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High throughput methods for recombinant protein production using E. coli typically involve the use of affinity tags for simple purification of the protein of interest. One drawback of these techniques is the occasional need for tag removal before study, which can be hard to predict. In this work, we demonstrate two high throughput purification methods for untagged protein targets based on simple and cost-effective self-cleaving intein tags. Two model proteins, E. coli beta-galactosidase (βGal) and superfolder green fluorescent protein (sfGFP), were purified using self-cleaving versions of the conventional chitin-binding domain (CBD) affinity tag and the nonchromatographic elastin-like-polypeptide (ELP) precipitation tag in a 96-well filter plate format. Initial tests with shake flask cultures confirmed that the intein purification scheme could be scaled down, with >90% pure product generated in a single step using both methods. The scheme was then validated in a high throughput expression platform using 24-well plate cultures followed by purification in 96-well plates. For both tags and with both target proteins, the purified product was consistently obtained in a single-step, with low well-to-well and plate-to-plate variability. This simple method thus allows the reproducible production of highly pure untagged recombinant proteins in a convenient microtiter plate format.  相似文献   

This work combines two well-established technologies to generate a breakthrough in protein production and purification. The first is the production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) granules in engineered strains of Escherichia coli. The second is a recently developed group of self-cleaving affinity tags based on protein splicing elements known as inteins. By combining these technologies with a PHB-specific binding protein, a self-contained protein expression and purification system has been developed. In this system, the PHB-binding protein effectively acts as an affinity tag for desired product proteins. The tagged product proteins are expressed in E. coli strains that also produce intracellular PHB granules, where they bind to the granules via the PHB-binding tag. The granules and attached proteins can then be easily recovered following cell lysis by simple mechanical means. Once purified, the product protein is self-cleaved from the granules and released into solution in a substantially purified form. This system has been successfully used at laboratory scale to purify several active test proteins at reasonable yield. By allowing the bacterial cells to effectively produce both the affinity resin and tagged target protein, the cost associated with the purification of recombinant proteins could be greatly reduced. It is expected that this combination of improved economics and simplicity will constitute a significant breakthrough in both large-scale production of purified proteins and enzymes and high-throughput proteomics studies of peptide libraries.  相似文献   

In order to obtain the recombinant human PACAP efficiently by intein-mediated single column purification, a gene encoding human PACAP was synthesized and cloned into Escherichia coli expression vector pKYB. The recombinant vector pKY-PAC was transferred into E. coli ER2566 cells and the target protein was over-expressed as  相似文献   

We have combined Invitrogen's Gateway cloning technology with self-cleaving purification tags to generate a new system for rapid production of recombinant protein products. To accomplish this, we engineered our previously reported DeltaI-CM cleaving intein to include a Gateway cloning recognition sequence, and demonstrated that the resulting Gateway-competent intein is unaffected. This intein can therefore be used in several previously reported purification methods, while at the same time being compatible with Gateway cloning. We have incorporated this intein into a set of Gateway vectors, which include self-cleaving elastin-like polypeptide (ELP), chitin binding domain (CBD), phasin (polyhydroxybutyrate-binding), or maltose binding domain (MBD) tags. These vectors were verified by Gateway cloning of TEM-1 beta-lactamase and Escherichia coli catalase genes, and the expressed target proteins were purified using the four methods encoded on the vectors. The purification methods were unaffected by replacing the DeltaI-CM intein with the Gateway intein. It was observed that some purification methods were more appropriate for each target than others, suggesting utility of this technology for rapid process identification and optimization. The modular design of the Gateway system and intein purification method suggests that any tag and promoter can be trivially added to this system for the development of additional expression vectors. This technology could greatly facilitate process optimization, allowing several targets and methods to be tested in a high-throughput manner.  相似文献   

由蛋白质内含子介导的亲和蛋白质纯化系统(IMPACT)已得到广泛应用,通过其纯化得到的目的蛋白不含蛋白纯化标签以及多余的氨基酸残基,且操作简单成本低廉。这些优点使得其相对于其他蛋白纯化系统有着无与伦比的优势。但是现有报道都局限于非变性条件下使用,这往往会限制其在一些包涵体蛋白变性条件下使用。以一已知表达形成包涵体形式的丝素蛋白为例,研究IMPACT系统在时变性条件下使用变性剂浓度、温度和诱导断裂还原剂浓度。实验表明,在4 M尿素,100 mM DTT室温作用下蛋白质内含子会获得最大断裂效率(80%)。柱上在线断裂实验表明,其最终蛋白得率超过65%。  相似文献   

Developing simple and reliable methods to purify recombinant proteins is among the most important problems of modern biotechnology. It is of particular interest to take advantage of protein splicing for this purpose. Affinity tagging of inteins allows the use of regular protocols for protein purification. Autocatalytic excision of the tagged intein yields the pure protein lacking N-terminal formylmethionine. A new purification technique was developed on the basis of protein splicing for the human growth hormone. The Mxe GyrA intein with the histidine tag or cellulose-binding domain was used as a self-removable affinity unit. The resulting two-step purification protocol makes it possible to obtain the human growth hormone having the native N terminus with minimal losses.  相似文献   

Expression of recombinant proteins as fusions to the eukaryotic protein ubiquitin has been found to significantly increase the yield of unstable or poorly expressed proteins. The benefit of this technique is further enhanced by the availability of naturally occurring deubiquitylating enzymes, which remove ubiquitin from the fusion product. However, the versatility of the system has been constrained due to the lack of a robust, easily purified deubiquitylating enzyme. Here we report the development of an efficient expression system, utilizing the ubiquitin fusion technique, which allows convenient high yield and easy purification of authentic protein. An Escherichia coli vector (pHUE) was constructed for the expression of proteins as histidine-tagged ubiquitin fusions, and a histidine-tagged deubiquitylating enzyme to cleave these fusions was expressed and purified. The expression system was tested using several proteins varying in size and complexity. These results indicate that this procedure will be suitable for the expression and rapid purification of a broad range of proteins and peptides, and should be amenable to high-throughput applications.  相似文献   

朱甫祥  缪静  屈慧鸽  迟晓艳 《微生物学报》2009,49(12):1601-1606
摘 要:【目的】利用Ssp DnaE intein的蛋白质反式剪接技术研究在大肠杆菌中对ABCA1基因表达产物的连接作用。【方法】将ABCA1的cDNA于满足剪接所需的保守性氨基酸Cys978密码子前断裂为N端和C端两部分,分别与天然存在的反式作用Ssp DnaE intein的123个氨基酸的N端和36个氨基酸的C端编码序列融合,构建到原核表达载体pET-28a(+)。转化感受态大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)细胞,诱导表达后观察重组蛋白的表达和ABCA1的连接。【结果】转化菌经IPTG诱导表达,SDS-PA  相似文献   

构建含有人胰岛素原基因的重组载体,并在大肠杆菌表达系统中进行高效表达。表达产物经变性、复性、凝胶过滤纯化后,再经胰蛋白酶和羧肽酶B酶切作用,产物经离子交换层析纯化得到重组人胰岛素,且具有天然生物学活性。  相似文献   

Recombinant expression systems have become powerful tools for understanding the structure and function of proteins, including the apolipoproteins that comprise human HDL. However, human apolipoprotein (apo)A-II has proven difficult to produce by recombinant techniques, likely contributing to our lack of knowledge about its structure, specific biological function, and role in cardiovascular disease. Here we present a novel Escherichia coli-based recombinant expression system that produces highly pure mature human apoA-II at substantial yields. A Mxe GyrA intein containing a chitin binding domain was fused at the C terminus of apoA-II. A 6× histidine-tag was also added at the fusion protein's C terminus. After rapid purification on a chitin column, intein auto-cleavage was induced under reducing conditions, releasing a peptide with only one extra N-terminal Met compared with the sequence of human mature apoA-II. A pass through a nickel chelating column removed any histidine-tagged residual fusion protein, leaving highly pure apoA-II. A variety of electrophoretic, mass spectrometric, and spectrophotometric analyses demonstrated that the recombinant form is comparable in structure to human plasma apoA-II. Similarly, recombinant apoA-II is comparable to the plasma form in its ability to bind and reorganize lipid and promote cholesterol efflux from macrophages via the ATP binding cassette transporter A1. This system is ideal for producing large quantities of recombinant wild-type or mutant apoA-II for structural or functional studies.  相似文献   

This work describes a strategy to optimize a downstream processing of a recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) by incorporating a quality by design approach toward meeting higher quality specifications. The optimized process minimized the presence of impurities and degradation by-products during manufacturing by the establishment of in-process controls. Capillary zone electrophoresis, reverse phase, and size-exclusion chromatographies were used as analytical techniques to establish new critical process parameters for the solubilization, capture, and intermediate purification steps aiming to maintain rhGH quality by complying with pharmacopeial specifications. The results indicated that the implemented improvements in the process allowed the optimization of the specific recovery and purification of rhGH without compromising its quality. In addition, this optimization facilitated the stringent removal of the remaining impurities in further polishing stages, as demonstrated by the analysis of the obtained active pharmaceutical ingredient.  相似文献   

Peptide tag systems are a robust biophysical and biochemical method that is widely used for protein detection and purification. Here, we developed a novel tag system termed “HiP4” (histidine plus four amino acids) whose epitope sequence comprises only seven amino acids (HHHDYDI) that partially overlap with the conventional 6x histidine tag (6xHis-tag). We produced a monoclonal antibody against the HiP4 tag that can be used in multiple immunoassays with high specificity and affinity. Using this system, we developed a tandem affinity purification (TAP) and mass spectrometry (TAP-MS) system for comprehensive protein interactome analysis. The integrated use of nickel bead purification followed by HiP4 tag immunoprecipitation made it possible to reduce nonspecific binding and improve selectivity, leading to the recovery of previously unrecognized proteins that interact with hepatitis B virus X (HBx) protein or TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TARDBP or TDP-43). Our results indicate that this system may be viable as a simple and powerful tool for TAP-MS that can achieve low background and high selectivity in comprehensive protein–protein interaction analyses.  相似文献   

PARP1是动物细胞内的一种重要的DNA修复酶。近几年PARP1作为新型的抗癌靶点,受到广泛的关注。为了获得高活性的PARP1,首先将hPARP1基因克隆到载体pFastBacTM1中,构建转移载体pFast-hPARP1;然后转化大肠杆菌Escherichia coli DH10Bac感受态细胞中。其次,通过位点特异性转座,将hPARP1基因整合到Bacmid穿梭载体中,构建表达质粒Bacmid-hPARP1。最后,通过脂质体将表达质粒转染Sf9昆虫细胞。Western blotting和酶活测定法对hPARP1的表达和活性进行分析。采用3-氨基苯甲酰胺亲和层析柱对收获的昆虫细胞中表达的hPARP1酶进行纯化。Western blotting结果表明在昆虫细胞中hPARP1酶表达成功。经3-氨基苯甲酰胺亲和层析柱纯化后,Sf9昆虫细胞表达出的hPARP1酶的比活由0.051 nmol/(minμg)提高到了1.988 nmol/(min.μg),而且每100 mL的细胞中能够收获约3.2 mg酶。实验结果为PARP1大规模生产和应用提供了可参考利用的技术。  相似文献   

A new procedure utilizing immunoaffinity column chromatography has been used for the purification of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH, EC from human erythrocytes. The comparison between this rapid method (one step) and the tra- ditional procedure including ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by Blue Sepharose CL-6B chromatography shows that the new method gives a highest specific activity with a highest yield in a short time. The characterization of the purified GAPDH reveals that the native enzyme is a homotetramer of -150 kDa with an absolute specificity for the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Western blot analysis using purified monospecific polyclonal antibodies raised against the purified GAPDH showed a single 36 kDa band corresponding to the enzyme subunit. Studies on the effect of temperature and pH on enzyme activity revealed optimal values of about 43℃ and 8.5, respectively. The kinetic parameters were also calculated: the Vmax was 4.3 U/mg and the Km values against G3P and NAD+ were 20.7 and 17.8 μM, respectively. The new protocol described represents a simple, economic, and reproducible tool for the purification of GAPDH and can be used for other proteins.  相似文献   

Human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) is a cellular factor that promotes cell proliferation and has been widely used for the treatment of wounds, corneal injuries, and gastric ulcers. Recombinant hEGF (rhEGF) has previously been expressed using the pTWIN1 system with pH‐induced intein and a chitin‐binding domain. The rhEGF protein can be purified by chitin affinity chromatography because of the high affinity between the chitin‐binding domain fusion‐tag and the column. However, uncontrolled cleavage presents a major problem with this method. To overcome this problem, a novel purification method has been developed for a pH‐induced intein tag rhEGF that is expressed in Escherichia coli. Following purification by denaturation of inclusion bodies, the fusion protein is renatured and simultaneously induced to self‐cleave by dialysis. Further purification of rhEGF is achieved by heat treatment and ion‐exchange chromatography. Our results show that the purity of rhEGF obtained through this method is over 98% and the quantity of purified rhEGF is 248 mg from a 1 L culture or 2,967 mg from a 12 L culture. Therefore, we conclude that we have developed an efficient purification method of rhEGF, which may be used for the purification of other heat‐resistant and acid‐resistant recombinant proteins. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:758–764, 2015  相似文献   

We have developed an expression, refolding, and purification protocol for the catalytic domain of human Phosphodiesterase 3B (PDE3B). High level expression in Escherichia coli has been achieved with yields of up to 20mg/L. The catalytic domain of the enzyme was purified by affinity chromatography utilizing a novel affinity ligand. PDE3B, purified by affinity chromatography, with no single impurity #10878;1% as determined by SDS-PAGE, has a specific activity of 2210+/-442nmol/min/mg and a KM for cAMP of 44+/-4.5nM. Reducing the size of the expressed catalytic domain from residues 387-1112 to residues 654-1086 greatly reduced the aggregation phenomena observed with the affinity purified PDE3B. The definition of the N-terminus of the catalytic core was examined through the generation of several truncation mutants spanning amino acid residues 636-674. Constructs starting at E665 and M674 were fully active and devoid of activity, respectively. A construct starting at D668 had a Vmax reduced by approximately 10-fold relative to the longer constructs, yet the KM was not affected. This indicates the minimal N-terminus of the catalytic core lies between E665 and Y667. Refolding and affinity purification of the 654-1073 catalytic core of PDE3B has been employed to produce large quantities of highly pure enzyme for structural studies.  相似文献   

A modified purification method for bacterial luciferases and NAD(P)H:FMN oxidoreductases is described which uses FMN-Sepharose alone or coupled to DEAE ion exchange chromatography for the simultaneous purification of luciferase and the various oxidoreductases from Vibrio harveyi, a bright mutant of Vibrio harveyi, Vibrio fischeri, and Photobacterium phosphoreum. This purification method is compared with DEAE-Sepharose CI 6B fractionations from these organisms. Both methods allow the separation of oxidoreductases specific for either NADH or NADPH. The use of FMN-Sepharose coupled to DEAE-Sepharose fractionation allows the isolation of highly purified enzymes. Lacking interfering factors, these are very suitable for various analytical applications based on bacterial bioluminescence enzymes. The partially purified enzymes from the affinity column have higher specific activities than those obtained using DEAE-Sepharose.  相似文献   

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