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Nitrogen and carbohydrate pools of two rhizome types of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel
Peter Woitke Annette Kiehl Harald Kühl Johannes-Günter Kohl 《International Review of Hydrobiology》1997,82(2):161-168
Carbohydrate and total nitrogen contents as well as free amino acid (FAA) concentrations were determined in distinct types of rhizomes of two genetically homogeneous stands of reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel) differing in morphology, productivity and nutrient supply in order to evaluate the storage capacity of vertical rhizomes and expansion rhizomes. The expansion rhizomes possess significantly higher amounts of FAA and of total nitrogen but similar carbohydrate concentrations in comparison to the vertical rhizomes. However, no significant differences were found for total nitrogen, FAA and total carbohydrates between both investigated stands indicating a comparable storage capacity of rhizomes independent of nutrient availability. Only the composition of the FAA pool varied in the alanine/asparagine ratio probably influenced by the oxygen supply of the rhizome/root system. 相似文献
芦苇生态型研究进展 总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17
芦苇生态幅极广,适生于多种生境类型。不同的环境选择压力如水深、盐度、养分、气候等交互影响致使芦苇个体及种群间发生不同程度的分化和变异,形成了形态、生理或遗传上互有差异、异地性的不同生态型。尽管基于芦苇表型变异以及遗传变异进行生态型划分的研究已开展很多,但针对芦苇生态型变异规律及其可能的形成机制的认知仍存在较多分歧。在总结近年来有关芦苇生态型研究文献的基础上,通过对影响芦苇生态型变异的主要因素——环境因素和遗传因素的分析,以期为芦苇生态型的划分及其可能的形成机制提供新的研究思路。(1)空间尺度的选择应成为研究者分析、划分芦苇生态型的首要定位。在较大的地理空间尺度上,高度异质性的生境导致某些性状的变异式样具有相对的不连续性,可作为不同芦苇生态型鉴别与描述的主要依据;(2)在合理的尺度定位、取样设计和统计分析的基础上开展的表型变异研究,及进一步基于种群水平的分子标记研究(分子指纹特征或特有等位基因),可为芦苇生态型的鉴定、划分提供更为可靠的参考数据,并且可以甄别生境差异(环境响应)和遗传变异对芦苇不同生态型分化的贡献;(3)应同时进行不同生态型的特定性状与功能(株高、茎粗、生物量、生理抗逆性、水体污染物净化能力等)的定位,推动优良基因型的选育与扩繁。 相似文献
九段沙芦苇湿地生态系统N、P、K的循环特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对九段沙(上沙、中沙、下沙)芦苇湿地土壤、植物中N、P、K含量进行了测定,研究其分布规律.结果表明:水平分布上,湿地土壤全量养分与速效性养分含量均是中沙最低,并以中沙为中心向两端递增,速效性养分的这种变化尤为显著.垂直分布上,土壤全N和全K含量的分布规律一致,为上层>下层>中层;全P含量分布为中层>上层>下层.速效N含量分布为上层>中层>下层;速效P含量上层土壤最高,中、下层土壤含量因湿地类型而异;速效K含量多以中层土壤最低,上、下层土壤含量变化不稳定,以不同湿地而异.不同芦苇湿地的土壤速效性养分含量差异显著大于全量养分的差异,0~60 cm深度土壤的全量养分和速效性养分含量排序均为K>N>P.中沙湿地植物中养分含量最低,与土壤中营养元素总体水平分布一致;多数芦苇湿地植物中营养元素含量排序为N>K>P,与土壤养分含量排序不一致.不同芦苇湿地的吸收系数排序均为N>P>K;芦苇湿地利用系数排序为P>K>N;循环系数排序为N>K>P. 相似文献
丛枝真菌对互花米草和芦苇氮磷吸收的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel.)是我国海滨盐沼的入侵植物,与土著种芦苇(Phragmites australis)形成了广泛的竞争;已知丛枝菌根(AMF)对不同植物的生长存在差异性影响;但其对互花米草与芦苇之间的种间关系,是否对互花米草入侵芦苇群体产生作用值得探讨.研究对两物种进行了丛枝菌根接种处理,种植模式处理和盐度处理的三因素实验.结果表明:盐度增加使得单种时芦苇、混种时互花米草的AMF侵染率显著下降(p<0.05),而混种时芦苇和单种时的互花米草AMF侵染率受盐度影响不显著(p>0.05).混种时,两种植物的丛枝菌根形成均受对方影响,并且盐度升高使两种植物之间对AMF侵染率的影响发生变化,在淡水生境下混种时,芦苇的AMF侵染率比单种时降低40.5%,互花米草的AMF侵染率比单种时提高了86.9%,均差异显著(p<0.05);在低盐度下混种时芦苇的AMF侵染率比单种时降低24.7%,差异显著(p<0.05),而对互花米草的影响不显著;在高盐度下混种对芦苇的AMF侵染率影响不显著,而使互花米草的AMF侵染率显著降低,降低率比例达78.7%.在淡水生境下,丛枝菌根对芦苇和互花米草的N、P吸收均有显著的促进作用;但是在咸水生境下生长时芦苇的N、P含量主要受盐度的显著影响(p<0.05),随盐度增加而增加;虽然在咸水生境下丛枝菌根仍旧促进芦苇的N、P吸收,但其影响远小于盐度的影响,并且促进效果受到盐度的抑制;但互花米草的N、P含量不受盐度影响.由此可见,接种AMF对这两种植物的氮磷吸收有着不同程度的促进,其作用大小与侵染程度有关,且受到盐度和种植模式的影响. 相似文献
为探明北京地区芦苇(Phragmites australis)的资源状态和多样性, 实地考察北京主要河流、湿地和水库, 发现北京地区芦苇总生长面积已超过600 hm2。芦苇染色体倍性以八倍体为主, 四倍体次之。在面积较大的湿地内, 八倍体单一芦苇群落占据优势地位; 而在城市的浅河内有形态和遗传性多样的混合种群。研究表明, 植物性状和倍性水平之间无显著相关性。在小清河发现了6种形态各异的芦苇克隆, 均属于叶绿体DNA片段的P单倍型; 其单倍体基因组大小为(0.499±0.019) pg, 变异系数为3.8%。这表明表型与单倍型之间也不具相关性。此外, 发现1个具有变叶特性的芦苇, 将其命名为金条芦苇。北京地区芦苇形态和遗传多样性为研究芦苇基因型与环境适应性之间的关系提供了珍贵的资源。 相似文献
外来种互花米草和土著种芦苇空中凋落物氮动态的比较研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
土壤氮含量是限制植物生长的重要因素, 所以入侵植物要入侵成功必须突破土壤氮限制的瓶颈。近年来, 外来种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)在中国海岸带盐沼中快速取代土著种芦苇(Phragmites australis), 引起了多方面的生态学后果。为了解互花米草与本地种芦苇空中凋落物的氮含量是否存在差异及产生这种差异的机制, 2003年11月至2004年4月, 作者在长江口九段沙湿地对互花米草与芦苇空中凋落物氮含量(单位面积凋落物的总氮量, N g/m2)进行了测定, 结果表明互花米草的氮含量比芦苇高。在空中分解过程中, 互花米草茎(包括叶鞘与秆)凋落物的氮含量显著上升, 但芦苇茎凋落物的氮含量显著降低。2006年1月, 又对中国海岸带6个地点的盐沼中互花米草的凋落物进行取样和氮浓度测定, 发现互花米草空中叶鞘与秆的老凋落物(2004年冬季产生)的氮浓度均显著高于其新产生的凋落物(2005年冬季产生), 表明在空中分解过程中, 互花米草叶鞘与秆凋落物氮含量增加具有普遍性。进一步的温室受控实验结果表明, 互花米草凋落物氮含量增加可能是由腐生固氮微生物引起的。以上结果表明,互花米草取代芦苇后, 改变了空中凋落物的氮动态, 增加了生态系统中氮的输入, 可能有利于互花米草的快速扩张。 相似文献
有机螯合剂在芦苇富集转运铅中的作用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近年来,随着人口的激增和工农业生产的迅猛发展,土壤和水体的重金属污染日益加重。植物提取技术作为一种新兴的修复重金属污染的治理方法,以其潜在的高效、经济及其生态协调性等优势被广泛关注。其研究主要是利用对某些重金属具有超富集能力的超积累植物或耐性植物,配合添加一定量的鳌合剂来进行修复。由于超富集植物一般生长缓慢且生物量小,因此利用对重金属有一定耐性的生长快速、生物量大的植物来进行修复更具有广阔的应用前景。芦苇作为一种多年生禾本科植物,具有生物量大、耐受性强和分布广泛的特点,已经被研究和应用到环境治理的多个领域。本文通过户外盆栽沙培试验,研究了铅胁迫下,分别在 2-10 mmol·L-1共 5 个浓度梯度的 EDTA 和柠檬酸两种鳌合剂处理下,芦苇生长对铅的响应以及对铅在植物体内的富集转运的影响。初试结果表明∶在 4mmol·L-1 Pb(NO3)2胁迫下,施加 EDTA 对芦苇的生长具有一定的抑制作用。当 EDTA 浓度为 10 mmol·L-1 时,透灌 7 d 后,其芦苇根和地上部(茎和叶)干重分别是空白试验(未加螯合剂)的 68.0% 和 72.3%,而柠檬酸对植物生物量的影响较小。同时,EDTA 和柠檬酸对铅在芦苇体内的富集和转运,都起到了促进作用。分别施加 10 mmol·L-1的 EDTA 和柠檬酸,其植物根部和地上部的铅浓度分别为空白试验的 7.4 倍、10.7 倍、2.5 倍、3.5 倍。EDTA 在促进植物体内铅的吸收和从根部到地上部的转运效率方面要比柠檬酸更为有效。尽管像 EDTA 和柠檬酸这样的鳌合剂能够在一定程度上提高植物的富集效率,但考虑到螯合剂自身对植物的毒害性、对环境的潜在威胁以及运行成本等方面因素,目前,寻找高效、廉价、可生物降解的鳌合剂以及大生物量的耐性植物成为植物提取技术的研究重点。 相似文献
深入研究芦苇(Phragmites australis)不同生长期植硅体的形态变化规律, 对提高古植被重建精度、探讨植硅体形成机理具有重要意义。该文对东北地区12个样点的芦苇叶片进行研究, 选取长势相近、叶片大小一致的芦苇叶片, 用湿式灰化法提取植硅体并对其进行分类和命名。研究发现, 芦苇植硅体主要有5种类型, 在不同生长期内和不同温湿度组合下, 其植硅体类型组合基本无变化, 说明同种植物的植硅体类型组合具有稳定性, 据此可以有效地恢复古植被; 同时芦苇鞍型植硅体百分含量的峰值出现在7月份, 随后稍有减少, 而芦苇扇型植硅体百分含量和浓度的峰值出现在8或9月份, 谷值在7月份。由此推测芦苇鞍型植硅体的形成可能更多地受控于植物的光合作用和蒸腾作用, 芦苇扇型植硅体的形成可能与机动细胞的支撑作用关系密切。实验结果还表明芦苇植硅体浓度并不是随着时间逐渐积累的, 其在8月份达到峰值, 9月份达到谷值, 因此推测植物植硅体浓度的变化规律可能与植物在不同生长期其自身对硅的需求规律相一致。鞍型植硅体浓度的峰值也出现在8月份, 谷值也在9月份, 其浓度变化与芦苇植硅体总浓度的变化趋势相似。 相似文献
This study estimated the decomposition rate and nutrient dynamics of Phragmites australis litter in Lake Burullus (Egypt) and investigated the amount of nutrients released back into the water after the decomposition of the dead tissues. Phragmites australis detritus decomposition was studied from April to September 2003 utilizing the leaf, stem, and rhizome litterbags technique with coarse mesh (5 mm) bags on five sampling dates and with nine replicate packs per sample. All samples were dried, weighed and analyzed for N, P, Ca, Mg, Na, and K concentrations. The exponential breakdown rate of leaves (?0.0117/day) was significantly higher than that of rhizomes (?0.0040/day) and stems (?0.0036/day). N, Na and K mineralization were the highest from leaf litter, followed by rhizomes and stems, while P, Ca and Mg mineralization were the highest from rhizomes, followed by leaves and stems. The dead shoot biomass at the end of 2003 amounted to 4550 g DM/m2 which enters the decomposition process. By using the decay rate of 0.0117 and 0.0036/day for the leaves and stems, 3487 g DM/m2 is decomposed in a year, leaving only 1063 g DM/m2 after 1 year. This is mainly equivalent to releasing the following nutrients into surrounding water (in g/m2): 24.4 N, 1.1 P, 15.5 Ca, 3.5 Mg, 11.3 Na and 16.7 K. In conclusion, the present study indicates a significant difference in relation to the type of litter; these breakdown rates were generally greater than most rates reported in previous studies that used the same technique and mesh size. 相似文献
扎龙芦苇湿地生长季的甲烷排放通量 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为研究高寒地区天然淡水芦苇湿地的甲烷排放特征,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,测定了扎龙不同水位芦苇湿地生长季的甲烷排放通量.结果表明:观测期内,扎龙芦苇湿地甲烷排放通量平均为7.67 mg·m-2·h-1(-21.18~46.15 mg·m-2·h-1),其中深水区(平均水深100 cm)和浅水区(平均水深25 cm)的平均甲烷排放通量分别为5.81和9.52 mg·m-2·h-1,排放峰值分别出现在8月和7月,最低值均出现在10月.深水区夏季(6-7月)的甲烷排放通量显著低于浅水区,而春(5月)、秋(8-10月)季节显著高于浅水区.生长季甲烷排放通量的变化为夏季>秋季>春季;昼夜排放量为12:00和14:00最高,0:00最低.温度和水位是高寒地区淡水芦苇湿地甲烷排放通量变化的主要影响因子. 相似文献
Phragmites australis (common reed) has expanded in many wetland habitats. Its ability to exclude other plant species has led to both control and eradication programs. This study examined two control methods—herbicide application or a herbicide‐burning combination—for their efficacy and ability to restore plant biodiversity in non‐tidal wetlands. Two Phragmites‐dominated sites received the herbicide glyphosate. One of these sites was burned following herbicide application. Plant and soil macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity were evaluated pre‐treatment and every year for four years post‐treatment using belt transects. The growth of Phragmites propagules—seeds, rhizomes, and rooted shoots—was examined in the greenhouse and under bare, burned, or vegetated soil conditions. Both control programs greatly reduced Phragmites abundance and increased plant biodiversity. Plant re‐growth was quicker on the herbicide‐burn site, with presumably a more rapid return to wetland function. Re‐growth at both sites depended upon a pre‐existing, diverse soil seed bank. There were no directed changes in soil macroinvertebrate abundance or diversity and they appeared unaffected by changes in the plant community. Phragmites seeds survived only on bare soils, while buried rhizomes survived under all soil conditions. This suggests natural seeding of disturbed soils and inadvertent human planting of rhizomes as likely avenues for Phragmites colonization. Herbicide control, with or without burning, can reduce Phragmites abundance and increase plant biodiversity temporarily. These changes do not necessarily lead to a more diverse animal community. Moreover, unless Phragmites is eradicated and further human disturbance is prohibited, it will likely eventually re‐establish dominance. 相似文献
Isoprene emission and primary metabolism in Phragmites australis grown under different phosphorus levels 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
Fares S Brilli F Noguès I Velikova V Tsonev T Dagli S Loreto F 《Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)》2008,10(1):38-43
Aquatic plants are generally used for wastewater purification and phytoremediation, but some of them also emit large amounts of isoprene, the most abundant biogenic volatile organic compound. Since isoprenoid biosynthesis requires high amounts of phosphorylated intermediates, the emission may also be controlled by inorganic phosphorus concentration (Pi) in leaves. We carried out experiments to determine the emission of isoprene from Phragmites australis plants used in reconstructed wetlands to phytoremediate elevated levels of phosphorus contributed by urban wastes. Four groups of plants were grown hydroponically in water containing different levels of KH(2)PO(4). High levels of phosphorus in the water resulted in high Pi in the leaves. High Pi stimulated photosynthesis at intercellular CO(2) concentrations lower and higher than ambient, implying higher ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity and higher ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration rates, respectively. However, isoprene emission was substantially lower at high Pi than at low Pi, and was not associated to photosynthesis rates at high Pi. This surprising result suggests that isoprene is limited by processes other than photosynthetic intermediate availability or by energetic (ATP) requirements under high Pi levels. Irrespective of the mechanism responsible for the observed reduction of isoprene emission, our results show that Phragmites plants may effectively remove phosphorus from water without concurrently increase isoprene emission, at least on a leaf area basis. Thus, Phragmites used in reconstructed wetlands for phytoremediation of urban wastes rich of phosphates will not contribute high loads of hydrocarbons which may influence air quality over urban and peri-urban areas. 相似文献
Pyrosequencing Reveals Bacterial Diversity in the Rhizosphere of Three Phragmites australis Ecotypes
Wei Zhang Xiukun Wu Guangxiu Liu Tuo Chen Gaosen Zhang Zhibao Dong 《Geomicrobiology journal》2013,30(7):593-599
Here we present the use of high-throughput DNA pyrosequencing to assess bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of three Phragmites australis ecotypes from the Hexi Corridor, China. In total, 43404 sequences were obtained for the three ecotypes, representing 31 phyla and a small amount of unclassified bacteria. The predominant bacterial groups in the rhizosphere of P. australis were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Gemmatimonadetes and Planctomycetes. The bacterial community structure varied with the different degrees of wetland degradation, which were exhibited by the three P. australis ecotypes in the study area. At the phylum level, the Caldiserica, Chlamydiae, Deferribacteres, Lentisphaerae, and candidate division WS3 were only detected in the swamp reed (SR) sample. Then, δ-proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Fusobacteria decreased, the Actinobacteria increased with the degree of degradation from SR through salt meadow reed (SMR) to dune reed (DR). The functional bacterial genera also varied with wetland degradation. The sulfur and sulfate-reducing, nitrifying and nitrogen-fixing bacteria were more abundant in the rhizosphere of the SR sample. Methane-oxidizing bacteria were abundant in the SR and DR samples but less so in the SMR. In our study, pyrosequencing of different P. australis ecotypes provided insight into the structural variation of the rhizosphere bacterial community. This study gave a database for the use of bacteria in the protection and ecological restoration of wetland. 相似文献
天津芦苇(Phragmites australis)沼泽具有重要的生态功能。目前天津地区水体咸化、氮污染和水资源短缺问题严重, 显著影响了芦苇湿地的植物生理生态过程。植物稳定碳同位素组成(碳稳定同位素比值(δ13C))能够记录与植物生长过程相关联的环境变化信息, 反映植物对环境变化的生理生态适应特性。该研究调查了天津七里海、北大港和大黄堡湿地芦苇叶片的δ13C分布特征, 探讨了影响该地区叶片δ13C值变化的主要因素。研究表明: 1)天津芦苇湿地植物叶片δ13C的变化范围在-26.3‰ - -23.6 ‰之间, 平均值为-25.8‰; 2)芦苇叶片δ13C与底泥相对含水量呈显著负相关关系, 与底泥有效氮和全氮含量呈显著正相关关系, 而与底泥盐度和磷含量没有显著相关关系; 水分条件和底泥氮营养状况是影响叶片的δ13C值变化的主要因素; 3)淹水条件下, 芦苇叶片δ13C与叶片质量氮含量呈显著正相关关系, 与叶碳氮比呈显著负相关关系, 8月份七里海湿地干涸打破了此相关关系。当前环境压力下, 天津沼泽湿地干涸极大地改变了芦苇的氮、水平衡和植物对水、氮资源的利用策略, 而湿地干涸对该过程的影响要高于盐度和氮负荷增加。 相似文献
Die-back of Phragmites australis: influence on the distribution and rate of sediment methanogenesis 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Methanogenesis was measured during the summer of 1994, in sediment coresand bulk samples from a Phragmites australis wetland in northern Jutland,Denmark. We compared sediment from healthy reed and dying-back reed, andan open lagoon resulting from die-back. Cores revealed variability withdepth and between sites, with the highest rates coinciding with layers oforganic gyttja, and negligible methane production from the underlying sandbase. Methanogenesis rates in the lagoon and die back sites were higher(up to 100–150 nmol h-1 g-1dry wt. sediment) than in the healthy reed (50–80 nmolh-1 g-1), with the highest rates being recordedfrom May to July. At these times, methanogenesis was markedly temperature-limited; samples incubated at 30 °C anon-limiting temperature, gave rates as high as 200–400nmol h-1 g-1 for the lagoon and die-backareas and 150 nmol h-1 g-1 for the healthyarea. Addition of 8 mM acetate and H2/CO2headspace suggested that both acetate-fermenting andCO2-reducing bacteria were present. Acetate additions suggested some co-limitation by substrate availability, with acetate limitation occurring in the healthy site during July and in the die-back site during August. Lower rates during August, especially in the healthy area, were associated with low water levels which resulted in more oxidized sediments. The data reveal highly variable methanogenesis in the sediment which, when considered with sediment depths, indicates that sites of Phragmites die-back have significantly greater rates of anaerobic mineralization than surrounding healthy wetland, and may be intense sources of methane. 相似文献
用芦苇恢复受损河岸生态系统的工程化方法 总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17
我国中小河流的护岸工程只考虑工程的耐久性多采用混凝土护岸。忽略了河流的生态功能,破坏了河流的各种生态过程,导致河流污染严重,生态作用越来越小。本研究提出一种用芦苇恢复受损河岸的工程化方法,以解决恢复受损河岸时成本高,破坏了芦苇原生地的生态环境和芦苇不便于运输的问题。其优点在于:在保证能够达到防止河岸崩塌及侵蚀的同时,在河岸工程设计中纳入生态学原理.创造出动植物及微生物能够生存的多孔隙河岸工程生态结构;可以减少对芦苇原生地的破坏。并且能够快速、大量繁殖芦苇幼苗。快速恢复受损河岸的芦苇群落及其生态环境;此方法在减少劳力、时间和成本的基础上,能够更容易恢复浅水带和河岸缓冲带芦苇群落,构建出一个芦苇繁茂的水域。 相似文献
Foliar stable carbon isotope ratios of Phragmites australis and the relevant environmental factors in marsh wetlands in Tianjin

Aims Phragmites australis marshes in Tianjin play an important role in ecosystem functioning. Wetlands of Tianjin municipality have been suffering from serious nitrogen loading, salinization and water shortage. The foliar stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) is a good parameter which records environmental change information associated with the plant growth process, and reflects physiological and ecological responses of plants to environment changes. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of environment stress on the leaf δ13C of P. australis in marsh wetlands in Tianjin municipality.Methods This study was conducted in Qilihai, Beidagang, and Dahuangpu marsh wetlands. We investigated the foliar δ13C of P. australis and sediment properties, and evaluated the relationships between the foliar δ13C and sediment environmental factors. Important findings 1) Foliar δ13C ranged from -26.3‰ to -23.6‰, with an average value of -25.8‰. 2) Sediment water and nitrogen status were the important factors affecting reed foliar δ13C. Foliar δ13C was negatively correlated to sediment relative water content, and positively correlated to sediment total nitrogen and available nitrogen content. In contrast, foliar δ13C was not significantly correlated to sediment salinity and phosphorus content. 3) Leaf δ13C were significantly positively correlated with leaf nitrogen content, and negatively correlated with leaf carbon and nitrogen ratio across all site. However, these relationships were not detected due to the wetland drainage at Qilihai site in August. Wetland drainage changed the plant water and nitrogen balance, and further affected water and nitrogen utilization strategies of P. australis. Moreover, wetland drainage had stronger effects on these processes than nitrogen loading and salinization. 相似文献
以芦苇凋落物为试材,采用溶液浸提法和厌氧腐解法,获得水提物和腐解产物两种浸提物母液;在5‰和10‰盐浓度下以两种浸提物母液和25%母液分别处理互花米草种子、刚萌发的幼苗以及互花米草滩涂中特有的互花米草益生菌,考察盐度变化对互花米草种子的萌发、幼苗生长以及菌落生长的影响.结果表明:盐处理能够显著促进互花米草种子的萌发、幼根以及互花米草益生菌的生长(P<0.05).较高的盐浓度(10‰)下,芦苇水提物对互花米草的萌发、生长和互花米草益生菌的生长呈促进作用;当盐浓度降低至5‰时,该促进作用消失.在较低的盐浓度(5‰)下,芦苇腐解产物对互花米草萌发产生显著的抑制作用;在较高盐浓度(10‰)时,则对互花米草益生菌产生显著促进作用(P<0.05);在试验的任一盐浓度下,芦苇腐解产物对互花米草幼苗和幼根的生长均存在显著的抑制效果(P<0.05). 相似文献