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MethodsA retrospective chart review was performed for 209 patients who received IV tPA for acute stroke. Data on stroke risk factors, physiologic parameters, stroke severity, MRI characteristics, and final diagnosis were collected. The timing and nature of ICU interventions, if needed, was recorded. Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with subsequent ICU needs.ResultsPatients with cerebral infarct on MRI after tPA had over 9 times higher odds of requiring ICU care compared to patients with DWI negative MRI (OR 9.2, 95% CI 2.49–34.15). All DWI negative patients requiring ICU care did so by the end of tPA infusion (p = 0.006). Among patients with DWI negative MRI, need for ICU interventions was associated with higher NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores (p<0.001), uncontrolled hypertension (p<0.001), seizure at onset (p = 0.002), and reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (p = 0.010).ConclusionsOnly a small number of DWI negative patients required ICU care. In patients without critical care needs by the end of thrombolysis, post-tPA MRI may be considered for triaging DWI negative patients to a less resource intense monitoring environment.  相似文献   



Plasma-creatinine-based equations to estimate the glomerular filtration rate are recommended by several clinical guidelines. In 2009, Schwartz et al. adapted the traditional Schwartz equation to children and adolescents but did not find different k-coefficients between children and adolescents (k = 36.5 for all patients). We reevaluated the coefficient of the 2009-Schwartz formula according to sex and age in a pediatric population.


We used linear mixed-effects models to reestimate the 2009-Schwartz k-coefficient in 360 consecutive French subjects aged 1 to 18 years referred to a single centre between July 2003 and July 2010 (965 measurements). We assessed the agreement between the estimated glomerular filtration rate obtained with the new formula (called Schwartz-Lyon) and the rate measured by inulin clearance. We then compared this agreement to the one between the measured glomerular filtration rate and 2009-Schwartz formula, first in the French then in a Swedish cohort.


In Schwartz-Lyon formula, k was estimated at 32.5 in boys <13 years and all girls and at 36.5 in boys aged ≥13 years. The performance of this formula was higher than that of 2009-Schwartz formula in children <13 years. This was first supported by a statistically significant reduction of the overestimation of the measured glomerular filtration rate in both cohorts, by better 10% and 30% accuracies, and by a better concordance correlation coefficient.


The performance and simplicity of Schwartz formula are strong arguments for its routine use in children and adolescents. The specific coefficient for children aged <13 years further improves this performance.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that fires burn certain land cover types disproportionally to their abundance. We used quantile regression to study land cover proneness to fire as a function of fire size, under the hypothesis that they are inversely related, for all land cover types. Using five years of fire perimeters, we estimated conditional quantile functions for lower (avoidance) and upper (preference) quantiles of fire selectivity for five land cover types - annual crops, evergreen oak woodlands, eucalypt forests, pine forests and shrublands. The slope of significant regression quantiles describes the rate of change in fire selectivity (avoidance or preference) as a function of fire size. We used Monte-Carlo methods to randomly permutate fires in order to obtain a distribution of fire selectivity due to chance. This distribution was used to test the null hypotheses that 1) mean fire selectivity does not differ from that obtained by randomly relocating observed fire perimeters; 2) that land cover proneness to fire does not vary with fire size. Our results show that land cover proneness to fire is higher for shrublands and pine forests than for annual crops and evergreen oak woodlands. As fire size increases, selectivity decreases for all land cover types tested. Moreover, the rate of change in selectivity with fire size is higher for preference than for avoidance. Comparison between observed and randomized data led us to reject both null hypotheses tested ( = 0.05) and to conclude it is very unlikely the observed values of fire selectivity and change in selectivity with fire size are due to chance.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles as Fluorescence Labels: Is Size All that Matters?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluorescent labels are often used in bioassays as a means to detect and characterize ligand-receptor binding. This is due in part to the inherently high sensitivity of fluorescence-based technology and the relative accessibility of the technique. There is often little concern raised as to whether or not the fluorescent label itself affects the ligand-receptor binding dynamics and equilibrium. This may be particularly important when considering nanoparticle labels. In this study, we examine the affects of nanoparticle (quantum dots and polymer nanospheres) fluorescent labels on the streptavidin-biotin binding system. Since the nanoparticle labels are larger than the species they tag, one could anticipate significant perturbation of the binding equilibrium. We demonstrate, using fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy, that although the binding equilibria do change, the relative changes are largely predictable. We suggest that the nanoparticles’ mesoscopic size and surface tension effects can be used to explain changes in streptavidin-biotin binding.  相似文献   

The liver is a multi-functional organ that regulates major physiological processes and that possesses a remarkable regeneration capacity. After loss of functional liver mass the liver grows back to its original, individual size through hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis. How does a single hepatocyte ‘know’ when the organ has grown to its final size? This work considers the initial growth phase of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in which the mass is restored. There are strong and valid arguments that the trigger of proliferation after partial hepatectomy is mediated through the portal blood flow. It remains unclear, if either or both the concentration of metabolites in the blood or the shear stress are crucial to hepatocyte proliferation and liver size control. A cell-based mathematical model is developed that helps discriminate the effects of these two potential triggers. Analysis of the mathematical model shows that a metabolic load and a hemodynamical hypothesis imply different feedback mechanisms at the cellular scale. The predictions of the developed mathematical model are compared to experimental data in rats. The assumption that hepatocytes are able to buffer the metabolic load leads to a robustness against short-term fluctuations of the trigger which can not be achieved with a purely hemodynamical trigger.  相似文献   

Insectivorous bats have often been touted as biological control for mosquito populations. However, mosquitoes generally represent only a small proportion of bat diet. Given the small size of mosquitoes, restrictions imposed on prey detectability by low frequency echolocation, and variable field metabolic rates (FMR), mosquitoes may not be available to or profitable for all bats. This study investigated whether consumption of mosquitoes was influenced by bat size, which is negatively correlated with echolocation frequency but positively correlated with bat FMR. To assess this, we investigated diets of five eastern Australian bat species (Vespadelus vulturnus Thomas, V. pumilus Gray, Miniopterus australis Tomes, Nyctophilus gouldi Tomes and Chalinolobus gouldii Gray) ranging in size from 4-14 g in coastal forest, using molecular analysis of fecal DNA. Abundances of potential mosquito and non-mosquito prey were concurrently measured to provide data on relative prey abundance. Aedes vigilax was locally the most abundant mosquito species, while Lepidoptera the most abundant insect order. A diverse range of prey was detected in bat feces, although members of Lepidoptera dominated, reflecting relative abundance at trap sites. Consumption of mosquitoes was restricted to V. vulturnus and V. pumilus, two smaller sized bats (4 and 4.5 g). Although mosquitoes were not commonly detected in feces of V. pumilus, they were present in feces of 55 % of V. vulturnus individuals. To meet nightly FMR requirements, Vespadelus spp. would need to consume ~600-660 mosquitoes on a mosquito-only diet, or ~160-180 similar sized moths on a moth-only diet. Lower relative profitability of mosquitoes may provide an explanation for the low level of mosquito consumption among these bats and the absence of mosquitoes in feces of larger bats. Smaller sized bats, especially V. vulturnus, are likely to be those most sensitive to reductions in mosquito abundance and should be monitored during mosquito control activities.  相似文献   



(1) To evaluate the frequency of visualisation and measurements of the normal appendix. (2) To correlate Body Mass Index (BMI) and gender with visualisation of the normal appendix. (3) To correlate age, gender and body length with appendiceal length.

Materials and Methods

A retrospective review of 186 patients undergoing abdominal CT without suspicion of acute appendicitis was done. Frequency of visualisation and measurements (including maximal outer diameter, wall thickness, length, content, location of base and tip) of normal appendices were recorded.


Prevalence of appendectomy was 34.4%. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of visualisation of the normal appendix were 76%, 94%, 96%, 67%, and 82% respectively. The mean maximal diameter of the appendix was 8.19 mm±1.6 (SD) (range, 4.2–12.8 mm). The mean length of the appendix was 81.11 mm±28.44 (SD) (range, 7.2–158.8 mm). The mean wall thickness of the appendix was 2.22 mm±0.56 (SD) (range, 1.15–3.85 mm). The most common location of the appendiceal tip was pelvic in 66% appendices. The most common location of the appendiceal base was inferior, medial, and posterior in 37%. The normal appendix contained high-density material in 2.2%. There was a significant correlation between gender and appendiceal length, with men having longer appendices than women.


Most normal appendices are seen at multislice CT using IV contrast. The maximal outer diameter of the normal appendix overlaps with values currently used to diagnose appendicitis on CT.  相似文献   

Functional connectivity in human brain can be represented as a network using electroencephalography (EEG) signals. These networks--whose nodes can vary from tens to hundreds--are characterized by neurobiologically meaningful graph theory metrics. This study investigates the degree to which various graph metrics depend upon the network size. To this end, EEGs from 32 normal subjects were recorded and functional networks of three different sizes were extracted. A state-space based method was used to calculate cross-correlation matrices between different brain regions. These correlation matrices were used to construct binary adjacency connectomes, which were assessed with regards to a number of graph metrics such as clustering coefficient, modularity, efficiency, economic efficiency, and assortativity. We showed that the estimates of these metrics significantly differ depending on the network size. Larger networks had higher efficiency, higher assortativity and lower modularity compared to those with smaller size and the same density. These findings indicate that the network size should be considered in any comparison of networks across studies.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a transport pathway to the lysosome/vacuole that contributes to the degradation of numerous intracellular components. Despite the recent advances achieved in the understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying macroautophagy, the membrane origin of autophagosomes, the hallmark of this process is still a mystery. It has been suggested that mitochondria may be one of the lipid sources for autophagosome formation and that possibly this organelle provides the phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) that covalently links to the members of the ubiquitin-like Atg8/microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) protein family. These lipidated proteins are inserted into the outer and inner surface of autophagosomes and are essential for the biogenesis of these large double-membrane vesicles. However, because PE is an integral component of all cellular membranes, designing appropriate experiments to determine the origin of the autophagosomal PE is not easy. In this review, we discuss the idea that mitochondria provide the pool of PE necessary for the autophagosome biogenesis and we propose some possible experimental approaches aimed to explore this possibility.  相似文献   

A formula for an average connectivity between cortical areas in mammals is derived. Based on comparative neuroanatomical data, it is found, surprisingly, that this connectivity is either only weakly dependent or independent of brain size. It is discussed how this formula can be used to estimate the average length of axons in white matter. Other allometric relations, such as cortical patches and area sizes vs. brain size, are also provided. Finally, some functional implications, with an emphasis on efficient cortical computation, are discussed as well.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects are one of the commonest human birth defects, with more than 0.5% of some populations affected. Mouse models are being used in an attempt to identify genes that could be involved in these malformations. Only two mouse mutations are known to lead to craniorachischisis, failure of closure of almost the entire neural tube. Two recent papers report that the gene for one of these, Loop-tail, has now been identified and sequenced.1, 2 It has been given the designation Ltap/Lpp1 and appears to function in floor plate formation. It will be of great interest to investigate the role of this gene in human neural tube defects.  相似文献   

Archaeological Soybean (Glycine max) in East Asia: Does Size Matter?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lee GA  Crawford GW  Liu L  Sasaki Y  Chen X 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e26720
The recently acquired archaeological record for soybean from Japan, China and Korea is shedding light on the context in which this important economic plant became associated with people and was domesticated. This paper examines archaeological (charred) soybean seed size variation to determine what insight can be gained from a comprehensive comparison of 949 specimens from 22 sites. Seed length alone appears to represent seed size change through time, although the length × width × thickness product has the potential to provide better size change resolution. A widespread early association of small seeded soybean is as old as 9000-8600 cal BP in northern China and 7000 cal BP in Japan. Direct AMS radiocarbon dates on charred soybean seeds indicate selection resulted in large seed sizes in Japan by 5000 cal BP (Middle Jomon) and in Korea by 3000 cal BP (Early Mumun). Soybean seeds recovered in China from the Shang through Han periods are similar in length to the large Korean and Japanese specimens, but the overall size of the large Middle and Late Jomon, Early Mumun through Three Kingdom seeds is significantly larger than any of the Chinese specimens. The archaeological record appears to disconfirm the hypothesis of a single domestication of soybean and supports the view informed by recent phyologenetic research that soybean was domesticated in several locations in East Asia.  相似文献   

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