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Recently, we provided evidence that the glycosylation of hamster oviductin, a member of the mucin family of glycoproteins, is regulated during the estrous cycle. In order to further elucidate the glycosylation process of oviductal glycoproteins, we identified biosynthetic pathways involved in the assembly of mucin-type O-linked oligosaccharide (O-glycan) chains in the hamster oviduct. Our results demonstrated that the hamster oviduct has high activities of glycosyltransferases that synthesize O-glycans with core 1, 2, 3 and 4 structures as well as elongated structures. Oviduct therefore represents a typical mucin-secreting tissue. Our results also showed that specific glycosyltransferase activities are regulated during the estrous cycle. Mucin-type core 2 beta6-GlcNAc-transferase (C2GnT2) is responsible for synthesizing core 2 and core 4 structures in the oviduct. Specific assays for C2GnT2 revealed a cyclical pattern throughout the estrous cycle with high activity at the stages of proestrus and estrus and low activity at diestrus 1. Using semiquantitative RT-PCR, the mRNA levels for C2GnT2 in the estrous cycle stages could be correlated with the enzyme activities. An increase in glycosyltransferase activity in the hamster oviduct at the time of ovulation suggests that glycosylation of oviductal glycoproteins may be necessary for these proteins to exert their functions during the process of fertilization.  相似文献   

The golden hamster has been described as exhibiting estrous cycle synchrony caused by social dominance. This has recently been reexamined by J. C. Schank (2000, Horm. Behav. 38, 94-101) with the aid of computer simulations. He concluded that there is no evidence for cycle synchrony among golden hamsters. In the present article we confirm this theoretical approach with the help of long-term experiments. Indeed, estrous cycle asynchrony was observed. Singly housed female golden hamsters in phase with their neighbors and in physical contact desynchronized their 4-day cycles after 2 or 3 weeks. Asynchrony was caused mainly by stochastic 5-day cycles. Statistical analysis was performed using a Monte-Carlo bootstrap approach. Based on the empirical data, an individual-based computer model was developed to simulate the dynamics of cycle desynchronization. Potential advantages were deduced for the population level. It emerged that estrous cycle asynchrony led to higher reproductive success for females where the probability of fertilization was low (e.g., after hibernation, poor habitat).  相似文献   

Ten polymorphic microsatellites were developed for the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), a widely used model organism in biological and medical researches. All loci were used to analyse the microsatellite variability in wild golden hamsters from Syria and in a sample of domestic animals comprising different strains. Average mean expected heterozygosity (HE) and mean allele number (A) of domestic hamsters measured 0.279 ± 0.058 and 2.6 ± 0.306, respectively, compared to 0.809 ± 0.019 and 8.3 ± 1.075 found for wild hamsters. Cross‐species application in other Mesocricetus species proved conservation of most loci throughout the genus.  相似文献   

布鲁斯效应是一种由非配偶雄性的化学信号所诱发的雌性妊娠终止现象,曾被认为是雌性对抗雄性杀婴行为的一种进化策略。布鲁斯效应最初在实验小鼠中发现。后续的研究证明了在实验室条件下多种啮齿类动物中存在布鲁斯效应。布鲁斯效应是否为实验室啮齿类动物中存在的普遍规律,目前尚无定论。本实验首先探讨了布鲁斯效应在金色中仓鼠中是否存在。在交配之后给予实验组雌鼠陌生雄鼠的非直接接触刺激,对照组雌鼠接受配偶雄鼠的非直接接触刺激。同时还测定了雌鼠的体重、胚胎质量以及生理器官(肾上腺、脾脏、卵巢和子宫)质量。结果显示,实验组雌鼠的流产率、体重、胚胎质量、生理器官(肾上腺、脾脏、卵巢、子宫)质量与对照组不存在显著差异。本实验结果表明:陌生雄鼠的化学信号对雌性金色中仓鼠的怀孕状态没有影响,实验室条件下的金色中仓鼠不存在布鲁斯效应。  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of the body temperature regulation of euthermic golden hamsters is a great individual variability of body temperature in the thermoneutral zone. Resting values of the total metabolic rate (M) at ambient temperature 30-34 degrees C vary from 5.3 to 8.8 W.kg-1 between individuals, body temperature reaching 33.5-37.7 degrees C (subcutaneous temperature, Ts) and 35.4-39.0 degrees C (hypothalamic temperature, Th). The dependence of metabolic heat production on steady deviations of peripheral and central body temperature from the resting values in nonlinear in general, but the unknown functional relationship delta M = f (delta Th, delta Ts) can be replaced by a single linear regression function of Ts by neglecting the change of central body temperature: delta M = 2.14-2.00. delta Ts. Total body thermosensitivity of the golden hamster determined from steady changes of rectal temperature and metabolic rate after external cooling is -6.8 +/- 1.3 W.kg-1. degrees C-1.  相似文献   

Predictors of dominance in the male golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The outcome of social interactions between four male hamsters was significantly related to body weight (rs=0·66) and to the size and pigmentation of their lateral flank glands (rs=0·82). Weight was held constant in a second experiment and variations in gland size and pigmentation remained significantly related to the outcome of social encounters (rs=0·77). In a third experiment, castrate hamsters of uniform weight receiving either no hormone, 0·1 mg, 0·50 mg, or 1·00 mg testosterone propionate exhibited flank gland variations significantly related to social rank (rs=0·81). These experiments demonstrate that the state of the flank gland, which is related to endogenous androgen levels, can be used as a predictor of social rank in male hamsters.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons, functionally enigmatic structures of mammalian pinealocytes, were studied during the postnatal development of the pineal gland in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). On day 4 post partum, synaptic ribbons appear in cells that have already started to differentiate into pinealocytes. Between days 4 and 9, an increase in the number of synaptic ribbons occurs, concomitant with the continuing differentiation of the pineal tissue. Between days 9 and 16, when differentiation of this tissue is almost completed, the number of synaptic ribbons decreases and approaches that characteristic of the adult pineal gland. During development, the synaptic ribbons increase in length, and dense core vesicles are frequently found in the vicinity of these structures. It is assumed that a functional relationship exists between dense core vesicles and the synaptic ribbons, which are considered to be engaged in a certain form of secretory activity of the mammalian pineal gland.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

On Day 9 of pregnancy (day of mating = Day 1), the number of corpora lutea in the right ovary was greater than that in the left (mean +/- s.e.m. 9.3 +/- 0.1 and 6.5 +/- 0.3 respectively; N = 70). Although the percentages of ova fertilized on the left and right side were not different (82% and 94%), the percentage wastage was higher on the left side (20%) than the right (14%). A significant difference in sperm numbers in the right (2.8 X 10(6] and the left (0.5 X 10(6] uterine horns were found 1.5 h after mating in 51 females. Morphometric measurements of the lower uterine luminal size showed that the right side (103.9 mm3) was larger than the left side (88.9 mm3; N = 5). It is obvious that there is structural and functional asymmetry in the ovary and uterus in the golden hamster.  相似文献   

Summary Oviductal non-ciliated secretory epithelial cells, under hormonal stimulation, synthesize and secrete a family of glycoproteins referred to as oviductins. These glycoproteins are found in oviductal fluid in several mammalian species, and have been localized in the oviduct, and in the zona pellucida of ovulated oocytes. In the golden hamster, this glycoprotein is named hamster oviductin-1. Recently, an immunofluorescent study on hamster uterine tissue has revealed the presence of the glycoprotein in luminal epithelial cells in a heterogeneous labelling pattern during the estrous cycle. The mechanism of endometrial epithelial cell receptivity to hamster oviductin-1 is not known.In this study, immunohistochemical studies were performed using a monoclonal antibody against the oviductin in conjunction with silver enhancement technique, in an attempt to determine further the factors playing a role in uterine receptivity to oviductin-1. Paraffin sections of hamster uterus obtained from different stages of the estrous cycle and from days 1–6 of gestation, and paraffin sections of hamster oviduct obtained from days 1–6 of gestation were used in this study. The results we obtained using the silver enhancement technique show that hamster uterus luminal epithelial cells exhibit a homogeneous, high intensity immunolabelling pattern throughout the estrous cycle, whereas, during gestation, labelling intensity decreases as the period for blastocyst implantation approaches. Oviduct epithelial cells revealed no definite fluctuating pattern in immunolabelling intensities during gestation, indicating no change in synthesis and secretion of the glycoprotein during this period.It is speculated that receptors for hamster oviductin-1 are present at the apical cell surface of endometrial cells and that implantation of the developing blastocyst into the uterine wall is possible only following downregulation of these receptors.The use of the silver enhancement technique proves to be an effective tool in immunohistochemical studies at the light microscope level, as seen through this study.  相似文献   

Rocio virus (ROCV) is an encephalitic flavivirus endemic to Brazil. Experimental flavivirus infections have previously demonstrated a persistent infection and, in this study, we investigated the persistence of ROCV infection in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). The hamsters were infected intraperitoneally with 9.8 LD50/0.02 mL of ROCV and later anaesthetised and sacrificed at various time points over a 120-day period to collect of blood, urine and organ samples. The viral titres were quantified by real-time-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The specimens were used to infect Vero cells and ROCV antigens in the cells were detected by immunefluorescence assay. The levels of antibodies were determined by the haemagglutination inhibition technique. A histopathological examination was performed on the tissues by staining with haematoxylin-eosin and detecting viral antigens by immunohistochemistry (IHC). ROCV induced a strong immune response and was pathogenic in hamsters through neuroinvasion. ROCV was recovered from Vero cells exposed to samples from the viscera, brain, blood, serum and urine and was detected by qRT-PCR in the brain, liver and blood for three months after infection. ROCV induced histopathological changes and the expression of viral antigens, which were detected by IHC in the liver, kidney, lung and brain up to four months after infection. These findings show that ROCV is pathogenic to golden hamsters and has the capacity to cause persistent infection in animals after intraperitoneal infection.  相似文献   

Adult female golden hamsters exhibit smaller and less pigmented flank glands than do males. Nevertheless, as has been found in male hamsters, variations in these parameters of the flank glands correlate highly (rs=0·78) with social rank attained in a group of four females. Ovariectomy and subsequent replacement with a graded series of testosterone propionate doses produces a directly related response in the flank gland and in the social rank attained in all-female groups (rs=0·72). Body weight of females also correlates directly with social status (rs=0·74), but, when body weight is held constant, social rank can still be predicted from measures of the flank gland. Oestrous-related fluctuations in aggressive behaviour of females did not alter dominance relationships.  相似文献   

The combination ketamine-xylazine was assessed as a surgical anaesthetic in the golden hamster. Several dose levels and routes of injection were evaluated. It was determined that 50-200 mg/kg bodyweight of ketamine with 10 mg/kg body weight of xylazine, when given by intraperitoneal injection, was a satisfactory general anaesthetic.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the tissue source of relaxin in pregnant hamsters by immunocytochemical techniques. Ovarian, uterine, and placental tissues were recovered from hamsters on Days 8, 10, 12, 14, and 15 of gestation and processed for light microscopy. Relaxin immunoreactivity was localized in tissue sections by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique using antiserum to porcine relaxin. On Day 8 of gestation, relaxin immunoreactivity was localized in primary giant trophoblast cells (GTC-1s) adjacent to the uterine decidua. On Day 10, relaxin immunoreactivity was localized in GTC-1s, secondary giant trophoblast cells (GTC-2s) adjacent to the ectoplacental cone, and endometrial granulocytes in the wall of sheathed arteries. On Day 12, relaxin immunoreactivity was observed primarily in GTC-2s interspersed among cells of the placental trophospongium but not in cells of the placental labyrinth. The intensity of staining and number of relaxin immunoreactive GTCs increased between Days 12 and 14 but was decreased by Day 15 PM. Relaxin was not localized in uterine glands or corpora lutea. These observations suggest that the placenta is the tissue source of relaxin in pregnant hamsters.  相似文献   

Because some recent studies of hamster adrenocortical function have depended on older studies that may have been inadequate or misinterpreted, the present study re-examined plasma corticosterone and cortisol concentrations in hamsters under several conditions to determine which plasma glucocorticoid predominated in this animal. Sensitive radioimmunoassays were used to measure separately the two glucocorticoids in the basal condition, after adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) treatment, after acute stress, and after chronic stress. In the basal condition, corticosterone concentrations were 3-4 times higher than those of cortisol. After stimulation, this difference disappeared, but rarely were any hamster's cortisol levels higher than their corticosterone levels. Both ACTH and acute stress elevated plasma corticosterone and cortisol concentrations, but only plasma cortisol concentrations were elevated following chronic stress. The dissociation between cortisol and corticosterone concentrations after chronic stress suggests that the two glucocorticoid hormones in the hamster may be regulated independently. The data also indicate that both corticosterone and cortisol should be measured when assessing adrenocortical function in the hamster.  相似文献   

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