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Wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) has spread rapidly and causes serious yield losses in the major wheat‐growing areas in China. Because it is vectored by the fungus‐like organism Polymyxa graminis that survives for long periods in soil, it is difficult to eliminate by conventional crop management or fungicides. There is also only limited resistance in commercial cultivars. In this research, fourteen independent transgenic events were obtained by co‐transformation with the antisense NIb8 gene (the NIb replicase of WYMV) and a selectable gene bar. Four original transgenic lines (N12, N13, N14 and N15) and an offspring line (N12‐1) showed high and durable resistance to WYMV in the field. Four resistant lines were shown to have segregated and only contain NIb8 (without bar) by PCR and herbicide resistance testing in the later generations. Line N12‐1 showed broad‐spectrum resistance to WYMV isolates from different sites in China. After growing in the infested soil, WYMV could not be detected by tissue printing and Western blot assays of transgenic wheat. The grain yield of transgenic wheat was about 10% greater than the wild‐type susceptible control. Northern blot and small RNA deep sequencing analyses showed that there was no accumulation of small interfering RNAs targeting the NIb8 gene in transgenic wheat plants, suggesting that transgene RNA silencing, a common mechanism of virus‐derived disease resistance, is not involved in the process of WYMV resistance. This durable and broad‐spectrum resistance to WYMV in transgenic wheat will be useful for alleviating the damage caused by WYMV.  相似文献   

Expression of tobacco mosaic virus RNA in transgenic plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a message-sense, single-stranded RNA virus that infects many Solanaceae plants. A full-length cDNA copy of TMV genomic RNA was constructed and introduced into the genomic DNA of tobacco plants using a disarmed Ti plasmid vector. Transformed plants showed typical symptoms of TMV infection, and their leaves contained infectious TMV particles. This is the first example of the expression of RNA virus genomic RNAs in planta.  相似文献   

Lim SH  Ko MK  Lee SJ  La YJ  Kim BD 《Molecules and cells》1999,9(6):603-608
The nucleotide sequence of the 3'-terminal region of the Korean isolate of cymbidium mosaic virus (CyMV-Ca) from a naturally infected cattleya was determined. The sequence contains an open reading frame (ORF) coding for the viral coat protein (CP) at the 3'-end and three other ORFs (triple gene block or movement protein) of CyMV. The CP gene encodes a polypeptide chain of 220 amino acids with a molecular mass of 23,760 Da. The deduced CP sequence showed a strong homology with those of two CyMVs reported. A construct of the CyMV-Ca CP gene in the antisense orientation in the plant expression vector pMBP1 was transferred via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation into Nicotiana occidentalis which is a propagation host of CyMV. The T1 progeny of the transgenic plants were inoculated with CyMV and found to be highly resistant to CyMV infection.  相似文献   

We compared the levels of growth hormone (GH) mRNA in the pituitary, plasma GH concentration, and altered phenotype in rats heterozygous and homozygous for an antisense RNA transgene targeted to the rat GH gene, with those in nontransgenic rats. We initially investigated whether the transgene promoter, which is connected to four copies of a thyroid hormone response element (TRE) that increases promoter activity, affected in vivo transgene expression in the pituitary of the transgenic rats. Plasma GH concentration correlated negatively with T, injection in surgically thyroidectomized heterozygous transgenic rats. There was a reduction of about ?35–40% in GH mRNA levels in the pituitary of homozygous animals compared with those in non-transgenic rats. Plasma GH concentration was significantly ?25–32 and ?29–41% lower in heterozygous and homozygous transgenic rats, respectively, compared with that in nontransgenic animals. Furthermore, the growth rates in homozygous transgenic rats were reduced by ?72–81 and ?51–70% compared with those of their heterozygous and nontransgenic littermates, respectively. The results of these studies suggested that the biological effect of GH in vivo is modulated dose-dependently by the antisense RNA transgene. The rat GH gene can therefore be targeted by antisense RNA produced from a transgene, as reflected in the protein and RNA levels. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several strategies involving the use of antisense and ribozyme constructs in different expression vectors were investigated as methods of suppressing gene expressionin planta. We had previously identified an efficiently cleaving ribozyme (Rz), with two catalytic units and 60 nucleotide (nt) of complementary sequence, to the ligninforming peroxidase of tobacco (TPX). This Rz was cloned behind the 35S CaMV (35S) and nopaline synthase (NOS) promoters, and into a vector utilising the tobacco tyrosine tRNA for expression. For comparison with more traditional antisense strategies, full-length TPX antisense (AS) constructs were also constructed behind the NOS and 35S promoters. Populations of transgenic tobacco containing these constructs were produced and compared to control plants transformed with the vector only. Significant suppression of peroxidase expression in the range of 40–80% was seen in the T0 and T1 populations carrying 35S-AS, 35S-Rz and tRNA-Rz constructs. Co-segregation of the suppressed peroxidase phenotype and the tRNA-Rz transgenes was demonstrated. Northern blot analysis indicated that levels of TPX mRNA were lower in the Rz plants. No evidence of mRNA cleavage was observed and thus it was unclear if the Rz constructs were acting as Rzsin vivo. Transgenic plants containing the tRNA-Rz construct had significantly lower levels of peroxidase than the other transgenic plants. There was no significant difference in levels of suppression of TPX between the short Rz in the 35S vector and the full-length AS constructs. Although peroxidase levels were significantly reduced in transgenic plants carrying 35S-AS, 35S-Rz and tRNA-Rz constructs, no significant difference in lignin levels was observed.  相似文献   


The apoplast plays an important role in plant defense against pathogens. Some extracellular PR-4 proteins possess ribonuclease activity and may directly inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi. It is likely that extracellular RNases can also protect plants against some viruses with RNA genomes. However, many plant RNases are multifunctional and the direct link between their ribonucleolytic activity and antiviral defense still needs to be clarified. In this study, we evaluated the resistance of Nicotiana tabacum plants expressing a non-plant single-strand-specific extracellular RNase against Cucumber mosaic virus.


Severe mosaic symptoms and shrinkage were observed in the control non-transgenic plants 10 days after inoculation with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), whereas such disease symptoms were suppressed in the transgenic plants expressing the RNase gene. In a Western blot analysis, viral proliferation was observed in the uninoculated upper leaves of control plants, whereas virus levels were very low in those of transgenic plants. These results suggest that resistance against CMV was increased by the expression of the heterologous RNase gene.


We have previously shown that tobacco plants expressing heterologous RNases are characterized by high resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus. In this study, we demonstrated that elevated levels of extracellular RNase activity resulted in increased resistance to a virus with a different genome organization and life cycle. Thus, we conclude that the pathogen-induced expression of plant apoplastic RNases may increase non-specific resistance against viruses with RNA genomes.


应用RNAi技术培育抗TMV病毒转基因烟草   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用烟草花叶病毒(TMV)外壳蛋白基因构建RNAi干涉载体, 通过叶盘法转化至烟草K326 和龙江911两个栽培品种。对转基因株系的荧光定量PCR分析表明, 不同转基因株系的病毒RNA靶序列都得到一定程度的降解, 抗病性鉴定结果证实, 转基因K326和龙江911两个栽培品种的转基因材料分别有83%和90%转基因株系对TMV呈现免疫级抗性。  相似文献   

Cymbidium mosaic virus (CyMV) is the most prevalent virus infecting orchids. Here, we report the isolation of partial cDNA clones encoding the genomic RNA of CyMV. Like most of the polyadenylated monopartite positive-strand RNA viruses, the open reading frame (ORF) coding for the viral coat protein (CP) is located at the 3 end. The ORF predicts a polypeptide chain of 220 amino acids with a molecular weight of 23 600. Sequence comparison of this ORF to the CP sequences of potato virus X(PVX) and white clover mosaic virus (WCIMV) revealed a strong amino acid homology in the mid-portion of the CP, but the overall homology was low. The CyMV CP gene was placed downstream of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and the chimaeric gene was transferred into Nicotiana benthamiana. Transgenic plants expressing the CyMV CP were protected against CyMV infection.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that peroxidases catalyze the final step in the biosynthesis of lignin. In this study, to examine how expression of prxA3a, a gene for an anionic peroxidase, might be related to lignification in plant tissues, we produced transgenic tobacco plants that harbored a gene for β-glucuronidase (GUS) fused to the prxA3a promoter. Histochemical staining for GUS activity indicated that the prxA3a promoter was active mainly in the lignifying cells of stem tissues. Further, to examine the effects of suppressing the expression of prxA3a, we transferred an antisense prxA3a gene construct into the original host, hybrid aspen (Populus sieboldii ×P. gradidentata), under the control of the original promoter of the prxA3a gene. Eleven transformed aspens were obtained and characterized, and the stable integration of the antisense construct was confirmed by PCR and Southern blotting analysis in all these lines. Assays of enzymatic activity showed that both total peroxidase activity and acidic peroxidase activity were lower in most transgenic lines than in the control plants. In addition, the reduction of peroxidase activity was associated with lower lignin content and modified lignin composition. Transgenic lines with the highest reduction of peroxidase activity displayed a higher syringyl/vanillin (S/V) ratio and a lower S+V yield, mainly because of a decreased amount of V units. Thus, our results indicate that prxA3a is involved in the lignification of xylem tissue and that the down-regulation of anionic peroxidase alters both lignin content and composition in hybrid aspen.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study possible functions of the inclusion body matrix protein (IBMP) encoded by gene VI of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), the XbaI fragment containing the gene VI of a Japanese strain of CaMV (CaMV S-Japan) was transferred to tobacco plants by Ti mediated transformation. Eight out of 18 kanamycin resistant plants (40%) expressed detectable levels of IBMP. Those transgenic plants expressing IBMP produced leaves with light green color, and their growth was suppressed as compared with control plants. Symptom-like necrotic spots also appeared on the leaves and stems of the mature transgenic plants. Furthermore, in these transgenic plants, pathogenesis-related proteins 1a, 1b and 1c were highly expressed and the activity of 1,3--glucanase was increased up to eightfold. From these results, we concluded that expression of the IBMP is associated with symptom development.  相似文献   

A chimeric vector was constructed to express cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) satellite (Sat) RNA and coat protein (CP). Transgenic lines of tobacco cultivar G-140 expressing CP and Sat-RNA were obtained; these lines had high resistance to CMV. Fifty to 70% of the transgenic plants were symptomless 90 days after inoculation with 25-50 micrograms/ml of CMV. Resistance was about twice that conferred by the Sat-RNA or the CP gene alone in transformed plants.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid gene of tomato spotted wilt virus Hawaiian L isolate in a sense orientation, and the GUS and NPTII marker genes, were introduced into peanut (Arachis hypogaea cv. New Mexico Valencia A) using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Modifications to a previously defined transformation protocol reduced the time required for production of transformed peanut plants. Transgenes were stably integrated into the peanut genome and transmitted to progeny. RNA expression and production of nucleocapsid protein in transgenic peanut were observed. Progeny of transgenic peanut plants expressing the nucleocapsid gene showed a 10- to 15-day delay in symptom development after mechanical inoculations with the donor isolate of tomato spotted wilt virus. All transgenic plants were protected from systemic tomato spotted wilt virus infection. Inoculated non-transformed control plants and plants transformed with a gene cassette not containing the nucleocapsid gene became systemically infected and displayed typical tomato spotted wilt virus symptoms. These results demonstrate that protection against tomato spotted wilt virus can be achieved in transgenic peanut plants by expression of the sense RNA of the tomato spotted wilt virus nucleocapsid gene  相似文献   

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