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MOTIVATION: Infectious diseases such as malaria result in millions of deaths each year. An important aspect of any host-pathogen system is the mechanism by which a pathogen can infect its host. One method of infection is via protein-protein interactions (PPIs) where pathogen proteins target host proteins. Developing computational methods that identify which PPIs enable a pathogen to infect a host has great implications in identifying potential targets for therapeutics. RESULTS: We present a method that integrates known intra-species PPIs with protein-domain profiles to predict PPIs between host and pathogen proteins. Given a set of intra-species PPIs, we identify the functional domains in each of the interacting proteins. For every pair of functional domains, we use Bayesian statistics to assess the probability that two proteins with that pair of domains will interact. We apply our method to the Homo sapiens-Plasmodium falciparum host-pathogen system. Our system predicts 516 PPIs between proteins from these two organisms. We show that pairs of human proteins we predict to interact with the same Plasmodium protein are close to each other in the human PPI network and that Plasmodium pairs predicted to interact with same human protein are co-expressed in DNA microarray datasets measured during various stages of the Plasmodium life cycle. Finally, we identify functionally enriched sub-networks spanned by the predicted interactions and discuss the plausibility of our predictions. AVAILABILITY: Supplementary data are available at http://staff.vbi.vt.edu/dyermd/publications/dyer2007a.html. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

Using indirect protein-protein interactions for protein complex prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein complexes are fundamental for understanding principles of cellular organizations. As the sizes of protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks are increasing, accurate and fast protein complex prediction from these PPI networks can serve as a guide for biological experiments to discover novel protein complexes. However, it is not easy to predict protein complexes from PPI networks, especially in situations where the PPI network is noisy and still incomplete. Here, we study the use of indirect interactions between level-2 neighbors (level-2 interactions) for protein complex prediction. We know from previous work that proteins which do not interact but share interaction partners (level-2 neighbors) often share biological functions. We have proposed a method in which all direct and indirect interactions are first weighted using topological weight (FS-Weight), which estimates the strength of functional association. Interactions with low weight are removed from the network, while level-2 interactions with high weight are introduced into the interaction network. Existing clustering algorithms can then be applied to this modified network. We have also proposed a novel algorithm that searches for cliques in the modified network, and merge cliques to form clusters using a "partial clique merging" method. Experiments show that (1) the use of indirect interactions and topological weight to augment protein-protein interactions can be used to improve the precision of clusters predicted by various existing clustering algorithms; and (2) our complex-finding algorithm performs very well on interaction networks modified in this way. Since no other information except the original PPI network is used, our approach would be very useful for protein complex prediction, especially for prediction of novel protein complexes.  相似文献   



The prediction of protein-protein interactions is an important step toward the elucidation of protein functions and the understanding of the molecular mechanisms inside the cell. While experimental methods for identifying these interactions remain costly and often noisy, the increasing quantity of solved 3D protein structures suggests that in silico methods to predict interactions between two protein structures will play an increasingly important role in screening candidate interacting pairs. Approaches using the knowledge of the structure are presumably more accurate than those based on sequence only. Approaches based on docking protein structures solve a variant of this problem, but these methods remain very computationally intensive and will not scale in the near future to the detection of interactions at the level of an interactome, involving millions of candidate pairs of proteins.  相似文献   



Although the prediction of protein-protein interactions has been extensively investigated for yeast, few such datasets exist for the far larger proteome in human. Furthermore, it has recently been estimated that the overall average false positive rate of available computational and high-throughput experimental interaction datasets is as high as 90%.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play an important role in biological processes. Although much effort has been devoted to the identification of novel PPIs by integrating experimental biological knowledge, there are still many difficulties because of lacking enough protein structural and functional information. It is highly desired to develop methods based only on amino acid sequences for predicting PPIs. However, sequence-based predictors are often struggling with the high-dimensionality causing over-fitting and high computational complexity problems, as well as the redundancy of sequential feature vectors. In this paper, a novel computational approach based on compressed sensing theory is proposed to predict yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae PPIs from primary sequence and has achieved promising results. The key advantage of the proposed compressed sensing algorithm is that it can compress the original high-dimensional protein sequential feature vector into a much lower but more condensed space taking the sparsity property of the original signal into account. What makes compressed sensing much more attractive in protein sequence analysis is its compressed signal can be reconstructed from far fewer measurements than what is usually considered necessary in traditional Nyquist sampling theory. Experimental results demonstrate that proposed compressed sensing method is powerful for analyzing noisy biological data and reducing redundancy in feature vectors. The proposed method represents a new strategy of dealing with high-dimensional protein discrete model and has great potentiality to be extended to deal with many other complicated biological systems.  相似文献   

Sear RP 《Physical biology》2004,1(3-4):166-172
We consider highly specific protein-protein interactions in proteomes of simple model proteins. We are inspired by the work of Zarrinpar et al (2003 Nature 426 676). They took a binding domain in a signalling pathway in yeast and replaced it with domains of the same class but from different organisms. They found that the probability of a protein binding to a protein from the proteome of a different organism is rather high, around one half. We calculate the probability of a model protein from one proteome binding to the protein of a different proteome. These proteomes are obtained by sampling the space of functional proteomes uniformly. In agreement with Zarrinpar et al we find that the probability of a protein binding a protein from another proteome is rather high, of order one tenth. Our results, together with those of Zarrinpar et al, suggest that designing, say, a peptide to block or reconstitute a single signalling pathway, without affecting any other pathways, requires knowledge of all the partners of the class of binding domains the peptide is designed to mimic. This knowledge is required to use negative design to explicitly design out interactions of the peptide with proteins other than its target. We also found that patches that are required to bind with high specificity evolve more slowly than those that are required only to not bind to any other patch. This is consistent with some analysis of sequence data for proteins engaged in highly specific interactions.  相似文献   

Lu L  Lu H  Skolnick J 《Proteins》2002,49(3):350-364
In this postgenomic era, the ability to identify protein-protein interactions on a genomic scale is very important to assist in the assignment of physiological function. Because of the increasing number of solved structures involving protein complexes, the time is ripe to extend threading to the prediction of quaternary structure. In this spirit, a multimeric threading approach has been developed. The approach is comprised of two phases. In the first phase, traditional threading on a single chain is applied to generate a set of potential structures for the query sequences. In particular, we use our recently developed threading algorithm, PROSPECTOR. Then, for those proteins whose template structures are part of a known complex, we rethread on both partners in the complex and now include a protein-protein interfacial energy. To perform this analysis, a database of multimeric protein structures has been constructed, the necessary interfacial pairwise potentials have been derived, and a set of empirical indicators to identify true multimers based on the threading Z-score and the magnitude of the interfacial energy have been established. The algorithm has been tested on a benchmark set comprised of 40 homodimers, 15 heterodimers, and 69 monomers that were scanned against a protein library of 2478 structures that comprise a representative set of structures in the Protein Data Bank. Of these, the method correctly recognized and assigned 36 homodimers, 15 heterodimers, and 65 monomers. This protocol was applied to identify partners and assign quaternary structures of proteins found in the yeast database of interacting proteins. Our multimeric threading algorithm correctly predicts 144 interacting proteins, compared to the 56 (26) cases assigned by PSI-BLAST using a (less) permissive E-value of 1 (0.01). Next, all possible pairs of yeast proteins have been examined. Predictions (n = 2865) of protein-protein interactions are made; 1138 of these 2865 interactions have counterparts in the Database of Interacting Proteins. In contrast, PSI-BLAST made 1781 predictions, and 1215 have counterparts in DIP. An estimation of the false-negative rate for yeast-predicted interactions has also been provided. Thus, a promising approach to help assist in the assignment of protein-protein interactions on a genomic scale has been developed.  相似文献   

The competition measurement using simultaneous incubation of labeled and unlabeled Ligand is a common method to assess the specificity of a biomolecular interaction. In this paper we show that invalid assumptions about the interactions may lead to improper experimental setups which in turn can result in inaccurate conclusions about the specificity. To improve understanding of competition measurements, simulations in MATLAB as well as real-time interaction analysis using LigandTracer have been performed. We show that use of a concentration of unlabeled Ligand of at least 10 × K(D) is necessary for assay accuracy. Increasing the incubation time to assure equilibrium, adding a pre-incubation phase, and a general understanding of the reversibility of an interaction may also improve the reliability of the measurement and the conclusions drawn about specificity. These findings may lower the risk of false negative results as well as reducing the amount of reagent needed.  相似文献   



Bioinformatics can be used to predict protein function, leading to an understanding of cellular activities, and equally-weighted protein-protein interactions (PPI) are normally used to predict such protein functions. The present study provides a weighting strategy for PPI to improve the prediction of protein functions. The weights are dependent on the local and global network topologies and the number of experimental verification methods. The proposed methods were applied to the yeast proteome and integrated with the neighbour counting method to predict the functions of unknown proteins.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel approach to predict interaction of two proteins solely by analyzing their coding sequences. We found that similarity in codon usage is a strong predictor of protein-protein interactions and, for high specificity values, is as sensitive as the most powerful current prediction methods. Furthermore, combining codon usage with other predictors results in a 75% increase in sensitivity at a precision of 50%, compared to prediction without considering codon usage.  相似文献   



Our knowledge of global protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks in complex organisms such as humans is hindered by technical limitations of current methods.


On the basis of short co-occurring polypeptide regions, we developed a tool called MP-PIPE capable of predicting a global human PPI network within 3 months. With a recall of 23% at a precision of 82.1%, we predicted 172,132 putative PPIs. We demonstrate the usefulness of these predictions through a range of experiments.


The speed and accuracy associated with MP-PIPE can make this a potential tool to study individual human PPI networks (from genomic sequences alone) for personalized medicine.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0383-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

One possible path towards understanding the biological function of a target protein is through the discovery of how it interfaces within protein-protein interaction networks. The goal of this study was to create a virtual protein-protein interaction model using the concepts of orthologous conservation (or interologs) to elucidate the interacting networks of a particular target protein. POINT (the prediction of interactome database) is a functional database for the prediction of the human protein-protein interactome based on available orthologous interactome datasets. POINT integrates several publicly accessible databases, with emphasis placed on the extraction of a large quantity of mouse, fruit fly, worm and yeast protein-protein interactions datasets from the Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP), followed by conversion of them into a predicted human interactome. In addition, protein-protein interactions require both temporal synchronicity and precise spatial proximity. POINT therefore also incorporates correlated mRNA expression clusters obtained from cell cycle microarray databases and subcellular localization from Gene Ontology to further pinpoint the likelihood of biological relevance of each predicted interacting sets of protein partners.  相似文献   



Hot spot residues are functional sites in protein interaction interfaces. The identification of hot spot residues is time-consuming and laborious using experimental methods. In order to address the issue, many computational methods have been developed to predict hot spot residues. Moreover, most prediction methods are based on structural features, sequence characteristics, and/or other protein features.


This paper proposed an ensemble learning method to predict hot spot residues that only uses sequence features and the relative accessible surface area of amino acid sequences. In this work, a novel feature selection technique was developed, an auto-correlation function combined with a sliding window technique was applied to obtain the characteristics of amino acid residues in protein sequence, and an ensemble classifier with SVM and KNN base classifiers was built to achieve the best classification performance.


The experimental results showed that our model yields the highest F1 score of 0.92 and an MCC value of 0.87 on ASEdb dataset. Compared with other machine learning methods, our model achieves a big improvement in hot spot prediction.



Prediction and analysis of protein-protein interactions (PPI) and specifically types of PPIs is an important problem in life science research because of the fundamental roles of PPIs in many biological processes in living cells. In addition, electrostatic interactions are important in understanding inter-molecular interactions, since they are long-range, and because of their influence in charged molecules. This is the main motivation for using electrostatic energy for prediction of PPI types.


We propose a prediction model to analyze protein interaction types, namely obligate and non-obligate, using electrostatic energy values as properties. The prediction approach uses electrostatic energy values for pairs of atoms and amino acids present in interfaces where the interaction occurs. The main features of the complexes are found and then the prediction is performed via several state-of-the-art classification techniques, including linear dimensionality reduction (LDR), support vector machine (SVM), naive Bayes (NB) and k-nearest neighbor (k-NN). For an in-depth analysis of classification results, some other experiments were performed by varying the distance cutoffs between atom pairs of interacting chains, ranging from 5Å to 13Å. Moreover, several feature selection algorithms including gain ratio (GR), information gain (IG), chi-square (Chi2) and minimum redundancy maximum relevance (mRMR) are applied on the available datasets to obtain more discriminative pairs of atom types and amino acid types as features for prediction.


Our results on two well-known datasets of obligate and non-obligate complexes confirm that electrostatic energy is an important property to predict obligate and non-obligate protein interaction types on the basis of all the experimental results, achieving accuracies of over 98%. Furthermore, a comparison performed by changing the distance cutoff demonstrates that the best values for prediction of PPI types using electrostatic energy range from 9Å to 12Å, which show that electrostatic interactions are long-range and cover a broader area in the interface. In addition, the results on using feature selection before prediction confirm that (a) a few pairs of atoms and amino acids are appropriate for prediction, and (b) prediction performance can be improved by eliminating irrelevant and noisy features and selecting the most discriminative ones.

Mining literature for protein-protein interactions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
MOTIVATION: A central problem in bioinformatics is how to capture information from the vast current scientific literature in a form suitable for analysis by computer. We address the special case of information on protein-protein interactions, and show that the frequencies of words in Medline abstracts can be used to determine whether or not a given paper discusses protein-protein interactions. For those papers determined to discuss this topic, the relevant information can be captured for the Database of Interacting PROTEINS: Furthermore, suitable gene annotations can also be captured. RESULTS: Our Bayesian approach scores Medline abstracts for probability of discussing the topic of interest according to the frequencies of discriminating words found in the abstract. More than 80 discriminating words (e.g. complex, interaction, two-hybrid) were determined from a training set of 260 Medline abstracts corresponding to previously validated entries in the Database of Interacting Proteins. Using these words and a log likelihood scoring function, approximately 2000 Medline abstracts were identified as describing interactions between yeast proteins. This approach now forms the basis for the rapid expansion of the Database of Interacting Proteins.  相似文献   

Structural data as collated in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) have been widely applied in the study and prediction of protein-protein interactions. However, since the basic PDB Entries contain only the contents of the asymmetric unit rather than the biological unit, some key interactions may be missed by analysing only the PDB Entry. A total of 69,054 SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins) domains were examined systematically to identify the number of additional novel interacting domain pairs and interfaces found by considering the biological unit as stored in the PQS (Protein Quaternary Structure) database. The PQS data adds 25,965 interacting domain pairs to those seen in the PDB Entries to give a total of 61,783 redundant interacting domain pairs. Redundancy filtering at the level of the SCOP family shows PQS to increase the number of novel interacting domain-family pairs by 302 (13.3%) from 2277, but only 16/302 (1.4%) of the interacting domain pairs have the two domains in different SCOP families. This suggests the biological units add little to the elucidation of novel biological interaction networks. However, when the orientation of the domain pairs is considered, the PQS data increases the number of novel domain-domain interfaces observed by 1455 (34.5%) to give 5677 non-redundant domain-domain interfaces. In all, 162/1455 novel domain-domain interfaces are between domains from different families, an increase of 8.9% over the PDB Entries. Overall, the PQS biological units provide a rich source of novel domain-domain interfaces that are not seen in the studied PDB Entries, and so PQS domain-domain interaction data should be exploited wherever possible in the analysis and prediction of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Lo SL  Cai CZ  Chen YZ  Chung MC 《Proteomics》2005,5(4):876-884
Knowledge of protein-protein interaction is useful for elucidating protein function via the concept of 'guilt-by-association'. A statistical learning method, Support Vector Machine (SVM), has recently been explored for the prediction of protein-protein interactions using artificial shuffled sequences as hypothetical noninteracting proteins and it has shown promising results (Bock, J. R., Gough, D. A., Bioinformatics 2001, 17, 455-460). It remains unclear however, how the prediction accuracy is affected if real protein sequences are used to represent noninteracting proteins. In this work, this effect is assessed by comparison of the results derived from the use of real protein sequences with that derived from the use of shuffled sequences. The real protein sequences of hypothetical noninteracting proteins are generated from an exclusion analysis in combination with subcellular localization information of interacting proteins found in the Database of Interacting Proteins. Prediction accuracy using real protein sequences is 76.9% compared to 94.1% using artificial shuffled sequences. The discrepancy likely arises from the expected higher level of difficulty for separating two sets of real protein sequences than that for separating a set of real protein sequences from a set of artificial sequences. The use of real protein sequences for training a SVM classification system is expected to give better prediction results in practical cases. This is tested by using both SVM systems for predicting putative protein partners of a set of thioredoxin related proteins. The prediction results are consistent with observations, suggesting that real sequence is more practically useful in development of SVM classification system for facilitating protein-protein interaction prediction.  相似文献   

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