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Yenigül  Mesut 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):627-631
The chemical and gelling properties of agar from G. verrucosa collected from Izmit bay in Turkey at different months of the year were studied. Purification of agar was performed by using amylase treatment and isopropyl alcohol precipitation. The phycocolloid content was between 24.0–43.0% of the algal dry weight and was maximum in summer collected algae. Relative total sulfate and 3,6-anhydrogalactose content in the agar were determined from the ratios of infrared spectroscopy band intensities at 1250/2920 cm–1 and 930/2920 cm–1, respectively. 3,6-anhydrogalactose and sulfate contents were the highest in agar from algae collected from June until November and January until July, respectively. The gel strength of native agar were the highest from in autumn collected algae and increased to about 1250 N m–2 after alkali treatment. Thus, this study demonstrated that G. verrucosa from Turkey produces an agar with optimal chemical and gelling properties after alkali-treatment in fall and winter collected algae and may be used for industrial agar production.  相似文献   

The transient expression of foreign genes in the protoplasts of Porphyrayezoensis was examined using three recombinant vectors, pYez-Rub-GUS, pYez-Rub-GFP and pYez-Rub-LUC, which were constructed with the promoter sequence of the ribulose-bisphosphate-carboxylase / oxygenase (Rubisco) gene as a promoter and the bacterial β-glucuronidase (GUS), mutant of green fluorescent protein (S65T-GFP) and firefly luciferase (LUC) genes, respectively, as reporter genes. When the pYez-Rub-GUS was introduced into protoplasts by electroporation, cells stained dark blue by indigotin were observed after the histochemical GUS assay. GUS activity was also detected by quantitative enzyme assays with a chemiluminescent substrate. When the pYez-Rub-GFP was electroporated into protoplasts, the expression of GFP could be detected in vivo observations with fluorescence microscopy. However, the rates of gene expression cells to the total number of cells were different between the GUS and GFP genes. LUC activity was also detected by assay with a chemiluminescent substrate after the introduction of pYez-Rub-LUC into protoplasts, although the activity levels were considerably lower. Relatively high expression rates of introduced GUS genes were observed 3 to 5 days after electroporation. These results show that the promoter sequence of the chloroplast Rubisco gene functions as a promoter of foreign gene expression and that transient expression occurred in protoplasts of P. yezoensis after the introduction of foreign genes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Shin  Jong-ahm  Miura  Akio 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):397-400
Crosses between genotypically distinct thalli of the monoecious species Porphyra yezoensis were carried out using immature thallus fragments from green- and red-type color mutants and also wild-type thalli. As the genes governing the mutants are monogenic, recessive to the wild-type, and belong to the same linkage group, the degree of self-fertilization could be estimated based on the pigmentation of the resultant diploid conchocelis. The degree of self-fertilization in the cross between the green-type and the wild-type was 48.5–55.0%, and in the cross between the red-type and the wild-type was 45.1–56.5%. In the cross between the green- and red-type mutants, the degree of self-fertilization was 46.0–54.5% when the green-type was the female parent, and was 44.8–55.6% when the red-type was the female parent.  相似文献   

In order to test whether 18S rDNA can influence positively GUS gene transient expression in the red alga Porphyra yezoensis, a targeting vector pQD-GUS was constructed containing a portion of the 18S rDNA of P. yezoensis and transformed it into the same strain protoplasts. The results showed that GUS protein activity was increased markedly with pQD-GUS compared to the parent pBS-GUS. It is suggested that this system can be used to enhance the expression of exogenous genes in transgenic P. yezoensis.  相似文献   

Destombe  Christophe  Godin  José  Remy  Jean-Michel 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):219-223
The dissemination and viability of Gracilaria verrucosa spermatia were tested. Crosses were performed among three males and three females from Cape Gris Nez, northern France. Laboratory experiments show that spermatia have a mean fertile life of about five hours. Field studies show that spermatia are dispersed by stream and tidal currents and that fertilization can occur at least 80 m from a population.  相似文献   

In order to improve the predictability ofresults of PCR with Porphyra yezoensisUeda genes, a study was made of possiblemodifications to the basic PCR protocol. DMSO used as an adjuvant considerablyincreased amplification efficiency andspecificity of PCR, the optimalconcentration being 5%. This protocolallowed for DNA templates with a high GCcontent to be amplified by PCR withoutproblem.  相似文献   

In order to maintain axenic seedstock cultures axenically of thecommercially important red seaweed, Porphyra yezoensis, aprocedure was developed for axenic isolation and culture of conchocelis andmonospores. For axenic isolation of the conchocelis, contaminated microalgaewere most effectively removed by filtering contaminated samples through a100-m mesh after sonication. Removal of bacteria and otheralgaewas accomplished using a mixture of 5 agents (0.02% chitosan, 100 gml–1 GeO2, 10 gml–1 ampicillin, 40 gml–1 kanamycin and 200 gml–1 streptomycin). Axenic single colonies wereisolatedfrom a semi-solid medium prepared from 1% transfer gel. After collectingmonospores from the 40–50% density layer on a percoll-gradient, removalofbacteria and fungi from the monospores was accomplished using a mixture of 5antibiotics (3.5 g ml–1 nystatin, 2 mgml–1 ampicillin, 400 gml–1 kanamycin, 50 gml–1 neomycin and 800 gml–1 streptomycin). Axenic single juvenile blades wereisolated from a semi-solid medium prepared from 0.5% transfer gel.  相似文献   

We report the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding an actin from amarine red alga, Porphyra yezoensis Ueda. A cDNA clone wasisolated from a leafy gametophyte cDNA library and analyzed for the sequence.The clone contained an open reading frame for a protein of 373 amino acidswhichexhibits sequence similarity to known actins. The GC content of the thirdposition (83.9%) was much higher than that at the first (56.3%) and second(42.4%) positions. The actin forms a gene family in the P.yezoensis genome. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequenceshowed higher similarity to the Florideophycidae Chondruscrispus (85%) than to the ProtoflorideophycidaeCyanidioschyzon merolae (70%). The mRNA was detected inboth the leafy gametophytes and filamentous sporophytes. The nucleotidesequence data reported in this paper will appear in theDDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession number AB039831.  相似文献   

Bellanger  F.  Verdus  M. C.  Henocq  V.  Christiaen  D. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):527-531
The cell wall of Gracilaria verrucosa is composed of two fractions: a matrix made of agar and a skeleton whose composition is unknown. This fibrillar part was isolated using both physical and chemical techniques. Total hydrolysis followed by gas-liquid chromatography allowed us to establish the sugar composition. Enzymatic degradations were carried out with cellulases, xylanases, agarases and pectinases. Efficiencies of the enzymatic digestions were monitored by both chemical analysis and electron microscopy. Pectinases had no effect. The fibrillar part was composed mainly of a cellulosic network that was unmasked by the xylanase action and degraded after cellulase digestion. The results suggest that a cocktail composed of agarases and cellulases can be used successfully to prepare protoplasts from Gracilaria verrucosa.  相似文献   

Pythium porphyrae is a fungal pathogen responsible for red rot disease of the seaweed Porphyra (Rhodophyta). Infection forecasts of Porphyra by P. porphyrae were estimated from the epidemiological observations of Porphyra thalli and numbers of zoospore of P. porphyrae in laboratory and cultivation areas. Four features of forecasting infections were determined by relating zoospore concentrations to the incidence of thallus infection; infection (in more than 1000 zoospores L−1), microscopic infection [less than 2 mm in diameter of lesion (in from 2000 to 3000 zoospores L−1)], macroscopic infection [more than 2 mm in diameter of lesion (in from 3000 to 4000 zoospores L−1), and thallus disintegration (in more than 4000 zoospores L−1). High zoospore concentrations led to more infection. The tendency that zoospore concentration of P. porphyrae increased with the rate of infection of Porphyra thalli was generally observed in forecasting infections in both the laboratory and in cultivation areas. Based on the Porphyra cultivation areas, the accuracy and consistency of forecasting infections suggest that this method could be employed to manage and control red rot disease.  相似文献   

Porphyra yezoensis Ueda conchospore germlings (1–4-cell stages) were treated with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) for inducing mutations. Three kinds of color-mutated gametophytic blades, which were composed of the mutated cells wholly, sectorially or spottedly, were obtained; and most of them were sectorially variegated blades. The highest frequency of these mutated blades was 1.3%. Four different pigmentation mutant strains were obtained by regenerating single cells and protoplasts that were enzymatically isolated from the mutated sectors of the sectorially variegated blades. The mutants were relatively stable in color in both gametophytic blade and conchocelis phases. In the two phases, each mutant strain showed characteristic differences in the in vivo absorption spectra, and had different pigment contents of major photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin and phycocyanin) as compared with the wild-type and with each other. The gametophytic blades from the four mutant lines showed significant differences in growth and photosynthetic rates, when they were cultured in the same conditions. By crossing the mutant with the wild-type, it was found that the color phenotypes of two mutants reported above, were resulted from two mutations in different genes, respectively. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The fungal parasite Pythium porphyrae is the causative organism of red rot disease in Porphyra cultivation farms. The detection of P. porphyrae from dried Porphyra yezoensis sheets was achieved using the species-specific primers PP-1 (5′-TGTGTTCTGTGCT-CCTCTCG-3′) and PP-2 (5′-CCCAAATTGGTGTTGCCTCC-3′) with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The DNA sequence (707 bp) of PCR product was found to be identical to that amplified from ITS rDNA extracted from a type species of P. porphyrae (IFO 30800, The Institute of Fermentation, Osaka, Japan). Quantities of the product amplified varied with the time when samples were harvested after the occurrence of red rot disease in Porphyra farms. This simple, rapid, and inexpensive method should have great applications in furthering quality control and determination of quality ranking in the Porphyra processing industry.  相似文献   

G+C-rich sequences in the genomic DNA of Porphyrayezoensis (laver) were cloned and characterized. Sequence analyses of the genomic DNA inserted in fiveclones showed that the DNA contained long G+C-richstretches of more than 200 bp. These stretchesconsisted of more than 80% G+C residues. TheG+C-rich sequences were highly repeated andinterspersed throughout the genome of P.yezoensis and constituted about 6.0–6.6% of thegenome. Parts of these sequences were tandem repeatedin arrays. Hybridization experiments showed thatthese highly repeated, interspersed G+C-rich sequenceswere present in other species of Porphyra, butnot in species of the genera Grateloupia and Gelidium, suggesting that these sequences mightevolve rapidly among genomes, species and genera.  相似文献   

In order to extract DNA rapidly from cultivated Porphyra, we extracted total DNA from conchocelis using the ISOPLANT II kit (Nippon Gene) without liquid nitrogen treatment or CsCl-gradient ultracentrifugation. By confirming the reproducibility of RAPD patterns, it is concluded that the quality of the extracted DNA is sufficient to use as a template for molecular investigation. Using this rapid method, the nuclear ribosomal DNA of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions was amplified from seven strains of cultivated Porphyra, which had been maintained as free-living conchocelis by subculturing in the laboratory. From the amplified DNAs, the ITS-1 sequences were determined in order to identify the species and genetic relationship of the strains. The sequences were identical in the seven strains, and all the strains were identified as P. yezoensis. Furthermore, the gametophytic blades of these strains showed long linear or oblanceolate shapes in the laboratory culture. It was concluded that these strains are P. yezoensis form. narawaensis. This rapid DNA extraction method from conchocelis will be a powerful tool for phylogenetic analysis and for genetic improvement of cultivated Porphyra.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Fe, Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd were determined during one season in the red alga Gracilaria verrucosa, sediment and seawater from the Thermaikos Gulf, Greece. This region has been subject to change due to increases in industrial and domestic activities. The relative abundance of metals in G. verrucosa and seawater decreased in the order: Fe>Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd and in the sediment: Pb>Fe>Zn>Cu>Cd. Cadmium concentration in the alga correlated positively with that in seawater. There was positive correlation between Fe concentrations in the alga and those of the Zn and Cu. The concentrations of metals in the alga showed no significant differences between the stations. Lead, Zn and Cu concentrations in the alga were slightly higher at Biamyl, whereas Cd was higher at Perea and Fe at Nea Krini. Seasonal variation of metal concentrations in the alga was significant for Cd and Fe. Copper and Fe increased from winter to summer, whereas Cd was the opposite. Zinc concentrations were minimum and Pb concentrations were maximum during spring. These variations are discussed in relation to tissue age, life cycle, ambient concentrations of metals and other environmental conditions. Cd and Pb concentrations inG. verrucosa in the Thermaikos Gulf were higher and those of Cu and Zn were lower than in other species of the genus. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Pythium porphyrae (Oomycota), a pathogen causing red rot diseasein Porphyra spp., can at present only be detected when colonizationof the host thallus has already occurred and so it is often too late to takeappropriate disease control measures. The paper presents an account of an effective methdology for early detection of the disease. Since Py.porphyrae zoospores are the primary means of pathogen dispersal,polyclonal antibodies (Pabs) were raised against the surface components ofzoospores and encysted zoospores. Using these Pabs the disease initiationstages of the Pythium porphyrae were detected on the surface of Porphyra thalli by immunofluorescence assay. The specificity of theseantibodies and the efficacy of immunofluorescence assay in the detectionof red rot disease are discussed.  相似文献   

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