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Recently, a new cactus was discovered in an area of the Caatinga, a tropical dry forest of north‐eastern Brazil. Although this discovery is excellent news, Melocactus sergipensis is critically endangered because it is affected by deforestation of native vegetation and chemicals used in the maize crop, next to the holotype locality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seed germination and seedling survival of the newest Brazilian cactus. All germination treatments were performed at room temperature and white light or continuous darkness. For the evaluation of establishment, 50 seedlings were examined at 30‐day intervals for 5 months. I did not observe seed germination of M. sergipensis in continuous darkness, which shows that the newly discovered species is positive photoblastic. However, a high germinability was observed under white light (80.0 ± 10.8%), indicating that the seeds of the newly discovered species are able to germinate and the light is needed for seed germination. After 5 months, seedling mortality was less than 5%. These results show that the seedlings of the newly discovered cactus can be produced in a glasshouse, providing support for studies on ex situ conservation of a species that could become extinct in the near future.  相似文献   

通过在人工培养箱内模拟环境条件,探讨了不同光照和变温对飞机草种子萌发的影响。结果表明:在有光照状况下,飞机草种子在15℃/10℃~40℃/35℃条件下均能萌发,飞机草种子萌发的最适变温为30℃/25℃,萌发率达47.5%;而黑暗条件下,飞机草种子在15℃/10℃时不能萌发;在20℃/15℃~35℃/30℃范围内,温度越高,飞机草种子萌发高峰的出现时间越早;在15℃/10℃~30℃/25℃范围内,飞机草种子的萌发率随温度的升高而升高,超过30℃/25℃后,萌发率下降,而适当的光照有利于飞机草种子的萌发。飞机草成为入侵种并迅速扩散与其种子萌发对光照和温度的适应性密切相关。  相似文献   

Seed germination and seedling establishment play an important role in driving the responses of plant community structure and function to global change. Nitrogen (N) deposition is one of the driving factors of global change, which often leads to a loss in species richness in grassland ecosystems. However, how seed germination responds to N addition remains unclear. A pot incubation test was conducted in a semi‐arid grassland in the Mongolian Plateau, Northern China, to investigate the effect of N addition (0, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 g N/m2) on seed germination from May to October 2016. Twenty species germinated under all treatments; however, the responses of the 20 species to N addition were different. The densities of Stipa krylovii, Leymus chinensis, and Artemisia frigida, which are the dominant species in this temperate steppe, decreased significantly as the amount of N addition. Moreover, N addition significantly suppressed seedling densities of the community, perennial forbs, perennial grasses, and annuals and biennials. Furthermore, species richness of the community, perennial forbs, and annuals and biennials decreased sharply with increasing N addition level, but perennial grass species richness did not change. The Shannon–Wiener diversity index also decreased as the amount of N addition increased. Our results suggest that N enrichment plays an important role in the seed germination stage and decreases supplements of seedlings to adult plants. These findings may help explain the causes of species loss by atmospheric N deposition in grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aims Light requirements for cactus seed germination have been considered to be associated with their adult plant height and seed mass, but this has not been thoroughly studied for other succulent species. In order to understand seed photosensitivity from desert species belonging to Asparagaceae (subfamily Agavoideae) and Cactaceae, we performed a germination experiment with and without light for 12 species and 2 varieties from 1 species from the Southern Chihuahuan Desert. We also determined if adult growth is totally determined by seedling 'growth form' in cacti.Methods We performed a germination experiment using light and darkness for 13 species from Southern Chihuahuan Desert: 10 rosette species (Asparagaceae), as well as 1 globose, 1 columnar and 2 varieties from 1 depressed-globose species (Cactaceae). The response variables were seed germination percentage and relative light germination (RLG). In addition, in order to determine if adult-globose cacti could have cylindrical seedlings, we calculated the shape index (height/width ratio) for Coryphanta clavata and Mammillaria compressa .Important findings All species were considered neutral photoblastic. Eleven species had similar seed germination in both light and dark conditions, and three taxa (M. compressa and the two varieties of Ferocactus latispinus) showed higher germination with light than without it. Agave salmiana, M. compressa and the two varieties of F. latispinus had higher RLG than the other species. Seed mass was an important factor because with higher seed mass there was lower dependence to light. These findings support the hypothesis that small seed mass and light requirements have coevolved as an adaptation to ensure germination. One adult-globose cactus species, M. compressa, and one adult-columnar species, C. clavata, had small seeds and neutral fotoblasticism. Seedlings from these two species exposed to light were cylindrical and those under darkness conditions were columnar. Perhaps seeds from this species are able to germinate in the dark because they produce columnar seedlings with the ability to emerge from greater soil depths where sunlight cannot penetrate.  相似文献   

光照与温度对云杉和红桦种子萌发的影响   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
吴彦  刘庆  何海  林波  尹华军 《应用生态学报》2004,15(12):2229-2232
通过在气候箱内模拟迹地环境条件,探讨了不同温度和光照对亚高山针叶林采伐迹地关键种种子萌发的影响.结果表明,云杉和红桦种子萌发的最适温度均为25℃,发芽率分别为88.8±8.4%和30.8±10.4%,多重比较显示红桦对温度的响应比云杉更敏感.云杉在10℃时能萌发而红桦则几乎不能.红桦种子萌发所需要的最低温度比云杉的高.昼夜温差对两类种子发芽影响明显,20℃/15℃条件下两种种子萌发率最高,温差过大不利于红桦种子萌发.光照强度对种子的发芽率也有明显影响。二者在透光20%时种子发芽率最高,分别为83.2±6.6%和29.2±5.5%,云杉种子萌发对光照的响应比红桦种子更为敏感.采伐迹地强烈的光照是限制亚高山针叶林自然更新的重要因素,迹地温度升高有利于云杉和红桦种子萌发,但剧烈的昼夜温差又在一定程度上抑制了种子萌发。  相似文献   

Climate change, together with human activities, impacts on natural and human systems on all continents and poses a major threat to biodiversity, especially in environments with a high rate of endemism and where species are profoundly adapted to specific environmental conditions, as is the case of the seasonally dry tropical forests, noticeably the Caatinga, an exclusively Brazilian biome. The objective of this study was to build spatial niche models of five species of Cactaceae (Arrojadoa penicillata, Brasilicereus phaeacanthus, Pereskia aureiflora, Stephanocereus leucostele and Tacinga inamoena) endemic to the Caatinga and with different traits, to evaluate the impact of climate change on their geographical distribution. The species records and environmental variable values were overlaid on a grid of 6818 cells with 0.5° spatial resolution. Niche models were obtained for five types of general circulation models between ocean and atmosphere and 12 different ecological models. The ensemble ecological niche model was calculated at present and projected to past (last glacial maximum – LGM, 21 000; and mid‐Holocene – Hol, 6000 years ago) and future climate conditions (average of 2080), under the effect of climate change, in the greenhouse gas emission scenario RCP4.5. The distribution pattern of the studied species indicates an area with less environmental suitability in the LGM, followed by an expansion that began in the Hol and continued until the present period. In the future (2080), the models predicted a retraction of areas of environmental suitability, in which P. aureiflora and B. phaeacanthus, given their more restricted, marginal habitat and woody habit, present a great risk of extinction, whilst S. leucostele, A. penicillata and T. inamoena present a smaller reduction in suitable area, partly reflecting their spreading, less woody habit. Regional conservation actions for Cactaceae species and their habitat need to take these findings into account if we are to ensure the survival of these species.  相似文献   

种子萌发受种源和环境条件(如光照和温度条件等)的影响。种子萌发决定红松(Pinus koraiensis)的天然更新能力, 因此也是恢复地带性顶极群落阔叶红松林的关键。该研究以我国3个主要种源地(辽宁清原、吉林长白山和黑龙江伊春)当年的红松种子为对象, 监测自然光、温(不同季节、林窗和林下)和控制光、温(3个光照强度: 200、20和0 μmol·m-2·s-1, 记为L200、L20和L0; 2个温度: 25和15 ℃)条件下红松种子的萌发特征。结果表明, 自然越冬后, 春季(5月)所有种源种子均未萌发, 夏季(7月)和秋季(9月)各种源种子萌发率(GP)均较低(1.8%-33.7%), 但夏季林窗内各种源种子GP均显著高于林下。对林下各季节未萌发的种子, 带回室内给予适宜的光温条件(L200、25/15 ℃)后发现: 春季和夏季种子均能大量萌发(32%-77%), 而秋季种子GP极低(<2%)。25 ℃下, 3个种源地种子GP和萌发指数(GV)均呈现在L200条件下显著高于L20和L0处理。15 ℃条件下, 清原种子GP和GV对光照的响应与25 ℃条件下相一致, 长白山和伊春种子GP和GV分别在L0和L20处理下最高。所有光照强度下, 3个种源地种子GP和GV均为25 ℃处理显著高于15 ℃处理。可见, 适宜的温度是红松种子萌发的必要先决条件, 长白山和伊春红松种子可能需要更高的积温解除休眠; 适宜温度下(25 ℃), 红松种子表现出萌发需光性; 红松种子萌发对光、温的响应存在种源特异性, 长白山和伊春红松种子在相对低温下萌发需光性弱或消失。林下光、温条件不适宜红松种子萌发是造成红松林天然更新慢或更新差的重要原因。  相似文献   

Germination of Rumex obtusifolius L. seeds is potentiated to an observable degree in 2 minutes by a single shift in temperature from 20 to 35 C. Half-maximal potentiation requires less than 32 minutes at the higher temperature. Similar sensitivities to shifts in temperature were observed for seeds of Barbarea vulgaris, R.Br. B. verna (Mill.) Asch., and Lepidium virginicum L. A shift in temperature interacts strongly with change in form of phytochrome induced by light on germination of the four kinds of seeds. The potentiated effects for R. obtusifolius are only moderately affected by 40 μm cycloheximide. Both the temperature shift and light actions are apparently independent of processes of synthesis necessary for growth.  相似文献   

Cactaceae is considered the fifth most endangered taxonomic group. In light of this, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different low‐temperature storage techniques in maintaining the viability of seeds of cacti in different threat categories. Seeds of six cacti taxa were stored in a cold chamber (8°C), a freezer (?5°C), in liquid nitrogen (?196°C) and at room temperature (25–27°C) for a period of 0, 1, 3, 6, 9 and 13 months. At each evaluation interval we removed a seed sample for each taxon studied, which was distributed into four repetitions of 25 seeds maintained at room temperature under 12‐h light/dark photoperiods. We evaluated the germinability, mean germination time and synchronization index. Most of the studied taxa presented germinability of above 50%, which was influenced by time and by storage temperatures. Also, most taxa stored at room temperature presented a significant reduction in germinability, whereas almost all taxa showed maintenance of the seed viability when stored in a cold chamber, a freezer or liquid nitrogen. This response can be justified by the reduction of the seed metabolism and the degradation of the reserve compounds of the seeds while at lower temperatures. Our results indicate that storage at low temperatures is an effective method for the conservation of cacti seeds and can be used for the formation of artificial seed banks of threatened cacti species.  相似文献   

The vegetative architecture of the Cactaceae provides sites used by spiders as hideout, foraging, mating and oviposition. We found more web weavers in plants with cylindrical cladodia and more hunters in plants with flat cladodia. Between February 2014 and January 2015 1551 spiders distributed in 20 families were collected: one of these families, Palpimanidae, had only juvenile individuals collected; of the other 19 families, 80 species/morphospecies were identified. This work aims to contribute to the knowledge of biodiversity in the canopy of the Atlantic Forest, especially the relationship between cacti and spiders.  相似文献   

光照和温度对滇丁香种子萌发的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了不同光照和温度条件对滇丁香(Luculia pinciana)种子萌发的影响。结果表明,滇丁香种子是需光种子,有明显的光休眠现象;种子在光下萌发的最适温度范围为20~25℃,8~10d开始萌发,2~3周萌发完全,萌发率可达97%,温度的升高或降低均会降低种子萌发率。在15~30℃,用250mg/L GA3处理24h能代替光照解除光休眠。  相似文献   

The effects of factorial combinations of alternating (20/10 oC) and constant temperature (20 oC), of light (intermittent) and dark, and of distilled water and nitrate on the germination of a range of species of indigenous grassland were investigated in 1979, and in 1980 when the effects of pre-chilling were also studied. Species differed greatly in their response to the eight sets of environmental conditions in 1979. With the exception of Lolium perenne ssp. perenne and Cynosurus cristatus, only a small percentage of seeds of most species was able to germinate in constant temperature in the dark. However, when light was supplied there was moderate germination of Anthoxanthum odoratum, Cerastium fontanum ssp. glabrescens, Festuca rubra, Holcus lanatus and Poa trivialis. Alternating temperature greatly increased the germination of most species and nitrate further increased germination of Agrostis capillaris, Deschampsia caespitosa, H. lanatus, Poa annua and P. trivialis. In alternating temperatures, light increased germination of these species even more than did nitrate. A. capillaris, D. caespitosa and P. annua required all three factors for maximum germination, and another 7% of seeds of A. capillaris also required gibberellic acid. Germination responses following sequential application of factors often differed from those resulting from simultaneous treatment: in particular, the germination of Ranunculus species was greatly enhanced. Although seeds of the species tested in 1980 were more germinable than those of the same species in 1979, they responded similarly to the different factors. Light increased the germination of both Taraxacum officinale and Plantago lanceolata in constant but not in alternating temperature, while nitrate was much more stimulatory to the latter species. About half the seeds of P. lanceolata were dormant. Pre-chilling at 4oC for 7 days increased subsequent germination of all species when followed by constant temperature, except of A. capillaris in the dark and C. cristatus (already maximal) in the light. When followed by alternating temperature in the dark, pre-chilling greatly decreased germination of A. capillaris. In the light, where germination of most species was maximal, there was little effect of pre-chilling. Longer durations (21 and 42 days) of chilling of older seed gave similar results to the 7 day pre-chilling.  相似文献   

Pereskia aculeata and Pereskia grandifolia have been studied widely due to their high nutritional and therapeutic values. However, little is known about the biological requirements of their seeds for the various germination factors. Thus, this experiment aimed to evaluate the thermal effects on the germination of these species at the temperatures of 24 °C, 27 °C, 30 °C, 33 °C and 36 °C. After verification of the existence of differences in the performance of germination, a non-linear regression was carried out, relating the germination to temperature and identifying its point of maximum efficiency. We found that the lowest synchronization indexes of germination were observed close to 30 °C. The best germination response of the P. aculeata and P. grandifolia was observed at 30 °C and 33 °C, respectively, with greater germination strength and fewer days to attain 63.21% of germinations. The results obtained from the germination of P. aculeata and P. grandifolia can be described by the Weindull distribution model with three parameters, as proposed by Carneiro and Guedes (1992).  相似文献   

Germination of Rumex obtusifolius L. seeds (nutlets) is low in darkness at 25° C. Germination is stimulated by exposure to 10 min red light (R) and also by a 10-min elevation of temperature to 35° C. A 10-min exposure to far-red light (FR) can reverse the effect of both R (indicating phytochrome control) and 35° C treatment. Fluence-response curves for this reversal of the effect of R and 35° C treatments are quantitatively identical. Treatment for 10 min with light of wavelenght 680, 700, 710 and 730 nm, after R and 35° C treatment, demonstrates that germination induced by 35° C treatment results from increased sensitivity to a pre-existing, active, far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) in the seeds.Abbreviations FR far-red light - P phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of P - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of P - R red light  相似文献   

D. F. Cole 《Economic botany》1974,28(2):155-159
The effect of light and temperature on germination of two accessions ofLimnanthes alba Benth. seed, a potential source of seed oil, were determined. Seed were germinated on a two-way thermogradient plate and in plastic dishes. Temperatures on the thermogradient plate ranged from 5 to 25 C and the temperature gradients were changed on an 8–16 hr cycle. Germination occurred over all treatments when averaged over a constant temperature range of 5 to 17 C. However, maximum germination at constant temperatures occurred at 9 to 13 C. Light suppressed germination on the thermogradient plate at temperatures which were not optimum for germination. Maximum germination and seedling growth were observed at an alternating temperature of 10 C for 16 hr and 15 C for 8 hr in continuous dark conditions.  相似文献   

Seed germination of two local Greek endemics was studied (Erysimum naxense, Erysimum krendlii). Seed viability was determined by using the tetrazolium method and germination was studied in synchronized cycles of five and four alternating temperatures [10/5 (for E. naxense only) and 15/10, 20/15, 25/20, and 30/25°C for both species, in cycles of 16 h day/8 h night], and in five light regimes (red, blue, green, white, and dark). Germination of E. naxense and E. krendlii seeds was determined daily for six and five weeks, respectively, with the data analyzed as viability adjusted accumulative seed germination at the end of each week. E. naxense’s seed viability was higher (90%) than that of E. krendlii (64%); seed germination (%) of both increased at low alternating temperatures (10/5°C, 15/10°C, 20/15°C). Germination of E. naxense seeds at low temperatures was light-independent, whereas at high temperatures it was increased with red light. Germination of E. krendlii seeds was inconsistently affected by light at the temperatures studied. Percentages of seed germination of both species were higher in experimental conditions similar to the ones of their natural habitats during autumn and/or spring (facilitated with Geographic Information Systems). These conclusions provide guidelines for species-specific propagation protocols and ex situ conservation.  相似文献   

光照对辽东栎种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yan XF  Wang JL  Zhou LB 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1682-1688
研究了不同光照梯度[55.4%自然全光照(natural sunlight,NS)、18.9%NS、5.5%NS、2.2%NS、0.5%NS和0.3%NS]对辽东栎种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:辽东栎种子的萌发率和萌发指数在55.4%NS处理达到最大,分别为72.5%和0.22,然后随着光照减弱而逐渐减小,在0.3%NS处理下最小,分别为42.5%和0.11;强光照对种子萌发进程有一定的延迟作用,萌发活力指数随着光照的减弱而增大(0.5%NS处理最大);强光下种子萌发的延迟可能是其对多种命运的权衡性选择.强光照有利于辽东栎幼苗基径和根系生长,以及幼苗干物质的积累,但株高最小(6.06 cm);不同光强处理的辽东栎幼苗具有较大的形态学可塑性,其幼苗阶段对光环境的适应性较强,0.5%NS处理的幼苗比叶面积、比枝长、比根长、叶片叶绿素b含量及叶绿素总量均最大,分别为142.57 cm2.g-1、156.86 cm.g-1、271.87 cm.g-1、0.07 g.cm-2和0.24 g.cm-2,55.4%NS处理下最小,分别为44.89 cm2.g-1、52.84 cm.g-1、101.98 cm.g-1、...  相似文献   

Allometric neoteny and the evolution of succulence in cacti   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the objective of analysing the role of heterochrony in the evolution of succulence in the cactus family, a comparative study of xylem development in six species with contrasting morphologies was carried out. Two woody leaf-bearing cacti and four succulent cactus species belong to different subdivisions within the family were analysed. In each species and for different ages, vessel-element length was measured, vessel-element lateral wall-pitting described and the percentage of xylem and parenchyma in the stem quantified. In the succulent species it was found that vessel element length did not change between juvenile and adult wood, that wall-pitting in adult plants was similar to that of seedlings, and that the woody tissue in adult plants was organized in vascular bundles as in the primary tissue of seedlingS. Leaf-bearing cacti, in contrast, changed in both vessel element length and wall-pitting when secondary wood was produced, and the secondary woody tissue of adult plants was organized in a continuous cambial cylinder as in most dicotyledonS. An allometric analysis suggests that a retardation in the developmental rate of woody tissues (allometric neoteny) is the main mechanism in the development of succulence in cacti.  相似文献   

Failure of perennial species to regenerate is a significant threat to semi‐arid woodlands across south‐eastern Australia. High grazing pressure eliminates the recruitment of many perennial species in semi‐arid woodlands, but little is known about requirements for regeneration under low grazing pressure. We tested the effects of addition of water (irrigation to match the largest rainfall events of the last century), seed, soil disturbance and fire within a grazing exclosure in Belah (Casuarina pauper) woodland in the Murray‐Sunset National Park, Victoria. Recruitment was observed in 13 perennial species and was dominated by chenopods. Addition of water, seed and soil disturbance increased abundance of juvenile perennial species above the low‐level background recruitment that occurred in the prevailing drought conditions. This supports the view that continuous recruitment occurs for many semi‐arid perennials. Low seed availability and an inability to maintain soil moisture conditions matching that of regeneration events are likely factors in the lack of recruitment for tree species and limited response of shrubs in this experiment.  相似文献   

The ratio of red to far-red light (R : FR) experienced by seeds during maturation affects germination, but the genetic regulation of this effect is poorly understood. In Arabidopsis thaliana , responses to R : FR are governed by five phytochrome photoreceptors, PHYA–PHYE . PHYA , PHYB and PHYE mediate germination, but their roles in germination response to the seed maturation environment are largely unknown. Seeds of A. thaliana phytochrome mutants and natural accessions were matured in a factorial combination of cold (16 °C) and warm (24 °C) temperatures and high (R : FR = 1) and low (R : FR = 0.6) R : FR environments, resembling sunlight and foliar shade, respectively. Germination was observed in resulting seeds. All five phytochromes mediated germination responses to seed maturation temperature and/or R : FR environment. PHYA suppressed germination in seeds matured under cold temperature, and PHYB promoted germination under the same conditions. PHYD and PHYE promoted germination of seeds matured under warm temperature, but this effect diminished when seeds matured under reduced R : FR. The A. thaliana natural accessions exhibited interesting variation in germination responses to the experimental conditions. Our results suggest that the role of individual PHY loci in regulating plant responses to R : FR varies depending on temperature and provide novel insights into the genetic basis of maternal effects.  相似文献   

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