruses with higher fitness occurred exclusively,regardless of transmission routes.There are many factors contributing to the selective transmission and HIV replicative fitness is an important one that should not be neglected.This review summarizes current knowledge of the role of HIV replicative fitness in HIV MTCT transmission and the determinants of viral fitness upon MTCT. 相似文献
Perinatal transmission of Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV),also called mother-to-child transmission(MTCT),accounts for 90% of infections in infants worldwide and occurs in 30%-45% of children born to untreated HIV-1 infected mothers.Among HIV-1 infected mothers,some viruses are transmitted from mothers to their infants while others are not.The relationship between virologic properties and the pathogenesis caused by HIV-1 remains unclear.Previous studies have demonstrated that one obvious source of selectiv... 相似文献
Mohamed A. El-Farrash Takao Masuda Marcelo J. Kuroda Shinji Harada 《Microbiology and immunology》1993,37(5):349-357
The effect of host cell factors on infectivity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was studied by infecting a monoblastoid cell line (U937) or a T-cell line (MOLT-4) with a highly infective single clone of HIV-1 and comparing the infectivity of the produced viruses to different cell lines. Chronically infected U937 cells consistently produced viruses with minimal infectivity. This phenotypic change was host-dependent as the back-passage of the U937-produced low infective viruses into MOLT-4 cells resulted in regaining their original high infectivity. Southern and Northern blot analyses of the HIV-1 grown in U937 cells did not reveal any genomic difference between it and the virus grown it MOLT-4 cells. The radioimmunoprecipitation analysis of viral proteins showed that the HIV-1-infected U937 cells had a different pattern of envelope glycoproteins and core proteins, which well correlated with the low infectivity of the produced viruses. This experimental system using MOLT-4 and U937 cell lines would be useful to further explore host cell factor(s) which play an important role in the regulation of HIV-1 infectivity. 相似文献
A spectrum of pathogenicity has been observed for primate lentiviruses in their natural hosts. For example, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a potent etiologic agent for AIDS in man, whereas there is no evidence to date which indicates that simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys (SIVAGM) causes immunodeficiency in AGM. We measured the relative rates of amino acid change, as the ratio of the number of nonsynonymous to synonymous (silent) nucleotide substitutions, for six primate lentiviruses evolving in their respective hosts. These rates for the external envelope glycoprotein (gp120) and gag coding sequences are 2–3 times higher for pathogenic HIV-1 and SIV..ac (macaque) than for minimally pathogenic SIVAGM and SIVsn,m (sooty mangabey), and intermediate for HIV-2. We speculate that the increased rates of nonsynonymous changes in gp120 and gag coding sequences are due to viral escape from immune surveillance and are indicative of higher immunogenicity of these proteins in their hosts. Based on these results and available experimental data, we conclude that there is a positive correlation between lentiviral pathogenicity and immunogenicity of the Env and Gag proteins in a given host. This hypothesis is consistent with recent data suggesting that immune system activation or autoimmunity induced by viral antigens may be important in the pathogenesis of AIDS.Correspondence to: E.G. Shpaer 相似文献
将猴免疫缺陷病毒(Simianimmunodeficiencyvirus,SIVmm239)中gag基因的衣壳蛋白部分置换成人免疫缺陷病毒(Humanimmunodeficiencyvirustype1,HIV-1HXBc2)的相应部分,构建出替换了衣壳蛋白基因的人/猿嵌合免疫缺陷病毒(SHIV)原病毒DNA。用此SHIV原病毒DNA转染293T细胞,细胞中能够检测到嵌合病毒基因的转录与翻译;在细胞培养液上清中亦可检测到装配出的病毒颗粒。病毒颗粒形态正常,含有基因组RNA,具有反转录酶活性,嵌合的外源衣壳蛋白能够正确剪切,形成棒状的核心。将此嵌合SHIV病毒感染MT4细胞,病毒能够吸附并进入细胞,能完成反转录过程,但不能增殖。 相似文献
Yan Yan Yong Ren Renfang Chen Jing Hu Yongjia Ji Junyang Yang Jiayin Shen Lvyin Hu Hao Pei Jun Wang Yuanwang Qiu Hongzhou Lu Lihua Huang 《中国病毒学》2018,33(3):227-233
Little data is available on the evaluation of the occurrence rates of Epstein-Barr virus(EBV) in saliva and relationship with highly active antiretroviral therapy(HAART) use in HIV/AIDS patients in China. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of EBV serological tests for HIV/AIDS patients who were treated in the hospitals for infectious diseases in Wuxi and Shanghai, China from May 2016 to April 2017. The EBV-seropositive samples were identified by ELISA. EBV-specific primers and probes were used for the quantitative detection of viral DNA from saliva via quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. CD4 cell counts of the HIV/AIDS patients were detected by a flow cytometry. A total of 372 HIV/AIDS patients were ultimately selected and categorized for this retrospective cohort study. For EBV IgG and IgM, the HIV/AIDS HAART use(H) and non-HAART use(NH) groups had significantly higher seropositive rates than the HIV-negative control group. The HIV/AIDS(NH) group had the highest seropositive rate(IgG, 94.27%; IgM, 68.98%) and the highest incidence of EBV reactivation or infection. For salivary EBV DNA-positive rates and quantities, the HIV/AIDS(H)(73.69%) and the HIV/AIDS(NH)(100%) groups showed significantly higher values than the HIV-negative control group(35.79%,[ twofold). Further, the salivary EBV DNA-negative population had significantly higher CD4 cell counts than the EBV DNA-positive population in the HIV/AIDS(H) group and the HIV/AIDS(NH) groups. Thus, HAART use is beneficial in decreasing the EBV salivary shedding in HIV/AIDS patients and indirectly decreases EBV transmission risk. 相似文献
艾滋病(AIDS)主要是由人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)侵入人体后,破坏人的免疫系统造成的。许多流行病学研究已证明,疱疹病毒与HIV的共感染可以导致对HIV-1启动子的激活,并加速细胞的病理性反应〔1〕,从而加大个体对HIV感染的敏感和加快疾病的进程。人疱... 相似文献
Jill M. Kolesar Peter G. Allen Cynthia M. Doran 《Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences》1997,697(1-2)
HIV-1 RNA was quantitated directly by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence (CE-LIF). CE-LIF was used to analyze cellular RNA and various nucleotide complexes. A fluorescently labeled DNA probe (DNA/RNA complex) in conjunction with thiazole orange intercalator was determined to have optimal stability and sensitivity for RNA analysis. Based on this observation, a hybridization method using a HIV-specific fluorescently labeled probe with analysis by CE-LIF was developed. Plasma samples from a HIV-seropositive patient were lysed to obtain RNA, hybridized with the HIV-specific probe and analyzed by CE-LIF. As little as 19 fg (1710 copies per 1 ml of starting plasma) of HIV RNA can be reliably and quantitatively detected. CE-LIF appears to be an efficient and sensitive method to quantitatively analyze RNA from a variety of sources. 相似文献
The aim of this paper is to analyze the recruitment effects of susceptible and infected individuals in order to assess the productivity of an organizational labor force in the presence of HIV/AIDS with preventive and HAART treatment measures in enhancing the workforce output. We consider constant controls as well as time-dependent controls. In the constant control case, we calculate the basic reproduction number and investigate the existence and stability of equilibria. The model is found to exhibit backward and Hopf bifurcations, implying that for the disease to be eradicated, the basic reproductive number must be below a critical value of less than one. We also investigate, by calculating sensitivity indices, the sensitivity of the basic reproductive number to the model’s parameters. In the time-dependent control case, we use Pontryagin’s maximum principle to derive necessary conditions for the optimal control of the disease. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the analytical results. The cost-effectiveness analysis results show that optimal efforts on recruitment (HIV screening of applicants, etc.) is not the most cost-effective strategy to enhance productivity in the organizational labor force. Hence, to enhance employees’ productivity, effective education programs and strict adherence to preventive measures should be promoted. 相似文献
During human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) infection, type I interferon(IFN-I) signaling induces an antiviral state that includes the production of restriction factors that inhibit virus replication, thereby limiting the infection. As seen in other viral infections, type I IFN can also increase systemic immune activation which, in HIV disease, is one of the strongest predictors of disease progression to acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) and non-AIDS morbidity and mortality.Moreover, IFN-I is associated with CD4 T cell depletion and attenuation of antigen-specific T cell responses. Therefore,therapeutic manipulation of IFN-I signaling to improve HIV disease outcome is a source of much interest and debate in thefield. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of timing(acute vs. chronic infection) and have suggested that specific targeting of type I IFNs and their subtypes may help harness the beneficial roles of the IFN-I system while avoiding its deleterious activities. 相似文献
《Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters》2019,29(14):1765-1768
We report the first biological evaluation the 1,2,3-thiaselenazole class of compound and utilising a concise synthetic approach of sulfur extrusion, selenium insertion of the 1,2,3-dithiazoles. We created a small diverse library of compounds to contrast the two ring systems. This approach has highlighted new structure activity relationship insights and lead to the development of sub-micro molar anti-viral compounds with reduced toxicity. The 1,2,3-thiaselenazole represents a new class of potential compounds for the treatment of FIV and HIV. 相似文献
HIV(+)/AIDS并发肺结核与单纯肺结核患者临床对照分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
周霞 《氨基酸和生物资源》2008,30(4):55-58
提高对HIV(+)/AIDS并发肺结核临床表现的认识。方法:选取1998年以来我院收治的HIV(+)/AIDS并发肺结核的病例共47例为观察组(A组),及同期住院的HIV(-)单纯肺结核病例50例为对照组(B组)进行回顾性对照分析。结果:(1)A组发烧和体重下降较B组更常见,而咳嗽和咯血较B组少见;(2)A组痰抗酸杆菌阳性率显著低于B组;(3)A组结核杆菌培养阳性率显著低于B组,而耐多药结核(MDR-TB)所占比率显著高于B组;(4)肺结核的X线表现为弥漫性浸润或粟粒性阴影的,A组多于B组,而A组影像学空洞率显著低于B组;(5)A组合并肺外结核较B组多见,A组淋巴系统较B组常发生结核病变,A组全身血液播散性结核病的发病率明显高于B组;(6)PPD结核菌素反应阳性率A组显著低于B组,A组PPD阳性率与外周CD4+T淋巴细胞数相关。结论:HIV(+)/AIDS患者并发肺结核临床表现不典型。 相似文献