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Two different volatile isolates from the aerial parts of Cardaria draba (L.) Desv., obtained either by hydrodistillation (Extract I) or by CH2Cl2 extraction subsequent to hydrolysis by exogenous myrosinase (Extract II), were characterized by GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses. The main volatiles obtained by hydrodistillation, i.e., 4‐(methylsulfanyl)butyl isothiocyanate ( 1 ; 28.0%) and 5‐(methylsulfanyl)pentanenitrile ( 2 ; 13.8%), originated from the degradation of glucoerucin. In Extract I, also volatiles without sulfur and/or nitrogen were identified. These were mostly hexadecanoic acid (10.8%), phytol (10.2%), dibutyl phthalate (4.5%), and some other compounds in smaller percentages. Extract II contained mostly glucosinolate degradation products. They originated from glucoraphanin, viz., 4‐(methylsulfinyl)butyl isothiocyanate ( 3 ; 69.2%) and 5‐(methylsulfinyl)pentanenitrile ( 4 ; 4.5%), glucosinalbin, viz., 2‐(4‐hydroxyphenyl)acetonitrile ( 5 ; 7.2%), and glucoerysolin, viz., 4‐(methylsulfonyl)butyl isothiocyanate ( 6 ; 5.0%). Moreover, the volatile samples were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity using the disc‐diffusion method and determining minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC). All volatile isolates expressed a wide range of growth inhibition activity against both Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria and fungi. The MIC values varied between 4 and 128 μg/ml.  相似文献   

The effect of 24-epibrassinolide and 28-homobrassinolide on the inhibitionof germination and seedling growth of rice (Oryza sativa) induced bysalinity stress was studied. Brassinosteroids were found to reverse theinhibitory effect on germination and seedling growth. The activation ofseedling growth by brassinosteroids under salinity stress was associatedwith enhanced levels of nucleic acids and soluble proteins.  相似文献   

Low soil temperatures and low water potentials reduce and delay the seed germination of canola (Brassica rapa L., B. napus L.) in western Canada. Germination is also very sensitive to the salinity effects of nitrogen fertiliser placed with the seed, especially when the seed bed is relatively dry. The effects of pre-hydration and re-drying treatment on canola (Brassica rapa L. cv. Tobin) seed germination and seedling emergence at 10°C subjected to either a water or salt stress were determined. Low water potentials, induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG 8000), low soil moisture, or high concentrations of salts, reduced both germination and seedling emergence, and increased the time to 50% germination and emergence of seeds at 10°C. At equal osmotic potentials, Na2SO4 was less inhibitory on low temperature germination than either NaCl or PEG, suggesting that the sulphate ion partially alleviated the inhibitory effects of low water potential. Solutions of NaCI produced more abnormal seedlings compared to Na2SO4, suggesting that NaCl was more toxic than Na2SO4 during seedling development. Pre-hydration and re-drying partially overcame the inhibitory effects of both low water potential and salts on seed germination and seedling emergence at 10°C. The seed treatment increased the germination rate in Petri dishes and seedling emergence from a sandy loam soil. Water potentials or soil water contents required to inhibit 50% germination or emergence at 10°C were lower for treated seeds compared to control seeds. Salt concentrations inhibiting 50% emergence were higher for treated seeds than control seeds. Neither treated nor control seeds produced seedlings which emerged if the soil water content was lower than 9% or when the soil was continuously irrigated with salt solutions of 100 mmol kg-1 of NaCl or 50 mmol kg-1 of Na2SO4. These results suggest that the pre-hydration and re-drying treatment did not lower the base water potentials at which seedling emergence could occur. Abnormal seedlings were observed in both treated and control seeds, particularly if the soil was watered with NaCl solutions; however, the seed treatment reduced the number of abnormal seedlings.  相似文献   

Astrodaucus orientalis is a weed species in cropping systems and rangelands in Iran. The effects of temperature, light, NaCl concentration, water potential, seed burial depth and crop residue cover were assessed on seed germination and seedling emergence of two populations of A. orientalis from Ardabil (Meshginshahr population) and East Azarbayjan (Tabriz population) provinces of Iran. The A. orientalis populations indicated different responses to environmental factors and burial depth. In the Tabriz population the greatest germination (88.5%) was observed in 20/12°C day/night temperature but in the Meshginshahr population (83.2%) it was obtained in 24/16°C day/night temperature. Over a broad range of light period (10–24 hr light) germination was 74–83%, but it decreased (less than 37%) under 24 hr dark in both A. orientalis populations. With respect to water potential, the C50 parameters were −0.62 and − 0.49 MPa for Tabriz and Meshginshahr populations, respectively. The D50 parameters (the burial depth that caused 50% decrease in emergence) for Tabriz and Meshginshahr populations were 2.42 and 3.13 cm, respectively. Generally, the results showed that emergence of both populations of A. orientalis was delayed as depth of burial increased up to 4 cm and in cropping systems a shallow tillage that locates the seeds to >4 cm of depth in soil could be used in order to suppress seedling emergence. Our findings also could be useful in integrated management of A. orientalis in winter annual crops and rangelands.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对盐生植物黄花补血草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尤佳  王文瑞  卢金  贾鹏翔  缪建顺  杨颖丽 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3825-3833
盐生植物黄花补血草广泛分布于我国西北地区、东北西部以及华北北部,对改良盐碱土壤具有重要的生态作用。以黄花补血草(Limonium aureum(L.)Hill)为材料,研究分析了不同浓度NaCl胁迫对其种子萌发和幼苗生长产生的抑制效应及作用机制。结果表明:低浓度NaCl(25 mmol/L和50 mmol/L)处理不影响黄花补血草种子萌发和幼苗生长,25 mmol/L NaCl甚至促进了根生长,而高浓度NaCl(100 mmol/L和150 mmol/L)处理明显抑制种子萌发及幼苗生长。利用荧光探针的检测结果表明,NaCl处理的幼苗根中过氧化氢(H2O2)和一氧化氮(NO)含量明显高于对照水平。碘化丙啶(PI)染色结合激光共聚焦显微镜观察及检测相对电导率结果显示,高浓度NaCl处理抑制了幼苗根尖伸长区细胞的伸长生长,增加了细胞膜的通透性,对根细胞造成了明显的伤害。此外,高浓度NaCl处理诱导叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量显著升高。以上结果说明,黄花补血草对低浓度的盐具有一定的耐盐性,但高浓度盐降低了种子的萌发率,使幼苗根中H2O2产生增加,抑制根尖伸长区细胞的伸长生长,对根、叶造成明显氧化损伤,从而抑制黄花补血草幼苗的生长。  相似文献   

黑果枸杞种子萌发及幼苗生长对盐胁迫的响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王桔红  陈文 《生态学杂志》2012,31(4):804-810
研究不同浓度(0、1、2、3、6、9、14、18g.L-1)的盐溶液(NaCl、MgSO4、盐渍土壤)对河西走廊中部荒漠边缘的黑果枸杞种子吸胀、萌发和幼苗生长的影响,并观察胁迫解除后种子的反应。结果表明:黑果枸杞种子吸胀速率随NaCl、MgSO4和土壤溶液浓度的增大呈先升后降的趋势,吸水速度随胁迫时间的延长而减慢;种子萌发率随3种盐浓度的增大而降低,盐胁迫解除后种子仍具有较高的萌发率;发芽指数、活力指数、根长、下胚轴随3种盐浓度的增大而降低或先升后降,根轴比随盐胁迫的增强先升后降;随3种盐浓度的增大,种苗损害率增大,3种盐的胁迫效应依次NaCl>MgSO4>盐渍土壤溶液。黑果枸杞种子萌发和幼苗生长对NaCl胁迫较为敏感,其耐受的临界阈值是6g.L-1;种子萌发能耐受较高浓度的MgSO4的胁迫,幼苗生长对MgSO4胁迫较敏感,其耐受的临界阈值是9g.L-1;种子萌发和幼苗生长对生境盐渍土壤具有较强的耐受能力和适应性。  相似文献   

陈士超  王猛  汪季  高永  刘宗奇  王香 《生态学杂志》2017,28(9):2923-2931
用不同质量浓度PEG6000(0%、5%、10%、15%、20%、25%、30%,渗透势分别为0、-0.06、-0.17、-0.32、-0.53、-0.79、-1.10 MPa)控制渗透势,研究紫花苜蓿种子萌发及幼苗生理特性对不同渗透势的响应.结果表明: 种子5项萌发指标均随渗透势降低呈先升后降趋势,-0.06 MPa时萌发指数和活力指数最高,-0.17 MPa时发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数最高;幼苗过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶活性和叶绿素含量均随渗透势降低呈先升后降趋势,-0.17 MPa时各指标值最高;叶绿素a/b随渗透势降低呈先降后升趋势,-0.06 MPa时最低;游离脯氨酸、丙二醛含量和相对电导率随渗透势降低而持续升高.渗透势为-0.06~-0.17 MPa时,种子萌发和幼苗生理综合评价结果最优,是最适宜种子萌发的渗透势条件,而当渗透势低于-0.79 MPa时,对种子萌发产生抑制.  相似文献   

Lepidium vesicarium is a weed species with a wide distribution in the rangelands and dry‐land farming in East Azarbaijan, Iran. The experiments were undertaken to assay the effects of light, temperature, pH, osmotic potential, NaCl concentration and burial depth on seed germination and emergence of L. vesicarium. Germination was maintained at high levels (> 80%) over a wide day/night temperature range (10/5 to 30/20°C), but a severe reduction in the germination rate of L. vesicarium was found below 20/10°C. Germination of L. vesicarium was influenced by different light/dark regimes, as the germination rate was highest at 16 h light for the all treatments (0, 8, 12, 16 and 24 h light). Germination was 92–95% over a wide range of pH (2‐10). Germination was >50% at a water potential of ?0.7 MPa and salinity of 21 dS/m, indicating that drought and salt conditions have a minimal impact on seed germination. With increasing burial depth from 0 to 2 cm, the number of days required for 50% emergence increased and no germination was observed at burial depths deeper than 3 cm. This suggests that L. vesicarium would become troublesome in the rangelands and for growers in reduced‐tillage cropping systems. The ability to emerge from shallow depths, coupled with tolerance of a wide pH range, drought and salinity at germination, should be taken into account when managing this weed species.  相似文献   

Tolerance of gametophytes of Acrostichum aureum to NaCl and dehydration was investigated under controlled conditions following the changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fv/Fm, qP, qN). Salt tolerance was increased by growing gametophytes in low concentrations of NaCl. However, such treatment could not increase the tolerance of gametophytes to dehydration. Under water stress, a decrease in photochemical quenching (qP) was accompanied by an increase in non-photochemical quenching (qN). Under salt stress, qP also decreased, but qN did not change significantly in salt-hardened gametophytes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

  • Soil seed banks are essential elements of plant population dynamics, enabling species to maintain genetic variability, withstand periods of adversity and persist over time, including for cactus species. However knowledge of the soil seed bank in cacti is scanty. In this study, over a 5‐year period we studied the seed bank dynamics, seedling emergence and nurse plant facilitation of Polaskia chende, an endemic columnar cactus of central Mexico.
  • P. chende seeds were collected for a wild population in Puebla, Mexico. Freshly collected seeds were sown at 25 °C and 12‐h photoperiod under white light, far‐red light and darkness. The collected seeds were divided in two lots, the first was stored in the laboratory and the second was use to bury seeds in open areas and beneath a shrub canopy. Seeds were exhumed periodically over 5 years. At the same time seeds were sown in open areas and beneath shrub canopies; seedling emergence and survival were recorded over different periods of time for 5 years.
  • The species forms long‐term persistent soil seed banks. The timing of seedling emergence via germination in the field was regulated by interaction between light, temperature and soil moisture. Seeds entered secondary dormancy at specific times according to the expression of environmental factors, demonstrating irregular dormancy cycling.
  • Seedling survival of P. chende was improved under Acacia constricta nurse plants. Finally, plant facilitation affected the soil seed bank dynamics as it promoted the formation of a soil seed bank, but not its persistence.

盐胁迫对荆条、白蜡、沙枣种子萌发的影响   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
用不同浓度的NaCl、Na2CO3混合盐胁迫梯度,对荆条、白蜡和沙枣种子进行了种子萌发实验,观察了3个物种在盐胁迫下的发芽率、发芽速度和胚根生长,比较了光照和黑暗条件下3种植物种子的萌发差异。结果表明:光照对3种植物种子的萌发有明显的促进作用,但对胚根生长的影响却各不相同。低浓度混合盐溶液对荆条、白蜡种子萌发有促进作用,对沙枣有轻度抑制。当盐胁迫浓度超过0.8%,3种植物种子的萌发均受到不良影响,尤其对荆条的影响较大。3种植物均能在盐渍化生境中生长,3者均可作为园林植物在天津试验栽培。沙枣在天津塘沽地区盐碱地上进行广泛种植完全具有可行性。  相似文献   

用不同浓度的NaCl、Na2SO4、NaHCO3和Na2CO3混合液对小白菜(Brassica chinensis L.)种子进行种子萌发试验,观察小白菜种子在不同浓度盐碱胁迫下的发芽率和发芽指数。结果表明,在混合盐碱胁迫下,小白菜种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数均随pH值增大和盐浓度的升高呈下降趋势,且各萌发指标与盐浓度的相关系数明显大于pH值,可见小白菜种子发芽受盐浓度的影响更大。低浓度(50mmol·L-1)盐碱胁迫对小白菜种子萌发影响不大,高浓度(200mmol·L-1)盐碱胁迫下小白菜的种子萌发受到严重影响。  相似文献   

研究了沙埋深度和种子大小对内蒙古毛乌素沙地植被群落中占优势的柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)种子萌发、出苗、幼苗存活和生长的影响.结果表明,沙埋深度显著影响柠条锦鸡儿的种子萌发率、休眠率、出苗率、幼苗存活率及生物量.在0.5-2cm的浅层沙埋下,种子萌发率、出苗率、幼苗存活率及生物量最高,休眠率最低;沙埋深度≥4 cm时,柠条锦鸡儿的种子萌发率、出苗率、幼苗存活率及生物量随着沙埋深度增加显著降低,而休眠率却显著升高;沙埋深度≥12 cm时,柠条锦鸡儿种子不能够出苗,幼苗也不能够存活.种子大小对柠条锦鸡儿种子萌发率没有显著影响,但对出苗率、幼苗存活率及生物量影响显著.在各个沙埋深度下,不同大小的柠条锦鸡儿种子间的萌发率没有显著差异.当沙埋深度≤6 cm时,不同大小的柠条锦鸡儿种子在同一沙埋深度下的出苗率间没有显著差异;但当沙埋深度≥8 cm时,在同一沙埋深度下,大种子的出苗率显著高于中种子和小种子的出苗率,而中种子和小种子出苗率间没有显著差异.0.5-10 cm的沙埋深度中,除6 cm和8 cm深度下中种子和小种子萌发幼苗的生物量间没有显著差异外,其余深度下,大种子萌发的幼苗的存活率及生物量显著高于同一沙埋深度下中种子萌发的幼苗的存活率及生物量,后者又显著高于小种子萌发的幼苗的存活率及生物量.可能正是种子萌发对沙埋环境的忍耐或响应能力以及种子的多态性提高了柠条锦鸡儿在毛乌素沙地的适合度,为其在流动或半流动沙丘环境中成功定居并形成优势群落奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Some effects of methyl jasmonate (Me-Ja) on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seed germination and seedling development are described and compared with those of ABA. Both growth regulators have very similar action. They inhibit germination, but high concentrations of O2 in the atmosphere suppress this inhibitory action. Depending on the concentration, Me-Ja inhibits root and hypcotyl growth, however the root is more sensitive to Me-Ja than to ABA. Me-Ja also strongly reduces oxygen uptake during germination and inhibits chlorophyll biosynthesis in isolated cotyledons.  相似文献   

AIM: To isolate and characterize groundnut-associated bacterial isolates for growth promotion of groundnut in field. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three hundred and ninety-three groundnut-associated bacteria, representing the geocarposphere, phylloplane and rhizosphere, and endophytes were applied as seed treatment in greenhouse. Maximum increase in plant biomass (up to 26%) was observed following treatment with a rhizosphere isolate identified as Bacillus firmis GRS 123, and two phylloplane isolates Bacillus megaterium GPS 55 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa GPS 21. There was no correlation between the production of L-tryptophan-derived auxins and growth promotion by the test isolates. Actively growing cells and peat formulations of GRS 123 and GPS 55, and actively growing cells of GPS 21, significantly increased the plant growth and pod yield (up to 19%) in field. Rifampicin-resistant mutants of GRS 123 and GPS 21 colonized the ecto- and endorhizospheres of groundnut, respectively, up to 100 days after sowing (DAS), whereas GPS 55 was recovered from both the habitats at 100 DAS. CONCLUSION: Seed bacterization with phylloplane isolates promoted groundnut growth indicating the possibility of isolating rhizosphere beneficial bacteria from different habitats. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Identification of phylloplane bacteria as effective plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) broadens the spectrum of PGPR available for field application.  相似文献   

以1/4 Hoagland溶液为基础培养液,研究了0.5%、1.0%、1.5%、2.0%和2.5%NaCl处理对海滨锦葵[Kostelezkya rirginica(L.)Presl.]种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,发现随着培养液中NaCl浓度的增加,海滨锦葵种子萌发率逐渐降低;当NaCl浓度达2.5%时种子不萌发,但NaCl胁迫解除后,种子的萌发率水平与对照相当。幼苗在含0.5%~1.0%NaCl的培养液中生长状况良好,叶绿素含量和根系活力明显增高;但当NaCl浓度达1.5%-2.0%时,叶绿素含量和根系活力逐渐下降;与对照相比,NaCl胁迫下幼苗的MDA水平降低。结果表明,NaCl胁迫对海滨锦葵种子萌发和幼苗牛长有一定的影响,但海滨锦葵可通过种子休眠、增加根系活力、降低体内MDA水平来缓解一定的盐害效应.以适应盐胁迫的生长环境.  相似文献   

研究了浑善达克沙地 4~ 10月份土壤含水量变动情况和冰草种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长对土壤含水量的响应。结果表明 ,4月下旬至 5月上中旬的土壤含水量对冰草种子萌发、出苗和定居极为关键。控制条件下 ,冰草种子萌发和出苗的最适土壤含水量范围是 12 %~ 2 0 % ,幼苗生长的最适土壤含水量是 12 %。当土壤含水量低于 3% ,冰草种子不能萌发 ,土壤含水量低于 6 %时 ,幼苗不能出土并定居。当土壤含水量达到 16 %时 ,冰草幼苗生物量有所下降。在 6 %~ 8%的土壤含水量条件下 ,植株将更多的生物量投资于根的生长  相似文献   

  • Brassica insularis is a protected plant that grows on both coastal and inland cliffs in the western Mediterranean Basin. The objective of this study was to test if any variability exists in the salt stress response during seed germination and seedling development in this species relative to its provenance habitat.
  • Variability among three populations in the salt stress effects on seed germination and recovery under different temperatures was evaluated. The effect of nebulisation of a salt solution on seedling development was evaluated between populations growing at different distances from the sea.
  • Seeds of B. insularis could germinate at NaCl concentrations up to 200 mm . Seed viability was negatively affected by salt, and recovery ability decreased with increasing temperature or salinity. Inter‐population variability was detected in salt response during the seed germination phase, as well as in seedling salt spray tolerance. The inland population seedlings had drastically decreased survival and life span and failed to survive to the end of the experiment. In contrast, at least 90% of the coastal seedlings survived, even when sprayed at the highest frequency with salt solution.
  • This study allowed investigation of two natural factors, soil salinity and marine aerosols, widely present in the B. insularis habitat, and provided the first insights into ecology of this protected species and its distribution in the Mediterranean. These results might be useful in understanding the actual distributions of other species with the same ecology that experience these same abiotic parameters.

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