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The diversity and distribution of microfungal assemblages in leaf litter of a tropical Australian forest was assessed using two methods: (1) cultures were isolated using a particle filtration protocol (wet season 2001), and (2) fruit bodies were observed directly on leaf surfaces following incubation in humid chambers (wet and dry season of 2002). Four tree species were studied using both methods, namely Cryptocarya mackinnoniana (Lauraceae), Elaeocarpus angustifolius (Elaeocarpaceae), Ficus pleurocarpa (Moraceae), and Opisthiolepis heterophylla (Proteaceae). An additional two species, Darlingia ferruginea (Proteaceae) and Ficus destruens (Moraceae), were studied using direct observations. In total, fruiting bodies of 185 microfungal species were recorded on leaf surfaces (31–81 species per tree species), and 419 morphotypes were detected among isolates obtained by particle filtration (111–203 morphotypes per tree species). Although the observed microfungal diversity was higher with the particle filtration protocol, both methods concurred with respect to microfungal distributions. The overlap of microfungal species in pair wise comparisons of tree species was low (14–30 %), and only 2 and 3 % of microfungal species were observed in leaves of all tree species by particle filtration and by direct observations respectively. Multivariate analysis of data from direct observations confirmed the hypothesis that microfungal assemblages are strongly influenced by host phylogeny and are also affected by seasonal and site factors. The importance of host species in shaping microfungal distributions was also supported by the particle filtration data. Several taxa new to science, as well as some widespread saprotrophs, were detected on only one host. The underlying reasons for this affinity remain unclear, but we hypothesise that a number of factors may be involved such as fungal adaptation to plant secondary metabolites or the presence of a biotrophic phase in the fungus' life cycle.  相似文献   

Ten leaves from each of 13 different tree types from two differentrainforest sites in North Queensland, Australia were examined in order toestablish the fungal diversity developing on these leaves. A total of 57microfungi were identified, most of which were mitosporic fungi. Speciesdiversity in terms of richness and evenness were compared and the Mt Lewis sitewas found to be richer as compared to the Butchers Creek site. Statisticalmeasurements of diversity indices, however, showed that the two forest siteswere of similar diversity. Thirty-six of the fungi identified occurred only onone leaf type, indicating possible host specificities or recurrences. The samplesize, however, is deemed to be insufficient, as a larger sample size may haveresulted in less of the fungi appearing to be host specific. It is recommendedthat future studies should include more leaf samples and less tree types. It isparticularly important that the same leaf species are collected within the samesite and at different sites in order to establish the effects of host on fungalcomposition.  相似文献   

张红芳  黄艳  李思齐  欧阳建萍  何刚  陈晔 《菌物学报》2019,38(11):1886-1893
为探究蕨类植物内生真菌的多样性,本研究采用可培养方法分离江西龙虎山和广东丹霞山的岩壁常见蕨类植物——卷柏的内生真菌,结合形态特征和ITS序列进行菌株鉴定、研究多样性。结果表明:从1 080个组织块中,共分离出234株菌株,卷柏内生真菌的总定殖率为18.98%,总分离率为21.67%。根据分离频率,毛壳菌属Chaetomium(26.50%)、青霉属Penicillium(18.38%)、棒束孢属Isaria(11.97%)、曲霉属Aspergillus(9.42%)为优势属。不同居群地春季卷柏的内生真菌多样性存在差异,龙虎山的分离率为34.72%,而丹霞山仅为6.39%,其优势属也不尽相同。对龙虎山不同季节的卷柏内生真菌多样性研究表明,春季的分离率为34.72%,高于冬季的23.89%,春、冬两季之间的真菌类群相似性系数仅为0.39,差异显著。研究结果将有助于进一步揭示丹霞地貌地区蕨类植物内生真菌物种组成及其影响因素。  相似文献   

Nematode-trapping fungi are ubiquitous in terrestrial habitats in dung, soils, litter and woody debris and they also occur in freshwater, but only one species has been found in marine habitats. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate whether nematode-trapping fungi occurred in mangrove habitats. To achieve this we assessed the diversity of nematode-trapping fungi on decaying litter from mangroves, freshwater and terrestrial habitats (22 sites) in Hong Kong. Composite samples (n = 1,320) of decaying litter (wood and leaves) were examined and a total of 31 species of nematode-trapping fungi belonging to four genera, Arthrobotrys, Monacrosporium, and Dactylella were recorded. Twenty-nine species reported in this study are new records for Hong Kong and 16 species are new records from mangrove habitats worldwide. Nematode trapping fungi are therefore present in marine environments. Commonly encountered taxa were Arthrobotrys oligospora and Monacrosporium thaumasium which are abundant in all habitats. A. oligospora, M. thaumasium and Arthrobotrys musiformis were frequent (> 10%). Twenty-six species were rare (0.16–9.32%). Species richness and diversity was higher in terrestrial than in freshwater and mangrove habitats (ANOVA, < 0.001). A higher mean diversity was observed on decaying leaves as compared to decaying wood in all habitats (< 0.001). Based on Shannon diversity index, it was also observed that taxa characterized by adhesive nets were more frequent in all habitats. This can be explained by the fact that these taxa may have a better competitive saprotrophic ability which would allow them to compete favourably in nutrient limited environments. Abiotic factors that could be linked to differences in species diversity between decaying wood and leaves are also discussed.  相似文献   

The genera Cryptococcus and Dioszegia contain basidiomycetous yeasts found in a wide range of habitats. Primers to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) also allow detecting members of this yeast group. Here we report the results of a sequence analysis using maximum parsimony on a set of 50 ITS sequences of yeasts associated with AMF structures (roots of 26 plant species, AM spores) from six field sites in Central Germany. Among 10 separated taxa, respectively five in the Tremellales and two in the Filobasidiales had unknown sequences. Therefore it was not possible to assign these sequences to any known species. The study indicates that exploring the diversity of Cryptococcus and Dioszegia in soil habitats with molecular methods might enlarge the actually estimated biodiversity of the group.  相似文献   

Over the past decade an increasing amount of research has sought to understand how the diversity of species in an ecosystem can influence fluxes of biologically important materials, such as the decomposition of organic matter and recycling of nutrients. Generalities among studies have remained elusive, perhaps because experimental manipulations have been performed at relatively small spatial scales where site-specific variation generates patterns that appear idiosyncratic. One approach for seeking generality is to perform parallel experiments at different sites using an identical species pool. Here we report results from a study where we manipulated the diversity of leaf litter from the same six dominant tree species in the litter layer of three forested ecosystems. These ecosystems spanned a 300 km latitudinal transect in Wisconsin, USA, and were characterized by a large gradient in temperature and moisture, and thus, rates of decomposition. After allowing combinations of one, two, four, and six species of leaf litter to decompose for 1 year, we found that increasing leaf litter richness led to slower rates of decomposition and higher fractions of nitrogen lost from litter. Across all sites, climate and initial litter chemistry explained more of the variation in decomposition rates than did litter richness. Effects of leaf litter diversity were non-additive, meaning they were greater than expected from the impacts of individual species, and appeared to be strongly influenced by the presence/absence of just 1–2 species (Tilia americana and Acer saccharum). The rate of decomposition of these two species was highly site-specific, which led to strong negative effects of litter richness only being observed at the southernmost sites where T. americana and A. saccharum decomposed more quickly. In contrast, litter diversity increased nitrogen loss at the northernmost sites where decomposition of T. americana was notably slowed. Our study shows that species diversity affected at least one of the two litter processes at each site along this 300-km gradient, but the exact nature of these effects were spatially variable because the performance of individual species changed across the heterogeneous landscape.  相似文献   

The abundance and diversity of species of microfungi was investigated on the beaches of Delfines, Km 24 Veracruz-Alvarado Highway, and El Coco, located on the coasts of the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean, respectively. On each beach a sample composed of sand, subtidal wood or washed-up detritus with moist sand was collected. The samples were analyzed by three different methods, resulting in a total of 1,160 occurrences that fluctuated between 340 and 441 occurrences/sample. The number of species/sample fluctuated between 20 and 32. A total of 52 species was found, of which 12 were marine, and 40 nomarine, of terrestrial origin, and of these 15 were ascomycetes, 34 were hyphomycetes, 2 were blastomycetes and one was a coelomycete. The abundance distribution showed few species with high or low values, with the greates proportion having intermediate values. In order to compare species diversity among the samples frequency curves were utilized, based on the number of species expected from samples taken at random; the results showed that the beach at El Coco was richest in species.  相似文献   

This study reports on 230 infrageneric lichenized and lichenicolous taxa from Barla Mountain, Isparta, Turkey and assesses the ecological features of the area using the distribution of the lichens in the region and their poleophoby and solar irradiation ecological indicator values. One lichenized fungus, Protoblastenia terricola, and one lichenicolous fungus, Zwackhiomyces dispersus, are recorded as new in Turkey and 194 taxa are reported for the first time from Barla Mountain. After this research, number of the lichenized and lichenicolous fungi taxa of Barla Mountain rose to 241. Based on assessments using the ecological indicator values, the area is dominated by natural or semi-natural and well-preserved habitats.  相似文献   

Microfungi from Antarctica were grown at 10 °C, 21 °C, 28 °C and 37 °C on a series of plates each containing a single carbon source and designed to indicate the secretion of particular hydrolytic enzymes. Colony radius and hydrolytic activity were measured and a relative activity index (RA) established. In general, effective hydrolysis occurred at mesophilic temperatures. Some enzymes, especially of Trichoderma spp. and Penicillium spp. showed maximum activity at 10 °C, indicating adaptation to the colder temperatures of the antarctic environment.  相似文献   

We analysed the diversity of yeasts from different soils in a river-floodplain landscape at the river Danube downstream of Vienna, Austria ("Nationalpark Donauauen"). 136 strains were isolated, identification of species was done with molecular methods. Partial sequencing of the 26S rRNA gene resulted in 36 different sequences, they could be assigned to 16 genera, apart from two sequence types (from three isolates), which were not clearly assigned to any genus. 18 species were identified and confirmed by means of PCR fingerprinting. The most frequently isolated genus was Cryptococcus (61 isolates and 12 sequence types). Basidiomycetes dominated with about 60% above the members of the Ascomycetes. About half the yeasts was isolated from the litter, the quantity decreased with soil depth.  相似文献   

1. Collembolans have often been credited with negatively affecting arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses, mainly by grazing and severing the associated external fungal network from host roots. However, most previous experiments were performed using relatively 'clean' systems where other, non-mycorrhizal, fungi were largely excluded. Yet, plant rhizospheres harbour a wide variety of highly palatable non-AM fungi, most of which have saprobic lifestyles.
2. In this study we isolated and cultured several rhizosphere fungi, and the collembolan , Folsomia candida , from the Long-Term Mycorrhiza Research Site, University of Guelph, Canada, to test the hypothesis that, given a choice, collembolans would prefer to feed on saprobic fungi and that such a choice is of adaptive significance to the animals.
3. A laboratory food preference experiment revealed that F. candida favours common saprobic fungi over a variety of AM fungi. Coincidentally, fecundity levels across two Folsomia generations were higher when animals fed exclusively on the preferred fungus, Alternaria alternata . When fed less palatable fungi, fecundity was greatly reduced; in fact animals from the F1 generation were unable to produce any eggs when placed on an exclusive diet of one of the following three AM fungi, Acaulospora spinosa, Scutellospora calospora and Gigaspora gigantea .
4. These results indicate that a strict diet of AM fungi by collembolans has reproductive consequences. Therefore, we propose that under natural conditions these animals spend more time feeding on common saprobic fungi rather than their AM counterparts. This suggests that previous 'clean' studies that investigated the interactions between collembolans and AM fungi may have reported exaggerated effects of animal grazing. The influence of collembolans on the functioning of AM symbioses, under more natural conditions, remains not well understood.  相似文献   

江西种子植物特有属的生物多样性及其保护   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
江西植被中拥有中国种子植物特有属56个(含80种),是华东特有属的生物多样性最显著的地区。通过近年调查和数量分析,研究了江西植被中中国种子植物特有属的物种多样性、空间分布格局、生态地理特性及生物多样性中心,探讨了本区与邻近地区中国种子植物特有属分布的联系及其重要地位,并对特有属的生物多样性保护与持续发展提出了切实可行的对策。  相似文献   

银杏内生真菌的生态分布   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
2004—2005年春夏秋3季,在江西省九江地区4个地点分别采集健康的银杏(Ginkgo biloba)植株,分离得到内生真菌198株,经形态学分类鉴定为6目、7科、22属。研究结果表明,银杏内生真菌的分布存在季节差异、组织部位差异、年龄差异;优势菌群的组成与数量随采样地点、分离组织部位、不同生长时期内生真菌的不同而变化。与中国其他地区的银杏植株内生真菌进行比较,结果表明,植物内生真菌的分布与地域具有一定的相关性,体现了内生真菌生态分布的多样性。  相似文献   

This minireview is meant as an introduction to the following paper. To this end, it presents the general background against which the joint paper should be understood. The first objective of the present paper is thus to clarify some concepts and related terminology, drawing a clear distinction between i) atomic diversity (i.e., atomic‐property space), ii) molecular or macromolecular diversity (i.e., molecular‐ or macromolecular‐property spaces), and iii) chemical diversity (i.e., chemical‐diversity space). The first refers to the various electronic states an atom can occupy. The second encompasses the conformational and property spaces of a given (macro)molecule. The third pertains to the diversity in structure and properties exhibited by a library or a supramolecular assembly of different chemical compounds. The ground is thus laid for the content of the joint paper, which pertains to case ii, to be placed in its broader chemodiversity context. The second objective of this paper is to point to the concepts of chemodiversity and biodiversity as forming a continuum. Chemodiversity is indeed the material substratum of organisms. In other words, chemodiversity is the material condition for life to emerge and exist. Increasing our knowledge of chemodiversity is thus a condition for a better understanding of life as a process.  相似文献   

茶树中内生菌的动态分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游见明 《广西植物》2008,28(1):82-85
从茶树的根、茎、叶中分离得到143株内生真菌,经显微形态特征观察鉴定为14个属,其中根部62株涉及11个属,茎部55株涉及9个属,叶部26株涉及6个属。结果表明,茶树的不同部位内生真菌的数量、分布和种群存有差异。  相似文献   

Two striking fungi, isolated from soils from the island of Hachijo-jima in Japan, are described and illustrated. One of these represents a new species ofTalaromyces (Ascomycetes), for which the nameTalaromyces hachijoensis is proposed. The new species is distinctive among all other recognized species in its restricted growth on common media, yellow ascomata characterized by asci developing in chains, striate ascospores, and the absence of an anamorph. The other isHeterocephalum taiense, a rare hyphomycete which has only previously been recorded from lvory Coast soil and probably from Panama soil.  相似文献   

Forty six species and two sterile fungi and yeast species were isolated from samples collected both indoors and outdoors of coastal buildings located in an Egyptian coastal city. Twenty flats from ten buildings were investigated; children living in these buildings have been reported to suffer from respiratory illnesses. Samples were taken using a New Brunswick sampler (model STA-101) operating for 3.0 min at a flow rate of 6.0 l/min. Most of the species isolated have been associated with symptoms of respiratory allergies. Indoors the total culturable fungal count was 1548 CFU/m3; outdoors, it was 1452 CFU/m3. Indoor values of culturable fungal count, total spores count and ergosterol content ranged from 52 to 124 CFU/m3, 100 to 400 spore/m3 and 5 to 27.7 mg/m3, respectively, whereas outdoor levels typically varied between 25 and 222 CFU/m3, 110 and 900 spore/m3 and 3.3 and 67.2 mg/m3, respectively. The maxima for these parameters were detected indoors in house no. 6 and outdoors, outside of house no. 7. The most abundant species were primarily mitosporic (2832 CFU/m3). The most frequent species in both the indoor and outdoor samples were Cladosporium cladosporioides followed by Alternaria alternata and Penicillium chrysogenum,with inside:outside ratios of 1.4, 1.8 and 1.9, respectively. The patterns of fungal abundance were influenced to some extent by changes in the relative humidity and temperature. Other factors, such as type of culture media, rate of sedimentation, size, survival rates of spore and species competition,also affected fungal counts and should be taken into consideration during any analysis of bioaerosol data.  相似文献   

The Zosterophyllopsida were major contributors to the diversification of early land plants. We present the first detailed analysis of the diversity dynamics of these plants from an updated database of all currently recognized zosterophyllopsid species. A set of quantitative methods classically used in palaeodiversity studies was applied to two data sets. The first one, ‘Zosterophyllopsida sensu stricto’, corresponds to the clade identified by Hao & Xue (The Early Devonian Posongchong Flora of Yunnan. (2013), Science Press). In the second, called ‘Zosterophyllopsida sensu lato’, barinophytalean‐type plants and taxa for which zosterophyllopsid affinities are suspected are added. The number of localities is used to explore sampling bias. Results show that sampling effect is minimal for the Early Devonian. For this time interval, both data sets record consistent patterns of changes suggesting that, whatever their affinities, all taxa included in the Zosterophyllopsida sensu lato show similar evolutionary trends. The diversity dynamics of zosterophyllopsids are characterized by a radiation during the Lochkovian, maximal values in the Pragian and a decline starting in the Emsian. The proportion of zosterophyllalean taxa with terminal sporangia is high until the Late Lochkovian when gosslingialean taxa without terminal sporangia evolved. During the Middle and Late Devonian, when diversity patterns are strongly affected by sampling, zosterophyllopsid diversity is low and characterized by a high proportion of barinophytacean and gosslingialean taxa, the latter becoming extinct in the Early Frasnian.  相似文献   

白僵菌生物防治林中虫生真菌群落结构分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对白僵菌生物防治林中虫生真菌群落的结构研究表明,长期接种式释放白僵菌的马尾松林中虫生真菌共有属7种.球孢白僵菌的数量占绝对优势,为总数的63.22%;拟青霉次之,占25.86%;绿僵菌占9.20%;轮枝孢仅占1.72%.从寄主昆虫的多样性来看,球孢白僵菌和环链拟青霉的Brillouin多样性指数分别为3.56和2.315,均匀度分别为0.81和0.865;粉拟青霉和蜡蚧轮枝孢的多样性指数分别为1.71和0.862,均匀度为0.963和1.000而黄绿绿僵菌、金龟子绿僵菌和玫烟色拟青霉多样性和均匀度指标均较低.不同季节中被白僵菌侵染的寄主昆虫多样性指数呈现出春秋高、夏季低的趋势,反映了白僵菌种群的季节性变化.  相似文献   

Fungal communities on decaying culms of a bamboo host (Phyllostachys bambusoides) from freshwater and adjacent terrestrial habitats were identified. Collections were made at Xiao Bai Long Mountain, Yiliang, Yunnan, China in the winter and summer. In each collection, 100 similar-sized bamboo culms were collected, comprising 50 submerged samples from a stream and 50 terrestrial samples from adjacent riparian vegetation. A total of 82 fungal taxa were recorded from the samples, including 30 ascomycetes and 52 anamorphic fungi. The frequency of occurrence of these fungi were recorded and the Shannon–Weiner indices (H′) were applied to evaluate fungal diversity. The results showed that variation of the fungal diversity between the summer and winter collections was insignificant (0.2<p<0.5). Fungal diversity on submerged bamboo however, was significantly higher than that on terrestrial bamboo (p<0.001). Further findings were that: (1) some commonly recorded freshwater and terrestrial taxa were found in both habitats, but overall there were only 15 overlapping species between the two habitats; (2) the dominant species in each habitat were considerably different, and (3) only a few fungi were dominant, while most species were rare, being recorded only once or twice. Factors responsible for the distribution patterns and variations in composition of the fungal communities are discussed.  相似文献   

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